HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAC - King Co Road No. 80/Black River Channel July ?j, 1959 Meeting of street and. Committee and City rnrineerz CorJIA.osir;nor of Streets, with Robert L. Ldwards4, developer of The ienton Shapping Center, 3rd Rainier Ave. It was agreed in discuc.sing the pros '4_ cons of the development of the newly acquired street in the channel of crack River that the City should participate to the boot of its ability in the street improvement. In lieu of paying cash for the City, lojical share of the cost the City should furnish the equipment and labor for accomplishing this work provided Edwaris pay for all matknials and supply what equipment the city does not have during the backfill aeration, Edwards is to deed some property to the city to accomplish the proper alignment of the street and the city in turn is to declare surplus or vacate those portions not needed. This exchange of deeds to he ghbject to fulfillment of the cityos obligation to furnich said equipment and labor. StreetSraetani keyQonm.ittee r • •-- • t4X, C17) v kel:'llr.i'544t5hT;,,:!::112Ai'1.';.-2;:1 l';- , ' - : ,". ir.:fM: 4.;' .'.F '- , " .1',;.1,-..4 ,, , ,::,,;.'.::-, 'x ' •‘ ., ,,,„ • ... . ., . : jI I „ �tl3i f CIS 1 ` 4 II VOL. .. s..e�mwaa•vaawu.� . II r I ' PAGE:_.__ '. �� W _z ,i A I 2 ,4 I ji � �1 1'960 (�{'1' 4 P'M 2 06 0 �{� t r�� � � i l L II 'r J 6p�-1 t� ` f t ✓ lj i M. : Rlt a rFp'atifT W1 �` 1 \ 'i_ ° 1 r..� i ;;/. , G T r .31-1, g A 0 1 1 �; hLE ,I* r Record a E r 0 --ille!72/,,,,,' ,e_,(..e.;:i 5 V .He-._ O Eft1 4r6S3.i...::, l'- -. cF '3'' - L-("-(1- r I --a-- ry _. VUL ���i� NA�F�ee�l ilvr�$t"'1'7��� FORM LSeR Quit Claim Deed THE GRANTORs, Robert L. Edwards and Jane I. Edwards, his wife for and in consideration of One and no/100 Dollars 01.00) convey and quit claim to the CITY OF RENTON, a Municipal Corporation the following described real estate, situated in the County of King State of Washington including any interest therein which grantor may hereafter acquire: That portion of the Henry H. Tobin Donation land claim No. 37, in,the SWW of Section 18-. 3_5, and of Tracts 2 and 3 of Commissioner of Public Lands 3uppl mment.ai lap of Renton Shorelands described as follows: Beginning at the most easterly corner of said tract 3 of Renton Shorelands; thence southwesterly along the southerly margin of PSH No. 2, 2.18 ft. to the point of beginning; thence easterly and southerly along an arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 33.63 ft. an arc distance of 106.58 ft. to a P.T. ,; thence south 59°3 1'38" west 88.92 ft. to a P.C. of curve; thence westerly along an arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 389.84 ft. an arc distance of 150.04 ft. to a point on the northwesterly margin of the streets platted in said map of Renton Shorelands; thence south 52°31'32" east 60 ft. to a point on the southerly margin of said street; thence easterly along an arc of a curve, the center of which bears south 52°31132" east, 329.84 ft. , an arc distance of 206.14 ft. to a PRC; thence easterly and northerly along an arc of a curve to the left, having a radius of 100 ft., an arc distance of 145.30 ft. to a P.T.; thence north 9°58'2271 west, 72 ft. more or less to said southerly margin of PSH No. 2; thence westerly along said southerly margin 138 ft. more or less to the true point of beginning; AND That portion of Henry H. Tobin Donation Land Claim No. 37 in Section 18-23-5, in King County, Washington and of vacated portion of County Road No. 80, lying 30.00 ft. on each side of the following described center line: Beginning at the intersection of the westerly production of the center line of Third Avenue, in the City of Renton, with the center Line of Primary State Highway No. 5, which point is also described by the coordinates x equals 1,658,127.77 and y equals 178,126.72 according to the Lambert Plane Projection for the State of Washington, North Zone, the meridian of which projection is used herein; thence S. 88°40150" E., along the center line of said Third Ave ue 234.05 feet to an inter- section with the center line of County Road No. 80 (also known as Third Avenue Extension) deeded to King County under auditor's File No. 813638; thence S. 77°25'10" @., along the center line of said County Road No. 80. 