HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAC - 86th Ave S/John Sutton • 0RDI/AN.CE MO. /d%1! AD) CPDII:At'Ce CF T1U m i I t T'C�' '•.SIUI 'GTC1, VACATING A n'ORTIOta 07 ,% CERTAIN E+T T L4Cta1: IV THC CITY Cr F;ENTON, E; I4C COUNTY. WASTING I"ON. WI? :4u. 9 ae proper petition for vacating a portion of a certain street as hereinafter r.^ore rarticular17 described, was duly filed with the City Clerk of the CITY (V R TTPL air fr fl hrs+zt J nuarey 9, 1962, said petition being signed by the owners of more than twoethfrds of the property abutting upon said street sought to be vacated, which petition wee reed at the regular meeting of the City Council on said date; and UneRK3An the CITY. C PJ;.,It"'C:N by Resolution ,o.y./4Lenrl after due investigation did fix and determine the. 3.9th dny of February. 1942 at the hour of S:00 P.M., in the Council Cftnrber of the CITY C i:Y:Nl}n to be the tine fnd place for ra public hearing thereon and directed the City Clerk to give notice of such hearing in the manner pro- vided by '7aee aa l Wl3u?tf u.; the City Clerk has duly c ueed notice of such hearing to be published mod to be posted for the time and in the manner provided by 'eel and till it the public hearing gore duly hole upon eeid petition on the day so fixed and the Planning Commission having recoenendod said vacation of a portion of the street upon certain Maras and condition, and :;he petitianere he Inn agreed to such terms, and thu vacation of a portion of said street being in the public interest and far the public benefit and no injury or drr:r,;a t to any ipersc.n or preporties vil,l arise therefrom, Mei T ee PCE b7 S'1 .L.9, l)LTell.Li fig BY la, 7 .'4YOR ALE T1 Cfl CCUN;.' l_I OF Tim CiT CV N A.c AS F OLLCrWS: f:eC'I"tCX I: The follteing de.ecr:Ibr:,, .;ri.i n or st-feet r.i; h2;ea2. ey, to.wit: The North encehelf of S. Z. Path Street (e7rtff ith Avenue), as established by this Plat of C. d:. Uil1minn'tj Lsk3 Weshingten Carden of t:ci�are ;c. 2, as recorded in Vol 12 of Plata on P,+age 44, records c4 lC.ing County, Washington; lying Sasterly of P.S.1T. No. l.A and Westerly of 106th Avenue ; . t. BE AND T E SAME, IS PrOIEBY VACATED. SECTION II: This Ordinance sh l 1 be effective from and otter its passage, approval and legal publication as provided by lee'. I / PASr.ED 1W We CITY CCl1NCIL thilij clay of 1NOwfttry, 1962. DATE OF PUS'LICA ION MAR 8 1962 Hs1Dire Nis fa City Clerk APPR0VL ) BY THE MAYOR this` a y of 1962. APPROVED AS ID FORM: • NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL Renton, Washington A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE BY THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL AT ITS REGULAR MEETING, IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, ON g;F,ARTtAfly 190;196 2 ' AT 8:00 P.M. TO CONSIDER A PETITION FOR OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY. That certain roadway located between Tracts 223 and l iA in C.D.. Hillman's "Garden 02 Eden Addition to Seatt1ep Division No', 2, lying easterly of P.S.H. 1 Rentona King County Washington ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED OR OBJECTING TO SAID VACATION ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING AT 8:00 P.M. ON PVTITAITZ 19,t 1962 TO VOICE THEIR PROTEST OR OBJECTION TO SAME. HE IE W. NE LSO CITY CLERK DATE OF PUBLICATION: January.250 1962 CERTIFICATION �f /57 ,, ,,�,, A , HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE (3) COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTE, BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AND ONE COPY WAS POSTED. AT THE CITY HALL RENTON, WASHINGTON ON � � /' r. /�/,' 2 AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. SIGNED, /� ze, -2'/ ATTEST � �, � NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, RESIDING AT-RENTON. ;r, January 19, 1962 Mr. John Li, Sutton 12705 Renton Avenue Seattle, Washington • Re: Request for Street Vacation Dear Nr. Sutton: The Renton City Council, at its regular meeting of January 16, ].962, has set the day.of February 190 1962 at 8:00 p.m. for Hearing on your petition for street vacation. