HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAC - S 128th & S 126th St -' RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Frank Aliment at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL OF COUNCILMEN: Reid, Dullahant, Hulse, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Custer, Delaurenti and Poli. Moved by Custer, seconded by Delaurenti, that the absent Councilmen be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent and David Jensen, Planning Director. • The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Patrolman Charles Swartfager. The Invocation was delivered by Rev. Ervin Gerlitz of Sierra Hts. Baptist Church. Moved by Poli, seconded by Reid, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of January 14, 1963 be approved as written. Carried. OPENING OF BIDS: This being the date set, the following bid was opened and read for one (1) 1962 Topeka Highway Mower. Swain Equipment Company, 30857 Pacific Highway South, Federal Way, Wn. Used Model Storm Topeka Hiway Mower per specifications - $3,334.17, F.O.B. Renton, $3, 105.93 plus State Sales Tax, $128.24. A 5% Certified Check accompanied the bid. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hulse, to refer the bid to the Street and Alley Committee for recommendation. Carried. HEARINGS: Vacation of So. 128th Street from Rainier Ave. to 91st Ave. So. This being the -date set, the Hearing was declared open. The Clerk read the request for the Vacation, the Engineer's report that 100% of the property owners were represented thereon and the Planning Commission recommendation that the street not be vacated. There were no additional communications and Mayor Aliment called for verbal comment at this time. Mr. Tom Nelson, in regard for present lack of adequate access to the subject area stated his opposition to the vacation. A report from the Street and Alley Committee and City Engineer recommended that the Vacation be denied inasmuch as South 128th is the last remaining street which might be opened to the West of Rainier Ave. between Renton Ave. and Bryn Mawr and could be an important part of the final street pattern in subsequent development of the area. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee and the City Engineer. Carried. The Hearing was closed. This being the date set, the Hearing on proposed Vacation of South 126th Street between 87th and 88th Avenues South was declared open. The Clerk read the request by Petition of abutting property owners along with City Engineer's statement that 100% of property owners were represented thereon. A report was read from the Street acid Alley Committee recommending that the proposed Vacation be denied inasmuch as 87th Avenue South is presently a dead end street and So. 126th affords the best possibility of developing an additional access to 87th Avenue South. Also, there are over fifty single family lots under construction west of 87th Ave. South which may demand that further access be provided to the area. Mayor Aliment invited comment from the audience and as there was no response, it was moved by Dullahant, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee and City Engineer. Carried. The Hearing was declared closed. APPEAL of Planning Commission Decision on rezone by Investment Exchange Corporation. This being the date set the Hearing was opened. The Clerk reported that the Planning Commission had recommended rezone of Lots 4, 5, 6, & 7, Block B,Akers Farms No. 6, from "G" to R-3 with provision for granting of permit to allow construction of a clinic on a portion of Lot. 7. . The Appeal was based on the fact that a B-1 zoning request -:o permit a service station on a portion of the property was not recommended by the Planning Commission. (Gould-Charlton property). There had been no further written communications received and Mayor Aliment invited comment from the saudience. -1- it%s. ..--1,41 -P , ri.,-:z '„, ,,,t,,,. 1 Renton 1 ' 'u Y,W A S H I N'G T O N the Jet Transport Capital of the World -f ' ...........2' \f �i .cyp. Re: Vacation of So. 126th Street between 87th and 88th Avenues South Dear Petitioner: Enclosed herewith is excerpt of the Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting of January 21; 1963 containing proceedings of the Hearing which was held on the above-captioned matter. The Notice of Hearing was duly published and posted according to law and we forward for your information record of the Council action taken subsequent thereto. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON 1,2€_.--i--d-I -/1' ,-/. ,.-.2/ ./ e_Ed_4-7,...) Helmie W. Nelson, ((( City Clerk HWN/dm Enclosure NOTICE OF PUIlLIC NEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL RENTON,WASHINGTON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that peN- tions to vocate portions of street- to wit: That portion of South 12$th Strout front Rainier Aronu.to 91st Awn- u. South; and that portion of South 126th Street b. Av.nw South and th Aron.. South hays b..n filed with the City Clot* of the City of Renter's. Th. City Coun- cil by Resolutions No. 1171 and 1179 duly adopted at its regular tooting of Decoesb.r 17, 1962 fixed end dis- mounted th. 21st date of January, 1963 at the hour of C CM P.M., In the council chambers, City Hall, City of Renton, es the date and place at which said public hearings will bo held by the City Council tepee poN- tions to vacate said portions of streets. Any and all persons Interested Mers- in or wishing to *bled thereto, teary then be hoard thereon or may file their written objections to said vaca- i tions with it. City Cl.r* prior to said tieso of hearing. HEI.MIE W.NELSON • CITY CLERK Published in the Record-Chronicle D.c.nsb.r 26,1962. . :%::'t:. :\, , I . -..1.,4 r ,:4_,,.:, , .. ,, , „. . ., , i ,,,,,,,„.. . , ,. i, ,7 jJ .tiWASHilIdGTOIJ the Jet Transport Capital of the World .i' ilk 0 'f),___________._.„,,,__„,..-."'.-------------------- Re: Vacation of So. 126th Street between 87th and 88th Avenues South Dear Petitioner: I Enclosed herewith is excerpt of the Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting of January 21, 1963 containing proceedings of the Hearing which was held on the above-captioned matter. The Notice of Hearing was duly published and posted according to law and we forward for your information record of the Council action taken subsequent thereto. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON 2,(2 .----44---"(-4/ .2/ jpe.1 ,_..,1 Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk HWN/dm Enclosure RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Frank Aliment at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL OF COUNCILMEN: Reid, Dullahant, Hulse, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Custer, Delaurenti and Poli. Moved by Custer, seconded by Delaurenti, that the absent Councilmen be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent and David Jensen, Planning Director. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Patrolman Charles Swartfager. The Invocation was delivered by Rev. Ervin Gerlitz of Sierra Hts. Baptist Church. Moved by Poli, seconded by Reid, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of January 14, 1963 be approved as written. Carried. OPENING OF BIDS: This being the date set, the following bid was opened and read for one (1) 1962 Topeka Highway Mower. Swain Equipment Company, 30357 Pacific Highway South, Federal Way, Wn. Used Model Storm Topeka Hiway Mower per specifications - $3,334.17, F.O.B. Renton, $3,`105.93 plus State Sales Tax, $128.24. A 5% Certified Check accompanied the bid. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hulse, to refer the bid to the Street and Alley Committee for recommendation. Carried. HEARINGS: Vacation of So. 128th Street from Rainier Ave. to 91st Ave. So. This being the date set, the Hearing was declared open. The Clerk read the request for the Vacation, the Engineer's report that 100% of the property owners were represented thereon and the Planning Commission recommendation that the street not be vacated. There were no additional communications and Mayor Aliment called for verbal comment at this time. Mr. Tom Nelson, in regard for present lack of adequate access to the subject area stated his opposition to the vacation. A report from the Street and Alley Committee and City Engineer recommended that the Vacation be denied inasmuch as South 128th • is the last remaining street which might be opened to the West of Rainier Ave. between Renton Ave. and Bryn Mawr and could be an important part of the final street pattern in subsequent development of the area. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee and the City Engineer. Carried. The Hearing was closed. This being the date set, the Hearing on proposed Vacation of South 126th Street between 87th and 88th Avenues South was declared open. The Clerk read - the request by Petition of abutting property owners along with City Engineer's statement that 100% of property owners were represented thereon. A report was read from the Street a:d Alley Committee recommending that the proposed Vacation be denied inasmuch as 87th Avenue South is presently a dead end street and So. 126th affords the best possib`'.lity of developing an additional access to 87th Avenue South. Also, there are over fifty single family lots under construction west of 87th Ave. South which may demand that further access be provided to the area. Mayor Aliment invited comment from the audience and as there was no response, it was moved by Dullahant, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee and City Engineer. Carried. The Hearing was declared closed. APPEAL of Planning Commission Decision on rezone by Investment Exchange Corporation. This being the date set the Hearing was opened. The Clerk' reported that the Planning Commission had recommended rezone of Lots 4, 5, 6, & 7, Block B,Akers Farms No. 6, from "G" to R-3 with provision for granting of permit to allow construction of a clinic on e ,crt _c_z of: Lot. 7. The Appeal was based on the fact that a B-1 zoning request '..o permit a service station on a portion of the property was not recommended by the Planning Commission. (Gould-Charlton property) . There had been no further written communications received and Mayor Aliment invited comment from the audience. -1- r -• . „ _ • ,•, -,,-.,140T)CE6f,PUlatitHEARING ' ,ILINTON crp,toliNcit • izEtfrotviviAsilik4G1-214--,: NOTICE.IS Mr:RW*1/EN-that:Pati- Hons. tO vacate oar.' streets,. , • .• „. That genital et Street flew ihalelir"Weever -;" • ui5j Seal.that on,of :„ -„Sarth.,160,-Starer- -• ,,Aveeve; th Ave , loath ,ha bn RInd with di. City • City.4;11.11*.M. City C : • 1171-and-.1179 defy,itehipleit-at:its--ragelai reeetieg • • Diaealsti'17,-1962,-fleed-and „'•:terSised 214'slats!a,Jonvor; 1)63 at lrhe-heel OCI:0o.P.M. the ',,,•safassik-4Fhaerlseit,--,-tily Hall City of • -Ranaja,,'Fre,the dot, and Place::at which said public halngs, bythu City Council upon p,ti ; flsto yaeste pecats-itStreiti." In cc wii&ji, to bjsct then";,. tft'ilif- -ta."„soldrverce--':-:,1 • .tioes'erith the Cyr-ascii prior to Said Hlt*Ww NELSON - CITYCkERK-. • _'" •-• P14,110,44 lt .the; :194 • ".;•. x_ r 1- 1..j oi - • -:,--, ,, e n so op he , , ,'„O, ,WA S H I N G T O N the Jet Transport Capital of the World 411111011.111110 Mr. & Mrs. Don .Goodwin, 12525-88th Ave. So. Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. McCullough, 12600-87th South Cdem Lapsansky1 12605-88th Ave. S. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Lynn, 12623-88th Ave. So. Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Ewing, I2620-88th So. Mr. & Mrs. George H. Flynn, I2616-88th Ave. So. Wilbert Poeschel, I42L3-58th Ave. So., Tukwila • Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Poeschel, I2)I)I0-87th Ave. So. Mr. & Mrs. George Gabelbanz, 12517-88th Ave. So. Mrs. Elmer Hurinen, I2607-88th Ave. So. Re: Vacation of So. 126th Street between 87th and 88th Avenues South Dear Petitioner: Enclosed herewith is excerpt of the Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting of January 21, 1963 containing proceedings of the Hearing which was held on the above-captioned matter. The Notice of Hearing was duly published and posted according to law and we forward for your information record of the Council action taken subsequent thereto. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk HWN/dm Enclosure NCMCE CP MB= MAT= 1.1E1ITCN clay COON= liENTalo WASBM7.20t1 uccexas xs .101 42tt GIVEN MAT PSTIDICOS TO VA PORTICOS CV MEWS, TO WIT: =AT POIMEXT OP3cxrt LIM STE= PECK wok MIME TO AST AV EMC SAMS 101 TUX PCROVX CV SC= JOSS S'46414: MN= 8 mum SC4STE AND 8Z MINUS SW= 11AVB BEM mow wzai CZET CLEM CV TEE c CV itt 41.11`‘ • ME CI= CCUEXE, BY RESCILVICVS uo. 1178 A20 1179 DT= METED AT VS urnuiAla DIECIING CV tit 04-t. 1145°. 1%2 0 AND DVBEEt 0,4 allE 241T DATE OF JIMMY* 1963 AT TEE awn cv 8:co P.m" caterna cualssusi CITY BALL, CITY CV HERM, AO TUE DATE AND PLWE .05! wirz21 SAS rum= Wm= VIM BE liktO BY tE CC CCM= II2Ctl PErmaiS TO VACXIE MVOS CV =EPS' ANY AND ALB •at -8 VITERBO= tuittatEIN al MU= TO ? t =WO, NAY MEN BE BEAM lir CU aq wa rim THSIR RI= CGIECTIONS TO SLID VACATICLIS vTHE CITY CI= MICR TO SAID TAM CV =TM • 1104 /11,. Ws NEESCO CITY CZ DATE OF PUBLICATIal: 260 1962 CE IITIFICATXON IC.11ATIZ-9 TIN NtY car rma Tims (3) c cv AB= BCCit= WERE POSTED Br m, f,ilatu CONSPICUOUS t4. Cti TEE PECVEETIES DES=EM ABOVE AND ME (1) COPY MS= AT TEE CITY EAI4 CN 19 , Dec 1962 AS =WE= BY LAW. SIOND; ATEST 'ARY PtIBTAirtrea$ VASOINVON, MI = P12 WASEDINCIN Q i //. WHEREAS.,a- petition has been.filed :with the City Clerk of ..the CITY. RENTON on• • about I ra mbar 20'; 1962 petitioning .the,'.vacation of a�'portion of a--:Certain roadway • aase` hereinafter more',particularly ;desrribed;•'asid said'petition being signed by the owners off: ore than two-thirds' of .t a property'abutting.upon ,said 'Portion of 'the :roadway . sought. tci::be.�ea c ted, .sa being:,r eseribed:'es follows.,; to—wits • :;South .,'That portion of. South-126.th:.Street between 88th'Av nnue/and 87th Avenue '.South, ell situate .in Renton, King, County;_ Washington, • • Ncipi.:TREK)'ORS.. ,. ' • , f a YT•RESOL . ,BY.. MAYOR�•�Autif., E:CITE•COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RENTON AS !?OLL(MS: • Section:I: • That the J da :of,":J�anuar 1963 as�t: the hour-of' 8 0 r �� Y• y;• ots 0 P.M. a t the City,Council Chats berg in: the City lia11y'or' the City.of :Renton,, .King County, +aabingtr�n,. be :and .it- is 'hereby,ff read .as''-the, end, •'the place 'when the aforresaaid petition • for vacating the:', aforedescribed ,roadway:steal die` heard and determined. . . • .:.The City:Clerk La hereby--aautherized and -directed .to, give notice of said time and .• hearing as provided.by,. law; acid r�ny: and all..persons interested:therein 'or objecting , to:.said 'vacation'may then'appeer and .be- heard -thereon, : .or:,they may file their written ': .:objections'thereto with the City Clerk.;"prior,.to`Or at .the .time of-.the hearing on Said •vacaation:,:' .The City cif, Renton•also reserves the .right to-'retain ate easement far util ty end Other-public •purpostif-,within said roadway sought,to be'; Vacated.. ?ASSEET. BY THE;CITY:':CO,-NCIL:.thid. tthhday •of,4eCeMber4. ,!962'. }ls mxe'Nelson*, ,City Clerk • • • •.APPROVED BY THE MAYOR" tb3 aa''17 th day: a€' December,, . 1962,.; . . VFrank Aliment ; Mayor , APPROVED.:AS Tf7.PORK: = .di mice M. She:l lain, City IA tloriley . Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 12-3-62 COMMUNICATIONS! (cont.) Transfers of monies within general classes of departments! Fromi Police Department, 7025/717, Movable Equipment $ 100000 7025 - Salaries and Wages 17500 Unto: Police Departffient, 7025/75); Office Expense, Phones 50000 1700; Capital Outlay 50000 Unto: Dog Pound, 7020 - Salaries and Wages 175.00 From: Municipal Buildings, 7036.121/738, Fuel 2,000.00 Unto: Non-Department, 7035/760, Pension and Retirement 2,000.00 From: Traffic Signals, 7036.234/737, Power 800.00 From: Traffic Signals, 7036.234/1700, Capital Outlay 700.00 Unto: Traffic Signals, 7036.234/733, Equipment Maintenance 1,500.00 From Street Maintenance, 7037.2/784, Material & Supplies 2500400 Unto: Street Maintenance 7037.2/744, Insurance 640100 760, Pension and Retirement 1,860i0(5 From: Water Administrative, 7090.11/777, Taxes 37500 Unto: Water Administrative, 7090.11/760, Pension and Retirement 375.00 From: Water Maintenance, 7090.12/726, Building Maintenance 4 400.00 738, Heating Supplies 1000.00 766, Radio Parts 210.00 779, Tools & Equipment 1,400.00 784, Material & Supplies 1,700.00 1700, Capital Outlay 3,000.00 Unto: Water Maintenance, 7090.12/737, Utility Service 9,500.00 751, Laundry Service 10.00 Salaries and Wages 2,200.00 • From: Sewer Transmission: 7092.12/726, Building Maintenance 400.00 1700, Capital Outlay 17,500.00 Unto: Sewer Administrative, 7092.11/737, Utility Service 12,000.00 777, Taxes 5 000•00 Unto: Sewer Transmission, 7092.12/777, Movable Equipment 400.00 Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the reconmended transfers and to refer the matter to 'the Ordinance Committee for the proper Resolution. Carried. Councilman Trimm requested that each Councilman be furnished a copy of the list of transfers :- Relative to annexation request by property owners in the Honeydew area, the City Clerk read the findings of the Review Board from its meeting 'of November 29, 1962, as follows: "Moved by Olsen, seconded by Duckworth, that the Board finds the annexation of this area to the City of Renton will be in the public interest and for the public welfare as well as 'in the best interest of the 'City and approves the annexation; and that notice of such approval be submitted to the City Council for further action by said body; and that the Minutes of this meeting be incorporated in and represent the findings- and conclusion of the Board of Review, a copy thereof to be filed with the City Council for further action, as provided by Law.14 The motion carried unanimously. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Custer, that the date of December 17, 1962 be set for Hearing on the proposed annexation. Carried. (Hilltop 'Sand & Gravel, Beter-Bilt Moues, Inc., et al properties). A letter from City Engineer, 'Jack Wilson, reported that the Petition for vacation of a portion 'of South 126th Street, between 87th and '88th Avenues South, was signed by 100% of the abutting property owners according to a check of the County records- Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, to refer this communication to the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. A letter from Brightman & Holm, Attorneys at Law, advised of a purchase agree- ment between Cascade Utilities, Inc., and Cascade Sewer District whereby the Sewer District will become owner of all the facilities presently serving the Cascade areas. Part of their agreement involves construction of an interceptor line from the present facilities to the Cedar River Metro trunk, part of which lies within the 'City of Renton. It was requested that City representatives meet with those of the sewer district to consider the proposed Agreement.. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Dullahant, to refer the communication to the Sani- tation Committee and the Superintendent of Utilities. Carried. -2- . 7- vqf tt v, 1,4-4,,, 41111Alip... S,i y O. _ ,W A S H I N G T O N the Jet Transport Capital of the World toVr II , .4.:A OFFICE OF THE CITY ENGINEER 012,1,Y(''or : -!' 1 liof: ►_ .(ii __ -4,/ild'kj/ - c"-• November 30, 1962 Honorable Frank Aliment, Mayor Members of the City Council Re: Petition to Vacate South 126th Street between 87th Avenue South and 88th Avenue South. Gentlemen: %' A check of the County Records indicates that the petition to vacate South 126th Street as defined above was signed by 100% of the abutting property owners. Very truly yours; 7 ,(J :5422.., VOLta-C%— Wilson City Engineer JW:mc 49 • 47 Q i J 1 4 z > a to 122 NO ST. S 122"m ST 5Z 53 54 © 2 �1Z :. I23R° - ST. UN 4 5 cm b 1 2 E 57 5G 5 5 CI EY 9 0 4 7 v LEI ro, 12.3al) PL. MEM ` ' IIISEN GC " CIE I © • • • r 5 1 2 3 4 5'• -'6 7 1Z4Tw I �T• _ / L - A Iiiiio ST L *. Z , %16 9 Kil S 1261 S..r. MIR 4 u+ A. �� O® i��.?��%N i 5 12(o I�_y•H; 9!/liFk: _-'J /4 ©©®imi ©® %Woo 0%.4.1 VM k 11111111113 0 MEI Z %� mini �ji� t �s8r�17� C7 a F _ I 'b U V• iiimi ' �2 `7 2 s �■ ®22 .... :�.E_ IIP 2 s a9 a t9 .1 4- ••pmi W ®r►.r s ice■ t >FR. I: >, 6 •If r'■ NI 17 ,5 Q 7 ID MO `2 I. 8 9 RIB \ _ r S I28Tw ST. 43 2 QZs^ lill2 }'5 40 W 39 1 I /� 4•. •3 •2 l -• .: G 4 Q `• V 8 9 IO 27 Q ` � 26 $ IVACI 129 TH ST. 7 2 112 ` ®` 48 a�3 2 1 .`25 44 45 46 44 79 Qv 6 \ \\ \\5. 130*" 5J 13 :. 2A CO 5 8 ai ��,pa \� 14'+; \ ST� Vj \ 29 $ 130 TN ST C� VAC 3 a I z 3 a = ...... III \ 3 .. 22 57 :`. �'`J6� 55 ~ 54� 53 \ 2 Q 21 •. 876 5co8 76 5 0.1 Ste\ \ •' 18 20 S 'a I315T 5T _VAc--__ > \-7 2\ "..._\\I _ 19 1 . 1 1 1 I I I l i ._ . Q o \\�F\ CITY OF RENTON II \, \\ \\- ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 5T 4 3 2 I p_\ . PRCR05E U VA CA 1 ON s I Z -EhST ZO 1411 \ ��` \ FRAM \ 8'-i.' 7 1--1 E ` :). T° 8 a'—" AVE '50. 1 `' 0 . 7 8 DRAWN ..C._R._____ DATE 1J13V 2_Y5,1`3C0i FILE NO. _ 2 Z 7 ; (`NECKED_ _ -___ SCALE 1" n 40' FIELD BOOK-_-_PAcL_- g 4 3 - - 1 •000nvcn W -� ,.e ���w,� 11813'q 7 p, cJ \ ,c/i )lx 3 c. /9‘4___ ^ a N� ;\ • C.a C, j ( 4 0, Ci' 0.: j?, €'d Q)I HONORABLE MAYOR ;F,`j, C%'-,,O• l MEM?_,RS OF CITY COUNCIL �0 ` ' ��4, CITY OF RENTON z L -' CITY HALL RENTON, WASH. WE THE UNDERSIGNED PROPERTY OiMEERS ON SO. 126TS BETFI1'FT7 88TH AVE. SO AND 87ND AVE SO. MAKE APPLICATION`TQH VE THIS STREET VACATED. THIS 3TRFT+;T HAS NEVER BEM Iivi'ROVED AND IS COVERED WITH BRUSH. IIT..ANKING YOU FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION OF THIS MATTER. NAME ADDRESS v 7,-.4_ 4ax. /�..� , g8 W e Me',ti%G x/ 24, Vug.,G /,2 aoo - S 2 , f9, - ,(law / AG o✓c- -- p-r � - IL c- /iltiQkitAz6iq ' ,ipx/tA"-)4A^-2 /20 -23 - Mck)F6-- ' ;%%,. jjl,1Q 1/ i.Gfi > /161.a U1�a2,Ld; l�a�Zd�i m. , )ice . j t.� 4,, / 614 k -- ,4'' f ,/4(,e13 - ,0 G 11 a `264,4„.(h ) } , .(y--- ttedeltit ,/, ‘P.-/I . v 1 1 0 e 0 S 1 44.-e-trii, t).,i-i , & ,// Z . cf .f. � /g%' t e-e�. . .,ei 6 _i: ,�„ u; ,� /: e 0 7 & s• -- ��,\ 161718`%�,, L r o (,) ,`� , s U1.FQ/ 9 9, - -* -The Renton Chronicle Renton, Wash, NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ;,FtENTON CITY COUNCIk; t Proof Publication RENTON,WASHINGTON of NOTICE IS HEREBY o�;o^N o astreets, This is a copy of your tions to vacate p i to ��Y1 � CJ�" That portion of South 128th Street i from Rainier Avenue to st eof ue South; and that portionas it appe a or the first time this week. 'South 126th Street between 88th i Avenue South and 87th Avenue SouthI It will be published on the following dates: have been filed with the City ClerkCoun- (� n t6, V • of the City of Renton. The City P _ / cil by Resolutions No. 11 and e 179 duly adopted at its regular ing of December 17, 1962 fixed and de- �s. .m, termined the 21st date of January,1963 at the hour of 8:OU P.M., in the Immediately following the last insertion Hall, City of the affidavit of publication will be deliver- council chambers, City lace oat f Renton, as the date and P ed to your office. which said public hearings will e held by the City Council upon peti- tions `� to vacate said portions of streets• persons interested there- Cost of notice Any and P object thereto, may in orbe wishing to e file at the regular statutory rate, will be 1then heard thereon or may , their written objections to said vacs- )tions with the City Clerk prior to said oLt� time of heHEIE t $ W.NELSON CITY CLERK ' Published in the Record-Chronicle • � . December 26,1962. �_ L ------ I Thank You We are pleased to have this oppor- tunity of serving you and hope that you will favor us with your next * * publication. a` �P _- NOTICE Of PUILIC HEARING 1 RENTON CITY COUNCIL RENTON,WASHINGTON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pets- ( tions to vacate portions of streets, to wit: That portion of South 121th Street from Rainier Avenue to 91st Awn- �. ue South; and that portion of South 126th Street be en_Mtb Avenue South onciiith Avenue South have been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Renton. The City Coun- cil by Resolutions No. 1171 and 1179 duly adopted at its regular meeting of December 17, 1962 fixed and de- termined the 21st date of January, 1963 at the hour of 1:00 P.M., In the council chambers, City Hall, City of Renton, as the date and place at which said pubik hearings will be held by the City Council upen peti- tions to vacate said portions of streets. Any and all persons interested there- in or wishing to objed thereto, may then be heard thereon or may file their written objections to sold voca- tions with the City Clerk prior to said time of hearing. HELMIE W.NELSON CITY CLERK Published in the Record-Chronicle December 26,1962. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ' RENTON CITY COUNCIL RENTON,WAS`si;NGTON, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that peti- tions to vacate portions of streets, o wit: That portion of South 128th Street from Rainier Avenue to 91st Aven- ue South; and that portion of South 126fh Street between 88th Avenue South and 87th Avenue South ave been filed with the City Clerk f the City of Renton. The City Coun-' it by Resolutions No. 1178 and 1179 luly adopted at its regular meeting ,f December 17, 1962 fixed and de- ermined the 21st date of January, 963 at the hour of 8:00 P.M., in the ouncil chambers, City Hall, City of tenton, as the date and place at rhich said public hearings will be field by the City Council upon peti- ions to vacate said portions of streets. \ny and all persons interested there- n or wishing to object thereto, may hen be heard thereon or may file heir written objections to said,vaca- ions with the City Clerk prior to said Ime of hearing. HELMIE W.NELSON CITY CLERK Published in the Record-Chronicle ecember 26,1962. v)t LA1I Real Estate — — ri 11925, $ 1,298: HERRON ISLAND RE away from it all, play. Perfect spot field. Includes rigl boat dock. 85 x 1� down and $25 per n $ 8,500: LAKE KATHLEEN: Imr with big picture wir wall carpet; elec. h Good lake view an property. A quiet lc go. $700 dn.A gooc $18,300: ROOMY, RUSTIC CEDI on 100 x 110 lot. Fir sq. ft.; rear patio; Adjoins popular Br A VERY HAPPY HOLIDAY orm 0? TIMMY CLERK Dricwbor 4, "4962 M. poz. tr t7) ;:co1 Pnts1; r.,:x212n- On Ur. Pz,:o !;:enderGon 1=2 Y6w3ton Rout?. Con 'an, '; -:,0,1Kctiot Rot Vac;3tn 126th Street flrc, O .9-.0t Avenue Gout% RoLltt.l.vo La yoor request o? 01.t:Lor 17, 1962, the propoal hn been re;Cerred treat AlLc y Coctec 6nd the Plannili;,; C.,)-( i0a0D. At the ;-.Q:,1,L:1:Liz Cf.