413.2a feet; thence S. 12°34'S0" E. , at right angles to said center line of County Road No. 80, 30.00 feet to apoint on the southerly margin of said County Road No. 80; thence S. 77°25'10" W. along said southerly margin, 62.99 feet; thence N. 12°34'50" W., 30.00 feet to a point on the center line of said County Road No. 80 and the true point of beginning of said center line; thence S. 77°25'10" W. 46.61 feet to a point of curve; thence along an arc of a curve to the right, having a radius of 40.00 feet, an arc distance of 50.34 ft. to a point of tangency and which point is also on the easterly margin of the City of Seattle Transmission Line Easement; thence N. 30028122" W. , aing said easterly margin, 46 feet, more or less, to its intersection with the southerly margin of Primary State Highway No. 2 and the termination of said center line. • i ••,�I ,1 i v')1 f, i ',l) N.nE��P) f 26th July, 1960 l..— 'Dated this day of , ,./1/ / / , ,...-- It f 'ThRoTierh."1L. 'Edwards --- . r',F AL, , ifid •I.-•EtrWatid$ (SFAL) STATE OF \V A -ITNGTON, • i ss. County of King On this day personally appeared before me Robert L. Edwards and Jane I. Edwards, his wife to me known to be the individuals described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and ' a,.know•lefdged •hat they signed the same as their free and voluntary act and dee(1, fur the 'Isis anc F,u po es therein mentioned. `t;ti:.E:1Y under my hand and official seal this 26th day of }July, 1960 � .x r Notary Public i and for the State of Washington, residing at ,jtenton , i,,, K ; y o- . '"- 17�C < ^ iidt. .t of P"Mtt.QT A MOPPRiS, C oiih!v A, .l:irr 'ORDINANCE NO. 1849 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, VACATING A PORTION OF A CERTAIN STREET., KNOWN AS KING COUNTY ROAD NO. 80, LOCATED IN THE 'CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. WHEREAS, a proper petition 'for the vacating of portions of certain public streets, as hereinafter more particularly described, was duly filed with the City Clerk of the CITY OF RENTON on July 26, 1960 signed by all the owners of the property abutting upon said portion of the streets and areas sought to be vacated, which petition was read at the regular meeting of the City Council on July 26, 1960 and WHEREAS, the City Council, at its regular meeting on Aug- ust 2, 1960, duly passed Resolution No. 1046, fixing and determining the 23rd day of August, 1960 at 8:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers of the CITY OF RENTON to be the time and place for the Hearing; on said petition and WHEREAS, - the City Clerk has duly caused notice of such Hearing to be published and to be posted for the time and- in the manner provided by law; and the Engineering De- .partment having heretofore recommended suet vacation for the primary purpose of realigning certain streets and approaches and such realignment and reloca- tion being in the public interest and of benefit to the general public in maintai.:,a::-,.,.; a more satisfactory traffi:.c patte;in, and WHEREAS, a public Hearing was dif.,r held upon said Petition on the day so fixed, which hearing was th.cn continuan the period of two weeks, to-wit: to the next ?:egular Council M.< eting or.. ?epte:::':'.E . 6, 1960 and no protest or objections to the £,ranting of said Pe::ition or .:he vacation of portion of said streets having been made, filed or received, City Countil did at that time vote to grant said Petition for vacating, and the '. Council further finding that the vacation of the h; reinafter described pr ,;,- _ ., _ . proper and advantageous to all concerned and will serve the public interest an:'.' will not cause injury or damage to any properties or person and that the vac.a.. of the hereinbelo' i described property is for the primary purpose of realigalc certain roads and accesses to a Primary State Highway, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE C_I.i'Y • RENTON AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: The following described properties, to-wit: That portion of County Road' No. 80, (also known as Third Avenue Extension) , deeded to King County under Auditor's File No. 813638 - 1- e • • records of King County, Washington,. lying southerly of the southerly margin of Primary State Highway No. 2 and westerly of the following described line: Beginning at the intersection of the westerly production of the center line of Third Avenue, in the City of Renton, with the center line of Primary State Highway No. 5, which point is