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON By Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk HWN/dm rLEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF -PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL Renton, Washington A PUBLIC HEARING WILL ' BE HELD BY THE RENTON) CITY COUNCIL'. AT ITS REGULAR MEETING, IN THE' COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY: HALL, RENTON, ON February, 19, 1962AT 8:00 P.M.TO CON- SIDER A PETITION FOR STREET VACATION .OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY. That certain roadway located between Tracts 113 and 114 in C.D.Hillman's Garden of Eden Addition to Seattle, Di- vision No. 2, lying easterly', of P.S.H. #1 Renton, King, County, Washington. ANY AND ALL PERSONS' INTERESTED OR OBJECTING TO SAID VACATION ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT !AT THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING AT 8:09 P.M. ON FEBRUARY 19,1962 TO VOICE THEIR PROTEST• OR OBJECTION TO SAME.' HELMIE W.- NELSON CITY CLERK ,DATE OF PUBLICATION:' Jaryuary 25,'1962 - -� • • January 12, 1962 Honorable Frank Aliment, Mayor _ f Members of the City Council _ Gentlemen: ,1 /' 9/ G y . A check of the petition submitted to the Council on /P %/ 9 January 9, 1962, requesting the vacation of that portion of 86th Avenue South, lying between P.S.H. No: 1 and 108th Avenue S.E., reveals that said petition has been signed by owners representing 100% of the abutting property. Very truly yours, pA Jac' Wilson ity Engineer • „t q ,Jp . S ) ^ ,�, i ^ . �� ' +Y+3 '�f `yI�s}. .' � "L.1�/�, ^"+x 'II off` Reh up l o of• ,. . �'. '.r. TWA S IF.ill NGTO MI the Jet Tronsport Capital of the World , r , J February lc , I'...2 --jr. r a"-) IF "'avor cr:'nk Al iment nc PF Sutton Vacation _,rr,,,.rs; cf the City Council _. Gen" !emen: -h_ ' I ,nn i nc cmm i ss i on at its meet i no of January 2i:, 1 62 ..Insider P; the recuest of ' r. of John L. Sutton For 7 vaca' ire Onion of ucutheas. oa+ F th Street . This matter v:,s referrEd to the nlcnn1nc Commission for recommends' ion by the Coun .iI 0 January 5th. The Comm i s';i on reccrrmends t he t a portion of the richt of ,,say c, vacated in exctange or an enual area of the owner's .arty in Tract III, of C. 3 . Hillman' s Caroen of Ecen ..) i ' i s i on N . 2. The above recommenda+ ion i s mace for the following reasons: \, The area may be needed for future park purposes. (` \ l,ay CreeK has a potential value to the public ^n+ ._asi11, replaced if public access to the stream is acanocneo -` int,. such .:s tHs. (c The r-sicenee �n Tract I I '4 has :ben extended into 'he .,..r,ti `al i of * ne -o,unl is richt of waN, . 7 i� rEc:omeendal ion is rtr, , _--tful I f submittea for your ^rsic,erat ion, Sin erc17y. • - - i ,�= _.. ____' 7 1- ' .--�-•'t._--` L ;la ,id Jensen 2/"- . ' or LEGAL NOTICE • NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL Renton, Washington A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL AT ITS REGULAR MEETING, IN THE! COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL,-RENTON, ON February 19, 1962 AT 8:00 P.M.TO CON- SIDER A PETITION FOR STREET VACATION ,OF THE I FOLLOWING DESCRIBEDI PROPERTY. That certain roadway located. between Tracts 113 and 114 in C.D.Hillman's Garden of! Eden Addition to Seattle, Di- vision No. 2, lying easterly. of P.S.H. #1 Renton, King. County, Washington. ANY AND ALL PERSONS'' INTERESTED OR OBJECTING TO SAID VACATION ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE RENTON CITY' 'COUNCIL MEETING AT 8:00! P.M. ON FEBRUARY 19,1962 TO VOICE THEIR PROTEST, OR OBJECTION TO SAME.; HELMIE W. NELSON CITY CLERK I'DATE OF PUBLICATION:' January 25, 1962 f 0 ` ' GAL NOTICE . .L ' Renton News Record, Inc. 1 NOTICE OF PUBLIC Renton, Wash. •<: HEARING ' RENTON CITY COUNCIL _ Renton, Washington `A PUBLIC HEA PROOF OF PUBLICATION RING.SWILL r,1BE HELD BY THE RENTON' f CITY COUNCIL AT ITS REGULAR MEETING`'`Il 'THE ; This is a copy of your i COUNCIL CHAMBERS,;CITY I HALL, RENTON ON,February ; NOticle of Pohl i 0...