HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAC - S 128th St Planning Commission 2/24 /65 Page 6 5. Continueda an upgrading effect upon the street Ile felt a be for the sign. Mr0 Peretti concurred in the granting ofgatrevocableed permit. It was then moved by Der-Der-x seconded by Garrison to recommend to the City Council the ;ranting of la revocable permit. Motion carried, Chairman Felker stated that the problem of signs has been a con- t inuing problem. Upon recommendation of the Commission the City Council some time ago had appointed a committee to investigate the matter of sign violations . However, no report has as yet been made, Councilman Schellert stated that this matter and the matter of fees for street use permits is under consideration by the Council and it is hoped that a solution will be forthcoming in the near future. ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS: ( 6; The Commission discussed the proposed Vacation of South 128th Street, Mr, Teegarden stated that in lookingat portion p on of the area proposed for vacation he noted that the topography was very steep, but he felt that to vacate the street at this time would be premature. Jack Wilson also stated that although the grade would be about 25% his recommendation is not to vacate the street because it would be needed for utilities. It was then moved by Peretti , seconded by Cordell , that we re- commend to the City Council that the street not be vacated . Motion carried. 7 . Mr. Denzer and Mr. Jensen reported on the meetings attended in Tacoma February 12 and 13 of the State Planning Association. Chairman Felker asked that the matter of the acquisition of open space for recreation and parks be placed on the agenda for the next meeting. 8 . Mr. Teegarden stated that the Commission of a whole has now completed the proposed zoning ordinance study. There being no further business , the meeting adjourned at 10220 P.M. Douglas K. Felker, Chairman amen Den ,zerSecretary ti J_ • • . cie.„) _ _ .• . „ . ... . , - - % _ .. . , • . - . .. honorable Do d W. Cu erg, Faye . . . Members. of the. ..City C,wic tl : zips - .A check of the County Recordsindicates that offers of 100% •of the property abutting on South 128th Street'between 87th Avenue South ;: and.8 th Avenue South have sited_the .petition for. vacat .nn.. City Engineer 1 . Ar ~ • ST. , - iii Ss •4 •...• . .•Oo .lia .....r. is t4" �� r 's' II 0IG I .4 q 17 5 12G•TH • '• 110111111111 man voilell 4 4 , 8 ; •' �- ���19 4 2?� IoM lb 4 p -: • ' t I I 2lit • ma 4 Wram 2 e• ,, i !i%4 II ro 7 10 I 12 •d _ . ['! I 7 TN '? 13 , ' 14 7 �� (o s U 4 pc• . F 7 � to 21 LSI= 4 . MIL EMI G 2 o 1 I s > 13 MI ki) SIM �1 5 s 14 �� Q °�i� 3 v�.o�e Q Q� MEM f=��7 Cs'• ATE2 II 11`_ Ile NO. -z.� "-y+„,.4e, c:n -' A Tu S .111 l 1 ■ TyRT 8•'SAN.SEWE2 I V r1 •'• II ' ,t, f s•NO. ,_.. A. 1 KIOTE'. 1 -- POVVE21-114E At_S0 .X\��TS cox oo"ojE 1 6 I .Ls ,' OVEe 5C". Po aT tO►..1 Oc i 'ST. —_ 2 d 5 2 1'. 5 4 0 W SCALE I�� = 200' • 43 .�Z 1.11 c - .. . -1 _ 9 10 Z7 - • B S (VAC) ; 12 J TN i 5 0 26 •,ti i > -1 f. L t _ T 7 I_ Z5 CITY OF RENTON t 44 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 13 :• •:• 24 STREET VAC AT ION 5 4S. 128 71-3 QspT. \ 14 2 3 87 T i A V E.S. to 88 714 4 , DESIGNED DRAtiVN_e _ DATE1d�1(. 28, 19�5 E 1 3 /', 22 CHECKED_ _ • dS 3NOW1.1 BK. -_ / 7 APPROVED '�\�///, ,•�.'‘ / CITY E',GINEE� SN / OF I 1 _ <r 21 I • • • • • p. • • _ . 5arch :5Y '1965: • • . •John F. 