also described by the coordinantes x equals 1, 658, 127.77 and y equals 178, 126.72 according to the Lambert Plane Projection for the State of Washington, North Zone, the meridian of which projection is used herein; thance S 88°40'50" E. along the center line of said Third Avenue 234.05 feet to an intersection '.rith the center line of said Connty Road No. 80; thence S. 77°25'10" W. , along the center line of said County Road No. 80, 413.28 feet; thence S. 12034'50" E. , at right angles to said center line of County Road No. 80, 30.00 feet to a point on the southerly margin of said County Road No. 80; thence S. 77°25'101 W. , along said southerly margin, 62.99 feet to the true point of beginning of said line; thence N. 12° 34'50" , 60.00 feet to a point on the northerly margin of said County Road No. 80 and the termination of said line. And also, That portion of Henry H. Tobin Donation land claim No. 37, in the SW 1/4 of Section 18-23-5, and the Commissioner's of Public Lands Supplemental Map of Renton Shorelands described as follows: Beginning at the most easterly corner of said Tract 3, Renton Shorelands; thence south 37°28'28" west, along the northwest- erly margin of the street platted in said Renton Shorelands, 255.20 feet; thence south 52°31'32" a Est, 60 feet to a point on the southeasterly margin of said-street; thence north 37°28'28" east, 382.81 feet to the southerly margin of PSH No. 2, thence westerly along said southerly margin 142 feet, more or less, to the true point of beginning. / BE AND THE SAME ARE HEREBY VACATED. SECTION II: This Ordinance shall be effective from and after ii:r: passage, approval and legal publication as provided by law. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 13th day o` Seli.ember, 1960 . s/ Vern H. Morris Vern H. Morris, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR THIS -_ day o September, 1960 .. Frark Alin-Lent,,Mayor Approved as to Form: s/ Gerard M. Shellan Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney September 22, 1960 - date of publication without signattrr e 'of the Mayor. . /.4 .--'' . ' . .. .- ' • . , • . „ , .. • •_,. .. 1 ::.." .• . .. .. . . ,.. .. . , . • . . ./b , . . . , .. . . . , . . . . , . . . . . . . . ... . .. . .. . •-. . . . , . -.. . • witlips, at the,: r eti,r of the 'City :Council or the. City of. . ' ' ' -on,Jai.26k 19 , a.' certain` '"Petite t for .� '.of Xing, County . - - Reed NO, ptv.4e4a leak. River C�1. (Now,S e►t ea°•_Called wards' t t t)W hoed . • -• • been-s a tt d..t+a'the City Cc arhich ptitiore • '.of Leer's,', **(insets the . •:vaoat ion .of.os to,portores•;.of st et• within 'the City P ton end. , . • • - - . ' 1� A9 it appear. that said',:Petition,to o vacate is .sic n.d by-the • . . . . . . , . • • Owners of More then.tw -thirds_..of the',private, rty.abutting , the • ' • .• of such.:street *Ought'to be Vacat+ d' and t City T�i r":of'the -City of Renton - , . ha ..lituly investigated Sold"Petition and .vwri..fied the ,legal description of the:aree as sought to:be.v aca +red, :a end-:its being"de d *dvieable to fix a, date . • for hearing,ng'on•-eai d'Petitions- NOW..?JERE . - .. ' - , , .DE IT I ii,Z3 1 . I)P AND TN ,.CI f COtThK)IL OF 'fir Mit OP . . . ' _',. 1. sh.*e recitals.'and.facto are hereby fours to'be true.end. ' . ' •1 • correct in'all'respects. , , . , „ . : 2. TI* City Cou ci<l,,.af:the City of ton.hereby'fixed 'arid determines • the 2' t. day of A gust, •1909 St:8too o'clock POI...in the Co ax it 'cbi*bers,of the. - . ._. City of..Renton:to'he:the.time : plaice,fti*,the'hweear,:.. . . • -, - , , � .. r '�.;mid:peat'ttiaan��'tq - . . vacate, relat 4ve 'to: tho:foflowtng:'described,Tr 'rtay • ' .- -. - , That•portscn.of,,County.�2o« 8C (also'�n ** Third Avenue. ait: i) = ,. . • ' , deeded:to lingCounty'.under) Auditor** Vile'No., 813638a records, of Ring •... • C ty, .N eshi gton,,. n(,southerly of-.thee eontlestily, margin.of .a : .'. State itilu sy•No, 2 .ems easterly of :tom .follcoin;g described'." ee► ' ' B eginning_ttt.thee,intersection c .the westerly production.of'the,, center •. : -• line of:'mod Avenue* in the. City of't act,,'with the 'oent':iiine' of . . ..... • .. • • Primary St�e1 e'R. ray Na. '9e.:*4tich point is also- described,by the ', • • ,' • - •• -'coordinates fit. equal. 1,.60.12.?.77 and y equals 178.126.72 according to.. ' • . ' the ber"t' Pleura •Projection• for the State of Waehi gtao, North Zone* . Wit* of which•pre'.jeect&onn is used-herein; thenoe S. 88°Jt0'+moo* F,.