HomeMy WebLinkAboutCommunity Profile (1989) • 0 ,.._. ( C .47 Profile Pr 0 CITY OF i(2ENTON , 1111 V . .. . • / --, . ' '• ...- 1. 1 , • 'V. l' i;:. ,;•:' ' ...-•••'. . \ 1 .... ,. -___ .., •N'‘ °•.1••• . / 1 41',.1.:• t • - .fr ' I - / '''. • •• 1 ,......" ..,.' i \\: . . ..•.) . ... . .... . . . I I or. - _ 40'- , I.( -,. ....idrii6r':"1"..'.... -:11..... .... i.....1 , 'AN.'`.-., ' .:. -• ' mei,. -1 % - ..- ..:: , kiirs. ,,,....... • I -..,! ... . .- , ,t•---_-,-,..- i ...- ----'7 ..., 1._._ '• f.1.='•, - .-.." ••• •....: 1.4111 f . .4-47.".""'-"*".-- .---;.•=•,- •••••timeserr• ? .- 4".-.' ___ ... • • '411. t.. . C. . ' ' r- -.,a,- " '''';...".. ,...,4... ...- : P . .th 4. vs * i ti......... -am.t.."_......_ , • a .,. , . ir IP 4..t i-if Et .411ro 0 -Alf ' litilif . - ...s. - - ..• . ....-_ • ..--- -- '-:',.-Ar.v - -• 51.....-,- ....c. . . . -. -........ . r , ". - ;-•..-• .--;..,,." - . - - , ;•..'•42:st;r' .-'•-•'. 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TABLE OF CONTENTS I.INTRODUCTION page Purpose 1 Scope of Information 1 Data Limitations 2 ( II.LOCATION AND TERRITORY Regional Location 3 Territory 3 t III.HISTORY AND CULTURE Community History 4 Cultural Background 6 Historic Preservation 7 IV. POPULATION Current Population 8 Growth Trends Since Incorporation 8 Recent Trends 8 Subregional Population Ranking 9 Long Range Population Forecasts 9 Population Characteristics in 1980 and 1985 10 (! - V.HOUSING t - Existing Housing Stock 12 Growth Trends 12 Housing Characteristics 13 Housing Projections 15 Subsidized Housing 15 Housing Assistance Programs 16 VI.ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Per Capita Money Income 17 Retail Sales 17 Bank Deposits 18 Jobless Rate 18 Employment 18 Building Permit Value and Assessed Valuation 20 { City Revenues 20 Summary 21 • VII.PUBLIC FACILITIES AND UTILITIES Parks and Recreation 22 Schools 25 Public Service(Fire,Police,Library,City Hall) 27 Utilities(Water and Sewer) 30 VIII.NEIGHBORHOODS West Kennydale 32 East Kennydale 32 Glencoe/Sierra Heights 33 President Park/Honeydew 33 Highlands 34 North Highlands 35 Heather Downs 35 Maplewood 36 Renton Hill 36 Tiffany Park 37 Rolling Hills/Benson Hill 37 Talbot Hill/Springbrook 38 North Renton 38 South Renton 39 West Hill/Earlington Hill 39 Green River Valley 40 3 IX.CIRCULATION AND TRANSPORTATION <� Existing Street System ,41 Existing Traffic 41 Congestion at the Intersections 41 Public Transit 42 Transportation System Management 42 Municipal Airport 42 X.LAND USE Existing Land Use Distribution 43 Existing Land Use Pattern 43 Vacant Land 44 XI.NATURAL ENVIRONMENT Geology 45 Soils 45 Aquifer Recharge Areas 45 Natural Lakes,Rivers and Streams 46 Wetlands 46 Natural Hazards 47 11 l ' XII.CITY GOVERNMENT AND COMMUNITY SERVICES Stucture of City Government 49 Court Services 49 Jail Services 50 Animal Control Services 50 Public health Services 50 Valley Medical Center 50 Ire ( i,_ { ( T - ` aka+ t; **t st; • •1,44 -- •-At - m � • • :ev 3 •li'' *,y � g$a '.i •~ �i'aL"E.f'y}• 4 y.�"y.,y�`aT'.j ,yy4 1 •,E ' ., yyt r ,R t ?II I i i 1-; I s I I I f' ' 1 .' ' t 1 , - ilitlilill " 11111111 r" .`. *.4,1 ! t ; I I .f . ' i' ': ' 1 1 lilt ' '* I ' ,, ? I !.. ,,..f , ', $ i ' : lli al it$.' - . • ,, , I ! ' : ' i 1 4 ''. . . laniii . . r. t • . . . , ageing's - - , _ Mit': ;; iu•,,„„„,iar i 4t , : I, 0\i ' i IN fig' !( i� •E. �' - wa0 0 • -INTRODUCTION- I. INTRODUCTION The Community History and Cultural Background • chapter describes the community's beginning and some ofits civic tradition; • • .......................................................................... .............. .. The Population chapter includes present distribu- The Community Profile is compiled for two pur- tion,future growth trends, and socio-economic char- + poses: to assist the comprehensive plan update pro- acteristics of the population; cess by. providing an assessment of current condi- . tions of the city; and to provide information to the The Housing chapter contains information and general public. analysis of current and future housing trends; The Community Profile will greatly support the community's effort to plan ahead in anticipation of ..._ newly developing trends and opportunities. It will also aid in the city's effort to focus its vision for the , • , future. The City of Renton adopted the following mission1,11 -.: ..: .