HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAC - Logan St N/Boeing Copy ORDINANCE NO. o 64_ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, VACAT? G A PORTION OF LOGAN STREET NORTH 1'JITHIN THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON WHEREAS a proper petition for vacating a portion of a certain street as hereinafter more particularly described was duly filed with the City Clerk on or about November 9, 1965, said petition being signed by the owners of more than two- thirds of the property abutting upon said portion of the street sought to be vacated; and WHEREAS the City of Renton by Resolution No. 1339, and after due investi- gation, did fix and determine the 13th day of December, 1965 at the hour of 8:00 in the Council Chambers of the City of Renton to be the time and place for public hearing thereon, and directed the Clerk to give notice of such hearing in the manner provided by law; and such notice having been duly given and published and all persons having been heard appearing in favor of or in opposition thereto, and the " Petitioners at said hearing having duly amended their petition and such amendment • being in the public interest, and WHEREAS the Planning Commission has heretofore recommended the vacation of said portion of the street as hereinafter described, and said vacation being found to be in the public interest and for the public benefit and no injury or damage to any persons or properties will result therefrom; NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY TIIE MAYOR AND TIIE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The following portion of Logan Street Mirth (located and approximately 10 feet South North/of the Railroad spur line) to-wit: A portion of Logan Street North (formerly Williams Street North) being 50 feet in width and situated in Government Lot 1, Section 7, Township • 2.3.North, . RaIge ' East, W.M. , King County, Washington, described as follows: Commencing at the quarter corner common to Sections 7 and 8 in the township 23 North, Range 5 East; thence North 89°33'42" West along the east-west centerline of said Section 7, a distance of'97.38 feet to a point on the east margin of said Logan Street North, thence North 0°26'18" East along said easterly margin 625.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence continuing North 0°26'18" East along said easterly margin 258.83 feet; thence North 41°22'31" West along said easterly margin 48.64 feet to the northerly line of said Logan Street North; thence South 43°47'O1" West along said northerly line 50.18 feet to the westerly margin of said Logan Street North; thence South 41°22'31" East along said westerly margin 25.31 feet to an angle point; thence South 0°26°18" West along said westerly margin 259.73 feet; thence North 68°38'13" East 53.85 feet to the True Point of Beginning. Said vacation contains 14,811.11 square feet, more or less. BE AND THE SAME IS HEREBY VACATED. • • • SECTION 2: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and legal publication as provided by law.. PASSED BY TIIE CITY COUNCIL TIIIS 27th day of December., 1965. L-770,1 Helmie Nelson, 'City -Clerk 'APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 27th day of Deli - .er, 1965,, - - � ell 4 Do ald 1J. Custer, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney Date of Publication:" 11965 -2- Renton City Council Meeting 12-13-65 HEARING: Streets and Arterials (Cont.) ' Planning Director Ericksen presented a verbal report pointing out that the Arterials and Streets plan represents one of the most important elements of the Comprehensive Plan being the vital guide for traffic circulation, particularly in terms of relation to future growth and development of the area which will present additional traffic problems. The long range needs and objectives for arterials and major streets are defined along with principles and standards for highway development. Basic elements are delineated for an over all arterial plan with graphic designation of the system, also set forth in the Six Year Comprehensive Plan. Actual implementation will require further study and review relative to specific locations and revisions will undoubtedly be found necessary but the Plan as presented establishes a generalized framework or guide for making decisions. Councilman Schellert called attention to the numerous lanes of traffic and mention of 40 and 50 thousand vehicles by 1985-90 and if this trend is to continue and the automobile remains the main mode of transportation there will be a need to curb the trend and it was suggested that the matter be approached with open eyes and some thought be given to rapid transit. Discussion ensued on projection figures and likely fulfillment. Upon no further comment, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, that the hearing be closed. Carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to adopt the Arterials and Streets report of the City's 701 Comprehensive Plan as submitted and recommended by the Planning Commission. Carried. Mayor Custer advised that there is but one more plan to be adopted and that is the Capital Improvement Plan upon the adoption of which the City should receive payment from the State •to match the funds budgeted in next years budget pursuant to the Outdoor Recreation program. HEARING: Vacation of portion of Logan Street requested by The