HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAC - 106th Av SE BEGINNING OF FILE JimefFILE TITLE Planning iComMis'Sion 'M<inutes 3/23/66 1 �. Page 9 3 , VARIANCES : CONTINUED: • ( 1) Continued : Moved by Denzer, seconded by Cordell , ' that the Variance be recommended to the City Council for approval. Motion carried. • Mr. Teegarden abstained from voting on this matter. 4. STREET VACATION: a portion of ( 1) Proposed Street Vacation of/106th Avenue SE , continued from March 9th meeting. Mr. Ericksen stated that discussons have been. held• with- va ,io.us property owners in the area of the proposed street vacation, re- garding the matter of access points . He felt that the number of intersections should be held to a minimum number necessary. i Lyman Houk , representing the City Engineer, stated. that the City Engineer' s recommendation if the street is vacated is that' a 20 ' easement be retained for utilities and walkway. The Commission members expressed concern for providing public access for students walking to Fred Nelson Junior High School , and it was felt that if the street is vacated that an alternate Means of public access should-be provided for future needs . ACTION: Moved by Stredicke , seconded by Denzer, that the ,Planning Director make a recommendation to the City Council after a Meeting is held to work out an agreement with the petitioners regarding an alternate access . Motion carried. 5 , ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS : ( 1) Announcement of the Building Codes and Fire Zones Seminar, to be held on Thursday, March 24 . ( 2) Announcement of Special Meeting of the Commission and Council members with' Transamerica Development Co , Wednesday Apr. 6 , 1 : 30 P.M. City Hall to discuss proposed development plans , James Denzer, Secretary Dayle Garrison, Chairman • • I Renton Planning Commission 3/9/66, Page 3 4e NEW, APPLICATIONS FOR HEARING MARCH 23 , 1966 : Continued; • REZONES : . ( 5) John Golithko , Appl. No. R-302-66 , from R-2 to R-3 , property located at 2807-2808 7th Ave. N. • ( 6.)' King County Public os2i.tal Dist, #1, Ap2.lo No. R-303-66 , from GS-1 to R-4 , property on E Sto between 4th and 5th Avenue N. ( 7) Lyman Riley, Appl. No. R-304-66 , from SR-1 to R-3 , property Ion . Sunset Blvd. E. between M St. and 0 St. ( 8) Jack McFadden, Appl. No. R--305-66 , .from G-9600 to R-3 , properly located on Springbroodk Rd. at approximately South 170th St. ( 9 ) , Bruce Buck, Applo No. R-306-66 , from R-I to R-4 , property on 116th Avenue SE between Sunset Boul o E. and 12th Ave. N o ( 10) John Racanello, Appl. No. R--307- 66 , from R-2 to R-3 , property , on L Street and llth Pl. • VARIANCES: (1) j Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Co. , Appl. No. V-296-66 , request for variance on parking regUirenento -- -- c5/' PROPOSED STREET VACATION of a portion of 106th 'Avenue SE , right .of .,, ' way located south of Puget Drive extending to School property, Ben- son Hill area. This matter was continued from the Feb. 23 meeting. A letter was read from Renton School District stating thattthe proposed vacation would not be in the best interest of the Renton School District. • Mro !HEricksen pointed out the area on the map. He felt that the street should not be vacated at this time until it is determined • what the future street, nee.ds would be as the. surrounding area 'devel- ops The Commission,members were in general agreement and the fol- ' lowing action' was taken: . ACTION: Moved by Stredicke , seconded by Denzer, that we recommend. to the City Council that the hearing be continued on the proposed vacation, in order to give more time for study relative to planning for future: developments . Motion carried. . 60_ . ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS : (1) The Commission discussed .the matter of proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plano 1 ( 2) Mr. Ericksen suggested that a policy should be established concerning zoning applications which are not in agreement with the Comprehensive Plano J ( 3) Copies of the Building Regulations were given to the members . It was moved by Stredicke , seconded by Busch, to continue the Administrative Matters until. Wednesday, 7 : 30 P.M. Mar. 16 . This • would be a Special Commission of the Whole Meeting. Motion carried. It was noted that the Field Trip Committee would meet on Sato AOM at 8 : 30 at Park Avenue Cafe. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 10 : 20 PoMo James Denzer, Secretary , DayTay1 le Garrison, Chairman le . Renton Planning Commission 3/9/66 Page 3 4e NEW APPLICATIONS FOR HEARING MARCH 23 , 1966 : Continued; REZONES : ( 5) John Golithko , Applo No. R-302-66 , from R-2 to R-3 , property located at 2807-2808 1thAve. N. ( 6 ) King County Public Hospital Dist, #1, Applo No. R-303-66 , from GS-1 to R-4 , property on E St. between 4th and 5th Avenue N. ( 7) Lyman Riley, Applo No. R-304-66 , from SR-1 to R-3 , property nn Sunset Blvd. E. between M St. and 0 St. ( 8) Jack McFadden, Applo No. R-305-66 , from G-9600 to R-3 , propetly located on Springbroodk Rd. at approximately South 170th St . ( 9 ) Bruce Buck , Applo No. R-306-66 , from R-1 to R-4 , property on 116th Avenue SE between Sunset Boulo E. and 12th Ave. No ( 10) John Racanello , Apple No. R-307-66 , from R-2 to R-3 , property on L Street and llth Pl. VARIANCES : (1) Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Co. , Applo No. V-296-66 , request for variance on parking requirement. 5 . PROPOSED STREET VACATION of a portion of 106th Avenue SE , right of ;. . Lway located south of Puget Drive extending to School property, Ben- son. Hill area. This matter was continued from the Feb., 23 meeting. A letter was read from Renton School District stati g_:thattihhe proposed vacation would not be in the best interest of the Renton School District. Mr. Ericksen pointed out the area on the maps He felt that the . ' street should not be vacated at this time until it is determined what the future street. needs would be as the_ surrounding area devel- ops . The Commission. .members were in general agreement and the fol- lowing action was taken: ACTION : Moved by Stredicke , seconded by Denzer, that we recommend to the City Council that the hearing be continued on the proposed vacation, in order to give more time for study relative to planning for future. developments . Motion carried. 6e. :.ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS : (1) The Commission discussed the matter of proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plano ( 2) Mr. Ericksen suggested that a policy should be established concerning zoning applications which are not in agreement with the Comprehensive Plano ( 3) Copies of the Building Regulations were given to the members . It was moved by Stredicke , seconded by Busch , to continue the Administrative Matters until Wednesday , 7 : 30 P.M- Mar. 16 . This would be a Special Commission of the Whole Meeting. Motion carried. It was noted that the Field Trip Committee would meet on Sate A.M. at 8 : 30 at Park Avenue Cafe. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 10 : 20 P.M. • James Denzer, Secretary Dayle Garrison, Chairman Planning Commission 2/23/66 Page 7 3 . VARIANCES : CONTINUED : (4) Continued: the residence could be consider.ed as part of the required 10 ' sideyard for the apartments . The Commission members felt that the residence could be sold and the new owners would. object to this . Relative to the suggestion that the pi,operty line might be changed to give the 5' additional sideyard to the apartment site , it sotedbat thetzoning. was R-19 single family residential. Suggestion was made that a variance be given on the ,nopth 0'.de of the property. Moved by Teegarden, seconded by Racanello , that the hear- ing be continued. On the motion, Mr. Ericksen asked that 'the City Engineer give 'his opinion on this matter. Mr. Wilson stated that he did not know at this time what the arterial requirements for possible widening of 12th Avenue might be , but he did not feel that any variance should be given for the north side of the subject property. Mr. Teegarden, with consent of second withdrew his motion to continuetthe hearing. ACTION: Moved by Stredicke , seconded by Teegarden, that the hear:4- ing be closed. Motion carried. Moved by Stredicke , seconded by Teegarden , that the Var- . lance be denied. Motion carri,ed. 4 . STREET VACATIONS :. (1) Proposed Street Vacation of Portion of 106th Avenue SE, right of way located south of Puget Drive extending to School property, Benson Hill area. Mr. Ericksen pointed out the area in question. He stated that this is the only access from the north, and as the area develops the access would be needed for children walking to school. He felt that it is questionable at this time to vacate the street. Mr. Wilson, City Engineer, stated that in so far as the over- all street program it might not be too important to retain the street , however, easemen should be retained for pedes- trian walkway and for utilities if 'the street is vacated. ACTION: Moved by Teegarden, seconded by Stredicke , that action on this matter be continued to the March 9 meeting. Motion carried. 2 Proposed Street Vacation of South 130th Street from '. 87th Avenue Souln to88tn Avenue =Th. Mr. Ericksen and Mr. Wilson stated 'that 'they had no ob- jection to this vacation provided that easement be retained for utilities . • Planning Commission 2-23-66 Page 8 4, STREET VACATIONS : CONTINUED : ( 2) Continued : ACTION: Moved by Denzer, seconded by Teegarden, that we recom- mend to the City Council the -vact.tzonc-of the proposed. por- tion of the street.: Motion carried. 5. ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS : (1) It was noted that copies of the present1 Subdivision Ordin- ance were distributed to the members . ( 2) Mr. Stredicke asked relative to the number of delegates to be sent to the PO meeting in Richland. It was suggested that up to 4 members be allowed to attend. Mr. Denzer and Mr. Busch expressed intention of attending the meeting. ( 3) A letter was read from Mayor,'Custer relative to the forma- tion of a Board of Adjustments , ,_;provided` for, in Chapter 4. 758 of the Proposed Zoning Ordinance for the City. The Commission' s recommendation regarding this matter was re- quested. After discussion by the members and Mr. Ericksen the follow- ing action was taken : . ACTION: Moved by Busch, seconded by Teegarden that the Commis- sion concurs with the proposal to adopt Chapter -4 7`58-'fie=''(. lative to Variances , Conditional Use Permits and Appeals from Administrative Decisions . Motion carried. There being no further business , the meeting adjourned at 11 : 50 P.M. es Denzer, Secretary Dayle Garrison , Chairman CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY C OUNCI L ITY HALL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A PETITION TO VACATE PORTION OF 1O6TH AVENUE SOUTHEAST TO WIT: All that portion of 1O6th Avenue Southeast in the Southwest % of Section 20 , Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. lying Southerly of Puget Drive HAS BEEN FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF RENTON. THE CITY COUNCIL BY RESOLUTION NO. 1420 DULY ADOPTED AT ITS REGULAR MEETING OF February 20 , 1967 FIXED AND DETERMINED THE 13th DAY. OF March, 1967 AT THE HOUR OF 8:00 P.M., DI THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF RENTON, AS THE DATE AND PLACE AT WHICH SAID PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE CITY COUNCIL UPON THE PETITION TO VACATE SAID PORTION OF 1O6TH AVENUE SOUTHEAST. ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED THEREIN OR WISHING TO OBJECT '.rliJRETO, MAY THEN BE HEARD THEREON OR MAY FILE THEIR WRITTEN OBJECTIONS TO SAID VACATION WITH THE CITY CLERK PRIOR TO SAID TIME OF HEARING. %/-119,-)44:41,07-(J HELMIE W. NELSON CITY CLERK DATE OF PUBLICATION February 22, 1967 CERTIFICATION I, f�-' L_-� �,�,�R�, %G,L,v HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE (3) COPIES OF THE AB0 DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AND ONE (1) COPY POSTED AT THE CITY HALL, RENTON, ON F i=`.i,‘,.-E1 Z 1 0(..71AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. SIGNED: ATTEST:, NCT -PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, RESIDING AT RENTON, WASHINGTON y t ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WA$HINGTON, VACATING A PORTION OF 106th AVENUE SOUTHEAST 'WHEREAS 'a proper petition for vacating a certain portion of the street as hereinafter more particularly described was duly filed with the City Clerk of the City of Rentonion or about February 15: , 1967, and said petition being signed by the owners of more than two—thirds of the property abutting upon such portion of street sought tp. be vacated, and WHEREAS the City, by Resolution No. 1420, and after due investigation did fix, and determine the 13th day of March, 1967, at the hour of 8:00 P.M. in the City Council Chambers of the City of Renton, to be the time and place for public hearing thereon, and directed the Clerk to give notice of said hearing in the manner provided by law; and such notice having been duly given and published and all persons having been heard; appearing in favor of or in opposition thereto; and WHEREAS the Planning Commission having duly considered said petition, and said: vacation is hereinafter more particularly described being found to be in the public interest and for the public benefit and no injury or damage to any person or ptoperties will result therefrom, NOW THEREFORE !BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: The following described portion of street, to—wit: All that portion of 106th Avenue Southeast in the Southwest a of Section 20, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. lying Southerly of Puget Drive , BE AND THE, SAME IS HEREBY VACATED. SECTION II: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and legal publication, as provided by law. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this,.27th day of March, 1967. Helmie Nelson, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this,s.-7th day of March, 1967. 1, / /L CGetG / Donald W. Custer, Mayor Approved as to form: Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney Date of Publication:,'.'. 4 ki.l.t. '':-.' ' . ---; 1 \ ‘U,k;c1._L....s. -..- '.... , • , . . ,..... . ,, . : , . ' - Al16: D,e l t0' `. ° solo ' ' • -• _ .. • 21 . :.: -' • + 'ti' L ' s Nr ,a,e®,vOs D 1V4C r/CA) ' t , • -. `r- • .,.:--.-. .• • " ': OF RFC .' ` ;' :: RECEIVED o o : , _ ___ OCT I'71965 ZEAD-_.EA/D:.._.._. r • • D P .� sc,4'ooL:-- ,�, • s��- r cy: / ! / P- •O O E.I...�F. ... +.,�,._►... ...,...„4„.......:.:,_.,..,:„..„,„ . L..w - /�.`s.f _:1... O e., ii v .. . • • •:. "I • _.' - r7 - - f ? • ,- r.- .. 'ram' 3i ,y, tf i { March 14, 1966 Honorable Donald Custer, Mayor. Members of the.City Council Res Petition to Vacate a Portion of 106th Avenue S.E. Gentlemen: It is very doubtfuJJ. that this right-of way would ever be developed as a street, but there is a possibility that various utilities such as water, gas, storm or sanitary sewers might be installed within the right-of-.way. in question. Therefore, if, the street is to be vacated; it is the recommendation that a 20 foot utility easement be retained. Very truly yours, Jack Wilson City Engineer Nsmc V \ ,N. 14 Ili ,v, \ ,St\ PL/6: 7 Dal t/ KO -4 ) \ 17- ` %A....„ \ . < \ --- --- -- ...- kfrbt. --__. ti)IF. IcEOP'CI-54) )/4 2 4'4 r/c/L) li , \.-. ;Iim kr-i ,-'1.1.4 *'-4.,., ,..„..,., 5A 0 E i i D tr. 5 c,4 aa Z.,. ,4",e 0,0 --2.7:::I y. • ST E E.G,T \/4.0 4.7 - 0\°\,,A _ I 0 Ce) Iii 4.-\1E v \ c. t 1.... k"T•t' " .) Ge-7 ,.. i y'rt�kl' '€ i`.t; A41,3 A� . ...°1r" a.xTa' 6u urtrtd rs'41•11& A tr::T^„ .tr.:i'J�cl • 1 R Ii t x �y ♦ rf ,o; H.x r .T r a ...r`,� L`� ♦^)• A r'1" A' ?t f r.)T' T iMps r. 'Ir•` c:'""t^ 4:7, ia.._ i2Inc l -al !isv:::ac •i: .p..-4'1'3p d, +3' 1Lc t , Irl,,:i cvd:u.LI:i 4t1.1.4 pupTA *id Aim:.„ ,:Y:,�L: 17.z •..4,ria.:tt.1..a. t`7. rtz:i On; Y`f►t 47 Zt ? . 1011 t.v•? t.to noD .41. o Yl. pt w xch ,�y. , a2.. 14741oT w ul - . ,�!'�'-�!• 11,11$ PiP1 t1074' Od sTq . •tx,44? '1! i.(' t...44 far'c par.11 ,a,i.% . - : trc1 �r •'r ^�xi �. ' -�� s�A7b 'm ::k":: * +argpics'It .. —oAogi r '# iO Uzo*411**A po.sodomi tail, p it ri at r 4 f r ' "11 t,; ,gyp s `:'0 fArT�,P9*4 54'T l.! Ytf3Tilw1t. ��;D ZuTucx�r't, ' . .. t TTzt111 r 4' ' : "-t ;ci a;x'%y,�y�il ,jy : A6i '4't 4+0.w.,1 t Renton Planning Commission Meeting March 8, 1967 Minutes Page 4 4. New Business: (h) Continued The Planning Director indicated the property on the zoning map and stated the Comprehensive Plan shows light industrial use for this area. It was decided to inspect the property at the next field trip. 5. Vacation of S.E. 106th Avenue: The Planning Director stated that, the vacation of S .E. 106th Avenue is before the City Council again with the following changes : 1. Benson Properties will provide an 8 ® wide blacktop sidewalk for the use of the junior high school children. 2. Benson Properties will grant an easement to the school district for the use of the sidewalk as well as the present right-of-way for school busses to travel from Puget Drive to the north property line of the school. 3. The sidewalk and the easement use will be granted until such time as the City of Renton extends and improves S.E. 162nd Street to Puget Drive, when these provisions will be revoked. 4. Benson Properties agrees to a reasonable participation in the cost of providing a future city street to connect to Puget Drive. Action: It was moved by Denzer, seconded by Stredicke, that the Planning Com- mission reaffirm to the City Council their previously-stated position on the proposed vacation of S.E. 106th Avenue. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Memo to Planning Commission from Stan Stone re: Suggested Change in Procedure, Planning Commission Hearings: The Chairman read the memo from Planning Commission member Stone sug- gesting that when the Planning Commission and the Planning Department recommend approval that opponents to the application be heard; and that when the Planning Commission and the Planning Department recom- mend denial that first the Commission hear from applicant, then from opponents. Stone stated that this was the procedure followed by King County and it tended to reduce rebuttals and thereby shorten hearing time by lessening repetitious speeches. Some discussion of this proposal followed with nothing definite being decided° 7. Amendments to Zoning Ordinance: Letter from City Attorney: Chairman read copy of a letter from City Attorney to City Clerk re- garding amendments to the Zoning Ordinance. Stredicke asked where we were on trailer parks and BM zoning. The Planning Director replied that the matter of BM zoning was referred to the Planning Committee of the City Council which had just passed a motion to refer it to the I-I � Goy t L Uwe6/)/ 1614/e tfY/ 4v1 AdO3 RESOLUTION NO. 1420 . t/ -WHEREAS a petition has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Renton on or about February , 1967, petitioning for the vacation of a certain street, as hereinafter more particularly described, and said petition having been signed by the owners of more than two-thirds of the property abutting upon said street sought te- be vacated, same being described as follows to-wit: All that portion of 100h A enue Southeast in the Southwest * of Section 20, Township 2 th, Range 5 East, W. M. lying Southerly of Puget Drive NCW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON AS FOLLOWS: , SECTION I: That the 13th day of March, 1967 at the hour of 8:00 P.M. at the City ;Council Chambers in the City Hall of Renten, Washington, be and is hereby fixed as 'the time and place when the aforesaid petition for vacating the aforesaid street shall be heard and determined. SECTION II: The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to give notice of said time and hearing as provided bylaw; and any and all persons interested therein or objecting to said vacation may then appear and be heard. thereon, or they may file ;their written objections thereto with the City Clerk prior to ::r at the. time of the hearing on said vacation. SECTION III: The City of Renten reserves the right to retain an easement for utility and other public purposes within said right•of-•way sought to be vacated. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 20th day of February, 1967. Helm a Reliant City: Clerk, : - APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 20th day of F nary, 19674 • - J boiiald W; Custer, Mayor,- Approved as to form: . Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney OF RECCIVEo /\(--A FEB2a 1967 -• -- - •• -,•:•••: .,•.,,,,-y.,•••.•,::;' ,0,...':„•-.-':2;;:.-,,',"'-': . .. ....;..,,,...[,,,,t• .,.:,...:',-,;:.:..‘„,"2„.,-;• ".1..,,M:::: :'•":',.:.';7'.;','-;f:';';:`,'-:"::1:::'t-;'.';'.'-'77.:'''' '''' '':'''-''';'-:••••.'-''''‘'.i.,:r-1 .-.•:" :1-.•,:'..;.':`,;.';'".'::':'-''''. .;.\''F ':A'''' --- .•,'•-;..xi.:!::.Y;,'.:':-.:::;,...7,,?;,..fi.7‘;7;.":•'!:--:'.'-',C.,;.' :';'''! '":,,-,4-7:•;-'. •34•:.',"=''.::;•''''.''''':.,',"--.k.:".. .7:::". .,!•:':..-.!- .'",:.;'', :''-"-.,-.;':i'''--•":-.:.•.'."."-•'•:.:..',-":",:,'.--.''fr'''..' ••:- ' ( ••;' 'j.i.:. ' ' •: -,.,-.-.''•' :.:--..•-.! 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Gentlemen: This will request that the City of Renton approve the vacation of 106th , . , Avenue from the north boundary of the Fred Nelsen Junior High School to , Puget Drive, Benson Properties has agreed to provide temporary use of their existing roadway to the Junior High School pupils and has further agreed to part- icipate in the future improvement of a new street proposed along the .a Bonneville Power Line Right-of-Way. Enclosed please find a copy of Benson Properties proposal to the City of Renton and a letter of acknowledgment from Mr. Rudolph Seppi, Director of = Plant Facilities for Renton School District No, 403, It is our understanding; that the proposed vacation is approved by the City of Renton Engineering p..., Department and the City of Penton Planning Department, 4. , Thank you for your consideration in this matter. /:, 'Benson Properties i 1 3 By' Alfred Ho Croonquist 9 .I.A. Architect N6V et AHC Ln 1\`i 'ke-c ,,, �, "cc: Mr. Rudolph Seppi ;// ` 6,/ ,,c7 ..2 6 ij .Mr. Gordon Erickson Mr, Jack Wilson - -, Mr. Rudy Simone love bca 23, 1966 :3v,n2tom L-, .O01 DletY'1ct No. 1403 1525 ® 4th i or th .R(: , g n on, 'clash!.n on Attention a ?':r0 F.udoiph Cepp.. VryCT y n'G° �^6T:- nVE7..��-+ C llil_.Ji17 Oti fir. 1.�L)1 d:if x�i:J; .io...o On Novmber 21z;t Mr. Jack Wileon, City Engineer, r.r o Cordon Erickson„ i City P:x.ar.ner, Mr. Bill iiel:wary o„ represeatinr your office, Xr. Rudy Sinonofl and I mat eo:lccrninc the interests of the City of Renton and the Renton School District with regard to the vacation of 106th Avenue J 0 u 0 The City of �' yip i :ed out that L`�11C rC' :.`P: a planned n d extension u�0 of 7'i:'snton has S .v D.62 u St reet L'lonc thu Bof:'?cvI lle r i K,:t-o:-way to Puget Til�'`33 in a o eat i� s c re�'d that .5 `1bt111`f; �'�� tt'� S:1YF, ;.:L }Q3�': 2f_t�:G`d�:�2 dr.-,. , , 1 t f ' t City of Renton and the School �i. \7:?'�_.e� butter serve the interests O. ,.l.�. to :ask the Owners of i;ensen Properties to participate in the • District i costs of the Propor,ec? eztonuioe of S020 -)?nd :Arcot rrLther t rn to prop viuo an inproved street to t1-.e east of 1C6th as previously proposed. , It vau renarto ly agreed that the followPin?, proposal would bo acceptable to all parties subject to your review and acceptance. 10 The Owners of Benson Properties will provide an 8' wide blacktop sidewalk for the school children as indicated on the attached drawings dated 1.1oventer 3rd and revised . Zfove=ber 25tho ry Benson Properties will ;ant tu: ers,so�M::nt to School District 1 a 11 h u::, Q --.8 - ;� tit) f(�;,'' :;i:i; '�tS4 GF �.ii�.7 :,iaa�4.�`.,...... ..:t'i E tir C:C3 the hs. present right--USA •.y by the,: school "ut%sot;%: to tT'as,t00 e o ,066"1 � froi r�tlro\ Drive to the nor thLhc hoot property lii1)a;,.;. �� �� .. �� .�4 key ., ? : ,?,,,. ca l .., , 4 .. ' ' . . . . . ... . . . . , . i . , . . ,. . . , . . . . .. . . . , . „ . • . . , . .. . . . , .. . . . .,:- .-• ....'‘ - '.'-'1,.. ruclolpl.: .."-:,op::,).1. ., . ... • ..-ove:::::,er 260 .1..Y.)-r1; .. . • , •--.. -.„ - , .;... . .K..t.c...,,o 2 ., .. , . . ' . 1 - -. • . • ' • • . j0 -LCZ5 neut. 1 and 2 atovel will res.f...n iv. forc,e a,:-..d ,..-.:f:ect . .- . . . , Llitil se..ch t1r...o as the City of 1:chten r.J;,ctoc.to v.,.;:a s.. ..-.— ..,..!roves 162n1 '..':troet in a northvct-urly t:il'eetl.:.'4: , . ... . „..._ . .. ._.. , . „ -, -;.• -,- • • .•-,-, .... - , . . , tO PLI;V.Ot L'rivo• 'i,:hen c......icpciunte 0,3'i(..ik.::wal?.. un.l. 1,1.1.3 are provided to tho 5chool District, the ease::,ont tioned in noa. 1 au:.1 2 vill 1..,o revoL.0:1, • .• . - • oT Renton has aj.reed to prepare an e:-it.•!r:.;.te.k of cot ,-..)f .Lor the futuro aevelopr,ent of 1622 . 1...'cw.:.on Propoltics h...I.:: i.,::....,...,...-.0 reasonr-J.ble pz,rtieipLtion in the costs of thetiC iXT,:C.oltfaic:,LIT.:.; u.s e.. . .1 by% . . ,, .. • -,' the City of lwaton. . . .i . . 'If the foragoinr toots vith your 6encrul approval llonsea ?reperties appreciate n letter of acl..novlo:lk::::.,ant fro:I., you. Final lecni agre=ent will '? -_y. • : ,. ,-,:.,„.,,,., . bo prepared by the nttornoys for the City of Renton .uld. :';onson Properties. i' ', ,•.-: ,., , :. ,•„:,;;. ,. .,. . , . . ... ' '-'. '- ' • - , n% you for your interest and co—operation in thin matter° . . . f . Yourz very trulyv . . • . . . . . . . , . • • - ?. ' . . • ' — ' • , ' • . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . !,Alfred H. Croonquisto A.I.A. . . ., . . • . . . . . . . . .. . . _, -. ' , : •:.,) . . . -', „,,.. '-,-„. ' ..,,., ,. • AdCalp ,' . . .. . • .,,,, , , . . • .,. . . . . , .. , . . . : -,...:',..,. . : .:s,',:h.•••-: .: :•-_, • , ,. -. , . . . • . "H.....,.:',.. cc s• Mr. Jack Wilson° City ealsineer . . , 1.1r. Gordon Erickson, City Planner , . . •• ., . •I• . • ',.• . . . , ',1 ,,, , Mr. Rudy 2imose , . . ... , . . . , • . . . • • . . . . . . . . ., • . . . ,•..:L'Li •: .. • '•,:,..-,.: L. :,.