„: l statement in 1988 in order to bring the community o: . -. laa ,A;;g j_ ,. together with a common purpose: /:„ , or'I,. . . The City of Renton, in partnership with residents, _ business,and government,is dedicated to: -Providing a healthy atmosphere in which to live ;:..,.-A,,„*„.,....,, , n..- , ,$ l and raise families _ -Encouraging responsible growth and economic vitality, The Economic Development chapter describes cur- l_ rent economic conditions using standard economic -Creating a positive work environment; indicators and contains future economic projections i based on local and regional information; Resulting in a quality environment where people choose to live,work,and play. The'Public Facilities and Utilities chapter contains a • description of existing facilities and programs, in ad- dition to anticipated future needs; .................................................................................... .. ... I The Community Profile consists of facts and analysis :� concerning population, community history, housing, economic development, public facilities, utilities, .. . neighborhood characteristics, transportation, land ,4 1 use patterns, and environment. These are major 1 � . C r � ��zT i� ._, factors influencing the quality of the community as a �, ��� �"� �``' place to live, work, and play. Knowledge of the - community's past as well as present condition can be � .' • , ,_ -.- ,.,. - . • ,.� � ' utilized to achieve the City's vision. The profile is � ,� �: �� -� ,tom comprised of the following chapters: ��, ;-, �� i7. a r I - 1 .. 'r., '" t *i The Location and Territory chapter, includes the a- . ..$ ,t°�, , history of expansion of city territory since the origi- nal incorporation of the city in 1901; • • The Neighborhood chapter contains information and g P : .. .. analysis of existing neighborhood resources and an- C. Dt ;TamltatlbriS: .. . .......... . ticipated future growth; Accuracy of long-range forecasts on population, The Circulation and Transportation chapter de- housing, and employment is difficult to achieve due scribes the existing community transportation net- to the unpredictability of factors such as interest work, current traffic conditions, and other commu- rates, housing costs, and national economic condi- nity transportation facilities; tions. Population, housing, and employment fore- casts were derived from the research conducted by regional agencies including the Puget Sound Council of Governments and King County. Readers are cautioned against accepting the fore- , a , }` casts and other approximate data as precise facts. R� :. t t,•.,. • Some of the estimates shall require periodic revi- sions as national, regional, and local conditions >: , • change. ram - Lam ,w�raa q=�—• ,„°' •.�'\ Wa :w.wL•3,v e .. The Land Use chapter describes and evaluates the present land use pattern; The Natural Environment chapter describes the physical setting of Renton. The City Government and Community Services chapter describes the structure of Renton's government as well as a variety of community services and facilities such as court services, jail services, animal control services, public health services,and the Valley Medical Center. 2 • PLAT OF THE TOWN OF RENTON p pPR %�, as laid out by ' 0 r E E.M.Smithers,T.B.Morris 9 C.B.Shattuck ' 7 /875 : 74 " I /r " r 23 /4 Scale 200'to on Inch /, C. 1 // n • The Initial point of this plot is the South West corner of Block No.28 ' a 7 ' which corner Is 476North and/6011.West of corner to sections 9 / a a /7 sill , /7,/B,/9 BPO of Township P'3 North of Range 5 East. „ .9 w 3 4 r LOTS 50 by/20 except fractional lots. 2NO AVENUE Streets 60 ft.wide / to I z, / to / /9 , /3 WALLA WALLA 50 ' ' ' a /9 2 /9 2 I• a /8 n III 3 /8 3 a 3 n 3 n 9 17 4 /7 1 a 4 /4 .4 I' Territory of Wosh/ngton/ss ` 29 +f s 72 , ` /3 6 .t 10 ,.r 9 County of King !! - 6 /,Erasmus M.Smithers trustee for the 7 /4 7 /4 7 /4 7 Ia title to the property embraced within the bounds of the within and hereto e n 8 /r e a 8 + � • annexed p/al, and/do hereby plot the same as the Town of Renton, a a 9 a • 1 ,2 9 /, - hereby dedicating the land occupied by the Streets to the uses of the „ ,a /, /a p public. • Witness my hand and seal this 4th 3R0 AVENUE doy of September,/875. I a ' " p i9 / ra Erasmus M.Sm/thera t /+ a 0 I n 9 /9 e ' /r , D !� 9 n 3 a • 14 4 21 a AGr /3 3 /c • q r 2,7 n r 7 „yr / a 4 9 e s /, 6 Territory of Washington) r 'I� 3 " 6 /J 2 /' County of King /ss a Ie t . • 9 7 a 8 0 On this 4th day of September/876,appeared ©� y e 8 ,/ abefore me E.M.Smithers,trustee for the title to the lands in the Town of 6 7 9 ill / /, Renton and acknowledged the platting and dedication of the some as .. 