HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAC - Town & Country Club Site - 130 ft , .• NOTICE OF.PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL RENTON, WASHINGTON A PUBLIC TEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL TLH IRS; si LAR AT 8:00 PNG : TOCOUNCIL CHAMFERS, CITY CONSIDER A PETITION FOR '. 4!" r� THE FOLLOvING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: • • • • • VACATION OF THE WESTERLY ONE, HUNDRED THIRTY FEET- (130). OF THE SIX MOT WALKWAY AAYA.CENT TO THE TOWN AND COUNTRY CLUB BUNGALOW SITES ADDITION, • • ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED OR OPJ1CTING TO SAID VACATION ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING ON APRIL 7s. 1959 AT 8:00 P.M. TO VOICE THEIR PROTEST OR OBJECTION TO SAME. E. L. ALEXANDER, • CITY CLERK DATE OF PUBLICATION: . ! RCH 12, 1959 CERTIFICATION T, T.T. ROWE }VREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE (3) COPIES OF THE ATOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AND ONE COPY POSTED AT THE CITY HALL, RENTON, ON MARCH 5, 1959 ' AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. Signed /• (L -L ATTEST: / / • NOTARY PUBLIC IN•AND FOR THE STATE OF . W.ASHINGTON, RESIDING AT RENTON, WASHINGTON A. Renton, Washington April 14, 1959 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: VIETZKE, DULLAHANT, REID, MORRIS, PINKERTON, CLYMER, GARRETT, TRIM, ALIMENT, DELAURENTI, POLI and BRUCE. OFFICIALS & DEPT. HEADS PRESENT: Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Chief of Police; Reuben Miller, Street Commissioner; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent; Don Humble, Planning Director; Marvin Schroeder, Sup9t. of Utilities; Al Simonson, Comptroller; T. T. Rowe, As,sQt. City Engineer; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief and Jim Denzer, Chairman, Planning Commission. Moved by Polio seconded by Bruce, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT. BUILDING PERMITS NO• AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS, TYPE OF WORK 4969 $11,000.00 Alfred A. Schultz 710 M St. . Frame Resod. 4970 100.00 W. C. Nelson , 306-308 Smithers -Add9n.Demolish bldgs, 71 50.00 Wayne Carter 3224 Honeycreek Dr. Wire service 72 2,000.00 Frank Coltman 112 3rd Ave. Erect addQn. 73 1,700.00 David Mitchell 304 N. Wells Wire service 74 400.00 John Terry 1532 Marion Rewire 4975 1,500.00 Thomas H. Jones 600 Grant Remodel 76 2,000.00 Philip J. Nangle, Jr. 3321 10th Ave. N. Block addQn. 77 125.00 Marian Jensen. 511 S. Burnett Wire serv. 78 650.00 Chas. A. Hubbard 500 Whitworth Reside res. 79 1,500.00 Lyle Bartlett 3215 10th Ave. N. Erect res. 4980 65.00 Ralph E.'Watt 3209 9th Ave. N. Driveway 81 150.00. George J. Perry 1356 H Place Erect fence 82 13,000.00 Wayne A. Meadows 1106 N St. N. Erect 'res9d. 83 200.00 J. B. Kellaher 13013 90th S. Replace timbrcz 84 1,500.00 Henry Lee 3103 '6th Ave. E. Patio & base. 4985 250.00 Rob9t. B. Todd 425 J St. ' Fence, Drive- way & walk 86 500.00 James Gotti 13102 86th S. Fence & stepw 87 4,000.00 Charles A. Bowen 431 Grandey Way Erect addQn. 88 250.00 Charles A. 'Bowel " 431 Grandey Way Wire service PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS 3053' _____ P & H Construction 2819 4th P1. N. Plbg. fixtura.- 54 Pres. Park Dev. Co. 821 P St._ Gas Inst91. 3055 99 9, 99 99 825 P St. 99 99 56 99 n 99 99 . 3632 9th Ave. N. 99 99 57 99 99 99 99 824 P St. . 99 99 58 . 99 99 99 99 830 P St. 99 99 59 99 99 99 99 , 836 P St. . 99 99 3060 __ _ 99 9t 99 n 832 P St. 99 99 61 —.,..� 99 S9 ' c9 99 612 6th Ave. S. ' 99 99 62 99 99 99 ' 99 818 P St. 99 99 63 Cordy Hoselton ' 1140 M St. ' Plbg. Fixt. 64 V. Mraule 1146 M St. s' ao 3065 Alfred A. Schultz 710 M St. 99 99 66 Anton Dime 104 Pelly 99 99 67 Boeing Airplane Co. 711 Park St. - Heat Equipment 68 Sam Pappas 324 Sunset Blvd, E. Plbg. fixt. 69 Ed Coury 200 Park St. .Plbg. fixt. 3070 M. E. Bullinger 2905-07 13th 'Ave.N. 99 99 71 Fosmire & Walen 543 Whitworth 99 i? , , BID OPENINGS, ON STREET. EQUIPMENT: This being the date set jrb the opening of bids on equipment for the Street Department, the following bids were opened and read: Pulvi-Mixer Cost-Inc.S.S.Tax Trade-In Allowance Net Price Salberg