HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAC - May St & 7th Av N BEGINNING OF FILE FILE TITLE November 24, 1959 Honorable, Joe R. Baxter, Mayor : ' .. Members of the City Council , • Gentlemen: Submitted herewith is the Quit Claim Deed executed by the Pacific Coast R. R. Co. for additional street right of way. for 8th Avenue North. The acquisition of the right of way was -a condition for the vacation of certain unimproved streets in the industrial area north of Pacific Car and Foundry Company. I find the property..description;to be. correct and the intent of the Rai1ray Company regarding the storm sewer is clear- ly defined in their letter of September tth. The vacation ordin- ance may now be introduced for final passage and publication. es L. Hig on, C` y ?gineex° Yid - - - - - - -- -- - - -- - QUIT CLAIM DEED FOR STREET PURPOSES ' THE GRANTOR, , PACIFIC COAST R. R. CO. , a Washington corpora- tion, for and in consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other valuable considerations, does hereby quit claim and convey ,to the CITY OF RENTON, .WASHINGTON, a municipal corporation, an easement • for the location, construction and maintenance of a street over and across the following described property, to-wits ! - A strip of land 30 feet wide, being the 'north ''30 feet of Blocks 1 and 2, Renton Farm Acreage, according to • plat thereof recorded in Volume 12 of Plats, Page 37, Records of King County, Washington. SAVING AND RESERVING, however, unto the Grantor, the con- tinued right! to reconstruct, maintain and operate all existing railway tracks, signal and communication lines, and railway appurtenances and' facilihties now located On ill, hereinabove de- scribed property. x 'ti IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Grantor ;nas ca 3ed this instrument to be executed by its proper officers and its' •c irporate seal to be hereunto affixed this /7 `= day of /, 1959. PACIFIC COAST R. t. CO '‹.--4 :_.. ;,,., _ ,0-._ . BY f'k%; Z Presi . Attest: e. -.6'). ,) . ecretary STATE OF WASHINGTON) ,'' )s s r'' County of King ) '. On this /7 4 day of 1959, befor• personallyappeared Clark A. Eckart a414.47,114.,m , R. Paul Tjossem, to �'' ) own to be the President and Secretary, respectively, of Pacific Cc t R. R. Co. , the corporation that executed the within and forego/ 1instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the freer \I voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and pt '','' ses therein mentioned, and on oath stated they were authorized to ecute said instrument, and that the seal affixed is the corporate eal of said corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hazid. d affixed my official seal the day and year first above written'. Notary Pub n an for 3 State e of Washington, residing at S le. 1 I • Vern H. Morris xxxxxxxxxxx November 25, 1959 Pacific Car & Foundry Company Renton, Washington Attentions Mr. D. E. Douglas, Vice President Dear. Sirs We are enclosing a copy of our Ordinarce 0602 regarding vacation of portion of certain streets in the City. of Renton as adopted and passed by the City Council on November 24, 1959. Very truly yours, CITY OF RENTON VERN H. MORRIS City Clerk V HNI pas Enc. INTEROFFICE MEMO Date e1ovc�mbe .NCO .1959 • From Departmental Account No. To: •nayar a ty-C u.ru i �-- Expenditure Account No. • MESSAGE: fie: Vacation of portions of ay Street and Seventh Avenue North, City of Renton Cent le men: Reference is hereby made to the Railroad's letter of November 17, 1959. We under- stand that they have executed a deed in favor of the City which is in the possession of the City Engineer. We therefore suggest that the vacation ordinance which we had prepared under date of October 23. 1959 be placed on the calendar for final passage and publication. We suggest that the City Clerk send a copy of said ordinance, after passage, to the Pacific Coast R. R. Co., Attention ;4r. R. Paul Tjossem, Attorney at Law. The City should likewise go on record as accepting the dedication as per the Railroad's deed. c.c.: City Engineer I t Vi { r. c.c.: City Cierl: \,; U; Form MI - Mayor's O. ace • PACIFIC COAST R. R. CO. LAW DEPARTMENT 404 UNION STREE; SEATTLE i, WASHINt;TON CLARK A. CCKART, WERTERN COMER. R. PAUL TJOSSCM, Sd[RN_ATTORNEY,LINEA WEST WOODROW L. TAYLOR, November 17 , 195'i ROGNERT F. OARING, ASSISTANT AOIERAL ATTORNEYS THOMAS J.WETZEL, ATTORNSY Mr. James L. Highton City Engineer City of Renton Renton, Washington Dear Sir: Re: Vacation of portions of May Street and Seventh Avenue North, City of Renton I had understood at the time I wrote my letter of September 4, 1959, that the City would