477./ AVENUE his free act and deed. , To / 2e I 9e , 1. / xo Witness my hand and sea/the day and year above 2 ,r 2 /9 a 12 a /9 r /9 written. a /8 3 18 8 /8 3 18 3 /8 A.Mackintosh + /7 4 n 4 ,t 4 /I f a Notary Public W.T. h 27 r 19 a r r .c/i /2 8 r ��) hc r ,roc /roc I0I 6 ✓,yo 4 s 7 /4 7 70 r /4 8 a 8 a 8 8 " E a 9 /+ 9 ,a 9 a /1 9 /I A. // /, „ I. /, I.Ie /e Filed for Record by E.M.Smithers September 5TH • AVENUE 41h,/876 at 4RM. ' ae / /. 3' / Re 7 I M S.Booth ^2 /'`1 a AI 2 /9 2 aAuditor of King Co,W..7. W, /..3 /•h 9 ,• 3 a r A C a�4 n o d a 4 /7 4 /7 r 29 /e V r 113 n J r /7 .+ r ' n\-r d a J�c C /r�6 /,Q4 arc a (V 7 14 7 /4 7 9 7 /4'C 7 /4 9 /7 .8 a 8 a 8 0 8 a V ,I 9 /I 9 /I 9 /I 9 is -LOCATION AND TERRITORY- U EVERETT • Lynnwood O Lake Washington •(Redmond 0 BELLEVUE a 1114 Lake Sammamish SEATTLE • Issaquah C • North Bend d RENTON Maple Valley Kent • 41) Auburn TACOMA REGIONAL LOCATION MAP II. LOCATION AND ANNEXATION could take place. -A fiscal impact analysis has been completed which determined the fmancial soundness of If - of thei the area is an annexation the area to city. nexed to the city, the size of the City of Renton would be over 24 square miles. The City of Renton is' located in the Central Puget Sound region which is the economic hub of the State of Table II-1 Washington. Ranking third in population in King CITY OF RENTON County, Renton is a neighbor to four of the county's ANNEXATIONS AND LAND INCREASE largest cities: Seattle, Bellevue, Kirkland, and Kent. 1901-1989 The city is located at the south end of Lake Washing- ton,the largest stlake in King County. This is illustra ted ':�;;Pei'iod:of>:�>?>:'Zi::?a`Jpmtierof;? :`? :�::�::::�'?.:;::::.:•:::.::.::::::... ,.::.:: in the Regional Location Map. P ''r14ltl s., ... .. . .. . sq. . ... .. . Sq - Renton is also situated in the center of the regional transportation network which connects State Highways 1901 Inm ration 1.0mi. 1.0 mi. 167, 169, 515, and 900 to Interstate Highways 5, 405, and 90. The network provides access to the major ur- 1902-1929 2 0.8 sq.mi. 1.8 sq.mi. ban centers and major recreational sites in the vicinity. 1929-1949 7 1.6 sq.mi. 3.4 sq.me. • • . • Topography and location of the city affords beautiful • scenic views over a variety of major natural features in 1949-1969 93 10.8 sq.mi. 14.2 sq.mi. the state, including Mt. Rainier, the Olympic Moun- tains, Lake Washington, and the Cascade Mountain 1969-1989 43 1.9 sq.mi. 16.1 sq.mi. range. Source:City of Renton GRAPHIC II-1 When Renton was first incorporated in 1901, the city CITY OF RENTON was only one square mile in size. Since then, the city TOTAL SQUARE MILES has expanded sixteen times. The expansion was achieved mostly through annexations of adjacent and 1001 nearby areas. During 1949 to 1969, 10.8 square miles +,r were added to the city,67%of its present territory. ( In the decades following the 1949-1969 period, expan- • sion has taken place slowly and the city has gained only 1 1 ===-______ lf about 1.9 square miles to arrive at the current size of =- 16.1 square miles. Table II-1 and Graphic 11-1 illustrate the growth of territory in Renton as well as the four Annexation maps. :......... In 1988, a group of residents from the unincorporated North Soos Creek area approached the city about the 1901 1929 1949 1969 1989 i possibility of annexing to the city. Because it is a large YEAR and populated area, a variety of issues emerged as Source:City of Renton important factors to be considered before annexation • 3 ril.18 ----'7' \ i r- \ A.V WIII''''`N\I* - I,^'F''— N - = • \ �\ t �+^� i7Y`�`+ iiplprl-m. m .x;11 >" y % r�r���'� 1t7 \l� S b j I, IIEF � . `gt+1 1" 'E. �fii'i . , mil " 1\O Ito \III -.e— lA I 'I II ; if �,3 �:31C., `1�rr ,-- -it, . `4 ` - _ I ` ')x t9 ti .� a II' ' 5- hJ i 1 'r 'II I�' r1! '� . ;cz,„ id ll!F : 2a „� `f ail� '� 10, I I ) , 1 . ll 3 11 ri Ali ' .► �!`lam I`F ' . - e '� I��??** (.. . _ . '-33Ir: ' '1 }' \,.. ( Ra` I. LI 1 '_ 1. ,;.\.... 1901 ORIGINAL No 1939 Boundary 1939/1949 INCORPORATION — 1949 Boundary ANNEXATIONS T.. 0 ,,,i,,,,‘,...11,. r. + r �' ��\�•= n "� IMF 9 y ' �' ` are __ ` F _^ (I I�, ait My lift T .__ �{a 1 } ai�uti iiia :�c .....U earn .,,p, �11- nc:� R> �, �I '"fi t rf�O��t� .. ,...„. -; Ificii",,,g4 N' a4, P j� y�• ,� AIli al-. �t4 � n •zE + 4. .. het n Jr,' Rif :A� :►s .