__H............. 19, 1962"AT8:00P.M.TO CON- ' Street VacatIn 1 SIDER A PETITION , FOR as it appeared for the first time this week. . I STREET VACATION 'OI THE FOLLOWING DES C RI BED It will be published on the following dates: ' PROPERTY. ' ' 'That'certain roadway 1 cated J -n i r y 2 5, 1,962 betwZen•Tracts 113 and 114 in q,,D,Hillman's'daTden of Eden-Addition to,Seattle, Di- vision No. 2; lying,easterly Immediately following the last insertion of. 'S',H. 'A.-Renton, King the affidavit of publication will be de- �~" livered to County, Washington. ' - q your office. ANYAND 'ALL `PERSONS . INTERESTE15 OR OBJECTING Cost of notice ( A words ' 'TQ SAID "VACATION ARE % at the regular statutory rate, will be .;INVITED TO BE. PRESENT j A I ".THE: '•RENTON ,CITY 'CC COUNCIL• MEETING'AT 8:00 •1 F.M. .ON FEBRUARY.19,1962 I TO VOICE THEIR PROTEST OR OBJECTION TO SAME. THANK YOU! ' !' HELMIE W. NELSON I CITY CLERK.. We are pleased to have this DATE OF PUBLICATION: opportunity of serving you ' L_January 25, 1962 _ ___ _, and hope that you will favor • • • us with your next publication. ORDINANCE NO. 1941 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, VACATING A PORTION OF A CERTAIN STREET LOCATED IN THE CITY OF RENTON KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. WHEREAS a proper petition for vacating a portion of a certain street as hereinafter more particularly described, was duly filed with the City Clerk of the CITY OF RENTON on or about January 9, 1962, said petition being signed by the owners of more than two-thirds of the property abutting upon said street sought tote vacated, which petition was read at the regular meeting of the City Council on said date; and WHEREAS the CITY OF RENTON by Resolution No. 1129 and after due investi- gation did fix and determine the 19th day of February, 1962 at 'the hour of 8:00 P.M., in the Council Chambers of the CITY OF RENTON to be the time and place for a public hearing thereon and directed the City Clerk to give notice of such hearing in the manner provided by law; and WHEREAS the City Clerk has duly caused notice of such hearing to be published and to be posted for the time and in the manner provided by law; and • WHEREAS the public hearing was duly held upon said petition on the day so fixed and the Planning Commission having recommended said vacation of a portion of the street upon certain terms and conditions and the petitioners having agreed to such terms, and the vacation of a portion of said street being in the public interest and for the public benefit and no injury or damage to any person or properties will arise therefrom, NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: The following described portion of street right-of-way, to-wit: The North one-half of' S. E. 86th Street (Griffith Avenue), as established by this Plat of C. D. HillmanTs Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 2, as recorded in Volume 11 of Plats on Page 64, records of King County, Washington; lying Easterly of P. S. H. No. 1-A and.Westerly of 108th Avenue S. E. BE AND THE SANE IS HEREBY VACATED. SECTION II: This Ordinance shall be effective from and after its passage, approval and legal publication as provided by law. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 5th day of March, 1962. /s/ Helnie Eelson Heinle Nelson, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 5th day of March, 1962. /s/ Frank Aliment Frank Aliment, Nhyor APPROVED AS TO FORM: As/ Gerard M. Shellan Gerard NI. Shellan, City Attorney DATE OF PUBLICATION: March S, 1962 _ . . . . • . .. , . . • - . , ' . , . . . „ . , , . .„ ' ., , • . ,. . „ • - , . . . ,• : .. . . • . , . " • , .1, ' ' ' • ''1' ' ' . . '' 4 . ' . i • • ' . t ' , , i. . / i':, ''' '' ' t • i P ; , 1- C , • . . , i .• '4.' 1 p *44 , , 1 1 • I '' ' . 1 1 i 1 1 , I 1 P .;1 • i 1 1 1 i • •I P.-t i .. I' i 1 1 • I 1• 11 11 1 . I -P ' , co ,..., o' p • QUIT CLAIM DEED THIS INDENTUFE W1TMESSETH: That we, John L. Sutton sad Minnie L. Sutton his wife of King County, State of Washington, for and .r-- 111 consider=7a •---.E7 Fel-7—a 0.7f 7.77:,;1.0a). no,riar to us in hand paid and in further consideration of the general Public We:fare mid the spc -La . 1-.)'nefts Lecra.lr.:,-, to us therefrom do, by these presents grant, conve:,,, and quit-ela:Im to th,., (..',.. ,--,' o7'. Rentan, . a municipal corporation of the Stat,e of 1,4-ard-d:igtor" ,tscr :-.;t:;-..?