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ITY.;OF:RENTON ,.:;CERTIFICATE OF'EXEMPTION°FROM; SHORELINE ,SUBSTANTIAL'DEVELOPMENT,:PERMIT December 27, 1999 EXEMPTION FILE NO.: LUA-99-170, SME PROJECT NAME: Voice Stream Microfacility Antennas APPLICANT: Voice Stream Wireless OWNER: City of Renton Dennis Culp (425)430-6606 PROJECT;MANAGER: Lesley Nishihira (425) 430-7270 PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting a shoreline exemption certificate for the placement of an attached wireless facility on the rooftop of an existing building located 38 feet south of the ordinary high water mark of the Cedar River. The existing building has a height of approximately 130 feet and is currently occupied by office space. The proposed facility would consist of a dish antenna and a three-sector antenna array with three panel antennas per sector. The facility, which meets the definition of a "micro-facility", would be attached to a mounting frame located on the rooftop of the building. Associated radio equipmenticabinets are proposed to the located on the seventh floor of the building. PROJECT'LOCATION: 200 Mill Avenue South LEGAL DESCRIPTION: See attached. SEC-TWN-R: 17-23N-5E WATER BODY/WETLAND: Cedar River An exemption from a Shoreline Management Substantial Development Permit is hereby granted on the proposed project described above. The proposed development is consistent or inconsistent with (check one): CONSISTENT INCONSISTENT X Policies of the Shoreline Management Act. The guidelines of the Department of Ecology where no Master Program has been finally approved or adapted by the Department. X The Master Program. /1.0pa Ja a Fi" nson ector D v fopment Services Division Attachments: Legal Description Vicinity Map cc: Applicant File sme ' 503-274-0489 T-632 P.08/09 F-993 NoU-P,1-e9 05:17PM fRoM-WEsTERN AIrERICAN is EXHIBIT 'A' Lots 1 through 13,inclusive,Block 2,Town of Renton,according to the Plat thereof recorded in Volume 1 of Flats,Page 135. Except those portions of said Lots 6,7, 8 and 9,conveyed to the City of Renton by deeds recorded under Recording Nos.3055297, 3055761 and3069040. Also that portion of'the Henry H.Tobin Donation Claim No.37 in Section 17,Township 23 North,Range 5 East,Willamette Meridian,records of King County,Washington,which lies Easterly of said Block 2 and the Northerly production thereof of the Plat of the Town of Renton, Southerly of the Southerly shore of Cedar River and Northerly of the Northerly line of Houser Way as deeded to the City of Renton by deed recorded under Recording No.3069040,records of King County. Also,that portion,if any, of the bed of Cedar River adjoining the above described portion of said Donation Claim,which lies between the Southerly shore of said stream and the meander line of said Donation Claim, excepting therefrom that portion of said river bed,if any,lying within the right-of-way Commercial Waterway No. 2. Situated in the County of King, State of Washington. 6 • .r�....-.:...a<.\.v£;..,{vv.$i.}:..+•..�.,::{�.mk:.�...fi�i'}`Qv?u....�::.:Jx n...{v.'•..�4r.h.•......rv.Qv\...,k{..�..}:n.v•.vr:.nfir.n v.�....r..:.'.n\�..�.v w:%...#.�++v:..3v.5s.n.{./...•M�.\...S..,..}4 r:T.5.,k.,:x.k,..?n..t.�....x...:v:......:>.w3...r:.+...,.x.�.....Y......x,:}...-¢n'R...?..;....+.}..v.r.#.,„...{..a.+..,...v.,:.3..S.>.:.7•x,...A.. :.-..•r..t}.{•:.x;Y}y>.n.:.+;k:.+•:x}:rl.i}+`.r x f•..r.+.{...i.�fi fi.+..{..:ik.f.r.l}>....mL.f.}•..,.:.kvv 4xn.•..:..<:.`..v:.t}:+.?}{v?$..•?.\4..}:..:+,Y.�:. .:).}:.3 v...t fv.{.>..w}£..$?•..:.v�.:....},..:.•...:.r...}'......:{v.�.`�nn...}.r.,•...$...•.:.:i•.{k..}.......�..r.......,..,\.....:..fi.{..:..nr..%'......}..v..�,.,.•+..t;�...•t,n.t..v.n.:....'..f.:}'..:..�...•r... .�-..n!r:n...:.c}...,...}.......:...::....v.,.:ny•..:...r..,.�....+:.:..\..+p. x:.t r...............1.......�..:....x..t..{.....:.:..}.v.1:..,..v.....v.....:...v....,:...:..v.:.>..w..:.:..{.d......?..........t...:r•:.:}e....l.r....,v.....::,.....::.:....:.•v..r.f..tn...•..L\n.:.....0.:}:.4.....u..:......i.-....:......r:.......:.......:..w..........r.........:...:...r../+.rr..n.�+..:.{n...n.+..{..r.....r....3.n..,.�::....Fn.....?...,..x:..3...,...:.{..k......:..r...