„ '' , . , . . . „ .. , ,. . ,.., , _ , . • , . . . , . . , . •• " • 0-..--z ''''‘41 it'e .. • . z,r,':;.:...,,...,..,:•''.ii'..,, ,,f,,. •,',,' •'.....,:. 1 .. ''' , =,.• . . . . , . , •• i••,' . etV,-- rl :••, • , , • .„.,, f,/ . • , '• '`• ii,.... ,-e../p,, '".,',,', 4 - • . . :';.. . 9V:eV ' "•,',/,;):, -• :•.!...v • ., . . . . . . .,•: • i . „Iklifie ' - ,.:...;..,::I ' . .. ;•., , , . r y•i ;,--,,..4r. , • .' 4•:.: 'Yeff'41-4,,. '''''' ,'-•'1':, • , . % '•,,‘x-,.. ,,,,,?),, - tf:,• 1, : . • • . . . ' 7 •-•,. - ••,67,1,,, 0 -,:. / -. , ,.2.,•• ,•••;ry, '.'''..e -i . . '' '...• ,'r's.", '' ' ':', • . , 'i ...7 • • . . „ . • '.. • • . . • . . : , , , • • • , • . . • .1 . . . RENT Oiv SC1IOO'1,' DISTRICT P. v . 463 1525 - 4:h Avonuc North It: :`TO\, bVr1STL.\GTOIV °ROS$ , December 7, 1966 Mr. Alfred H. Croonquist, A. I. A. ' 700 I B M Building • Seattle, Washington 98101 Re: Vacation of 106th Avenue S . E. Dear Mr. Croonquist: ' The Renton School District is in general agreement with the . content of your letter, dated November 28, 1966, regarding ease- • ', ments and/or street improvements to provide ingress and egress to - pedestrians and busses to Fred Nelsen Junior High School from Puget : . Drive. (Very truly yours, ` P p .„... ,,,,,,, It je.e.. .. . Rudloph H. Seppi • Director of Plant Facilities RHS:j s . -- cc: Mr. William Belmondo Dr,o Earl W. Hobbs ' Mr, Jack Wilson, City Engineer . Mr. Gordon Erickson, City Planner `W194fiiy_ 1o1:G �Nlra; TulPI"'s) KUI 0)( S31v1o0.1 n.��nr leInAAolyly;i •'N f1,INi)V �/.�Ui 0 �J,30 : ALFREDD ' '` II: ''' CROONQUIST A I A g : 9 :H :I`.' T E H :.EN , R Y : � S ' T U . R. . _ ,.U ; I " D : I N G: . ; SEATTLE 1 - - WASHINGTON,,. February 2 1967 • • • City .Council' City of Renton • 1Hentos�, Washington • Qentleamen i . . • • . 'his will request 'that,. the.City of:Renton'approve the vacation of 106th' ` Avenue from the north -boundary or the Fred Maslen Junior, Sigh- School_,to :. „Pu t., Drive.: - Benson Properties has- agreed.to provide teaporary use of their existing - - . roadway to the ,Junior:`Iliph School pupils and -has" further'.agreed to part.. 7 - icipatr in the future issprovesent of a new street, proposed,along,the , " .. ' ,Bonneville Power Line 'Rijht-of-Way. .- - -,.Enclosed please find a copy of Benson Properties .proposal to the City or • - Reston and a letter"of::acknovledgaent from. Mr. R dolph Seppi, .Director of ' . Plant Pacilitiees• for. .iieenton School District No. 403. :111.4e'e rssstauitin - & t_laye..prepeis*veSeii cumistEept ge_46b et/seleatty440. tit s!e i ` ' t tea ite 8ivei4oY- ►Z4iititos P3ltinde De r R ks, - , 'flank you for=your,'consideration in this natter. • ' Properti es. . - _"Sy: Alfred' R. 'LL oomquist, A.I.A. Architect . . cc: . Mr. Etudolph Seppi- _'. /'� : `� �ECF,hr ED. . -O Mr. Gordon. Erickson - ' C� 2 - . - \ I`Sr. .Ihidy SiLone. F F b •o7 GD � E : -,' i'''.-:. - November 23, 1966 Renton School District No. 403 1525 - 4th north Renton, Washington Attention: fir. Rudolph Ceppi VACATION OF 106TH AVENUE S.D. Dear Hr. 3eppi: On Nova'bcr 21st Mr. Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Mr. Cordon Erickson, City Planner, Mr. Bill Rolmondo, representing your office, '.Ir. Rudy Simone, and I mot concerning the interests of the City of Renton and the. Renton School District with regard to the vacation of 106th Avenue S.E. The City of Renton has pointed out that there, is a planned extension of O.E. 162nd Street along the Bonneville right-of-way to Puget Drive in the near future. Due to this proposed improvement it west agreed that it would tatter serve the interests of the City of Renton and the School District to auk this Owners of Benson Properties to participate in the costs of the proposed extension of S.E. 162nd Street rather than to pro- vide an improved street to the east of 106th as previously proposed. It was generally agreed that the following proposal would be acceptable to all parties subject to your review and acceptance. 1. The Owners of Benson Properties will provide en 8' vide blacktop sidewalk for the school children as indicated on the attached drawings dated November 3rd and revised November 25th. 2. Benson Properties vial grant an easement to School District No. 403 for the use of the sidewalk u3 well as the use of the present right-of-way by the school busses to travel from Puget Drive to the north school property line. Yr. Rudolph Seppi • s ovember 28, 1966 ?aee 2 3. Items nou. 1 and 2 above will remain in force and effect until such time as the City of Roston extends and ::�-- ;proves 8.i;. 162nd Street in a northwesterly direction to Puget Drive. When adequate sidewalk and bus access are provided to the School District, the easement men- tioned in nos. 1 and 2 vill be revoked. The City or Renton has agreed to prepare an estimate of cost of improvers cats for the future development or 162nd. Benson Properties has agreed to a reasonable participation in the costs of these improvements ments use determined by the City of 'Renton. If the foregoing; meets with your general approval Benson Properties would appreciate a letter of acknovlod ,:ent from you. Final legal agreement will be prepared by the attorneys for the City of Renton and iennon Properties. ;"sank you for your interest and co-operation in thin matter. Yours vary truly, • Alfred ii. Croon.uist, A.Z.A. cc: Mr. Jack Wilson, City cagineer Er. Cordon l rickeon, City Planner Mr. Rudy Ozone REND uiv SCHOOL DISTRICT AO. . 403' 1525 - 4th Avonuo North IZENTON, WASIIINGTON oR055 December 7, 1966 Mr. Alfred H. Croonquist, A. I. A. 700 I B M Building Seattle, Washington 98101 Re: Vacation of 106th Avenue S. E. Dear Mr. Croonquist: The Renton School District is in general agreement with the content of your letter, dated November 28, 1966, regarding ease • - ments and/or street improvements to provide ingress and egress to pedestrians and busses to Fred Nelsen Junior High School from Puget Drive. Very truly yours, 74444,11A—..1. Rudloph H. Seppi Director of Plant Facilities RHS:js cc: Mr. William Belmondo Dr. Earl W. Hobbs Mr. Jack Wilson, City Engineer Mr. Gordon Erickson, City Planner TOiY6 ar du S31Yt3OSf7lSHas qnp iCif ipni,4'1piin8•H{y81 03N.11V00C 9961 0 T 330 Al - 03 • • Dectirbile :7, 966 • Mz.„Alined:-We Cr c t, A: •I. �1. - .. . 706.1 ) LIdi g-• Saatt .ea, - • • '.. .� . • " deer_ Mr. t - • `die. aeon-S"i.CoL Ti trio •:ia iti ;�sitsizal `a r s e°+ b .t3i�c . - c ae a ;off. our let er, d�tea A�v r 8, I966, re digs iia�a ;• : _ :._ . �1 Y and/or riet•,farpvove a t*:: ;fir .inigresra.':�e�d :e r�s . Ca`, • : .Pedss tri+t a��i Ramses' a.'' tee aeIs" J nior:. Ui*fie •Sckifio1.- 'cpi'l €zitt, • _ • • • •• • Drive. wJ. Vary truly`years, • ... • Rucltka:.i�. • sppi'. ti , . jireector: , flt • . .•. Earl :fit o b lax;.:+ .orde E ric ko i; 'City..rlaniier '" • • SPEED LETTER -----) ..._.,... 7 P.>, /,-.--:., 2 ) 7).-7L- Z..1 TO: II) ..,,,-it,---..; ')/-)../.,,in' DATE: t.:'-,.-•//77.:":,--- A PROJECT: /,),',Q-c,„. , "(')/:; " SUBJECT: .., A , ! )42;ir•-;,(1 ii y AA,,,c144 i.,. -,v-ii' 0 .-,..: _:,,)',,,,p....4.),•- ( 4.-t,,f--1A ., 1 • A- ../^4.•••• . (; ' \ C.L.,6:--o-'',...eiii....-1_,K.A.--,,,d,--k ....Q_.-41 (3---"Irls. : '", "i 1-1-4,--z-A--4--* .-t_.*:12-'(-:•--,'-- 4 (2k (k.)--a,-C..--IX?_AA (6--i ,-, \,..„ KL.A...A._,....,,,LIN f. I.,_.*1:1\.J .;(1 A ,...A.- 419...-- -L ) .,,k 0 ,I -) (-1 y_ ',..tia-....-; _ 0 '". -:•:, , ;(,:../. ...,--) -T's,....0.ji..2\4 -, ), A • . . . • r, , ,1 / -JO t\e,/,/ . .,,,,...ie ;;••••_. !...if.---,..........,--/7 (Signed) (:_..,/. A • L -F I, R E 'D ._ . _H • ' , C R; '0 . .0 N .Q. U . .I S' -T •• .A I ,`• A . A : R ' .. . C. . . H I. T, . :. 'E. '• . • C^• _. T 8 .3r:9 . . W ' H' I: ' T- - E -.H '. E , N R . Y.'_:. • ,. :STUART ,• , B;. U I - L .D .,I, .N :':G' . S, E•r. .A ,T :T.. L• E- .r.._ 1 W• . A' S H I N ..G,:'T• - O• . N November 28, 1966° , 'Renton School- District.'No. 'h03.: - - 1525 4th North • • - _ • -• Renton,,,Washington ,. • • -- _ ' Attention: . Mr. Rudolph,Seppi _ - . VACATION OF 106TH:,AVENUE S.E. Dear Mr. Seppis On •Novem ..ber 21st . ,,,Jack„Wilson.,_ Cityr,Engineer , Mr.: Gordon Erickson • . _ •' City:Planner, Mr.;'Bill i'Relmondo, representing your office,.Mr.. Rudy' . - Sinone, and`-I met;concerning the interests of the City of Renton and • ' - the .Renton School' District, with regard to-the ,vacation of. 106th Avenue •' •- •' 5.E.. , , ' • The City-.of Renton'has-,pointed out.that there is a planned extension of • '• - '• : S.E. -162nd Street,-along_=the Bonneville. right-of-way.to Puget Drive in .•; -. . ,' the near future. :rDue to this'proposed improvement it' was, agreed that . . - - it would better Serve;the- interests of the City.of Renton,:and the School • , . District to•ask the,-'Owners, of„Benson' Properties to.participate in the , - ,co sts osts of the,proposed extension of.S.E. 162nd Street rather than to.pro- - - ' . ' vide 'en.improved.street,,to the _east of 106th as previously.proposed. _ ' •- It vas generally',agreed.that .the:'following proposal.'would 'be acceptable, _• : • • to, all parties :subject `to your'review and acceptance.,,' . .' • `1.• The Owners of Benson ;Properties will''provide an 8' wide - . -blacktop sidewalk for,;;the: school•.children.'as indicated on - • • •••the. .attached drawings dated' November-3rd`and revised-' .• - , ,. November•25th. -• , • . . _ ' ,, 2.---Benson Properties will grant•an easement •.to School:-District . ' '' - .No. �iO3 for,the use 'of the. sidewalk as ,well -as the use of • , :. :': ,the.,present, right-of--weiy by the 'school .busses:to'.travel - . . - . . from Puget,Drive-to the north'school property •line. , ' - ' . •,/ ,."; ,::::, .. . -,. .-.. , . . . , . , - ...., , . . . . ' . . . . . . . . -. . . . . . . . .. ,/..., , . . :.tfir..'-R.iddlph Seppi. •• ` • Novemtig212.8, 1966... . . . 3. Items nos. land 2 above will remain in .force and effect • until such time es the. City of Renton extends and imp. - . proves S.E. 162nd".street 'in a northwesterly direction -to Puget Drive. When adequate sidewalk and bus access . are provided to the School District, the easement men- - ` • tioned in 'nos. 1 and 2 will be revoked, The City of Renton has agreed to prepare an estimate of cost of improvements for the future development of 162nd. Benson Properties has agreed to a reasonable participation in the casts of these improvements as determined by - the City of Renton. . If the foregoing meets with your general, approval Benson Properties would ' appreciate a letter of acknowledgment from you. Final legal agreement will •. be prepared by the attorneys for the City of Renton and Benson Properties. • Then .you for,.your. intore®t and co-operation in this matter. Yours very truly, . . • red U. Croonquist, . .A. _ . . • A�.C:lm cc: 'r. Jack Wilson, City Engineer • Vr. Gordon Erickson, City Planner„:<-7:-----------7 , . Mr. Rudy Simone . • . . C .. 0 - . "'" • emu^ •. •. .• - .• ... - ! • October . 17,- 1966 _ ,-.--.-• Honorable Donald W.:,.,Custer,• Mayor:...: . -- -.. :. • - - _-.•.'Members_ of. the'.:•City ,Council . - .. . Hee: Vacation .of .portion. of .106th Avenue- SE -- • Gentlemen -rand se.- pablquiat x .- • ' ' • _.. . '. • . . ,. • .. . .' _•. '. .the Planning Commission at.•its meeting of• October: 12,,,' . ' .1966 'reaffirmed.' its position regarding,-the Vacation . _ - - ' Of the above -mentioned street.. .,, This_position' Kass .- - • . ' s --stated stated in a. litter: to' the`Mayor:.and City:Council ' •••::'" • : • -. - - : .° dated-March 28; 1966,.,°' . (Copy :enclosed) "_The. Planning . ... . • - .. •- Commission generally :felt :that 106th Av.►.enue SE ex-" ' . • , . tending -south-.frc�s+::Pugert Drive "would •not be needed for .future street:right"-.of .lay, :provided that .an •al-�- • " • - * . • -`' ternate permanent. 'public..pedestrian access be •provi- _ .. :-, ..-ded=..to the, school:property.�r© -ert - : ' . • i . P P y• " ; .- - . '. • Very truly.yours.;=:: • • - . - ... _.._ ..Gordon`Y. Erichsen-. -- ' . , - . Planning •Director• , .-. ; ,. - GYE:pc3.; .:- • • • • • Inc- j : 1' Avenue Snti • P . V. Ge 7Ne Sound Power F, Light Company has no objection to he vacars. ion of the portion of 106th Avenue S. E. , Renton, Washington us outlined in your petition, which is before the Rentnn City Council at this time. • Very truly yours, N. E. Todhunter Right of Way Agent % ' • ' . ‹<' RiC51/Lt ///\ o ocr • . „ , . ... 21 1966 1,• -re rs UEPAR • RENTON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 403 ) i 525 • 4th Avenue N6rth RENTON, IVASHINGTON 98055 • . • #1/6/1 • September 19, 1966 . . Miss Helmie Nelson, City Cleric . , City of Renton Renton, Wnshinc-!,ton W55 Re: Proposed Street Vacrtion, Portion of 106th. Avenue SE., lying South of Puget. Drive Dear Miss Nel<lon: Please communicate to the City Council that the above mentioned street vacation is not in the best interests of the public welfnre. ' • it is ou:'7 opinion that the public will not be benefited by the proposed vacation, and that the vocation should be denied, as this portion of 106th. '',venue Southengt, lying South of Plw,et Drive and North of the Fred Nelsen Junior High School is useful as A part of the general roAd system. Very truly yours, Al • Rudo ph H. Seppi Di? tor of Plant Facilities RHS:mg cc: Dr. Hobbs Mr. Donald Custer - Mayor Mr. Jack Wilson - City Engineer r. Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director • Mr. Belmondo OF pz, • rCCA () LI6 ?‘() OCT .21966 • k • DEVPS61fr • • . . VIF.WM .1A434 .:..'• , 7 VV'',, i0.:Ok5e.V1 ffn i , :. ,-...., ,;,:. y;,,tiiitiel'4,:' •'' 7' Mentegy ''.-A.-y , l'pe4A,4w.-,•;!.f.,,,•'w,,,i.,i1,,,,(;,.-,4,- -°!,,4.Wil AL S ill LI Rd G V a Ildi the Jet Transport Capital of the World .-•;(...;,•• '%rIttl-W-''''A4P'At..,,P, i•,_:,,,it„,-,:,,ollipMi PLANNING DEPARTMENT AgVera' " •`'71,t,;,444,%...44 HolloTtic., rayor Pala W. Custer ;-',-embc..o.:' •;.,.' the City Council of Portion O . :i_C , . Gentiem,..1,:n and Nrs , Dal*;lcuist ; Th...,.. Ynivi :: CoAlmisin ..;:kt iLg :44ei-i.. . c7.-.! J...... ch 23 , . loal,:: , -,t-t!!-F,tui,aiEtd t!*La propoes ',.. liatc.)::, c:.1:- of 1061.1 ,:-' ',.:11,ue SL. 1:2. n .',:, c,. bai...:,; th t.,:-.;..,! he,vc.:10N,y,,.:.:r; o !: '-::,,.:cl:.: ,'!t fi,,:1-,: t11.-a ;:e. e ]:,,,:,rt ..!..m ..) :' 061,.. !',v,. .. c-;..1.t3', frm .'::',..74,-,u1',: :,,,... ., ..-; .,‘.H :.! :to;' Concr.n a2.0ut ti--, ,h.i4, d for provii....-',11. ',:-. 11:;,,':: • for studar,ts 14,,,.,,IR.;,..ng co ti.ie I7PqL:: :`,,..'31SOT.: J!.2.a:i.or Hi4._;:n . Sclv:s;o1 -.,;:it-i?. -,.-J !-3 .F::-,C2,T'i:::.5 .1., It J.j.'; ';;;iTPc:;i3t,:-.J. taL aft ,Atevli&j., ':ni,,,..;,:.:n.G of p°,..LI-itic.: a.,,:::::: .:4.5. i.,,,. prvAc.f...:-. .,1 tc. L'ilet th, futuv,s! (1.2.es of studc:nt- i;': chis A1. 7d- It i3 fuxtko.iw e:,.-.Insic7.',.c.:ve,J. ciighiy num..r..Aer of t Ei.oci .t., points on i.'0.,,,,c. t., .,,,,,,iv tie i3 t,:... ,3, -;-Ai?umilai , in v..1..f:,:w of the lindt,-. riciture.:-. of this f6cUity , and 't.: e 31-:.3 .. 7olu:13. 5 of traffic. thai, it wi.,11 c,p.rry in 3I- futl..1.-cc . . ,,-,cyr:don Y. 'Cricksen PlaTalin ,,7ectc.ir WIE; pc. . . . . . .. . Planning Commis'sion 'Minu, 3/23/66 Page 9 3 . VARIANCES : CONTINUED: ( 1) Continued : Moved by Denzer, seconded by Cordell , that the Variance be r,acor:mended to the City Council for approval. Motion carried. Mr. Teegarden abstained from voting on this matter. 4. STREET VACATION: a portion of ( 1) Proposed Street Vacation of/106th Avenue SE , continued from March 9th meeting. Mr. Ericksen stated that discuss`_ons have_ been...held..with- various property owners in the area of the proposed street vacation, re- garding the matter of access points , He felt that the number of intersections should be held to a minimum number necessary. Lyman Houk , representing the City Engineer, stated that the City Engineer' s recommendation if the street is vacated is that a 20 ' easement be retained for utilities and walkway. The Commission members expressed concern for providing public access for students walking to Fred Nelson Junior High School , and it was felt that if the street is vacated that an alternate means of public access should -be provided for future needs . ACTION : Moved by Stredicke-, seconded by Denzer, that the Planning Director make a recommendation to the City Council after a meeting is held to work out an agreement with the petitioners regarding an alternate access . Motion carried. 5 . ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS : ( 1) Announcement of the Building Codes and Fire Zones Seminar, to be held on Thursday, March 24 . ( 2) Announcement of Special Meeting of the Commission and Council members with Transamerica Development Co , Wednesday Apr. 6 , 7 : 30 P.M. City Hall to discuss proposed development plans . James Denzer, Secretary Dayle Garrison, Chairman DIRECTORS: CLARENCE L.BUNSTINE • ROBERT H.HENDRICKSON • MRS.MYRTLE O. CLYMER • ROGER I.LEWIS • ELMER PISTORESI�l / H. R. JOHNSON, Secretary V l / IrPjf RENTON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 403 OLIVER M. HAZEN • SUPERINTENDENT 1525 - 4TH AVENUE NORTH RENTON,WASHINGTON 98055 March 29, 1966 Mr. Gordon Y. Ericksen Planning Director City of Renton Renton, Washington 98055 Re: Proposed Street Vacation of 106th Avenue S. E. Located North of Fred Nelsen Junior High School Dear Mr. Ericksen: Assuming that the vacation of portion of 106th Avenue S. E. in the vicinity of Puget' Drive is granted by the City Council without a utility easement retained in event of vacation, what public street access will pupils living in the "Rolling Hills" or"Puget Drive" area have for direct walking to the Fred Nelsen Junior High School? It would be appreciated if you would suggest a suitable north-south public pedestrian route from the Puget Drive area to the Fred Nelsen Junior High School. Many thanks for your cooperation in this matter. Very truly yours, !Y � Rudolph H. Seppi Director of Plant Facilities • RHS:a -y ,INs� 4cs cc: Mr. Hazen '=`y 3 y,g •/..• Mr. Belmondo y o Renton !Planning Commission 3/9/66 Page 3 4. NEW APPLICATIONS FOR HEARING MARCH 23 , 1966 : Continued: REZONES : ( 5) John Golithko , Appl. No. R-302-66 , from R-2 to R-3 , property ' located at 2807-2808 7th Ave. N. ( 6 ); King County Public Hospital Dist, #1, Appl. No. R-303-66 , from . GS-1 to R-4 , property on E St. between 4th and 5th Avenue N. ( 7) Lyman Riley, Appl. No. R-304-66 , from SR-1 to R-3 , property nn Sunset Blvd. E. between M St . and 0 St. ( 8) .Jack McFadden, Appl. No. R-305-66 , from G-9600 to R-3 , properly located on Springbroodk Rd. at approximately South 170th St. (9 ) Bruce Buck , Apple No. R-306-66 , from R-1 to R-4 , property on 116th Avenue SE between Sunset Boul. E. and 12th Ave. N. ( 10) John Racanello , Appl. Noo R-307-66 , from R-2 to R-3 , property on L Street and llth Pl. • VARIANCES : (1) Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Co. , Appl. No. V-296-66 , request for variance on parking reqUirement. 5) PROPOSED STREET VACATION of a portion of 106th Avenue SE , right' of ;. ... way located south of Puget Drive extending to School property, Ben- son Hill area. This matter was continued from the Feb. 23. meeting. A letter was read from Renton School District statidg :thattahe proposed vacation would not be in the best interest of the Renton School District. . Mri. Ericksen pointed out the area on the map. He felt that the . street should not be vacated at this time until . it is determined what the future street_ needs would be as the_ surrounding area devel- ops . The Commission :members were in general agreement and the fol- ' lowing action was taken: ACTION :_ ' Moved by Stredicke , seconded by Denzer, that we recommend. to the ' City Council that the hearing be continued on the proposed vacation, in' order to give more time for study relative to planning for future: developments . Motion carried. , 6 .;.::ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS : (1) The Commission discussed the matter of proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan, • ( 2) Mr. Ericksen ,suggested that a policy should be established concerning zoning applications which are. not in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan. ' ( 3) Copies of the Building Regulations were given to the members . It was moved by Stredicke , seconded by Busch, to continue the • Administrative Matters until. Wednesday , 7 : 30 P.M. Mar. 16 . This would be a Special Commission of the Whole Meeting. Motion carried. It was noted that the Field Trip Committee would meet on Sat. A,M. at 8 : 30 at Park Avenue Cafe. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 10 : 20 P.M. James Denzer, Secretary . Dayle Garrison, Chairman 0J' ?C Planning Commission 2/23/66 Page 7 3 . VARIANCES : CONTINUED : ( 4) Continued: the residence could be considered as part of the required �. 10 ' sideyard for the apartments . The Commission members felt that: the residence could be sold and the new owners would ,o)bject to this . Relative to the suggestion that the property line might be changed to ... . givd: the 51 additional sideyard to the apartment site , it . . . s;_note.d.,.t .at the _.zoning, wa- R-19 single family residential Suggestion was made that a variance be given. on the north side - of the property o . Moved by Teegarden , seconded by Racanello , that the hear- ing be continuedo On the motion, Mr. Ericksen asked that the City Engineer give 'his opinion on this matter. Mr. Wilson stated that he did not know at this time what the . arterial requirements for possible widening of 12th Avenue might be, but he did not feel that any variance should be given for the north side of the subject property. Mr. Teegarden, with consent of second withdrew his motion to continue. the hearing. . ACTION : Moved by Stredicke , seconded by Teegarden, that the hear . ing be closed. Motion carried. • � ` Moved by Stredicke , seconded by Teegarden , that the Var- . isQl" lance be denied. Motion carried. 4 . STREET VACATIONS : (1) roposed Street Vacation of Portion of -106th Avenue SE , - _ t of way located south. of Puget Drive extending to School property, Benson Hill area. . Mr. Ericksen pointed out the area in question. He stated that this is the only access from the north , and as the area develops the access would be needed for children walking to school. He felt that it is questionable at this time to vacate the street. Mr. Wilson, City Engineer, stated that in so far as the over- all street program- it might not be. too important to retain the street , however, easement should be retained for pedes- trian walkway and for utilities if the street is vacated. ' ACTION: Moved by Teegarden, seconded by Stredicke , that action on this matter be continued to the March 9 meeting. Motion carried. i1501-iii-01 Proposed Street Vacation of South 130th Street from 87th Avenue South to 88 th Avenue bouth. dilelej Mr. Ericksen and Mr. Wilson stated that they had no ob- • I jection to this vacation provided that easement be retained O a - for utilities qa.t, 9,,,._ _ I'(17 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 2-6-1967 HEARING: Appeal by Pallis Realty on behalf of Virgil Fox, of Planning Commission Decision denying rezone from S-1 to R-4. This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Letter from Planning Director Ericksen reported review of the proposed rezone by the Planning Commission on 1/25/67.Commission opinion was directed to the City Council that R-2 zoning with its lower. height restriction would be the best use classification for this property. Letters of protest and petition containing approximately 105 signatures were read as submitted by Mr. and Mrs. Albert Shinpich, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Harvey and Mrs. Lester Saffell. The area,located on 38th Place South between South 126th and South 128th Streets, contains 18000 sq. ft and lies in a triangular shape. Audience comment favoring the rezone was invited and Mr. Virgil Vox, cwner of the subject property, stated his realization that R-4 would not be the best zoning and that R-3 being only 5 feed: higher than is allowed by single family use, is more likely. He expressed willingness to make a deed restriction for R-3 or would otherwise accept whatever zoning the Planning Commission feels is proper which should remove the objection regarding the height. Mr. Palls, Realtor, added that the proposed use is felt to be the highest and best utilization of the property, the property lending itself nicely to the 14-unit structure which will be planned to be equally attractive and desirable as residences in the area. He felt with the traffic coming off 90th Avenue South there should be no particular traffic problem on 03th. Objectionable comment was invited and voicing protest to R-4 or: n-3 zoning because Of the height and view restriction and problem of increased hazard with additional traffic were • Eleanor I. Wood, 12741-88th Ave, So., Mr. John Jonas, 8837 S.E. 126th Street, Mr. Henry Rauch, 8906 South 128th Street, Mr. Kenneth Surcamp, 12823 - 90th Ave. So., Mr. Duane CotLom, 8911 South 126th Street. Present speeds and dangerous use of the streets were mentioned and inquiry made regarding responsibility for future improvements of streets and walkways. After final comment, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the Planning Commission denial of the R-4 rezone. Discussion ensued regarding Planning Commission approval of R-2 and property owners expression that he would accept such zoning as the Commission determined best, and the fact that if the motion received concurrence there would be nothing further before the Council with petitioner being required to refile after six months has elapsed. Upon inquiry, City Attorney Shellan advised that the Commission and Council have the discretion to grant a lower density use if the property owner would so desire to ac and his petition and if he petitions at the hearings. The protesting residents were questioned and did indicate they were not opposed to the R 2 zoning and the petitioner advised that although R-3 would be more desirable,' he would be willing to amend his petition to R-2. Moved by Morris and seconded by Poli, that the pending motion be amended to read that petitioner submit his amended application to the Planning Commission with referral of the R-2 to the Planning Commission for recommendation. Discussion ensued on whether the Planning Commission opinion constituted a recommendation for the R-2 use since it Was not acted upon at a regularly scheduled hear eg meeting. In. uiry ' as ton .q �•,;�;, made number of units allowed under R-2. Planning Director Ericksen stated that a special permit is required for the multiple use and that there would likely be 8-10 units. This would be single story duplex-type structures while the original request was for a single apartment building of 14-units. The Chair ruled the referral a substitute motion rather than an amendment since it changes the intent„ However, since the Commission attitude is known already it was moved ' by Pedersen,• seconded. by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for Ordinance designating R-2 zoning. Question was raised as to whether the Commission has intended its opinion as a recommendation and whether property owner had in fact amended his application after which the pending motion was voted upon and failed. Shsequent m.o :_on;.; were challenged and the Mayor reminded the Council it . could override such decisions by a 2/3 majority vote. After discussions regarding prior actions and Planning Commission. Minutes, it was moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, to continue this hearing until the next Council meeting of February 20th, requesting the . property owner to amend his application to R-2 with the Planning Commission and referral of the revision to the Planning Commission for recommendation. The motion carried. Mayor Custer as point of information to residents of the area .advised certain. street.