Boeing Company This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. The City Clerk reported that the Revised Petition had been certified by the City Engineer as having signatures representing 100% of abutting property owners. A subsequent letter from City Engineer Jack Wilson recommended that the vacation be limited to that portion of Logan Street lying northerly of the Boeing spur track which would enable Boeing to continue with its expansion and still allow for a possible connection to the North Renton Interchange. A letter from the Planning Commission advised of study of the proposal and recommended that the portion of Logan Street extending from 8th Avenue to the railroad track be excluded from the proposed vacation, known as the Boeing Spur. The recommendation was based upon possibility that the City may have need for the right of way if connection to the North Renton Interchange were to be considered. . While representing .what~- ntajt_be a long range possibility,the Commission feels such connection is not out of the question and believes the City should retain part of the right of way in event of such future need. Comment was invited and ,gouncilwoman Dahlquist inquired as to disposition of the plan submitted by the former Planning Director to continue Logan Street on over to Lake Washington Boulevard. Discussion ensued and it was pointed out that there is still the possibility of a connection even. though a portion. of Logan . has been recommended to be:Aiacated. A new route for .uc11 connection was pointed out on a map and railroad property was anticipated to be involved in event of future abandonment of certain track area. Inquiry was made as to whJ3if•2 vacation procedures are probably imminent, is only one portion being considered. City Engineer Wilson ad- vised that he felt some public benefit does exist and therefore did not recommend that the whole street be vacated. Upon inquiry, Mr. Shellan, City Attorney, advised that the law says if there is feasible use of the property fort-phblic purpose than the council may not vacate and if there is no public use it is within the Council's dis- cretion to vacate and the Council also has the right under the law to retain any easements which might be needed in the future. To vacate with idea of having to return the property is somewhat indefinite and uncertain and the property could not be built upon with such a reversion clause. Some_ further discussion on action to be taken to amend the vacation followed. ' .Mr. 'Sargent: of-The BQe.ifig-Company, agreed to the Vacation as proposed, it being adequate for the Boe5 .Comn.anyts present need, and , it was subsequently moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, that the hearing be closed. The motion carried. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Garrett, since the Petitioner is willing to amend the petition so as to delete that portion of Logan Street South of the existing spur line, that the amended Petition be approved granting the vacation as revised. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. H ARING: Whitehall Laboratories appeal of Planning Commission Variance denial. This being„ the date set, the hearing was declared open. Mr. Adams of Whitehall distributed printed Brochure of -American Home Products Corporation parent Company and gave a resume' of activities of the Company in Seattle and nearby communities and recent expansion of Whitehall to the present location. It was pointed out that since 1946 there have been 2 and 3 employees and now there will be four and it was felt that 10 parking spaces would be adequate for their needs and that blacktopping for 32 spaces -2- ko (en on R• ' . ' ` ,WA S H I N G T O N. the Jet Transport Capital of the World 111117-3, PLANNING DEPARTMENT December 10, 1965 Honorable.Donald W,. Custer, Mayor. Members of the City Council: Gentlemen and• Mrs. ° D?hleui:st:; The Planning Commission at its meeting . of December 8 , '1965 , considered the reques.t from the Boeing Company, for the vacation of Logan Street north of 8th Avenue; North e After study .of. the proposal it was the .recommenda tion of "the'. Planning .Commission that that portion of Logan Street extending from 8th Avenue, North to the railroad track, known as the .Boeing spur, be excluded from the proposed vacation. The ' exclusion of this area, it was felt, .could not.hamper the present ,plans ..,of the Zoeing Company to construct the new facilities de sired in :this area. The Planning Commission bases ;.its recommendation on the possible need for the Logan Street right cf way if a connection to the North Renton Interchange were con- sidered desirable in the future. While this represents a long range possibility= ,the Planning Commission feels that it: is not out of the question, and feels. that the City should retain the right of way, in view of its possible future needs Very truly yours . Gordon Y. Ericksen Planning Director GYE:pC , ,:.., ':::•• I' . ''• '' ,•,::' - - - ••• ': .. ••' ". ...,''-•'•'•,i.:.•1 ;1..'i•-'',.: •• . .• '2:1.•'1,7,'1.;'''''.''''''•;,:.• ...,' ....: ' , • 1 ' . ' •• , ': ;'. ', : • '• ' • .• ' - . . ' . ' ... . . - .. ., • , . • . . . , .$ . $ . • •-- • . , . , . .. . . . :! ' •. . .' , . . . . . _,;,„"1? ?2) .,...,,,_ , ..--',-••:' ..$ . .T ,-- - . . ( 1 ,-. -••6.":_^,,?,;-' , • : ,..