'and, Florene, I.''Yeager' , .' 613,' 2h Aveaue'. iuth'' `Seattle,°'. ashion. TDear•'.Pet :ti'oners# _,. , • • • Th? '.3, to advise••you..that:the•Renton City. Gourd at . '�1965 'derued:yourto t • wee 7h .Avenue..iutand Eah.. v ae S r a n An excerpt 'from the`iixsri�ates off, the.:ineetang. i:c enclosed for•-:your,;:iy+rrnxoiiek • • •- Very;tniily-youre • `t OF RENTON • . , < Te3anie':W�` Nelson '• C � Cler1 :lga c.c PP,i is 1g Director. • • ; • • • • • Ennlo • • • N, rch'S 196 2 6 87th Avenue;South- Renton :Wb.sh3 ion . Dear Ietit .ones . .. 'Ellis is.'.to':a .ae"you•that_the.1?.e'ntan City Council at it!a m2etii2g a 'P ircli :1'90:denied..your"petitiea o ' irtOate. South 32Sth Street bet. en h Avenue outh a h' d�variu :=Sauvho. " iri ex a t-f om th `err r titee ot'`-th 'meting 3'e" o ed' your'.intorir tion tc;tF� .We' Ne14n' City-Clerk Edo *ag.Direar: . • d Ud:VQ mod: t-ieIen' J ';Donohue... J l Avenue.South R,anton`, Waehingtoxi:: ;'pear:Retitjonere g.:. • This is to that.•the•inbon City Council'at:. . . 1t*s regular meeting af:14,troh'. . L965 eiai ed,yo petition. to: :::vacate South .fifth.'Street betweori,-87th. AiPea te.'South dud I A vela. Sout : —An oxoer, t from the nLzt�o '' � .;i otir g ;is eri rise `for' your• : • Very t z'u.1 yr ,: CITY OF Ot • . Heyde W. Ne;1son'. . Cit1 Clerk tWhi slgc c a Planning Dirator, • • '1.11s°eh.'..5,.'.1965 • H, C a'' and'.tda; 1lac'':Groho';;:.-` 15474 " 25th A, enue Seutkz . . Seatt1 , Wash gton. , This:.:,is ta,:advise•`you that'the'B.ea ani!' City'CouncI 1=''at 3.t?s regular:ni eting of roh 4�. 1965 denied•you petition to va ate. South a28th;Stx at. betweon 87th Avenue Avenue Scnath An oxser~pt -fry.the u.-.es of th4.meeting is enclosed • for Your, info tione: City Cis'rk Ttir su lgc . • • _ r %f,f o CITY ENGINEER'S OFFICE • RENTON, WASHINGTON 0 • • JACK WILSON CITY HALL, CEDAR RIVER PARK, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 • ALPINE 5-3464 �92SAO of 4<' February 23, 1965 Rr CAPITA'- Honorable Donald W Custer, Mayor Members of the City Council Re: Petition to Vacate South 128th Strest.between 87th Avenue South and 88th Avenue South Gentlemen: At the present time the City of Renton has a 6" Water Main ap- proximately 12' northerly of centerline and an 8" Sanitary Line approximately 5' northerly of centerline within the street proposed for vacation. In addition, Puget Sound Power and Light Company has Power Utility Lines covering the greater portion of the right-of-way/ in question. Considering these factors plus the fact that access to the area westerly of 87th Avenue is very limited; it is the recommendation of the Engineering Department that South 128th Street between 87th Avenue South and 88th Avenue South not be vacated. Very truly yours, \ ( Vk) 2 Iltiikk Wilson ; Engineer JIIT:mc ��k,er/f`_,t� •. . . .. .� / l''t• i./ !// v .' / .ter` . A. . :1 M1r•^9 IWA S N'N O T O N the Jet Transport Capital of the World •' , PLANNING DEPARTMENT March 1, 1965 Honorable Mayor Donald Custer Members. of the City Council. . .. Gentlemen: The Planning Commission at its public hearing of :Februarys 24 after due consideration' voted to. rep commend to the City Council that the request for Vacation of South 128th Street between 87th Avenue. South and 88th Avenue South be denied. Respectfully; J.. ;David Jensen . Planning 'Director.. JDJ:pc r . ' , T r, NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL RENTON, WASHINGTON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A