-and other off-site improvements are responsibilities of developers and the City has not had a Street L.I.D. since 1928. He also requested further information regarding the traffic problems. . • . . - . . . COMMUNICATIONS: I4 A letter was read from Alfred H. Croonquist, Architect, requesting vacation of portion of 106th Ave. S.E. from the North boundary of the Fred Nelsen Jr. High School to Puget Drive. It was pointed out that a Vacation Petition must contain signatures of all property owners involved to be valid and it was moved by Hulse, seconded by Pedersen, that applicant be so advised. Carried. Mr. Croonquist was present and advised that all owners were in accord and proper document would be submitted. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Morris to refer the matter to the City Engineer. Carried. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordi.na;:ee Committee with March '3th being set as date for hearing. Carried. -3- March Renton,Renton, Washington Date tiarqb. 288 /967 We Altan'Morgan FIP:mkritioreStreeni, King County Assessor County-City Building _ Seattle'," Washington . Dear Sir: , i " Erc lased is a certified cor"ofOidjriáncèNo, 23i5 . vacating a certain portion ,of city street or alley-way within the City ;of Renton, EtS.:S.d.opted and. passed on iNateh 278, /967. Very trulY'yours; CITY. CF .RENTON ' Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk HWN/ap Enclosure (I) • Renton, Washington Date Oareil 2$ /967 King;.County Commissioners County-City Building Seattle, Washington Attention: Mr. Ralph R. Stender, Deputy Dear Sir: Enclosed is a certified copy of Ordinance No. ' 15 vacating a certain portion of city street or alley-way within the City of Renton, as adopted and passed on Marah 27, .1967, Very truly yours, CITY OF RENTON Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk HWN/ap Enclosure (1) Matol,t, 20s 190 Mr. Warren Gonnason King County Engineer County Court House Seattle, Washington Dear Sir: Enclosed is a certified copy of Ordinance No. 2315 vacating a certain portion of city street or alley-mu, withAp the City of Renton, as adopted and passed on March 4" 1"" Very truly yours, CITY OF RENTON —7\4471---4-4-1 Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk HWN/fm Enclosure ORDINANCE NO. 2315 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, tASHINGTON, VACATING A PORTION OF 106th AVENUE SOUTHEAST WHEREAS a proper petition for vacating a certain portion of the street as hereinafter more particularly described was duly filed with the City Clerk of the City of Renton on or about February 15 , 1967, and said petition being signed by the owners of more than two-thirds of the property abutting upon such portion of street sought to be vacated, and WHEREAS the City by Resolution No. 1420, and after due investigation did fix ' and determine the 13th day of March, 1967, at the hour of 8:00 P.M. in the City Council Chambers of the City of Renton, to be the time and place for public hearing thereon, and directed the Clerk to give notice of said hearing in the manner provided by law; and such notice having been duly given and published and all persons having been heard appearing in favor of or in opposition thereto; and WHEREAS the Planning Commission haying duly considered said petition, and said vacation as hereinafter more partieularly described being found to be in the public interest and for the public benefit and no injury or damage to any person or properties will result therefrom, NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: The following described portion of street, to-wit: All that portion of 106th Avenue Southeast in the Southwest 4 of Section 20, Township 23 North, Range 5 EAat, W.M. lying Southerly of Puget Drive BE AND THE SAME IS HEREBY VACATED. SECTION II: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and legal publication, as provided by law. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 27th day of March, 1967. /s` Helmie Nelson Helmie Nelson, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 27th day of March, 1967. /s/ Donald W. Custer Donald W. Custer, Mayor Approved as to form: /s/ Gerard M. Shellan Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney .Date of Publication: March 30, 1967 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING March 13, 1967 8:00 P.M. Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor D. W. Custer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Trimm, Bruce, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Garrett, Perry, Delaurenti, Poll and Morris. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Burce, that absent Councilman Pedersen be excused. The motion carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner and Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of March 6, 1967 be approved. Carried. Mayor Custer advised of attendance this evening of a group from the downtown area who desired to speak to the Council regarding restricted parking proposal for North 3rd Street and rather than discuss the matter at this time a special meeting was suggested. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole for special meeting with the parties interested. Carried. Mr. Dave Dobson is to be notified of the meeting date and will in turn advise the Merchants Association. PUBLIC HEARING: Vacation of portion of 106th Avenue S.E. This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Communication from the Planning Commission reaffirmed its position that 106th Avenue S.E. extending South from Puget Drive would not be needed for future right-of-way provided that permanent public pedestrian access is furnished to the school property, which it is understood has now been arranged. Audience comment vas invited and Mr. Alfred H. Croonquist, Architect, requesting the vacation on behalf of Benson Properties, Inc., advised that pedestrian access has been granted the school and that the City will benefit by the additional street; that this will be a good project really in the best interest of the City and favorable Council con- sideration was urged. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, that the hearing be declared closed. Carried. The hearing was closed and Council action invited. Moved by Poli, and seconded by Delaurenti, that the Vacation be granted with referral of the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Ordinance. Carried. Easements as required have been granted the City. COMMUNICATIONS: A letter from Mr. Ray H. Ball appealed decision of the Planning Commission in denail of requested rezone to R-3 on property located along 12th Avenue North between "0" Street and "N" Place. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, that the date of April 3, 1967 be set for hearing on the appeal. Carried. Planning Commission Recommendations: REZONES: Wesley Busch, Appl. R-374-67, from R-2 to R-3, property located on H Place between 12th Avenue North and 13th Avenue North. Rezone recommended and zoning would be in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to concur with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Perry abstained from voting. Welhelm Schwartzenberger, Appl. R-377-67, from G to R-4, property located on Shattuck Street between 6th and 7th Avenues. Rezone recommended, the zoning being in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to concur with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Perry abstained. In discussion regarding what constitutes conflict of interest, City Attorney Shellan advised that a man as the law states it, cannot vote upon an issue in which he has proprietorship, direct or indirect financial interest, but that he may disqualify himself if it is strictly a matter of conscience even though he is legally not obligated to do so. -1- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 2/20/67 COMMUNICATIONS: (Continued) A letter read from the State Highway Commission, directed to Jack Wilson, City Engineer, submitted proposed agreement relative to replacement of an existing 30-inch CMP with a 48-inch CMP at Puget Drive and SSH 5-C, (Benson Hwy.) inter- section(storm sewer). As the City is responsible for maintenance of the existing culvert and a 48" culvert is proposed the City's oblication will be limited to estimated cost of replacement in kind and the State shall assume the difference in cost. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to refer the documents to the Street and Alley Committee to investigate and report back. Carried. A letter from Dr. James Hartwig stated his desire to go on, record as wholeheartedly endorsing the proposed plan for Sanitary Sewer L.I.D. in the Kennydale area, reporting receiving many complaints resulting from contamination by sewage. In his opinion the saturated drain fields in this district are no longer able to cope with the sewage problem and in view of existing health hazards it was recommended that the Council endorse the plan for sewering the area as presented by the City Engineer and Dr. T. Fukushima, S.E. District Health Officer, King County. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Morris, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Claims for damages were read from Bing H. Owen, 19010 Springbrook Road, in sum of $364.70 in connection with water back-up into residence during heavy rain on January 19th and Francis J. Richter, 28606 Pacific Hwy. South, Federal Way, Wn. in sum of $2,300.00 for damages sustained in automobile accident at 7th Avenue and Burnett Street railroad crossing. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to refer the Claims to the City Attorney and the City's Insurance Carrier. The motion carried. Letter from Roger A. Hokanson requested permission to erect sidewalk telephone stand at 3rd & Wells Avenue South on the East side of the street, and to install an additional Taxicab stand at 3rd and Williams at the West side of Bartell Drugs. Moved by Perry, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee to report back. Carried. li-r A Petition for vacation of portion of 106th Avenue S.E. was read along with City Engineer's report that signatures thereon represented 100% of abutting property owners. The matter had been referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee for Resolution setting March 13th for hearing and upon inquiry, Planning Director Ericksen reported that the Planning Commission had concurred with the vacation since provision has been made for public access to the school property, other equirements having been met in the application as set by the Commission. A letter from the Hon. J. D. Braman, Mayor, City of Seattle, called attention to Puget Sound Governmental Conference contract with the DeLeuw, Cather & Company to extend the regional transit study and the need to up-date existing information. Seattle and King County each agreed to contribute $10,000 toward the estimated cost of $27,500.00 for contract with planning consultants Walter M. Isaac & Assoc. to perform the required work. It was hoped that Renton and Bellevue will find it desirable to participate and each contribute $3,750.00 toward the study. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. The motion carried. A Petition for creation of a Sanitary Sewer L. I. D. was read,signed by property owners in the area of "M" Place, Honey Creek Drive and 14th Avenue North. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to refer the Petition to the Sanitation Committee and City Engineer to report back. Carried. Letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer submitted and recommended for payment Estimate No. 2 payble to Venture Construction, Inc in sum of $9,978.19 for service rendered in construction of the Mt. Olivet Pump Station. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter from Helmie Nelson, City Clerk called attention to need for fund transfers within the City Street Fund 3200 Account to bring the working functional budget into proper accounting balance for 1966. Total transfer required $ 50,584.37. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for necessary Resolution. Carried. -2- INTER-OFFICE MEMO To: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk Date February 9, 1967 From: Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney Dear Helmie: We have prepared a Resolution for the proposed vaca.tjo of,lO6t,_Street. However, we understand that a proper Petition has not yet been filed or verified by. the Engineer and we have tsEefore left the legal description blank until such time as it is furnished to 1r�;, by the Engineer. However, if the March i; b date is to be adhered to this -Resolution will have to be passed at our regular meeting on February 20. We remain Very tr ly y ; rs . Sh an GMS:ds cc: City Engineer Law & Ord. Chrmn. eilr ..>;'/ ' tx---., 6) Affidavit of Publication STATE OF WASHINGTON ss. COUNTY OF KING 0 Nance (1 s Portev being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says that is theQ Li .f Clark of THE RECORD-CHRONICLE, Veekly newspaper. That said news- paper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, printed and published in the English language continually as a weekly newspaper in Renton, King County, Washington, and it is now and during all of • said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper. That the Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the County in which it is published, to-wit, King County, Washing- -_ CITY OF RENTON 7. ton. That the annexed is a 1'C: 1.t LOi2...to V&cag O i • NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CIaY COUNCIL 13-01*i:on—of 196th....km D THAT AETTII NOTIC C f ftEBY EN PPE a _o VAC as it was published in regular issues (and ..PORTION OF 111)43I 4.V 5,,,,.:' not in supplement form of said newspaper) once each week for a period SOUTHEAS'. :1 ti. L All s portion of 1'_0 " Aven a Sou'':- .. of ' ono consecutive weeks, commencing on the .east in the ' • west.--Y4 of Se&. Ition 20, T. °`.hip 23' Nt Range 5 East,t'i' lying So day of Y, , 19 6,%and ending the erly of Puge .'-;' a has-bee : 21'Izt '� qua_y filed with the' , ^;, lerk'of the day of , 19 both dates City of Renton. e,GityeiCou ' inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its i cil by Resolution No 142o d 1y subscribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee adopted at its regular,me ng of February 20,1967;fi andP charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of $ r..... which determined. ,the, 13tha day of has been paid in full at the rate of$2.40 per folio of one i&idred words March at the hour of 8s P.M., for the first insertion and$1.80 per folio of one hundred words for each in the council chambers;• City Hall,City of Renton,as the date subsequent.irisertion. ;and place at whichsaid-public hearing drill ;be held by the ' City Council.upon the etition • to vacate saki-portio 1406th . Chief Cie °k Avenue Southeast. n, _ Anyand`all persoS inter- ested therein or wishing ;to dayof object thereto; may tli'en' be Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22nd heard thereon or mayr le heir written objections;toaid'vaca- e rua7C.y 19..._U,r tion with the city-c erk�'prior to said time of hearin . ' Helms Nelson Notary Publ• i and for the State of Washington, CITY CLERK . res ' g at Renton, King County. Published in Record-Chroni-''- ' cle February 22,1967. —Passed by the Legislature, 1955, known as Senate Bill 281, effective June 9th, 1955. —Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, adopted by the newspapers of the State. • • • • • • 4 ' • :~+ , ``�� {' c t `jam / ��y � r'J rt! • • • • • • • ti 1- Vt. • • 3, nil • 'p` • D, !'; r �► (p 'o RUDY SIMONE CONSTRUCTION CO, INC. GENERAL CONTRACTOR, t.o . em 2200 RAINIER AVENUE SO. SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98144 EAST 2 -5155 February 24, 1g67 `�' . ... sue'✓� • `�� ..%tom'`" .I • City of Renton City Engineers Department Renton, Washington • .. �7`A' .. • Attu . Jack Wilson Re. Benson Apartments =;i'•;. Gentlemen. As per our telephone conversation regarding the future road- way- to be constructed near the above mentioned project, I am authorized by the Benson Corporation to allow our participation in the road building for an amount not to exceed $6500.00 payable in monthly , installments of $200.00 plus 6% interest. ` We hope this meets with your a' pproval . If there are any further , ;'• questions, please feel free to call . Yours, very truly SIMONE CONSTRUCTION CO. INC. R. V. . SIMONE = RVS:Ind , s.t. „ oti-,„!-,-,; ,p)6? 0,A-k- r 6 /I) I - Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 2-6-1967 HEARING: Appeal by Pallis Realty on behalf of Virgil Fox, of Planning Commission Decision denying rezone from S-1 to R-4. This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Letter from Planning Director Ericksen reported review of the proposed rezone by the Planning Commission on 1/25/67.CommS_ssion opinion was directed to the City Council that R-2 zoning with its lower, height restriction would be the best use classification for this property. Letters of protest and petition containing approximately 105 signatures were read as submitted by Mr. and Mrs. Albert Shinpich, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Harvey and Mrs. Lester Saffell. The area,located on 88th Place South between South 126th and South 128th Streets, contains 18000 sq. ft and lies in a triangular shape. Audience comment favoring the rezone was invited and Mr. Virgil Fox, owner of the subject property, stated his realization that R-4 would not be the best zoning and that R-3 being only 5 feet higher than is allowed by single family use, is more likely. He expressed willingness to make' a deed restriction for R-3 or would otherwise accept whatever zoning the Planning Commission feels is proper which should remove the objection regarding the height. Mr. Pallis, Realtor, added that the proposed use is felt to be the highest and best utilization of the property, the property lending itself nicely to the 14-unit structure which will be planned to be equally attractive and desirable as residences in the area. He felt with the traffic coming off 90th Avenue South there should be no particular traffic problem on 88th. Objectionable comment was invited and voicing protest to R-4 or R-3 zoning because of the height and view restriction and problem of increased hazard with additional traffic were Eleanor I. Wood, 12741-88th Ave. So., Mr. John Jonas, 8837 S .E. 126th Street, Mr. Henry Rauch, 8906 South 128th Street, Mr. Kenneth Surcamp, 12823 - 90th Ave. So., Mr. Duane Cottom, 8911 South 126th Street. Present speeds and dangerous use of the streets were mentioned and inquiry made regarding responsibility for future improvements of streets and walkways. After final comment, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the Planning Commission denial of the R-4 rezone. .Discussion ensued regarding Planning Commission approval of R-2 and property owners expression that he would accept such zoning as the Commission determined best, and the fact that if the motion received concurrence there would be nothing further before the Council with petitioner being required to refile after six months has elapsed. Upon inquiry, City Attorney Shellan advised that the Commission and Council have the discretion to grant a lower density use if the property owner would so desire to amend his petition and if he petitions at the hearings. The protesting residents were questioned and did indicate they were not opposed to the R-2�zoning and the petitioner advised that although R-3 would be more desirable, he would be willing to amend his petition to R-2. Moved by Morris and seconded by Poli, that the pending motion be amended to read that petitioner submit his amended application to the Planning Commission with referral of the R-2 to the Planning Commission for recommendation. Discussion ensued on whether the Planning Commission opinion constituted a recommendation for the R-2 use since it was not acted upon at a regularly scheduled hearing meeting. Inquiry w.as made as to number of units allowed under R-2. Planning Director Ericksen stated that a special permit is required for the multiple use and that there would likely be 8-10 units. This would be single story duplex-type structures while the original request was for a single apartment building of 14-units. The Chair ruled the referral a substitute motion rather than an amendment since it changes the intent° However, since the Commission attitude is known already it was moved ' by Pedersen, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for Ordinance designating R-2 zoning. Question was raised as to whether the Commission has intended its opinion as a recommendation and whether property owner had in fact amended his application after which the pending motion was voted upon and failed. Subsequent motions were challenged and the Mayor reminded the Council it could override such decisions by a 2/3 majority vote. After discussions regarding prior actions and Planning Commission. Minutes, it was moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, to continue this hearing until the next Council meeting of February 20th, requesting the . property owner to amend his application to R-2 with the Planning Commission and referral of the revision to the Planning Commission for recommendation. The motion carried. Mayor Custer as point of information to residents of the area ..advised certain. street._and other off-site improvements are responsibilities of developers-and the City has not had a Street L.I.D. since 1928. He also requested further information regarding the traffic problems. . . COMMUNICATIONS: A letter was read from Alfred H. Croonquist, Architect, requesting vacation of portion of 106th Ave. S .E. from the North boundary of the Fred Nelsen Jr. High School to Puget Drive. It was pointed out that a Vacation Petition must contain signatures of all . property owners involved` to be valid and it was moved by Hulse, seconded by Pedersen, that applicant be so advised. Carried. Mr. Croonquist was present and advised that (? all owners were in accord and proper document would be submitted. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Morris to refer the matter to the City Engineer. Carried. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee with March 13th being set as date for hearing. Carried. \ -3- iit.A / 7) id LI., 1, . Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 2/20/67 COMMUNICATIONS: (Continued) A letter read from the State Highway Commission, directed to Jack Wilson, City Engineer, submitted proposed agreement relative to replacement of an existing 30-inch CMP with a 48-inch CMP at Puget Drive and SSH 5-C, (Benson Hwy.) inter- section(storm sewer). As the City is responsible for maintenance of the existing culvert and a 48" culvert is proposed the City's oblication will be limited to estimated cost of replacement in kind and the State shall assume the difference in cost. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to refer the documents to the Street and Alley Committee to investigate and report back. Carried. A letter from Dr. James Hartwig stated his desire to go on record as wholeheartedly endorsing the proposed plan for Sanitary Sewer L.I.D. in the Kennydale area, reporting receiving many complaints resulting from contamination by sewage. In his opinion the saturated drain fields in this district are no longer able to cope with the sewage problem and in view of existing health hazards it was recommended that the Council endorse the plan for sewering the area as presented by the City Engineer and Dr. T. Fukushima, S.E. District Health Officer, King County. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Morris, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Claims for damages were read from Bing H. Owen, 19010 Springbrook Road, in sum of $364.70 in connection with water back-up into residence during heavy rain on January 19th and Francis J. Richter, 28606 Pacific Hwy. South, Federal Way, Wn. in sum of $2,300.00 for damages sustained in automobile accident at 7th Avenue and Burnett Street railroad crossing. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to refer the Claims to the City Attorney and the City's Insurance Carrier. The motion carried. Letter from Roger A. Hokanson requested permission to erect sidewalk telephone stand at 3rd & Wells Avenue South on the East side of the street, and to install an additional Taxicab stand at 3rd and Williams at the West side of Bartell Drugs. Moved by Perry, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee to report back. Carried. IPetition for vacation of portion of 106th Avenue S.E. was read along with City A Engineer's report that signatures thereon represented 100% of abutting property owners, The matter had been referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee for Resolution setting March 13th for hearing and upon inquiry, Planning Director Ericksen reported that the Planning Commission had concurred with the vacation since provision has been made for public access to the school property, other requirements having been met in the application as set by the Commission. A letter from the Hon. J. D. Braman, Mayor, City of Seattle, called attention to Puget Sound Governmental Conference contract with the DeLeuw, Cather & Company to extend the regional transit study and the need to up-date existing information. Seattle and King County each agreed to contribute $10,000 toward the estimated cost of $27,500.00 for contract with planning consultants Walter M. Isaac & Assoc. to perform the required work. It was hoped that Renton and Bellevue will find it desirable to participate and each contribute $3,750.00 toward the study. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. The motion carried. A Petition for creation of a Sanitary Sewer L. I. D. was read,signed by property owners in the area of "M" Place, Honey Creek Drive and. 14th Avenue North. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to refer the Petition to the Sanitation Committee and City Engineer to report back. Carried. Letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer submitted and recommended for payment Estimate No. 2 payble to Venture Construction, Inc in sum of $9,978.19 for service rendered in construction of the Mt. Olivet Pump Station. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter from Helmie Nelson, City Clerk called attention to need for fund transfers within the City Street Fund 3200 Account to bring the working functional budget into proper accounting balance for 1966. Total transfer required $ 50,584.37. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for necessary Resolution. Carried. -2- hasten 10, .1967 , Fiariot b e bci nta l ?; e . Custer, Mayor E 1n'o rs o the City Coaricil City Hal enton, :colaenington 920.55 Pro * . Street 'Vacation, V 060 Avel-tuet S.L. Gentl erern and ;Ars. Natil Gist e • The Planning Commission at its Meeting 4f Marc? 8 , 3 87, reviewed the proposed vacation of the above- named street grad wishes to reaffirm its position regaraLtig 311ch. vacation. This p e jtian was etatsel in a letter to the; mayor and the City. Council dated March 24, 1966. The V Planng cciasian generally felt that 106th Avenue 8.E. extending South tram Puget Drive would not be needed for future street right-of-way pro- vided thArt1 parir.anent pu.tic p estria& access be rovid,ed to the school property. V It is our understanding that the petitioners for. the :vacation have provided said aCaeesa and i av, �;�e�•- ceived approval frog the Renton School District. Very truly yours, • Gordon :Y. Iricksen Manning Director cc •. :City Engineer Traffic Engineer February 9, 1967 Mr.: Alfred Croonquist A.I.A. Architect 700 I.S.M. Building Seattle 1, Washington 98101 Re: Vacation of portion of 106th Ave. S.E., Renton " Dear Mr. Croonquists The Renton City Council, at its regular meeting of February 6, 1967 has 'requested that.you' be advised of the policy requirement.that petitions for. vacation of right-of-ways:must contain signatures of all property owners concerned to be considered valid. ' The date of March '13th has been set-for hearing 6h—the "matter and the petition should be filed immediately for processing. If you have any questions please feel free to call. Yours very truly, CITY or RENTON Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk ' I I L CITY OF RENTON NOT ICE OF PUB L I C HE RING RENTON CITY COUNCIL • CITY HALL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A PETITION TO VACATE PORTIONOP 06TH AVENUE SOUTHEAST To WIT: A1l that portion of 106th Avenue Southeast in the Southwest 3 of Section 20, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. lying Southerly of Puget Drive HAS BEEN FILED WXJ.,ii THE CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF RENTON. THE CITY COUNCIL BY RESOLUTION NO. 1420 DULY ADOPTED AT ITS REGULAR MEETING OF February 20 t 1967 FIXED AND DETERMINED THE 13th DAY OF March, 1967 AT THE HOUR OF 8:00 P.M., IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF RENTON, AS THE DATE AND PLACE AT WHICH SAID PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE BY THE CITY COUNCIL UPON THE PETITION TO VACATE SAID PORTION OP 106TH AVENUE SQ UTHE ST. ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED THEREIN OR WISHING TO OBJECT THERETO, MAY THEN BE HEARD THEREON OR MAY 'TILE THEIR WRITTEN OBJECTIONS TO SAID VACATION WITH THE CITY CLERK PRICR TO SAID TIME OF HEARING. %/..aps4:12?44041 HELMIE W. NELSON CITY CLERK DATE OF PUBLICATION February22 ' 1967 CERTIFICATION I, No( )k HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE (3) COPIES OF THE ABOV DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AND ONE (1) COPY POSThll AT THE CITY HALL, RENTON, ON PRESCRIBED BY LAW. SIGNED: ATTEST: • __N 'PUBLIC IN AND FOR Tut; STATE OF WASHINGTON, RESIDING AT RENTON, WASHINGTON C i t; Y ;.)±. r is N T t)N NOTICE IS HEREBY GrJEN THAT A PETITICN TO VACATE PORTION OF 106TH AVENUE SOSOUTHEAST TO WIT: '`�11 thnt portion of 106th Avenue Southeast' th 'the Southwoot .I of Section 209 ToOnohip 23 North, Range 5 Epet, ' W.M. lying Southerly of Puget Drive __ _ —_ HAS BEEN FILED WITH CIT Y CLERIC OF TUE CITY OF RENTON. THE CITY COUNCIL BUJ / 7‘ J� RESOLUTION NOQ I ZrED AND DETERMINED THE/ Y DULY ADOPTED AT ITS REGULAR MEETNG S G — �/)IIAY OF0 _.._ .. , � _ AT THE HOURHOUR , . __ - OF-8:00,P;Mo, IN TUIE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY IIALL, CITY OF RENTON, AS TIH', DATE AND PLACE AT WHICH SAID PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE IIELD BY THE CITY•COUNCIL UPON THE PETITION TO VACATE SAID PORTION OF 106th AVENtJF. SOUTHEAST 0 . ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED THEREII`T. OR WISHING TO OBJECT THERETO, MAY THEN BE EEPI?'' TIiLTEON OR MAY FILE THEIR WItITl'EfI OBJECTIONS TO SAID VACATION WITH THE CITY CLERK PRIOR ' TO SAID TIME OF HEARING. � ;�) ort HELMIE W. IB1 ELS ON � CITY CLERK , -,(4. ,,2- -) 1 (-'? 1 , DATE OF PUBLICATION try . jy RESOLUTION' NO, 1420 WHEREAS a petition has been fixed with the City Clerk of the. City of Renton on or about February , 1967, petitioning for the vacation of a certain street, as hereinafter more particularly described, and said petition having been signed by the owners of more than two-thirds of the property abutting upon said street sought to be vacated, same being described as follows, to-wit: All that portion of 106th Avenue Southeast in the Southwest * of Section 20, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W. M. lying Southerly of Putet Drive NUJ THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VAPOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: That the 13th day of March, 1967 at the hour of 8s00 P.M. at the City Council Chambers in the City Hall of Renton, Washington, be and is hereby fixed as the time and place when the aforesaid petition for vacating the aforesaid street shall be heard and determined. SECTION II: The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to give notice of said time and hearing as provided by law; and any and all persons interested therein or objecting to said vacation may then appear and be heard thereon, or they may file their written objections thereto with the City Clerk prior to :r at the. time of the hearing on said vacation, SECTION III: The City of Renten reserves the right to retain an easement for utility and other public purposes within said right-of-way sought to be vacated. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 20th day of February, 1967. 1-e4n Helme Nelson, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 20th day of Fary, 1967. .WaS(0.7.„„e6at DOiald W.' Custer., Mayor Approved as to form: Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney nw ti �i O C.) \t CITY ENGINEER'S OFFICE • RENTON, WASHINGTON a • JACK WILSON CITY HALL, CEDAR RIVER PARK, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 • ALPINE 5-3464 99�SAORT CA PITAV OF��4 February 20, 1967 Honorable Donald Custer, Mayor Members of the City Councul Re: Petition for Vacation of 106th Avenue S.E. Gentlemen: The petition for vacation of a portion of 106th Avenue Southeast south of Puget Drive was signed by 100% of the abut- ting property owners. Very truly yours, V \1� Jac Wilson C. Engineer JW;mc PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY 620 Grady Way Renton, Washington February 17, 1967 Rudy Simone Construction Company, Inc. 2200 Rainier Avenue South Seattle, Washington 98144 Attention: Mr. R. V. Simone Gentlemen: The Puget Sound Power & Light Company has no objection to the vacation of the portion of 106th Avenue S. E., Renton, Washington, as outlined in your petition, which is before the Renton City Council at this time. Very truly yours, SZ--e,- N. E. Todhunter Right of Way Agent RUDY SIMONE CONSTRUCTION CO. INC. '727 tL,S4 GENERAL CONTRACTOR ',. 2200 RAINIER AVENUE SO. SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98144 EAST 2 -5155 krit2V4 February 14, 1967 City Council City of Renton Renton, Washington Re: Vacation of 106TH Avenue S. E. Gentlemen: This will request that the City of Renton approve the vacation of 106th Avenue from the north boundary of the Fred Nelsen Junior High School to Puget Drive. Benson Properties has agreed to provide temporary use of their existing roadway to the Junior High School pupils and has further agreed to part- icipate in the future improvement of a new street proposed along the Bonneville Power Line Right-of-Way. Enclosed please find a copy of Benson Properties proposal to the City of Renton and a letter of acknowledgment from Mr. Rudolph Seppi , Director of Plant Facilities for Renton School District No. 403. It is our under- standing that the proposed vacation is approved by the City of Renton Engineering Department and the City of Renton Planning Department. Also, enclosed are copies of letters to show that we are in the process of incorporating. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Yours very truly BENSON PROPERTIES INC. sofkb./y °.f R. V. SIMONE, PRESIDENT RVS:kk L:'. gin Enclosures "� J, a oa�xl • COPY _- ' `y: s I I . { f LAW OFFICES OF .1 • ' BOGLE, GATES, DOBRIN,WAKEFIELD & LONG .i 1 LAWRENCE BOGLE 14TH FLOOR NORTON BUILDING ., • CASSIUS E.GATES , OP COUNB6L SEATTLE 98904 EDWARD G. DOBRIN .B • PAUL A.WALLACE.JR. 1 I CLAUDE E. WAKEFIELD • GEORGQ E.CONSTABLE iSTANLEY B. LONG DONALD L.JOHNSON ;I PRANK L. MECHEM MUTUAL 2-3131 CABLE ADDRESS - DUSTIN C.MCCREARY DONALD E. LELAND AREA CODE-206 • " DON PAUL BADG LEY I ..BOGLE SEATTLE ROBERT W. GRAHAM JOHN P.SULLIVAN i CHARLES F.OSBORN EDWARD G.LOWRY.III 1 EDW.S. FRANKLIN RONALD T. SCHAPS j I TOM M.ALDERSON • YANCEY RESER -, THOMAS L. MORROW BERTRAM L: METZGER.JR. .1 • ORLO B. KELLOGG • THOMAS J. MCKEY •1 MAX KAMINOFF Feb ary 2, 1967 PETER D. BYRNES ROBERT V. HOLLAND 6ii w.a� .3 • + J.TYLER HULL , GEDMUND B.ERHARDT MORR SION j ARTHUR G.GRUNKE PHILIP K.SWEIGERT I M. BAYARD CRUTCHER • , DWIGHT L. GUY RONALD E. MCKINSTRY DAN P. HUNGATE { t!{ EDWARD C.[RULERICHARD S, SPRAGUE • ;i IRWIN L.TREIGER - . . • i ROBERT A.STEWART i • E ; 7 i ° a Al) r . i S Y . ` ' • l r' ' Secretary t k State 4A � 9.pSFYUa n;N aOly pia, Washington a ': 1 Attention: Supervisor of Corporations • Re: Benson Properties; Inc. f i Dear Sirs. +f • We enclose three executed count -rp ,rts of Articles i • of Incorporation of Benson Properties, Inc,,, together with our check in the amount of $755.00 to cover the requisite .j I- , filing and license fees. Would you please' file one of the enclosed .counter- ; parts and return the other two copies to us marked approved - I , and filed. 0 i • .I • Very truly yours, I BOGLE, GATES, DOBRIN, WAKEFIELDSr LONG ' ' t • ,I • 4 • Richard S. Sprague ' q.p^. I 1`13 • 1 EnCl5. • ,� •�� . • cc fir. Homer Reno cp ate,, f `, , i cc Mr. R. �d. Simone .Cj �A \�`4l9 t ' ``9� �P�` "� (;V�.CA./• I . ♦ ---' .' - -- - -•- -- '-- SiPLL'.'.'i".,..c<,c'A -1 7 'c. O- -_tti: OfJJX IF. • COPY rYr;r, ,1[f4, G °i; F LAW OFFICES OF I f BOGLE, GATES, DOBRIN,WAKEFIELD& LONG E • LAWRENCE BOGLE 14TH FLOOR NORTON BUILDING I i CASSIUS E.GATES f'^ or COUN9RL SEATTLE 98104 • 1 r EDWARD G.DOBRIN GEORGE E.CONSTABLE !' CLAUDE E.WAKEFIELD DONALD L.JOHNSON i STANLEY B.LONG DUSTIN C.MECREA RV i FRANK L.MECHEM DON PAUL BADGLEY DONALD E.LELAND JOHN P.SULLIVAN I ROBERT W.GRAHAM MUTUAL 2-5151 CABLE ADDRESS AREA CODE-206 •'BOGLE SEATTLE•• - COWARD G.LOWRY.III I CHARLES F.OSBORN i RONALD T.BCHAPS - I EDW.S.FRANKLIN YANCEY RESER ,TOM M.ALDERSON BERTRAM L.METZGER.JR. I I THOMAS L.MORROW 11 I ORLO B.KELLOGGPETER D.BYRNES ' February THOMAS J.MGKEV , MAX KAMINOFF • 7 p 1967 • EDAIUND B.RAFT'S RODENT V.HOLLAND GERHARDT MORRISON J.TYLER HULL • EARTH UR G.GRUNKE 'WILLIAM L.PARKER PHILIP K.SWEIGERT + M.BAYARD CRUTCHER DWIGHT L.GUY j RONALD E.MEKINSTRY DAN P.HUNGATE i EDWARD C.BIELE _ JOHN C.COUGHENOUR f. RICHARD 8,SPRAGUE _ a f ._.a I ' IRWIN L.TREIGER 1�_- �' `t.i , �� +�� �� 1 PAUL W.STEERE �} I (li 4 f! 1 1:. • ROBERT A.STEWART .: �_• . it ... i , Olympia,Secret of ,tt 1 Washington , I' , Attentions Sup,rvisor of Corporations • I. • I _ Res Benson Properties, Inc. • Enc10 ed i our check for 25 to cover the 1 ' I. charge for the additional page in the Articles of In- , corporation that you filed on February. 6, 1967 at sear • i 1 i' request. • • V truly yours, , BOGLE, CATES, DOBBIN, WAREFIELD & LONG 1 • • Richard S. Sprague ' cc Mr. R. V. Simone 1 cc Z . Ho r Reno , • 'A CoI As • iPi4 "7, . 1,e'� t. 5. I. c� 'ly �. s�'. 1 • • • i = - S. M November 280 196 ptenton School. District No. 403 1525 a 4th North e.:ton o Washington Attention: Iir. .Rudolph Seppi VACATION OF 106TH AVENUE S.E. Dear Mr. 6eppi: On Novouber 2lst Mr, Jack Wilson e City Engineer o Mar. Cordon Erickson 9 City Planner0 Mr. Bill i o1mondo° representing your office!, Mr. Rudy Simone, and I mot concerning the interests of the City of Renton and the Renton School District with regard to the vacotion of 106th Avenue 5 0E0 The City of Renton has pointed out that therwis a planned extension o2 S.E. 162nd Street along the Bonneville right-of-bray to Puget Drive in the ndhr future. Due do this proposed itipr ovaraent it was agreed that it ;could better serve the interests of the City of Renton and the School District to ask the Owners of Benson Properties to participate in the costs of the proposed extencior. of SoEO 162nd Street rather than to pro- vide en improved street to the east of 10(1th as previously proposed. It was generally agreed that the following proposal would be acceptable to all parties subject to your review and acceptance. ?. The Owners of Benson Properties will provide an 8° vide blacktop sidewalk for the school children as indicated on the attached drawings dated november 3rd and revised November 25th0 2. Benson Properties will grant en casement to School District No 4O3 f o ' x 3 u:i o: he s ;z._,.....4... well ao the uz e of the re g. ..,,r �4�`v�-c�. • t�.� _a3..C:, Lit+. iaf; to .«'c'l.'�.a �,i4uf:�4' i.�.(i�. "s.:�.�( by L�a�rl N••� Y from Puget Drive to the north ochco l property lino. o 00 • • !,fr. C^ • l ovc:Ller 26. 1966 Yafio 2 3. Items nos. 1 and 2 above will rtmain in force and effect ct instil such time as the City of Renton extend, and w proves Coi:o 162nd Street in a northwesterly direction 4 L W � t, Q f. s 'v�? nLi;:`mot. Z�w�vLo S.t3@fi E:�.+C,�G it1a Zf1 �.i�f.�it�t+?�': F,�Ti.<.e �ii�..a $'�CCotw.x are provided. to tho School Di.trict q the e as:ement ices-- v°ioned` in nos. « wad dill hk roveli.ed. The City of Renton has agreed to prepare an ost inato of cost or improvements for the future develo; ent or l62Udo Beeson F'roport_os has aEreod to a reasonable participation in the costs of thea© improvezlentn as determined by the City of i;entono If the tarragoing meets with your general approve/ Benson Properties would appreciate a letter of acknow3.od .,ent from you. Final legal mr,r oomeut will by prepared by the attornc ya for the City or Heaton and Benson Properties. Thank you for your interest and oo-.oporation in this mutter, • Yours very truiyo • Alfred :da Croonquisst liol'.Ae AJ,C$ m • cc: :�r. Jack ilsona 0 City Engineer Mrs Cordon "ri:ickt:oao City Planner' Mr, Rudy ✓mans • • • PA c) 4 �F RENTOOSCHOOL DISTRICTNO 403 • 1525 - 4 h Avanuo North I ENTON, W/SX;.XNGTON 0R055 December 7, 1966 Mr. Alfred He Croonquist, A. I. A. 700 x B M Building • Seattle, Washington 98101 Re: Vacation of 106th Avenue S . B. Dear Mr. Croonquist: The Renton School District is in general agreement with the content of your letter, dated November 28, 1966, regarding ease- • ments and/or street improvements to provide ingress and egress to pedestrians and busses to Fred Nelsen Junior High School from Puget Drive. Very truly yours, "X/ Ali Rudloph H. Seppi Director of Plant Facilities RHS:j s • • cc: Mr. William Belmondo Dr. Earl W. Iobbs Mr. Jack Wilson, City Engineer Mr. Gordon Erickson, City Planner s. qfks iOiSG alilCas ZuIPPri l 421 OW Pup irrnAroproln •fi u:Itia arYsl • A q Pn• o , CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL CITY HALL • NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A PETITION TO VACATE PORTION OF 106TH AVENUE SOUTHEAST TO WIT: All that ptaticm of 106th Avenue Southeast in the Southwest of Section 20, Township 23 North, Range S East, W.M. lying Southerly of Puget Drive .• . A HAS BEEN FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF RENT ON. THE CITY COUNCIL BY RESOLUTION NO. 1096 DULY ADOPTED AT ITS REGULAR MEETING oF September 19, 1966 FIXED AND DETERMINED THE 17til 'DAY OF getober,, 1966 AT TEE HOUR OF 8:00 P.M., IN THE ,COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF,RENTON, AS THE DATE AND PLACE AT WHICH SAID PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE CITY COUNCIL UPON THE PETITION TO VACATE SAD) PORTION OF 106th AVENUE SOUTHEAST ANY AND ALL PERSONS IN'IlERESTED THEREIN OR WISHING TO OBJECT THERETO, MAY THEN BE HE1P1' THEREON OR MAY 'FILE THEIR WRITTEN OBJECTIONS TO SAID VACATION WITH THE CITY CLERK PRIOR TO SAID TIME OF HEARING. %Zthr,Zelae770 HELMIE W. NELSON CITY CLERK SEE' 2 1 196 DATE OF PUBLICATION CERTIFICATION I, t HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE (3) COPIES OF THE ABOV."6 DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AND ONE (1) COPY POSTED AT THE CITY HALL, RENTON, ON 0 , AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. SIGNED: ATTEST: NCTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, RESIDING AT RENTON, WASHINGTON • : :SOLUTION NO. 1396 a.petition has been filed with the City C1erkof the CITY OF ''��1TO i'i' N on or about l.u. ust 19, 1966 g , petitioning for the vacation of a certain street, as hereinafter more particularly described, and said petition having been signed by the owners of more than two-thirds of the property abutting upon said street sought to be vacated, same being described as follows, to-wit: 1_ ld 6-6 n / cf, T \C�t` Z_� To c LJ N 51-1-1 P 7— 1J 8 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 19th day of September, 1966. Helmie Nelson, City C erk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 19th day of September, 1966. Donald W. Custer, Mayor Approved as to form: Gerard T Y. Shellan, City Attorney ALFRED H . CROONQUIST A R C H I T . E C 8-3-9 SEATTLE 1 , WASHINGTON 7 0 0 IBM BUILDING 7 io February'2, 1967 City Council City of Renton Renton, Washington VACATION OF 106TH AVENUE S.E. Gentlemen: • This will request that the City of Renton approve the vacation of 106th Avenue from the north boundary of the Fred Nelsen Junior High School to Puget Drive. Benson Properties has agreed to provide temporary use of their existing roadway to the Junior High School pupils and has further agreed to part- icipate in the future improvement of a new street proposed along the Bonneville Power Line Right-of-Way. Enclosed please find a copy of Benson Properties proposal to the City of Renton and a letter of acknowledgment from Mr. Rudolph Seppi, Director of Plant Facilities for Renton School District No. 403. It is our understanding that the proposed vacation is approved by the City of Renton Engineering Department and the City of Renton Planning Department. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Oil 4 Benson Properties C,164 � PO By. Alfred H. Croonquist, .I.A. Architect 1;147 ° AHC:lm 14)2 cc: Mr. Rudolph Seppi Mr. Gordon Erickson Mr. Jack Wilson Mr. Rudy Simone (�* — d "� 6 RENTu .. SCHOOL DISTRICT lV ). 403 1525 -.4th Avonuc North I ENTON, WASHINGTON oR055 December 7, 1966 Mr. Alfred H. Croonquist, A. I. A. 700 I B M Building Seattle, Washington 98101 Re: Vacation of 106th Avenue S. E. Dear Mr. Croonquist: The Renton School District is in general agreement with the content of your letter, dated November 28, 1966, regarding ease- • ments and/or street improvements to provide ingress and egress to pedestrians and busses to Fred Nelsen Junior High School from Puget Drive. Very truly yours, Rudloph H. Seppi Director of Plant Facilities RHS:js • • cc: Mr. William Belmondo Dr. Earl W. Hobbs Mr. Jack Wilson, City Engineer Mr. Gordon Erickson, City Planner TOG aflle�S 8uippn8 {yp� 00( S)1Yf0OSSw rnv io�nt� 'N :311ut 9961 0 T 030 • • • • • • November 280 1966 • • • • Rnton School District Noo 403 • 2525 - 4th North • Rentono Washington • • Attention: Mr. Rudolph Ceppi • VACATION OF 106TH AVEMUE S.E. Deer Mr. 5eppia On Noire 21st Mr, Jack Wilson City Engineero Mr, Gordon Bricksono City Plannoro Mr. Bill Relmondoo representing your officeg M., Rudy Simonet, and I =et concerning the interests of the City of Renton and the Renton School District with regard to the vacation of 106th Avenue 5,E, • • . . The City of Renton has pointed out that thee Is a planned extension of S.B. 162nd Street along the Bonneville right-of-way to Puget Drive in the nar future. Due tb-this proposed improvement it wits agreed that it would better serve the interests of the City of Renton and the School District to ask the Owners of Benson Properties to participate in the costs of the proposed extension of S.E, 1452nd Street rather than to pro- vide an improved•strect to the oast of 106th as previously proposed. It was generally agreed that the following proposal would be acceptable to all parties subject to your review and acceptance. • 10 The Owners of Benson Properties will provide an 69 wide blacktop sidewalk for the school children a indicated on the attached drawings dated November 3rd and revised November nth.' 20 Benson Properties will grant an easement to School District Uo. 403 for the use of the sidewalk as yell no the use of 34r - the present right-of-way by the school busses to travop.-7 from Puget Drive to the north school property linc04 IP • 16° IPAtNe. c' • r:N3 • 41plu, • • , • • . , . . , Er. Rudolph St ppi t vemb r 28, 1966 Sao 2 3. Items nos. ? and 2 above will remain :i:r force and effect until such time an the: City of Renton extends MA proves 13.1% 162nd :street in a northwesterly direction to Put Drive, When adequate sidewalk and bus access are provided to the School District 4 the easement men— tioned in no I aad 2. will bo r evek.ed. The City of Renton has agreed to prepare an estimate of cost of improver.ents for the future: devoiopnent of 1620d. aeasou Properties has ava;.1.f. to reasonable participation in tho costs of these i.aaprovemeuts .us dezterrai:eu by the City of Benton, If the foragoinr moots with your general approval Benson Properties would appreciate a letter of acknowledgment from you. Final legal agreement will be prepared by the attorneys for tho City of Renton and Benson Properties. Thank you for your interact and co—operation in this matter. Yours very truly, • Alfred .f . Croonquist, AoI.Ao ' coldC.1 cos Mr. Jack Wilson, City Engineer Sr. Gordon Erickson, City :laaaner Mr, Rudy SiZon 41 Cgle, ye fi �.�t ', ALFREDett„ p---1 H . CROONQUIST A . 0 . A .?-'•� - g...��.,.4-----,....�...,..�{......�..,,..T... E.�.......�....E....��.�_,g.. _.��...__.,r.._.{.��g....,:A,.Ng..._,T,....,....,_g._..H....1_..�:...T}.,.,�.�.w..{�.....��. ; S E A T T L E 1 , WASHINGTON : 7 0 i :1 P !• 1 i n i f'. February 2, 1967 City Council City of Renton • Renton, Washington VACATION OF 106TH AVENUE S.E. :. Gentlemen: This will request that the City of Renton approve the vacation of 106th • Avenue from the north boundary of the Fred Nelsen Junior High School to ' Puget Drive. Benson Properties has agreed to provide temporary use of their existing . roadway to the Junior High School pupils and has further agreed to part- icipate in the future improvement of a new street proposed along the Bonneville Power Line Right-of-Way. Enclosed please find a copy of. Benson Properties proposal to the City of Renton and a letter of acknowledgment from Mr. Rudolph Seppi, Director of ,Plant Facilities for Renton School District No. 403. It is our understanding that the proposed vacation is approved by the City of Renton Engineering :G. Department and the City of Renton Planning Department, ':• Thank you for your consideration in this matter. 4. 7,1 . v Benson Properties • By• Alfred H. Croonquist, .I.A. Architect \e44 N.; --1� 7 ,4.4\*.„. cc: Mr. Rudolph 0oT?pi .,� �' l>' (;-- Mr. Cordon iIri0kuon Mr. Jack Wilson Mr. Rudy Simone _ 1 :.;ovember 23, 1966 nv:nton Ccool Df.strict No. 403 1525 - Lth North , nenton, Washington ' ALteriZiOnS tiro FALCIoll)h Ceppi . yEal.102,122_2-212, 7.0 . Dear Mr. 34:ppia On Novce,.:er 21st Vro Jack 'Wilson, City Engineer, r.r, Coon Erickson, City Planner, V.ro Bill 'Relsr.ondo, representin yr,nr office, Er° Rudy 0 ainone, and I met concerning the interests of the City of Renton and the Renton School District with regard to tho vacation of 106th Avenuo The City of Renton hos pointed cut that theyc. is a planned extension of SoE. 162nd Street alons 'sir) Bon.neville rio,ht-of-way to Puget Drive in neAr fu'i,nrco Due Lb thin proposed ir..11,rrovenent it wan apreed that it would bettor servo the interents of tho City of Renton and the School District to ask the Owners of ilt:r.BOn Properties to participate in the • costs of the proposed extension of Soto 142nd troot rather than to pro- , vide aa it:proved otroet to Che east of 106th aa Ilrevionaly proposed, ' - It was generally acreed the.t tho 'following proposal would bet acceptable to all parties subject to your review and. acceptanceo 10 The Owners of Benson Properties will provide an 6' wide• blacktop sidewalk for the school chilaron as indicated on the attached drawings dated !lover:ter 3rd and revised . *Joven.ber 25tho i 20 Benson Properties wIll grant an eauement to School Diotrict lio„ 1;03 for the use of the sf.C:ows1:- 0.15 VCal MO theoi7-w7.7-- .