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' .. • -' ':• • ':...: * • ' ''.;• , .„ .. ....., . . , . ..., . ._ 4 40-7/4;,,..,, e-y-k-vv,„ . 6,-7,-)A tom. L.up ,Q , / - . .L EI.. t ,. (�-`�- , `.267,% ,„(�``+- 6' : : .. , . ..).2.1„7„/„,./..,.....„ „ . .12-) % .- _ ,-,.. :-' ' , • • ert,-;,.. 17 „. ,c , t / C ,P-elif,--ram . . • - - •\� "/ , I(s ( F,w1a CITY ENGINEER'S OFFICE o RENTON, WASHINGTON I`" 3uby • JACK WILSON CITY HALL, CEDAR RIVER PARK, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 • ALPINE 5-3464 -A 0 -94,s°o F September 27, 1965 H' CAPITAL o Honorable Donald Custer, Mayor Members of the City Council Re: Petition to Vacate a Portion of 92nd Avenue South Gentlemen: Attached hereto is the City Attoruey's opinion in regards to property requested to be vacated. He has ruled that this property has never been declared a public right-of-way by the City and therefore would not be subject to the Street Vacation Laws. There- fore, under the existing conditions the City could not proceed with vacation. Very truly yours, J ck Wilson " '---6 ty Engineer JW:mc • • Ek • • CITY OF �ENTON . RENTON, WASHINGTON • OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY September 22, 1965 Gerard th.Shellan, City Attorney . Arthur L.Haugan,Ass't.CityAttorney . Mr,, , . fA- 2A,f- Jack Wilson ' City Engineer - : City Vail . ' Renton, Washington . (C . • , Re: Petition for Vacation of Street .by Emilio Piorotti Dear Jack: ' . ' ' . This is in pursuance of our eseting of September 21st, regarding the above captioned matter. As we understand the situation and based on the trap and Deed submitted to ue by you, the subject atrip .of property was conveysd by Quit Claim 3�eed to the City of kenton without l imitation a o to use. They strip adjoin© the east boundary of the existing 92nd Avenue: South and has never been officially dedicated by the City for a street or other purposes - a[I[IIInd no improvements have been made by the City thereto up to date. Further- ' more there is no indication that the public at large has used the strip ' . for vehicular traffic on any established bssia, . . [--1 : R-eference is hereby Made to RC�1 35.79.010 et seq relating to the vacation '- of streets and alleys or portions thereof, It would be our interpretation - • ' that before any such vacation could. take place, that the area sought to be . vacated must be a public street or alley and upon such vacation the 'prop- erty within the limits so vacated shall belong -to the abutting property owners, one-half to each, From the information submitted to us by you, up to date, we can not hold that the strip in question is. a street or alley '• ' .- _.7, '. . ‘. under the statute which is subject to vacation prodedure. If the City. for• any valid reason, wanted to designate the property acquired from the State as a public thoroughfare and make improvements accordingly, then any - ' petition for vacation would be in order. Otherwise, the City would have a right, if such property or any portion thereof were surplus, to dispose of it in- the customary manner. . • If we can be of any further assistance to you in this matter, please let us know, We rams In Very truly yours, . ' - p:r11C��1N AND SIMIAN • /. C..- f �8 Gerard M 9hellan . ASS:j1- •( . • .cc: Mayor - . City Clerk Vern Morris Henry Pedersen • • •' .s:.,.-..... •..•.,,., . . �...!•-::. iv,t;rea. ,.n-.__ .,, ....... ..rv..r," -r ' -�ru- s,r:r:�;'.[cd•i;r: 7.,.,:.. -.-�-=..P: ,ll..,. ,- �.fl -.r .i +Vr , .�l .n.. �„t - - .,.i)" _ •1i i1.^!l:. �.•r.. ^i^.•- ..r:�-; , .t,.,,., .. .�:,..�.�,o i�., �. ,A, ��.,wl.r i�.,,.�. ,...dY �. r .. +. ,da',. .. , ,:�a ..- . -. , .. ,.,,..�.,.. ri'';��;';'.;;'+5;',.,•• .� 'w.'''f.r ....,. ,.. Yi�-`L��i�i:'ra9�-r,. • Minutes of the Renton City Council Meetings 9-20-65 COMMUNICATIONS: Cont. A letter from Northern Pacific Railway Company submitted Permit No. 96086 to cover the use of a portion of railway property in waterline installation to serve the Metro plant and subsequently to be turned over to the City. The City Attorney suggested that the various obligations specified in the permit should be assumed by Metro only,if it is primarily for serving the treatment plant and the City should be held harmless from any cost or liability. City Engineer Wilson reported that Metro has been so advised and it was moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the City Attorney and City Engineer for report back. Carried. A letter from Mrs. E. H. Dahlstrom