be agreeable to vacating the streets as requested in the enclosed petition, with the understanding as outline in my letter that sub- sequent to the vacation the railroad would dedicate the - ` 30-foot strip along 8th Avenue and would construct a storm sewer. Since apparently the City now desires that we first' ._ dedicate the strip, I have arranged for the execution of a deed for this purpose, the original of which is enclosed. • M1 With respect to an agreement on the storm sewer, I would assume that my letter of September 4th should serve this purpose since the Railway Company upon the vacation will feel itself bound to perform the work therein outlined. How- ever, we would like to postpone this work until there will be some use of the property or there will otherwise be a need for the improvement. I would appreciate your advising if upon receipt of the enclosed deed the City does not feel it can proceed with the vacation. Very truly yours, R. Paul T os em Encl. RPTbb cc: Mr. Gerard M. Shellac • - GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY* . • • LAW DEPARTMENT 404 UNION STREET SEATTLE 1, WASHINGTON CLARK A. ECKART, WESTERN COUNSEL. R. PAUL TJOSSEM, GENERAL ATTORNEY.LINES WEST WOODROW L. TAYLOR, ROBERT F. DARING, September 21, 1959 ASSISTANT GENERAL ATTORNEYS THOMAS J.WETZEL, ATTORNEY Mr. Vern H. Morris, City Clerk City of Renton Renton, Washington Dear Mr. Morris: S am sorry the print was not attached to my letter of September 4th submitting the petition for the vacation of portions of May Street and Seventh Avenue North. Copy of print is enclosed. Very truly yours, `24)- R. Paul Tjo se . • Encl. RPTbb September 17, 1.959 • Mr. R.-Paul. T jossem, Gen..Attorney Pacific Coast Railroad Company .. 404 Union Street Seattle 1, Washington _ Dear Sirs- _ This,has reference to your letter of September 4th:.subndtting a petition for the vacatiOn of portions of May Street and Seventh Avenue North. - Reference was' made in your 'coxmminication to a plan as shown on • : ' an enclosed print. However, this enclosure was not contained therein and we are now requesting that the afore-mentioned print be furnished'this_office as soon as possible. in order that all . ' data may be available to the committee making an in_vestigatio n prior to the hearing date. of October 20th. _ ,_ , . Very truly yours, CITY OF RENTON Vern H. Morris,:.City..Clerk K •y,A t. , : ' ql fi t 1. �yy'�' �tf . Li:..:-::,:k.';',:::','i • o i�W A S H I N G T O N the Jet Transport Capital of the World a r ,. September 15, 1959 3 ' Honorable Mayor Baxter and Members of the City Council Gentlemen: At its regular meeting of September 10, 1959, the Planning Commission considered the petition for vacation of a portion ,of May Street and a prr+tion of 7th Avenue North by the Pacific Coast R. R. Company and the Pacific Car and Foundry Company' (It_em 5, Planning Commission-Minutes) . The Planning Commission' noted that the petitioners proposed to dedicate other right-of- way in the area and that the net result of the requested vacation and the proposed dedication would be an improvement of the street pattern in the area and be conducive to industrial development of adjacent property. The Planning Commission therefore recom- mends that the vacation of streets as requested by Pacific Coast . R. R. Company and Pacific Car and Foundry Company be granted and that the additional right-of-way offered by the Pacific Coast R. R. Company be accepted. Ver• R v my youurrs',, k7- e — /�l ,—._ Don Humble Planning Director , DH:pc NOTICE CF PUBLIC HEAfcING RENTON CITY COUNCIL RENTON, WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE Rr1N;TCN CITY COUNCIL AT THEIR REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, ON OCTOBER 20, 1959 AT 8:00 P.M. TO CONSIDER A PETITION FOR VACATION THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: That portion of May Street (formerly May Avenue) extending from the south margin of Seventh Avenue North (formerly California Avenue) to a line parallel with and 30 feet south of the south margin of Eighth Avenue North (formerly Washington Avenue), as shown on hhe plat of Renton Farm Acreage, recorded in Volume 12 of Plats, page 37, records of King County, Washington. That portion of Seventh Avenue North (formerly California Avenue) extending from the east margin of Garden Street (formerly Garden Avenue) to the easterly margin, extended, of Block I, Renton Farm Acreage, all as shown on said plat thereof, a - ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED OR OBJECTING TO SAID VACATION ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING ON OCTOBER 20, 1959, AT 8:00 P. M. TO VOICE THEIR PROTEST OR OBJECTION TO SAME. VERN H. MORRIS CITY CLERK DATE CF PUBLICATION: Septtimber 30, 1959 CERTIFICATION JACK WILSON HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE(3) COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AND ONE COPY POSTED AT THE CITY HALL, RENTON, ON SE;PTE1 tER 25, 1959 AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. Signed ATTEST: NOT RY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, RESIDING AT RENTON, WASHINGTON :ORDINANCE NO. 1802 AN '.ORDINANCE CF' THE.'