($t, alL.,.-.:- ,...-,1,:1 ,.r.:,.- 0!--3:.r.,,r , public u.ses and purposes, the f:)licwing .7..ots; pieo!...,...=1 .2.74,f :.,a..,:11,1.1.-3 cif ! g'Id :,:11.1.4: and beinu in said King County State of Washington, and de ins z.-. ..,: fol.l. k..:::. ' The Werth 25.0 foot of Lot 114 of C.T.-0,. Eilliunth Late, ifothington .0ardee of Ndon DiViliall Nos 2, az rec,arded 1,1 Volugo 11 of Plots an Yue 640 Records of Ian Cnt7, Mosehingtmb,,, :1177,..ne eunter),y of P,S.H. gm, 1.4. , . . , TO HAVE AND TO HOLT) the said der1:)od prerth,o:7, unt,i) the saio: aity of 111..:mt(ins, its successor or successors for the =is, of the puilko, forcle...r, WITYESSEIT.1 our hands and seals this 474 clay of .?“144,17a--__,-. ......_., 19t2-4 . .. , /7 . •---- ---.7_,/c. I.,,, ... L) .. ', /limas L. Vattor. WITYES5`..aS: 6TA.T,4; OF WAST.P'!GION) COTATY c KING ) sa f or the State, (3K...re.y csr-iv ,rt L. da,y ..)3 ,....,....2L1.1:44.`t L..;_a:/ pe nt:.-)4 i'ly app.ci..,.r,:::el O..-;fclise -.TI.! JORN L. JD arid tinent 1.-- srivroV: to ine-1,177i7,77,c7137117 7..Tc.177-215.17.:i_73=;-7-n.?.'d A IA and 17.iho ilTi-.,. c=1:ii,37.A7.7.7.7:i717 .7.1.7: men t) and acknowledp,e1 tl.at ,....tbc signed and sealed the sane a.Ei li-ce and volu.ntary act and deed, for the uses and purpoes tre- in raentioned. IN WITNESS WHEREtT, I .qf.t.re hereunto at rly hand a.r.d affixed my official seal. the Oily and year in th is certl.ficaixi fi3mv-, aboveTin7itte:-... . . .47 ' --oc " 41,14.77Ze ' . . -,-.-•'-c-1.x.—............_......._______ ‘,............,44,,,,*. -.. .. -..... Nota,.-7 itI.V.Lic in and for the' St-ate of -• WasIlinjton , Residinr, at in said CCU:a V., • COiUIUITICATIONS: (Continued) • 2-26-1962 A letter from residents of the West Hill area advised Council of the inadequate water supply during summer months in their district and of the addition of new members creating a greater problem on the two-inch Bonnell line. Attention was called to inquiries made of the Water Department and Council was requested to enlighten and verify the petitioners of_a. new water system proposal for the area. Upon inquiry, Sup't. of Utilities Schroeder advised that a complete new system has been laid out for the area with 6 to 8 inch lines and construction is scheduled to begin in approximately two weeks . A motion by Malgarini, that the letter be referred to the Sup't. of Utilities to notify the petitioners of the forthcoming improvement was withdrawn upon Mr. Schroeder's information that the petitioners have already received such notification. A Bulletin from the Association of Washington Cities announced the need for ideas for the Agenda of the Mayors' Councilmen' and Managers' Roundtable Discussion of May 10, 1962. Suggestions to be mailed to Assn. of Washington Cities, 250 Smith Hall, University of Washington, Seattle 5, Washington. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poll, this communication be referred to the Council As A Whole for discussion. Carried. PROCLAMATION BY THE MAYOR: The Clerk read a Proclamation by Mayor Frank Aliment proclaiming the month of March as World's Fair Clean-up and Anti-Litter Month in the City of Renton, urging all citizens to energetically participate in observance thereof. Moved by Poll, seconded by Delaurenti, tog concur in the Proclamation by the Mayor. Carried. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Garrett, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Resolution, requested by the Sup't. of Utilities, which was read by the Clerk. The proposed Resolution appropriated funds received in excess of the estimated revenues for the year 1962 and the City Treasurer and City Clerk were therein authorized to transfer funds From: Garbage Department Account No. 7091.11 in the sum of $12,000.00, Unto: Garbage Department, Account No. 737, Garbage Contract, $10,000.00 and Garbage Department Account No. 777, Taxes, $2,000.00. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Johnson, that Resolution No. 1136 be adopted as read. Carried. The Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington, Vacating a Portion of a Certain Street Located in the City of Renton, King County, Washington, which was read by the Clerk. (John L. Sutton property). Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. The Committee Chairman advised the proposed Ordinance would be held in Committee pending receipt of a Quit Claim Deed from Mr. Sutton in conveyance of a portion of property in exchange for the vacated portion. The Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington, Amending Chapter VII (Zoning) of Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 Entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton'', which was read by the Clerk. The proposed Ordinance amends R-2 and R-3 zoning requirements relative to density pro- visions. Moved by Poli -that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Com- mittee for recommendation. The Chairman upon lack of second, advised of additional recommendations which Planning Director Jensen wished to call to Council's attention. Mr. Jensen advised that the Planning Commission had originally included provisions for changing the height restrictions in R-2 to the same as R-1 as is consistent in Ordinances of surrounding communities and in the County. It was recommended that the height limi- tation be adjusted to allow construction to two stories or 35 ft. Discussion followed regarding problems which such provision might recreate between builders and residential property owners in certain areas. Mr. Jensen pointed out that such provisions would tend to encourage development of increased construction in the Highlands as it has in North Renton. Planning Commission Chairman Denzer advised that at a joint meeting of the Commission and the Council it was decided that the density provision would be amended at this time and the height allowances would be investigated further before the. final action is taken. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. The Committee recommended that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Moved by Johnson, seconded by Trim, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. After the second and final reading it was moved by Poli, seconded by Johnson, to adopt the proposed Ordinance as read. Inquiry followed as to whether publication should be warranted before final adoption in order that the people might be advised and any further suggestions from builders or others to be taken into consideration previous to final action. -3- • INTER-OFFICE MEMO Date February 27, 1962 From: Gerard M. Shellan, Re: Quit Claim Deed - Sutton to City of Renton City Attorney .: To: Mrs. Helmie Nelson, City Clerk cc-Mr. Jack Wilson, City Engineer Message: Dear Helmie: Enclosed you will find the original of Quit Claim Deed executed by Mr. and Mrs. Sutton. The description had been prepared by the City Engineer. We suggest that you place said Deed on record with the auditor's office as soon as the ordinance vacating a portion of the street is passed next Monday. Yoverq t ly, -rard M. Shellan GMS:mr Enclosure PERMITS: (Continued) 2-19-62 PLUMBING AND HEATING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 4481 Creighton Schneider 10990 S.E. 110th Plumbing Fixtures 82 Clarence N. Jones 11615 - S.W. 97th Gas Installations 83 Hugh Bruce 355 Park Street Plumbing Fixtures 84 Grant's Auto Brokers 11251 Rainier Ave. Plumbing Fixtures 4485 Winifred Daniels 243 Langston Road Heating Equipment 86 Fred Norman 15012 Benson Road Heating Equipment 87 P. L. Chamberlain 330 Morris Street Gas Installations 88 Arthur Johns 3416 - 10th Pl. No. Plumbing Fixtures 89 R. Wiehoff 10129 - 112th Ave. SE Plumbing Fixtures 4490 R. Wiehoff 10123 - 112th Ave. SE Plumbing Fixtures 91 L. H. Purcell 3411 - llth North Gas Installations 92 Darrell A. Asplund 2234 - 9th Place Plumbing Fixtures 93 Wn. Jockey Club Longacres Race Track Plumbing Fixtures 94 Wm. Reeves 1011 "M" Street Plumbing Fixtures 4495 Archie Gustine 111 Meadow Street Plumbing Fixtures 96 Busch Construction 3223 - 12th Ave. No. Plumbing Fixtures 97 R. W. Wiehoff 10123 - 112th Ave.SE Heating Equipment 98 Joe Gatten 9820 - 115th Ave. SE Gas Installations 99 Baugh Construction. 