HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAC - Renton Highlands/Blk 11 • 66set ORDINANCE NO. LAI 7g AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGION, VACATING A CERTAIN ALLEY IN BLOCK 11, RENTON HIGHLANDS. WHEREAS a proper petition for vacating a certain alley as hereinafter more particularly described was duly filed with the City Clerk of the City of Renton on or about July'3, 1966, said petition being signed by the owners of more than two-thirds of the property abutting upon said alley sought to be vacated, and WHEREAS the City by Resolution No. 1383. and after due investigation did fix and determine the 22nd day of August, 1966, at the hour of 8:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the City of Renton, to be the time and place for public hearing thereon, and directed the Clerk to give notice of said hearing in the manner provided by law; and such notice having been duly given and published and all persons having been heard appearing in favor of or in opposition thereto; and WHEREAS the Planning Commission having duly considered said petition, and said vacation as hereinafter more particularly described being found to be in the public interest and. for the public .benefit and no injury or damage to any person or properties will result therefrom ,NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON AS FOLLOWS: . . SECTION I: The following described alley, to-wit: That certain sixteen foot alley in Block 11, Renton Highlands as per plat. recorded in Volume 46 of Plats, pages ,34-41 in- cl:usive, records of King County, Washington, BE AND THE SAME IS HEREBY VACATED. SECTION II: This Ordinance- shall be in full force and effect from and after its- passage, approval and legal publication, as provided by law. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 1-. th-day of September, 1966. • He'lmie Ne sop,`City C• lerk • APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of September,., 1966: • (4(1(/-‘i/Ce, Donal W1 Custer,:Mayor Approved as to Form: - ` Gerard M. Shellklh, City Attorney DATE OF PUBLICATION: SEP 1,I.1966 OFFICE OF CITY CLERi ROOM 104, CITY HALL - ,,-ov 4''1 _ U.S.. .. RENTON, WASHINGTON- K� . • r v - ,.. . RETURN _..__.7 58p55 Tp jOp “R/TER9 nclaim d CHECKED r ,LInknown efused For better ac`y�>ess Moved, deft ro "Ivtr. & Mrs. Daniel Helms IIfo such office in state_ ��' ,_� entansWasn-_. o • 4 pF Rkv ti ;� 0 C.) I ® OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • RENTON,WASHINGTON 0 CITY HALL, CEDAR RIVER PARK, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 • ALPINE 5-3464 0 3 992SAO1? T CAPITAL OF July 26, 1966 Mr. &. Mrs. Daniel Holms 813 C Street Renton, Wash. Re: Petition to Vacate Alley in Block 11, Renton Highlands Dear Petitioner: The Renton City Council will hold a public hearing on August 22, 1966, at 8:00 P.M. in the City Council Chambers, City Hall to consider your petition filed July 2, 1966, to • vacate alley as captioned above. You are invited to be present at this hearing. Yours truly, CITY OF RENTON 77,14-"-} Helmie Nelson City Clerk HN/fm • ' C fiTY . OF F ENT N C; E N P O N C a,," C C:a U N C k • • T JJ'.Lu,, .�S IIPEBY GIVEN THA.T A PETITION TO VACATE AN ALLEY • • TO WIT: .1G i 'f.,, wide in Block it p Pcnton t!- rl r ', Pint+ il! n�l.� ; o l ��. nrorcicd in • Voluno 46 of PI.n.ts, Parts 7;4-41, Records of King_ County. Washington , HAS BEEN FILED WITH T th CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF RENTON. THE CITY COUNCIL BY -RESOLUTION NOQ 1.333 DULY ADOPTED AT ITS REGULAR MEETING OF July 254 7966 _. . FVED AND DETERMTILD TIE 22nd DAY OF August, 1.966 AT TF-MI.HOUR 'OF 8:00 P.M" IN THE COUNCI°CH.AY3i ERS, CITY HAIL, CITY-OF ENTON, AS THE DATE AND PLACE AT WHICH SAID PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE T-1ETD BY TIE C 'S'Y COUNCIL UPON TIE 'PETITION. • TO VACATE SAID A..I,T°i:'Y .1..7.1Y AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED THEREIN OR WISHING 'O OBECT THERETO, MAY TIiEN BE H AFU' REON.OR KAY FILE TIER WflITTEN OBJECTIONS TO SAID VACATION WITH TIE CITY CLERK PRICER • TO. SAE T+ W OF HE RIINGo Qa, _ RE12-rn I+, W. NELSON CITY ,CLERK DATE OF PUBLICATION 