HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAC - SE 100th St BEGINNING OF FILE FILE TITLE 1 Pid-1"6(.7)#'`es . L fr°4'w1 • i 44 ••"F*7 • . . - • . 07{WINISPErNO. 1824 . • AN DADINANCE ("A? TH4 CITY ,OF RENTON, WASHIUGTON,' . . VACATING .A P0aTION OF SOUTHEAST 100th STREET, ' ALSO•KNOWN AS MILD'ANU , LocAra In -THE CITY • OP. itiLNION, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. . • • WEREA4 a proper petition for the.vacating •of a portion of a certain street, ate hereinafter more particularly deacribed, was duly filed with the City Clerk of the City . of ,Uenton on or about November 17, 1959, signed by all of the owners of the property • ' abutting upon said portion of the street sought to be vacated, which petition was read at the regular meeting of the City Council on or about March 8, .1960, and WHEiZAS the -City Council after due investigation. did fix April 50. 1960 at13:00 P•M. .asthe date/ of public hearing-onseid. petition and directed the Clerk to give notice of said hearing in the manner provided by law; and.1.11,EREAS the City Clerk has duly caused notice of such hearing to be published andtObe posted for the tine and in the manner provided by law; and the Planning Commiseionof the City of. Renton having duly approved said petition; and MEREAS a public.hearing was duly held upon said petition oaths day so fixod, which'hearing was continued for one week, to-wit to April 12, 1960$., and DO pro- . • test or objections to the granting of said petition or the vacation of a Portion. of , • said Street having beenzadevfiled or received, and the City'Couneil did at that time _ • vote to grant said petition•for vacating, and .the City Council further finding that • • : . the vacation of the hereinafter describedportion.of street ielproper •and advantageorm to all Ooncerned and. will serve the public interettand 'will notroaues injury , • damagerte any properties or persons, but the granting ofleaid:pi'etition. being deemed . • in the public interest, NOW THEH4ORE, • . • • • • DE- IT ORDAINED BY THE KAY011 AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF,R.VHTON AS FOLLOWS; 5SCTION Is Tao following deecribed:portion of Southeast 100th Street, also known as Mildred 'Avenue, aocated within the plat of Elden Acres„. aa recorded in Volume 11 of Plats, Page66, - • • . records of:King County, State of Naehington• • • ' SE AND TM SAME. IS Rimar VACATED. . - • . STSCTION III This ordinance &mil be effective from and after its passages • approval and legal publication as provided by law. • PASSED BY THF, CITY COUNCIL this 26th day of-Apri $ 1960. • . . ern • • r Sp ' . 6 APPROVED BY THE MAWR this 26th day' of•April, 60. • . • • - a -171Tater, Eikvor • • Approved as to for : . • • • • Gerard 11. iiheilan,' City Attorney . • • . . • . . • . . . • . . • ,• • • - • • • • . . . HAPE" • THE LUMBER MARKET • 120 MILL STREET . RENTON, WASHINGTON • PHONE: AL. 5-1525 I Renton, Wash. • Ssb.24,1960. • To the Officers z-lid Hembers of The Lepton City Planning ,Oommission. Your Committee appointed to make a recommendation on the request of the Tmlar. Tlthograph Co.. for the vacation of that portion of S.E. 100th St as shown on the map iccompagying the request, have had a )rOOk at the 7rerart- c)vc rftbe tho4., 1Ta tde or C!..*, rtreet that it '‘'orld le 1ftit tCHaear4:! nq eY4Ttr, tt rqr".1 th.1%, ret^',Irin - ls tvlatit be vacztecd. T'4,s .rnsorerty 4.S re, rq* tuA W t 44,!le 11'7' re-tcr, PndIc tr 11.17,1.