„ F� t.. _ - . I)- ���� �ylf � �l�llr 1 may,' j ;'' 1 •I111' I'.7 .1 CII'II`ii0 1 r r. 'A , NIA , lil 1 ► i+ I^� I _� 11 \ �� I v 'i . fr-I. pp l �`1711 , -, 1♦ .1 I sic 1 I �)r' ,,, �ti.. �.Ic.« '�- 1 J- .. 11, git (.. vl .R, ! • r- ': ;IL," 1 A�i /11 fi/".�`' 1. :.I\ \ \.. ..� 1949 Boundary 1969 OM 1949 Boundary 1989 lin 1969 Boundary ANNEXATIONS 11. 1989 Boundary ANNEXATIONS I ^ +Y :' Elmi .. . . ,,,,, ef.........k,.....I., x !.- . ....,,,..„..,...:4 . .,,,,..,,,,,,,,...-..-.4 . : ,.. - --. ..,—,---,. 1:4 : ....,—.....! pii p• f. . , e V ne• . ... ... , r • R.•Sys �u �„f Y a tx i 1^i • • . ,-: • 1:f":11::: . 1 a ram" !. �. s - . *t •9 , .� 8 i .a i2a0ll . • III. Community History and Cultural The first coal mining company was organized by Eras- Background mus M. Smithers and his two associates after coal was discovered in Renton in 1873. The Renton Coal Corn- i P Ywas the first o f manYlarge coa loperations hon which much of Southeast King County depended for employment during the next fifty years. The company. _ The Early Settlers was financed by Captain William Renton, a successful owner of timber interests.around Puget Sound. The The first settlers of Renton were the native Indians. town name was later adopted in honor of Captain Living near the rivers, Duwamish Indians made a living Renton. by catching salmon with their fish weirs, picking abun- • dant berries of several varieties, and planting small In 1875 there were probably fewer than 50 people in the patches of potatoes. One group of Indians lived on the Renton area; in 1880 the population was reported as spot which is now Liberty Park, another between the 100; and in 1890 there were 406 people according to Cedar and Black rivers, and a third lived on land later the U. S.census. By 1900,one year before Renton was occupied by one of the earliest white settlers, Erasmus incorporated as a fourth class town, there were 1,176 M. Smithers: Over the years, the number of Indians people. dwindled because of_newly introduced diseases and other infirmities. Henry Moses, the last Duwamish tribal chief, lived in Renton until he passed away in. Early Industries and Businesses 1969. Coal The first white settler in Renton was Henry Tobin who arrived in 1853 and settled on a donation claim from Coal mining was the most important industry in Renton the territorial government along the banks of the Cedar and southeast King County during the town's early pe- _ and Black Rivers. His wife, Diana, later joined him. riod until the energy source shifted to oil in the 1940's. . The Donation Land Claim Act passed by the federal In its heyday, the coal mining industry employed most government in 1850 provided that any settler who came .of the town's male labor force in two mines, Renton - into the Oregon Territory between December 1, 1850, and Talbot. During the 1885-86 labor troubles, the two and December 1, 1853, could establish a claim on 160 tunnels were closed briefly but reopened by an orga- acres of land by surveying the property and submitting a - nized coal miners' union with the new name of the description to the government and then residing on the Renton Cooperative Coal Company. Later, Seattle land for an unbroken period of four years. A man and Electric (predecessor of Puget Power) bought out the wife could claim a tract of 320 acres. company. Along with mining, the transport and distribution of coal played an important role in the Shortly after Tobin arrived, he and an associate,Fanjoy, development of Renton as a major industrial center in built the first sawmill in the area on the bank of the the Puget Sound region. Black River. The sawmill was burned down during the Indian War. Henry Tobin died around 1855-1856 leav- ing behind his wife,Diana. r: ..� In 1856 Erasmus M. Smithers from Virginia settled in • "; , { ur.^^. 1 - Renton after marrying the young widow, iana Tobin. jrg o> .` When combined with the Tobin's land,Smither's claim ;% i — " ►� . amounted to 480 acres which include much of present `` downtown Renton and all of what now is Renton Sho V , ping Center. In 1876 Erasmus M. Smithers with I. B. Morris and C.B.Shattuck filed the first plat of the town. g The boundaries started on the north,at Cedar River, 44, . ' running south to Seventh Street, east to Burnett Street, , y. north to Cedar River, and west along the bank of that • t,` ". :'°F' '. ` river to the point of beginning. 