PETICION TO VACATE A PICK OF SOUTH 128TH STREET TO WIT: LOCATED BETWEEN 87th Avant* South ,and 88th Avenue South, all situate in Renton, King County, Washington. HAS BEEN FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF RENTON. THE CITY COUNCIL BY RESOLUTION NO. 1291 DULY ADOPTED AT ITS REGULAR MEETING OF February 8, 1965. A A y FIXED AND DETERMINED THE lst B OF March AT THE HOUR OF 8:00 P.M., IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF RENTON, AS THE DATE AND PLACE AT WHICH SAID PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HEW BY THE CITY COUNCIL UPON THE PETITION • TO VACATE SAID f22°R`i0gN oi; South 128th Street. ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED THEREIN OR WISHING TO OBJECT THERETO, MAY THEN BE HEARD THEREON OR MAY FILE THEIR WRITTEN OBJECTIONS TO SAID VACATION WITH THE CITY CLERK PRIOR TO SAID TIME OF HEARING. , HELMIE W. NELSON . CITY CLERK , DATE OF PUBLICATION Feb 14 1966 CERTIFICATION I, ei c u- --.� G ,, . 0;i \,;a-z HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE (3) COPIES OF THE ABOVE 4J DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AND ONE (1) COPY POSTED AT THE CITY HALL, RENTON, ON '•/�x ce g /9'c, AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. , .-; ' ': . ,,,) L,: : � SIGNE : �4�� P--'�'-' /; l ATTESTrr `, , / ,, / (/' NOTARY''PUBLIC;'IK:AND FOR THE TE OF WASHINOON; •RES)IIING AT RENTON, WASHINGTON 4 I 5 • February 9, 1965 Edward V. and Helen G. Donohue 12801 . 88th Avenue South Lenton1 kaehington Dear Petitioners: This is to advise you that a Public Roaring will be held Rarch 19 1965, at 8:00 P. i ., in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, covering the vacation petition of: That portion of South 128th Street located between 87th (venue South and 88th l venue South, all, situate in Renton, King County„ Waehington Any and all persons interested therein or objecting to said vacation nay then appear and be heard they~eon, or they .ray file their written objections thereto uith the City Clerk prior to or at the time of the hearing on said vacation. Yours very truly, CITY 07 icy:;1'ClIT Helthe t7. Nelson City Clcr Ht N/phc • a „ February 9, 1965 Coo gi i �. Cox ° 12806 87th Avenue .1 ntonr.ti:aehi ngton Dear PetitionQr s This is to advise you that a Pci'n1 .c Hearing will be held larch 141 1965, at 8100 P. N,, in the City,Council Chambers, City Nall, covering. the vacation petition or: Vaat portion of South 128th Street located between 87th Avenue. South and 88th Avenue South' all situate Renton,. King County, Washington. . Any and all persons interested therein or 'objecting to said vacation may then appear and be heard thereon, or they may file their Ifritten objections thereto With the City Clerk. prier to or at the time or the hearing on said vacation. You:ra very truly,, CITY OF 11 Z T011 Helnie I-I., Nelson City Clerk HHt 1N/phc .(• February 9, 1965 • It. C. and Ida Grohe 15474 - 25th Avenue So, Seattle, Washington • :clear Petitioners: This is to advise you that. a Public Hearing will be held lurch. 