HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAC - 10th Pl BEGINNING OF FILE FILE TITLE JIAed Ig04•dor/s° 11/ d/iii • 71.e. *. j/: 5- 3 - 6 f J T Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 5-9-66 PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: (Cony.) NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 7851 $ Jack L. Anton 3276 Rolling Hills Ave. S. Gas Installations 52 Robert C. Extrum 3341 Court A. Rolling Hills Gas Installations 53 U.G. N. Building 9395 So. 180th Street Plumbing Fixtures 54 Don Holm 238 Main Street Heating Equipment 7855 Russ Herr 12431 Rainier Ave. So. Gas Installations Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, May 2nd Minutes be approved with Page 2, last paragraph corrected to read that Morris seconded the motion to deny Planning Commission rezone recommendation in lieu of Poli,and Page 6, Paragraph 3, be corrected to include Poli among Aye Roll call vote. Carried. HEARING: Proposed Annexation - Kaczmarek et al properties (Continued from May 2, 1966 when tabled.) Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, that the matter be taken from the table. Carried. The hearing was declared continued and inasmuch as there were no new communications verbal comment was invited. Upon request,Planning Director Ericksen outlined the area on the land use map advising that the Comprehensive Plan indicates this zoned as Single Family Residential. Audience comment was invited and Mrs. Elizabeth Jackson submitted a Petition containing approximately 70 signatures opposing the annexation on basis of existing gravel pit hazard, and questions of proposed use of the area. It was pointed out that the hazard exists irrespective of whether annexed or in the County and that the adjacent city residents would have greater recourse if the property were annexed and the City would also have control as might be required. It was pointed but that the zoning and use of the property was not now before the Council. Mr. Kaczmarek outlined the plans for development of the area and it was moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, that the hearing be closed. Carried.Discussionregarding the gravel pit and access followed, after which it was moved by Hulse, seconded by Gianini, to accept the annexation as proposed with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee, all prior actions having been taken as provided 'by law. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS: Letter from Bellevue Bulldozing, Inc., James L. Evans, President advised of billing per Invoice No. 3699 in sum of $302.76 as result of repair to tank foundations at Wn. Natural Gas Co. Peat Shaving Plan on 13th Avenue; .thi'6 claim was alleged to have resulted due to Renton water works tank overflowing. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the City Attorney and the City's insurance carrier. The motion carried. It was pointed out that the Claim was not filed within timely provisions of law. A letter from City Engineer Jack Wilson submitted estimate No. 2 payable to Western States Construction Company in sum of $2,031.13 for work completed to date on the covering of the Highlands Reservoir Roof. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the Estimate payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. The motion carried. A letter from Mayor Custer submitted statement from Louis Peretti in sum of $200.00 for appraisal work authorized on certain properties located between Logan and Burnett Streets North along proposed route of 3rd Avenue North. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Ways and Means Committee for funding. Carried. A/ A Petition was read requesting vacation of a portion of 10th Place North from J Street intersection northeasterly to intersection with M Street. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poll, to refer the Petitions to the City Engineer to check validity of signatures. The motion carried. A letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer expressed some concern on behalf of the Utilities Department regarding increased practice of underground power installations, insofa=tas watermains and services might be affected. To minimize possibilities of injury or disruption of service it was recommended that the City pass legislation to establish standards for. burying electrical power covering location, depth of placement, method of marking.azch as built maps, and use of conduit for certain voltages. Any further information will be furnished by the Utilities Department. Moved by Morris, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. A letter was read from Petitioners of previous week, represented by Committee of five, thanking the Council for action taken in regard to denial of rezone to R-4 and R-3 of properties owned by. the King County Hospital District, to be declared surplus so that money may be applied on new hospital project which may be realized from sale thereof. A second letter from the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners, Ernest Coleman, requested that the Council reconsider the petition and approve the rezone as recommended by the Planning Commission. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, -2- ttli -�� �,�� � il/for) �� '6 � Prj u .r.i 1. . Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 5-8-67 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) (Planning Commission Recommendations) Rezones: R. L. Edwards, Appl. R-388-67, from G to B-1, property located on South 7th Street between Rainier Avenue South and 90th Avenue South, app. 10 acres, proposed commercial use, Comprehensive Plan designates Non-Manufacturing Industry which is in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan and approval recommended. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the Planning Commission recommendation. Carried. Jack E. Wilson appl. R-390-67 from S-1 to R-1, property located on R Street between 7th Ave. No. and 8th Pl. No., 1.1 acre proposed for single family residential use with approval recommending the request being in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation. The motion carried. Kenneth Castile appl. R-392-67, rezone from R-1 and S-1 to R-4, located between South 131st and 132nd Streets from 87th Avenue South to 90th Avenue South, app. 4.2 acres proposed for multi-family residential use. Existing zoning R-1 and S-1. Recommended that the area located West of 88th Avenue South be zoned R-4 and the remaining portion to the East be zoned R-3. This rezone would be in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Poll, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Moved by Perry, seconded by Delaurenti, that this rezone be tabled one week to give the Council opportunity to visit the area. The motion was voted upon and declared lost. Schellert noted that the Planning Commission recom- mendation was different from the applicant's request and Planning Director Ericksen advised that the applicant had agreed to accept the zoning as proposed. Perry inquired regarding previous request for multiple zoning in the area that was denied and was advised that it was further to the North than the present proposal. The area was shown on the wall map and Mr. Ericksen stated the ommission of consent was inadvertent., Dahlquist stating that the consent of the owner to different zoning than requested was supposed to be submitted in writing, and not by verbal expression. The pending motion to concur in the Planning Commission recommendation for rezone was voted upon and carried. It was noted that the Commission has not met since the subject Planning Commission Minutes were published. S. J. Vukov, appl. R-394-67, from R-1 to B-1 on property located on H Street between Sunset Blvd. and 9th Avenue North, area of 23,116 square feet proposed for commercial use. Approval was recommended the request being in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Perry, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission with referral of all rezones to the Law and Ordinance Committee. The motion carried. , Letter from Green River Chapter of S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A. requested permit to place a banner over public property at Bronson Way, north of Park Avenue, to advertise the Seventh Annual Showcase of Harmony, said banner to be removed by May 16, 1967. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, to grant the request. The motion carried. The Street Commissioner was requested to check this installation. Petition for vacation of portion of property located between 10th Avenue No. and 10th Place North lying East of "E'T Street was read which was submitted by Stanley E. Stone and Iril E. St. Clair. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to refer the petition 1-^ the City Engineer to check signatures for validity. Perry reported that the Law and Ordinance Committee is holding a proposed Ordinance providing for certain fees in connection with street vacations in accordance with recently passed legislation. Dahlquist added that the Bill becomes effective the first of June. The pending motion carried. James J. Abraham, O.K. Cab Co., Inc. communication requested transfer of curb telephone stand permitibr stan d on the Southwest corner of Wells Avenue South and South 3rd Street, P.AG. 654-61,since he has assumed ownership of the Company and the Permit had been issued to prior owner. If not renewable, a new permit was requested. Moved by Trim, seconded by Garrett, to grant the request for'arch' Permit. Carried. Letter from Pythian Sisters, Rhododendron No. 30, by Mrs. C. P. Osborn, requested No Fee Permit to place a sandwich type board sign in front of store building at 309 South Wells Avenue to advertise rummage sale. Moved by Trim, seconded by Poli, to grant the request. Carried. Approval from the State Archivist for destruction of Business License records, 1952 to 1956, Business & Occupation Tax Records, 1952 to 1956 , Voter's Signature Poll Books up to and including 1956 and Miscellaneous Vouchers, 1948 to 1955. Note was added requesting that Poll Books prior to 1920, being considered of archival value, be approved for use by the Archives. City Clerk Nelson advised that the Historical Society has indicated a desire to secure certain older documents and Mayor Custer added that they could be advised by the Clerk of the present documents available. -5- tea 18' 1966. • au00 nee Renton; Washington' Pete'''•Bakamu • a' ',` President: u e £ar 'Vacation:'of` Poion Re,a�, _ • • . . • a "IOth ,Place Renton;''_Wn: . • Dear'.Petitionere;. The `Renton, ;Ci .:Council, at•: its regulacr 'meeti'ng of:May' T,6ti� ' directed that :you':-be not od of the;City Engine@ °e repay thax, .. • your petition ''was signed by 'owners:,repreeenting•.63.7 5% :of:;she abutting p ope y',owners .Th'is'.1percentage.,:galas'to. meet .the . minimum two-thirds requirement .of.R''.C; W. 35�79':and the 'p tit on „, . validated • canncit'ther�•f Ore:•:lio. _ ' inhere of our 'f rm who':;have� t1�i11,'yo�.i';l�indly,'�ad'vise'°`t�i'e'�i�ther.•:me ,-Y - signed the'`• etition. '! . ' YOLIrS ve �r'ul s` _CITY• OP tRpfiTO ,RENTON F[el ie `d. Nel on : City Clerk B . dm` t'- l ' • 57/G/� G `� pF Rev ®. CITY ENGINEER'S OFFICE • RENTON, WASHINGTON ba • JACK WILSON CITY HALL, CEDAR RIVER PARK, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 • ALPINE 5-3464 �2 � SAoRr CAPITAL�F � Ma 12 1966 7 Honorable Donald Custer, Mayor Members of the City Council Re: Vacation Petition of 10th Place North between "J" Street and "K" Street Gentlemen: The petition for vacation of 10th Place North between "J" Street and "K" Street was signed by the owners representing 63.15% of the abutting property owners. This percentage fails to meet the minimum two-thirds requirement according to R.C.W. 35.79. Very truly yours, 1/V6261 ,-N Ja k Wilson • Engineer JGd:me i �\ 3 ,N195:6 May 3, 1966 � pc�, ���9 <<: C• oFF1c-v„ Honorable Donald Custer, Mayor .. r • i : Members of the City Council Gentlemen: We, the undersigned owners of property abutting on 10th Place Street, respectfully request the vacation of said street from the intersection of J Street northeasterly to where it inter- sects with NI Street. 1. Hillcrest Bowl, Inc. 2809 Sunset Blvd. East Renton, Washington King County Commencing at the Southwest corner of Block 38 of Replat of Blocks 12, 13, 14, 36, 37, and 38 Corrected Plat of Renton Highlands No. 2, King County, State of Washington, thence North 35°42 ' 00" East along the easterly bound ay line of Sunset Boulevard a distance of 150.00 feet,, thence at right angles South 54°18100" East, 179055 feet to the westerly, boundary line of loth Place and the true point of beginning, thence North 54°18100" West, 179.55 feet to the easterly boundary line of Sunset Boulevard, thence North 35°42 ' 00" East along the easterly boundary line of Sunset Boulevard 374.4 feet thence South 54°18e00 East 179.55 feet to the vest boundary line of 10th Place to the point of beginning containing 66,001.93 square feet, more or less . HILLCRES Z, INC . Signed .r' � 7�zz�/' " � 2. Alec Bakamus and Delores Bakamus, his wife, and Pete Bakamus, a single man. 2809 Sunset Blvd. East Renton, Washington KingCounty, State of Washington -- Lots 1 and 18 and lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and that portion of lot" 5 lying north- erly of the vesterly projection of the southerly line of said lot 17, all in Fred Akers Real Estate No. 1, accord- ing to plat recorded in volume 63 of plats, page 72, in King County, Washington Signed . it-4,• (/,-1/ � N 9 C= W. a >C) zs alga_- Tj no Zo _ z ri. ' jh Cal f, UN� r � 2 r I i