4 Lumber rebuilding the city. Renton Clay Works was joined by the Denny Clay Company which manufactured a wide Next to coal mining and transport, lumbering and range of clay products,such as, sewer tile,conduits,clay milling were the most important early industries. After shingles, drain tile, ornamental face brick, and street the first sawmill built by Tobin and Fanjoy burned paving brick.Around 1917 the Denny-Renton Clay and down, David Parker and his sons, Leroy and James, Coal was the largest manufacturer of paving brick in built a sawmill in the early 1870's near the present the world. Renton paving brick was used to pave junction of Third and Main Streets. Active logging was streets not only locally but also in San Francisco,Tokyo, done in and around the Renton area which was heavily and India. The ornamental face brick produced by the forested at that time. Renton's location next to Lake company was used on many early Seattle buildings. Washington and the Cedar River gave it advantages over the surrounding area. Before connection by rail PACCAR with Seattle was established, lumber products could be shipped out of Renton via three routes: by barge down In 1901 William Pigott organized Pacific- Car & the Cedar River to Lake Washington and over the coal Foundry to supply steel, pig iron, and equipments to route between the lake and the bay;by barge down the railroad companies and to build horse and oxen drawn Black River and into the Duwamish to Elliott Bay; or logging trucks. The company underwent major growth over the military road from Renton to Seattle. From during the two World Wars through manufacturing Seattle lumber could be shipped anywhere, including steel boxcars,Sherman tanks and wing spars for Boeing San Francisco where bombers. After World demand for lumber k� - , ,,` 1; _, ; War I the firm continued products was high. i xr i to produce box cars for i -. € ' ;; +s - -i'h. ; #". ' t hauling purposes and Railroad " ' M,t '4t M, ' r " , ,E '-- structural steel for ‘-4`i !.1 "" ', building dams, bridges The major freight and § °� • -: 1�1=,r �'I Vi -t t and high-rise buildings. passenger transportation , _ - a In 1945 the firm acquired was through three " r ' F +�. ` --444 '.--.1 .„„ ,: Kenworth Motor Trucks railroad lines: The Seattle :..1. ` , ° ,4 ;:;,L '" and, in 1958, Peterbilt &nWalla Walla Railroad 1, ,„ ; ` �'��� ``�". ; .t., Motors and has been • connected Seattle to io i 1 ' '`` .. _ active in the truck Renton and all the other M '1'1 '' .�. 4'" ''"� A ,g.,' 5 , building business ever coal towns in southeast - .4 t- /4 . t""° .. "^ a:�E `', since. In 1972 Pacific Car King County. The Puget .,..._- . -'.—— Po.. .... -.. and Foundry company Sound Electric Railway, merged into PACCAR, commonly called the "Interurban" which ran from 1902 Inc. The company still occupies a large industrial to 1928,connected Seattle and Tacoma with many stops property in North Renton. including Renton, Georgetown, Meadows, Duwamish, Orilla, Kent, Auburn, Algona, Milton, and Fife. The Seattle,Renton and Southern Railway,which connected Downtown Seattle to Bryn Mawr; Earlington and Renton, was 12 miles'in length, making it the longest electric railway in Renton in its early days had many family-owned stores the state. This line ran for about 48 years from 1890 to ranging from drug , hardware and junk, grocery stores 1938. - to clothing and home furnishings stores. The first de- partment store was opened by Robert Wood and was a Brick Making source of necessary items for the early settlers in the area- food, clothing, hardware, home furnishings, feed Discovery of a special kind of.clay by James Doyle and and hay. The Woods also traveled with loaded wagons J. R. Miller at the south end of Lake Washington was full of merchandise and sold to workers in Black Dia- the beginning of a long history of the brick and tile mond,Newcastle and other mining and lumber camps. 