-ntior. at the -re!ert4jyg, Lvralr t ia •)f cproo !Irt, it •':-.m11:0 fl.StiXotl.7 tirt,*4!c.;114 C17)..rn!l. ylf-Pte 0,0 rtrrets -•nd Ccr"t geeqe ..1,,--,41174: 477r rI.tr r-ntlr, the vrtft:ltior r't raltr.q. ' A. A1di See 5r Wesley Busch. • Lotto. • • '• 1 • r' RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING February 24, 1960 MINUTES Members presents James Denzer, Louis Peretti , Charles McGarrigle„ Stan Wilson, Dick Poff, Mike Lotto, Gerald Cordell and Alden See. Also present was Mr. Humble, Planning Director. I . Mr. Humble introduced two gentlemen in the audience, a Mr. Lorry McCrosky and a Mr. Harlan Neason. Mr. McCrosky was at the meeting to display a Topographical model to the members of the Commission. After inspection of the model and discus- sion by the members it was moved by See, seconded by Cordell , that a committee of five he appointed to look Into the matter and report back at the na.A.t meeting. Motion carried. Committees, Lotto, See, Peretti , McGarrigle and ,cried with Mr. Denzer assisting. 2. Secretary Cordell read the minutes of February 10, which were approved as read. J3. The Committee report on the Vacation of a portion of S. E. 100th Street requested by Trojan Lithograph was read. It was moved by Cordell , seconded by McGarrigle, to cancer in the Committees report and recommend to the City Council the vacation of this street. Motion carried. 4. On the matter of the Vacation of a portion of 11th Avenue North in the Renton Highlands Mr. Peretti , Chairman of the Committee, asked for, a further extension of time pending the completion of negotiations on certain properties in the area which might affect the decision of whether or not to vacate this street. 'After discussion and inspection of the map it was decided to give the Committee exten- ded time and hold the matter in abeyance. 5. The Committee on the petition by William Reeves for Special Permit to build a . four-unit apartment on Lot 2, Block 3, and a three-unit apartment on Lot 5, , Block I , Replat of Renton Highlands No. 2 recommending favorably, it was moved by Peretti , seconded by Lotto, to concur in the report of the Committee and set the hearing date for March 9, 1960. Motion carried. NEW BUSINESS 6. The route sheet on the petition for Special Permit submitted by William Reeves Construction. Company to build five four-plexes on Block 5, Fairview Terrace, was read and after consideration by the Commission it was moved by Peretti , seconded by See, that a hearing be set for March 9, 1960. Motion carried. Committees Poff, Wilson and Trirnm. 7. The Secretary read a petition for Variance submitted by Joe R. Curry for a rear- yard setback on Lot 5, Block 18, Renton Farm Plat No. 3. This is the same prop- erty on which a front-yard Variance was granted in October, 1959. The rearm yard setback was not anticipated to be needed at that time. The report of the Committee at that time was again read in which it recommended that, in addition to the front-yard setback, if a variance on rear-yard setback were needed it should be granted. After discussion on the matter it was moved by See, seconded by Cordell , to recommend to the City Council that the Variance be granted. Carried. .1 . 8. The Secretary read a copy of a letter from the Department of Lighting, City of Seattle, to the City Council applying for a Transmission Line Right of Way Ease- ment across the northerly portion of the NO of the NE4, NE4 of Section 30 Township �3 North, Range 5 E. W. M. which has recently been acquired by the City of Renton for development by the Park Department. Discussion of the requested 200 feet wide easement followed. It was then moved by See, seconded by Peretti , that the Plan- ning Commission recommend to the City Council that the requested easement be granted only under ,the following conditions: ( I ) That an additional 200 feet of land be 'acquired on the south of the present parcel , and (2) That the Department of Lighting of the City of Seattle pay the City of Renton suffwcient amount for the requested easement to defray the cost of acquiring said additional property, and (3) That any easement granted reserve unto the City of Renton the right of ingress and egress across said easement and the right to use the land across which the easement is granted forparking. Motion carried. 