^.' 7 Council meetac %30;,,;enilkr 1%2 the Comuf ssion 1:1Q.4oc n1Lwn 1.1131; the Jtroo tot be voeatea i eonstructim comidered to ji3 pwcticalothiILtynzy: uriy prove to be ocit auito ulon 1:Qttern within the area. This mem- nendaa been reRerred to no G'.::reet and Ailey Coallittee icr t1r 'opor and :,:omLnnt;ntIon. There 1.1%!:1 bcon no (lato set at the proent ;.2or hornn on ViJa :41d .1.:urther Cranl aotion L11 iLo :'auT.9!-eixnt to the Streo orol Palny report. Yours very ,x7:11y, CITY OF PINT Helfaie City IE11/Co / % 4`Q / ...�/`,'1, • Renton, Washington October 17, 1962 To. the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City Hall Renton, Washington Re: Vacation of South 128th Street from Rainier Avenue to 91st Avenue South Gentlemen: The undersigned property owners are desirous of expanding their existing facilities on Rainier Avenue, which facilities are divided by South 128th Street. To facilitate this expansion it is necessary and desirous that South 128th Street he vacated from Rainier Avenue to 91st Avenue South. This street has never been improved nor has 91st Avenue South in this location. This street serves no useful purpose for either the property owners, the public, or the ' City of Renton and should be returned to the tax rolls by the vaca- tion of same. The undersigned property owners are the sole owners abutting South 121st Street between Rainier Avenue and 91st A venue South. Your favorable consideration of this request will be appreciated. XR"sctfull sub.ix}itted: obert Riv =y - ! 1 L.,4C�Zf i ` � / lJ` ```1(( Lai . ! T � ,I SI Frank H-m erson Renton, Washington October 17, 1962 To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City Hall Renton, Washington Re: Vacation of South 128th Street from Rainier Avenue to 91st Avenue South Gentlemen: The undersigned property owners are desirous of expanding their existing facilities on Rainier Avenue, which facilities are divided by South 128th Street. To facilitate this expansion it is necessary and desirous that South 128th Street be vacated from Rainier Avenue to 91st Avenue South. This street has never been improved ' nor has 91st Avenue South in this location. This street serves no useful purpose for either the property owners, the public, or the City of Renton and should be returned to the tax rolls by the vaca- tion of same. The undersigned property owners are the sole owners abutting South 121st Street between Rainier Avenue and 91st A venue South. Your favorable consideration of this request will be appreciated. Re pectfull subxq.itted: Y i7lo rtRiv• y A4441 • rank n erson ( u - t ` C - / November 12, 1962 -• } c..✓ j. Planning Commission City of Renton !'l Renton, Washington I;0; .} ------------ Attn: Mr. Jensen President -- ----- cP/ Dear Sir : 71'/NG C \s According to an article in a local news paper there was a petition to vacate South 128th Street between 91st Avenue South and Rainier Avenue submitted to the last meeting of the City Council and then given to your office for study. Having lived in that area since 1905, may I offer some observations and a protest for your consideration. Blocks #39 and #40, of Latimers Lake Washington plat was our home site and portions of these two blocks are still owned by members of the family. During our years of residence there, we had ample opportunity to have had three of the bordering streets vacated- namely South 128th and South 129th, between 90th Avenue South and Rainier Avenue and 91st South between South 128th and South 129th. No doubt we would have profited some what by so doing and certainly during the earlier years there were no appearant need for streets because there was no roadway on Rainier Avenue prior to 1914. The family felt that as these streets had been ded- icated to the county for future public use, when needed, they should remain so dedicated. The need to open and improve these streets is here now and certainly not a time for a give away and closure forever. The only ones to benefit by vacation would be the ad- jacent property owners who would each get a 30 ' by 140' lot of high value land for free. Let us not forget this is public domain intended for public use and so dedicated and as it is not impractic,4 L to build a road way there, it most certainly should be retained for that purpose. Between Bryn Mawr and Renton Avenue is a little over one mile and there is only one thru street open to Rainier Avenue in that distance and that is South 129th. There is a need 'now to open and improve South 128th between 90th South and Rainier Avenue to accomodate traffic and provide another and r r- - page two and more direct outlet to Rainier Avenue for the many motbr- ists now residing in the West Hill area. Now that the sewers are laid there will be much more building in that area both in the immediate vicinity and on plats and projects a few blocks west of which you are aware. It is more opened and improved streets that are needed here and especialy South 128th between 90th Avenue South and ' Rainier Avenue and not extended used car lots and enlarged gas stations via street vacation. Therefore, I strongly protest the vacation of any portion of South 128th in that area. Respectfully, J . . Nelson JTN:bd /oZ O CI>t/`� = November 12, 1962 • • Planning Commission City of Renton Renton, Washington Attn: Mr. Jensen President Dear Sir: According to an. article in a local news paper there was a petition to vacate South 128th Street between 91st Avenue South and Rainier Avenue submitted to the last meeting of the City Councile and then given to your office for study. Having lived in that area since 1905, may I offer some observations and a protest for your consideration* Blocks #39 and #40, of Latimers Lake Washinston plat was our home site and portions of these two blocks are still owned by members of the family. During our years of residence there, we had ample opportunity to have had three of the bordering streets vacated- ' namely South 128th and South 129th, between 90th Avenue South and Rainier Avenue and 91st South Between, South 128th and South 129th. No doubt we would have profited. some what by so doing and certainly during the earlier 'years there were no appearant need for streets because there was no roadway on Rainier Avenue prior to 1914,. The family felt that as these streets had been ded- ioated to the county for future public use, when needed , they should remain so dedicated.- -The need to open. and improve these streets is here now and, certainly not q time for a give away and closure forever* The-only ones to benefit by vacation would be' he ad- jaCent property owners who would each get a by 1140! lot of high value land for free. : Let us not forget this is public ciomain intended for public use and so dedicated and es it is not impracticALto' build a road way there, it most certainly should be retained for that purpose. Between Bryn Mawr and Renton Avenue is a little' over one mile end there is only one thru street open to Rainier Avenue in that distance and that is South 129th. Thor- - is a' need now to open end improve South 128th !7)etween 90th South • and Rainier Avenue to accomodate traffic end provide another and -0,4717_ • pa g two and more direct outlet to Rainier Avenue for the many motbr- ists now residing in the West Hill area . Now that the sewers are laid there will be much more building in, thet area both in the immediate vicinity and on plats and projects a few blocks west of. which you are aware. It is more opened and improved streets thA are needed here and espcialy South 128th between 90th Avenue South and Rainier Avenue and not extended used car lots and enlarged gas stations via street vacation. Therefore, I strongly protest the vacation of any portion. of South 126th in that area. Respectfully, if • J To Nelson - JTN:bd Az 7.° 1,6,42::671 I - • • • • ,1.1 is 1.'.i't 1'7; 1L'(Jt ` • Tionorn.'o1c" )7orsild D. Custer, i',It4.ffor „e,noers; of. he C:it Council - Pc. Vacation of 12 't'n Stroot ` . . nrs. Dl1i1:euis''G' ,n•lii1, Gentlemen: I T'' r ,ro-.srt' owners of S.•.12Ct 3troet contend. that; 1 t}'to south' th:Lvty sect of ^ ,._Lc1 street x'evt x't;od to tho adjacurt. owner onJ e ' 't 1..e Laws of lr'.J: -.C, .h-;ptor 1 q, 'Section ''.>-'7) r'c'-1:11n; : I "Any ,uut roaci, or r t 'the'! e o."! :•rh L ch has :. '.ln1'ot;` r:erp boon or Tay b er'f;`)..Th rr bo au horl'?('%riv 1r1'L( a''e•Tains Iln000nod, "nor ruol:Lc: UNO for the s Jace o.1' five ears after the o1.'c7Cr^ itl Wade Ox' ' y ' n•L'ed for. oeefif • .save, shall bc, and the same is hereby vacated, and authority • • , for buiIdinz; .sa-ine, is barred by .l .p•se of time. " . To substantiate this law ltUe 1t1Ol is Called to the recent case .o.` Liss-mt:lll vs . .0 i•hi of .Renton decision, date •-1p$•il 19, 1C i'),• ` laldix , [That ,)or._ i.o1 of : :1 t Street no 10 L,er e7..i` 1 s as 1 street • ' • by +E.—1.:lon of autOiil'=.lt:i! :r lcla'h:'�.on or0va.