•$Q- . . . . , . . . . ' . , • ' . . _ . . . ." /\ . (•" ,i • • • . . • • ' .' '-' ' '• '' an--.17 77.11'...... ..7113-1 .",9 ''.-.Y.7'77.1.-.-.:711 , nri.111 T 0"iN, WY\ (3 ITT.N.irri)T )3'.'i ci ..,..10.:;• WiLSOi.1 CITY IALL DAR-RIVER PARK, RENTON, WASIIINCTON 0n055 . ALPINU. :3-3164 . . . , . .. . • ' , ' ' 5), $, • • •oi . 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LEGAL N®TI Notice of Public He_.2..d Renton City Council Renton, Washington - Notice is hereby given that a petition to vacate a portion of Logan Street to wit: A por- tion of Logan Street North (formerly Williams Street North) being 50 feet in width and situated in Government Lot 1, Section 7, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., King Couny, Washington de- scribed as follows: Commending at the quarter corner common to Sections 7 and 8 in said' Township 23 North, Range 5 East; thence North '89°33'42" West along , the east-west centerline of said Section 7, a distance of 97.38 . feet to a point on the east margin of said Logan Street North and the True Point of Beginning; thence continuing North 89°33'42" West along said east-west centerline 50.00 • feet to the west margin of said Logan Street North; thence . North 0°26'18" East along said westerly margin 864.73 feet to an angle point; thence North 41 J 22'31" West along said westerly margin 25.31 feet to the northerly line of said Logan Street North; thence North 43°47'Ol" East along said northerly line 50.18 feet to the easterly margin of ' said Logan Street North; thence South 41°22'31" East along said easterly margin 48.64 feet to an angle'point; thence South 0°26'18" West along said easterly margin 883.83 feet to the True Point of Beginning. Said vacation contains 45,- 559.31 square feet, more or less. Has been filed with the city clerk of the city of Renton. The city council 'by Resolu- tion No. 1339 duly adopted at .' its regular meeting of Novem- ber 22, 1965 fixed and determ- ined the 13th day of Decem- ber, 1965 at the hour of 8:00 p.m., in the council chambers, city hall, city of Renton, as the date and place at which said -public hearing- will be • held by the city council upon • the petition to vacate said porgy - — -•tion of Logan Street as de- scribed. ,,,Any and all persons inter- ested therein or wishing to object thereto, may then be 'heard thereon or may file their written objections to said vacation with the city clerk prior to said time 'of ,hearing. . . .HELMIE W. NELSON City-Clerk Published in the Renton Enterprise November 24, 1965. • .J - November 23, 1965 e4 '/ 6 % 3r-- C /.4 The Boeing Company P. 0. Box 707 Renton, Washington Attention: Mr. E. E. Barnes Director of Facilities Re: Permit for. temporary use of portion of Logan Street for building encroachment Gentlemen: We forward herewith Permit as captioned above which has been executed and provided pending proceedings for the Vacation of the subject portion of Logan Street. ' Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON ltelmie W. Nelson, City. Clerk MiN/dm Enclosure " /, ./1 L ) _c 7,/ 4' 9 5 ---- _' PERMIT WHEREAS TEE BOEING COMPANY of Renton, Washington has heretofore made application unto the City for a permit to use certain public properties as hereinafter specified, and revocable WHEREAS the City is willing to issue such a/permit, subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, ' NOW THEREFORE it is hereby agreed as follows: revocable 1. The City of Renton hereby issues and grants a/permit unto THE,BOEING COMPANY, Renton, Wash. for the following described purposes, times and locations: for the temporary use and encroachment upon a jottion of Logan Street North as more particularly described on the attached Exhibit "A" which is incorporated herein; which permit granted herein is subject to revocation by the City of Renton upon 30 days written °.:notice at which time Permittee agrees and covenants'to remove and relocate all structures and objects from said public right of way. xobthobc xxx xxx 2. The undersigned Permittee -agrees and covenants to indemnify the City of Renton .and save it harmless from and against any and all claims, actions, liability and expense in connection with loss of life, personal injury and/or damage to property arising from or out of any occurrence in or upon the above described public properties and areas adjoining the same or the use thereof by the undersigned Permittee during the above stated period., or occasioned wholly er. in part by, any act or omission of the undersigned Permittee, its employees, customers or concessionaires. In case the City of Renton shall, without fault on its part, be made a party to any litigation commenced by or against the undersigned Permittee, then said Permittee shall proceed and hold the City harmless and shall pay all posts, expenses and reasonable attorneys' fees incurred or paid by the City in connection with such litigation. 3. In further consideration of the City's permit the undersigned Permittee shall secure and have in effect policies of public liability and property damage insurance in connection with the aforestated activity in which the limits of public liability shall not be less than $50,000.00 per person and $100,000.00 per accident and which the property damage liablity shall not be less than $10,000.00. Evidence of such insurance shall be submitted to the :City Clerk prior to the issuance- of said permit. 