9. Secretary :Cordell read a letter from Mr. Harold G. Bradbury who asked permission to use part of his home for displaying carpet samples for the sale of carpets and rugs. It was then moved by Peretti , seconded by See, that Mr. Bradbury be granted the permit, allowable in the ordinance as a home occupation, subject to a renewal in one year. Motion carried. I0-. Mr. Denzer made an announcement regarding the Metro Award Banquet dinner on March 2. It was moved by See, seconded by Peretti , that the Chairman and one other mem- ber of the Commission be authorized to attend the dinner. Motion carried. He also asked for volunteers to attend a meeting on February 26 at the Sunset School with Lake Lanes Improvement Club on problems of annexation. 11 . There followed some discussion on annexations. Mr. Denzer stated that he would like to resign as chairman of the annexation committee because of being on another annexation committee connected with the Chamber of Commerce and added Mike Lotto to the Committee with Alden See as Chairman. 12.. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. Gerald .Cordell , Secretary — • -2- • • • RESOLUTION NO. /D ]A - WHEREAS a certain petition for the vacation of portion of a street • has been submitted to the CityCo''.ncil on or about November 17, 1959, signed ' by all of the •property ciwnere abutting said street, said street being known • is Mildred Avenue, and also known as a portion of S. E. 100th Street, and • this- matter, having heretofore been considered by the Planning Commission of , the City of Renton and.the City Council deeming it in the beet_public interest to hold a 'public• hearing on said matter of vacation, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RES'.r;LVED Sr THE MAYOR AND THE CITY (T MIL, OF 'r iP.: CTT! OF RENTON • SECTION I a That certain petition for the vacation of,a portion of Mildred Avenue, also known as S.E. 100th Street, located in the Plat of Eldon Acres, as heretofore' submitted by 100% of the abutting property owner. • is hereby found to•be i.n order' and a public hearing thereon is hereby fixed for April. 5, 1960 at 8300, P.M. in the City Co.mcil chambers. SECTION II! The City •Clerk is hereby instructed to give the- required notice of the pendency'.of this petition in three of the most, public places • in.the City and a like notice in a .conepicious place on the street eonght'to be vacated. : Said notice shall contain a statement that the petition has been filed to vacate' the subject street as described in, the notice, together with , a Statement of the time and. place fixed for the hearing `of the petition. ' Said notices shall be:'posted at least twenty (20). days prior' to the date of • 23earing, : . �.�y PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 1'day of March, 1960• : .. fern'H. Morris, City Clerk 414 APPROVED BY T 2#AYOR this �� day of March, 1960 • : . Jo,e . Baxter, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM • Gerard:M. Shelton, City Attorney. '• NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL RENTON, WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL AT THEIR REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, ON April 5, 1960 AT 8:00 P.M. TO CONSIDER A PETITION FOR vAr'ATloN OF STREETS ON THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: That portion of Mildred Avenue (Southeast 100th Street) in the Plat of Eldon Acres as recorded in Volume 11 of Plats, Page 86, Records of King County, Washington. ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED OR OBJECTING TO SAID VACATION OF STREETS ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING ON Arri1 5, I An AT 8:00 P.M. TO VOICE THEIR PROTEST OR OBJECTION TO SAME. VERN H. MORRIS CITY CLERK DATE OF PUBLICATION: March 10, 1960 _ CERTIFICATION I, JACK WI LS ON HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THRLE(3) COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AND ONE COPY POSTED AT THE CITY HALL, RENTON, ONOvrch AS PRESCRIBED 3Y LAW. Signed LA) �. ATTEST: ( Jack Wilson NOT RY PUBLIC IN AND OR THE STATE OF WA HINGTON, RESIDING AT RENTON, WASHINGTON r°� axe ClkL.I:T`W ®'(; RAPS CO' � 