‘t tho prosout right-of-wny by the sehool bussco to traVaWk frola Puot Drivo to tho north acool proporty linoo tss., , , -• d, 41/ti //,96, ?„1, , . kA, 401t2 $,-,,, 'TA As', •-, ‘41rhi ( , POAli 4 , "1 ' :?'r • q 1\v"0. -•- .•',/6t .1:1."' i i , vro' l'udol h .:U,jiy L ,>� i yF_e� s• . : vo::;,ar n 1.....647,0 2 • ? 7.. ..v os. 1 dLad 0 abo`.;n will 1��:„:LS.in in forcC1 and %I i oat r ' U til such tlrr.o as t a City of Rontc:'t C:xten !.; :.ad 1:=� v. /v 16231d '.:;tract 3:i tT :ioZ`v:.: L:iCG'ir;/ :1.I'c:C . O"'. - to i u,c.et Drive. 'on r..Sog.L to sitaawulk and LU3 L:CCh.:ia are ;(fir ov4 ded to tio:-R School D B tr1Ct t, thoC..^.Loncat a+CI - , ,, ^ v oned in nos° 1andQ 2Will c rovo%c.dq 4 .% tCln has L:.;?VeQd to pre r J an C::t{r c.'i.Gt of cost of 1:::�'rovo:.7.o t:i* . `-'. 't) future i:�.ovol.i pzieiiu or 1ti2pei '!.;cane a "e.or�Qrtia 2i�i:1 ..', -mot. to L. ,. : : -.reasonable i c,rt1Cipat O:L in tho cat of these �,;lp:ovdatiLl�.e81 as :.o tci P.:.:.a.• 1.-.7 • ' tho City of iiorLtonD . If. + foragoinil mootswith your "L'DnL."'a 2:a1. approval :il~•:1:1c n Proportion would .t'' , ' , ',:' apprc c tr to a lottor of cack,no 3.edgr..:.ent from you. al... a,° bo prepared by tha attoraio a for the City of Routon alld .3ararior. ProptI do so }' ' ahan%' ;ou for your interest and co«oporctiorl in this n»attcy o YoUrD v(x)ry truly c, , . A:,frod :do Croozaauisto AoIGAO . C a oy cc a Mr. Jack \ iisioA0 City 'en5inecr Iva.. Cordon' :rich oa o City :1q,,nnor ." ' . Two Rudy $i .onu . . ',;. r .t ,'�tzt " C"tic•d . ', . p+• a 0. . RENT-I,RENTU-I, SCIJUOL DISTRICT NO. 403 .,• 1525 a h Avenue North HESTON, WASIII.lGTO)V °RO55 • December 7, 1966 ' Mr. Alfred H. Croonquist, A. I. A. 700 I B M Building . ' .• Seattle, Washington 98101 . Re: Vacation of 106th Avenue S. j , Dear Mr. Croonquist: .. The Renton School District is in general agreement with the 4. • content of your letter, dated November 28, 1966, regarding ease- • - ments and/or street improvements to provide ingress and egress to • pedestrians and busses to Fred Nelsen Junior High School from Puget Drive. - . Very truly yours, . . ' ‘''1.'..90".. 1,...0 7/..,..L•1.. . Rudloph H. Seppi Director of Plant Facilities . RHS:Js . ' cc; Mr. William Belmondo :, Dr, Bari W. Hobbs ' ' MI. Jack Wilson, City Engineer , M.r. Gordon Erickson, City Planner • . r „/, i f • 101e0 j111ejS 9uplinil NW Oi)[ S)1VI:)O1,\N ?iia i�'ine,• - •N U'IUi1V 9961 0 T � � . [1117 I) j 0,1)4 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING October 17,1966 8:00 P.M. Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor., and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Hulse, Bruce, Schellert, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Garrett, Perry, Delaurenti and Poli. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Marcella Hiligen, Librarian, Sven Johnson, Building Director, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner and Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Dahlquist, that the absent Councilmen be excused. The motion carried. . Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poll, that the Minutes of the previous meeting be approved as written. Mr. Leo Lazetti, member of the audience called attention to number ofsignatures appearing on a rezone petition being incorrect and the City Clerk reported corrections had been made. The motion carried. PUBLIC HEARINGS: Proposal for vacation of portion of 106th Avenue S.E. (Simone Construction Petition) This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Communication was read from Puget Sound Power & Light Company advising of no objection to the vacation. Letter from School District 403, Rudolph H. Seppi, Director of Plant Facilities, expressed opinion that the public will not benefit by the proposed vacation; . • that this portion of 106th Avenue S.E. lying South of Puget Drive and North of Fred Nelsen Jr. High School is useful as part of the general road system and the vacation should be denied. A .letter was read from Gordon Y. Ericksen, reporting that the Planning Commission reaffirmed its position of March 28, 1966 that 106th Avenue S.E. would not be needed for future right of way providing an alternate. permanent public pedestrian access be provided to the school property. Audience comment was invited and Mr. John Kalheim, of Simone Construction, advised that a large road has been constructed North of the proposed vacation. Upon request Planning Director Ericksen pointed the area out on a wall map. After further discussion during which it was determined that the new road was constructed on the Bonneville Powerline right of way and was not permanent but could be terminated upon notice by Bonneville officials and also it does not provide access to the school property, it was moved by Garrett, seconded by Delaurenti, that the hearing be closed. Carried. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, that the vacation be denied. It was noted that the requestor has failed to show that the vacation would be to the best interest and public good and if they could make some arrangement,working with the school district, for some permanent easement for a right of way, something might be worked out regarding the vacation. The pending motion carried. Proposed vacation of "portion of Mountain View Drive (Rudy Hasson Petition) This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Communication from Mr. Richard Larson, Northern Pacific Railway Company advised the Company has no objections to the vacation. A letter from the Planning Commission recommended that the vacation be granted and letter from Park Director Gene Coulon reported on behalf of the Park Board that the Board has no objection to the vacation. Audience comment was invited and Mr. Hassen, 8667 Lake Wn. Blvd., Petitioner, advised that the vacation would allow the enlargement of his home, his property surrounding the right of way on three sides as it dead ends abutting his lot. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, upon no further comment, that the hearing be closed. Carried. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Perry that the vacation be granted with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee.Carried. -1- • • • October-.21,.-1966:'' l Mr. R. V. Sitione' 2200 Rainier' 'Avenue South''. . Seattle; :Washington 98144 _ _ - \.. Re: etitionNfor Vacation of Portion , of 106th:Avenue S.R d . Dear_Mt,•.Simone: = The.Renton.City Council,: at its regular meeting of October 17, 1966 . ' • has denied'the vacation of..the. above-captioned rightrof-way in cone ' currence'with-.recommendation of the Renton Planning Commission's report. that 106th Avenue=S.R. extending South' from Puget.Drive. would.not be:"needed-for.future right-of-way.provi ded'that on '.alternate permanent public pedestrian access.be'provided to the. school property. We,enclose excerpt 'froth the ,Minutes of the Council meeting for. your :. further information.. , • Yours -��ry truly' CITY OF RENTON Helmie ,t : Nelson City Clerk HWN/cam. ... . ' . ,• '. ' •.. •. " .,. CC R. ,:Seppl ':Reznton Sch.Dist. 403 Planning ,Cora« • ;;� . _ Affidavit of Publication STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ss. ' s Ir! » COI? •Lance •.'OJ t,0_ being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says that ?A1 ..-... is the .L-' • ." .,.,�1 of THE RECORD-CHRONICLE, -a weekly newspaper. Thai said news- ____ ---- ----1 paper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for more than - - six months prior to the date of publication referred to, printed and CITY OF RENTON published in the English language continually as a weekly newspaper : NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING in Renton, King County, Washington, and it is now and during all of RENTON CITYCOUNCIL said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place CITYHALL of publication of said newspaper. That the Record-Chronicle has Notice is heie�b been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court y given that a of the County in which it is published, to-wit, King County, Washing- `• petition to vacate portion of 106th Avenue Southeast to j ton. That the annexed is a rd0 31CO 0= i 1.b 1,C 1,II ?a`_'1nfi 7 wit: All that portion of 106th I Avenue Southeast iilthe South- ::. west'/a of Section 20EPT4ownship i t= 1;?.'" .t Dri o) • 23 North, Range 52 Ea'st W.M. lying Southerly'of Puget,Drive ! as it was published in regular issues (and • has been filed with tie City not in supplement form of said newspaper) once each week for a period Clerk of the,City of Renton The City Council by Resolutiion No. of - 07.10 consecutive weeks, commencing on the 1396 duly adopted;at its regular meeting of September 1'9,1966 i 21st day of `-}�=,��`=1,:b0I , 19 6 6, and ending the . fixed'and deterif ed the 17th day of October, 1'966iat the hour' of .8:00 p.m., ill the Council day of 19 both dates : Chambers, City,. 1, City of of J inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its Renton, as the date and., � subscribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee p at which said public hearing; (-,.,` . will be held by th Co elCity un-' charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of $.3.,---iD....., which cil upon the petitionn to�ua.cate has been paid in full at the rate of$2.40 per folio of one hundred words said portion of 106th Avenue for the first insertion and$1.80 per folio of one hundred words for each Southeast. - orsubsequent insertion. Any and all'persons.i;riterest-1 C- I' vfri" -c-(:)?eN P--(Zi_.. ed therein or wishing to object' thereto, may then .be heard • L h l ,.,,_(' (j:I e 1.l* , thereon or may file their writ-, ten objections to said vacation; . with the City Clerk prior to i Subscribed ibed and sworn to before me this-..i.s ut b : day of • said'time of hearing. - HELMIE W.NELSON' CITY CLERK .----`�•L:�.... •t}� 19...-. `O Published in the Record- ' . ai � aux6-- Chronicle September 21,1966. Notary Public in . the State of Washington, -- _.1 residing a nton, King County. —Passed by the Legislature, 1955, known as Senate Bill 281, effective June 9th, 1955. —Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, adopted by the newspapers of the State. - • •• Octobor 21,•.-1966 .. ' • _ . . ' - •Mr. R.'l.;'Sitaontr • • ''2200 Rainier Avenue.,,South.,. - • • . : '. rY. . ' - ' ' :Seattle- W#ahington; 9-S1.4r ' .. -- � \ . • Re s'':Petition for-V'a - _ ci' Portion . Dear.Mr..:91ii orte ..e. ••, _ _ . ,: ',The 'Renton .City Council,;,::nt its'•regulpt i**i ng of .October 17, 1906 • -•• _. .. . . hit.• denied'the Vacation Off..the ebove-cape oned.:right-of way.,in eon- • . - • •currenee..'A. th rervi ;endatien-•of-.the Renter kenning'Cc�ssiones. - . ' . '' report.that.-.06th Aver ue.'S;E ;extending South•from Puget Drive . ' 2 . . . '.. ' would:not ' .ne€€ded;'fi r future:righ °�-af-4 y. provided that 'en{a1te: ete :',. • permanent_ public-pedestrian,access be provided -to the:=.echor l' pro rrty►'.- • We.,enclose':excerpt from:.the: Minutes of the Council.meeting for your :. .further inf tton. , ._. .• .. - . ' . •. • _ : Yo r . vary. truly:; - - -• • C CF 'i • • . : . = • • Heine. W. Nelson' .- . . • . , City_�Cle�'k Wo1N/chit' . ' • co ;4 R.H •:Seppi,'.Renton Sch.Dist. .a3. , Pl .nna rag Comte October .21,• 1966 • Mr. R. V. Simone - 2'00 Rainier avenue South - Seattle, Washington 98144 Re: Petition. for Vacation of Portion . 'of 196th Avenue S.E. • Dear Mr. Simone:: The Renton'City Council,• at its regular meeting of October 17, 1966 has denied.the vacation •of the above-captioned right-of-way it con- 'currence.with recommendation'of the Renton Planning Co ssionts . • report that 106th Avenue' S.E.• extending South from Puget-Drive- . "would not be' needed for future right-of-way •provided that an alternate permanent public pedestrian access be provided to• the school" property. We,enclose excerpt from the•Minutes of tho Council meeting for your further information. . . • Yours 'verry t:ra4i'y ciTY or RENTON • • Helmie •w. Nelson • City Clerk . • HWN/dm •• . cc R.H. Seppi, Re t ii Soh.Dist, 403 . - Planning Com. RENTON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 403 /0//7/(94 1525 - 4th Avenue North if7; RENTON, WASHINGTON, 98055 September 19, 1966 Miss Helmie Nelson, City Clerk City of Renton Renton, Washington 98055 Re: Proposed Street Vacation, Portion of 106th. Avenue S.E., lying South of Puget Drive Dear Miss Nelson: Please communicate to the City Council that the above mentioned street vacation is not in the best interests of the public welfare. It is our opinion that the public will not be benefited by the proposed vacation, and that the vacation should be denied, as this portion of 106th. Avenue Southeast, lying South of Puget Drive and North of the Fred Nelsen Junior High School is useful as a part of the general road system. Very ruly yours, / Rudo_ ph H. Seppi Div ctor of Plant Facilities RHS:mg cc: Dr. Hobbs Mr. Donald Custer - Mayor Mr. Jack Wilson - City Engineer . Mr. Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director • Mr. Belmondo • • October 17, 1966 • Honorable Donald W. Custer., Mayor ' • Members of the' City Council • Re:• Vacation of portion of 106th Avenue SE Gentlemen-and Mrs. Dahlquist: The Planning Commission at its meeting of October 12, 1966 reaffirmed its position regarding the Vacation of the- above mentioned street. This position was stated in a letter .to the. Mayor and City Council dated' March 26, 1966. (Copy enclosed) The Planning • Commission generally felt that 106th Avenue SE ex- ' -.tending south from Puget Drive would not be needed :for future street right of way., provided that an al- - . ternate. permanent .public pedestrian access.' be provi- ded to the school property. Very truly yours, Gordon Y. Ericksen Planning Director' .GYEspc • /op 7/6 “ cifir or gA,ciluL: n hi Mr . R V. Simone c mru. Soured Power Light Company hit, no objection to ! -)(2 vJfcatioll of the portion of 106th Avenue S. E. , Renton, .ii1Hgton a,. outlined in your petition, wnich is before the ",eoton City Council at this time. • Very truly yours, • .'4p• !` N. E. Todhunter 4 . V Right of Way Agent • Iftt ;4' A )410011PV • •. : • , . / r- - 1 ^4i"%, a• 7.1,.:..:-:,:'(i.4'..!..',,f,.-.;.::'.'i•Z'''',,,,;..;;.'.;;1','-!,,i.1.'„',..±,.J7::..:,,,:,,':''Ck. r'.�� ' Y, i,: +t ' ._i ; ,lam }', �0.if:t ''S.`y: ,Yam, . 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D • *. .‘ 41113,_,1H..:1;:iiiiiilL's...;...i': ;''1,-,.:''.1144L•illii';••,l':•(!::::". • • V� N "A1 .1 tfl :•,,..44-t.,-,,,,;4-,..--;,,,,,-..,,••., • t,IQ 1 : ..,..-;:ii.:4,,-,7,..,•..•.,-;::•,,, ,...., • 4,.'......t'-'71.....0, _,t't ,‘.qI - • CI. • • • • • VLb 0 • �:.,�; p.S N• J a 4 • • ^ 2; • 't; , • , „ xc5' ;,,,' Nci;;Yt( ' ;6. • :!:1„ ,$) - •„;' ' - :r • " • •"•, j,,:ltinntes',- ..'.ner-c ton, City Council Meeting (C on,t• -; , 9-12-66 !.:t(DmitNIOATIONS: -; • ' 'v -`": \I;n- ' • , ' 7.i.• • , ' -City 'Engineer • jack Wilson, reported locating possible site for elevated viateP ' r"-"tank'-:tin'the,West;Hil1,: fUnds for which•were''prOvided•for. in"the ,1965 Water and Sewer Revenue'.Bond Issue. It was recommended'that:'the matter be referred to .proper„ to obtain appraisals-and negotiate for purchase for the Utility'Department.;;;J:',L.;; ::: Moved by Poll, 'Seconded by Bruce, to concur and refer to'the: Sanitation, :Fire and Water and Property Cammitties... ,Carried. :Fpr;;: •" • = _ Letter fiom aity:Engineer,JaCk Wilson reported, regarding petition for vacation of aportion . • of South.153rd Street between 91st Avenue South and, the East Valley ,the :signatures represent 'mere of only 31% of the property abutting said street andi • etition'failS to 'meet statutory requirement of '2/3 or 60% and is therefore not 7ta14 . Gahano Petition) • r, - , . „;. . 14,'''''.;••'"'Petition for"Vaeationof 106th Avenue S.E., lying Southerly of:Puget Drive was 'checked:`' and City Engineer Wilson ,reperted that County records indicate the petition IS Signed .; by owners representing 82.12% of the abutting property. (R.V.'Simone Cot:1st property)0 , , Moved by',Selielleit5 seconded by Dahlquist, to" refer the matter to the‘Law and OrdinanceCppi way constitutes , 7 itte e for Resolution setting date of hearing. Carried.(P.5-42.L. power line right-of- way t-o balance of ownership) Council, by'Pplicy, ha required reqnired 100% petitions. - s Re petition submitted for vacation of portion of Mountain View Drive, 'City s- • Engineer Wilson reported check of County records reVegled the petition contains 'sig- --matures of, owners representing 82.5% of abutting property. (Hasson property, adjoining Lot 1; Block A, C. D. IUDs'. an Lake Wn".' Garden of Eden Divtn. No'. 1.) Discussions,: ensued regarding fact that the right-of-way in,question lies in close proximity to . the'Kennydale Beach property, running parallel to the slake and it was moved by secOnded• by Perry, to refer this matter to the Park Board for recommendation, ;inn d_rto the ,Law and Ordinance Committee for Resolution setting date i3or hearing. Car;tecIf'-_, e;si, 7 Petiiion- containing appipiciMately 30 signatures requested the exclusion of Park " - ,-Avenue';from',3rd Avenue North to 6th Avenue North,from the Arterial Street Bond Issue! 'and, routing of traffic proposed from this area to Logan and 6th Avenue North,:::tben North On Park to,the North Renton Interchange. Councilman Bruce suggested the use of Carden.j:,:-,, -;,Street,which cost to widen-was deemed less since' there' are snot the resideneee from'4th to 6th. Traffic' engineer Del Bennett reported Garden had been onsidered in the made. ;-::Park is the most direct route and probably the most economical from 'standpoint , .fact that North Renton Interchange from its Westerly approach' on down is in direct; ' alignment with Park. Mayor Custer inquired how many lanes would be added- to Park and: Mr. Bennett 'advised 'it would probably be a 5-lane facility with the center lane forl' 2.: ,•::traffic,Advieory, Committee Chairman, Arthur Eeholes'reported'that the'CO- tiee had :worked with the Engineering Department and Studied all- aspects of the bond ; issue and concluded Park Is a major arterial connecting with ,the North Renton Inter- change and provides access to the central business sdistrict,::expresnitig.epp„eF)!:for ,::::_y:::,.,,, the bond issue if changed Moved by r ,' T imm seconded by Hulse, to refer the petaltxon ::: Jj: to the ;92pita1 InTrovement Priori Committee to report,back..::::,',,Carried..-• - , Petitions Were reads, containing approximately 24 signatures, 'requesting that the ; 7.• - Council cause the 'Air Pollution Ordinance to be brought out'from Committee. and passed , 1=s-Without delay before the problem becomes any greater. ,Councilman Perry, Meniber,of;:, :;- ,,, the Law and Ordinance Committee reported.that the document is in Committee at this , time inatmuch. as the Council has not met for three, Weeks and then the Chairman had ,;:.,:had,a7heart attack and was in the hospital but it was reedy'for;,presentation, tonight. 'ITetitiC0 and letters requested consideration ,by the ,Council of a year-around swiunning pool facility, One suggestion being'that the City and School operate such a facility jai/lily: It-Was pointed out that this had been heretofore negotiated but the8ChOO1 )ss i•Js,s was-Snot favorable torithe City pool was built. Mr. Coulon, Park Director, reported investigation of- covering of the City's present pool without.-successfully finding One, of'proper size and recommended feasibility study in event of serious Consideration., Moved by Hulse, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Park Board for report back. '.,Carried Letter from the Hon. Brock Adams, Representative, submitted letter from the Economic DevelopMent Administration advising of steady progress .in evaluation of the City's Part- II of,:the application for a street project, EDA No. 07-440088. Representative, 'Adams reported he will continue to watch the projects, -which included tu!nqilali3,.',:! :': „ to be certain 'they receive full and prompt -consideration. A 'letter from Mr. P. A Wakeman, Associated Management Conaultants, offered servicea, In'.event the City should be implementing a Comprehensive Plan for Community develPpmert, of either overall or special consulting services. Mayor Custer reported receiving such notices which he felt the Council might wish to accept ,or reject ankhc-was tbere- for presenting same. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellertl:to refer the•:letter to the City Clerk to:place on file. Carried. „ September 22, 1966 Mr. R. :V. Simone 2200 Rainier Avenue South Seattle, Washington 98144 The Renton City Council, at its regular meeting of September 19th has passed Resolution No. 1396 setting the 17th of October, 1966 at:8:00 p.m in the Renton City Council Chambers, City Hall, as the time and place for hearing on your petition for vacation of portion of 106th Avenue S.E. The City Council's policy heretofore established has been that the petition for vacation of =stree1ohall be signed by signatures repre- senting 100% of owners' and -the: City Attorney suggests that you secure missing signatures or some written indication by non-signers of the .peti- tion .that there is no objection to any such vacation. It was pointed out by the City.Engineer that Puget Sound Power and Light Company trans- mission line right-of-way constitutes balance of ownership, your petition containing 82.12% o, ,èignatures of. abutting property owners. You, or representatives of Benson Properties, should plan to be present at the hearing and possibly the missing consent might be submitted for the hearing. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk HWN/dm. INTER-,-OFFICE MEMO ry To: Mrs. Helmie Nelson, City Clerk r' Date September 14, 1966 From: Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney Re: Or__'sinance vacating portion of 7th Ave. and Resolutions re vacation of portion of 106th Ave. S. E. and Mountain View Ave. Dear Helmie: Attached hereto you will find stencils relative to the proposed Ordinance and Resolutions vacating certain streets. We suggest that you have the City Engineer and Planning Director check. same over to be sure they are correct. It would be our suggestion, based on the City Council's policy heretofore established that in rase of vacation of streets , the written consent of the abutting owners be secured on a 100% basis. It would therefore be suggested that the petitioners be notified to secure such missing signatures or in the alternative, some written indication by the non-signers of the petition that there is no objection to any such vacation. If we can be of any further assistance-to you in this matter, please let us know. We remain, cc-Mayor Yo s very tru y, HAGA �HELL City Engineer l Mrs. Dahlquist, L & 0 Committal ,/ Gerard M. Shellan GMS:mr Enclosures • • • V s � �) v'� RENTCN CITY COUNCIL Ib REGULAR MEETING August 22, 1966 8:00 P.M. Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Bruce, Schellert, Dahiquist, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti and Poli. Mayor Custer announced .that Councilman Morris is in the hospital, Councilman Gianini called that he is unable to attend and Councilman Hulse is on vacation. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahiquist, that the absent Councilmen be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: He]mie Nelson, City Clerk, Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Sven Johnson, Building Director, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Marcella Billgen, Librarian, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of August 15, 1966 be approved as written. The motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING: Vacation of Alley, Block 11, Renton Highlands,(A. Creek et al petition) This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. There were no written communications and audience comment was invited. Mrs. Frank Zappalo, resident of the area stated that the alley is not presently maintained and veers off at a right angle and petitioners wished to have it vacated so that it might be utilized and properly maintained. She inquired whether the City measures or surveys the alley if it is vacated, and how the property is divided. City Attorney Shellan advised that the alley vests in the abutting property owners, one-half of the alley,up to the center line,going to owner residing on each side. The City Clerk, after the alley is vacated, will send notice to the Assessor of the title change and property owners will be given a copy of the Ordinance and will receive title to the alley up to the center line, or approxi- mately 8 feet. The property is then the responsibility of each owner since the City may not engage in work for private ownerships, and the City would not therefore measure or survey. Since there was no further discussion council action was invited and it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poll, that the hearing be declared closed. The motion carried and Mayor Custer declared the hearing closed. Poll inquired as to recommendation of the City Engineer and Mr. Wilson stated that this alley has never been open for vehicular traffic and utilities are all in- stalled so there is no need to retain an easement, and that the City,• in'residential plats,no longer plan for alleys. Trimm inquired whether 100% ownership was repre- sented by the signatures on the petition and the Clerk replied affirmatively. Moved by Perry, seconded by Bruce, that the alley be vacated and the matter be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Schellert inquired whether the re- versionary rights to the Federal Government have been acquired by the City so there will be no problem in that respect and the City Attorney stated there 1411J be no problem. The pending motion carried. COMMUNICATIONS: Petition was read from R. V. Simone for vacation of a portion of 106th Avenue S.E. in vicinity of Puget Sound Drive. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahiquist to refer the request to the City Engineer to check signatures for validity of the petition. The motion carried. A letter from City Engineer Wilson reported check of the County Records indicated that petition for vacation of portion of 91st Avenue South, between South 128th and•"deadend of right-of-way, Bl. 19,. was signed by owners representing 90% of property abutting said street. Petitioners, however, have withdrawn their petition since the property is currently being sold and new petition will be filed at later -date by the new owners. Letter from City Engineer Wilson submitted and recommended for payment, Progress Estimate #2 due Lewis and Redford, Engineers for work completed to date on preliminary design of Logan-Smithers and 3rd Avenue North arterials, in sum of $6,870.00. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poll, to refer the Estimate to the Auditing and Accounting nommittee with power to act. The motion carried. -1- • RESOLUTION NO. 1396 WHEREAS a petition has been filed with the City Clerk of the CITY OF RENTON on or about August 19, 1966, petitioning for the vacation of a certain street, as hereinafter .more .particularly described, and said- petition having been signed by .the owners of more than two-thirds of the. property abutting upon said street sought to be vacated, same being described as follows, to-wit: All that. portion of 106th Avenue Southeast in the Southwest 1/4 . of Section 20,_ Township 23 North, Range 5 East, b'.M. Lying Southerly of Puget Drive, im Renton, King County, Washington. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY_ THE MAYOR AND THE r1TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON AS FOLLOWS; SECTION I: That the 1T1 day of October, 1966, at. the hour of 8:00 P.M. at the City. Council Chambers in the City Hall of Renton, Washington, be and is hereby fixed as •the time and place when the aforesaid petition for vacating a certain portion of the aforesaid street shall be heard and determined. SECTION II: The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to give notice of said time and hearing as provided by law; and any and all persons interested therein or objecting to said vacation may then appear and be heard thereon, or they may file their written objections thereto with the City Clerk prior to or at the time of the hearing on said vacation. SECTION III: The City of Renton reserves the right to retain an easement for utility and other public purposes within said right-of-way sought to be vacated. PASSED BY TIIE CITY COUNCIL this 19th- day of September, 1966. ale,0,1„) Helmie Nelson, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 19th day of September, 1966. ttonald U.. Custer, Mayor Approved as to form: • 't;erard MM.I. Shelia; City Attorney 1�. • • 'September, 12,• 1 6 . Donald.:Cter,,-Kaaror. :.• • :HerillJera of the City.Council • , • . RE s " :Petition:for•Vacation of .06th Avenue ?ot beast - - - • A ''check of the e0unty:reoords- .ndicates the psi ti for - vacati ' of`that portion" of 106th: kven Southeast :13�i : •south` •• of Pugot Drive io',s : d by owners" representing ,"! " of the ..abutting.property. • • - "Very• truly yours .: -,•:" . .. i• o . . . C .tyEngineer ..•.. ._ • 4 Ireil RUDY SIMONE CONSTRUCTION CO. INC. ,�L GENERAL CONTRACTOR 2200 RAINIER AVENUE SO. SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98144 EAST 2 -5155 August 19, 1966 Honorable Don W. Custer, Mayor and Members of the City Council Renton, Washington Re: Vacation — 106th Ave. ;, Renton, Washington Gentlemen: We are again requesting vacation of the abovementioned property. Since our first request, the Benson Properties Partnership has purchased the adjoining property, which would be the only other property owner concerned with the street vacation. We feel that the street vacation is necessary because of the location of the entrance on a curve to Puget Sound Drive. Also, it would be a very poor crossing for school children or anyother foot traffic. We, therefore, would be willing to release the back portion of our property for easement for all utilties for the City of Renton and also allow foot traffic to the school children on our new existing road directly east on 106th on Puget Sound Drive, which is clearly more useable and less dangerous from all points of view. Yours very truly SIMONE CONST. CO. INC. R. V. Simone Representative of Benson Properties rs/dc Encl. MAYOR'S OFFICE RECEIVED AUG 19 1966 MAYOR • 1, A-90/), / //y A/ oSyB :2 • • • r • • ' • t awns • Noi A/ N PJ N p P./k/.7 do /1 g4/)0_ vWswg •_Z, _4 sSi9j 4,17 is 7-71 --D__Z6/ 01 ° Or) • '_g• '5 ,PA // • gy'31/ 00, 9 (nc'd • . • feA. • pF R A ® CITY ENGINEER'S OFFICE • RENTON, WASHINGTON •ha JACK WILSON CITY HALL, CEDAR RIVER PARK, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 • ALPINE 5-3464 o 2sA �� May 2, 1966 °RT CAPITA'-°. Honorable Donald Custer, Mayor Members of the City Council Re: Proposed Vacation of 106th Avenue S.E. Gentlemen: In view of the fact that'no-alternate utility easement-has been agreed upon-at this time, it is the recommendation of the Engineering Department that a -20' -easement be retained for utility r�.l, L.. .......... If at-some future time a.more' desirable loc- ' ,,� atiOn cOuld be obtained, the 20' easement within 106th Avenue S.E. �,�, could be abandoned. Very truly your, L N,, ac Wilson City Engineer JW:me Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting (Cont.) 5-2-1966 Moved by Hulse, seconded by Gianini, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of April 25, 1966 be approved as written. Carried. -PUBLIC HEARING: Proposed vacation of portion of 106th Ave. S.E. (Continued from April 25, 1966) This being the date set, the hearing.was declared continued at this time. Letter from City Engineer Wilson recommended that since no alternate utility easement has been agreed upon, a 20' easement be retained for utility and pedestrian use and if a more desirable location can be obtained in the future the 106th Avenue easement could be abandoned. Audience comment was invited and Mr. Rudy Seppi, Director of Plant Facilities, Renton School District 403, stated there would be no objection if such a strip is reserved for pedestrian use as recommended but if none is provided then there would be strong objection by the School District to the vacation. City Engineer Wilson advised that according to the City Attorney no reservation may be made for pedestrian use but only for utility purposes and his letter stands corrected to read as such. The need for a footpath was expressed and it was pointed out that the right of way is not presently in use but it does connect to Puget Drive and lead directly to the school property. Mived by Poli, seconded by Schellert,. the hearing be closed. Carried. Moved by Poll, seconded by Bruce, that the vacation be denied. Planning Director Ericksen displayed a drawing and pointed out the subject area and projected an extension over t Bonneville Power Line right-of-way. The pending motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING: Annexation - Kaczmarek et al properties This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Communication was read from the City Engineer expressing concern as to liability the City would be exposed to in annexing this area due to existing abandoned rock quarry at which site a fatality resulted when youths were climbing the steep cliffs. It was recommended that the annexation be denied if the City could not be assured of protection against future law suits. Mr. John Thompson pointed out that the quarry has been there from the time the old inter-urban line was built and the annexation was now desired to the property could be developed and they have insurance against liability at present. Mr. Max Witters inquired as to who will maintain the access road and Mr. Thompson advised the owners of properties on either side would do so. Mr. Kaczmarek added that the road will be gravelled and would be in better condition than it has been, and those on the easement would assume the obligation for maintenance. Mrs. Elizabeth Jackson inquired as to whether this is County property and was advised affirmatively. Mr. Ken Murakami submitted petition objecting to apartments in the area, however, Mayor Custer returned the Petition and invited submission at a later time as may be appropriate when zoning would be the consideration and not annexation. Mr. Thompson pointed out that the property is now bounded by the City on three sides. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce to close the hearing. Carried. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Dahlquist, that action of the Council be withheld for one week. Upon inquiry as to liability of the City, City Attorney Shellan advised that generally the fact of annexation itself does not pose any liability on the City it being a fact that sites with lakes, septic tanks, water tanks, etc. can be dangers and as such the City can require fencing but so long as they are privately and not publicly owned the City is not liable on annexation alone. City Engineer Wilson advised he had no special knowledge of liability in writing his letter but felt consideration should be given now rather than to annex and find an obligation has been assumed. The pending motion to with- hold action until May 9th subsequently carried. PUBLIC HEARING - Plat and zoning for Royal Hills - Appeal of Planning Commission decision. The hearing was declared open and the Deputy City Clerk advised of request from Mr. David Kennedy that the hearing be postpcned for 30 days until owners secure clear title to the property. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist, to grant the request, continuing the hearing to June 6, 1966. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS: Petition containing 80 signatures opposed rezone of King County Hospital Property as recommended by the Planning Commission. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, that the matter be taken from the table where it was laid last week. Caaried.r.Dahlgaistmaved the matter be referred to the Planning Committee to see if mutual agreement might be reached. Councilman Bruce felt property owners are entitled to views as to how their neighborhood should be developed and moved that the Planning Commission recommendation to rezone a portion to R-4 and part to R-3 be denied, with second by Poll. Mr. -Coleman introduced Bd. Members Pete Curran and John Lotto and the new hospital Administrator Bill Murray, and advised of many months of consideration, investigation and meetings to arrive at current determinations which were felt to be in the best interest of the taxpayers, it being concluded the rezone would bring more money to be applied on the new hospital at South 180th and Springbrook Road. It was pointed out that there will need to be a rezone for utilization of the property and now would be the time to rezone when benefit will be to the community rather than individuals. -2- Alk 0 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M. April 25, 1966 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor D. W. Custer at 8:00 p.m. and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL: Hulse, Bruce, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Garrett, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Gianini, that the absent Council Members be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gwen Marshall, Deputy City Clerk, Gerard M. She7lan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Jim Ashurst, Assistant Fire Chief, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, Sven Johnson, Euilding Director, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Gene Coulon, Park Director and Jack Wilson, City Engineer. Councilman Hulse requested that the Minutes of the previous meeting of April 18th be corrected to read that the Mayor and City Clerk had executed the new City Hall Contract irrstdadqof They-had been authorized to execute same to begin Phase I.(Page 5, Paragraph 5) Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes be approved with correction as stated. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT EUILDING PERMITS: NO AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 11056 $ 3,000.00 Patrick Sullivan 2513 9th Avenue No. Add to Residence 057 395.00 Alpine Electric 3421 - 12th Avenue No. Wire Residence 058 1.00 Donald Laudenbach 202 Mill Street Demolish Structure 05.9 250.00 Edward L. Levitt 13015-90th Ave. So. Carport and Workshop 11060 500.00 Erwin Hanneman 3208 - 6th Avenue No. Addition to Residence C61 701.80 Bell & Valdez, Inc. . Rolling Hills #2 Wire Residence 062 701.80 tt it tt rr it tt IT tt se 063 701.80 tt tt Ti Ti it tt if TT IT 054 701.80 tt tt tt rt ft rr tt if tt 11065 701.80 " tt rr tt it Ti it it Ti 066 230,000.00 C. K, Inc. 934 Sunset Blvd. E. 12 Unit Apartment 067 63,319.00 The Boeing Company Bldg. 4-01, Logan St. Wire Building 068 500.00 Ray Aliment 9823 - 106th Ave. S.E . Wire Residence 059 2,000.00 Archie Gustine - 111 Meadow Street Wire Motel 11070 1,900.00 Jessie Clulow 615 High Street Remodel Windows 071 38,400.00 Charles Shane 111 Maple Valley Hwy. 12 Unit Apartment 072 33,400.00 tr TT tt it rt IT Ti Ti TT 073 33,400.00 rt tt TT IT it Ti tt IT tt 074 38,400.00 tt It tt tt TT TT TT If Ti 11075 103,800.00 Realty Investors, Inc. 2722-8th Avenue No. 12 Unit Apartment 076 130.00 George N. Lamb 667 R Street New Electric Service 077 239,000.00 The Boeing Company Renton Airport Annex Bridge - Apron D 078 475.00 Roger Peterson 11014-115th Ave. S.E. Wire Residence 079 450.00 John W. Carlson 10626-111th Ave. S.E. Wire Residence 11080 1.00 Tannehill & Clinch 518 Williams St. No. Demolish Residence PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 7812 Ray Frackes 3421 - 12th Avenue No. Plumbing Fixtures 13 Mr. Kerkes 2215 - 10th Avenue No. Heating Equipment 14 VOID 7815 VOID 16 RentonAirport Airport Way & Rainier Plumbing Fixtures 17 - .- - R. S. hane 11626 S.E. 100th St. Plumbing Fixtures 18 Ewing Stringfellow Whitworth Lane Apts. Gas Installations PUBLIC HEARING: Vacation of protion of 106th Avenue S.E. This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Upon inquiry, City Engineer Wilson advised that the developers of adjacent properties were interested in-securing a 20 ft. utility easement and he had told them an easement might possibly be acquired along the South side of their property and the new road projected to the East would also serve for utility purposes. The School District had expressed concern over access points for the children in the future developments to get to school and it was determined that there has been no settlement of the problems at this time. The Planning Director has been away from the City for the past few days and could not be reached. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to continue the hearing for one week to May 2nd. The motion carried. -1- April 28, 1966 Sandy Merlino c/o Williams & Swanson 3rd & Burnett Street Renton, Washington Re: Proposed Vacation of portion . of 106th Avenue S.E. Dear Mr. Merlino: The Renton City Council has continued the hearing on the above-captioned to May .2nd and you or your representatives are invited to be present to express your views on the matter. The meeting will be held in . the Council Chambers, City Hall, Renton and the regular meeting begins at 8:00 p.m. Yours very truly,. . CITY. OF RENTON . Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk 0 Gwen Marshall Deputy City Clerk• GM/dm . • April 28, 1966 Mr. Rudolph H. Seppi Renton School District 403 ', 1525 - 4th Avenue North Renton, Washington Dear Mr. Seppi: This is to advise that the Public Hearing on the matter of the vacation' of a portion of 106th Avenue S.E. has been continued by the. City Council to. May. 2rid and all parties concerned are invited to attend to express their views on the matter: Yours very truly, CITY.-OF RENTON He lmie W. Nelson City Clerk. By ,Gwen Marshall Deputy City Clerk ' GM/dm r ..,d .r ` RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:.00 P.M. March 28, 1966 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Custer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL: Hulse, Bruce, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helm0.--Nelson C y Clerk, Dorothea Gossett;City Treasurer, Gerard- M. Shellan, City Attorney, 9Iarence Williams; Chief of Poy'e, M. C. Walls`, Fire Chief, Albert Reisberguilding Director, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Goxdon Ericksen, Planning Director, Vern C hurch, Purchasing Agent, Gene Coulon,Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Ted Bennett(/Utility Accountant and Marcella Hillgen, Librarian. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of March 21, 1966 be approved as circulated. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 10981 $ 900.00 George Blair 3517 - 6th Ave. E. Addition to Residence 982 43,456.00 The Boeing Co. Apron "C" Wire Airplane Position 983 28,200.00 Wilco Properties 325 Burnett St. No. Commercial Bldg. 984 1,000.00 Jim Baba 105 Rainier Ave. No. Sign 10985 12,678.00 The Boeing Co. 5-64 Building Wire Warehouse 986 1,482.00 West Wind Motel 110 Rainier Ave. So. Wire Motel i 987 2,200.00 Realty Investors 2714-8th Ave. No. Wire Triplex 988 3,000.00 Robert E. Cross 816 North Place Addition 989 - - - - E. F. Morris 10021 S.E. 95th St. Demolish Church 10990 200.00 Larry Hougardy 11408 S.E. 97th St. Wire Addition 991 5,200.00 West Wind Motel 110 Rainier Ave. So. Remodel Basements 992 275,000.00 Pacific Car & Foundry 1400-4th Avenue 2nd Floor Addition 993 198,000.00 Pacific N.W. Bell 225 Williams Street Concrete Structure PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 7767 Earl Greiner 3284 Rolling Hills Heating Equipment 68 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 11412-136th Ave.SE Gas Installation 69 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13409 S.E. 114th Gas Installations 7770 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 11408 - 136th Ave. Gas Inst llation 71 Richard C.-Coe 3704 - 6th Place No. Gas Installations 72 Roger Peterson 11014-115th S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 73 Homer Creager. 11220 S.E. 112th Heating Equipment 74 Archie Gustine 111 Meadow Street Plumbing Fixtures 7775 Jim Childs 10614-111th P1. S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 76 Jim Childs 10620-111th Pl. S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 7777 Harry Peterson 39062 So. 113th St. Gas Installations 78 Pete L. Gant 12066-42nd•Ave. So. Gas Installations 79 Jim C. Morgan 121 Rainier Avenue Gas Installations,,. PUBLIC HEARING: Proposed Vacation of Portion of 106th Ave. S.E. (Cont. from March 21, 1966) This being the date set, the continued hearing waLdeclared open.. Communication was read which had been directed to the Planning Director by Mr,. Rudolph Seppi, stating that the vacation was not considered to be in the best interest of the Renton School District. Letter from Planning Director Erickserr was read reporting on behalf of the Planning Commission that it was generally felt the portion of 106th Ave. S.E. extending South from Puget Drive would not be needed for future street right-of-way. An alternate means of public access (-_____,for students walking to Fred Nelson Jr. High School was suggested as well as limiting the number of access points on Puget Drive,in view of high traffic volume. Audience comment was invited and Mr. Alfred Croonquist, 839 White-Henry " Stuart Bldg., Seattle requested, on behalf of property owners, a 30 day continu- ation of the hearing pending consumation of development plans. Mr. Seppi advised of traffic study and stated if access South might be made available perhaps the school would have no objection but knowledge of future traffic and street pattern -1- Minutes-Renton City ncil Meeting 3-28-66 PUBLIC HEARING: '(Continued) Vacation of portion of 106th Ave. S.E. is desired prior to any withdrawal of objection. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, to 'continue the hearing until April 25, 1966. The motion carried.. PUBLIC HEARING: Proposed Revision of Renton Building Code, Title 7, Ch. 3, relating to Fire Zones This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Fire Chief Walls displayed a map of the City with proposed changes and the central business district along with the Highlands business area was designated in color as Fire Zone 1. Tie changes had been proposed in order that the Building Code and Maps mint be ccrrespcnding, present wording presenting some conflict. Upon request Chief Walls explained that Fire Zone 1 provided for specific type of construction of non-flamable materials and that Fire Zone 3 allows wood, et . r7.te_ sl. Factors of setback, etc. are controlled by the Building Code and Zoning Code. The v tandares on- fire.'zones.are set forth by suggestions of the National Board of Fire underwriters and Surveying and Rating Bureau. Criteria is that the property must be 50% built upon and 50% occupied by commercial industry for Fire Zone 1. Discussion disclosed that the"changes4.were made e 0^_: :::i it into consideration the future expansion and matters of the natural conflagration barriers. Mr. David Johnston had inquired regarding the Highlands area and explained the foregoing criteria as per information which was disbursed at the Building Code-Fire Zone Seminar held this past week for Puila.ers and interested parties; at the Puget Sound Auditorium. The balance of the City is in Fire Zone 3. As there was no further audience comment, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, that the hearing be closed. Carried. Moved by `' 'ne:' e:ct., seconded by I•Iu'se, to concur in the recommendations as presented with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Ordinance. Carried. A Petition was read for annexation to the City of Renton of an area West of:°87th Avenue vicinity of 128';,•h. and 129th. Ave.(Kaczmarek et al properties) The report of the City Engineer advised that 100% of the-assessed valuation was :re:_pcs.ented by the signatures on the petition. The property contains 3.43 acres E-e are ;;i.;e assessed valuation of $3,740.00. The .petition indicated the ti-;=iag le s of the petitioners to assume their pro-rata share of the City's pre- exiovi_:� ?boded indebtedness. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to refer t17e to the Mayor to::request dispensation of the Review Board proceedings. Carr=cd.. ---`- A lettersa read from City Engineer Jack Wils n requesting authorization to call for bids for paving of 4th Avenue North. May was recommended as the date for opening of the bids. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Perry, to concur in the request and hid uo '.Ling date. Carried. ("M".Street to 132nd Avenue S.E.) A Petition was road requesting annexation to the City of an area adjoining 4th Avenue North between "I" Street and 132nd Avenue S.E. (John Harer et al) The property owners indicated their willingness to assume their pro-rata shares of the City's pre-existing bonded indebtedness. The City Engineer reported that the signatures represented 100% of the assessed valuation of the area. The property contains approximately 90 acres and has an assessed valuation of $37,0990r,00. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to accept the annexation as petitioned and the City Engineer's report with referral to the Mayor to convene the Review Board. Carried. A letter was read from Mrs. Elroy W. Dillman, Chairman, National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Puget Sound Chapter, Mother's March, requesting No-Fee Permit to coact a fund raising drive in the City of Renton from May 13th through 17th, 1956. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to grant the request. Carried. A letter was read from the Renton School District, Mr. H. R. Johnson, secretary, Board of Directors, requesting release from provisions of Street Vacation Ordi- nance, and return to the City of three Statutory Warranty Deeds now . being held in escrow by Haugan and Shellan, City Attorneys,pending commencement of construc- tion of the Vocational-Technical Institute building. ..T.hib building has now been started and will be ready for occupancy by August 15, 1966. City Engineer Wilson recalled that Street Vacations were granted upon condition deeds be sub- mitted for new streetsalignment�..� . ILtility..erasements. to be giyen the:City) No right-of-ways will be within the school site. In event the construction was not commenced within the seven year period the deeds would be filed and subject :property used for streets in accordance with terms of agreement. Moved by Poli, seconded by Iulse, to refer the matter to the City Engineer to report back. The motion carried, - -2- RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M. April 25, 1966 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor D. W. Custer at 8:00 p.m. and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL: Hulse, Bruce, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Garrett, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Gianini, that the absent Council Members be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gwen Marshall, Deputy City Clerk, Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Jim Ashurst, Assistant Fire Chief, VicTeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, Sven Johnson, Building Director, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Gene Coulon, Park Director and Jack Wilson, City Engineer. Councilman Hulse requested that the Minutes of the previous meeting of April 18th be corrected to read that the Mayor and City Clerk had executed the new City Hall Contract irstdad=:of they-had been authorized to execute same to begin Phase I.