431 Logan Street Plumbing Fixtures 4500 Calvary Baptist Church 1024 "E" Street Plumbing Fixtures O1 J. W. Mance 17309 - 94th Ave. S. Plumbing Fixtures 02 A. Milner 224 Burnett Street Plumbing Fixtures 03 Allen Wehrer 12805 - 90th Ave. S. Plumbing Fixtures 04 Allen Wehrer 12808 - 89th So. Plumbing Fixtures 4505 Dr. Robert Evoy 241 - 4th Pl. So. Plumbing Fixtures 06 Emery Wechselberger 10986 - 110th S.E. Plumbing Fixtures HEARINGS: West Hill Sanitary Sewer L.I.D. No. 248 Proposal - This being the date set, the Hearing was declared opened. A letter from the City Engineer was read submitting report on the proposed L.I.D.,estimating the cost of same to be $182,973.72 and advising the valuations of the property within the proposed district,plus 25% of the improvement,to be in the aggregate total of $457,370.00 with no outstanding assessments existing against the property. Written protests received as of 5:00 p.m. this date amount to 3.87% of the total pre- liminary estimate of the L.I.D. and constitute seven written protests which were read by the Clerk along with an additional petition containing 51 signatures,which had been subsequently received. After the readings, Mayor Aliment called for verbal protests and Mr. Jchn Jonas,Kenneth Harvey, Ron McDonald, C. L. Day, R._ Vomenice. and D. Cunningham protested the LID cost' and inquired regarding the mode of assessment, possibility of deletion of a portion of the area and Mr. Tom Nelson inquired regarding the mode of pay- ment. City Engineer Wilson outlined the mode of zone and termini assessment.used.by-the State and deemed to be the most equitable manner of determination and the method of pay- ment over a ten year period,after expiration of the interest-free 30-day period extended upon adoption of the Ordinance. Attorney Shellan outlined the methods of creation of an L.I.D. with procedures which are customarily followed and after further discussion and inquiry, Mayor Aliment called for Council action. Moved by Poli, seconded by Reid, that the Hearing be continued for one week with referral of the matter to the City Engineer for a new check on the percentage of pro- tests. Six additional Written protests were submitted to the Clerk at this time and a verbal proposal for deletion of a portion of the area. The City Engineer advised it was his original intent that the entire district lying within the corporate limits of Renton be encompassed.r Also, cost of the improvement he advised is the most equitable in consideration of the terrain and necessity for duplicate lines where the city limit boundaries fall. The pending motion was subsequently carried and the Mayor declared the Hearing continued to February 26, 1962. Street Vacation Request of John L. Sutton - This being the date set, the Hearing was declared open. The Clerk read a communication from City Engineer Wilson advising that a deck of the records discloses that Mr. Sutton owns the abutting property on each side of S.E. 86th Street, a portion of which is being requested to be vacated. A letter from the Planning Director was also read advising that the Planning Commission having received referral of the matter, recommended that a portion of the right-of-way be vacated in exchange for an equal area of the ownerb property. A recess was declared at this time. After the recess roll call was taken with all Councilmen present as previously listed. The Hearing on the ' request of John L. Sutton for street vacation was continued at this time. -2- • HEARINGS: (Continued) 2-19-1962 Planning Director Jensen, upon request, showed slides of the subject area advising that the present structure was protruding several feet onto the right of way and in order for Mr. Sutton to comply with side yard requirements of the Ordinance the recommenda- tion was made by the commission with the simple solution to be the vacation of the North one-half of the road in exchange for an equal amount of property in Tract 114 , in view of anticipated future development of the area in general. Mr. Sutton was present and indicated his consent to the transaction. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendations of the Planning Commission. Carried. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Johnson, the matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS: A letter was read from the Windsor Hills Community Club, Inc. , Margaret W. Evans, thanking and commending the Mayor and Council along with the City Departments, for the action taken in installation of Mercury Lighting and the Bus Stop shelter in their area. A letter was read from Johnston-Campanella and Associates, submitting renewed certificate for 4th and Final payment and request for release of retained percentage, payable to Hillcrest Construction Company for addition and alteration to the Highlands Fire Station No. 2 . Councilman Dullahant, Chairman of the Fire and Water Committee, presented his Committee report which was read by the Clerk advising that final inspection had been made on the construction on Saturday, February 10, 1962 and acceptance of the work is recommended at this time. The acceptance is only for the performance of the work by the Contractor and is subject to statutory regulations for retention of the percentage pending payment of any liens against the work. Councilman Malgarini made the motion to concur in the recommendation of the Fire and Water Committee to accept '-the construction. The motion was seconded by Pinkerton and carried. A letter was read from Mr. Bob Wray along with a Petition containing 47 signatures requesting a license to operate a Pawnbroker's business in the City of Renton and supporting said request. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Vietzke, to refer these communications to the Police and License Committee. Carried. A letter was read from the Washington Broadcasting Company, written by Raymond H. Pounder, General Manager, indicating desire to locate broadcasting facilities on the East Valley Highway approximately two and one-half miles south of Renton. The zoning code does not provide for the height of the towers which would be necessary and favorable consideration was requested in allowing the construction which, it was stipu- lated, would not interfere with aerial navigation. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Malgarini, to refer this communication to the Planning Commission to report back. Carried. A Petition containing nine signatures protested the operation of taxicab business in the residential area of 11222 - 115th Avenue S.E ., the owner of said operations being John Hogan. The Clerk read the document after which it was moved by Dullahant, seconded by Reid, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee for investigation and report back. Carried. A letter was read from the Planning Director which had been directed to the Building Superintendent urging that Mr. Dominic Deloso adjust the site plan for his proposed construction to allow for possible future extension of Mill Street. Dis- cussion followed regarding feasibility of such extension; and Planning Director Jensen advised the State Highway Department had given assurance that portions of Mill could be built over part of the interstate right-of-way and that the necessary footage would be available to the city for extension. Building Sup't. Highton advised that the Building Permit had been been issued this date and there was some discussion on the permit issuance prior to investigation of the Planning Commission request, after which it was moved by Reid, seconded by Delaurenti, the matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee. Carried:. A letter was read from Douglas K. Felker, Secretary of the Planning Commission, advising that the Commission has appointed a special Committee to consider amendments of the present zoning code with respect to liberalizing the area requirements in multiple dwelling zones. Specifically designated by the Commission was that sub-paragraph 1 under B-1 (Building District) be amended to provide that uses permitted in R-3 and R-4 be free of any set-back requirements,except as may be required by the Building Code, with the further amendment that there shall be not less than three permanently main- tained parking spaces on the same lot or tract for every four residence units for R-3 zonings and for multiple dwellings on B-1 zoned properties. -3- February 19, 1962 The Honorable Frank Aliment, Mayor