78,th Dated, this day of November 19 65 '-- 1d�, �� @ COMPANY Approv d by,.`The City' of Renton, this G�6 a of" NM= L. . Barnes Director of Facilities By !�!' ` .. c�2 ,_7,2,4May°r �" Permittee • `City Clerk - "EXHIBIT A" `- ;�-_:. Y_ • . LLGA[., IDLSCR IP'l ION A r.riari,alar 'tract 'of land lying within the right-of-wayotLoga� nre-';.t '' "'. - '- • . ' North .(r:otme•rly. Vv' ill iamti St:t _i. Notti ) and si.tuntcd in .i_ portion of '_,- ' - , . ( over'rarllt'rit I .,ot I , Sot-Li.ci,j,i '7, Township 23 Not ItL1.!ip2;e `:," I':,nst,--W ,:M, - hiiig Coiuty, VV\ cr;,;ll int t:ou, LI sc.ri:;t:�:t ,;;` follows; , ' _ - ,`- . :' Coninnenc tug 1.rt: the cilia rter coi r,.c'ornlon,to Section 7 'and.^d,; : in, . ' ' ' said "['ow:islrip 23 North,' R u c- Last, thence North try°33'4'2'' West ' • - along the east and west cenLerli:ie of s'iid Section. 7,. a distance of 14;3-. 3r . '• . ' - tOet to the west margin of said I.,oi;ati Street,North;;-thence Norto.0°!' :':18',;t, ` '- last.along the west margin of said Logan Street North. 700::r•S ';eet to :.- ti;. . • tile True Point of Beginni:rg, thence coliti'raing North".0°26' 13'' fast aloig: • I , said west margin p5. 1. 1.. feet; tiler-ice South 14°35'27'° Last-i32'::20i ee=_; tIi. nc c. Soi.li.lt 5-624'33''' ,West 22. 07 'eet, more'or.hess,,'to ri"Ie,Trile , ' 1'uint of Be ginning. : • • Col'tairiing 907:0-3 square feet," More or less: ' _ - ' - \ •C,LLAT .;� ..:,ac_. .,': T. .,s N i2_ ti Ems• w�' ,n'r, .' r. • • • SYMBOL , R' E V I S 'I U N - BY ..•I AP P ROV EDI DATE'. - i. : � Ca;Z( r''T wL,�c�, Lcl.. ` L l:E. .L Dew I ; ��VcD®4 CI �r 1OTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL RENTON, WASHINGTON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A PETITION TO VACATE TO WIT: A portion of Logan Street North (formerly Williams Street North) being 50 feet in width and situated in Government Lot 1, Section 7, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., King County, Washington described as follows: Commencing at the quarter corner common to Sections 7 and 8 in said Township 23 North, Range 5 East; thence North 89°33'42" West along the east-west centerline of said Section 7, a distance of 97.38 feet to a point on the east margin of said Logan Street North and the True Point of Beginning; thence continuing North 89°33'42" West along said east-west centerline 50.00 feet to the west margin of said Logan Street North; thence North 0°26'18" East along said westerly margin 864.73 feet to an angle point; thence North 41°22'31" West along said westerly margin 25.31 feet to the northerly line of said Logan Street North; thence North 43°47'01" East along said northerly line 50.18 feet to the easterly margin of said Logan Street North; thence South 41°22'31" East- along said easterly margin 48.64 feet to an angle point; thence South 0°26118" West along said easterly margin 883,83 feet to the True Point of Beginning. Said vacation contains 45,559.31 square feet, more of less. HAS BEEN FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF RENTON. THE CITY COUNCIL BY RESOLUTION NO. 1. 34 DULY ADOPTED AT ITS REGULAR MEETING OF „ , 27, 190 FIXED AND DETERMINED THE 13.th DAY OF nese1007eriw 1965 AT THE HOUR OF 8:00 P.M., IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF RENTON, AS THE DATE AND PLACE AT WHICH SAID PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE CITY COUNCIL UPON THE PETITION TO VACATE SAID pognepo op tow SET AS DESMITBRYI ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED THEREIN OR WISHING TO OBJECT TE RETO, MAY THEN BE HEARD THEREON OR MAY FILE THEIR WRITTEN OBJECTIONS TO SAID VACATION WITH THE CITY CLERK PRIOR TO SAID TIME OF HEARING. HELMIE W. NELSON CITY CLERK DATE OF PUBLICATION November 244 19 CERTIFICATION I, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE (3) COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AND ONE (1) COPY POSTED AT THE CITY HALL, RENTON, ON e-N/. Z , k c) C„F=..., AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. SIGNED: �'- �✓�/2��%�/� � ATTEST:f NOTARY PUBL C IN FOR tail: TE, OF WASHINGTON, RESIDING AT RENTON, WASHINGTON U 06") 641*-V-- RESOLUTION NO. 1 3 3 9 WHEREAS a petition has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Renton on or about November 9, 1965 petitioning for the vacation of a portion of a certain street, as hereinafter more particularly described, and said petition having been signed by the owners of more than two-thirds of the property abutting upon said portion of the street sought to be vacated, same being described as follows: A portion of Logan Street North (formerly Williams Street North) being 50 feet in width and situated in Government Lot 1, Section 7, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. , King County, Washington described as follows: Commencing at the quarter corner common to Sections 7 and 8 in said Township 23 North, Range 5 East; thence North 89°33'42" West along the east-west centerline of said Section 7, a distance of 97.38 feet to a point on the east margin of said Logan Street North and the True Point of Beginning; thence continuing North 89°33'42" West along said east-west centerline 50.00 feet to the west margin of said Logan Street North; thence North 0°26'18" East along said westerly margin 864.73 feet to an angle point; thence North 41°22'31" West along said westerly margin 25.31 feet to the northerly line of said Logan Street North; thence North 43°47'01" East along said northerly line 50.18 feet to the easterly margin of said Logan Street North; thence South 41°22'31" East along said easterly margin 48.64 feet to an angle point; thence South 0°26'18" West along said easterly margin 883.83 feet to the True Point of Beginning. Said vacation contains 45,559.31 square feet, more of less. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: That the 13th day of December, 1965 at the hour of 8:00 P.M. at the City Council Chambers in the City Hall of Renton, Washington, be and is hereby fixed as the time and place when the aforesaid petition for vacating portion of the aforesaid street shall be heard and determined. SECTION II: The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to give notice of said time and hearing as provided by law; and any and all persons interested therein or objecting to said vacation may then appear and be heard thereon, or they may file their written objections thereto with the City Clerk prior to or at the time of the hearing on said vacation. SECTION III: The City of Renton reserves the right to retain an easement for utility and other public purposes within said street right-of-way sought to be vacated. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 22nd day of November, 1965,. Helmie Nelson, City Clerk. APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 22nd day (ovember,, 1965. Donald W. Custer, Mayor Approved as to form: Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney 741- TH E / 0 l 7// Z7L!L/( COMPANY `//2- 4 COMMERCIAL AIRPLANE DIVISION P. O. BOX 707 . RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 November 17, 1965 IN REPLY REFER TO 6-6131-376 City of Renton City Hall ' ILED L Renton, Washington Attention: Jack Wilson NOV22 �5 City Engineer CITY CLERK Subject: Vacation of Logan Street North Gentlemen: The Boeing Company hereby requests that the City of Renton initiate as soon as possible proceedings for the vacation of all that portion of Logan Street north lying north of the westerly projection of the north boundary of vacated 8th Ave. The Boeing Company is the owner of all the property abutting on each side of that portion of Logan Street proposed to be vacated. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. , a Washington corporation, owns property at the northerly end of Logan Street and Boeing will obtain such consent or other documents from Puget that you may require. The Boeing Company has an urgent need for portion of the street for the construc- tion and improvement of its plant facilities and we would appreciate your coopera- tion in expediting vacation and furnishing us with any necessary'additional forms for the purpose of such vacation. Very truly yours, THE BOEING COMPANY Commercial Airplane Division • c---e ef--67 E. E. Barnes Director of Facilities VACATION OF LOGAN STREET NORTH STATE OF WASHINGTON.) SS. COUNTY OF KING ) ON THIS 17th DAY OF November , 1965, BEFORE ME, THE UNDERSIGNED, A NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, DULY COMMIS- SIONED AND SWORN, PERSONALLY APPEARED E. E. BARNES, TO ME KNOWN TO BE THE DIRECTOR OF FACILITIES, COMMERCIAL AIRPLANE DIVISION, OF THE BOEING COMPANY, THE CORPORATION THAT EXECUTED THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT, AND ACKNOWLEDGED THE SAID INSTRUMENT TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED OF SAID CORPORATION, FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES THEREIN MENTIONED, AND ON OATH STATED THAT HE IS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE SAID INSTRUMENT. WITNESS my hand and official seal affixed hereto the day and year first above written. /ki-4L-1,' i / e/ NOTARY PUBLIC in and f6 the TE of WASHINGTON, residing a � U�-% c 1 1-‘ Nov a, .C, Y CL�4tK 4 ................. 1 ,, = . Renton City Council Meeting 11-15-65 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.)_ (W. E. Bennett letter re Equip. Rental) requested to discuss the problems: Moved by Trimm, seconded by Bruce,. to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. A letter was read from Mr. C. S. Sargent, Mgr. , FacilitiesHigirieering; Boeing, petitioning for the Vacation of portion of Logan Street North which lies north of the westerly projection of 8th Avenue. Inquiry was made regarding whether or not the letter constitutes a valid petition and City Attorney Shellan advised that if Mr. Sargent is an authorized agent of 2/3 property owners of lands abutting the area as shown on the map which is to be vacated; then it could be valid. Dis- cussion ensued further in which inquiry was made as to whether future use of Logan Street might be anticipated to connect with the North Renton Interchange. City Engineer Wilson advised he could not anticipate or predict future changes which might affect any present decision but that he had not given up hope as to feasibility of such a connection. Hulse inquired as to whether a trade of property might be advisable to allow such a future connection and realignment of facilities. Discussion continued and it was pointed out by the City Attorney that a Hearing would be required upon any valid petition for vacation and after further comments on whether the vacation should be considered during or prior to the hearing, it was moved by Pedersen, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee, Planning Commission and C it Engineer for recommendations and validation investigation of the petition; Carried. A letter from C. S. Williams, Chief of Police, requested authorization for Captain E.E. Henry to attend the Regional Traffic Control Device Workshop in Portland, Oregon on November 29 and 30, 1965. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Dahlquist, to grant the request. The motion carried. A letter signed by W. E. Bennett, Employees' Club Representative, D. C. Bennett, Engineering Representative and A. J. Hubner, Police Representa- tive, requested approval for payroll deductions of Northern Life Insurance Company premiums. The . .Employee Consultation Service, is a voluntary program and premiums would be paid by the employee if addi- tional insurance is purchased. The employees have designated a desire to take advantage of the program and if payroll deductions are approved warrant would subsequently have to be issued to the Insurance Company by the City Clerk's office, upon deduction of the premiums. Moved by Poll, seconded by Bruce, that the request be granted. The motion carried. This was not to be an exclusive arrangement but is a� completely voluntary service requested by the employees. A letter from Mayor Custer reported that the Council had allowed a $500 item under Civil Service 1966 Budget for "physical examinations" and in preliminary budget discussion of September 21, the Council had determined that the $500 was to provide examinations for the Police Department and that the cost of physical examinations for Firemen was to be paid for by the Firemen' s Pension Fund, evidently intended that the Firemen' s Pension Fund Board make this money available to the budget. The Pension Board discussed the matter and requested a legal opinion. The City Attorney on November 10, 1965 replied concluding "that it may be of doubtful legal practice to spend funds of the Pension Fund for annual examinations when they are not related whatever to any injury or dis- ability sustained by the Firemen. Mayor Custer inquired whether the Council desires to provide additional $500 to cover Firemen' s exams or to forego all physical examinations required by the Civil Service Rules and use the $500.00 now budgeted for other purposes. Decision of the Council was requested in order that administration course of . action might be commenced without discriminatory inference. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to refer the..matter to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. -4- 4 ,-7 November 16, 1965 The Boeing Company P. 0. Box 707 — Renton, Washington`� , Attn: Mr. C. S. Sargent, Manager Facilities Engineering Re: Vacation of Logan Street North Gentlemen: '1 The Renton City Council, at its regular meeting of November 15, 1965 has referred your request for the above-captioned to the Street and Alley Committee, the Planning Commission and the City Engineer for recommendation. I We shall advise when further action has been taken. . Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON Helmie W. Nelson, j City Clerk HWN/dm Renton City Council Meeting 11-15-65 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont. ) (W. E. Bennett letter re Equip. Rental) requested to discuss the problems. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Bruce, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. A letter was read from Mr. C. S. Sargent, Mgr. , FacilitiesEhgineering, Boeing, petitioning for the Vacation of portion of Logan Street North which lies north of the westerly projection of 8th Avenue. Inquiry was made regarding whether or not the letter constitutes a valid petition and City Attorney Shellan advised that if Mr. Sargent is an authorized agent of 2/3 property owners of lands abutting the area as shown on the map which is to be vacated, then it could be valid. Dis- cussion ensued further in which inquiry was made as to whether future use of Logan Street might be anticipated to connect with the North Renton Interchange. City Engineer Wilson advised he could not anticipate or predict future changes which might affect any present decision but thap he had not given up hope as to feasibility of such a connection. Hulse inquired as to whether a trade of property might be advisable to allow such a future connection and realignment of facilities. Discussion continued and it was pointed out by the City Attorney that a Hearing would be required upon any valid petition for vacation and after further comments on whether the vacation should be considered during or prior to the hearing, it was moved by Pedersen, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee, Planning Commission and Cit Engineer for recommendations and validation investigation of the petition, Carried. A letter from C. S. Williams, Chief of Police, requested authorization for Captain E.E. Henry to attend the Regional Traffic Control Device Workshop in Portland, Oregon on November 29 and 30, 1965. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Dahlquist, to grant the request. The motion carried. A letter signed by W. E. Bennett, Employees' Club Representative, D. C. Bennett, Engineering Representative and A. J. Hubner, Police Representa- tive, requested approval for payroll deductions of Northern Life Insurance Company premiums. The Employee Consultation Service, is a voluntary program and premiums would be paid by the employee if addi- tional insurance is purchased. The employees have designated a desire to take advantage of the program and if payroll deductions are approved warrant would subsequently have to be issued to the Insurance Company by the City Clerk' s office, upon deduction of the premiums. Moved by Poll, seconded by Bruce, that the request be granted. The motion carried. This was not to be an exclusive arrangement but is a completely voluntary service requested by the employees. A letter from Mayor Custer reported that the Council had allowed a $500 item under Civil Service 1966 Budget for "physical examinations" and in preliminary budget discussion of September 21, the Council had determined that the $500 was to provide examinations for the Police Department and that the cost of physical examinations for Firemen was to be paid for by the Firemen' s Pension Fund, evidently intended that the Firemen' s Pension Fund Board make this money available to the budget. The Pension Board discussed the matter and requested a legal opinion. The City Attorney on November 10, 1965 replied concluding "that it may be of doubtful legal practice to spend funds of the Pension Fund for annual examinations when they are not related whatever to any injury or dis- ability sustained by the Firemen. Mayor Custer inquired whether the Council desires to provide additional $500 to cover Firemen' s exams or to forego all physical examinations required by the Civil Service Rules and use the $500.00 now budgeted for other purposes. Decision of the Council was requested in order that administration course of action might be commenced without discriminatory inference. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. -4- ///r/Cs� THE Co COMPANY COMMERCIAL AIRPLANE DIVISION • P. O. BOX 707 • RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 November 9, 1965 IN REPLY REFER TO 6-6131-372 City of Renton City Hall Renton, Washington Attention: Jack Wilson City Engineer Subject: Vacation of Logan Street North Gentlemen: The Boeing Company hereby requests that the City of Renton initiate as soon as possible proceedings for the vacation of all that portion of Logan Street north lying north of the westerly projection of the north boundary of vacated 8th Ave. The Boeing Company is the owner of all the property abutting on each side of that portion of Logan Street proposed to be vacated. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. , a Washington corporation, owns property at the northerly end of Logan Street and Boeing will obtain such consent or other documents from Puget that you may require. The Boeing Company has an urgent need for portions of the street for the construc- tion and improvement of its plant facilities and we would appreciate your coopera- tion in expediting vacation and furnishing us with any necessary additional forms for the purpose of such vacation. Very truly yours, THE BOEING COMPANY Commercial Airpla a Division C. S. Sargent, Mfin ger �'r Facilities Engineering • Attn: City of Renton Page 2 6-6131-371 Accordingly, pending your receipt of our vacation petition you are respectfully requested to grant the requested permit in order that we may proceed with design and construction for the new two story office building. Very truly yours, THE BOEING COMPANY Commercial Airplay a Division �—C. S. Sargent,. Mager Facilities Engineering • ,...:. ,'•' : 'i LEQ A. DALY _ "COMPANY ;, SuB1ECT 'lile: — - 1"4. PROTECT' ARCHITECTS-ENGINEERS:,—._�r` OMAHA, NEBR. __.7M... e. -_ L . ST. LOUIS,MO. ( SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. COMPUTED. . C. . - CHECKED" .-.-. ..-. -DATE `.1..-.LB S:So -PAGE . ` ... OF`'2 .: PAGES • ' - . , 1. ♦. • ,I (�/1�I�!/�, f _ _ .-4 .i . i' � 3.. 'PT. OF --SWITCH," _ 1 — „ E i -ti'., I�I • 3 o SEE�N . ...., ►'. _ :. ' ' V 1 ' . i , �• lo'-wloE E- EmE .IT.._ ,,. , 1� 1• Ia ^".:2s.Q'D_ 'FO.Q:� L EC'.:.....:. =; -. . cou outs ,:; C OSNS:.'-� • I E-,iSTI-I!G aN " - - �o�!A. !Yi_ce4 ia -fiee!!a uitI Q.. 3 '. N ,,., . ar } S STA41Gt.1' d . . •; �! ;,;' °. • • - lt,';... : ...:: :,-,,''.. ' ..'• ., . :::..: rl ... .?d. �~ Q 111 •r1 ` # ,. ' '.lid .�_LY, ,.,•';J"�: - - - �v _•4_ 1 i , 1 .yi,I ,F i -/� .. .lce - 1 lV, 1 I . • ,, . " TM —A - _ --- THE �o✓` ��OLJC1 C� r COMPANY COMMERCIAL AIRPLANE DIVISION P. O. BOX 707 ° RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 ✓YY( Lk- et./ Jon,e,xy‘ 44LAV November 8, 1965 cIN REPLY REFER TO 6-6131-371 City of Renton City Hall Renton, Washington Attention: Streets and Alleys Committee Subject: Office Building Addition North End Logan Street Gentlemen: By our letter reference 6-6131-363 of November. 