1. N 7 7 u 4 8 , CERTIFICATION. ' I, 2 L_--� � ; HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE (3) COPIES OF TI .ABO`v�- DOCUI` IVT'WERE POSTED BY ME DT TIDE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY.DESCRIB ABOVE, • - APED 1 ONE (Z)' COPY POSTED AT TIM CITY HALL,' RL'NTON - ON 7 PRESCRIBED BY LAW, - r. • SIGNED: i ✓ � - ATTEST: Iv:)f•EkY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OP • • WA i-rndGTON, RESIDING AT RENTON., WASHINGTON . • 1 CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL CITY HALL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A PETITION TO VACATE AN ALLEY TO WIT: 16 ft. wide in Block 11, Renton Highlands per Plat recorded in Volume 46 of Plats, Pages 34-41, Records of King County, Washington HAS BEEN FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF RENTON, THE CITY COUNCIL BY RESOLUTION NO. 1383 DULY ADOPTED AT ITS REGULAR MEETING OF July 25, 1966 FIXED AND DETERMINED THE 22nd DAY OF August, 1966 AT THE HOUR OF 8:00 P.M., IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF RENTON, AS THE DATE AND PLACE AT WHICH SAID PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE CITY COUNCIL UPON THE PETITION TO VACATE SAID ALLEY AUY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED THEREIN OR WISHING TO OBJECT THERETO, MAY THEN BE HEAPD TILEREON OR MAY FILE THEIR WRITTEN OBJECTIONS TO SAID VACATION WITH THE CITY CLERK PRIOR TO SAID TIME OF HEARING. HELMIE W. NELSON CITY CLERK DATE OF PUBLICATION JUL 2 7 1966 CERTIFICATION I, , l �C M/�N \--I co(3v__. HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE (3) COPIES OF THE ABO DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRTRFT) ABOVE AND ONE (1) COPY POSTED AT THE CITY HAIL, RENTON, ON Li Z 7 , 9 C_,6 A; PRESCRIBED BY LAW. SIGNED: ATTEST: I CTAR PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHT...1'TGTON,, RESIDING AT RENTON, WASHINGTON } CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL CITY HALL TOT CE IS HEREBY GIVEN .THAT A PETITION TO VACATE AN AMR! TO WIT: 16 ft# wide in D1oct 11,E Re on Highlands per Plat rcc rt d in Volume 46 of Plats, Pages -410 Records ci' King County, Washington HAS BEEN FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF RENTON. THE CITY COUNCIL BY RESOLUTION NO. 1583 DULY ADOPTED AT ITS REGULAR MEETING OF Pauly 25,f 1D66 FIXED AND DETERMINED THE 22nd DAY OF Auglst, 1965 .AT THE HOUR OF 8:00 P.M., IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF RENTON, AS THE DATE AND PLACE AT WHICH SAID PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE CITY COUNCIL UPON THE PETITION TO VACATE SAID AMY ANY AND ALL PERSONS. INTERESTED THEREIN OR WISHING TO OBJECT THERETO, MAY THEN BE HE'APD THEREON OR MAY FILE THEIR WRITTEN OBJECTIONS TO SAID VACATION WITH THE CITY CLERK PRIOR TO SAID TIME OF HEARING. We..1yrtil_g aex HELMIE Wf NELSON CITY CLERK DATE OF PUBLICATION JUL 2 7 11.f CERTIFICATION I, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE (3) COPIES OF THE ABO"ti- DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRT'RF1) ABOVE AND ONE (I) COPY POSTED AT THE CITY HALL, RENTON, ON AS PRESCRTBRD BY LAW. SIGNED: ATTEST: NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, RESIDING AT RENTON, WASHINGTON OF R�'V CITY ENGINEER'S OFFICE • RENTON, WASHINGTON 0 • JACK WILSON CITY HALL, CEDAR RIVER PARK, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 • ALPINE 5-3464 0 94,SAOR,CAPITAL OF July 15, 1966 e/9'<2 Honorable Donald Custer, Mayor Members of the City Council Re: Petition to Vacate Alley in Block 11 Renton Highlands Gentlemen: • The petition submitted July llth to vacate Alley within Block 11 of Renton Highlands was signed by owners representing 1000 of the property fronting upon said alley. Very truly yours, Jac Wilson it Engineer • JW:mc I- q..), 7-15-66 8--c 13,i_ 11 -- dr-e-,-- 3-` 41.4g Please have the City Engineer check over this matter re legal description and signatures. GMS/mr • titi O O U ® OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • RENTON,WASHINGTON 0 CITY HALL, CEDAR RIVER PARK, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 • ALPINE 5-3464 cr 0 992SAOR1' CAPIiAX July9 26, 1 