{.r ..{...............: }.n.:....::....v.::....:::.....:3::.....:�.:..,...:.v.:i.fi.::.......:?}3....n..S.v....r......:.r.�.w..fik,:..# :..:.t•..:.:.•..}:....v.• ::..r•:.r.:.:.:}.:..:.::.:.:.n..:..:...::..:....+9.:...:.y.:..,.:+::...:%.::::;.•...>v.k...::.{{.•r4:.3•.�r..Yi}.n..>:...$f}....:.:.:r....}:.t:nv::.i•.:$}sY ..::$i:..•y•:.}:::.y.;.:.:..;..}n>....::..}.>.:.•..+.{.t.n.:....:.:.:.v:?. ..:..;...:::::.t.t::..•J..::.x..:..:::h i}l....•.}.fi::x: $n r$•:.fik:•w$..;:.v.$;....$,i':k.}.:.:}..?:}�..•}.n+:} ..:.,.•;:.x. $..:...$t.;..:r 3......S.:.:..; .:C:S :...:tit$•.:.:: 5$.::..{::•:v.:.:.J.$.4} ..: :f•xn y::•:::..v;}:.i.:.v:x:.•..:•.%.•:.?.. i{„.,$...:•n.r.�v::.>>O.f:.x:.::.+•; :gNrrx: ))VA. 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PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: • NAME: City of Renton SE 2503.A Old Renton;:Town Hail Attn: Dennis Culp rvi[Ct o -(rz 2 ( r4 4 1\Vnas - a +O VU PROPERTY/PROJECT ADDRESS(S)/LOCATION: ADDRESS: 200 Mill Avenue S. • 1055 South Grady Way, 5th floor Renton, WA 98055 • KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): CITY: Renton , WA ZIP` 98055 000720 0050 • TELEPHONE NUMBER: EXISTING LAND USE(S): (425) 430-6606 Commercial Building ......... .A...PL. ...... .T_((f ether h;ar� wne .....?:$:$:?:ff;> :$:k:: PROPOSED LAND USES: NAME: Allison Driscoll Unmanned Rooftop Wireless Communica- : tion Facility on Commercial Building COMPANY(if applicable): VoiceStream Wireless EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: CD ADDRESS: 19807 North Creek Pkwy. North PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION (if applicable): Suite #101 • CITY: Bothell, WA ZIP: 98011 EXISTING ZONING: Center.:Dow town CD(P )' TELEPHONE NUMBER: (425 ) 398-7541 PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): D ��R TA e C ti T .ti• ,4/0 ' • SITE AREA (SQ. FT. OR ACREAGE): �9 �° NAME: Ai ra.sg f.-O s.,s 0&. �/ 9 ,11 t `9 •c•IW approx: 300 sq. f® N �>� fir'^�� $ —'!_•S`e "i!. lr'•��' COMPANY(if.applic144e)©1 ' ' PROJECT VALUE: $5-0 1000 0. 4/Z210>. /oe eStream Wireless • ADDRESS: 19807 NOY'th Creek Pkwy. N. IS THE SITE LOCATED IN THE AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA? — Suite #101 Yes Zone 1 CITY: ZIP: • Bathe 1'1:, WA • -' • 98011 IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY OTHER TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREA? - No TELEPHONE NUMBER: M6bi le: (425) 829-0039 Sk¢3 _Y' . tic�c Ce- a _ V•e-r-^ 1 `, /.t�f•.K'SJCk aC .' t<Y•4'Fn::t+N..r�ti: '�K+:Ai�t•h^4S:rI.+}F t•S:SC 4.tiivC:f4h+:tA\W}S:C;: :,�{C�4:tti:r�.{ ?���� ' .. ., .. v �` .{•� :M\:'iC�?:i}Y'.���'�.,:E`C,C.. 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YDS: 1 PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT: $ —VARIANCE ' $ (FROM SECTION: . , ) _ PRELIMINARY —WAIVER $ FINAL _WETLAND PERMIT $ — —ROUTINE VEGETATION MANAGEMENT PERMIT $ MOBILE HOME PARKS: $ BINDING SITE PLAN $ SHORELINE REVIEWS: _SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT $ _ CONDITIONAL USE • $ VARIANCE $ X EXEMPTION $No Charge ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW $ _ REVISION $ — • :.:.::,':::::a:•;: ::.:::::i i:::>:;.:::::•,n!; ::i.'::::t:ii:iii:•::k.'::.t•ii:;: '.!::.:........... 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MASTERAP.Doc REVISED 8t97 "'••'• '•••"•••"' • "' 1. ~ 503-274-0469 T-632 P.06/09 F-993 NO'-21-99 O6:1TPM PROM-WESTERN AMERICAN 6 ., EXHIBIT `V Lots 1 through 13,inclusive,Block 2,Town of Renton,according to the Plat thereof recorded in Volume 1 of Flats,Page 135. Except those portions of said Lots 6,7, 8 and 9,conveyed to the City of Renton by deeds recorded under Recording Nos. 3055297, 3055761 and3069040, Also that.portion of the Henry H.Tobin Donation Claim No.37 in Section 17,Township 23 North,Range 5 East,Willamette Meridian,records of King County,Washington,which lies Easterly of said Block 2 and the Northerly production thereof of the Plat of the Town of Renton, Southerly of the Southerly shore of Cedar River and Northerly of the Northerly line of Houser Way as deeded to the City of Renton by deed recorded under Recording No. 3069040,records of King County. Also,that portion,if any,of the bed of Cedar