protested water bill being doubled and also the condition of water resulting from the location of the dead end line. A letter from Mayor Custer had acknowledged the letter, since there would be no meetings of the Council for three weeks due to the Labor Day holiday and 5th Monday, and referred the matter at this meeting to the Council. Discussion ensued regarding the double charges being due to the outside residency which Mrs. Dahlquist pointed out and expressed her desire to have the Fire and Water Committee reconsider number cubic • ft. allowed under present rate structure and reduce the cost of non-resident service , thereby. Utility Supervisor Puhich advised the line had been taken care of today and upon inquiry advised that it would require about $10,000.00 to complete the circuit and that about 30 residents would be served in the area. A letter from Renton School District No. 403, Oliver M. Hazen, Sup't., expressed concern of the Board of Directors of the School District regarding the information that no sidewalk is planned for the North Renton Interchange. Hope was expressed that the City and State can work out some plan whereby a plan might be included in this important project. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Perry, that a copy of this letter be forwarded to the State Highway Department. Carried. A letter from Northern Pacific Railway Company in reply to City inquiry regarding the speed of trains in the Kennydale area, advised that continuous speed checks are to be continued and that inasmuch as the specific time or date was not given it would be difficult to ascertain which train may have been involved. A letter was read from Emilio Pierotti requesting Vacation of portion of 92nd Avenue South lying west of his property which is bounded by Rainier Avenue 92nd Avenue South and 7th Avenue, being triangular in shape. Moved by Schellert, seconded- by Bruce, to refer the request to the City Engineer for verification of ownership. Carried. A letter from Albert S. Reisberg, Building Director, reported complaints regarding sub-standard buildings which are fire hazards, dilapidated and unfit for habitation which in some instances are being occupied. A list was attached and concurrence requested for action by the Building Director to effect the enforcements of the Uniform Building Code with further pursuance by Council as may be required. Discussion ensued and a letter from City Attorney Shellan was referred to wherein it was outlined that in proceeding with upgrading or abatement of sub-standard buildings per the 1964 Building Code, Section 203, it is absolutely imperative that all the necessary facts and circumstances are ascertained before any notice is given or any other legal proceedings commenced. Any and all defects or violations should be listed, spelled out in detail, so the property owner in each case is made fully aware of what he has to do. The Fire Department, Health Officer and City Engineer's Office should likewise make the inspections with the Building Director so there will be adequate testimony by more than one person as to the defective condition of the premises, it also being important that in each case the true owner be ascertained. Discussion ensued regarding legislative action to be taken and Fire Chief Walls suggested that perhaps a Board should be set up for reporting violations which could relay the problems to the Council for its action. It was ascertained that possibly some legal action might be instituted in some instances and by following the Code in every step, the abatement proceedings would be effected without affecting the peoples' property rights. The buildings in_question at present are deemed unsafe and unhealthy for occupancy and pursuant to provisions of said Code, Section 203 it was moved by Pedersen, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Fire and Water Committee and City Health Officer, to report back. Schellert questioned the resulting action of this motion as the Building Director has authority to enforce the Code without Committee recommendation. Mrs. Dahlquist urged that the motion be voted down and the Building Director given assurrance of Council support along with the Fire Chief, Health Officer and others who should submit a list with thoir -3- 1 i .. • RESOLUTION NO.. 3 333 WHEREAS the:-Ciof Renton has heretofore acquired from the State of Washington a certain parcel of property as .per Deed' dated November 8, 1961, which 1.71 of property