Members of the City Council Gentlemen: RE: Street Vacation Request of Jbhn Sutton A check of the County Records indicates that Mr. Sutton • owns the abutting property on each side of S.E. 86th Street of that portion of the street under consideration for vacation. Very truly yoursk ac Wilson City Engineer JW:tg • y�� ®�GTO fal the Jet Transport Capitol of the World February 19, 1962 Honorable Mayor Frank Aliment RE: Sutton Vacation and Members of the City Council Gentlemen: The Planning Commission at its meeting of January 24, 1962 considered the request of Nr. John L. Sutton for a vacation cf a portion of Southeast 86th Street. This matter was referred to the Planning Commission for recommendation by the Council on January 9th. The Commission recommends that a portion of the right of way be vacated in exchange for an equal area of the owner's property in Tract 114 of C. D. Hillman's Garden of Eden Division No. 2. The above recommendation is made for the following reasons: (a) The area may be needed for future park purposes. (b) May Creek has a potential value to the public not easily replaced if public access to the stream is abandoned at paints such as this. (c) The residence on Tract 113 has been extended into the north half of the public right of way. This recommendation is respectfully submitted for your consideration. Sincere y, 41111W'�► J . ravid Jensen P_annin. Director JDJ :pc LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC ' ' HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL Renton, Washington A -PUBLIC ,HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON. CITY COUNCIL AT ITS. REGULAR MEETING, IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, ON February 19, 1962 AT 8:00 P.M.TO CON- SIDER A PETITION FOR ' STREET, VACATION ,OF THE FOLLOWING •DESCRIBED PROPERTY. That certain roadway located between Tracts 113 and .11.4 in C.D.Hillm'an's Garden of Eden Addition to Seattle, Di- vision No. 2, lying easterly 'of P.S.H. •#1 Renton, King County, Washington. ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED OR OBJECTING TO SAID VACATION ARE INVITED' TO BE PRESENT AT THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL-MEETING AT' 8:00 r P.M. ON FEBRUARY 19,1962 TO VOICE THEIR PROTEST I OR OBJECTION TO SAME. HELMIE. W. NELSON - - CITY.CLERK DATE OF PUBLICATION: January 25, 1962 ( l . . - - ' • •--- .. , • . . . . . . .„ .._._C. 4'M.,4....,'44"1.'. .'"•1•••12''''-1 ''"\'''' ...•,42/-414'ir.,r.r--4., 4.z.,. .:212.f...';':::.-::'-i'',:-.; t„'''. p'•--.,'-t4 1.",Z.''';.'•)';',',:s. 1:,:!'''"), 1.24'...":0:,'.',1 .;',.71''.!,,i,..).**1 `.e„,'":17,.`i ';:....1.,,,- ',',:,-1,,-;:..i- '1•,:;:',14%.,:i'2„,-....":, ,,,7,),'0 .0.'''!,,,„1-:) Ctit-D, 1-:),17:' ,v,,n'irintio:-;,, ,•'',.)::.? ,.::."....7,2K;447; ,J.•":.:ca'147.1q?" '.:';.:', .2••' 1.:.'"-!.. .v. T..r2.7'L;:.1'.;.:1.:".:,i;.-.-:„'.1.1.,,''', '':::',.14a? 'ir,7,2;t..;":.!:::-.4-14',:.)[.--4 0:..,' z.l. , . r.."; 1:'0.-a-4141-7 tja j 4r,0•:-ti!'.',,. ,;-.1... ,''ry...1 - -:.,-.•1,'-,1(r'', l'`,"--;•'!.:-1,,,? e'vM,r-lex,"..g.1 ?.v? 44,44.) 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Sutton req,u.esst`" the road—ay between tracts 113• and 114 to • . be'vs•cat:ed..on the folloaving described property: TractsJ_1,, "1.12., 113 an.rl -114. of° C: -D. .Ilillran's• Gird-en of Eden addi.ti.on. to ,Seatt.le, Division # 2, F,\CEPT ,the `'L:e,Aer]-y 236 ' . . feet of each of s;'id tracts•... 'Mr. .Sutton'being the owner on both' sides uf roadway: : • State of Washington ) - County of Icin • g • ss Cn:.this day i'ersort-ally apQ:'e;ire:+ before re 'John L. Sutton to -me ' ' known to,..be. th.e individua l oe,scribed• inand ',nho 'executed the ,within , and- foregoing instrument. ,''and aackncwl.edged that he signed the . _same a,s._his• free and voluntary act and deed;—,for—:the ' us-es 'and . . purposes therein mentioned , • • -.Given under ray bane, and official seE l: this .- 9t'h' day, of tTJnu<ary, 1962 . fir /''-... 1 S'7 ter.. . . ./? . ' ...) . / ee.,,Cti,Z..e. .. . , • • - Notai residing. at Seat:tle-' f . ,- . . . i • . - rasa .,.,)' - ' Pam', '�,. 'S•'(,.7, o... �..^ . _. A iar,�j wt., :1 � • `�,9 _ ' cSG �•-. ,. N .