1, 1965, at $:00 P. II., in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, covering the vacation petition of: That portion of South 128th Street located between 87th Avenue South and 88th Avenue South, all ,situate in Renton, King County, Washington, Any and all persons interested therein or objecting to said vacation may then'appear and be heard thereon, or they may file their written objections thereto with the City Clerk prior to or at the tine of the hearing on .said vacation. Yours very truly, CITY OF EITTON FI Ilelme C3. Nelson City Clerk IH-1/rho E. • F.1 • • • • Februa3:7 9* 1965 John. F. °and Florence 11. Yeager • 6423 - 29th South Seattle* Wa!shiugton • Dear Petitioners: This is to advise you that a Public Hearing pill be held rarch 1* 3.965, at 8:00 P.M.* in the City Council Chambers* City Hall, covering the vacation petition Of? That portion of South 128th Street 71,ocated between 87th Avenue South and 88th Avenue South* all situate in Renton* King County* Washington. Any and all persons interested therein or objecting to said Vacation nay then appear and be heard thereon* or they nay file their written objections thereto with the City Clerk - prior to or at the time of the hearing on said vacation. Yours very truly* CrY OF RENTON' • Holmio W. Nolson City Clerk Ii February 9, 1965 1,.on'Lo i Pl_.'n ing Co wiiesicn City Hall , ::3 uoi -.`ashington Ge:i t1e ien • Faio is to advise you that a Public Ho ring trill be•held I'- ch 1, 1965, at 8100 P, H.,, in the City Council Chambers, City Nia1i, covering the vacation pet:.t orn off.: That portion of South 128th S oet located between 87th Avenue South and 88th Avon= �'outh,. all .situate in Renton, King County, tiashin ton. Any and all persons interosted therein cr objecting to said vacation nay then appear'and be ticird thereon, or they ray file their written objections thereto with the City Clerk prior to or at the time Of the hearing on said vacation. !cars very truly, CITY OF R.:71IT011 Hell ie t:. :Tolson City Clerk - ?/Phc 5 • RESOLUTION NO, //-f/ T','HEREAS .s petition has been filed with the City Clerk of the CITY OF RENTON on or about January 25, i965 petitioning for the vacation of a portion of a certain street as hereinafter more particularly described and said petition being signed by the owners of more than two-thirds of the property abutting upon said portion of the street sought to be vacated, same being described as follows: That portion of South 128th Street located between 87th Avenue South and 88th Avenue South, all situate in Renton, King County, T,iashington NW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: That the 1st day of March, 1965 at the hour of 8:00 P.M. et the City Council Chambers in the City Hall of Renton, Washington, be and is hereby fixed as the time and place when the aforesaid petition for vacating portion of the aforesaid street shall be heard and determined. SECTION II: The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to give notice of said time end hearing as provided by law; and any and all persons interested therein or objecting to said vacation may then appear and be heard thereon, or they may file their written objections thereto with the City Clerk prior to or at the time of the hearing on said vacation. SECTION III: The CITY OF RENTON reserves the right to retain an easement for utility and other public purposes within said street right-of-ray sought to be vacated, PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 8th day of February, 1965. -/-24-cL Helmie Nelson, City lerk APPROVED BY TP2 MAYOR this 8th day of February, 1965. Ddnald T7. Custer, Mayor �. 