F]E� quuip9t. Co. $12,443.60 $1,500.00 $10,943.60 a Water ?usher West Side Ford Co. 6,214.58 75.00 39.68-- :'roved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, •that these bids be referred to the treet and A11e' Committee and Street Commissioner to report back. Carrie:. - 1 - . ' CONTINUED HEARING ON PROPOSED VACATION OF WALKWAY: The matter of the proposed vacation of westerly 130 feet of the 6-foot public walkway adjacent to the Town and Country Addition, was resumed. Moved by Aliment, seconded by Dullahant, that the walkway remain as it is ,at present indefinitely. Carried. HEARING ON PROPOSED ANNEXATION., LOWER EARLINGTON AREA, This being the date set the hearing was opened on the proposed annexation of described property in the lower Earlington Area. Letters of protest on the proposed boundaries between Renton and Tukwila were read from the Mayor of Tukwila and the Tukwila Planning Commission. Additional protests were read from the Longacres Trailer Court and from the estate of James Nelsen, the latter signed by Helen Nelsen, Executrix. An oral protest was made by Mr. John B. Strander, Chairman of the Tukwila Planning Commission, requesting the Renton City Council to reestablish the Renton west boundary line on this pro- posed annexation to lie in, a, straight north south line east of the present railroad tracks. Mr. George OQDay, Attorney representing the Longacres Trailer Court registered a protest on behalf of his clients. Chairman Denzer of the Renton Planning Commission stated he could not agree with the state- ments of Mr. Strander, since the Town of Tukwila had already taken over an area lying east of the railroad tracks, prior to the proposed Renton annexa- tion. City Attorney Shellan explained the requirements for withdrawals are limited to the time of filing of the annexation petition. He reported that the total percentage of property owners who signed this petition on the basis of the boundaries as set forth, comprised 85.77% of the total assessed valua- tion. The law requires not less than 75% of property owners bearing the assessed valuation. A computation by Mr. Humble, deducting the assessed valuation of property comprising nine ownerships, who had requested their sig- natures be removed, left the percentage at 83.6%, or still in excess of the requirement. A letter from the Tukwila Annexation Committee was read requesting the deletion of a certain highway portion as described, which overlaps a petition now under consideration by the Town of Tukwila. Moved by Aliment, seconded by Vietzke, to allow the deletion of this section as described. Carried. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Pinkerton, that the City of Renton annex the described property in the lower Earlington Area within the boundaries as set forth in• the petition, with the exception of the one deletion that has been allowed, and this matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee to are- sent the ordinance for the annexation. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS: A petition for the annexation of the Cottonwood Grove Area, submitted by Charles Shane and wife, was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Aliment, seconded by Poll, that this be tabled for one week,and adjoining property owners, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hess and Mr. and Mrs. Jordan be contacted by the Planning Director. Carried. A letter from the Sunset View Garden Club objecting to any proposal to turn the Sweet Center Building over to the Chamber of Commerce, was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Garrett, that this communication be referred to the Property Committee. Carried., A letter from the Housing and Home Finance Agency,acknowledging' app.ica- tion of the City of Renton for a planning grant of $11,200.00 for proposed new library, indentified as Project No. Wash. 45-P 3054, Library. On comple- tion of field investigation, application will be placed in line for considera- tion. Request from Chief of Police, that Uniformed Personnel, Anker Anderson, ae granted a one-year extension of retirement date (to May 1, 1960). Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that this extension be granted ':A the necessary resolution be presented by the. Ordinance Committee. married. Utilities Department recommendation to accept preliminary report on Ater .& Sewer Improvements as submitted by Richard E. Wolff, Consulting Eng- ::neer, with the following conditions: a) Services of Consulting Engineer be for Items 7 and 8 and portion of l and 2. b) Items 3, 4, 5 and 6 be completed by the Utilities Department. -2- •c) Additional items numbered 9, 10 'd 11. to be added as follows: 9. Purchase of Maplewood Water System. 10. Purchase of Private Water Systems in and adjacent to the Woody Glen Area. 11. Sanitary sewer extensions. d) Revenue bond issue be in the amount of $750,000.00. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, that the Council go on record approv- ing the recommendation of the Utilities Department. Carried. A communication was read from the Renton Democratic Club requesting Sec- ond Avenue be left two-way stating adequate time has not been_allowed to prove its feasibility, and other suggestions. Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Poli, that this der- be tabled indefin- itely. Carried. - A recess was declared by Mayor Baxter. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: VIETZKE, DULLAHANT, REID, MORRIS, PINKERTON, CLYMER, GARRETT, TRIPE, ALIMENT, DELAURENTI, POLI and BRUCE. ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS: A proposed resolution declaring the policy of the City of Renton with respect to the operation of the Longacres Race Track, was read by the Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded by Vietzke, that Resolution No. 998 be adopted as read. Carried. A proposed ordinance annexing described territory (in the lower Earling- ton Area), was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaur- enti, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. The Ordinance Committee reporting favorably on the proposed ordinance it was moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Vietzke, to concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee, and the proposed ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, that Ordinance No,. 1745 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen present voting "Aye", the motion unanimously carried. A proposed emergency ordinance appropriating moneys from City Funds for the purpose of providing for necessary expenses of the Water Department in the amount of $1,180.40 and Sower Department of $2,795.00, was read by the . City Clerk. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Vietzke, that the proposed Ordinance be returned to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Vietzke, that it be published as a proposed emergency ordinance and hearing date be set for April 21st. Carried. A proposed ordinance to return Second Avenue to Westbound Travel only effective on May Third, was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Pinkerton, that the proposed ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Com- mittee for recommendation. Carried. Aliment opposed. The Ordinance Commit- tee reported they had no recommendation, as this was a matter voted on by the entire Council. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Dullahant, that the proposed ordinance be placed on its second and 'final reading. Carried. Aliment op- posed. After the second and final reading, moved by Bruce, seconded by Dulla- hant, that proposed ordinance be adopted as read. Discussion followed, with Councilman Morris requesting a report from the Street and Alley Committee on any recommendations as a solution to the traffic problem. Moved by Morris, seconded by Vietzke, that the motion be tabled until a report is received from the Street and Ailey Committee. Carried. Chairman Reid requested a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee with the Council as a Whole and the City Attorney to consider the matter of off- street parking in regard to the new law going into effect. Moved by Vietzke, :,.econded by Aliment, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley •c m1ittee. Carried. Moved by Trim, seconded by Delaurenti that the motion be removed from 4-he table. Carried. A. vote on the motion "That Proposed Ordinance,be adopted ::s read": Vietzke, "Non; Dullahant, "Aye"; Reid, "Non; Morris, "No"; Pinker- ;on, "Aye"; Clymer, "No"; Garrett, "No"; Trimm, "Aye"; Aliment, "No"; Del- aurenti, "Aye"; Poli, "No"; and Bruce, "Aye". 