1 - industry in Renton. The two men and E. J. Matthews formed the Renton Clay Works in 1902 and started to Early grocery stores and other family-run stores were produce bricks for street pavement and building. The located in what is presently downtown Renton where Seattle fire of 1889 created high demand for bricks for many of them remain. Covey's Grocery, which opened 5 inll 9 7 still exists today. Charles S. Custer s store at Walla and Main which opened about 1880 was consid- ; ered the first of several hardware stores. Tom Rubat- tino operated the Owl Cafe restaurant since its opening The town of Renton had a lively civic life from its early in 1920 until his retirement in 1974. Stokes Mortuary years of townhood. It boasted many volunteer business started in 1921 at 4th and Williams. Erwin Fey's movie and civic associations and religious organizations. It W theater, the Rainier Theater, was opened in 1924. enjoyed its own home-grown sports teams and-the an- McLendon's Hardware was started by the McLendon nual July 4th celebration and parades. family in 1927 and, later, became the largest indepen- dently owned hardware store in the Northwest. Many local service clubs were formed during the 1920's McLendon Hardware is still operated by family mem- through the 1940's: the Renton Lions Club, the Renton bers today. Tonkin's Grocery was opened in 1884 and Kiwanis Club, the Renton Rotary, the Business and remained as a Tonkin family business until 1946. Professional Women, and the Soroptimist International William & McKnight general store, which supplied ev- are some of the active clubs existing in Renton. From erything from groceries to appliances and early phono- its early coal mining days,many lodges were maintained graphs,operated for more than forty years. to relieve men and women from the long, tiring work week with music, chat, food and fellowship. The Ma- _.. sonic Lodge, the Odd Fellows Lodge, and the Nesika Chapter of Order of Eastern Star were established in the 1870's through the 1890's. The five oldest organized churches in town were the First Presbyterian, St.Luke's Espiscopal,the First Bap- • ' tist, the First United Methodist, and St. Anthony's Catholic. These churches started within a period of a. l �' twenty years between 1885 and 1906, and played a sig- il -A nificant role in molding the life of the community. Nleir `C ""^ '2111.1t ( ' - Soccer and baseball have been the favorite sports in the r ! community since the turn of the century. Soccer was the ball game of choice among the Welsh, English and Scottish coal miners. Baseball has been a popular sport Citizens' Bank of Renton was organized in 1909 later in Renton for more than 100 years. In its heyday, the becoming the Renton branch of People's National Renton baseball team was_followed by the community Bank. The first Federal Savings and Loan Association on chartered ferries, trains, or on foot to wherever the of Renton was incorporated with the name of Renton game was held. Savings and Loan in 1923. It later was renamed First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Renton. • . Jet Capital of the World dtOirt"r2:7.4.„:7*1- '", I During World War II, The Boeing company's decision �' 4 ,{" i; 1" - •in 1940 to build a new plant at the south end of Lake • Via, r +‘".t Washington to produce B-17 bombers and new flying -` i i ` ,, w.• {, tit ` boats changed the city of Renton more than any other ' ;•, ,.. t event in recent history. From a relatively small town of a -. " R `f -4- �. about 4,500 people in 1940, Renton became a large in- ` : ,� _, dustrial center of the Puget Sound region with a popu- • 1 ° , lation of 16,039 in 1950. Today, the Boeing company is ,� ti . ' involved in producing commercial airplanes 737, 747, F,r- t" ti • 757 and 767 as well as various military and space pro- grams. In 1989, Boeing is the largest employer in Renton with approximately 25,000 jobs. Like most American cities and towns, the Fourth of July was a major holiday and many fun events were or- 6 • ganized in Renton including parades through town,pic- imperial architect of Russia. The building was built be- nics at parks, races and ball games for children, and tween 1940 and 1942. It is considered Renton's most public dances with band music. noted example of Moderne (or Art Deco) architecture. The building houses the Renton Historical Museum The major annual event in recent years has been the and Historical Society. It is placed on the Washington Renton River Days festival, held in the middle of Au- State Register of Historic Buildings. gust. Various ball games, tournaments, races, exhibits, public dances with live music, musical performances, 3. Renton High School contests,a parade,and banquet are offered in the festi- 400 South Second val to the general public. Renton High School was constructed in 1932 as an ad- dition tot e original highh school which was 1aterra zed. It was designed William Mallis of Mallis & Dehart .... ............................................................. � b Y architects. The building incorporates Tudor and Gothic There are a number of historic buildings and sites in architectural styles in its tower and flanking wings. The Renton which date back to the early days of the City. building is situated on five acres of the original The following partial list includes buildings which were Smithers homestead and is still being used as a high considered historically significant and an inventory school today. which was compiled under the Historic Preservation Program within the Cultural Resources Division of 4. Henry Ford School King County Parks and Recreation Department. 