'PPRO ED AS TO FORM: Girard NI, Shellan, City :?.ttorney 7-- • • of CITY ENGINEER'S OFFICE • RENTON, WASHINGTON � il,kL • JACK WILSON CITY HALL, CEDAR RIVER PARK, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 • ALPINE‘5-3464 A E I - 0 S4, •�w SA°Rr CAPITa\- January 28, 2.965 ./64)5* )// 1 h 3 Honorable Donald W. Custer, Mayor . Members of the City Council Gentlemen: A check of the County Records indicates that owners of 100% of the property abutting on South 128th Street between 87th Avenue South and 88th Avenue South have signed the petition for vacation. Very truly yours„, Jack Wilson C' Engineer h1:me T- l & N S T. U 1 ,3 ••4' 5 �o • . _ :MI • • • 1114 8 I S 14. Ellin i• •, ••• 2 ► 1 2 �c. \\`•I•GI ma • 3 4 Tw 0 ., 4 S 12 - .V Hi lik \2IN 1 1 I5 ? .. 4 .. Ili 4.314 (r).la IO ME M MS • 8 . �, M 2 esElil�1�ffil 0 s 'C., to 3 1i S 4 - - i 1 2`f of 10 7 10 T 1 Z 17 IA 4 ip1 1 r- ;3 26 0 18 I 7 1111"tN ' �i I S .tt • • 7 4 l a- r ubiaBivy. 2 is k. > -k• ..... 8 Z 10 2 1 6 ,$ w ,� ( ., 1� Zo id 4 ��s •IIM in Milk . i EMI ‘,. , GR w4 s > 13 v' �r� > MIMI 3 Y..�a Q Q� C'-� MINIM 4 l 6' A ceit fs,i l I Z` NO. -7y .ti,x.� . A •• �. ' " r7t________ ' 8"SAN.SEWEQ a.V T~ S.N 1J OTE-.. 1 POVVa .L.11.,E A.LS0 Ex\STS cox �o•+owa I b-.. I (s OVEe S . 2O1aT IO1,1 OF i ST. 2 ZS 2 �,1-ti•� 5_ 40 43 4 W '' SCALE I" . 200` '• ' 4 • 9 I o 27 • 1 ____ _---- 3 5 26 (VAC) 1 �L� T>a S 1 1 -- —1 I. . I 1 I 1 2 r ,Z5 CITY OF RENTON �^�• w ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT __ 13 :• •:• 24 STi� EET VAC AT ION 5 S. I 1:'-.! s j. �---- 14 '••: ` S 7 T ,d.VE_S. t. 88-rB 23 8 , — �vE. S. 4 DESIc,NED . DATE JAN. 28�19�5 • ,i_E __ DRAv.,N_t�e./ 3 /• .. 22 ( CHECKED �. 5 ds 31-10W►..1 . BK._ _ PG. _____ APPROVED ,•y:I f CITY E :,^4c s R SHT / OF / 1. I�c-T - . • V 21 , 1 O OcAk U CITY ENGINEER'S OFFICE • RENTON, WASHINGTON 1lii. • JACK WILSON CITY HALL, CEDAR RIVER PARK, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 • ALPINE 5-3464 o 92SA�RT CA PITAxC January 28, 1965 Honorable Donald W. Custer, Mayor Members of the City Council Gentlemen: A check of the County Records indicates that owners of 100% of the property abutting on South 128th Street between 87th Avenue South and 88th Avenue South have signed the petition for vacation. Very truly yours, Jack Wilson • Engineer JW:me . Ar ~ • ST. , - iii Ss •4 •...• . .•Oo .lia .....r. is t4" �� r 's' II 0IG I .4 q 17 5 12G•TH • '• 110111111111 man voilell 4 4 , 8 ; •' �- ���19 4 2?� IoM lb 4 p -: • ' t I I 2lit • ma 4 Wram 2 e• ,, i !i%4 II ro 7 10 I 12 •d _ . ['! I 7 TN '? 13 , ' 14 7 �� (o s U 4 pc• . F 7 � to 21 LSI= 4 . MIL EMI G 2 o 1 I s > 13 MI ki) SIM �1 5 s 14 �� Q °�i� 3 v�.o�e Q Q� MEM f=��7 Cs'• ATE2 II 11`_ Ile NO. -z.� "-y+„,.4e, c:n -' A Tu S .111 l 1 ■ TyRT 8•'SAN.SEWE2 I V r1 •'• II ' ,t, f s•NO. ,_.. A. 1 KIOTE'. 1 -- POVVE21-114E At_S0 .X\��TS cox oo"ojE 1 6 I .Ls ,' OVEe 5C". Po aT tO►..1 Oc i 'ST. —_ 2 d 5 2 1'. 5 4 0 W SCALE I�� = 200' • 43 .�Z 1.11 c - .. . -1 _ 9 10 Z7 - • B S (VAC) ; 12 J TN i 5 0 26 •,ti i > -1 f. L t _ T 7 I_ Z5 CITY OF RENTON t 44 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 13 :• •:• 24 STREET VAC AT ION 5 4S. 128 71-3 QspT. \ 14 2 3 87 T i A V E.S. to 88 714 4 , DESIGNED DRAtiVN_e _ DATE1d�1(. 28, 19�5 E 1 3 /', 22 CHECKED_ _ • dS 3NOW1.1 BK. -_ / 7 APPROVED '�\�///, ,•�.'