.CITY OF RENTON,_ WASH I NGTON, V;ACAT I NG CERTAIN:: PORTIONS CF STREETS l:N. THE. CITY CF RENTON, KING :000NTY,. WASHINGTON WHEREAS, a proper petition for vacating portions :'of Certain streets as 'hereinafter More particularly, described Was "duly f i".i.ed: with the- City Clerk'of the City, of Renton, :on or. about September 8, 1959, signed by all the owners of the property abutting. upo n portions of said "streets • sought to be vacated, and said pet i,t ion having :been duly 'read .at the regular meeting of the City .Cou•nc i•1, "an'd a reso I ut i:on adopted f i:?c i ng a time and place, for .hearing on said petition, and :WHEREAS, the City Council did, f ix the 20th day of October, 1959, as the date of :pub;l i..c; hear i ng .on said pet,i t.ion, directed the Clerk to give -notice, of said he arFng 'I n" the manner provided by, 'law; and WHEREAS,. 'the, :Ci"ty. Clerk has duly caused not i:ce of Such hearing to be published and be posted :for 'the time and in the manner provided by law, and said'pet'i.t ion for vacat ion having. been duly cons'dered and approved, by the Planning Commission: :of the City ,of: Renton; and at such pub l is hearing no ,protests or ob';ject i ons• to the granting of said pet i t i -for ''the vacating of _portions;of'certa i-n'-streets' having been .made, f l led, or .received; •and the City Counci:') at said time. and: hearing having voted to grant: said petition for vac:at:i ng, and '.th'e. Counci l further 'f i.nd'i:ng that the;: vacation of':portions of "sai•;d:;streets is. proper and advantageous 'to 'a l I concerned and -.i n the pUblic interest and wi not cause injury or. 'damage to-any properties. or.persons i New TH EREF ORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL. OF THE CITY CF RENTON AS FOLLOWS' . SECTION Is The following described portions of streets, to-wits ;(a). That portion' .of May Street (formerly May Avenue) extending, from the south margin of Seventh Avenue North (formerly California Avenue) to a line parallel with and 30 feet south of- the south margin of Eighth Avenue North (formerly Washington Avenue), as shown on the plat of Renton Farm Acreage, recorded 'in Volume 12 of Plats, page 37, records of• King County, Washington. All situated in Renton, King County, Washington (b). That portion of Seventh Avenue North (formerly California Avenue) extending from the east margin of Garden Street (formerly Garden Avenue) to the easterly margin, extended, of Block 1, Renton Farm Acreage, all as, shown on said plat thereof. All situated in Renton, King county, Washington. BE AND THE SAME ARE HEREBY VACATED; and such vacation shall be effective from and after passage, approval and legal publication of this Ordinance,, SECTION II : This ordinance shall be effective from and after its passage, approval and legal publication as provided by law. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 214.th day of November, 1959. /s/ Vern H. Morris Vern H. Morris, City Clerk , APPROVED 3Y THE MAYOR this 214.th day of November, 1959. 4si Joe R. Baxter • e R; Baxter, Mayor APPROVED BY: Gerard M. 'She I Ian (,erard M. Shellan, City Attorney PACIFIC COAST R. R. CO. • • • LAW DEPARTMENT 404 UNION STREET SEATTLE 1, WASHINGTON CLARK A. ECKART, WESTERN COUNSEL R. PAUL TJOSSEM, GENERAL ATTORNEY,LINES WEST WOODROW L. TAYLOR, November 17, 1959 ROBERT F. GARING, ASSISTANT GENERAL ATTORNEYS THOIVIAS J.WETZEL. rromEy Mr. James L. Highton City Engineer J�liO,e/ City of Renton Renton, Washington Dear Sir: Re: Vacation of portions of May Street and Seventh Avenue North, City of Renton I had understood at the time I wrote my letter of September 4, 1959, that the City would be agreeable to vacating the streets as requested in the enclosed petition, with the understanding as outline in my letter that sub- sequent to the vacation the railroad would dedicate the 30-foot strip along 8th Avenue and would construct a storm sewer. Since apparently the City now desires that we first dedicate the strip, I have arranged for the execution of a deed for this purpose, the original of which is enclosed. With respect to an