• .. along the ,Center ne~R 'off a44 Third At nuee 234:05 feet to. en .inter. - ecs+wtieen With the ' ter ne of.;'esaid County,Road Na. ' '�' . •'• � 7°25r<1(ye W. BCC; �thencei.-ate - the centaer,I no. of said County Rood No. .8e3i;, . - 1e13.28 feats;thence.5. 12°34''5c)". '11« at right angle. -to said-center line : ' of Count Read•No,,. 80,,. 30.QC fest to is point on the southerly margin of '.. • . said-County d '. 8C;'.thanes S. 77°25+10" W.,;s Slang'.said,toutheer r • , • margin 62. 9 .feet tag :the true point of beginning of:said• line; t'eneee ,- N,1.2a'34'5O ' W,.,,' ..t30 Peet to a.point on.:the hprtieirlyr-vnrg n Qr said .• 'County rd No. 80 and the ter. ieetioen of sold line. . - A.nd ,eeo, -"hat`part cn et'iferry,if.' in ! attcri litnd •©IsL a c . :3'"�, In t Secti i . 23.5, and'the C ssioner"s-of l c'Tends: . : • nt 1 ap off" - ntoq Shore' Unfitdesozlbed as•.fi r= . the• st se tsr3 crier .cif td::Travt'•34. R . . ...'Shorelsrids; Theme $0 art 8': -"•list,- aka -the north atsr'27 - - . wren to.of t • :strut latted In egad Renton' hore ds 5.2tM test;•thanes eolith 5 31!32* 60 feet. to a int � t . :� 'off' southilst0x'ly, ar in of se►td,..s• reet; :the e:,mraztth 3?!28R28a eastx,, :- :. 382:8� fist-to;t s thirty virgin At 1 MO We'... 2; .ttienca 1�•es r1i .. �. id .r itY 3 ► na 2' t, se or: lasr,;-•to t o:tr point `of b. .• .( reet .t post : cssr.ae recraix.+a!d •,by:Ise:,so.that:See sh be , hoed . at.islet brut 'd iyt or to th rsforeeietd''t* rfk u. . .' • : .: •::Pospzlit i :'exri co It i s E fir -of, it ?t t.,•; 3. tfoiorl H. :) orris city, 1er . • '1 ., ''tb3ta 2 ::dam.':` F"n t�, _ 960.. ' -. • . (tty A torn �r . . . . : - : :'• . ,:. ,. ' e-l'...-:':, , •:•,. •• .:: ••„. .„,:..,•'.-",,:•: •• : ,. •:'•,,,, .• i •• : ','.•-i,'•,• •:,„:-.-.,• :•'• • • - , • :: ••.•'• ' '' •:: = ••,...=;,-'1','..*:,•'. •. •'- . •:-:'..- •;..`:: , ' ?' • ,.. '' `:,;:, ,•. , - ' : .•:' ',„- :•;,'.:, 4,..t ', . ,,. ,•''\•''''f...4.1 • •••,i ,;••t :• •1/4 . ti,!,,„4,,,,,,,„ .. :,•--;,,.„.,,,,, ..„,;( II --,,i:' ',:••, ,:••• i••••ktilk/f !A-• , • ..-..i.•4•,•0,"ii.',' r, •it_ -- •, • - , ••4 .•" .„') , . :-•_. .,•L4 , •,. ._ •, 4.: , ,,,,•,••;, - ,•1,1•i 4;••,. - -.!..; :i.,..1 •-`; 4„---.."!‘..,,,; ..: ,..•,...7,,,,,-.., 2...-,04,..,:. :-• . . , , • ;' `..- • . . , i.,•',.. .;:; - ,. '., ' ,'4,, ' :, :. •;'•`.- 4,,70:4 ,,1- 1. .'`'.. ' . 2 .'` 1 A :4:• . .';'.'.,A4 .1:-! '.1 :' "t•'.>1.':, ' II 11 '',,'': . , .... February 23, 1962 k • . Citizens' C.,ettee For Better GoVertmeent 1210 - 5th Renton, W-,4 ngton Attention: Mr. W. Philipps Secretary Gentlemen: , . ,,... . * This pursuant to your conmenienticin. of Febeuary 5, 1962, f reees. . . the prapmftyetich vas deeded to the City of Renton , under Quit Claim Deed from Robert and Jane Edwards, which you • • state vas given to the City -for the purpose of developing a street for the City of Renton to benefit the general public in • .., . smintaining a more satiedletAeryt.raffic pattern. You further state that since there is no physical evidence of such a street : at this time, only a private parking area in front of a bank at .. . ' 3 • the Renton Shopping Center, that vs ,ahould rescind the Quit Claim Deed so that the property can be restored upon the King County . • tee: rale. ' . . . . . , This matter has been referred to the Street and Alley,Committee forecosideratioe and it vas the committee's suggestion that we . . notify your grcup that the Quit Claim Deed from. the Edwards was . given to.the City at its request, to be used at sous future time when the intersection of Third and Rainier Jo revised& This !. -• right-of-szy could be very irceaant at a future dato end would , east considerably more ki* the City ware to,vaimaa it cRd thm . • bevoto purchao it bet34.. V-In7Y2, vay C.IW C2 1.7:2-..EV:ii • . . . '.:-.- F',-(j. 1: • ...', '...''.•27.( ..1-_••, . . . '1 . ti CC: Citizens' Coacdttee for Bet r Govern. File Street ani A2ley File Robert & Jane Edwards File • / • • I. s � r• ,- � c: ^ .0 I'' 's ._ .� ,CITTZENS°t COMMITTEE'FOP • :2,T,TER' C OVERNTE:k' �„ , • • 1210 - 5th •Ave:' I .' . G ' Renton, ?.