HomeMy WebLinkAboutC_Sunsetg_Tribe_Letter_220201.pdf February 1, 2022 SUBJECT: Tribal Consultation Letter Part 58 NEPA Review Renton Sunset Gardens Affordable Housing Project 2900 Northeast 10th Street King County Parcel ID 7227900075 City of Renton, Washington Section 8 HUD Program Assistance Dear To Whom It May Concern: Renton Housing Authority is considering funding the project listed above with federal funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Under HUD regulation 24 CFR 58.4, the City of Renton (City) has assumed HUD’s environmental review responsibilities for the project, tribal consultation related to historic properties. Historic properties include archeological sites, burial grounds, sacred landscapes or features, ceremonial areas, traditional cultural places and landscapes, plant and animal communities, and buildings and structures with significant tribal association. The City will conduct a review of this project to comply with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and its implementing regulations 36 CFR Part 800. We would like to invite you to be a consulting party in this review to help identify historic properties in the project area that may have religious and cultural significance to your tribe, and if such properties exist, to help assess how the project might affect them. If the project might have an adverse effect, we would like to discuss possible ways to avoid, minimize or mitigate potential adverse effects. In order to meet project timeframes, the City respectively requests that your interest as a consulting party to this project to be submitted within 30-days. If you have any initial concerns with impacts of the project on religious or cultural properties, please note them in your response. Enclosed is a map that shows the project area of potential effects. The proposed project consists of a 20,838- square-foot mixed-use building with 76 residential units over commercial space and separate solid waste unit; a 55-stall parking lot; pedestrian walkways and amenity areas; and landscaping. Off-site improvements in the public right-of-way include street widening, concrete curbs, landscaping strips, concrete sidewalks, concrete driveway, ADA curb ramps, and additional property dedicated to the City. The property is currently developed with a 13,416-square-foot office building occupied by the Renton Housing Authority, which will be removed. More information on the Section 106 review process is available at https://www.hudexchange.info/environmental-review/historic-preservation/. February 1, 2022 Page 2 of 2 HUD's process for tribal consultation under Section 106 is described in a Notice available at https://www.hudexchange.info/resource/2448/notice-cpd-12-006-tribal-consultation-under-24-cfr-part-58/. If you do not wish to consult on this project, can you please inform us? If you do wish to consult, can you please include in your reply the name and contact information for the tribe's principal representative in the consultation? Thank you very much. We value your assistance and look forward to consulting further if there are historic properties of religious and cultural significance to your tribe that may be affected by this project. If you have questions regarding this finding, please contact me at (425) 430-6593 or mherrera@rentonwa.gov Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, Matt Herrera, AICP Current Planning Manager Enclosure(s): Figure 1. Area of Potential Effects (USGS Topographic) Figure 2. Area of Potential Effects (Aerial) Figure 1 Area of Potential Effects Vicinity Map 09/03/21 P:\2034\001\T\Historical-Cultural Resources\Figure 1 - APE.docx Renton Sunset Gardens Renton, Washington Figure 2 Area of Potential Effects 09/03/21 P:\2034\001\T\Historical-Cultural Resources\Figure - APE.docx Renton Sunset Gardens Renton, Washington