416 Wells Street Historic Buildings and Sites The Henry Ford Elementary School was built in 1922 to replace the adjacent Central School which had been 1. Historic Renton Coal Mine Hoist Foundation built in 1892. The School was in use as a south Renton 1,000 feet south of intersection of Grady Road and elementary school until 1970. The Henry Ford School Benson was converted to the Renton School District offices. It is a significant building for the valuable role it played in A commemorative plaque has been placed on the north the School District's and the City's early history. wall of the hoist foundation. The inscription is as fol- lows: 5. The Melrose Tavern 819 Houser Way South "Dedicated to the hundreds of miners who worked in this mine from its discovery in 1873 by Originally the eastern portion of the first floor of the E.M. Smithers, to its closure in 1920. This is the Melrose Hotel, the Melrose Tavern was built as a part foundation of the hoist used to haul coal-filled of the Melrose Hotel and Tavern by Ben Atkinson with cars up from the main slope. From its entrance money he made in Alaska during the Klondike Gold now under the freeway, it descended east at 12 Rush. The Milwaukee Railroad used to run along degrees for over a mile, branching over 22 times. Houser Way. The Melrose was a favorite place for The mine was operated by the Renton Coal Co. travelers to drop in for an overnight stay or shorter rest until 1886, the Renton Cooperative Coal Co. until at the tavern. During Prohibition, the Melrose Tavern 1901,then the Seattle Electric Co. until 1920, over changed its beverages to near-beer and continued to 1,300,000 tons of coal were removed during the operate with card games and pool table in full use. The life of this mine." hotel portion burned in the 1920's and the tavern con- tinued to operate. Alterations to the tavern's interior 2. Renton Fire Station have been minimal and many of its original interior 235 Mill Avenue South features are retained. The Renton Fire Station was designed by Ivan M. Palmaw, a Russian immigrant and nephew of the last - • • 0. ' , 411 4 ti '� �' � *I., 1 • ' '''**— 'p, lf,,' ;•,!Sit...) "I-' 1 ' .• * '"r ''`i :4$ ; .. �,+u '# a yiy i a n r.,< • �� +�s ryE et . !ko.:..':::,:...,- ! ) ,• 41j�i pr ' ` —maxi :; ' j‘e 6 � . ;4 ''€ ..-'1,.".'''''''€".' 1 tt, '4%.** 't " '.4,'„I'?- 'It � 'fir.s �' ,.. ...e,''' i*, .., ' I 44,1* ''14 . .,11 I., ..,,: :,:: . ' 4,,'r''''''''' ,,..:r �� `w.. t y' a* IV. POPULATION tanks. In the 1940's, the population exploded from 4,488 to 16,039,an increase of 257%. Detailed study of population is essential in the compre- hensive plan update process. Population size, Between 1960 and 1970, the. city experienced an in- characteristics, distribution, density in the study area crease of population of 7,425 or 40% and gained about r . and future growth trends are important determinants of 4 square miles in territory. Compared to the previous the direction of city growth and planning. two decades, the 1970-80 period was slow in growth. The increase of population was 5,153 or approximately - Future city service needs can be anticipated through 2%with the size of the city territory increasing by 20%. forecasting population growth trends. Population den- sity influences the volume of traffic,public service pro- In the last nine years the population of the city has in- vision, and the amount of available open space. Popu- creased by 7,449 or 24% from 1980. Approximately 1 lation characteristics are relevant to economic opportu- square mile was annexed to the city, adding approxi- nities, location of industries, and community cultural mately 6% to the size. Graphic IV-1 shows Renton's and recreational requirements. Age distribution indi- population and land area increase from 1910-1990. cates current and future needs of special groups such as senior citizens and preschool-age children. GRAPHIC IV-1 Population