`ash. , • , , • •°: . • 5, 1962 • ' Tee , eity Coenc.a.! • TO: Street & Alley Committee, Mr; W. Reid and Mr. A. Garrett .. of Re:1ton Renton, Wash. TO: 'ir. A. .i . Steen, K;itip County Assessor CERTIFIED L.!AILING NO. 6812 210 - County-C:.i;y Bldg. Seat -le 4, '4 as±'_. RE: - r'act Fi.nflint. Probe of the Renton Shopping Center Development. - Restoration of Privete Property upon King County Property ''a= Rolle. This Citizens" Coy 1mittee for Better Gov't Fact Finding Probe of the public records at the King County Auditor's and Assessor t s offices discloses that "certain proper°tye which was deeded to the City of Renton ---- under Quit Claim Deed, as recorded in Deeds, Volume 4085, page 294 and executed on July 26, 1960 between a Robert & Jane Ed wards and the City of Renton, a leunecipal Corporation, ---- for the purpose of developing a street for the City of Renton to benefit the general public in maintaining a more satisfactory traffic pattern. , Upon physical examina1,icn of the area at which said deoiceted street is supoose-i to be located --- pursuant +0 the King County records, there 3 s eo physical evidence of s',.kch a street, only a private parking area in front of a bank at the Renton Shopping Center. eo. , therefore, the City Council and. the City Legal Dept. are recuestce to take the prof cr ac°t:i.on and prepare the proper documents to rescind the afore-mentiured Qt t {:`!.aim Coed and f'oreard a letter of transmittal to Muir. A. :re Steen, King County Assessor, so that cri-d'. property can be restored upon the King County tax rolls. This action is requested because Citizens' Committee for Better Gov It is �iaral. eo find any "statutory authority" 'permitting a second class city to exempt a private parking area from assessment. of proper tax levies. T}i', ,i .s been submitted in behalf of those Renton Downtown Merchants and L.,nd Owners,rs, vino are forced to pay King County Property Taxes on their parking lots in the Renton Doautorm • Shopping area.. Submitted by the: Citizens' Committee for B.t1.er cc: - State AtOit or's Office G9vernmept: - Renton Town Talk :)f/ W. Philipp - E c„ty. • r • '• - ',.• . ,. , .. . . .,, . ., , • ' ' . . ''• L ' 'r rt." * ., -", - • . . • , . . . - • • . . i . . • .\ i , . 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Q� 1 I 24 cup up At 7 * - \ a .2 19 131.1 I# i� \ \ \ 8 17 i4 IS 9 lb EMI 114i ft 0 . q V \ \ \ \ 14"4011/ 12__-_.••'7....14'.....-- .--•••••-:....:.:.:..------/ 0 �?®2 \ \ \ Y1 ie►-- 3...-., 27 0��kt ,g \ \ • zi V 2 17 Q' 5 i I^ 24 /6 * 1, S •Ii 13�9 16 � 9 0 2 9/gial \,‘ \ \ 6 TN - MEM \ \ 21 \ 3 a 5 0 \ \ �6 �/ 7 E. 2 7 - \ 7 T H Cle \ \ e 42 I I L ,__I-- ' I I P- I I l • INTER-,OFFICE 14F010 • ' / . . , Dame September 13, 1960 From: G. M. Shellan Re: Vacation Ordinance I Tof Mr. Jim Highton, City Engineer . . .j Message. rfv l • 4 % / : 2""' Enclosed you will find the proposed Ordinance on vacation for the Shopping Center. Would you please be sure that prior to the adoption of this Ordinance that the City has received, duly executed and with proper legal - description, a Quit Claim Deed from Mr. and Mrs. Edwards to carry out the realighment of said road. This Deed should be placed on record forthwith. G. M. Shellan City Attorney cc-Law and Ordinance Committee ' July 26, 1960 Honorable Frank Aliment, Mayor Members of the City Council Gentlemen: I have examined the description of the proposed property to be vacated and the property to be deeded to the City and find that it is as requested by me in my letter to Mr. Edwards of May 13, 1960 and also as discussed in the Street and Alley Committee Meeting of June 25, 1960. • ( �mes L. Hi "ton City Engineer 1 1°-526 2T476(79v) ti JUL 1960 RECEIVED w CITY of RENTON CLERK'S OFFICE o) .<6��Zl LLQ • . • • RENTON CITY COUNCIL, REGULAR MEETING August 23, 1960 .• 8:00 P:M: A,G ENDA 1. ROLL CALL OF COUNCILMEN 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PREVICUSEETING (August 16, 1960) 3. HEARINGS: (Continued). Proposed for Street, Improvement d.Wards Street, 7th Avenue, 92ild Avenue South-analr--tijszE4aTee. Vacation - •County Road N . '80 and Black River Channel 4. COMMUNICATIONS: a. Chamber of Commerce - Trophy Presentation b. ProclainatiObsby Mayor of the week of September 5-11 as "Union Label end Oct. 24-So United Nations. igieltDAY Week". c. EStimate No. 2, Liberty Park 'community Building addition and im- provement - recommendation for pay-m.exit by G. L. Coulon, Sup't. Parks & Recreation Department. d. Sup't..of Utilities Western,Disposal charges for month of. July, 1960, e. Sup't. of Utilities - Tino Cugini July Payments per Lease Agreement f. J. Denzer, Planning Commission Chairman request for transfer of funds. g. Renton School District Citizens 'Committee request to' display banner -h. Romano, Inc. request for extension of time on Talbot Sanitary Sewer Contract, L.I.D. No. 244 with Engineering Dep't. recommendation. i. Renton Economy Dep't. Store request for Pawnbrokers Liceimirelests. j . City of Seattle, Dep't. of Lighting request for joint meeting re Transmission Line Easement. k. City Engineer's recommendation that Agreement be adopted regarding revised paving cOsts on Rainier Avenue Channelization. 