66 Re: Petition to Vacate Alley in Block 11, Renton Highlands Dear Petitioner: The Renton City Council will hold a public hearing on August 224 1966, at 8:00 P.M. in the City Council Chambers, City Hail to consider your petition filed July 2, 1966, to vacate alley as captioned above. You are invited to be present at this hearing. Yours truly, CITY OF RENTON k-/21464J —2//Z1144-g-i Helmie Nelson City Clerk HN/fm RESOLUTION NO. /1: ( WHEREAS a petition has been filed with the City Clerk of the CITY OF RENTON on or about July 3, 1966, petitioning for the vacation of a certain alley, as hereinafter more particularly described, and said petition having been signed by the owners of more than two-thirds of the property abutting upon said alley sought to be vacated, same being described as follows, to-wit: That certain sixteen foot alley in Block 11, Renton Highlands, ac- cording to the plat recorded in Volume 46 of Plats, pages 34-41, records of King County, Washington, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: That the 9 yn/day of August 1966, at the hour of 8:00 P.M at the City Council Chambers in the Ctty Hall of Renton, Washington, be and is hereby fixed as the time and place when the aforesaid petition for vacating the aforesaid alley shall be heard and determined. SECTION II: The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to give notice of said time and hearing as provided by law; and any and all persons interested therein or objecting to said vacation may then appear and be heard thereon, or they may file their written objections thereto with the City Clerk prior to or at the time of the hearing on said vacation. SECTION III: The City of Renton reserves the right to retain an easement for utility and other public purposes within said right-of-way sought to be vacated. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this l th day of July, 1966. � ‘11.iht.;A))/ Helmie Nelson, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this lath day of ly, 1966. Donald W. Custer, Mayor Approved as to form: Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney I. e -istiS • Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 7-11-66 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) A letter from Chester Biesen, Executive Director, Association of Washington Cities, gave notice of Workshop for City Administrators at the Alderbrook Inn on Hood Canal, July 20-23, sponsored by the University of Washington's Graduate School of Public Affairs. Notice was read of a Golf Tournament open to all City of Renton Employees and Elected Officials on Sunday, July 24, 1966 at Enumclaw Golf Course. Tee time: 7:00 - 8:00 a.m. Cost: $2.75 green fees and $1.25 prize fund which total of $4.00 must be paid by July 21st, to Warren Marshall, Bob Lux or Ron Heiret. :For further information call Bob Lux, Water Department, Shop ext. 66. Notices were read from the Washington State Highway Commission, Department of Highways, Olympia, Washington advising of Certification of Primary and Secondary State Highways no longer necessary to State Highway System and to be returned to the Cities, including for Renton: P.S.H. #1(Sign Rt. 405),PSH #5,.(Sign Rt. .No. 167); Notice of Limited Access Facilities on the Primary and Secondary Routes of the State Highway System within limits of Incorporated Cities and Towns, which included for Renton Primary State Hwy. No. 1, (Sunset Highway)(Sign Route No. 405) West Corporate limits at Tukwila Easterly and Northerly to North City Limits at S.E. 96th Street; thence from So. Corporate Limits at S.E . 84th street northerly to North City Limits at Bellevue. Certification of Routes other than routes of limited access facilities included in Renton. Copies have been distributed and may otherwise be reviewed in the office of the City Clerk. A Petition containing 21 signatures beginning with Anna Creek, and ending with Joseph Zappalo, requested vacation of 16 foot alley in Block 11, Renton Highlands per Plat recorded in Volume 46 of Plats, Pgs. 34-41, records of King County. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Hulse, to refer the Petition to the City Engineer to verify signatures for validity of the petition with public hearing date to be set upon such verification. Carried. A letter from William L. Monson reported incorporation of Clearview T.V.Cable, Inc. and requested that Franchise Ordinance and P.A.G. 958-65 be amended accordingly. Also adding to description of area served the following: From 3405 - 6th Avenue E. North on 6th Avenue E. to Maple Place; from 6th Avenue E. and Maple Place, west to the Renton-Maple Valley Road, thence South to Renton City Limits. Map was attached. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Light and Power Committee and the Law and Ordinance Committee for recommendations. Carried. A Petition containing 29 signatures beginning with W. Dixon Long and ending with Florence Storey requested that change of ordinance to permit licensing of a dance hall at the corner of Bronson Way and Garden Street be denied, that activities for the young people carried on through the park department should be expanded if such is needed. Moved by Perry, seconded by Pedersen, to refer the Petition to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Mayor Custer reported as a point of information that the Recreation Council is being urged to consider a dance at the North Renton Recreation Hall, open to students of the Greater Renton School District, to be appropriately dressed if attending and properly identified. Live music would be provided and the dance would end at approximately 11:30 p.m. to 11:45 p.m. Upon inquizy regardi ng age limit, Park Director Coulon stated the ages being considered would include Sophamores, Jrs. and Seniors and those persons who have recently graduated. Councilman Pedersen called attention to the fact that the young men from 18-21 are seemingly forgotten as they are not permitted entry to the dances after they leave school and drive-ins are likely alternatives but they do not have many places to go. Moved by Perry, seconded by Morris, that the Recreation Council be encouraged to sponsor and promote teenage dances in the City. Carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business: Committee of the Whole report was submitted by President Hulse and Council action was taken as follows: 1. Local 864, International AssTn. of Firefighters request that Mayor and Council oppose changes to Firemen's Pension Act as proposed by the State of Washington Public Pension Commission, referred on 6-13-66 was considered and since the changes have not been fully outlined, it was recommended that this matter be referred to the Legislative Committee to study the proposed changes and keep the Council informed on the issues. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation. The motion carried'. • -3- ai "4)J) RENTCN CITY COUNCIL U REGULAR MEETING August 22, 1966 8.00 P.M. Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Bruce, Schellert, Dahiquist, Pedersen, Garrett, Triaam, Perry, Delaurenti and Poli. Mayor Custer announced that Councilman Morris is in the hospital, Councilman Gianini called that he is unable to attend and Councilman Hulse is on vacation. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahiquist, that the absent Councilmen be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: He]mie Nelson, City Clerk, Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Sven Johnson, Building Director, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of August 15, 1966 be approved as written. The motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING: Vacation of Alley, Block 11, Renton Highlands,(A. Creek et al petition) This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. There were no written communications and audience comment was invited. Mrs. Frank Zappalo, resident of the area stated that the alley is not presently maintained and veers off at a right angle and petitioners wished to have it vacated so that it might be utilized and properly maintained. She inquired whether the City measures or surveys the alley if it is vacated, and how the property is divided. �. City Attorney Shellan advised that the alley vests in the abutting property owners, one-half of the alley,up to the