1 , 1965 you were requested to grant an easement for approximately 15,530 sq. ft., or the north 300 lineal feet of Logan Street to accommodate our proposed new building which extends some 22' into Logan Street and to provide for drainage, utilities, security and require- ments for other planned construction in the area. Please accept this as an amend- ment whereby you are respectfully requested to grant a permit in lieu of an ease- ment pending preparation of our application to vacate Logan Street north of 8th Avenue North. Since time is of the essence of our need for possession, an easement was requested rather than vacation. Vacation if granted would it is understood require approxi- mately 40 days to process whereas an easement or permit could be processed in a week or two. Since Boeing owns all the property abutting Logan Street north of 8th Avenue North and Boeing has agreed to grant other access from the dead end of Logan Street to Puget Sound Power & Light Co. property served by the vacated northerly portion of Logan Street we see no reason why the permit and the proposed request for vacation would not be granted. Cil 6e) THE / 0I/ Y/' L7Z7 COMPANY /J/45 COMMERCIAL AIRPLANE DIVISION ^ P. 0. BOX 707 • RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 November 1 , 1965 IN REPLY REFER TO 6-6131-363 City of Renton City Hall Renton, Washington Attention: Streets and Alleys Committee Subject: Office Building Addition North End Logan Street J ill Gentlemen: 41/10..,) J�A �'V Boeing drawing No. 7062-44 dated October 13, 1965 is enclosed in triplicate showing a proposed office building addition to our existing building 4-04. The southeast corner of the proposed building extends into Logan Street about 22'. The building is designed for 54,000 sq. ft. of office space on each of two floors and is urgently required to support our accelerated production schedules. Boeing recently acquired the PSP&L Co,. property north of Logan Street N. thus Boeing owns all the property adjacent to Logan Street, north of 8th Avenue N. Prior property rights may exist upon, over and under Logan Street in the vicinity of the proposed building. In order to provide for utilities, security, and other requirements for the building you are respectfully requested to grant an easement as shown on the enclosed. The legal description of the requested easement is also shown on the drawing. Expeditious action upon this application would be most sincerely appreciated. Very truly yours, THE BOEING COMPANY Commercial Airpl ne Division f C. Sargent,Manager Facilities Engineering i . my ,, , t'i { , _ ;fie;` ' ' ,�� <' T-,_,•f . . ;: ,. , , r., ..' ~pO1i.1Tlca(^ ..__I t° { r ; ,N - :f' ,;• e • 41'l.' (' gam1 . - .. -, •• .I .._ _ _�_` `�„'` :'.: ': `, N' , sue. '1r-> _ _ ...:...t.:r_...•- - _ . It vt •:e' 0..1Ab%� n: <. f,r` ,a ,Y;.A-, ,�'.41 r,fr'-' i.'- -• • ip" . FI, I :.t_ "� • .' k• ''. '•6.1 -„?'d. -r iL; 70 -�-`3c71*;4 j`�;T. • $Z7a W i �'. r' Q: rr nl. 3 i„4 L. • I� t 1` �3; arir��py Yti:.. a '.,,r5•. ,0 •', • •f- 4 . • ',Cr? ,may ." '' '' •'' •› . �` 1 c < - ' •d_' :,�i.=` ;a..-tti- '',%'', 3jyfv'e''• ! f a-r. • 'f' • .-- - - .-e?S �0'`.f'* . !". _ i. '(�'"• F , ti�..•'� �' I -0' gI3�,'� • -• ;�.<'r` .,r;: ,, :�' -Q it f � �y ��( y,..�; '`'"- • • i1/{( :°. ' r A e N,y j' I ,/ ,, \y 1.N• ti- r'M. - •. - r /�j� a�p�1��7'' IIYY � .t.-/ .o �,.r ,, ,, r �' Ir , ��.+5/.. I ,{� dw+, 0..�.4Jj4,��'.1 "o ��.y`L�. h , �' d• '� .. 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I... ._ ..__ I ----, . i ..- . ..._ t„0 • ------------ ---------------- ___ ._____ __ .._ _____ ----------- ------------------ "EXHIBIT A" 1. ,LGAL DESCRIPTION -• I-- - A triangular tract of land lying wiiiin the right-of-way of Logn:i Sr' . t _ _ ! North (formerly Williams Street North) and situated in a portion o!' Covcriiment 1 ,ot 1 , Section 7, Township 23 North, Range Last, \N . M. . Kling County. Washington, descriteo as follows: , - Commencing at the'quarter corner common to Section 7 and 6, OH Township 23 North, Rli-tge F2 East: thence North 6(.-i'33'42' vN'est along die cast and west crater] inc of slid Section 7, z.. distance of 14: . feet to the west margin (-.)-i saki Logan Street North; thence Norisii On, — 1 `r," •_ List along the west margin or said Logan Street North 700. (.•:5 ibei. to . the True Point of Beginning: thence continuing North 0°2611 ?;. East along qid, west margin ,:5. 1 I feet; thence South 14'35'27" Last h2. 20 feet; . . thence South 75'24'32" West 22. 07 feet, more or less, to the [rue" Point of Beginning. Containing '--)07. C, .. square feet, more or less. -- , . .....• . \ ; '\ . \ (1.-,'LkirtLi2.. '':: E"':--. S_ 7 I-L.4) La ,E W. ;\1. ., ."' . f• , . . , I i C3- . • .. . , , . SYMBOL_ R E V 1 5 I n N BY APPROV?D nA _,___. . .. _. .. • ' '.". L'1 ,- r ':)''. . '. 'l'.— ' 0`, ',... L.L.-),'''.L. I rIL.V./ Hf"V''''' HO' .,,,,S' Apt Itc.lro -. - - ; ,.,•1-, . 1 , . • , f A-'-,...v.4 a, 1 : , - -, •s•_ -- ! . 'iet.9 .kt• .... . . . . . .. _ . __..... , 1 ! , -- - - - - _ . • , i - — _ ,. 1 , . . , e., . „ , , • - . • - ---4 - - - • • T"EXHIBIT A" -- i LEGAL DESCRIPTION A triangular tract of land lying within the right-of-way of Logan Stre.:t North (formerly Williams Street North) and situated in a portion of Government Lot 1, Section 7, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W. M. , King County, Washington,. described as follows: Commencing at the quarter corner common to Section 7 and 8, in said Township 23 North, Range 5 East; thence North 89°33'42" West 'along the east and west centerline of said Section 7, a distance of 14,1.. feet to the west margin of said Logan Street North; thence North 0°%. _:' 18" ,East along the west margin of said Logan Street North 700. 65 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence continuing North 0°26' 13' East along . • ;said west margin 35. 11 feet; thence South14°35'27" East 82. 20 feet;. ;thence South 75°24'33" West 22.07 feet, more or less, to:the True Point of Beginning. • Containing 90.7. 03 square feet, more or less. ! \ • CE►.ITF..2 SEC, a .T 23 N , 2 5 a. SYMBOL REV I S I O N BY APPROVED DATE ,ti, ,I Co( 2 LT DC J P Q i - - - - - -