agreement on the storm sewer, I would assume that my letter of September 4th should serve this purpose since the Railway Company upon the vacation will feel itself bound to perform the work therein outlined. How- ever, we _would like to postpone this work until there will be some use of the property or there will otherwise be a need for the improvement. I would appreciate your advising if upon receipt of the enclosed deed the City does not feel it can proceed with the vacation. Very truly yours, R. Paul T os em Encl. RPTbb cc: Mr. Gerard M. Shellan • PACIFIC COAST R• . R. CO. le irip GREMOSIORIMERNCEMICNACTOMMEAUX ? ,6 411 LAW DEPARTMENT , /�(] i! -r,6 404 UNION STREET 1 G�� SEATTLE 1, WASHINGTON 0115fb CLARK A. ECKART, WESTERN COUNSEL R. PAUL TJOSSEM, September 4, 1959 Ci / S f� �`�'`�'�'r..-;•'',/`0' r" GENERAL ATTORNEY.LINES WEST Off(��`, WOODROW L. TAYLOR, , ®C O -i) I ROBERT F. GARING, V�/^_iN, . 1. ASSISTANT GENERAL ATTORNEYS THOMAS J.WETZEL, 11 A/ fi -s.c Ih 9y ,O C. ATTORNEY CI� I O !�! W 7Nt/P l!/f,l-6 City Clerk �. � /�co lIt I s-� City of Renton `� C. irk" / 11 /fSJ 0,�~:sE � .a 9 / Renton, Washington. �� `�'�' Dear Sir: N • I enclose copy of Petition for Vacation of a portion of May Street and a portion of Seventh Avenue North in the City of Renton, Washington, which has been executed by Pacific Coast R. R. Co. , and Pacific Car and Foundry Company, who are the owners of all of the property abutting on the street areas proposed to be vacated. I have discussed this matter with the Mayor, City Engineer and other officials, and they are orally tentatively agreeable to this vacation, subject to final decision when the matter is formally before the City Council. If the vacation is granted I am authorized to state that the Railway Company will be agreeable to dedicating a 30 ' - strip on the south side of the present 30 feet Eighth Avenue North lying between Garden Street and the west line of the ,Railway Company's right of way, so as to make Eighth Avenue - "= North a full 60 ' wide street at this location. The Railway ,, Company will also be agreeable to the construction of a storm , sewer in this portion of Eighth Avenue substantially in accord ance with the ,p,lan SYLwn can t-h p,t nt,, which I enclose herewith In consideration of the vacation the Railway Company will also be agreeable to dedicating a 30 ' strip adjacent to and abutting on Eighth Avenue North across the triangular piece of property f \ the Railway Company owns lying west of Garden Street, whenever the City is in the position of extending such 30 ' strip to a connection with Garden Street and the street lying immediately west of Garden Street. The City's favorable early action on the petition will _ be appreciated. Yours very truly, • 71 RPT: lmh . Paul Tjoss Enc. 1 , i cc: Mr. D. E. Douglas \ Pacific Car and Foundry Company 111111*'- -t *' 1 • - • BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON PETITION FOR VACATION The undersigned, Pacific Coast R. R. Co. and Pacific Car and Foundry Company, owning all the real estate abutting thereon, hereby petition the City Council to make vacation of the follow- ing described streets in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington, to-wit: That portion of May Street (formerly May Avenue) extending from the south margin of Seventh Avenue North (formerly California Avenue) to a line parallel with and 30 feet south of the south margin of Eighth Avenue North (formerly Washington Avenue) , as shown on the plat of Renton Farm Acreage, recorded in Volume 12 of Plats, page 37, records of King County, Washington. That portion of Seventh Avenue North (formerly California Avenue) extending from the east margin of Garden Street (formerly Garden Avenue) to the easterly margin, extended, of Block 1, Renton Farm Acreage, all as shown on said plat thereof. Dated the ). day of September, 1959. PACIFIC COAST R. R. CO. By Ae4/4/__ // President PACIFIC CAR AND FOUNDRY COMPANY, By Vice P sident 6_C,7 �/ D voyZ Fyrysv�tl ' a/��bas ' �aaur6ua�y� '� ss y© a�rffD In X-Ze-7&0&0' 7b'/cY1 S/7CNI NOlN-7& fH.l b'ON '012 'bleb' _L S blo.? 'L261`LZ•.td�{ 'Fi}.tado.ad Eiut,}p.p�do sv 5u.F}pzsota S>IaoM atlQnc3 3o-+da0-5-1, p n - a O 0 Ln 9.G J' 'F' 1 �. ,f i p � vL 68'VZb oN a.rap�o�za p � •/� � � / �O i. i. d t1 Bzou�b 'zs6o'Iz lBy_ paaa w W j !!— i O-""— + y � 'TI / in sod✓J� L. Z / 1 \ LZ oN '3 d� - p asvya �n� I e' `lk IL \\ \ p \� 1 a o>a \\ f1 `bL68i+Z1 aN S.�ap .naay sz 3W:R:Av'- z561'tz .dy'- paa(i'An s 0 d Nk 0 x , O N P� Is 61 FPS: -A-- '�1qa� �orr,cx•e {�n�uo7 Jjr o ' �inpva]pe.na•a�lapun3.a o n ✓of o,`�1'81cr'o.Lei9o/t/�fui.t�3e� .o.7.ey�:�� o - i i - t