(Page 5, Paragraph 5) Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poll, that the Minutes be approved with correction as stated. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT EUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 11056 $ 3,000.00 Patrick Sullivan 2513 9th Avenue No. Add to Residence 057 395.00 Alpine Electric 3421 - 12th Avenue No. Wire Residence 058 1.00 Donald Laudenbach 202 Mill Street Demolish Structure 059 250.00 Edward L. Levitt 13015-90th Ave. So. Carport and Workshop 11060 500.00 Erwin Hanneman 3208 - 6th Avenue No. Addition to Residence C51 701.80 Bell & Valdez, Inc. Rolling Hills #2 Wire Residence 052 701.80 TT I1 TT it Ti Tt IT Tt It 063 701.80 1T IT iT IT it it IT IT tt 064 701.80 iT TT IT TT It Tt Ti IT it 11065 701.80 TT it TI it TT It It TT TT 065 230,000.00 C. K, Inc. 934 Sunset Blvd. E. 12 Unit Aparlinent 067 63,319.00 The Boeing Company Bldg. 4-01, Logan St. Wire Building 068 500.00 Ray Aliment 9823 - 106th Ave. S.E. Wire Residence 059 2,000.00 Archie Gustine 111 Meadow Street Wire Motel 11070 1,900.00 Jessie Clulow 615 High Street Remodel Windows 071 33,400.00 Charles Shane 111 Maple Valley Hwy. 12 Unit Apartment 072 32,400.00 Tt TI I? TI Ti TT TT TT it 073 38,400.00 iT It Ti Ti it Ti IT it Ti 074 38,400.00 iT Ti TT 11 It TT Tt Ti iT 11075 103,800.00 Realty Investors, Inc. 2722-8th Avenue No. 12 Unit Apartment 076 130.00 George N. Lamb 667 R Street New Electric Service 077 239,000.00 The Boeing Company Renton Airport Annex Bridge - Apron D 078 475.00 Roger Peterson 11014-115th Ave. S.E. Wire Residence 079 450.00 John W. Carlson 10626-111th Ave. S.E. Wire Residence 11080 1.00 Tannehill & Clinch 518 Williams St. No. Demolish Residence PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 7312 Ray Frackes 3421 - 12th Avenue No. Plumbing Fixtures 13 Mr. Kerkes 2215 - 10th Avenue No. Heating Equipment 14 VO I D 7815 VOID 16 RentonAirport Airport Way & Rainier Plumbing Fixtures 17 -.-, - R. S. bane 11626 S.E. 100th St. Plumbing Fixtures 18 Ewing Stringfellow Whitworth Lane Apts. Gas Installations TJBLIC HEARING: Vacation of potion of 106th Avenue S.E. This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Upon inquiry, City Engineer Wilson advised that the developers of adjacent properties were interested in-securing a 20 ft. utility easement and he had told them an easement might possibly be acquired along the South side of their property and the new road projected to the East would also serve for utility purposes. The School District had expressed concern over access points for the children in the future developments to get to school and it was determined that there has been no settlement of the problems at this time. The Planning Director has been away from the City for the past few days and could not be reached. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to continue the hearing for one week to May 2nd. \The motion carried. -1- DIRECTORS: ELMER PISTORESI • CLAREJ Q U 4E • MRS.MYRTLE O. CLYMER • ROBERT H.HENDA )N • ROGER I.LEWIS :I. R.JOHNSON, Secretary RENTON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 403 OLIVER M. HAZEN • SUPERINTENDENT 1525 - 4TH AVENUE NORTH RENTON,WASHINGTON 98055 March 2, 1966 Mr. Gordon Y. Ericksen Planning Director City of Renton Renton, Washington 98055 Re: Proposed Street Vacation of 106th Avenue S. E. located north of Fred Nelsen Junior High School . Dear Mr. Ericksen: It is our thinking that the above referenced street vacation would not be in the best interest of the Renton School District. Many -thanks . for your cooperation in submitting this matter for our consideration and recommendation. Sincerely yours, • Rudolph H. Seppi Director of Plant Facilities •J ,r 1, (,k '' RHS:a r� cc: Mr. Hazen � Ot•Silib Mr. Belmondo OR 3 19661 Ii 1 4. en a.0 up the Jet Transport Capital of the World. ' & PLANNING DEPARTMENT. , i7r7 kic,, • --ir- 'f, t I . ..Y� x .1 March 2 8 g 1966 Honorable Mayor Donald W. Custer Members of the City Council Re: Vacation of Portion of 106th. Avenue SE Gentlemen and Mrs . Dahlquistc The Planning Commission at . its meeting of March 23 , 1966 ,. re-studied' the proposed . vacation of a portion of 106th Avenue SE. On the basis • of discussions held with the devel©pers of adjacent properties it was generally felt. that `the portion of. 106th Ave. SE extending south from Puget Drive would not be needed for. future .'street right of way. Concern about the •need for providing public access. for students walking to the Fred '_nelson Junior .High. . School site was expressed. It is _ suggested thal an alternate means of public acre:s,.'. be provided o meet the future needs of student:, �.n this. area. It is ,further considered highly desirable that The number of street access points on Puget Drive be held to a minimum, in view of the limited access nature of this facility , and the high volumes .of. traffic that it will carry in the future. Sincerely, Gordon Y. Ericksen Planning ,Director GYEzpc q 9/,qc 7c O �� ia"V Off, In r0 CITY ENGINEER'S OFFICE o RENTON, WASHINGTON C=L I. ''N's o = JACK WILSON CITY HALL, CEDAR RIVER PARK, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 o ALPINE 5-3464 9 =� ✓ 92sAoRr pF��� March 11-i,, 1.966 CAPITR� Honorable Donald Custer, Mayor _ I Members of the City Council boo . Petition to Vacate a Portion of 106tn Avenue S.E. Gentlemen It is very doi btfull that this right-of-way would ever be developed as a street, but there is a possibility that various utilities such as water, gas, storm or sanitary 'sewers might be installed within the right-of-way in question. Therefore, if the street is to be vacated; it is tho recommendation that a 20 foot utility easement be retai*gyred. Very truly yours, I. 1 .> �,, Tack Wilson ity Engineer A 1 JWor!c Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 3-14-66 OPENING OF BIDS: 1966 Automotive Equipment (Cont.) BIDDER AND ADDRESS BACKHOE BASIC BID TRADE-IN TAX TOTAL BID Fray Equipment Co. $ 16,900.00 $ 4,900.00 $ 709.80 $ 12,709.80 5821 - 1st Avenue So. Seattle 98108 (Bond) Craig Taylor Equipment Co. 15,585.00 5030 First Avenue So. Disc. 2,700.00 Seattle 98134 (Bond) 12,885.00 3,685.00 541.17 9,741.17 Feenaughty Machinery Co. 18,530.00 717 So. Michigan Disc. 2,875.00 Seattle 98108 (Bond) 15,655.00 1,000.00 657.51 15,312.51 Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the bids to the Street Commissioner, Purchasing Agent, Police Chief and Police and License Committee . Carried. PUBLIC HEARINGS: The Vacation of portion of 106th Avenue S.E. in vicinity of Puget Drive (Sandy Merlino property) This being the date set, the hearing on the proposed vacation was declared open. A letter was read from City Engineer Wilson reporting it doubtful.ithat this right- of-way would ever be developed as a street but possibility of utility installation being feasible, it was recommended that a 20 ft. utility easement be retained in event of vacation. A letter from Planning Director Ericksen reported Planning Com- mission review of the proposed vacation and inasmuch as the right of way extends to the Fred Nelson Jr. High School property and would provide access from the North in the future, and since the area is under development and future need not now known, it was recommended that the hearing be continued in order to permit additional study. It was recommended a meeting with the developers be set up in order to determine future street needs. Audience comment was invited and since there was none, Council action was requested. Moved by Pedersen,. .seconded by Poli, that the hearing-be continued for two weeks with referral back to the Planning Com- mission. Mr: _Ericksen stated that the Planning Commission would be willing to set up a meeting with the developers to determine street needs in the area. . The motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING: The Proposed Vacation of portion of South 130th Street between 87th and 88th Avenues South This being the date set, the hearing was declared open and reading of the communi- cations was requested. A letter from Gordon Y. Ericksen , Planning Director, advised of Planning Commission recommendation from its meeting of February 23, 1966 that the right of way be vacated if an easement is retained for utilities. City Engineer Jack Wilson's letter was read advising that the Engineering Depart- ment has no objections to the vacation providing a 10 ft. utility easement is retained, to be centered on the existing sanitary sewer. Audience comment was invited and since there was none it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Schellert, to close the hearing. Carried,and the hearing was declared closed. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. PUBLIC HEARING: Proposed annexation of property at 162nd Street near Rolling Hills Village. (Redmon property) This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. There were no objections or comments, written nor verbal and it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to accept the annexation of this property to the City of Renton with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee, and closing of the hearing. Carried. -3- March 17, 1%6 Rudolph H. Seppi Director of Plant 2aci litlea ..enton School District No. 403 Renton, i-;ashingten Re: 1 roposcra Street Vacation, Portion of 106th S.T. , vicinity of Puget Y)rive,, N. of Fred Nelson Jr. High Door 1 r. Seppi: The City Council has continued t!ze hearing on the above captioned natter to T;arch 28, 1966. Inu are hereby invited to. attend this meeting at 8:00 p.a;. c the Council Chambers, City Hall. An excerpt of the ninutesD Clo .n;; the action taken by th o Council„ is enclosed herewit i .for your information. ° Very truly yours, caw OF RENTON Eelmio T elson City Clerk ' UNN/phc 1 Sncl. fi, 3/rf/G G .k.,,,,ki)1"-qiy ii-IN",.:i enton ..Eli - losimpiii:',.:4 , i , EI ,,WA S H II IV O T O RI the Jet Transport Capital of the World r.�. t, PLANNING DEPARTMENT +Yak Xt t, .�'- March •14 ,. 1966 . lir, .4! Honorable Donald W. Custer, Mayor Members of the City Council Re : Proposed Street Vacation of portion of 106th Ave. SE Gentlemen and Mrs . Dahlquist : The Planning Commission at its meetings of February 23 and March 9 , 1966 studied the questions posed by the proposed vacation of 106th Avenue SE. The pres- ent street right of way extends from Puget Drive to the Fred Nelson Junior High School property, and would in the future provide public access from the north. Since the area is now being opened for .de- velopment the need for 106th Avenue SE is not known. The Planning Commission, therefore, recommended to the City Council that the hearing on the Street Va- cation be continued in order to permit additional ' study relative to overall planning of future develop- ments in the area. It was further felt that it would be desirable to set up a meeting of the developers in the area in order to determine future street needs . Siacer--ly, / ...-- - ' Gordon riksen . 'f `Plann' g.Director V GYE :pc T, Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 3-14-66 OPENING OF BIDS: 1966 Automotive Equipment (Cont.) BIDDER AND ADDRESS BACKHOE BASIC BID TRADE-IN TAX TOTAL BID Fray Equipment Co. $ 16,900.00 $ 4,900.00 $ 709.80 $ 12,709.80 5821 - 1st Avenue So. Seattle 98108 (Bond) Craig Taylor Equipment Co. 15,585.00 5030 First Avenue So. Disc. 2,700.00 Seattle 98134 (Bond) 12,885.00 3,685.00 541.17 9,741.17 Feenaughty Machinery Co. 18,530.00 717 So. Michigan Disc. 2,875.00 Seattle 98108 (Bond) 15,655.00 1,000.00 657.51 15,312.51 Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the bids to the Street Commissioner, Purchasing Agent, Police Chief and Police and License Committee . Carried. PUBLIC HEARINGS: The Vacation of portion of 106th Avenue S.E . in vicinity of Puget Drive (Sandy Merlino property) This being the date set, the hearing on the proposed vacation was declared open. A letter was read from City Engineer Wilson reporting it doubtful.ithat this right- of-way would ever be developed as a street but possibility of utility installation being feasible, it was recommended that a 20 ft. utility easement be retained in event of vacation. A letter from Planning Director Ericksen reported Planning Com- mission review of the proposed vacation and inasmuch as the right of way extends to the Fred Nelson Jr. High School property and would provide access from the North in the future; and since the area is under development and future need not now known, it was recommended that the hearing be continued in order to permit additional study. It was recommended a meeting with the de"elopers be set up in order to determine future street needs. Audience comment was invited and since there was none, Council action was requested. Moved by Pedersen,. .seconded by Poli, that the hearing-be continued for two weeks with referral back to the Planning Com- mission. Mr—Ericksen stated that the Planning Commission would be willing to set up a meeting with the developers to determine street needs in the area. . The moti carried. PUBLIC HEARING: The Proposed Vacation of portion of South 130th Street between 87th and 88th Avenues South This being the date set, the hearing was declared open and reading of the communi- cations was requested. A letter from Gordon Y. Ericksen , Planning Director, advised of Planning Commission recommendation from its meeting of February 23, 1966 that the right of way be vacated if an easement is retained for utilities. City Engineer Jack Wilson's letter was read advising that the Engineering Depart- ment has no objections to the vacation providing a 10 ft. utility easement is retained, to be centered on the existing sanitary sewer. Audience comment was invited and since there was none it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Schellert, to close the hearing. Carried,and the hearing was declared closed. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. PUBLIC HEARING: Proposed annexation of property at 162nd Street near Rolling Hills Village. (Redmon property) This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. There were no objections or comments, written nor verbal and it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to accept the annexation of this property to the City of Renton with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee, and closing of the hearing. Carried. -3- pF - `1 0 U `-ITIV CITY ENGINEER'S OFFICE • RENTON, WASHINGTON 0 a • JACK WILSON CITY HALL, CEDAR RIVER PARK, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 • ALPINE 5-3464 0 �92SAo of March 14, 1966 RT CAPITAO Honorable Donald Custer, Mayor Members of the City Council Re: Petition to Vacate a Portion of 106th Avenue S.E. Gentlemen: It is very doubtfull that this right-of-way would ever be developed as a street, but there is a possibility that various utilities such as water, gas, storm or sanitary sewers might be installed within the right-of-way in question. Therefore, if the street is to be vacated; it is the recommendation that a 20 foot utility easement be retained. Very truly yours, l J k Wilson y Engineer JW:mc � f I en on ,WA S H 1 N'G T O N. the Jet Transport Capital of the World PLANNING DEPARTMENT March 'i4, 1966 AL Honorable Donald W. Custer, Mayor Members of the City Council Re Proposed`. Street Vacation of portion of 106th :Ave. SE Gentlemen and Mrs. Dahlquist: The Planning Commission at its meetings of February 23 and March 9 , 1966 studied the questions posed by the proposed vacation of 106th Avenue, SE: The ;:pres- ent street right .of way extends from Puget: Drive to the_'.Fred Nelson Junior High School property, and would in the future provide public access from the north. Since the area is now being opened for de- velopment the need for 106th Avenue SE is not known. The Planning Commission, therefore, recommended to the City Council that the hearing on the Street Va- cation:be continued.,in order :to . permit additional .: study relative to overall planning of future develop- ments in the area. It was further felt that it. would be desirable to set up a meeting of the developers in the. area in order to .determine future street needs. Sincerely, Gordon Y. Erlksen .. . , .. Planning irect or. GYE:pa' . Renton City Council Meeting (Cont.) 2-7-66 HEARING: Council Initiated Rezone - Emilio Pierotti property from Unclassified to B-1 This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. There were no written communi- cations regarding the rezone and audience comment was invited. Mr. Pierotti stated that the request was in conformance with zoning of surrounding properties and that he should be entitled to like classification. As there was no objection voiced, it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to close the hearing, and Mayor Custer declared the hearing closed. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Gianini, to refer the matter to the. Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Ordinance. Carried.- COMMUNICATIONS: / Communication from City Engineer Wilson reported,regarding Petition for Vacation of 106th Avenue S.E.,that 100% of abutting property owners on portion of said right-of- ) way,Southeast of Puget Drive, had signed the petition. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for Resolution setting date of hearing and to the Planning Commission and City Engineer for recommendation. Carried. Engineer Wilson reported on Petition for vacation of portion of South 130th Street, between 87th and 88th Avenues South, that 100% of abutting property owners were represented by the signatures and that the northerly 15 ft. of the Street has been previously vacated by the City. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Morris, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee, the Planning Commission and City Engineer Carried. Applications were read from Azzola Tavern, Alki Tavern and Christy's Tavern owners for license to operate coin-device pool tables in said business places and from Rainbow Cafe owner for one additional pinball machine. Moved by Poli, seconded by Gianini, to refer the applications to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. Hulse opposed. A letter signed by City Engineer Wilson and Street Commissioner Vic TeGantvoort reported that work under the 116th Avenue S .E. Storm Sewer Contract was completed on January 26, 1966 by Contractor, Anton T. Bowers, and accepted by the Street Department on February 1, 1966. Amount due Contractor - $3,122.87 and if after 30 days no liens or claims are filed against the project and all tax liabilities are satisfied, the retained amount of $346.99 may be released to Contractor. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter from City Engineer Jack Wilson recommended that the City retain a Consulting Structural Engineer to prepare plans and specifications for widening the Logan Street Bridge to allow for an additional lane for South Bound traffic which improvement will greatly improve the traffic movement in this area and help reduce congestion. The project is to be funded from Arterial Street Funds, and at present there are not adequate funds available as allowed. It is recommended therefore that the signal planned for Main Street and Grady Way be postponed and the budgeted funds be assigned to the Logan Street Bridge project. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendations of the City Engineer. Carried. A letter from Pay'N Save Drugs submitted application for 1966 Fireworks Stand Permit. This is application No. 11 received to date. Moved by Poll, seconded by Perry, to refer the request to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter read from T. J. O'Connell, Chairman, King County ASCS, advised of interest of the Department of Agriculture and the Soil Conservation Service in taking over the office space occupied by the King County Health Department in the Renton Highlands Administration Building at 802 "E" Street, upon vacation by said Department in April or May of this year. Moved by Perry, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the request to the Property Committee. Carried. A letter from the City Clerk reported need for transfer of funds within the Street Fund Account, effective December 31, 1965 in order to maintain proper accounting balance in the Functional Budget, as until the working budget was completed, it was not possible to determine amounts to be designated for the functional accounts. From: City Street Fund 3200, M. & 0. 801, Roads, $67,359.74 Unto: City Street Fund Acct. 3200, M. & 0. 902, Street Cleaning, $4,108.78; 903, Street lighting, $2,386.18; 1000, Overhead, $52,043.75 and Capital Outlay 605, Construction, $8,821.03. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur and refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. -3- • 16f-zcir) J � • lbw • RENTON ENTERPRISE -LEGAL OTICES City of Ren n' • Renton Town Talk NOTICE.OF PUBLIC ARING Renton, Wash. j•: {, , •Renton City;4Gounc 1' •i7 ter.City' al.1.,; q N•p cQ -her•by given that' pe it on tb.i`kY, 6t Prtion Proof of Publication • a• xc cE..•to wit: IRA tion, cR 106th: This is a copy of your • venue g„itt east located south of Puget Drive, allirsituate .in, KaTICE--QP_--PIJEI.-I --Hf AEI-l�G Renton, King County, Washing- ton has been filed with the city as it appeared for the first time this week. clerk of the City of Renton. It will be published on the following dates: The city council by resolution, No. 1361 duly adopted at its., regular meeting of February Februarir•..23-,-.•1�65 14, 1966 fixed and determined' the-14th day:of March, 1966 I at the hour of 8:00 p.m., in: Immediately following the last insertion the the council'chambers,City Hall, ' affidavit 'of publiction will be delivered to City of Renton, as the date and place at which saidpublic hear-, your office. • ing will be held by the city council upon the petition to va- Cost of notice-..934 .per 100 words.,,177 words..lx cate said portion of 106th Ave-, at the regular statutory rate, will be 'nue S.E. .Any and all persons inter-.I $ 1 65 • ested therein or wishing to. object thereto, may then be heard thereon or may file their written objections to said vaca- tion with the city clerk prior Thank You to said time of hearing. are pleased leased to have this o HELMIE W. NELSON ppor- City Clerk tunity of serving you and hope that Published in the Renton 'Enterprise February 23, 1966. You will favor us with your next publication. Planning :Commission ee- 2/23/66 Page 7 3. VARIANCES : CONTINUED: - (4) Continued: the residence could be considered as part of the required 10 ' sideyard for the apartments . The Commission members felt that the residence could be sold and the new owners would object to this . Relative to the suggestion that the property line might be changed to give ' the 5' additional sideyard to the apartment site , it ••,a s _ngt%d.^that the _.zon.ing, was R-19 single family residential: Suggestion was made that a variance be given on thernopth side •of the property. nr; Moved by Teegarden, seconded by Racanello, that the hear- ing be continued. On the motion, Mr. Ericksen asked that the City Engineer give -his opinion on this matter. Mr. Wilson stated that he did not know at this time what the arterial requirements for possible widening of 12th Avenue might be , but he did not feel that any variance should be given for the north side of the subject property. Mr. Teegarden, with consent of second withdrew his motion to continue the hearing. ACTION: Moved by Stredicke, seconded by Teegarden , that the hear . ing be closed. .Motion carried. Moved by 'Stredicke , seconded by Teegarden, that the Var- iance be denied. Motion carried. 4. STREET VACATIONS : Al) Proposed Street Vacation of Portion of 106th Avenue SE, right of way• located south of Puget Drive extending to School property, Benson Hill area. . Mr. Ericksen pointed out the area in question. He stated that this is the only access from the north, and as the area develops the access would be needed for children walking to school. He felt that it is questionable at this time to vacate 'the street. Mr. Wilson, City Engineer, stated that in so far as the over- all street program it might not be too important to .retain the street , however, easement, should be retained for pedes- trian walkway and for utilities if the street is vacated. ACTION : Moved by Teegarden, seconded by Stredicke , that action on this matter be continued to the March 9 meeting. Motion carried. ( 2) Proposed Street Vacation of South 130th Street from 87th Avenue South 't:o 83tn Avenue South„ Mr. Ericksen and Mr. Wilson stated that they had no ob- jection to this vacation provided that easement be retained for utilities W 0 • tll L \ .`t --"d PUC f DE•/1/ .--- Go' S _ ;k41 w•� •9eoic" C C4.5 L' 4 Ti:,c) +.4 •. 40 h tilLL A© Ei4. t,..JD s� v,E�FEE "� \ ��NDD� , P 2OP O SED STEEL �i V4C4.7 K D 4 OG T21. A..VE E \s„........„..,..s.,, Ili N it _______j PUCE? Da lvim.- NO S G alrrc �4 0P'0.5 0 1/4C4 T"CA.) 4 '- lk� t ' : rt Q "t#:#' '4tis 0 AO Eit,1D SGNoaL- 1 eaP '' ry VD 2.0` 0 SELD STeas t va.citi.