`;on of- Laws o:L l' ':';°-90. , .>�oLh streets :ire located within the same plat,' known l; , T.. H. L'zi,:i_r^ez's, L.-,k:> .,aac 'ti.n. ton Flat. • The `Lon.i;i:•in- property owners s :Curthor' tri tc the position the north. .50 1 viro'•_ll G. not It "'.7'o et ta1.0 City or: I:enton E s ':'i1:Lni'rUri street standard .71c:1'Lh. It is also .cdrtcluded ;Froth •a' traffic, Cni incerinc . . 5tan(Uount trla:i this would not be a desirable connection to Rainier Avon O. .! ^e ';'ooun t four honorable o(1jr to vacate :.:).' 1.r r•'Lii Street" from `C1.s1; Avo. i:.'i. to k';1:i.OIOP etVonue . • . - - ' 6g;', "--A;-:). 761.fl:1--;-... - • Robert J. U v;i.]y e,, ,,:g_,-J- . , . ? . ,* a-‘777. , , . . NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL RENTON,WASHINGTON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that peti- tions to vacate portions of streets, I to wit: That portion of South 128th Street from Rainier Avenue to 91st Aven- ue South; and that ortion of ' South 126th Street Avenue South an th Avenue South have been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Renton. The City Coun- cil by Resolutions No. 1178 and 1179 duly adopted at its regular meeting of December 17, 1962 fixed and de- termined the 21st dote of January, 1963 at the hour of 8:00 P.M., in the council chambers, City Hall, City of Renton, as the date and place at which said public hearings will be held by the City Council upon yeti- ' tions to vacate said portions of streets. Any and all persons interested there- in or wishing to object thereto, may then be heard thereon or may file their written objections to said vaca- tions with the City Clerk prior to said time of hearing. HELMIE W.NELSON CITY CLERK Published in the Record-Chronicle December 26,1962. RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING January 21,1963 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Frank Aliment at 8: 00 p.m. ROLL OF COUNCILMEN: Reid, Dullahant, Hulse, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Custer, Delaurenti and Poli. Moved by Custer, seconded by Delaurenti, that the absent Councilmen be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent and David Jensen, Planning Director. • The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Patrolman Charles Swart- fager. The Invocation was delivered by Rev. Ervin Gerlitz of Sierra Hts. Baptist Church. Moved by Poli, seconded by Reid, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of January 14, 1963 be approved as written. Carried. OPENING OF BIDS: This being the date set, the following bid was opened and read for one (1) Used Topeka Highway Mower. Swain Equipment Company, 30857 Pacific Highway South, Federal Way, Wn. One used 1962 Model Storm Topeka Hiway Mower per specifications-$3,334.17, F.O.B. Renton, $3,205.93 plus State Sales Tax, $128 .24. A Five percent Certified Check accompanied the bid. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hulse, to refer the bid to the Street and Alley Com- mittee for report back. Carried. HEARINGS: Vacation of South 128th Street from Rainier Avenue to 91st Avenue South This being the date set, the Hearing was declared open. The Clerk read the original request for the vacation, the City Engineer's report that 100% of the property owners were represented thereon and the Planning Commission recommendation that the street not be vacated. As there were no further written communications the Mayor called for verbal comment. Mr. Tom Nelson, in regard for present lack of adequate access to the subject area, stated his opposition to the vacation. A report from the Street and Alley Committee and City Engineer recommended that the vacation be denied inasmuch as South 128th is the last remaining street which might be opened to the west of Rainier Avenue between Renton Avenue and Bryn Mawr and could be an important part of the final street pattern in subsequent development of the area. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee and the City Engineer. Carried. The Hearing was closed. This being the date set, a Hearing on proposed Vacation of South 126th Street, between 87th and 88th Avenues So. was declared open. The Clerk read the request by Petition of abutting property owners along with City Engineer's report that 100% of property owners were represented thereon. A Street and Alley Committee report recommended that the Vacation be denied inasmuch as 87th Ave. South is presently a dead end street and South 126th affords the best possibility of developing an additional access to 87th Avenue South. Also, according to the City Engineering Department survey, there are over 50 single family lots under development west of 87th Avenue South which may demand that further access be provided to the area. Mayor Aliment invited comment and as there was no response, it was moved by Dullahant, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee and City Engineer. Carried. The Hearing was declared closed. APPEAL -.This being the date set, the Hearing on the appeal. of the Planning Commission decision rega.r.aine rP7.nn, n4 poroa'c.y Ct.L investment Exchange Corp. was opened. The Ci I reported the Commission had recommended rezone of Lots 4, 5, 6 and 7. Pluck B, Akers Farms No. 6 from "G"' to R-3 with provision fur permit to allow a clinic on a portion of Lot7. The appeal was made because a B-1 zoning to permit a service station on a portion of the property was not granted as requested'. (Gould-Charlton property) There had been no further written ved and Mayor aliment invited comment from the audience. -1- I NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL RENTON,WASHINGTON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that peti- tions to vacate portions of streets, to wit: That portion of South 128th Street ; from Rainier Avenue to Plat Avers- 1 ue South; and that ortion of South 126th Street et�eteen Avenue Sou} a th Avenue South have been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Renton. The City Coun- cil by Resolutions No. 1178 and 1179 • duly adopted at its regular meeting of December 17, 1962 fixed and do- /ermined the 21st date of January, " 43 at the hour of 8:00 P.M., in the ' council chambers, City Hall, City of Renton, as the date and place at which said public hearings will be held by the City Council upon peti- tions to vacate said portions of streets. Any and ail persons interested there- in or wishing to object thereto, may then be heard thereon or may file their written objections to said voca- tions with the City Clerk prior to said time of hearing. HELMIE W.NELSON CITY CLERIC Published in the Record-Chronicle December 26,1962. .: - • • .OFFICE,.OF THE CITY CLERK-:• , = J • anuary 23., 1963 • • . Mr.,, Frank S. Henderson- .,, '.rr. • •. . , ,12932 Langston Road ' . . - ::,Seattle, Washington . Re.- Vacation. of South•128th. .Street between . . . Rainier Avenue and'91st 'Avenue -South ' ; ' • ,' Dear Mr., Hendersons• . : • % •. .Enclosed .herewith is,Excerpt..of, ..Minutes of:..the,.Renton'.City Council'meeting." .' ,of January 21, .,1963 containing -proceedings,.:of<the,Hearing.'which:',was.,:held- : . on• the'.above-captioned matter o.,. The'Notice•of-Hearing;'was duly. published ,' - : ...• . . and posted according to law.. and we; forward :for your, information.record.of . - - . : ' - : the •City,'Council. action taken pursuant• -thereto; • - , P • Yours'.very"truly,: . ; CITY'OF RENTON • Helrnie W. Nelson, ' • : ' City; Clerk _ • , . . . / ,, „ HWNf..dm -Enclosure' _• • - - • . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK January 23, 1963 Mr. Robert Rivily 355 Thomas Street Renton, Washington Re: Vacation of South 128th Street between Rainier Avenue and 91st Avenue South Dear Mr. Rivily: Enclosed herewith is Excerpt of Minutes of the Renton City Council meeting of January 21,, 1963 .containing proceedings of the Hearing which was held on the above-captioned matter. The Notice of Hearing was duly published and posted according to law and we forward for your information record of the City Council action taken pursuant thereto. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk HWN/dm Enclosure NOTICE Of PUILIC HEARING / RENTON CITY COUNCIL ' ••RENTON,WASHINGTON. •. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pets- bona to vacate_ ;portions :of streete,. - to wit: . - - That portion_of South 121th'Strict from Rainier Avenue to 91st Awn- . ue South; and that portion of South. 