center line,going to owner residing on each side. The City Clerk, after the alley is vacated, will send notice to the Assessor of the title change and property owners will be given a copy of the Ordinance and will receive title to the alley up to the center line, or approxi- mately 8 feet. The property is then the responsibility of each owner since the City may not Engage in work for private ownerships, and the City would not therefore measure or survey. Since there was no further discussion council action was invited and it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, that the hearing be declared closed. The motion carried and Mayor Custer declared the hearing closed. Poll inquired as to recommendation of the City Engineer and Mr. Wilson stated that this alley has never been open for vehicular traffic and utilities are all in- stalled so there is no need to retain an easement, and that the City,' in"residential plats,no longer plans for alleys. .Trimm inquired whether 100% ownership was repre- sented by the signatures on the petition and the Clerk replied affirmatively. Moved by Perry, seconded by Bruce, that the. alley be vacated and the matter be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Schellert inquired whether the re- versionary rights to the Federal Government have been acquired by the City so there will be no problem in that respect and the City Attorney stated there wIi1 be no problem. The pending motion carried. COMMUNICATIONS: Petition was read from R. V. Simone for vacation of a portion of 106th Avenue S.E. in vicinity of Puget Sound Drive. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahiquist to refer the request to the City Engineer to check signatures for validity of the petition. The motion carried. A letter from City Engineer Wilson reported check of the County Records indicated that petition for vacation of portion of 91st Avenue South, between South 128th and deadend of right-of-way, Bl. 19;_ was signed by owners representing 90% of property abutting said street. Petitioners, however, have withdrawn their petition since the property is currently being sold and new petition will be filed at later date by the new owners. Letter from City Engineer Wilson submitted and recommended for payment, Progress Estimate #2 due Lewis and Redford, Engineers for work completed to date on preliminary design of Logan-Smithers and 3rd Avenue North arterials, in sum of $6,870.00. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to refer the Estimate to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. The motion carried. -1- Affidavit of Publication STATE OF WASHINGTON ss. COUNTY OF KING C n r 1,11 n G ' '7 e P 0211" 12' being first duly sworn on - oath, deposes and says that,, is the .G .��._n....r :�.,,.1 of THE RECORD-CHRONICLE,, A k weekly newSp'aper: T1iarsak1 news- paper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, printed and published in the English language continually as a weekly newspaper \ in Renton, King County, Washington, and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper. That the Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the County in which it is published, to-wit, King County, Washing- , , ton. That the annexed is a ,. {"a , ,.14- �• � -,EARING N R i ``d'it o(1�,C(rlr_` • A"NCIL.,. .. .S.. DI;'. y i.• ':'�,.. ,1 as it was published in regular issues (and No �" ,�.�L'aY�,c�o,` en•.tila not in supplement,form of said newspaper) once each week for a period a,•pe t ' ?.1i w) c>ES�,F Ss an+:able to wit: • - 16 ft. wit. iEO•Blo.< l,, R.;en-( of oneconsecutive weeks, commencing on the ton • RI (O P..lat.' y , q 19_..: > record er• V R .ve 46FJof' . r..:. >..... da of ....;. s eords. t , �r r�', and endingthe Plats l a..eA 4:-41[. I�' vas .,I ... �; of K ng ;_,o irigtor! has been filed, wit ,the 'city) day of 19 , both dates cerk of;the city"of.Renton:; _lie ,,;.,,tf , ,., inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its City Councjl by Resolutioii'.1Vo " .;;:,; subscribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee 1.383 duly adopted at its:regular, meeting`of July, 2,5,; 1966 fixedr charged for the foregoing and determined t e 22 .