HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAC - Town & Country Club Site - 250 ft • LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE O! PUBLIC HEARING 'RENTON CITY COUNCIL RENTON, WASHINGTON A public. hearing will be held by the Renton City Council at their regular meeting in t h e Council.Chambers, City H a 1 1, , Renton, on August 18, 1959, at i 8:00 P.M. to consider a petition r for VACATION the following "; described property: Vacate the westerly 250 feet i of the 6.foot Walkway.adjacent' to southwesterly line of t h e Town & Country,Club Bunga- low Sites Addition. ,, any and all persons interested or objecting to said VACATION ' ?are invited to be present at the Renton City Council meeting on August 18,a1959 at 8:00 P.M. to voice their protest or objection to same. " E. L..Alexander, ' City Clerk. Published in the Renton Chronicle July 29, 1959. , jp esze. :fir/ • P E :T<•I:";T I..O..N Honorable Joe;R. Baxter :Mayor''' Members'of the City Council • Gentlemen: _: : We,. THE UNDERSIGNED,; owners of::property abutting the ' " six ,(6) foot public walkway adjacent to the southwesterly line• of the Town and Country Club 'Bungalow, Sites Addition hereby petition your 'honorable.body Yto vacate the we two hundred fifty (250) feet of said, six (.6) foot walkway and reserving unto. the City" of Renton- a;perpetual. easement on, the. six (6) foot walk " way herein described. .. Respectfully submitted •.. ..• NAPE, ' • - .. ADDRESS _• � PROPERTY DESCRIPTION_• • Rowe VS James• 71 Wash 267 ( Syllabus ) The general rule that abutters own the fee to the center of the street is controlled by the circumstances ; and where an owner plats land bounded by a street included in the plat and owns. natl'ang beyond the street ,his conveyance of laud abutting on the street carries the fee to the entire street; and vacation rests title to the entire street in such owner. -D-Ty71-7 , 77, 1 ef .° Arag LTA/ '1-n(9 . • - zii(nc-14/V r • P.O.Box 187, Renton, Wash. August 10th, 1959 . Honorable Mayor and City Council, Renton, Wash. Gentlemen, Re- Vacation Westerly 250 Ft . of the 6 Ft . walkway adjacent to S.W.Line of Town & Country Club Bungalow Sites addition. We are strongly opposed to the vacation of this walkway. We have two full lots fronting on it on the 1Vorth side . As far as street frontage is concerned these lots are land- bound and we do not want to let any potentiallto be taken away from us. 14c/Rei re Also, there is a surface drainage problem running the full length of the walkway. Surface water running down the hill is partially drained to the walkway and goes into a man-hole at the lower end which was installed by the City. Therefore, the City should retait access to the full length of the walkway as there is still work to be done on this problem. We keep the walkway adjoining our property in lawn and flowers srd well cleaned up. Our two neighbors who instigated the variation proceedings have homes which face on Stevens Street and do not have the problems of land-locked lots and drainage such as we have . Thus it is our opinion that they should be given very little consideration by your honorable body . Very truly yoSxA:&,,,/ 'rs //avio, MA yo R.s J / Litk ,9 .1. BAXTC �i- NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL RENTON, WASHINGTON A. PUBLIC DARING WILL BF HELD BY THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL AT THEIR REGULAR MEEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, ON August 18, 1959 AT 8:00 P.M. TO CONSIDER A PETITION FOR VACATION THE FOLIOTAIING DESCRIBED PRJP 'RTY: Vacate the westerly 250 feet of the 6 foot Walkway adjacent to southwesterly line of the Town & County Club Bungalow Sites Addition. ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED OR OBJECTING TO SAID VACATION ARE INVITED TO BE PRESRI'T AT THE RENTON CITY, COUNCIL MEETING ON August 18, 1959 AT 8:00 P.M. TO VOICE THEIR PROTEST OR OBJECTION TO SAME. E. L. ALEXANDER, CITY CLERK DATE OF PUBLICATION: July �9i 1959 CERTIFICATION I, Jack Wilson H"REBY CERTIFY THAT THREE (3) COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AND ONE COPY POSTED AT THE CITY HALL, RENTON, ON July 29, 1959 AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. Signed :-tee A ATTEST: (\ 4, NOTARY BLIC IN�H��TATE OF WASHINGTON, RESIDING AT RENTON, WASHINGTON