‘ / CITY E',GINEE� SN / OF I 1 _ <r 21 I • • NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING • RENTON CITY COUNCIL RENTON, WAStmorON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A PETITION TO VACATE A PORT/ON OF SOUTH 128TH STREET TO WIT: LOCATED BETWE^N 87th Avzrue South and 88th Avc uo South, all situate in Menton, King County, Washington. HAS BEEN FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK OF Tah: CITY OF RENTON. THE CITY COUNCIL BY RESOLUTION NO. 1?91 DULY ADOPTED AT ITS REGULAR MEETING OF Febraary 8, 1965. FIXED AND DETERMINED THE 1 st iilift4 OF March AT THE HOUR OF 8:00 P.M., IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF RENTON, AS THE DATE AND PLACE AT WHICH SAID PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE CITY COUNCIL UPON THE PETITION TO VACATE SAID U X South 128th Street ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED THEREIN OR WISHING TO OBJECT THERETO, MAY THEN BE HEARD THEREON OR MAY FILE THEIR WRITTEN OBJECTIONS TO SAID VACATION WITH THE CITY CLERK PRIOR TO SAID TIME OF HEARING. HEIMCE W. NELSON CITY CLERK DATE OF PUBLICATION February 10, 1965 ' • \-C ih ST. .. . it 3 o I Z �0 7 . 8 . . 8 • I J! I S 14" 2 L=; �1 r1. 2 I I .i��' \ , ' • ' 3 4 illki I •1 4 Il 5 1 2.COT14 4' Rai 19 cri `Z to�� ►0M 1(o • ' 1 1 1 20 15 Z N IA 3 ilik 42(4%Cc* • �• 4 M I II 1 a ca 2 eas IN7 10 � 13 Ili . 4 2`I 10 .i I2 ►4..p1 1 �= 3 26 i 8 �ua M NM ' 1� �1 S I 7 4 i VAC . 1 8 v 1 lb Q • 7 44 r nom 2 Is >•�. 2. 10 2Ikoitsmill 40 q �F. GRo�1S / 13 �:� In �t-S > 4o EEO 5 4" Y..�� Q 1a n 4 7 mi 3 � Qgill Mirl C'M f-��1 G ATE'e. ts, �1 l i' NO. ,04, ��,:_ . >t Mik Z' 1t�r''• T4 P..SAN. SEWEQ A TN .,rau POWE2l-1 P.E A.L.S0 E1(1ST.S cox oomow4 I 6:._• I (? OYEZ sc3. POt..T tO►�1 OF - _ •. ¶T. 2 5 2 4�) 5 •, �1.� SCALE l"� = ZOO 43 4Z W 40 . .3. 4 > :3 4 • 4 9 1 T - 41 ' a • 5 ;AC I : ; 1 2.C3 T" , S # 2 . .t . I f -1 r- 1 1 1 ' 1 2 P7 [ `25, • 44• CITY OF RENTON ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 13 •:. • ... 24 STREET VAC AT ION 5 . , S. 12aT" j.s L-- 14 '•:= 23 — S 87 TH 4,VE S. to 88TN AVE. S. 4 DE$ICNrD �� DATEJA44. 26, 1945 , f, E DRAWN_ Zee ._�,�, 3 /. / 22 CHECKED SC'f.S. dS 3NOW1a J.BK. __ PG._ \\ �� .APPROVED _ � " '` I 1 CITY E:dGiNFFR $%�7 OF 1. v ,. . �+ • . • S T . . ,-,:pai k .. ..:.. .4-7' . 8 IS 14) 7 m EISMIDA 'S- W" I •' 4 17 5 12. (0114 i • 4 ' 8 �_T 3 �n 4 •,••��- �� 19 `2�Tr to ISO (St44 I I 15 2 � '. \ �o 14M I 20 0M101 3 4 10 SAW ella • .0o , D j WIEMB cao 7 ,s ` 4 - - III . 4 27 10 7 I O I - I? 2 6 8 �� .i - ►4 ilp 1 i _ ���7 IIIE1 tit1 7 TN C . 1 8 iFT I 9 •� s� 2x. ....1 I ki ialimill) Mill s > 13 te - 3 l QMU C=__ 6' ATE@ N ),_1 122 NO. - -.ri,,•.s.,_. — 12 v TH `. 111111 1 t mama_ t .'.r4 P.'SAN.SEVVEQ.. S. NOTE: POWE-_{_LIN"E ALSO EX1'�TS "o cox DowuG I 6- ' I _4 OvE12 Sc.? PO2.T 10/.1 OF ---- - — Al--. ST. Z 5 2 �, '` 5 i • 43 W . s . _ 40 SCAt_E I" = zoo �.• �- - 3 4 > 3 q .. • Q 9 10 27 l 1 _ —3 S c�A�I 129 TN - S 26 I I IZII l r• _I 7 12 -Z5 44 CITY OF RENTON ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 13 :. 24 STREET VAC AT I ON 5 1 S. 128 1-=1 s I. 14 ' •• 23 > Z rNp.VE.S. t• asTu �vE. s. 4 DFc.Ir,NFD - — ''// DATE-T/04. 20�19�5 . E • DRA+.•.�N_1�e 12• 3 /i / • • 22 1 CHECKED_-- `�. d'S 3 -,OW1-1 ?.BK. P�;.----- '--------„,____,.1/-- • 1 i 57 APPROVED / .,�• CITY E':GiNETF4 S-47 OF v . . _ •16 21 1 I -�. i• .:e;tf^:%:\ //2 /3-S ,G^, ,A Renton, Washington January 12, 1964 • _f Dear Sirs: + We, the undersigned owners of the property; bordering 1.28th St. S. , between 87th Avenue S. and 88th Avenue S. , Tract- 33, request that that portion of IZ8th St. S. be- vacated since the hill' at this point has too steep- a grade to be used as a road. 4' V 0l(t.0 t9 � � � ,