126th Streit be • teIit6 i 'Avenue South"and th Avenue ' • South have been filmed with the City Clerk ' of the City of Renton., The City Coun- cil by'Resolutions No. 1178 and 1179 duly'adopted at,its regular meeting, of December 17, 1962 fixed and de- termined'the- 21st date 'of January,: 1963 at the hour of aA0'P.M., in the council cha*ben, City Hall,. City of •R n ento , as 'the date and plate at which. rid picbik hearings will be held by.the City Council upon peti- tions to vacate said portion of ilveets. Any and all persons interested there- in or wishing to oblate thereto,'may then be heard thereon or may.file their written objections to said voca- tions with the City.Clerk prior to said time of hearing. ;r. • . •HELMIE W.NELSON CITY CLERK'_• Published in the •Record-Chronicle December 26;1962. • _ / J�t,r2LC�J -f r Minutes thr Renton City Council Meeting 11-5-62 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) A letter from J. David Jensen, Planning Director, submitted recommendations of the Planning- Commission from its public hearing meet?ng of October 24, 1962, as follows: The Commission recommended adoption of the Final Plat of Lake View Park, owned by Mr. John Conner. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission, and to refer the matter to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. The Planning Commission, in pursuance of—the. referral by Council of the Bell and Valdez request for locating a model home on Lot 1, Block B, Akers Farms No. 5, has granted a Conditional Permit allowing the construction at S.E. 166th and Benson Highway. Said permit for temporary structure was granted for a period of two years. It was moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Hulse, to recess and Chairman Reid declared the recess. After the recess, the meeting was called to order and roll call was taken with all Councilmen present as previously listed and including Councilman Custer who had arrived in the meantime. A letter was read from City Engineer Wilson advising of the completion of the Improvement Contract on 3rd Avenue North by Pacific Paving Company, Inc. . The project was accepted by the Engineering Department on November 2, 1962. Acceptance by theCouncil and payment of the final construction cost, from the Arterial Street Fund,was recommended, as follows: Construction Cost $20,166.25 less 15% retained, $ 3,024.94, Amount due the contractor at this time, $17,141.31. In addition to construction costs, the following, costs are also submitted: Engineering - $ 894.82, Publication t. $20.74 Total, $18,056.87: If after thirty days no liens or claims are filed against the project and upon proof of pay- ment of tax liabilities, it is further recommended that the retained amount be paid;;, ' Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer and to refer the matter to the Auditing Committee. Carried. (A.S.I. No. 1) The City Engineer reported that the Petition to Vacate a Portion of South 128th Street, between Rainier Avenue and 91st South, submitted by Robert Rivily and Frank Henderson, was signed by 100% of the owners of the abutting property. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the proposed Vacation to the Planning Commission. Carried. Planning Director Jensen urged awarding of a contract for the base maps,for the 701 program at an early date and suggested by letter that the City Council meet with the Planning Commission this week to review base mapping proposals and select the firm to do the work. Aerial Mapping Company and Walker & Whiteford had approval of the State De- partment of Commerce and Economic Development for selection by the City'for compilation and preparation of said maps. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Custer, that the City Council meet with the Planning Commission on Wednesday, November 7, 1962 at 8:00 p.m. Carried. A letter from Planning Director Jensen recommended that the City Council refer the request of Mr. Tino Cugini, for a variance to allow construction of a single family residence in an L-1 District, to the Planning Commission for further consideration and recommendation to the Council. The proposed use it was felt, would be w mpatible with adjacent single family uses in the vicinity and would be in harmony with the aims and purposes of the comprehensive plan. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Director. Carried. City Attorney Shellan advised that in all fairness, the people in Windsor Hills should be informed that the City does not plan to conform to the previous agreement submitted on the matter, and it was moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist, to notify the Windsor Hills people of the action taken. Carried. A letter from the Citizen's Advisory Council, by John H. Swanson, recommended that the City- Council Public Relations Committee be directed to assist with the publication and communication relative to progress of the 701 Program, making reports to the Council and informing other interested groups of the Council actions. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Poli, that the Public Relations Committee be directed to assist as requested. Carried. The Citizen's Advisory Council also recommended that the Council authorize the creation of a building survey team to study the conditions of all buildings in the down- town area, thereby assisting the Planning Department and John Graham & Company in their work regarding the 701 program. Discussion followed re1ative :to other uses of such a study and the appointment of Departmental employees by the Mayor to conduct the survey, after which it was moved ,by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist to concur in the recommenda- tion of the Citizen's Advisory Committee. Carried. -4- November 2, 1962 Honorable Frank Aliment, Mayor Members of the City Council Re: Petition to Vacate South 128th Street between Rainier Avenue and 91st Avenue South Gentlemen: The petition as submitted to the City requesting the vacation of South 128th Street between Rainier Avenue and 91st Avenue South was signed by 100% of the owners of the abutt- ing property. Very truly yours, Jack Wilson City En;ineer JW:mc i ' _ ____ T , 1) ? IY d 3 1s 2 '5 Q 4 17 ? 3 ).4 5 01G I 0 \-- ' . _,, 01 r ;:� Ill t \� \o " 5 \ 25 "" • LU LU d O 7 ' & it) 1 d , Z sI t-ot 1 0 rn re In \ 29 126 S-` 1 CITY OF R E N T O N ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT PROP"sD vAcP..T\o►y '.,. PROPOSa- D vAC.A--\-"\ Oti S O'J Z N 128 TL , S'T R S E..r Rp..\N\ER_ AV- 'IQ \ ST AVM So. ' DRAWNRR4IQ - DATE 4_L1C.T__Cb2._ FILE NO. __ __ - CHECKED __ _ SCALE_I1‘_~_QQ‘_.__-_- FIELD oOOK PAGE-- J 1 APPROVED_ SHEET \ OF \ [ITV f UIMfi! NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEAR•NG RENTCN CITY COUNCIL RENT ON, WASHINGT ON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT PETITIONS TO VACATE PORTIONS OF STREETS, TO WIT: THAT PORTION OF SOUTH 128TH STREET FROM RAINIER AVENUE TO 91ST AVENUE SOU I; and THAT PORTION OF SOUTH 126TH SlttE= BETWEEN WITH AVENUE SOUTH MD 87TH AVENUE SOUTI HAVE BEEN FILED WITS THE CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF RENTO . THE CITY COUNCIL BY RESOLUTIONS NO. 1178 AND 1179 DULY ADOPTED AT ' S REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 17, 1962 FIXED AND DETERMINED THE 2L9T DATE OF JANUARY, 1963 AT THE HOUR OF 8:00 P.M., IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF RENTON, AS THE DATE AND PLACE AT WHICH SAID PttR1,IC HEARINGS WILL BE HELD BY THE CITY C(XJNCIL UPON PETITIONS TO VACATE SAID POR I( S OF ST'+m . ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED THEREIN OR WISHING TO OBJECT THERETO, MAY THEN BE HEAD are ON OR MAY FILE THEIR WRITTEN OBJECTIONS TO SAID VACATIONS WITH THE CITY CLERK PRIOR TO SAID THE OF HEARING. ,20<-;e_ ') 44-0c) HEIR W. NELSON CITY CLERK DATE OF PUBLICATION: DECK 26, 1962 CERTIFICATION RICHARD. ; .. 'LIOUGHTON HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS (3) cc IES CF THE AB( E DOCUMENT WERE PORTED BY ME IN THREE COUSPICUOISPLAC EES ON THE PROPERTIES DESCRIBEl ABOVE AND ONE (1) COPY POSTED AT THE CITY HALL, RENTCN, CN 19, Dec. 1962 AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. SIGNED: a e A RND F OF WASSKIN TON, RESIDING AT REIrTTON, WASHINGTCN RESOLUTION NO. • f 7 /) WHEREAS 'a petition has been filed with the City Clerk of the CITY OP RENTON on or about October 17, 1962 petitioning the vacation of a portion of a certain roadway as hereinafter more particularly described and said Petition being signed by the owners of more than two-thirds of the property abutting upon said portion of the roadway sought to be vacated, same being described as follows, to-wit: That portion of. South 128th Street located between Rainier Avenue and 91st Avenue South, all situate in Renton, King County, Washington,. NOW THEREFORE, . . . BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON AS FOLLOWS: 1111 S� Section I: That the 1 day of,Januar.y, 1963 at the hour of 8:00 P.M. at the City Council Chambers in,the City Hall of the City of Renton, King County; Washington, be and it is. hereby fixed as the time end the place when the aforesaid petition for vacating the a£oredescribed roadway- shall be heard and determined. • 'The City Clerk is 'hereby authorized and directed. to give notice of said time and . hearing as provided by law; and any and all persons interested therein or objecting _ to said vacation may then appear and be heard thereon, or they may file their written objections thereto with the City Clerk prior to or at the time of the hearing on . said vacation. The City of Renton also reserves the right to retain an easement for utility and other public purposes within said roadway sought to be vacated. PASSED. BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 17th day of December, 1962. /�,�� ��c-mac' / tic-a-n� '. Helmie Nelson,' City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 17th day of December, 1962. . - Fra k Ali ment, Mayor_ APPROVED AS TO FORM: . Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney - Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 12-3-1962 COM'fi1?7-CATI0NS: (cont, ) Requests were read from J; R. McGranahan; piirdhaser of Jim's Tavern, for dance hall license to feature live diusid .and for,license to operate shuffleboard at said premises: Moved by Custer; seconded by Poli, to refer the communicatiohs to the police and License Committee with Power to Act: Carried. A letter from Mr. J. T. Nelson was read thanking the Council and its Committees, as well as the City Departments for courtesies eXtended relative to Sanitary C -•.7Cr L.T.P. 248 hearings on protests: A letter was read from Marge Callen; President; Kenton City,Lmployees Club, re- questing that the 1":ndayTbefore Christmas be declared a holiday for City employees thus allowing a four day week end as Christmas falls on Tuesday this year. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Dullahant; to refer the request to the Council As A Whole. Carried. A letter was read from the Kennydale Lions Club; written by Mr; Emil J. Mueller, Secretary, requesting that Council grant a No4Fee Permit to sell Christmas Trees during the Christmas holiday season at the site adjacent to the Hillcrest Bowl used by the Club for this purpose last year. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, that the Permit be granted under supervision of the Fire Chief and same conditions as last year. Carried. A second letter) as read from Mr. Mueller,thanked the Council for authorizing a license to sell Safe and Sane fireworks this year, on behalf of the Kennydale Lions Club, and requested that the existing ordinance be amended to allow those organizations who were granted a license, this year a preference over any individual or organization making applie cation for the first time. Moved by Poll, seconded by Custer, to refer this communication to the Police and License Committee. Carried. A letter from Mr. and Mrs. C. E. McPharlin was read requesting that the City take some action to remedy drainage conditions resulting on their property from opening of storm sewer drains. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Bruce, to refer this letter to the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. A letter from J. David Jensen, Planning Director, submitted Planning Commissicu recommendations from its meeting of November 28; 1962, as`fbllows: . Relative to proposal to vacate South 128th Street between Rainier Avenue on the East and 91st Avenue South on the West, it was recommended that the street not be vacated inasmuch as construction of the Street is considered to be a practical possibility and such street may prove to be essential to an adequate circulation pattern within the area. Opinion..wes expressed that._this communication should be read at a hearing and it was moved by IHulse, seconded by Dahlquist to hold this communication pending report of the Street and Alley Committee to whom the matter had previously been referred. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Custer, to amend the motion to include referral of the communication to the Street and Alley Committee. The motion to amend was carried and subsequently the motion as amended. Recess was requested at this time and the Chairman declared the meeting recessed. After the recess roll call was taken with all Councilmen present as previously listed. President of the Council Reid requested that Mrs. Dahlquist make report of the findings of the Street and Alley Committee relative to the bid on the Street Sweeper. Councilwoman Dahlquist advised that the Committee recommended acceptance of the bid of Sahlberg Equipment, Inc. to furnish one Mobil Sweeper Model 2TE3, Twin Engine, com- plete as per specifications; price $13,456.00, less trade in on 1958 Model 550 Wayne Sweeper, $2,700.00, plus 4% Sales Tax, totalling $11,294.00 with delivery approximately 30 days from order. Moved by Poli, seconded by Custer, to concur in.the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Discussion ensued relative to the specifications allowing only one bidder and Purchasing Agent;Vern Church., reported that after thorough investigation and check with other cities; this particular sweeper was preferred as it has superior safety factors in the 4-wheel braking system and the brushes turn over faster serving the City much more satisfactorily. .Councilman Custer added that the maintenance problem would be resolved and called attentionito the $7,000.00 spent on the old sweeper. Attention was called to the fact that Seattle has several such sweepers and Mr. Church advised that Sahlberg was the only manufacturer at the present time of the four wheel sweeper, and it was felt to be in the best public and city interests to act accordingly. "'The pending motion carried. . -3- '''' `'-'1( 3'•.'41 ''''F'ai el NI, "Y„ 4,ifPt, 1/, , ..n,4*--14.4 N„,,,'.,,,'•'''i l' ,•,,', ,.., y, -' , - 4'1 f A .,.. ,‘. 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",' " ' - •:71,4..,•,. .--,,, 47;1. :',•f4.i- , ,_ • ,14.3.,,,L, • -,;,;. 4. ,,•4 e••, • ' - ':.'he•C't-IIT' `',: "i ../;1;313,,i . : , , .,:, . .. i. ,.. , ... ,, .:,!,,.;37V114,, Ilit,' •'" ' , ' • • •,—, — .. ,t . . . , Honorable Mayor Frank Aliment Members of tne City Council - (-- ent3.e men: The Planning Commission at its meeting of November 28 , 1962 considered the proposal to vacate South 128 Street between Rainier Avenue on the east and 91st Avenue South on the west . It is the recommendation of the Planning Commission that this street not he vacated for the following reasons : (6.,) Cor_-3t ruct ion of the street is considered to De. a. orsot i o ..'.! uoSS i bil it y k (b ) This ;.:-creet rq,:iy prove to be cl---,senti.al to an ,:.(ftequate c.,. ;...r.cu.: ,-..Ltaoi,t Twitterr, c,„3. tha,i. the ii rf.•3, The Col...Inc ; 1 ' r,, concurrence in the F r.rj'P 0 1 Pi{.., =.5 .L'C': ••..-,C'r ,,,, •'-' •-• . 1 , - : .,"i:C:'• i'''' 1 , - . .• * . , ., , . .,..- / ) GETICE 0? nit cm ' CLER1 11•.,.,.vraixr4 2.':.162 • rOati, • Re: Vt3Ciltit)lif 12fAll Street ' . It•Frinie:r1 9J. tAvenue Sovtlz • 0St 7 1. 2, the prop d V ;.:77.on la c: been Otreetj ce n1 the PIanniT1- ..•." Cettnej.3., xoL L A,'„ 2 the Covvli,;01.on •- not !,x) v.Jeate.t1 • . tr, • 2.-xt11111iLy . -I, prove to t3 at Atern ; :)een cm& Alley Cor.::-4iZ:1:.:t.e tlte or V.: .. 0 .,; ofl i1i o110-1 n.":1 17,1: to •• CITY OF Itarrcei Ilebale N tali • City C;)0.,..7.. . • • Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 11-5-62 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) A letter from J. David Jensen, Planning Director, submitted recommendations of the Planning, Commission from its public hearing meeting of October 24, 1962, as follows: The Commission recommended adoption of the Final Plat of Lake View Park, owned by Mr. John Conner. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission, and to refer the matter to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. The Planning Commission, in pursudnce of the: referral by Council of the Bell and Valdez request for locating a model home on Lot 1, Block B, Akers Farms No. 5, has granted a Conditional Permit allowing the construction at S.E. 166th and Benson Highway. Said permit for temporary structure was granted for a period of two years. It was moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Hulse, to recess and Chairman Reid declared the recess. After the recess, the meeting was called to order and roll call was taken with all Councilmen present as previously listed and including Councilman Custer who had arrived in the meantime. A letter was read from City Engineer Wilson advising of the completion of the Improvement Contract on 3rd Avenue North by Pacific Paving Company, Inc. . The project was accepted by the Engineering Department on November 2, 1962. Acceptance by the Council and payment of the final construction cost, from the Arterial Street Fund,was recommended, as follows: Construction Cost $20,166.25 less 15% retained, $ 3,024.94, Amount due the contractor at this time, $17,141.31. In addition to construction costs, the following costs are also submitted: Engineering - $ 894.82, Publication- $20.74 - Total, $18,056.87: If after thirty days no liens or claims are filed against the project and upon proof of pay- ment of tax liabilities, it is further recommended that the retained amount be paid. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer and to refer the matter to the Auditing Committee. Carried. (A.S.I. No. 1) The City Engineer reported that the Petition to Vacate a Portion of South 128th Street, between Rainier Avenue and 91st South, submitted by Robert Rivily and Frank Henderson was signed by 100% of the owners of the abutting property. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the proposed Vacation to the Planning Commission. Carried. Planning Director Jensen urged awarding of a contract for the base maps,for the 701 program at an early date and suggested by letter that the City Council meet with the Planning Commission this week to review base mapping proposals and select the firm to do the work. Aerial Mapping Company and Walker & Whiteford had approval of the State De- partment of Commerce and Economic Development for selection by the City-for compilation and preparation of said maps. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Custer, that the City Council meet with the Planning Commission on Wednesday, November 7, 1962 at 8:00 p.m. Carried. A letter from Planning Director Jensen recommended that the City Council refer the' request of Mr. Tino Cugini, for a variance to allow construction of a single family residence in an L-1 District, to the Planning Commission for further consideration and recommendation to the Council. The proposed use it was felt, would be compatible with adjacent single family uses in the vicinity and would be in harmony with the aims and purposes of the comprehensive plan. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Director. Carried. City Attorney Shellan advised that in all fairness, the people in Windsor Hills shoulu be informed that the City does not plan to conform to the previous agreement submitted on the matter, and it was moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist, to notify the Windsor Hills people of the action taken. Carried. A letter from the Citizen's Advisory Council, by John H. Swanson, recommended that the City- Council Public Relations Committee be directed to assist with the publication and communication relative to progress of the 701 Program, making reports to the Council and informing other interested groups of the Council actions. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Poli, that the Public Relations Committee be directed to assist 'as requested. Carried. The Citizen's Advisory Council also recommended that the Council authorize the creation of a building survey team to study the conditions of all buildings in the down- town area, thereby assisting the Planning Department and John Graham & Company in their work regarding the 701 program. Discussion followed relative to other uses of such a study and the appoinutient of Departmental employees by the Mayor to conduct the survey, after which it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist to concur in the recommenda- tion of the Citizen's Advisory Committee. Carried. -4- lr, ,, _,,, 7-e-e- - //kit-2- o!0 " y. j l ��a ,ei"1 Kenton '7 ,1 ,W A S H■N G T O N the Jet Transport Capital of the World (' ".""i''' tlF fir..* ''''S.. OFFICE OF THE CITY ENGINEER 1 ` .4,, t tom.. L !i. November 2, 1962 Honorable Frank Aliment, Mayor Members of the City Council Re: Petition to Vacate South 128th Street between Rainier Avenue and 91st Avenue South Gentlemen: 1 The petition as submitted to the City requesting the vacation of South 128th Street between Rainier Avenue and 91st Avenue South was signed by 100% of the owners of the abutt- ing property. ,I Very truly yours, i ack Wilson City Engineer JW:mc 1042,4, Renton, Washington October 17, 1962 To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City Hall Renton, Washington Re: Vacation of South 128th Street from Rainier Avenue to 91st Avenue South Gentlemen: The undersigned property owners are desirous of expanding their existing facilities on Rainier Avenue, which facilities are divided by South 128th Street. To facilitate this expansion it is necessary and desirous that South 128th Street be vacated from Rainier Avenue to 91st Avenue South. This street has never been improved nor has 91st Avenue South in this location. This street serves no useful purpose for either the property owners, the public, or the City of Renton and should be returned to the tax rolls by the vaca- tion of same. The undersigned property owners are the sole owners abutting South 121st Street between Rainier Avenue and 91st A venue South. Your favorable consideration of this request will be appreciated. Re pectfully sub itted: c� Robert Riv y Fran.c H nderson Y RENTON CITY COUNCIL ' REGULAR MEETING October 22, 1962 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Frank Aliment at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL OF COUNCILMEN: Reid, Dullahant, Hulse, Gianini, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Trimm, Custer, Delaurenti, Poli and Bruce. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Joe Lynch, Street Commissioner, Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief, Gene Coulon, Sup't. of Parks & Recreation, David Jensen, Planning Director, Marvin Schroeder, Supt. of Utilities, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, James Highton, Sup't. of Buildings and James Denzer, Chairman, Planning Commission. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Patrolman Emmett Kindle and Councilman Bruce Hulse delivered the Invocation. Moved by Poli, seconded by Custer, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of October 15, 1962 be approved with the following corrections: Letter from the Jaycees recommending use of Jones Park as a site for the new Library should have been referred to the Library Board instead of the Park Board and the meeting called by Councilman Delaurenti was a meeting of the Police and License Committee and not the Power and Light Committee. The motion carried. COMMUNICATIONS: A letter from J. H. Gaffney protested assessment of L.I.D. charges on vacant property owned by him, and requested further details on the matter. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that a letter be directed to Mr. Gaffney inquiring as to the location of his property and advising him further regarding the L.I.D. Carried. A letter was read which had been directed to Mrs. Eleanor Monan, from the Street Commissioner, Joe Lynch, advising that the large Maple tree in her yard had been declared a public hazard and ten days were given to have the tree removed. In the event action has not been taken within that period of time the tree would be removed by the City at the cost and expense to the owner. A report from City Engineer Wilson was read advising that due to indication by the records that the Petitioners were not fee owners of the land proposed for annexation to the City, the recent letter of intent was therefore not valid. This property lies on 116th and 132nd S.E. and the letter of intent had been signed by Fred Galeno and Mele Bogovich. The Clerk advised that the Petitioners were aware of the situation and were planning to submit a new letter of intent. A letter from the City Clerk was read advising that Mr. Williams, owner of the O.K. Cab Company, was requesting clarification of the Ordinance regarding use of the newly established taxicab zones. Councilman Reid advised that the Street and Alley Committee had recommended that the first five stands be assigned to Mr. Hogan and the next two to Mr. Williams. Mr. Hogan has 11 licensed vehicles and Mr. Williams has four. The Council had concurred in the recommendation and it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Gianini, that the Taxicab owners be so notified. Carried. r+ A request was read from Bob Rivily and Frank Henderson, for the Vacation of portions of South 128th Street, from Rainier Avenue to 91st Avenue South, return to the tax rolls being advocated due to non useful purposes to either the property owners, the public or the City. The street is unimproved. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Custer, to refer the letter to the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. A letter was read from Brightman & Holm, Attorneys At Law, by Donald Holm, advising that a Hearing was held in Olympia before the Washington State Supreme Court, on the application of Mary Ella Siegfried for an Order requiring reversal of the ruling of Hon. Judge Hodson, King County Superior Court, that the Petitioner was not entitled to be joined as an interested party in the action which has been filed against the City by Robert L. Edwards. The Supreme Court has also denied the Petitioners right of inter- vention thereby confirming the position taken .on behalf of the City by Attorney Holm, that the City is the representative of its citizens and the taxpayers in this action. -1 • -