5 "Ayes" - 7 "Nosh - Motion Lost. Councilman Vietzke requested a check be made on the timing of a signal "or left-turning movements from Bronson Way to Main Street. Moved by Morris, seconded by Aliment, that this matter be referred to ,he Council Committee as a Whole. Motion lost. The Street Commissioner was -3- ' instructed to check into this matter. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, that parking be prohibited on , Third Avenue during the peak hours from 4:00 P.M. to 5:30 P.M., as recommended by the Traffic Engineer and Street Commissioner. ROLL CALL VOTE: Vietzke, "No"; Dullahant, "Aye"; Reid, "No"; Morris, "Aye"; Pinkerton, "Aye"; Clymer, "Aye"; Garrett, "Aye"; Trimm, "Aye"; Aliment, "No"; Delaurenti, "Aye"; Poll, "No"; and Bruce, "No". 7 "Ayes"; 5 "Nos". Motion carried, Moved by Del- aurenti, seconded by Garrett, that this matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee to prepare the ordinance and set the effective date. Carried. Vietzke opposed. Councilman Garrett reported the ordinance restricting parking on Main Street will be held pending final disposition on Second Avenue. A proposed ordinance rezoning described property, Lots 13 and 14, Block 14, Renton Farm Plat No. 2, from R-2 to L-1, was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Vietzke, that the proposed ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. The Ordinance Com- mittee recommending favorably, it was moved by Vietzke, seconded by Pinkerton;, that proposed ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried., After the second and final reading, it was moved by. Pinkerton, seconded by. Vietzke, that Ordinance No. 1747 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen voting "Aye" the motion carried. Moved by Reid, seconded by Vietzke, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the "Easement Extension" on behalf of the City, subject , to the approval of the City Engineer, covering the Boeing Airplane Company pumping station. Carried. . OLD BUSINESS: Street & Alley Committee Report, Chairman Reid. - 1. First item submitted at time of consideration of Second-Avenue Ordinance. 2. Recommends the removal of four parking meters from the east side of Burnett Street, between Third and Fourth Avenues. . Moved by Morris, seconded by Aliment, to concur in the recommend- ation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. 3. Recommends the matter of Mouser Way Bridge receive immediate consid- eration, also repairs for Wells Street Bridge. Mayor Baxter reported the Finance Committee report on this mat- ter will be presented to the Council next week. Fire and Water Committee Report, by Chairman Morris. 1. Councilman Morris recommended that bid specifications be prepared for a fire truck with 1250 gallon per minute pumping capacity, rather than the alternate of 1000 gallons. Councilman Morris ex- plained the need for the greater supply. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Reid, to concur in the recommenda- tion of the Fire and Water Committee relative to bid specifications. Carried. Council as a Whole Committee report, by Council. President Vietzke. 1. Recommends an analysis of proposed major thoroughfares through the proposed R-4 'area, and this matter be referred to the City Engineer, Street and Alley Committee. City Attorney and Planning Director. Moved by Vietzke; seconded by Aliment, to concur in the recomnnz_' ation of the Council as a Whole. Carried. 2. Recommends that the area lying within the boundaries of 87th Avenue and '90th Avenue South, and S. 128th Street and S. 132nd Street, be rezoned from R-1 to R-4, and the Council initiate such rezoning, notices to be duly published and posted as required by law with card; of notification mailed to property owners. Moved by Morris, seconded by Pinkerton, to concur in the rec- ommendation of the Council as a Whole, and hearing be held on. April 28th. • Carried. ' Police and License Committee report. btr Chairman Delaurenti. Committee met with the Mayor, City Attorney, Comptroller and Chief of -4- Police, and make the following recommendations: 1. An annual license fee of $50.00 be established for each theatre, golf course and skating rink within,the City of Renton effective July 1st. 2. License fee of $100.00 per year be established for race tracks, effective May 1st. 3. Recommendation relating to hours of operation for Bowling Alleys will be made next week. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Aliment, to concur in the recommendation of the Police and License Committee and the Ordinances be drawn up. Carried. Property Committee Report, Chairman Bruce. 1, Chamber of Commerce application for Sweet Center Building rejected by the Park Board. The Chamber is trying to find another location, with the cooperation of the committee. It was the recommendation of the committee that the Sunset View Garden Club be so advised and it was so- moved by Bruce, seconded by Garrett, and carried. 2. Library denied the privilege of expanding to take 1? acres of Park Department property. This matter now in the hands of the Council - as a Whole to find a new location. NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Clymer requested a meeting of the Ways and Means Committee to be held April 21st at 7:30 P.M., with the City Comptroller. Councilman Vietzke requested a meeting of the Council as a Whole on Wednesday, April 15th at 8 o9clock P.P . The corner at Third and Renton Street was reported by Councilman Dulla- hant as a hazard. Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Delaurenti, that this matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Reid requested a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee, Saturday, April 18th at 10 Oclock AaL - Councilman Poli reported the ornamental lights on Houser Way Bridge are out, and it was moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, that this matter be referred to the Street Commissioner. Carried. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Aliment, that the meeting adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. The Council Chambers were filled with visitors. * * * * * - r COUNCIL AS A WHOLE COMMITTEE Wednesday, April 15th - 8:00 P.M. WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE with City Comptroller Tuesday, April 21st - 7:30 P.M. STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE Saturday, April 18th - 10:00 A.M. • COPY PETITION Honorable Joe R. Baxter, Mayor - Members of the City Council Gentlemen: Wei THE UNDERSIGNED, owners of property abutting the six (6) foot public walkway adjacent to the southwesterly line of the Town and Country Club Bungalow Sites Addition, hereby petition your honorable body of vacate the westerly one hundred thirty (130) feet of said six (6) foot walkway; and reserving unto the City of Renton a perpetual easement on the six (6) foot walkway hereinbelow described. Respectfully submitted, NAME ADDRESS PROPERTY DESCRIPTION /s/ Mrs. F.M. Spalding 308 Stevens St. /s/ George R. Dobson 309 Langbton Rd. /s/ George E. Bryant 318 Stevens St. Referred to Planning Commission 2/]J/59 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL RENTON, WASHINGTON A. PUBLIC DARING WILL BF HELD BY THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL AT THEIR REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, ON APRIL 7, 1959 AT 8:00 P.M. TO CONSIDER A PETITION FOR VACATION (PART OF SIDEWALK) THE FOLLOTITNG DESCRIBED PROF-TM VACATION OF THE WESTERLY ONE HUNDRED THIRTY FEET (130) OF THE SIX FOOT WALKWAY ADJACENT TO THE TOWN AND COUNTRY CLUB BUNGALOW SITES ADDITION. ANY AND ALL PERSONS INI'RE.STED OR OBJECTING TO SAID VACATION ARE INVITED TO BE PRT'SENT AT THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING ON Aprol, 7, 1959 AT 8:00 P.M. TO VOICE THEIR PROTEST OR OBJECTION TO SAME. E. L. ALEXANDER, CITY CLERK DATE OF PUBLICATION: MARCH 12, 1959 CERTI FTCATION I, T.T. ROWE H`'REBY CERTIFY THAT THREE (3) COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AND ONE COPY POSTED AT THE CITY HALL, RENTON, ON MgRnN 1 1Q59 AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. Sirmed / / // ATTEST: NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHWTON, RESIDING AT RENTON, WASHINGTON • NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL RENTON, WASHINGTON A. PUBLIC DARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL AT THEIR REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, ON , APRIL 7., 1959 AT 8:00 P.M. TO CONSIDER A PETITION FOR VACATION (PART OF SIDBWALK) THE FOLIQTAING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: VACATION OF THE WESTERLY ONE HUNDRED THIRTY FEET (130) OF THE SIX FOOT WALKWAY ADJACENT TO THE TOWN AND OCUNTRY CLUB BUNGALOW SITES ADDITION. ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED OR OBJECTING TO SAID j1ACATTM ARE INVITED TO BE F ESFNT AT THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING ON APRIL 7, 1959 AT 8:00 P.M. TO VOICE TIEIR PROTEST OR OBJECTION TO SAME. E. L. ALEXANDER, CITY CLERK DATE OF PUBLICATION: MARCH 12, 1959 CERTIFICATION I, T.Tt ROWE H,REBY CERTIFY THAT THREE (3) COPIES OF TIE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY MF IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PR)PERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AND ONE COPY POSTED AT THE CITY HALL, RENTON, ON MARCH 5, 1959 AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. Siened ATTEST: • NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHIN('TON, RESIDING AT RENTON, WASHINGTON • 16. Disapproval recommended: J ' 17. Referred to City Council : Date: (a; Date set for public hearing: b. Date of Notices posted, published: 18. Council Action a. Approval of Countil by Ordinance No. b. Disapproval of Council: -2- . February 25, 195) RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING Members present: Janes Denzer, Louis Peretti, Wesley ..tsch, Gerald Cordell, Stan Wilson and Alden See. Also present were Don Humble, Planning Director; Vere Thompson, Building Department and Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent. 1, The minutes of February 11, 1949 were read and approved as read. 2. The hearing on the petition for rezoning for Alex McDonald of Lot 17, Block 2; Renton Farm Plat, from R-2 to R-4, was opened and Mr. Denzer asked if there . were any written or oral protests. There being none, it was moved by Cordell;; seconded by Busch to recommend to-the City Council the rezoning of this pro- perty from R-2 to R-4. Carried. 3. The hearing on the petition for Special Permit for William Reeves,' of the property located 'Lot 3, Block 9, corrected plat of Renton Highlands No. 2, ' zoned SR.? for a Triplex, opened wi th Chairman Denzer asking if there were any written or oral protests. There were none. It was moved by Peretti, seconded by Cordell that this Special Permit be granted. Motion carried. I The petition for vacation of the westerly one hundred thirty feet (13 0) of the six foot public walkway adjacent to the Town and Country Club Bungalow Sites Addition was considered by a Committee composed of Gerald Cordell, Stan Wilson, James Denzer and Planning Lirector Humble. The opinion of the committee was to recommend that the Vacation be granted. It was moved by Busch, seconded by See, -to concur in the Committee's report and to .so ad. '` vise the City Council. Motion carried. . 5. The matter of-the Final Plat of Balchts President Park No: 12 was brought . up. Secretary Peretti read the letter from Mr. Highton, City Engineer, in which Mr.. Highton stated that the plat as submitted conforms to Ordinance requirements for R-1 zoning, and that the errors and omissions previously . reported have been corrected and the plat is now unconditionally approved by the Engineering Department. It was moved by See, seconded by Busch to recommend to the City Council approval of the Final Flat. Motion carried. 6. The Business License request.referred by City Council to the Planning Com- mission was placed in the hands of a committee composed of Louis. Peretti, Alden See and Stan Wilson. 7. A petition submitted by Norman Schultz for a Variance on lot coverage and . a Special Permit for a Triplex, lot 16, Block ]1, Renton Farm Plat No. 2, was read by Mr. Peretti and after discussion it was moved by See, seconded. by Peretti, that a hearing be set for March 11, 1959. Motion carried. . . 