5. APPOINTMENT BY THE MAYOR 6. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 7. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS 1. Old Business 2. New Business_ VAC aT ?D PO TT OAT OF C li7,TTY ••ROAD rNO f30 That portion of County Road Teo . 80 (also known as Third Avenue xtension ) deeded to King County under Auditor ' s pile TTo. 813638 , records of King County, Washington, lying southerly of the southerly margin. of Primary State Highway TTo. 2 and westerly of the following described line: Beginning at the inter- . section of the westerly production of the center line of Third Avenue , in the City of Renton , with the center line of Primary State Highway `To. 5, which' point is also described by the coordinates x equals 1 ,658,12.7. 77 and y equals 178,126 .72 according to the :Lambert- Plane . Projection for the State of Washington, T7orth - Zone , the. meridian of which projection is used herein; thence S .' 88°40' 50" T,1. , along the center line , of said Third Avenue 234 .05 feet to an it tersecti on with the _ center line of said County Road 7o. 80 ; thence S . 77v25'10" ,.'I. , along the center line of said County 'load_ Ho. 80,, 413.28 feet; thence. S . 12°34 ' 50" v, at right angles to said center line of -County Road 7o. 80, 30.00 feet to - a point on the southerly margin of saidCounty Road U. 80; thence 9 . 77°25' 1.0" W. ; along said southerly margin , 62. 99 feet to the true point of beginning of said line ; thence 7. 12°34' 50" W. , 60.00 feet to a point on the northerly margin of said County Road r,o . 80 and the termination •of' said line . . D',1,fii ;D FOR COUNTY ROAD NO. .80 That portion of Henry H. Tobin Donation Land Claim Ho. 37 - in Section- 18, Twp. 23 N: , Range 5 ^. ,. "T.i'. , in King County,'-Washington and of vacated port ion of County Road 'To. 80, . lying 30.00 feet on each side of the following described center line : :Beginning at the intersection of the westerly production of. the center line of Third Avenue , in the City of Renton, with the center line of Primary State Highway Ho. 5, which point is .also described by the coordinates .x equals 1 ,658,127. 77 and y equals 178 ,126. 72" according' to the Lambert Plane Projection for . the State of, Washington, PTorth Zone , the meridian of which .projection is used herein; thence S . 88°40' 50" y. , .along the center line of said. Third Avenue 234. 05 feet to an intersection with the center line of County Road Ho. 80. (also known as Third Avenue :;tension) deeded to King County under Auditor ' s File 7To .- 8136.38;' thence S . 77°25' 10" W . , along the center line of said .County Road Ho. 80, 413. 28, feet ; thence S . 12°34' 50" T7. , et right angles to said center line of County Road 7c. 80, 30.00 feet to a point on the southerly margin of said County Road Ho. 80; thence- S . 77°25' 1.0" W. , along *lid southerly margin , 62. 99 feet ; - thence N. 12°34' 50" W. ,. 30.00 feet to a point. on the center line of said Count y toad Ho. 80 .and the . true point of beginning of said center line ; thence S . 77°25'10" W. , 46.61 feet to . a point of curve ; thence along an arc of a curve to the right , having a radius of .40.00 feet . an arc ' distance. of 50.34 feet to a point of tangency and 'which point is also on the easterly margin • of the City of . Seattle Transmission Line R=,asement; thence 'i. 30°28' 22" W . , along said easterly margin, 46 feet, more or less, to ' its intersection with the • southerly margin of Primary State Highway PTo.: 2 and the termination of said center line. �,1Q252 728?g, June 2 8 , 1960 . ' . •Job. 'to. 22056 (., �960 �`:rford and Mowry, • Folder 552 "R" © Jut- T1 . . - 'i;nirs . and Land Surveyors . ITY Ql I�L•'IUIV °I By _ .f l,;!'. r ;a n,`r• r ,- • -P' . !