is located at and near 92nd Avenue South within the City of Renton and is irregularly shaped and WHEREAS only a portion of said property so acquired from the State of Washington is needed and required for street right-of-way and similar public purposes • andithe hereinafter described balance of said property being excess or surplus property and not needed by the City of Renton or any Department, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED. BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AS,FOLLOW4:. Section I: The above recitals are hereby found` to be true-'and correct in ail respects. • Section 2: The following;,described property is.,hereby declared surplus PrA • no longer needed or useable for any. public purpose or use whatsoever; *o-1,iit4 All. that portion of the following„ described property lying East of a line:40 feet easterly of and parallel..with•the: north-south center-line of Section '19, Township 23 North, Range-5. East, W.M., southerly of existing South.•,margin of 7th Avenue, and northerly of the existing northwesterly margin of Rainier Avenue (State Highway:.No. 167); said property described as. follows: Commencing at the North one- quarter corner of Section.: 19, Township 25 ; - North, Range 5 East, W.M. running 'North;, 82°24' East 36 feet;: thence South 1°58' l1est 34.3 feet to the true .po nt of:.beginning; thence due East 30.02 feet; thence South. 1°58' West 847..39 feet;, thence South 75°45' West. 2j feet; then . 0°ce North15': West. 84`7:.-39.:.feetk.thence due East 4.44 fe .0et,tto the true point of beginning;• .containing:- 0.,353 acres more. or less and lying and being in the Northwest one-quarter of the Northeast one-quarter< of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5-East, W.M. ' Said portion containing approximately 6,093 square feet. The Mayor and the appropriate committee of the City Council are hereby authorized :...:�. directed to secure an appraisal of the above described property to evidence its preses: fair market value and that thereafter the City Council take such action, as it may deli:. necessary, for the disposition, if any, of'said surplus property. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 18th day of October, 1965. /s/ Helmie Nelson Helmie Nelson, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 18th day of October, 1965. /s/ Donald 4. Custer Donald U. Custer, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: /s/ Gerard M. S.heLlan Gerard M. 1Shellan, City Attorney II — ....... • . -.... ... - ,. -_.-. .iJ - . --.._. __- . 1 ' i g 0 I T C .. A I N DEED nZ 'x Di ;tAT'E 31 ?rto' ry State HieI;aap No. 5, Crilla to Renton and ?rtrary State t � f LT. ?iehw1Y No. 5, Renton to Earlineton. Ir.' THE STATE CF WA.Si'I:d%TCN, for and Le ooneideration of mutual benefits, hereby ioonvoye and quitalai.:n unto the CITI CF REIlTC:I, a minioipal oorporetion, all its richt, title and interest, in cod to the following described property to Ei E + County, State of Trashinetoat ' All that portion of the followLne deaoribod Parcel "Ao lylne Northerly 1 of a llno,drawn parallel to and 62.5 feat distant Northwesterly, wren ` measured radially, from the cantor line of Primary State Niehwe :;o. 5, Renton to Earlineton. iJI i PARCEL "Aei I ' r' Cccmenaine at the North Quarter corner of Section 19, Toenship 23 North, Ranee 5 East, 8.'.:., and running thence North 32°C1 I East 36 feet ar.d South 1°-`I' 'Bost 314.3 feet to the true point i of beginninej thence East 3C. feet: thence South 1'58' Meet 8L-i7.j9 feet; thence South 75°45' 'feet 2.0 feet; thence North ' 0°15' 7feet 3L7.39 Coot; thence Cant Iy.Lh feet to the true p,lnt of beginning. 11 The lands herein oonveyed contain an area of 10,538 square feet, acre or Leis, ithe epeoifio details conoarr:ing all of -eh:oh are to be found eithin those oer_a1.n :cape of definite location now of record and on file in the office of the Director of Highways at Olympia, Washington, Primary State Highway No. 5, Orilla to Renton bearing date of approval Way 13, 1916 and Primary State Highway No. 5, Renton to i ti Earlineton 'bearinE date of approval January 16, l 22, revised April 26, 1}60. ! The lands hereto described are not required for State ill0hwey purposes a,u1 are conveyed pursuant to the provisions of `' ptor 3E114, Laws of 1,;55. Y DA.ED at Olympia, 'Mac hinetan, this/ --day of /Y,T'j,jJffi'; 'U , 1,;6i. KSTATE 07, 7TA3PT,'N ',' :2N � 1'71/14--- ,-g,,/:I. f{l1`//yf foveaCor I// i ASTESTa 11PpRovsD As CO :,oRita ay!, _ $ r c ssys r 6oretary of -hate I% CYt -'1:- . / . , Age Latent AlI.1rney :snort} I.. • L__._ NOV 171�j1 c9 C1-rut Co t.t,QC.t L, September 8, 1965 City of Renton i Honorable Donald W. Custer, Mayor Members of the City Council / '•ARK•• .... Gentlemen: I, the owner of the triangular par&- of property bounded by Rainier Avenue, 92nd Avenue South, and 7th Avenue (see attached sketches), respectfully request vacation of that portion of 92nd Avenue South lying west of my property and having approximate dimensions as follows: 20' wide at the gore corner of Rainier Avenue and 92nd Avenue South, 34.5' at the intersection of 92nd Avenue South and 7th Avenue, and 410' in length along 92nd Avenue South. Very truly yours, Emilio Pierotti Attachment 1 1 1 T—$5 1 69 I I '--?--, i 1_��_l! l J III 1l�'!_1 . !) -` -- - I - N M1 f w 4 r co e, _ n� .anaDA NMQ,A.O naaA� '^ Illb'HS /�. --- ff r/ c 4. \ — __c,4______2, .,/ ....... 0 .1 _._ i , _ ,... 0 , . . . / I 0 . 31 1 J W o a f m N '/,..... N/ /_ 1 O \ _ X °II 1 er,a _ 1; N N OP UM o. N TI ._ - 1 ` g \ ;: I 6) \ I\ 1\\\\\,, -,. _ N O P O N et�• N N N N N N N N N 1n /n In fn � ' \ . i \ &- •••••- . ') Mom- - +.s7A7- r ii _ A II 5 oN 'H'S - mfflailu'L 616.--q (--- - .. s \I11 . I I I I:� li , I' I I I I I 11 �� >_ I �. • UMW MU MINS '''..,..... ) ...} 1 I i l I l l l l I'f'7"f. IIIIII �� I 'TITrrrT i rr-T I T T ri Tr i C �� .�INIIIIII IIIIII I II I I III I Hill i , ' ,��� mem — ill I I I I III 1 I I I I I I I 1 — . �- = Imo Ni -TTi 1 i—rrtrt—+r—rtt t- =0'Q.� ► bIIi ; illi-Lt-! 11111 rl ' , I �' ���r� IIIIII I j:l.l I:I I I I I - •_ �® I .LLLLi I I LLLI_I LI I I I I - , `� •�`\ 1 1 , rl rl rrr.i T I.TI I1 r _ I I I. I I I I :1%• 1 .�:...,. ,� 11 1 1 i I l I I l I i1 I I I I I I .... `. Ilk N T►I I I I r-TT ' 1. r-- - - I i I I 1 1 I 1- I _� _ _LLLLI 1 I Il:;l..}.II 1 I- L I .. J ;. , I I 1 I I 11 I 1 I I I 1 I r— "V . 1. Li 11111 I.I\% 1� -_: iis i ; 11 j I I 11•1 1 :III I 1 1 IAMS 1 1 1 = _ yTT , -+IJI_t-I II t'1.11 1IFL I / I t• _ l 1. T O , , I r 1._2 �? __ I 1 : 1 I I I I:I �;111rz, i + , ;. . III:II }1 1 11 1 I • I J � I .;..;.. II. - iiiiill }'f'IIIIIIIII J _,el_in'. . I _L L L L I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 L I I I I I I S '3/Vb' I t 2 Z u �� C- I ! M19H Q3 JAY 71—,— o:� � \ I TI } I-l ! I I 1 `fir rrr�-�r,-,- T,-. s C/ I I 4 -- I .r • • s w , • IV L.3 o'-- —3 S•�4 �th a ye. // r Zm.i A Piera fi i �roPsza-� / '` yr , d. / V, a► y� itI ' / . 1(.)// 1 q r1 , i ,/ V =./L al I ! / /I'✓- 91^,S1 ' Rye So, ,. i� . • au I T C L A r ti D _ E D 'Y) DI r: .AA.T IR Oc ?r i:.xry State iilchway No. 5, C .ry rilla to Renton and ?rirw State ichway No. 5. Renton to EerlLzcton. • Cr` RE STALE :r "AAi'rl:,,l:N, for and in. consideration of mutual benefits, :Pereby cony eye and cuitolai_s unto the CI?f CF RENTL-N, a asonioipal corporation, all 1:s rivet, title and tntoroet, in ar"d to the followLnc described property In Eire County, State of '',7ashin0ton, L 1 that portion of the followinc doaoribod Parcel "Ae lyinc Northerly tof a line,drawn parallel to and 62.5 feet distant Northwesterly, wren measured radially, from the center line of Primary State !ilch•eay . 5, Renton to Earlincton. } PARCEL ode, { Cc^aoneinc at the North Zuarter corner of 3eotlon 19, Township 23 Korth, Rance 5 East, A.'.;., and nnvstnc thence Forth '22°213' Eau: 36 foot and South 1°Y-0 'Noel 34.3 feet to the true _oint of b•6lnninc; thence East 33.32 feet; thence South 1"53' 'iioot 8i47.59 foot; thence South 75°L.5' ':Yost o.0 feet; thence North 0°15' West BL4,7.39 Peet; thence East (:dl, Coat to the true p Int of b.Einninc. The lands herein conveyed aontatn an area of 10,533 square feet, mere or leas, the specifics details a000erninc all of whloh are to b• found within thcao certain nape of definite location now of record and on file in the office of the Director of ?1clswaye at Olyrsnia, Waehlncton, Primary State biting-ay No. 5, Orilla to Renton beer Lee date of appeared SEAy 13, 1916 and Primary State iiibhway No. 5, Renton to Earlincton-beerinc date of approval January 16, 1,,22, revised April 26. 1)63. • The lands herein docoribod are not required for State U3heey ,7urpos es and are oonveyed pursuant to the provic loam ofOt ptor 3E14, LAWS of a � DA.ED at Olympia, Wan hlncton, thisX Say of 7.3%)-7,,--7f✓ l..J . s.' STATE 0 ? 'NAS ^y11 , . ^ ;i By, ., �i ; 1L „ v' Gov/al r ( ATTEST: 2FPROVSD AS ro ?oRli .,SvsP,,Nr Secretary of Gf:a•.e fly; - AsaIstant Atisrney ;6ners.f'!;. • NOV 171 J1