8. ,Secretary Peretti read the route sheet on the petition for rezoning by ' _ Gregoris- Capellaro and Puget Sound. Power and Light, property between ' Grady Why on the North, Bensons and Springbrook Roads on.the East, new limited Access Highway on the south and the East Valley Highway on the West, from S-i to H-l. After discussion and reading of committee re- port it was moved by Busch, seconded by Cordell, to set the hearing for March 11,- 1959. Motion carried. 9. . The petition for rezoning submitted by John G. Sterling of Lot .13, Block 12, Renton Farm Plat No. 2 from R-2 to -BP was considered by the Commission. ' After discussion it was.moved by Peretti' seconded by Cordell that a hear- ing be set for March 11, 1959. Motion carried. 10. Secretary Peretti read a communication from Johnston & Canpanello, Archi- tects, in regards the location of a new' public library. This matter was discussed 'with Mr. Coulon, Park Superintendent and the Planning Director. After discussion it was moved by Cordell, seconded by Peretti that we hold this.information in file until such time as there is more information. Motion carried, . 11. Mr. Denzer, Chairman, asked that the Planning Director be instructed to _draw up a map of property for a potential annexation. ' . -1- 12; Mr. Peretti read the Committee report on the Talbot Hill study in which the committee recommended that the area outlined on the committee map be recommended to the City Council for rezoning to R-4. It was moved by Wilson, seconded by See that the Committee's report be adopted and that the Planning .Director be requested to advise the City Council that the Planning Commission desires that this area be added to the list of areas now under consideration by the Council for rezoning to R-4. Motion carried. 13. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 10:05 P.M. Louis Peretti, Secretary James Denzer, Chairman PETITION FOR VACATION OF STREET OR ALLEY CITY OF RENTON L. Date of Petition /9 5 2. Submitted to C, ���, /� y��/ 3. Method of Submission /2/44 4. Describe Street or Alley for which vacation is petitioned. K:,'/.jOu/4/:C, /,e_.44,//ez,L,c7- C✓C/`Gl Ge— 710 �JG /1I�UE'6l`p-�/ ) O�,yQ�77Gv�l �GLi�l �O-z4+°7 i".y 5. Is Petition attached? r<S 6. What percentage of private property abutting petitioned vacation is represented by by signers of petition /Da 7. Recommendations of City Engineer 8. Percentage in No. 6 certified correct by City Engineer signed date i/ 9. Referred to Planning Director on 10. Recommendations of Planning Director 11. Signature of Planning Director )� Date ,1—,J. /./yzi3OP 12. Date transmitted to Secretary of Planning Commission -•P ... // 13. Date introduced at Planning Commission meeting ,2 ,6, // ,/ 5,7 14. Action by Planning Commission a. Referred to Committee consisting of: �0'r ), b. Recommendation of Committee: (Attach copy of report) c. Final action of Planning Commission: (Excerpts of Minutes attached) Date 2/7 Lam/ J " 15. Approval recommended: �� Comment: COMMITTEE REPORT We the undersigned members of the Committee appointed to investigate the petition for Vacation of a Public walkway for a distance of 130 feet east of Stevens Street along the westerly line of Town and Country Club Bungalow Sites Addition, recommend that the Vacation be granted. jkI,c� Gerald Cordell J 7 eta ilson4111 �A -s Denzer Don` bre P ETITION Honorable Joe R. Baxter, Mayor Members of the City Council Gentlemen: We, THE UNDERSIGNED, owners of property abutting the six (6) foot public walkway adjacent to the southwesterly line of the Town and Country Club Bungalow Sites Addition, hereby , petition your honorable -body to vacate the westerly one hundred thirty (130) feet of said six (6) foot walkway; and reserving unto the City of Renton.a perpetual easement,on the six (6) foot walkway hereinbefore described. Respectfully submitted, NAME ADDRESS PROPERTY DESCRIPTION i10 Sra&14 ti Fc s%P• .