�'! CCI.r.R1CS QrrIG � `��, y s�``El. ZL ��b . n • July 26, 196,�- " .se • Honorable Mayor Frank Aliment and Members of City Council: PETITION FOR REALIGNMENT OF KING COUNTY ROAD NO. 80 AND BLACK RIVER CHANNEL (NOW SOMETIMES CALLED EDWARDS STREET) Gentlemen: PURSUANT to the request of City Engineer, James L. Highton, as per letter dated May 13, 1959, in which it was requested that I quit claim to the City of Renton a portion of the Shopping Center site for street purposes, a deed was delivered to Mr. Highton on May 19, 1959, covering the property requested to be deeded to the city, and, PURSUANT to that certain agreement between the City of Renton and Robert L. Edwards entered into on the 15th day of July, 1959, covering the mutual undertaking of the drainage and filling of the former Black River Channel, Paragraph 5 of which stated as follows: "Both parties realize that the location of the proposed street improve- ment as outlined in Exhibit "A" will require certain adjustments and exchange of properties inasmuch as the now_dedicated street right-of-way is located at a place different from that specified in Exhibit "A"; the City agrees to use its best efforts, to the extent permitted by law, to-adjust the location of said roadway,: it being recognized that such re-location in providing a street at right angles to Primary State Highway No. 2 would be in the public interest; Owner likewise agrees to dedicate to the city, without any cost to city, such additional properties as may be required to establish said street right-of-way and to execute and deliver unto the city such documents as may be necessary to effectuate such re-alignment and re-adjustment." and, PURSUANT to the discussion with the Street and Alley Committee at the Renton City Hall June 25, 1960, where a new alignment of County Road Number 80 was discussed and where the above-mentioned realignment of the Black River Channel Street was reviewed, and where the question of the city exercising its right to purchase for the sum of one dollar ($1.00) approximately 470 feet by 60 feet for the extension of 92nd Avenue South to the former Black River Channel was also discussed, and, WIEREAS, I, the undersigned, am the only abutting property owner involved in any of the foregoing proposed realignments, and, WHEREAS, all of the proposed' realignments are in the best interests of the public and are a pre-requisite to the completion of the improvement of the Black River Channel link between Sunset Boulevard West and the West Valley Highway and/or Seventh Avenue Bypass route and, WHEREAS the major portion of this street has already been built on property contemplated to be deeded to the City as per request of the City, I hereby tender to the City at this time a deed to all of the parcels (requested to be deeded to the city) to be held in escrow or in trust until such time as the proper and complete vacation outlined below shall have been effected, at which time the deed may be placed on record, (I would like the deed given to you May 19, 1959, be returned inasmuch as the property described therein is incorporated in the enclosed deed) NOW THEREFORE, I, undersigned owner of record of all property abutting street right of ways proposed to be vacated, hereby petition the City Council to vacate the following described parcels and suggest the date of August 23 be set as the hearing date: That portion of County Road No. 80 (also known as Third Avenue Extension) deeded to King County under Auditor's File No. 813638, records of King County, Washington, lying southerly of the southerly margin of Primary State Highway No. 2 and westerly of the following described line: Beginning at the intersection of the westerly production of the center line of Third Avenue, in the City of Renton, with the center line of Primary State Highway No. 5, which point is also described by the coordinates x equals 1,658,127.77 and y equals 178,126.72 according to the Lambert Plane Projection for the State of Washington, North Zone, the meridian of which projection is used herein; thence S. 88°40'50" E., along the center line of said Third Avenue 23L .05 feet to an intersection with the center line of said County - 1 - • Road No. 80; thence S. 77° 25' 10" W., along the center line of said County Road No0 80, 1413.28 feet; thence S. 12°31150" E., at right angles to said center line of County Road No. 80, 30.00 feet to a point on the southerly margin of said County Road