HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAC - S 153rd St • ... . , •. : •' . . September:19; 1966 : • - • .. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Galiano' - , •- • 21222`--1.10th. Avenue H.E._ .- Kent, Washington .: - ; - • • ,Rei Petition,-fora vacation :of. Portion.:. . . . .. • • : • ' .. of.'S.E.: 153rd Street Renton ' . • .. • -. ,• . . '.. Dear .Mr::And Mra. Galiano:.. _ • This; i9 to 'advise:°that•accordi.ng_,to;-report-of the City.Engineer.-,-: '- . • - • `petition for vacation`was' aigned"by owners ,representing only 3],%.:._ ;- - , • - of property,abutting.-the.right-of.-=way, therefore :the petition . ,' . ':fails to:meet.,statutory.,_requirements and is. .not, valid The' law. .. requires -that 2/3-;or. at :least' 60% of owners are_ represented on , , '. a petition to vecate,. .and;-the Council can take' no further action ' at this;time. . , : • . Yours• .very truly,: ' 'CITY Y OF RENTON - - .•. , - • • .. felmie W. Nelson • City=Clerk.. ; HWN/dm " -., . 'September 12, 1966 • Honorable Donald Custer, Mayor Members of the City Council Re: Petition for Vacation portion South 153rd Street between'91st Avenue South and East Valley- Freeway • Gentlernn: • The. petition for the vacation of excess right-of-way for South . 153rd Street between 91st-Avenue South and the East Valley �eew y is signed by QWfl2Zs. representing only.31%, of the .property abutting said street. . Therefore this petition fails to reset the statutory requirements. Very truly yours, • • ac C Y Fz,agineer Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 8-22-1966 COMMUNICATIONS (Cont.)Lof letter from Eugene and Lena Galiano petitioned the City for vacation of portion South 153rd Street, between 91st Avenue South and the East Valley Freeway. Moved Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the petition to the City Engineer to eck signatures for validity of ownership. The motion carried. A letter from Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, advised of necessity to appropriate $2,000.00 from excess revenue into the Current Fund, Non-Departmental Account 1920/311, Insurance, City Property, in order that proper accounting balance in the fund may be maintained. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to concur in the appropriation with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Letter from King County Engineer, Warren Gonnason gave notice of hearing on September 19, 1966 at 9:30 a.m. on proposed resolution to adopt portions of the Seattle Building Code, together with amendments, as the King County Mechanical Code. The hearing will be in Room 402, King County Courthouse. Letter from Mayor Custer reported that the Property Committee Chairman had requested the Mayor to recommend to the Council,action felt appropriate in regard to operation of the City Hall Cafe,which is closed at present while the operator is on vacation. The operation has been on a month-to-month basis and certain remodeling has been requested along with rental revision prior to continuation of the operation by the present lessee. Although the remodeling and equipment requests are administrative matters, the rental revision will require council action, and it was recommended that a new lease be authorized fixing the rental at $1.00 per month, to run until the new city hall has been completed. A petition attached, signed by City Employees, requested consideration of necessary measures to insure continued operation of the cafe, the close proximity being a necessary convenience to the employees as well as other persons transacting business at City Hall. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. A letter from Mr. Ernest Temple advised of his interest in purchasing properties owned by the City as per deed description attached, located in vicinity of Phillip Arnold Park at Jones Road. (Renton Hill) The property had been deeded to the City by Puget Sound Power and Light Company in 1954 for possible right-of-way use. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Perry, to refer the request to the Property Committee to report back. Carried. A letter from City Engineer Wilson reported that letter of intent to annex certain property north of S.E. 96th Street, East of F.A.I. 405, to the City of Renton, is signed by owners representing 55.3% of the assessed valuation of the property, said property containing approximately 11.80 acres with an assessed valuation of $20,651.00. City Clerk Nelson advised "that there were property owners present for the preliminary meeting required,, and Mr. J. D. Sweazey, 9418 -108th P1. S.E., identified himself as property owner circulating the petition. Councilman Schellert inquired whether Mr. Sweazey could confirm that the property owners and himself were willing to assume their pro-rata share of the City's pre-existing. bonded indebtedness. Mr. Sweazey stated agreement of the property owners to assume their share of the debt as stipulated and it was moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, that the Petitioners be authorized to circulate the petition which shall designate acceptance of the debt as stipulated(and bear not less than 75% in value of assessed valuation of the property proposed to be annex); and the annexation proposal be hereby accepted. The motion carried. A letter from Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, requested adoption of Resolution appropriating $7,330.00,received from METRO for earthquake damage to 7th Avenue Ave. and Burnett Street, unto Street Maintenance Account 3200/417, Materials and Supplies, to be used to restore said streets. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to grant the request with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. The motion carried. A letter from Paul C. Patterson, Water District No. 107, Board of Commissioners, requested a, master meter to serve the plat of Western Hills which lies in the unin- corporated area of the County and which is owned by Mr. Fred G. Sharp of 12621 S.E. 96th Street, the charge for water to be the existing wholesale rate and meter and installation costs to be borne by Water District 107. An early reply was requested. Moved by Perry, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the request to the Fire and Water Committee with power to act. Carried. - 2 - / , • - - , . ,.- .-, • , . . . . .: . v \ i - , . 1!, Hohoro.ble Donald U. Custer, ;,ivor Mesh. rs of the City Council entle:ilen: ,e, the undersil-med owners of property pbutLing South 153rd Street between 91st Avenue South ',rid ',Ile 1,'.' t VNlley Ppeway, humbly request the vocotiori of th:lt oortion of sold st.roet. not; neqe:--;!3.1r t'or rondw:ly purocmes . --i -...., -. II 'et ro• . ,A. ••,;,''/.41‘_, •-,96, LP; Zflik .-Vit; ICT!,, ...,. Tfra.qjfk, e,'‘‘ "s--- . tiyez • ..., . ce-A i - ,-;.. c- 7.- . . .. . f to •••'' \ ...n..N , 4 41• A • 21 7 i 2. 3 4 5 G 7 / • 5T. •• • . `2 G� . • • \ s. . . • 2 � •'' 4, 5 � 7 '.• . % . ..a IL:53, . , !IM 4 • •• 2 11 17 3 4 S 12G�N S�. Min 4 3 2 ,2(,�Tr 10 1 )(c 2 j 2 5 1 lai S.It% (f). 3 14 li 4 10 EiMil 5 12 5 9 10 3 6 11 i 4, a it , 4 270 7 to 1 �� IZ wil 26 8 9 a / � o ern 0 1 ... . 7 i . nj Nt al Ewan kpvimm 2. Is ,,,,,J .: 10 21 • 4 14 • / CL- Ir. eta 41,c,c e, 33 4I..Y 1't NM W 5 •• • . 13 MIv BM ? 4:, z: Q 14 17 �3�� Q 7 =re*" S 128TH ST I b I CITY OF RENTON 43 2 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT NA 1. 1 ME - , L11 T PEE ET VA C. .TI C)t•-•-.1 1 ?-7T" S - . 1 jTH T. DESIGNED BY DATE_g,L1O/G.Cg:::. FILE NO. -_------ — DRAWN 1 1""� CHECKED-_. 1 SCALE__I_1 ' FIELD BOOK_ _PAGE_ APPROVED SHEET OF ___q . •.:.•.. . . • _ .. •.. . ___... r i . • •. . . • • • . • • .• • 2 3 4 5 ••• G 7 0 \ \11,7 . . \ /• � H ST. 1. .•... 3 ,. .4 ; 5 6 , z ..: 8 G li,,,, m�� mi 's• 2 , , • , •• . . t7 3 01. 5 12co-r -t S't. ______,----- \\ Min 2 ,� � 10 �� I ,3 20 ( 5 ` IS z IZ . IP k6Wn IA 3 4 21 , 1 2 Eill � (n 5 9 to 3 IArli � e • - ;I I r4 27 10 . 12 _ 8 a 3 �+ Z`j I • . I 7t4 1 .. N 14 7 24 6 U ✓AC . 