-y//:--e-e-A- 7/ -6C-7 c56 I� ..4"; • February 25, 1953 RENTON PLANNING COP MISSION MEETING Members present: Janes Denzer, Louis Peretti, Wesley Busch, Gerald Cordell, Stan Wilson and Alden See. Also present were Don Humble, Planning Director; Vere Thompson, Building Department and Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent, 1. The minutes of February 11, 1949 were read and approved as read. 2. The hearing on the petition for rezoning for Alex McDonald of Lot 17, Block 2., Renton Farm Plat, from R-2 to R-4, was opened and Mr. Denzer asked if there were any written or oral protests. There being none, it was moved by Corde:!__: seconded by Busch to recommend to the City Council the rezoning of this pro- perty from R-2 to R-4. Carried. 3. The hearing on the petition for Special Permit for "William Reeves, of the property located Lot 3, Block 9, corrected plat of Renton Highlands No. 2, zoned SR-2 for a Triplex, opened with Chairman Denzer asking if there were any written or oral protests. There were none. It was moved by Peretti, seconded by Cordell that this Special Permit be granted, Motion carried. f 4. The petition for vacation of the westerly one hundred thirty feet (130) of the six foot public walkway adjacent to the Town and Country Club Bungalow Sites Addition was considered by a Committee composed of Gerald Cordell, Stan Wilson, James Denser and Planning Director Humble. The opinion of the committee was to recommend that the Vacation be granted. It was moved by Busch, seconded by See, to concur in the Committee's report and to so ad- vise the City Council. Motion carried. 5. The matter of the Final Plat of Balch's President Park No. 12 was brought up. Secretary Pe'retti read the letter from Mr. Highton, City Engineer, in which Mr. Highton stated that the plat as submitted conforms to Ordinance . requirements for R-1 zoning, and that the errors and omissions previously reported have been corrected and the plat is now unconditionally approved by the Engineering Department. It was moved by See, seconded by Busch to recommend to the City Council approval of the Final Plat. Motion carried. 6. The Business License request referred by City Council to the Planning Com- mission was placed in the hands of a committee composed of Louis Peretti, Alden See and Stan Wilson. 7. A petition submitted by Norman Schultz for a Variance on lot coverage and a Special Permit for a Triplex, lot 16, Block 14, Renton Farm Plat No. 2, was read by Mr. Peretti and after discussion it was moved by See, seconded by Peretti, that a hearing be for March 11, 1959. Motion carried. 8. Secretary Peretti read the route sheet on the petition for rezoning by Gregoris Capellaro and Puget Sound Power and Light, property between Grady Way on the North, Bensons and Springbrook Roads on the East, new . limited Access Highway on. the south and the East Valley Highway on the West, from S-i to H-1. After discussion and reading of committee re- port it was moved by Busch, seconded by Cordell, to set the hearing for March 11, 1959. Motion carried. 9. The petition for rezoning submitted by John G. Sterling of Lot 13, Block •12, Renton Farm Plat No. 2 from R-2 to BP was considered by the Commission After discussion it was moved by Peretti, seconded by Cordell that a hear- ing be set for March 11, 1959. Motion carried. 10. Secretary Peretti read a communication from Johnston 84 Campanello, Archi- tects, in regards the location of a new public library. This matter was discussed with Hr. Coulon, Park Superintendent and the Planning Director. After discussion it was moved by Cordell, seconded by Peretti that we hold this information in file until such time as there is more information. Motion carried. 11. Mr. Denser, Chairman, asked that the Planning Director be instructed to draw up a map of property for a potential annexation. -1- 12. Mr. Peretti read the Committee report on the Talbot Hill study in which the committee recommended that the area outlined on the committee map be recommended to the City Council for rezoning to R-I . It was moved by Wilson, seconded by See that the Committee's report be adopted and that the Planning Director be requested to advise the City Council that the Planning Commission desires that this area be added to the list of,areas now under consideration by the Council for rezoning to R-4. Motion carried. 13. There being no further business the meeting; adjourned at 10:05 P.M. Louis Peretti, Secretary James Denzer, Chairman