N. 80; thence S. 77°25'10" W., along said southerly margin, 62.99 feet to the true point of beginning.of -said line; thence N. 12°314'50" W., 60.00 feet to a point on the northerly margin of said County Road No. 80 and the termina- tion of said line. ,end also' That portion of Henry II. Tobin Donation land claim No. 37, in the SW* of Section 18-23-5, and the Commissioner's of Public Lands Supplemental Map Renton Shore- lands described as follows: - Beginning at the most easterly corner of said Tract 3 Renton Shorelands; thence south 37°28'28" west, along the northwesterly margin of the street platted in said Renton Shorelands, 255.20 ft.,; thence south 52°31'32" west, 60 ft. to -a point on the southeasterly margin of said street; thence north 37°28'28" east, 382.81 ft. to the southerly margin of PSH No. 2; thence westerly along said southerly margin 1142 ft. more or less to the true point of beginning. Yours very trul , /(?4174( (/Robert L. Edwards '626 27 REG 6V -D w CITY of REiiTu.< cri �� CLERKS OFF1C��� �'d ZL��C1� � - 2 - September 6, 1960 RENTON CITY COUNCIL: The Street and Alley Committee recommends the vacation of the property described in Resolution No. 1046, setting the date for public hearing. This recommendation conforms to a previous recommendation of this Committee and the City Engineer. - STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE H Bruce ? _ AG -y Garr tt Charles Delaurenti , r That:portion sof. County, Road_No. :80. .(also known;as Third Avenue Extension) deeded to King County under Auditor's File No. 813638, records of King County, Washington, lying southerly 'of the southerly margin of Primary State Highway No. "2 and westerly ' . of the followings described line: Beginning at the intersection of the westerly • production of the center line of Third Avenue, in the City of Renton, with the _ center line of Primary State Highway No. 5, which point is also described by the coordinates x equals 1,658,127.77 and y equals 178,126.72 according to the Lambert Plane Projection for the State of Washington, North Zone, the meridian of which projection is used herein; thence S. 88°40'50" E. , along the center line of,said ,,., Third Avenue 234.05 feet to an intersection with the center line of said County Road No. 80; thence S. 77°25'10" W. , along the center line of said County Road No. 80, 413.28 feet; thence S. 12°34'50" E. , at right angles to said center line of County Road No. 80, 30.00 feet to a point on the southerly margin of said r: County Road No. 80; thence S. 77°25'10" W. , along said southerly margin 62.99 , feet to the true point of beginning of said line; thence N. 12°34'50" W. 60.0.0 feet to a point on the northerly margin of said County Road No. 80 and the termination of'said line. and also, That portion of Henry H. Tobin Donation land claim No. 37, :in the SW1/4 of Section 18-23-5, and the Commissioner's of Public`Lands Supplemental Map of Renton Shore-- lands.described'as follows: Beginning at tie most easterly corner of said Tract 3 Renton Shorelands; thence ' south 37 28'28" west,"along the northwesterly margin of the street platted in said Renton Shorelands, 255.20 ft. ; thence south'.52°31'32" west, 60 ft. to a �y` point on the southeasterly margin of said street; thence,north 37°28'28" east, 382.81 ft. to the southerly margin of PSH No. 2, thence westerly along said southerly margin 142 ft. more or less to the true point of beginning. 1 • • NOTICE CF FULLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL RENTON, WASHINGTON A PUBLIC, HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RLItTCN CITY COUNCIL AT THEIR REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, ON August 23, 1960 AT 8:00 P.M. TO CONSIDER A PETITION FOR VA17A.TT N THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED OR OBJECTING TO SAID VACATION ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING ON 8-23-1960 AT 8:00 P. M. TO VOICE THEIR PROTEST OR OBJECTION TO SAME. VERN H. MORRIS CITY CLERK DATE CF PUBLICATION: 7-266-1960 CERTIFICATION I , JACK WILSON HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE(3) COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTYDESCRIBED ABOVE AND ONE COPY POSTED AT THE CITY HALL, RENTON, ON � ,,V L 1 9 AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. Signed sac Wilson ATTEST: /1( C2, N P IC IN ,AND HE STATE OF - WASHINGTON, RESIDING AT RENTON, WASHINGTON