8 23 `' 1 14, , <1 • : • , 9 22 S� 2 Is 10 2 t 14 ,. j '!9 7-4 ►3 I$ to SIM > (C. _ l_ , 4 14 7 ��i 4 7 1 a + "9 IS lb 8 _ 9 its_ , 10 S 128TH T `• S I 6=: - I CITY OF RENTON 43 NM ' IE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT W PR.OPC7 ELO D . P E T VN.C.A.„-T I C.-)hJ 1 :?_.:7 Tea S--�-_ .2 . 1 Z. Th T. DESIGNED BY - DATE_g71O /G.Ca FILE NO.DRAWN_ _.--_ ...L........__ _, 1 --- CHECKED _ _ SCALE _- e FIELD BOOK____PAGE_ APPROVED.._ SHEET__ _ OF $ L.fii:4441:11.04," 1 - '': A-W•)'"' c- li -:, . k i.f, .' q-,,'• July 2,d , 1966 ,, 1 4, .::?: ''''''• ' '0 II- 1) 1.--:;;J tionarable Donald V.I. Custer, indayor li (.PPi . Members of the City Council C .,. '''-'-'''f-r,•'';-„,-i /, •_z% .-:•\!.4'\'-'''' 1: Gentlemen: ( We , the undersigned owners of the property bordering Vlst Avenue South between South 12Uth St. and doadond, where tho etroot ha0 boon 4 vacated, Blootc 19 , rocinest that that portion of 91st Avonue South be I. vacated, since this platted street area has no uso to the general , $: Public and constitutes an eyesore And a :tire hazard. f. i Signatures of abutting property owners: • l' ---;-- / / •,-\ i i ...(2 x G oL-743 ), -I- „. ,• . ..., ,. ./-9.. -7;,-A; -../ :, ' /1",-7 p)- ,_-, e, 6.: .cs 6 7 i? e:) v r ,-, 01, • t .1,,,,^4'4-1..6 I. l'"•,-"",.., ":•'" r /,..' ',.. .- ,.-..'.... .:..•i, -- - 7 f 1: /6 --( y 6 _c. --f-6 J--7-e..C/( . - i ,.. . ,(4'..../. / ... ...... ......-. / ._, . ' . . . /7 - . 1_ . . • ! ,., )ii-,,,:.-z-, ,., -I- IT; ,, 1-7 r •- 1- ....., i. _ ...... j 7 rr.'. xilrl -----) .7 7 - , , ... (. c il i4A ..-_---. .s:-.i.t; -,,1:_..--- 0 if / g g S. 1 1C-C-:" • :. ;,:-...—: ' "I ri':-•- `13) I CP) I, • (....—......... .. .-...— .., ! .•' tH !;' --------- . ' i . • .-2-4- -nia4 , . L', - • , • / „ - 11 , ,, I 1 ' . ••i 011.11101.1, - ...saw.q.. ..eza ''''''..'.''''''.............'' — ..., ' . ..._ . r----.,--7-7--------,---::z•---7---:,— ‘1 . - './- L--2- ' , ,/ (- --• , ..,- • •-! --- (,.._---- - .:•; ..: :J . ., 1 (___.., • -----7..--7,/t-_,?,- / i •," ,,/.(,:-_,--?-, ;., t.../ ' , — ;.i •1 _.1 . ii,-)9..e.•-• 9, 7,/,.'. -5 " `-? -6 71- ,D / 4_ , / ,.: I? / 1 r ) • •..., ,-, 1 f) (.:,,ti ....,. 9 5 ,..5' '.i.-) ,,..) (.7 <d • , .i v \--; .., rli o t.7 . / ,, ._,.. ,1 - X ---;-- A: 1,--e----P (..-., y j___ . :0JOULO Lodoad SuTviongu g:o eGany.c:; , . ,p,.71:'ezuu oal,:x u puu ocoo u 0of.ar.l1:9„ou.00 Tj.)uu cis-ciclau rez0u02 ourfl. 0.,:), ocu oil OVtT .uoau f.),.cozzo porl.:''L;Id DI4.':;, oDtro "00f.030uA 1 oci umno2 onuoAv 2:o u0y2aod .c..u7,,-a co14:1 f.-1,.conboa ' .6-c Tfooai 'pof.l.uouA uoect crew gooiox ot-f °JOU/a cpTIOlyi3OT) 1)T1-0 (';P T-T2,-Wc:;T IT;u0S T-1001:40Q q2.110 OUUOAV 4.01:6 SuTaopcioci. ..64aodoad etifl, .-.i:o 0,107:ti.10 pou01:caopun Gum. GoL :uem0T2,u00 .,,,,,N...-• - . '- ',,,..,:..,-,, Ror.T0 orij7, 2:o riiock=1../ 1\,101 .; iu : 1 ,---'' ( aoi.2uTT ‘c.:011,ono 011 Ircauod !---- (p,_.:,,, ' - .,•, , ,-• .3::,-,:):, .:.*:,.. 996T 'Prd .dTrtl- . -,--',,.9/ 0 / ,. • ifrot''' 1.00ittAYILS-, /,(3,114W Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 8-22-1966 COMMUNICATIONS (Cont.) A letter from Eugene and Lena Galiano petitioned the City for vacation of portion of South 153rd Street, between 91st Avenue South and the East Valley Freeway. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the petition to the City Engineer to check signatures for validity of ownership. The motion carried. A letter from Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, advised of necessity to appropriate $2,000.00 from excess revenue into the Current Fund, Non-Departmental Account 1920/311, Insurance, City Property, in order that proper accounting balance in the fund may be maintained. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to concur in the appropriation with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Letter from King County Engineer, Warren Gonnason gave notice of hearing on September 19, 1966 at 9:30 a.m. on proposed resolution to adopt portions of the Seattle Building Code, together with amendments, as the King County Mechanical Code. The hearing will be in Room' 402, King County Courthouse. Letter from Mayor Custer reported that the Property Committee Chairman had requested the Mayor to recommend to the Council,action felt appropriate in regard to operation of the City Hall Cafe,which is closed at present while the operator is on vacation. The operation has been on a month-to-month basis and certain remodeling has been requested along with rental revision prior to continuation of the operation by the present lessee. Although the remodeling and equipment requests are administrative matters, the rental revision will require council action, and it was recommended that a new lease be authorized fixing the rental at $1.00 per month, to run until the new city hall has been completed. A petition attached, signed by City Employees, requested consideration of necessary measures to insure continued operation of the cafe, the close proximity being a necessary convenience to the employees as well as other persons transacting business at City Hall. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. A letter from Mr. Ernest Temple advised of his interest in purchasing properties owned by the City as per deed description attached, located in vicinity of Phillip Arnold Park at Jones Road. (Renton Hill) The property had been deeded to the City by Puget Sound Power and Light Company in 1954 for possible right-of-way use. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Perry, to refer the request to the Property Committee to report back. Carried. A letter from City Engineer Wilson reported that letter of intent to annex certain property north of S.E. 96th Street, East of F.A.I. 405, to the City of Renton, is signed by owners representing 55.3% of the assessed valuation of the property, said property containing approximately 11.80 acres with an assessed valuation of $20,651.00. City Clerk Nelson advised that there were property owners present for the preliminary meeting required,, and Mr. J. D. Sweazey, 9418 -108th P1. S.E., identified himself as property owner circulating the petition. Councilman Schellert inquired whether Mr. Sweazey could confirm that the property owners and himself were willing to assume their pro-rata share of the' City's pre-existing bonded indebtedness. Mr. Sweazey stated agreement of the property owners to assume their share of the debt as stipulated and it was moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, that the Petitioners be authorized to circulate the petition which shall designate acceptance of the debt as stipulated(and bear not. less than 75% in value of assessed valuation of the property proposed to be annex), and the annexation proposal be hereby accepted. The motion carried. - A letter from Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, requested adoption of Resolution appropriating $7,330.00,received from METRO for earthquake damage to 7th Avenue Ave. and Burnett Street, unto Street Maintenance Account 3200/417, Materials and Supplies, to be used to restore said streets. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to grant the request with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. The motion carrried. A letter from Paul C. Patterson, Water District No. 107, Board of Commissioner?, requested a master meter to serve the plat of Western Hills which lies in the unin- corporated area of the County and which is owned by Mr. Fred G. Sharp of 12621 S.E. 96th Street, the charge for water to be the existing wholesale rate and meter and installation costs to be borne by Water District 107. An early reply was requested. Moved by Perry, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the request to the, Fire and Water Committee with power to act. Carried. - 2 - 02a/ /y G Honorable Donald W. Custer, Mayor Members of the City Council Gentlemen: We, the undersigned owners of property abutting South 153rd Street between 91st Avenue o. South and the East Valley Freeway, humbly request the vacation of that portion of said street not necessary for roadway purposes . G---:'5:;3a;_2--,,----x Y�1'1 Q./ 4 /�;-z -- /lD �L' �....�.-.,,. l C. Zli . �6°--/ ,� cif, 0i,�6 ti *it, .0,.