�►' '- �_ g eg g publication is the sum of $-- ;•,, , which n o u z t�j�� [ �•� has been Paid in full at the rate of$2.40 per folio of ond-1lundred words - - o o e ,a n tii Cc� ti iil �r`-r�`~ for the first insertion and$1.80 per folio of one hundred words for each s O(t i?r.r ,c subsequent insertion. 1 l-a `F,,-4 `' may- d1 a '04lf_o � 1 c "d ' ' ` .. r '' -- —'--- r. T alley7.117.:a:15:::,,i-4::: `Wda tsAn i teresedt ° oliject Subs6ribed and sworn to before me this.................. ?I day of them c; �o , 10 o Bead the �_r? C+ °'1'':, i their\ C - , 19..._.... wnIt� oo ec yE,,said, ,iJuly " 66 vacatio,, 8 Clerk, � � I . � ^ prior toil 01. 11E'IM 0 r, Bsin.-. G!`� ., (�. ..�.-. .�.... FIE L.� • ..TR�' '•,- ONE-; _ u Notary Public in for the State of Washington, CITY;GL.;a z ,t residin arRenton, King County. Published' .in .`u)G 'eco71 Chronicle July 27,' ,. ;.;, Y ' —Passed by the Legislature, 1955, known as Senate Bill 281, effective J(ine 9th, 1955. —Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, adopted by the newspapers of the State. t i G /• \r 1 Minutes - Renton''City Council meeting 9-19-1966 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: (Cont.) The. Law andOrdinance Committee submitted a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington changing the zoning classification of certain property within the City of Renton from Residential District .(R-2) to Business District (B-1), as read by the Clerk. (Greater Renton Shopping Center property) Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to place the document on its second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to adopt Ordinance No. 2273 as read. Roll call vote followed with all Council Members present voting aye. The motion carried. The Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the:City' of Renton, Washington vacating a portion of 7th Avenue, to-wit: The: South 10 feet of the North, 50 feet of the shoreland and bed of the Black River in Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 E. W.M., King County, Washington, for which easement was granted to the City of Renton by Commissioner"s Order dated November 19, 1959, under application No. 2435, as read by the Clerk. (Pacific Coast RR Co. petition) Moved by Poll, seeonded' by Schellert, to place the document on its second and final reading. . Carried: After second and final reading, it was moved by Poll, seconded. by Bruce,; to adopt Ordinance No. 2274 as read, Roll call vote followed with all Council Members present voting aye and the motion carried. A proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton" was'presented and read vacating a certain alley in Block 11,,. Renton Highlands. (A. Creek et al petition)Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Ordinance No. 2275 as read. Carried. The Committee submitted a"proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City from. Residential,District (R-2) and Business District (B-1) to Light Industry (L-1) as read by the Clerk. (Tonda, -Bear, Richert, Terry, etc. (Marion Street between 3rd Ave. No. and Houser Way) Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poll, to place the document on second and final reading. - Carried. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, following the final reading, that Ordinance No. 2276 be adopted as read. Carried. Moved by 'Trimm, seconded by Hulse, that the Mayor declare a 5 minute recess.CarriPi1.. Recess was declared at this time. After the recess, roll call was taken with all Council Members presentas previously listed. Proposed Ordim,nce was presented for second and final reading which had been introduced and placed on first reading on 9-12-66 and which establishes regu- lations for the protection 'of motorcycle riders, imposing requirements on users, owners and renters thereof; providing for penalties. The Clerk read the pro- posed Ordinance and it was moved by Poll, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Ordi- nance No. 2277 as read. Councilman Schellert called attention to early action by Renton to provide leadership of this safety measure. Councilman Delaurenti