River adjoining the above described portion of said Donation Claim, which lies between the Southerly shore of said stream and the meander line of said Donation Claim,excepting therefrom that portion of said river bed,if any,lying within the right-of-way Commercial Waterway No.2. Situated in the County of King, State of Washington. • • • 6 110.0 /J'A w /�t ib 0(c>._ Ci1/- 4f` December 9 1999 < �0 ,Oti2 Development Services Division �® City of Renton 1055 S. Grady Way Renton,WA 98055 RE: Shoreline Exemption Permit Application for Proposed VoiceStream Rooftop Wireless Communication Facility To Whom It May Concern: On behalf of VoiceStream Wireless PCS III Corp. (VoiceStream),this transmittal letter accompanies the Shoreline Exemption Permit Application and supporting documentation for an attached wireless facility to be installed at the old Renton Town Hall,200 Mill Avenue South in Renton. The proposed facility will consist of a three-sector antenna array with three panel antennas per sector (9 panel antennas total) and one interconnect (dish) antenna attached to a mounting frame located on the rooftop of the Old Renton Town Hall. The panel antennas are approximately 72 inches tall by 8 inches wide and 2.75 inches deep and the interconnect antenna is approximately 4 ft in diameter. The associated radio equipment cabinets will be located within the building, on the seventh floor. VoiceStream's proposed facility does not materially interfere with the normal public use of the water/shoreline, add any additional impervious surface to the land, or affect the vegetation of land configuration since it will be located entirely on the rooftop and within the existing building. Additionally,wireless facilities in general do not interfere with normal public use of the surface water since they are unmanned and customers do not visit the site. The wireless facility minimizes potential significant adverse impacts on the surrounding environment to the greatest extent possible. The Cedar River runs less than then 200 feet from the north side of the existing building. The existing river shoreline of the Cedar River on the south side has a high bank formed by an erosion control bulkhead. The bulkhead is made of riprap (rocks encased by wire caging). 19807 North Creek Parkway North,Suite 101 BOthell,WA 98011 The north side of the river has a natural high bank consisting of mud,leaves, bushes, and trees. There will be no construction occurring on the north side of the building, along the riverbank. The property is zoned commercial and is surrounded by other commercially zoned properties. Therefore,VoiceStream is SEPA exempt. A parking lot exists around the south and west sides of the existing building. Placing the 72-inch antennas on the rooftop of the eight-story building will not obstruct any present views of the river. In addition, Sprint PCS will also have a Wireless Communications Facility located on the rooftop of the Old Renton Town Hall. Due to the height of the existing building and close proximity to the river,there are no buildings to the south or west that currently have a view over the building. Also enclosed are the Neighborhood Detail Map and Site plan of the proposed rooftop wireless communication facility showing the existing building and surrounding natural features. Anticipated date of construction start is January 3,2000 with an approximate completion of January 24, 2000. Total construction will amount to approximately$50,000. The proposed site location is not located in a wetlands area. VoiceStream requests Shoreline Exemption since the facility is a rooftop attachment that will not impact the shoreline. VoiceStream appreciates the City's consideration of this Shoreline Exemption application and looks forward to working further with the City. Please feel free to contact me at (425) 829-0039 or e-mail me at allison.driscollAvoicestream.com with any questions or comments that may arise during the City's review of this application of exemption. Sincerely, Allison Driscoll Zoning Specialist VoiceStream Wireless Enclosures Cc: File/ SE 2503.A Old Renton Town Hall 19807 North Creek Parkway North,Suite 101 BOthell,WA 98011