620 lth AVENUE, RENTON, WASHINGTON - n Renton, Washington , L -, --ryz%--.4:,-1,,:J Noverrioer.17', 1959 - City of Renton , City Hall Renton, Washington - . Attention: Mayor J. Baxter and City Council Gentlemen: We are petitioning you to vacate the following portions of streets: That portion of Mildred Avenue (Southeast 100th Street) in the Plat of Edon Acres as recorded in Volume 11 of Plats, page 86, records of King County, Washington; lying southwesterly of the following described line must be vacated (or otherwise released) to Lots 40 and 41 of said plat: • • Beginning at the northwest corner of Section 5, Township 23 North, • Range 5 East, W.M.; thence S 14°24'00" E 391.25 feet to KCAS monument B-168; thence S' 40°07134" E 797.95 feet to KCAS monument 8A-14; thence S 53°32'39" W 125.60 feet to a point on the northeasterly right-of-way line of Lake Washington Boulevard Southeast and the true Point of Be- ginning; thence N 47°02'25" W 399.28 feet; thence S 83°58'00" E 51.39 feet; thence S 12°30'31" E to the south boundary of said plat of Eldon Acres as indicated by the recorded plat map. The following land owners which constitute 100% of the adjacent property owners, respectfully submit this request. 1. TROJAN LITHOGRAPH CORPORATION Lots 39,E+0,41 and 27 >, . .T �. 0 Marvin B. Hurtgen, Vice- esident 1 2. MILITARY MANUALS COMPANY Government Lot 2 V ‘-ifi&— Thomas H. Cooke, Co-Manager , I T r - Renton News Record, Inc.• Renton, Wash. • NOTICE OF PROOF OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC HEARING Renton, Washington This is a copy of your • A Public Hearing will be held by"the Renton City Council at ' _ their regular meeting, in the Plot.ic.e-_-.Q.f____ ub1.ic....Hearing... Council Chambers, City Hall, Renton, on April,5"1'960 at 8:0Q as it appeared for the first time this week. p.m. to consider a. petition for Vacation of Streets on the fol-; It will be published on the following date,': lowing' ro e described rt Y P P Y: That p or t i o n-of Mildred M,Z'ah..__a.0 1960. • Avenue (S o u't beast'100thi Street) in,the Plat of Eldon • Acres as recorded in Volume! • ; II of .Plats, Page•86, Records Immediately following the last insertion - of ling County,'Washington.) the affidavit of de- Any and all persons interested liveredoffice. publication will be to your offi or objecting-to said Vacation ofl `Streets are invited to be present • at the Renton City Council Cost of notice words Meeting on April 5, 1960 at 8:00II at th regular statutory rate, will be p.m. to voice their protest or ob-l 3 jection to same. -• �; , VERN'H. MORRIS ' City-Clerk Date,of Publication: March 10, 11960. • • ---- • __�; THANK YOU! We are pleased to have this opportunity of serving you and hope that you will favor • • us with your next publication. • ORD I NANCE NO., 1824 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY CF RENTON, WASHINGTON VACATING A PORTION OF SOUTHEAST 100TH STREET, ALSO KNOWN AS MILDRED AVENUE, LOCATED IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. WHEREAS, a proper petition for the vacating of a portion of a certain street, as hereinafter more particularly described, was duly filed with the City Clerk of the City of Renton on or about November 17, 1959, signed by all oft he owners of the property abutting upon said portion of the street sought to be vacated, which petition wasread at the regular meeting of the City Council on or about March 8, _ 1960 and WHEREAS, .the City Council after due investigation did fix April 5, 1960 at 8s00 pm, as the date of public hearing on said petition and directed the Clerk to give notice ,. . of-said hearing in the manner provided by law;, and WHEREAS, the City Clerk has duly caused' notice of such hearing •to be published and to be posted for the time and in' the manner provided by law; and the Planning Commission of the City of Renton having duly approved said petition; and WHEREAS, a public hearing was duly held upon sat=EI p etition on the day so