- 1Ut�..1 ',t CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HARING BENIGN CITV COUNCIL C ITV HALL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A PETITION TO VACATE A 'ORTIOn O. 106th OMB S. E. TO WIT: That certain portion of 106th Avenue ,Southeaet located south of Pugat Drive,. all D3tuate Renton, King County, 'tbahiigton HAS BEEN FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF RENTON. THE CITY COUNCIL BY . RESOLUTION NO. 1361 DULY ADOPTED AT ITS REGULAR MEETING OF February 130 1966 FIXED AND DETERMINED THE 14th DAY OF March, 1966 AT THE HOUR OF 8:00 P.M., IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF RENTON, AS THE DATE AND PLACE AT WHICH SAID PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE CITY COUNCIL UPON THE PETITION TO VACATE SAID PORTION OF 1O6TH AVE= S. Ea ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED THEREIN OR WISHING TO OBJECT THERETO, MAY THEN BE HEARD THEREON OR MAY FILE THEIR WRITTEN OBJECTIONS TO SAID VACATION WITH THE CITY CLERK PRIOR TO SAID TIME OF HEARING. HELMIE W. NELSON CITY CLERK DATE OF PUBLICATION February 230 1966 CERTIFICATION I, ., k-4(,A, y c- HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE (3) COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AND ONE (I) COPY POSTED AT THE CITY HALL, RENTON, ON � 1�� G., ( AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. SIGNED: ATTEST: ,<-"Zz_.4/LT—A: NOTARY,:PUBLIC IN AND FOR nit; STATE OF WASHINGTON, RESIDING AT RENTON, WASHINGTON _ COPY, - RESOLUTION NOss WHEREAS a petition has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Renton on or about January 21, 1966 petitioning for the vacation of a pOrtion of a certain street, as hereinafter more particularly described, and said petitio6 having beeh signed by •the owners of more than twb.thirds of the property abutting Upon said portion 'of the street sought to be vacated, same being described as followsi That certain portion of 106th Avenue Southeast located south of Puget brive, all situate in Renton, King County, Washington NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL 'OF THE CITY OF RENTON At FOIiOWS: SECTION I: That thel4th day of March, 1966 at the hour of 8400 P..M. at the City Council Chambers in the City Hall of Renton, Washington, be and is hereby fixed as the time and place when the aforesaid petition for vacating portion of the aforesaid street shall be heard and determined. SECTION II: The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to give notice of said time and hearing as provided by law; and any and all persons intere,-+. therein or objecting to said vacation may then appear and be :heard thereon, or they may file their written objections thereto with the City Clerk prior to or at the time of the hearing on said vacation. SECTION III: The City of Renton reserves the right to :retain an easement for utility and other public purposes within said street right-of—way sought to 'be -Vacated. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCILthis 14th day of February, 1966. 167, ) Helmie Nelson, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 14th day of February, 1966. Donald W. Custer, Mayor APPa0VED AS40 FORM: // (;/--• , -7 OV dt•0 , . CITY ENGINEER'S OFFICE o RENTON, WASIAINGTON ••• 0 • JACK WILSON CITY HALL, CEDAR RIVER PARK, RENTON, ViASHINGTON 98055 ALPINE 5-3464 0` • Febraary Li., 1966 . . (4r CAMP-°' Honorable Donald W Custer, Mayor Members of the City Council Re: Petition for Vacation of 106th Avenue S.'E. Gentlemen: The petition for vacation of a portion of 106th. Avenue South- east south of Puget Drive was signed by 100% Of the abutting prop '' orty owners, Very truly yours, , ',48.61 Wilson City Engineer • JW:mc • . . „., ••• ' . • 'ebruar 6G ..Nvncixa�tile Dc�raal:d �',� •Custery • Mayor 2 embers-'of the C it Counc fie . Petition`.'for''Vacation 1 of.106th'Avenue. 5,� . Gentlemen: ., • : 4.he,petition for.:.,vacation of.,a portion of 106th:Avenue South . '. ..• ' - to - - • •.. . e by 3. the: 'abutting prop - r ast eau of I'ug ert` !ownere r _ ,' Very truly-•yours; . .' . Jack Wilson City • Engler Renton City Council Meeting 1-24-66 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) A Petitioning letter from Sandy Merlino requested on behalf of property owners on 106th Avenue S.E. for vacation of portion of said street. Moved by Schellert, and seconded by Hulse, to refer the request to the City Engineer for checking of signature and validity. Carried. A letter read from Mr. Arthur D. Scholes, Chairman, Traffic Advisory Committee, advised that the Committee has recommended that a concrete curbing be placed down the centerline of 3rd Place North from Sunset Blvd. East to 120' west of the railroad tracks, to prohibit left turns from Houser Way into the 3rd Place/3rd Avenue inter- section, relieving existing traffic hazard. This action falls under the Engineering Department function and is submitted herein for information of the Council. A written proposal from Olson-Richert and Associates, Architects, was received with respect to the design of a grandstand in Liberty Park which City Attorney Shellan advised he had recommended be submitted to the Council. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Morris, to refer the communication to the Park Board and Councilman Gianini.Carried. A letter from Gene Coulon, Park Director, submitted copy of letter and "Assurance'". Forms received from the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation, for information of the Council. Mr. Vialle, Consultant, Interagency Committee, acknowledged receipt of State and BOR Forms from Park Director Coulon and advised that decision will not be made before March as to which ones will be funded for this fiscal year, evaluation criteria being presently worked out. A letter was read from Mr. Orrin L. Madison calling attention to the approaching time when starlings will be invading the area and concern was expressed over system for protecting his cherry crop. Discussion ensued regarding fact that City Ordinance does not permit discharge of firearms inside the City prohibiting shooting of the birds but no City Ordinance prohibits aid from governmental agencies. It was pointed out that certain federal aid programs are available to farmers or fruit growers in the country but perhaps, not in tt:eCorporate Limits of a City. A State o1= Federal Law would over- ride and be supreme over City laws in any event. Mr. Madison had stated that City Ordinance forbids Federal specialists from coming into the City. FreF:Fnt operation of Federal Agencies, including Aviation, Department of Fisheries, Corps of Engineers, within the City was called to mind. Councilman Pedersen'.stated during discussion that the starling problem is becoming a great menace over the entire country and is of much concern. In regard for the reference to conflict with local ordinance, it was moved by Garrett, seconded by Poli, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee to see if any amendments are in order. Carried. A letter from Building Director Reisberg called to-mind i he revisions made during the past eight months in updating the City Building, Plumbing, Sewers, Gas piping and appliances and Electrical Codes and the adoption of the new Safety Code.'fo'r .M<,chanical Refrigeration and Ordinance regulating use of Public Property for signs, billboards and projecting structures over rights- of-way. Mr. Reisberg expressed thanks to the Council Members and to the Legal Department for cooperation and helpful assistance. APPOT,INT: A letter from Mayor Custer advised of appointment of Herbert M. Edman to the rank of Lieutenant in the Renton Police Department, upon successful completion of Civil Service Promotional examination with a grade of 83.84%. Certification was attached from the Civil Service Commission .. Council concurrence was requested. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the appointment. Carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: UNFINISHED BUSINESS: President of the Council Hulse submitted Committee:of the Whole report which was read recommending that the Traffic Advisory Committee suggestions for one-way traffic on 3rd and 4th Avenues North be implemented with referral to the Ways and Means Committee for financing and to the Mayor to initiate negotiations for the crossing of the rail- road and any necessary property acquisition. Moved by Perry, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Councilman Garrett inquired whether letter had come in regarding parking on 8th Avenue which had been referred to the Street .arid Alley Committee last week and as none had been received the matter will be held in Committee pending receipt of same. -3- • -7E7 Co ti c---j/ h January 21, 1966 Honorable Don- W. Custer, Mayor In Members of the City Council Renton, Washington Gentlemen: We the undersigned owners of property, abutting on both sides of 106th Avenue S. a as shown on the attached drawing, respectfully request vacation of said street. Sellers and owners names are shown on the attached Real Estate Contract. Also, the legal description is attached and described as Exhibit "A". Yours very truly SANDY MERLINO SM/cd Enclosures (2) { tt tt Exhibit A .. , (a) A.tract of land situated in the southwest quarter of section 20 ,'. :township 23, north, range 5 east, W. M. , in King County , Washington, more particularly described as follows : Commencing at the point of intersection .of the south boundary line of said section' 20 with the: easterly line of the Benson County Road ; thence northerly along the easterly line of. said County Road 395 . 64 feet; thence . ` north 87° 31' 4l" east 772 .44 feet ; thence south 0°13 ' 18" west 345 . 83 feet to..the,:south boundary line of said section 20 ; thence along, the last , described , line south. 85°12' l2" west 617 . 94 feet to the point of beginning; • EXCEPT the following described portion thereof Commencing at the point of intersection of the south boundary line ,of said section 20 , with the easterly line of the Benson County Road ; , • thence northerly along the easterly line of said County Road 360 , 64 feet to . • tne. ,point of 'beginni.ng; thence northerly along the easterly line of said County. Road 3 5' :feet ; thence north 87o 31s 41" east 5.°S f eae t,; thence , south- ': westerly" to the point of beginning. (b)'.: fThat portion '.of lots 4 and 5 , in block 3 , of Benson Road Tracts , • an:unrecorded plat in the southeast quarter of .the southwest quarter of '• ' section 20 , . township 23 north, -range 5 east, W. M. , in King County, Washington, lying- southwesterly of the Bonneville Power Administration transmission line right of way said lots being more particularly describ • - ''`ed as follows:; Beginning at the quarter corner of the south line of said section 20 ; ,thence south 85°l2 ' 12" west 629 .19 feet; thence north 0°13 ' l8" 'east • 661. 20 : feet , thence. easterly 626 . 53 feet to a point which bears north 0°08 ' 49" east .635 . 58feet from the quarter corner of the south line of Said section ',20 ; thence . south 0°08' 49" west 635 , 58 feet to the point of ''beginning. • • • • • • • • 1, • . .\,..,:,.............,.... .., . .. .. .. . .. .. .. ... .... . . ... ...' . , .‘ . . : . .. - . _ .. .-...,:. • • • • • • ...-F /J��))) /)�J/}ram?(I pb�w st° •:T+.:' _ .. • • = NCB S e k......,.,0 • • • • • • • . fi, • • • • scNao 1. O -srµ 4.. : Via,. - r ':, ' T 77c.ucDO1 • .1G{ L, c\ \ _ . 'Yr { l ;r {ice.'�A5'. • - `-j1 ,' �1„v Q 7� e2.,iya 4` r?fr . 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'fflS CONTRACT, made this '''�l? s day • , ° 3 :;lt;a: ,a 1rs :,, r;u y3 g . or tt :ii . '` , V)w between , •,�tiib ,wJ�.�t�c� .cy °fL.r�4;:i� `Y<" '' �r`s u° r, FJ" <_ �xw.. y •. St - 't',%' .''a . ?:{�'"3". , u t.'. sy es , °�, �a 9 t.;i "ti and r I,.i'a.::e a ° 'rt' /4;� j y,. 17e11?naItf Y ca�1 e rrS ller'r S+ . • ]q ,;t'�- ;'4'1;;,;tl'L,., y 1. 4 '' t kip.. ed tll e. all .�:'f.'L'1.?iS' 1.,� ,`{:�i.i�S.'(,S t '.M /.ly •�,� -iI'F. - ,., ., : • i p or:4 �;Ei r.,.®:,,' l E,4v, s 'w, called ,'+ `'' r,`y l,e z:. -o "Jk3z;tC.6 hereinafter o ,li"4.¢ak', 2,t' r. , ;• . . rthe . purchaser, . % ITNESSE'1'1-I✓: The''seller agrees to sell to the'purchaser, and the purchaser agrees"to f purchase o ' • the seller the following described.real estatet with the appurtenances, situate in Washington: r z� 1 y��ai hereto •'+o{e. 4T{ tr+ �i f� County, . ;6Q°G filar] 4:ii' t' n%? t i ] rx ti } v �S%as i i,9,.part td;a. 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L 41, tMdl 4A',14} J:+Jr]N'x i"� '.�'� 5ryil f .i J (4} 'fl.4t'\�F1LJJ�J A�d) 1 iit 1,(A) rttl J aAG� L u$�.�1. t J �:.,�.�79 c�li'' wM1,:l/ 'a a r� 1'l, l 9 c'.. k e rl:le.r."c.1 ch:2"xi ;r i b .ri, �a,. iY ti,t,.,d .i ttis C„ l • ,qQ !"�z - k,:t�'e,a 11 1:,13(;..�� :4�S i<� ty „• r• ''• '°�;�, ,.•�,1"��.1.' to '�' P � i• L ,i;;C, �. .):il,ri.l;,,,,.4. + ,l ?• '+ 4/;14: (row1.C' hi I t. 1 V-' �y�r•ry, a 7 {.ul:1C.+o•,.4aLK,"6 .A ;, , t r ,c-n J lw f.J... fli'th :,Xi tklri;J ) •� ,ti'$��q,:�t' , d',.y �; g 1.+?t/�p't,+�'.J r.i.'a.a'r+l�lf.'�C4,'�'r1,r :i, t ry i l'' a4l`l� ,i$ gp p is )q� vyy ( 4.,.akwti4tf'. ii>G:as: C'�..., 2,..l'i �.Ceell. y ,,. ..A} ai�i !�.,r,..:1"6,' fr Y.p,, '� L't4�,��°'C:!'i."') 4.Y,:. 4 p'4 V'J�C. a ' �1s ry N�J 11'��U y r y� ro ' 4 ��C ' q 5. 5.•,'1'. t 1�d property �; .,it',I,v:).,'. ,,",{, .a�,V 7^° . °li the following-terms and conditions: The purchrise price is n.mwn�m..,...Jae v �;t {{ chi, 4{•q ,. }�'�ppvv99 1' and. yy��S '..J'1.F* .ril,�iC b.,iS P'+J ,` 'LJi .'. i1iN4i r:i t'7�f° G/ >�,.1.•7.4�cJ y �,i1 N 1 v�a r r . aG' "� 11 8„i�Gl. lrl1� pp rt� g +' 1 (lUll:ll':i, of Wllll'fl. �.t Yil�t r9t ii�J ,•'{�61n, .0 na w,a..r..n. ,• t ,n.. °, `� na..+,w,a 3`{„i�a 6 C,>''9 p(;y 4 -. has been paid, Ihe:reccipt whereof is liereb ackitowl(x)l;erl, toad lite purchaser agrees to pay-the balance of...s aid . - purchase pricer as follows: hereby a a, ,.;°�, 'II�L .laf 'i '(Wca �% i/Z..),� C �3'•,a s.��.' A<.ai��l^ u (' Jar:sx�.4 %y.,.„. ) Doll n r s'; or, more at', purchas-er' s. option, on or be ore th ' or .chas.er'ls . tion j. tt��,i `�'fy p e %Yr:tail day of r) i;t7°,,V f' 19t `�' `e V-.,1Lawa flOirli.1'tl'".w,am°,---,...m aa•,,'n,,,. 4'ti;rh;{ (A) . . . `"(�c.,w,4e,C;ka�• ) Dollar or more at purchaser option, on or before the f I day of each then sut;cecd- in.g' cal-endar. mon.th until the balance of said purchase price shall have been fully- ' paid The purchaser further agrees to pay interest' • on the', balance •of said' puss • chase price ' and the diminishinunts thereof at the 'rate ofSkitS per, cent per annum from the ! 11'�. g amof^r^ ,P • -day of 1`-'c+E°C L i l9Gi whir.h interest •shalt be: deducted .from each monthLy install,m'ent and, the balance of. each' installment applied in re- . du c ti on o f principal ,• ,All payments to he made hereunder shall be made at'. or uch `othe.r. 1 �1 r at.a'°G: loth .„ 0. ace,r' as .the seller may die ct in writing.. r:;F11°i �1,,� �„,r7 , r p,{ '�. ? ..� L.,•ry C: r,_ 3 1?1t�tY' j>`•',v,, :g)�,..,y t r,-' x, �.3..r'�.r�=i\::'t '�.. vC,.'.0 6T2'1,13 n t •;r' 's' acre , u. t? . "`" Selected g s•1.��.,'t,�."y li•r the .�Bns l r ct:a : •L ,. rta �l Cs,:. x.. +.. so c. e • a:L+�r,-0 fit.. .",•g,dd'"E(' ' t '� }� ¢',-,•• s o Se..t✓�,.te a t p:.tla(.E"),ase :• shall not bisect e the r i'L :,.,a•Y ..Gy Q;spc,,,, �3:9 t :(4 r-..;.::.• 4`�'.,:+ a. yry )'s'. y•�,]. �••� .a set, Y�y� =6:..1t ,se, o ide r e� r o '.:+;.b�,h4 is i:% -+t.i times yy++�� shall provide E..2.R.,t,•� ���° (.�d� Y tw�a•„.�5 , ti' y� ".� [ 1` 1, yo :'a�=�. ,�.. ' l'.i:a.,:y�.i:r s�a�:3,.3 r °eY77'r1 s"�,7 r 4 1 �+• '..¢..u, s I t.J,�Cnt..'/ t�`itr that the � j � re rE.,,.a. •tia c:3.fie access to qq, the 1�e(, ^e',Wqq 1 tii. r l,.k�S' t3t�1ral '�', 1d A t 1'-4J E.S.».k., r+'°w,1+6�:.3.�.4•,a 1�,, 1„ Q,i.r:3v G..l. ail °,. a.0 C38iA! p'✓: ar.s;i >s�rorr'1 securing €z (J 1'�I,r;�.. ta3' r s `4 7 9 u g e u 'in title y�r�ati.o.11, 'tot. pp .i file 1 9'+Ci ,. t�.,., - •�,�-i n�s �• ��4" �',tinfi 1r,+�,{�r,•r: 'y r ( \ f file p + "•.- fix. u$)t,'$.h� 7�,.�, 1�/p {1,, °l;�' �'Y'(1 ( f�,_'l, p,`{ �� n,4 st t 11,,,. �.Y+ .1' �W,I Al M,.�k:i.h,11..y '4'.L:,'•�,1'4�C.13 4�, a t fi l\i I a i y E f•x 't 1 A Q1 +.L '�:'A W.I�r R)i.•lihr k �(9 i3 dl!:',;. 1 . �..+Wry/y.'y...0n''�b C'tlba. i l:t SPQ :{'i''' 'at title + 'i 1u Fd Idkt H r't: �01'ly: to r' r °r"' :...my °J ,. ,G D tt t. k, a n.:N $t'p'° tl .,t .,, �?? i(..d t..ti 11'I., i l o„ 4 , claiming to ��'�.n)r�,.,t:l�,a.cw ,11' all �',{ �' �; p T er 1� 7a°��x� �.�!!. a::.r � l�r'� i:9!?1�.1�`n�,°•qll ,m � �, ' i� .d gt' le +�.t1ZO l 11 '7" r;J> 1`' ,I ;,, ' i.�hl� 1;•Vc'';1 r;r,t;r,�1 • n ll }it;llb tw'i.' 'tGY;1i31t li:dS'i{'1 ,+� 4 r '"" •' r ;�faC:�E � � I a 7 ,, .� 1 c aa,l,: t,"•u:�Y'G�°4's+lt;;l!'� ��fr I,VJ'�LJ {rl ra(I .� l3„C It:v3el'w'V`�C;.�`�:�;r<',l'' a,,�r•� r:;- N•y [[�-r yyr''.ii aa ��; fair i�..l, P, )n„ • ,c1Dri se* yy ii pp''��' 7 ✓4 �.,,:c 41.1.J4ttL.r tt, of µ,R fY ' '��r'��, ,',,n t Ir:1l �}, pp�.� ny,y °� `w 'ct V.v'V"C 4 �� �,l' 0 0 i la' 1.,1 4° 9. H�✓n LL4)� } 1 yJ �+, » a.a:J t..l l, ,; 5 ,., ,lid a t,�,.4'/"t.6a`;'•.°' (t' •+,, '"s° file ,iya,l.,o ., tvrg•°le.r �r,'o t''ta` 1 113't� +•° r r.).:sil,t':'il�l; 1.1 ''a,Y Vl.dS < - , ¢ 1,� p a. •,,r 9... 11 :,.,+o'1.::'ra t.l.L-�9.(«'fir"�. C<',.'.-N'!�':•A L:t': 1,•:`.':: ';r'i_;1�:°,Ii,I4 b"]C�..0 tp The purchaser agrees: (1.) to pay before delinquency all payments of whatsoever nature, required"to be made upon or by virtue of said mortgage, if any; also all taxes and assessments which are above assumed by him, if any.,,and all-which may, as between grantor and grantee, hereafter become a lied on the premises; and also all taxes which may hereafter be levied or imposed upon, or by reason'of, this contract or the obligation thereby evidenced, or any part'thereof; (2) to keep the buildings now and hereafter placed upon the premises unceasingly insured against,loss or damage by fire, to the full insurable'Value"fhereof, in the name of the seller '• as owner, in an insurance company satisfactory to the seller for the benefit of the mortgagee, the seller;and the • purchaser, as: their interests may appear, until the purchase price is fully paid, • insurance policies,'renewals,and premium re t'ipts,Ctirrpt such as are required to be deliveredc deliver' the m of I1 a1;ec,c (3) to harp the hatilditigs:iind ill other i(btpl'iia't'ntl'Illr ail tit the 11r('niiseil 111 good t•tllt;lir nllal blot io•Ilt iiiit. wtoiln", ;ui(1 ('l•)41.01 lb ttse the IJft;i isi:h fortlny illl'I ;tl ilt9•l'lii)_ r; . . ' 1 - It! Ibc: r a'a°III i'i;I;al -I,Ii1' 11110 t Irl' ti1111ii Illil lit, i I!' Ir' I I; ,1 i ! lo.lrt 41'llllilll(111'y 10ty ltl lti"i 1,11,' ;l,lit 11;lhlt,1llti itl' tllip ii:ly lilt r(tgftirt'il In I+N WI*)1 1)11 ai:rl)lluf 1',f tip lunl11 ,i 'r' I{ ' la t lnay p-1.( tiliY(''.9,11 ((•,i i", i i,1 i. M.P.:li !IIC, I)/( 1119i}l;fl q.11 U!1( )'f! I{I'QVI(II!I!t IIIU 1M,t11",' Iltd ;I;;;;pts;,nlctll ,,• iti,lhi, ,iteli 'I,rat'lllrjllr;, and:1 ilit`"h ipr,11 1p,ilt'allcC, ;1111( Ihi ;111 ,lull,; p'tii11 ' therefor by hint ,h all �a,:'dceilacal'a Pau.; of'tll}: lnu'rlrli't pi ire, and,lle�clonc p ay aline fiJl'lliyvill '}yltlr iiil(:t'l;;tt 0t In rate iif.lu'lee rc it t pc;. ;ltll)ulrt uutil'it ihl1ill yv nit lircdu(Ijct: to tither ltil;)tls Ofc:llt!r by reason 'of ;,urli f;iilu '(;. 1 - i , . . .... -... . . .• , . , . .. . . . . • , • , . . . . ..._ . „... . • .,, . , . . • • . .. . . . . . , . . . • . • • .. .., . , . , „., . ,. . • . , , . , • ,, • . . .. . , . . . . , . .., • • • . . . . . ,,, ,- . • 1._ , • ' . .,. .. , The;ptirchaser agrees to,asstItIlf: :Ill FISH 01-1401111g(!, 10 1'iliy im )ioveineio.upoit:the pr.e.iiiisiek,.or of the . , -: ,t •, lal(ing 'of any part'of t he property for public; use; that no such damage or taliingJiliall''cotistitute a f;iiltii.e. of , ,',. •'..-.;: enosideration',.bill iit.ca-tie, of such damage or:taking, all moneys r‘Teived hy the seller by'reason therr.!of-:Thall . •.. . -. . ': he ;111)1ic.:(1 as,;,11)11yrni,;111 011 act:0101t 01 IIII! plirchatie pf i't.:(7. of the property, less any:mints rif money whielt.thee.' . . '.. . . • .': .. ,seller in be required to,e.Y.pend in procuring stich money, or at the,election of the seller to the rebuilding 6r ',... • , e - .„ . ... • , .. 1 . restoration of such improvements.- . • , . • . , The seller agrees, upon receiving full payment of the purchase price and interest in the manner above.spe- .. : •.. . , cified, to,execute and deliver to purchaser a - '..)./aA.railty . , deed to the property,. •• , , ,- ..:: . . . , e• ,..excepting such r.irrthereof which may hereafter be condemned, if any, free of, incumbrand,e's eicept.,tbosee: ' 1:- ',-',/••,.:,,,.,..,.' above mentioned, and any that May accrue hereafter through.any person other than the'scllei.. . :. •,'. :, .: .,, :,,' ,..:':•,, 1 '...',,•',,,,.:., '. • , -. The seller has delivered, or within ten clays herefrom will procure and deliver, to the purchaser,- a'title', ,,, - . . .. : policy in usual.form issued by the d'uget Sound 'fide insurance Company, insuring the purchaser tos the .full - -r,-.:.- . amount of said purchase price against loss or dainae,e.occasioned by reason'of cle feet iii, or incumbrance • • ., .,. • • .., . , .., against, seller's title to the premises, not assumed by the purchaser, or as to which the conveyance'hereunder-. , .,..... ,:? ...,-,,e'• ..? .' is not to be suhject. . . , . . , . . . ., . . . . . .. . ,, The parties agree:. (1) to execute all necessary instrumentswent for the extension of•payent or renewal of . . ..:.e.• . -:•;said mortgage.during the period prior to,the delivery of said deed, or the termination of purchaser'.s rights by• -,- •. ., .:,- .. ' ..-; e •.,, virtue of the provisions hereof; provided the seller shall not be obligated thereby to assume any personal obli, gation or to execute any mortgage providing for a deficiency judgment against the seller, or securing a.principal . .-•,'e '.e ''''. '' '?. . , •;"... ,indebtedness in excess of that now unpaid on the above mentioned mortgage or bearing an interest rate of More ..' ',...•. •.;, '.,, '.,:', ' " • , ..':. than twoeper. ent greater..than that of the original mortgage indebtedness; (2) that-ti :: purchaser: his made. • ' -',"- , ''.''.. .;',,,'''...;:i full inspection:of the real e,state.and that no promise, agreement or representation respecting the condition of ... ' • ..-• . .......',,,:' .. .. any building or,improvement thereon, or relating to the alteration or repair thereof, or the'placing of -,addi- . ' ' '-'• :.''.:''If'••' .' , .• -, tional.improvements thereon, shall be binding unlesS the promise, agreement or representation. he in .writ- ing, and made a part of this coritr;ict; (3) that the purchaser shall have possession of the, real estate''on,. - , -Decetl.,61.3•01e. 20th 0 1965 ' and be entitled to retain possession so long as purchaSer is not in clef wit '' • • . in carrying out ha terms hereof; and (4) that, upon default, forfeiture nxty be declared by notice sent by . • registered mail to the address of the purchaser, or his assigns, last known to the seller. .. . ':...,• •., ' 'limers of the essenc.c hereof, and in the event the purchaser shall fail to comply with or perform any con .. -.• ...• -.'•': ., ..,,.,. . : dition or agreement hereof promptly at the time and in the manner herein required, the 3 ellei'm4y elect to . , .. • •-.. l'',,:,::: declare all of Ithe.purchaSer's rights hereunder terminated, and upon his doing so, all payments made by the .• , •: ....'''-'''‘'.';'..;',' purchaser hereunder and all intproverrients placed upon the premises shall he forfeited to the seller, asliqui- e; • , .. . e..,-,e:,.,e,,, t'; '•.--.','", dated damages:,and the seller shall have the right to re-enter and take possession of the property;'and if.,.016'2, ' '...- . ,•*.'r:1".',:`r seller within six months after such forfeiture shall commence an action to proctrre. an adjudication Or the-, .. f-,,,',.: :e',", -,•` . , _ :.,'•!,.-.:.:-. .-.., . termination of the purchaser's rights hereunder, the purchaser agrees to pay the expense of searching.(lie title ,... ,..,. .. .• for the purpose of such ztetion, together with all costs ;end a reasonable attorney's feel . .. . , . . In Wibie.F.:s II/hereof the parties have.signed and SettlN1 this contract the day and year first..',11roven.written:.-' . , c 2_ • ., ...- ' " ' ' .L i.i...L...:.--• • ,2,_),..•..-4...L;--:_,t"•-•-• --- / • .'—'-':',.;- '-':•:,././;•:., 7-".(..`:.--/--'?:. '• (-•''' . -• .'. . - r_.::___(Seal) `-'.',-,-,..:-., i','...,... .';•.'1.'1'. .. ..-- i ....- -. .. . ' . . T. '''7-' ''. (,--- ,-___,=-.... -fe,-- ..• . • . - • .i..',_:.,--'d,:-),•!..-).e..-.c.-- -,-,--e..) cf.?:\,,,,r22-4_,..e-,- .(":(//,..c...,(;•„-:____' . , .• ..._(seal) . ''.:•, : .': , .'s:' -.,,,- (.--/ .,--V ,,, , ...- •% .......,:::,:-,—.„----...-- ...-::-.:f-'-'2...:e."L..2LC------2:;±.(,:...----:L.'„ ''''- /..".'- ' '.-'' ' -''' (:,-- ../-LIL.(-:; -" ....(Seal) . , c''.. '•.. - . „ „... , .. :. i .1.1/,':p..,,,i,?-•,;_,-it /..... ,•••:: --- -.-: •(,:i •: • - • . • . .. . ..... . ; . , . - . • . • . • 1,:,,,,f,,./..__ ..-4,-;'I: :::...,-''',...,:. -..;-?•-•=.----.7.'1,-1 -7- - . , ., • - • • • • . -...._(Seal) • '., . ' ' . : - .., 1 ; • . . • , . . . .'. • ',.• . STATE OF.WASHINGTON,' • . • . ' • . , -• , . ~ita. . . • , • .. . . . . . . : . -. •:-- ,',.•' County.of ' • . _.., . . • • • . . • . . , ...__: .... , . ...._ • • — ' I, the undersigned, a notary public in and for the state of Washington,hereby certify that on this day • . , . . • • of • ' '•• • ,personally appeared before me . - • ' - .. • . • , • , •. . .. „ . . , . , . . . . . t . . " ''- - , ' ', . . • , . . . •r - , to me known to lie the individual deserilii:t1 ill and W1b)e X,'ClIt01-1 the lortl:t•oing instrument,and acknowledged that........:..., ,...:....,.... , . . signed and sealed the same as. ' free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. ', '. . .' •:- . .- , . . . Given under my hand and official scat the day and year last above written. . • . , ' .. .--.,,.- . . . . . , . . . . . . . ;, .. . . ., •_.'. . ' . • . . . ' , . ' ' • ' . ... ,. ' , ,. . . Notary Public in and for the state of Washington, ..••,i --,. . . , . . . , , . , • . at d resiing — • . — . . . . . . . . , . . ' . , . . . ' . . . . • • . . ' - . . . . ., ; . ' -. . • . , . .,. . • . . . .. • . . • - UGET SOU'HI' ' . •. . • . „ .SPACE. (F.SIllNL) 1,01,, RECc.)RDER'S i..1 , • , 1,, ii. . ' • . . ' ,...1.-ir-1:A.---;.2:b•Jiri , 1 , • . . . , . . . , . ' .' - .„21. 4,1, e , 4 ,i-; ., . , • .. . . -,,,,-...,...,-..,..... ;.,:..A.c-git..*•• ..--i: ..:-.-_,..„,..,,,,.. ,. , • , i!elF4.}Y,Sii2;-',,I,Pkig0(44,...-,17'.!.1g.1%.11.0. 40. . . .__,.. . .. .- • , . , . . .. . . . . , , . . . . , . . . . . • • . , ' . .. . .. . . . • . • . . • .. , - -' . , . ,., • . . . . • . . . . , ,, • - ' . • • . , , . . . , , • . . Filed for Record ot Request of . , . - . . . ' . • . . . • , . •• . . . , . . , . . . .. • . . • . . . . . . . . , . .. . . . : .. . . •• . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . , , . . . • . . , . • , . , . . .. . . • . ....': , ' Nitine„ . , , . , . , . . , . "• . , . Address . .. • ,' . . - . . . • . , . . . • . •. . . „ • . .. . , .. .,City,and State , - , • .. . . .. . , • ' " , , . . . .. ,,,.. .T ...' !.•". z -i 0 U) a z 0 7 n . z m -7-- ill n zr 01 n -40 3: c n /--j CO 0 .Z ip z zz 0 (P 7 6N > z C 4) —A 0 z rn 1 vi z vi �. `Tj h le. A;P 31�,� i AW