requested Police Chief Williams to comment on the action and Chief Williams advised that the thought behind the Ordinance and intent to protect individuals with helmets and goggles was very worthwhile, however enforcement problems may result in view of large numbers of people from out of town involved. It would be so much easier to work with if there was a State Law. Dahlquist called attention to legislative meeting next Wednesday ,and stated this might be placed before the Association of Washington Cities at that time. Discussion ensued regarding forcing protection"and' faát that regular vehicle operators license covers operation of motorcycles. Roll call vote was' taken on the pending motion and resulted in all ayes except. Delaurenti who opposed. The motion carried. City Clerk Nelson inquired as to method of getting the general public acquainted with the legislation and it was suggested that the other Cities be given copies, the P.T.A's and their Safety Committees, Schools and Dealers who sell motorcycles, as well as the regular legal publication. Property Committee Cha-ir{man Pedersen recalled referral and authorization to negotiate for reservoir site on West Hill and in order to do so appraisals must be secured. It was requested that Council give. the Committee permission to' proceed. accordingly. Moved..by Poli, seconded by Perry to concur in the request and that the Fire and Water Committee be included in the authorization. The motion carried. Dahlquist inquired as, to whether action has beentaken regarding operation of the ' City Hall Cafe and. Mayor Custer reported that Mrs. Holmes' has indicated that she does not plan to return-and he is planning to advertise for a new operator this coming. week.. -5- Renton, Washington Date- September 22, 1966 Mr. A. J. Steen, King County Assessor County-City Building Seattle, Washington Dear Sir: Enclosed is a certified copy of Ordinance Noe 2275 vacating a certain portion of city street or alley-way within the City of Renton, as adopted and passed on September 19th,„ 19660 Very truly yours, CITY OF BENTON Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk UWN/ap Enclosure (1) • .-,44- si :,:' 22D 1266 Mr. Warren Gonnason King County Engineer County Court House Seattle, Washington Dear Sir: Enclosed is a certified copy of Ordinance No.' vacating a certain portion of city street or ape.y-w:ay_wi,thFin the City of Renton, as adopted and °' �'`'` Y p passed on - Very truly yours, CITY OF RENTON Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk HWN/fm Enclosure • 1111 )11!1';'/// RENTCN CITY COUNCIL (1 II I REGULAR MEETING August 22, 1966 8:00 P.M. Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Bruce, Schellert, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti and Poll. Mayor Custer announced that Councilman Morris is in the hospital, Councilman Gianini called that he is unable to attend and Councilman Hulse is on vacation. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, that the absent Councilmen be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: He]mie Nelson, City Clerk, Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Sven Johnson, Building Director, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of . August 15, 1966 be approved as written. The motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING: Vacation of Alley, Block 11, Renton Highlands,(A. Creek et al petition) '. This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. There were no written communications and audience comment was invited. Mrs. Frank Zappalo, resident of the area stated that the alley is not presently maintained and veers off at a right angle and petitioners wished to have it vacated so that it might be utilized and properly maintained. She inquired whether the City measures or surveys the alley if it is vacated, and how the property is divided. City Attorney Shellan advised that the alley vests in the abutting property owners, one-half of the alley,up to the center line,going to owner residing on each side. The City Clerk, after the alley is vacated, will send notice to the Assessor of the title change and property owners will be