fixed, which hearing was continued for one week, to—wit to April, 12, 1960, and no protest or objections to the granting of said petition or the • vacation of a portion of said street having been made,- filed or received, and the City Council did at that time:vote to grant said petition for vacating, and the City Council further. flnding .that the vacation of the hereinafter; described portion of . street is. .proper and advantageous •to'a l l concerned and will serve the public interest and will not cause .i n jury or damage to any properties or. persons, but the granting-of. said petition being deemed in the public interest, NOW THEREFORE,, BE IT• ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON AS FOLLOWS: - SECTIONN 1 : The following described portion of Southeast 100th Street, also known as Mildred Avenue, located within the plat of Eldon Acres, as recorded In Volume Il of Plats, Page 86, Records of King County, State of Washington: BE AND THE SAME IS HEREBY VACATED. . SECTION Its This Ordinance shall .be effective from and after its passage, approval and legal publication as provided .by law. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 26th day of April, 1960. s/ Vern H. Morris Vern H. Morris, Lity tierk APFROVED BY THE MAYOR this 26th day of April, 1960. s/ Joe R. Baxter Joe R. Baxter, Mayor • APPROVED AS TO FORM: ,s/ Gerard M. Shellan Gerard M. $hellan, city Attorney Vern Morris,:. xxxxxxxxxxxx .: .May 2, 1'960 ' -Puget Sound Title, Insurance Company 719 2nd Avenue Seattle, Washington. Re: City of Renton, Ordinance No. I82L Vacating a Portion of S. E. 100th Street. Gentlemen: Enclosed herewith are two copies of Ordinance No. 1824, Vacating a portion of S.E. 100th Street, also known as Mildred Avenue, located in the City of Renton, King County, Washington, :as adopted and passed onApril• 26,. 1960, Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON By Vern H. Morris, City Clerk .. , .. . VHM/dm Enclosures �... _.� R„ i1 • • • • 11 lsC;,�' v" �Gr�/').-r/13✓s vt�010F✓. November 24, 1959 /' • Honorable Joe R. Baxter, Mayor Members of the City Council Gentlemen: Submitted herewith' is a petition for the' vacation, of' S. E. 100th Street from Lake Washington Boulevard S. E. to S. E. 102nd Place. The street'is located in the annexation area:':along the Lake Washington Shorelands which has been recently contested in court of law. • (es L. Hig'3t`n, Ci y Engineer . w s Alpine 5-8656 i . A � ht . 'T R O � A M LITHOGRAPH CORP. 620 7th AVENUE, RENTON, WASHINGTON Renton, Washington _5'"45 .. November 17, 1959 /4 V. 1 : Al City of Renton ' City Hall Renton, Washington Attention: Mayor J. Baxter and City Council Gentlemen: We are petitioning you to vacate the following portions of streets: That portion of Mildred Avenue, (Southeast 100th Street) in the Plat of Eldon Acres as recorded in Volume 11 of Plats, page 86, records of King County, Washington; lying southwesterly of the following described line must be vacated (or otherwise released) to Lots 40 and 41 of said plat: Beginning at the northwest corner of Section 5, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M.; thence S 14°24'00" E 391.25 feet to KCAS monument B-168; thence S 40°07'34" E 797.95 feet to KCAS monument 8A-14; thence S 53°32'39" W 125.60 feet to a point on the northeasterly right-of-way line of Lake Washington Boulevard Southeast and the true Point of Be- ginning; thence N 47°02'25" W 399.28 feet; thence S 83°58'00" E 51.39 feet; thence S 12°30'31" E to the south boundary of said plat of Eldon Acres as indicated by the recorded plat map. The following land owners which constitute 100% of the adjacent property owners, respectfully submit this request. - ' 1. TROJAN LITHOGRAPH CORPORATION Lots 39,40;41 and 27 V• 0-�- Mar in B. Hurtgen, Vice- esident 1 2. MILITARY MANUALS COMPANY Government Lot 2 Thomas H. Cooke, Co-Manager I -J {r IP in NI Ch ti z4 rl, IK- I 11Z � � { w...nr.rr.n+a«r..wr�...r«n,.. --wvr+s..w pn..n.....n+.,—...•.... Y 14D