given a copy of the Ordinance and will receive title to the alley up to the center line, or approxi- mately 8 feet. The property is then the responsibility of each owner since the City may not engage in work for private ownerships, and the City would not therefore measure or survey. Since there was no further discussion council action was invited and it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poll, that the hearing be declared closed. The motion carried and Mayor Custer declared the hearing closed. Poli inquired as to recommendation of the City Engineer and Mr. Wilson stated that this alley has .never been open for vehicular traffic and utilities are all in- stalled so there is no need to retain an easement, and that the City,• in"residential pletsino longer plain for alleys. Trimm inquired whether 100% ownership was repre- sented by the signatures on the petition and the Clerk replied affirmatively. Moved by Perry, seconded by Bruce, that the alley be vacated and the matter be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Schellert inquired whether the re- versionary rights to the Federal Government have been acquired by the City so there will be no problem in that respect and the City Attorney stated there wdia1 be no problem. The pending motion carried. COMMUNICATIONS: Petition was read from R. V. Simone for vacation of a portion of 106th Avenue S.E. in vicinity of Puget Sound Drive. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist to refer the request to the City Engineer to check signatures for validity of the petition. The motion carried. A letter from City Engineer Wilson reported check of the County Records indicated that petition for vacation of portion of 91st Avenue South, between South 128th and deadend of right-of-way, Bl. 19,. was signed by owners representing 90% of property abutting said street. Petitioners, however, have withdrawn their petition since the property is currently being sold and new petition will, be filed at later date by the new owners. Letter from City Engineer Wilson submitted and recommended for payment, Progress Estimate #2 due Lewis and Redford, Engineers for work completed to date on preliminary design of Logan-Smithers and 3rd Avenue North arterials, in sum of $6,870.00. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to refer the Estimate to the Auditing and Accounting ,Committee with power to act. The motion carried. -1- • 7 5 1-iC)LZ2DOK... 140LM ES /0 5 AN IQ MILLIEA.! - /1 VVAL Q.D. `• 3 /2 ...I BDOTT MAcK' 6\,.) 4,3 ABISC3TT ZAPPA., /4 ROSCOE HO LMA,N ARIA eoLIG .1 1, • <5.T , B L C 1 1 . rj 4, '.'• e 21, 1966 E . ��'• "e- r �' ram- _ — / Honort.ble Donald ,W. Custter,rMayor ' V i L E D Members of the City Council 1966 Gentlemen: .... _.... 1 ))/ '---. We, the undersigned owners of the g property bor • wide alley in Block 11, Renton Highlands, according to the plat recorded in Volume 46 of Plats, pages 34-41, records of King County, Washington, respectfully request the vacation of said alley Name Address Legal Description -�4 , ��_-,_.� c �' �� � f 6' 4-4! -e A_ /l _ tJo, ,A.�,r� - ,,./D 9- g `/�'. 1'Lr)4 / , Z, �`, ertz-ert-e-if/r/t,m, , 2/c?-61--1,), , ?if et- , , ,-r- t' ,.-7 ;,('? 7../,- -7_,e--p----4' 2_ L c •- g--- 4,t // ((4_,,, i..1 AL_Ni ,n. 7- r'5`"A-7,‘-i . -, ' /3' . // ,. ev�f, . 1 3 -- `3-% C? . �� . �fi Lf -- /_ e - // �... / 4,-/V-14 mil? f / /' V � & k211:7Z/ '/ // z‘,14 / / s� :N/7 ofcz /2Q,.e./ ( .�, -,, c _S • 1W44 1 I 7 - g'Ii q -s , /r �, r ` y r �O/ _..9 2 �. . `,2.. ,/f: -Oa.//_ // ! f Q---z- 27_ d..- -/c,z- 49.('- // - ' 7_40-1%,Lf2___ if_L._ (/_ __ ____SI_X__67.t'541:Liif__ ,51,11_ //'—itra-gil. // G_ l c-, _ -i c-;(/I J ado - a a°.-- --- /0 a -// '' 4: _ . ___ i 4.N...Q__44,„,,__t.S, KO:- C__57-______,., -?.`__Z-_ __.-L-- ,ee'-4-Ans1/4,La_SL i ,...2,-ZI ,I///- ey r , ,,2cf..". ._ e-, ,----,---e--- .=,..--,,i_i_....._-) ?at, 11 AO ' ;2-#0- g iti, att.tio,Re--( eti,, • -111 ..• . , SCRIM ____ 7T77- . ,ji-T=______3.etig..g.hT is- g• °119 III * 1- •.1. - • Us "" Ti '9 tiP i - 7 , .. . . •..• ,i FE, pi 822g 1 • 1" .-- 't 91Ey I ,I 1 6 1 Ert 0^ ..) 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