growth is influenced by external forces that are difficult,to predict such as regional economic con- CITY O F R E N T O N POPULATION TREND ditions,employment, and housing costs and availability. t s t o - 1990 , Therefore, the population growth rates should be re- vised and their effects re-evaluated periodically to ac- t 00 Land Area Increase count for any changed conditions. • to 100000-4— IU0 I®IW 1011 Ire I♦Itl Irm Ier Iwo . C . . p :a. � YEAR As of April 1, 1989, the Cityof Renton estimated its - P __ population as 38,480 in the report to the Washington 10000 State Office of Financial Management. That estimate Z. '_ 37.260 increase in population -"'' was an increase of 1,540 from the previous year's pop- ulation from 1910 1990 -• estimate. • ......:.....:....:.......:...::::::::::::::::::::::::.:. 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 YEAR :::..,•.,,.::.•::'•;'.' Source:City of Renton The City of Renton was one square mile in size with • approximately 1,300 residents when it was first in- corporated in 1901. In the.four decades following corporation, in- city a the erienced steadyand slow xP growthin population and territory. ::C.:::...eC�• t.�'...:.....5..:::::::::::::::::::::::.::.:.:::::::::::::::::::::::::..: However, dynamic growth in population and territory During the last nine years the average annual popula- ` took place during the decade between 1940 and 1950, tion growth was approximately 800. In the last two largely due to the people migrating to work in the years the annual increase has been approximately 1,500. booming wartime industries in Renton. The local in- The recent high growth trend is expected to continue in dustries such as PACCAR and Boeing kept many the years,to come due to the excellent outlook in the workers busy manufacturing war planes and Sherman 8 I commercial airplane industry, the booming economy in GRAPHIC IV-3 - the Seattle-Tacoma metropolitan area and the good KING COUNTY quality of life perceived to exist in the area. Renton's INCORPORATED v s. UNINCORPORATED - recent population trend is shown in Graphic IV-2. Incorporated 59.2% __- 3. 5 .. GRAPHIC IV-2 CITY OF R E N T O N j ,:;::,:;:;:;:t,e„n:, • RECENT POPULATION TREND 1980 - 1990 111.111, s Unincorporated 100000-� . _ 40.8% / Source:City of Renton o / J /--- 1 .•:ri:1..... i= :. .:. i GRAPHIC IV-4 '::::: i: .:i:.::il:€riIIII: 114i :i: :f: i?lf :ii!';`s'=::i::i'`:;1:::::. 1988 COMMUNITY POPULATIONS i::l:i:€:?:'::_::i:i .: i:.: ::.s.:: IN KING COUNTY — — larmo -- 500000 10000 :.:.:.:.:...::.:.:...:.:.::....:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.;.;.:;.:.:...._.:_...................................... 1980 1981 1982 1883 198.1985 1 988 1997 1988 1999 1990 Year 400000- a Source:City of Renton -. 300000-- 6 = 200000—v.;.;.;.kFi:Fa. t ::D.:Subregional;;Population:Rankin ::::::::::::::::: ::: 100000 — —861T0 ........ .:: . ....... ..:. .... ::. 38480 38820 3/e90 33400 32400 zo3eo Renton is the third most populous city in King County. The unincorporated area of King County contains o o o _ nearly 41% of total County population. This is illus- " _ , Q- E _ —N ,— trated in Graphic IV-3. In addition,Renton is the ninth m Y — d - most populous city in the State of Washington. . o Amongthe incorporated cities of similar size in the Source:Forecasting Division,Washington State Financial Office of rP Financial Management J vicinity, population in Kent and Redmond grew most rapidly, by 52% and 43% respectively in the last nine I I years. By comparison, Renton grew 24% during the samepe riod. Graphic IV-4 shows the 1998 populations E�<Lbag R .ge:Pop> .. t..: .;:Forecasts :::::..::: of cities in the vicinity of Renton. . . . .. .. The study area for long-range population growth pro- jection is larger than the current city limits because of a high potential for annexing adjacent areas in the future. The larger study area will include approximately 46 square miles of area, of which 16 square miles lie within the Renton city limits. This area is shown in the Exist- 9 ing Spheres of Influence and Study Area Map. Graphic comparison and Graphic IV-5 illustrates Renton's eth- IV-5 illustrates the population projections for the Ren- nicity. ton Study Area. Table IV-1 RENTON vs.KING COUNTY ETHNICITY GRAPHIC IV-5 RENTON FORECAST AREA POPULATION PROJECTIONS 1990 - 2020 White 91.5% 88.4% 1000000-4 Black 2.5% 4.4% American Indian, _ Eskimo,Aleut LO% 1.0% Asian and Pacific Islander 3.8% 4.6% Other L3% 1.6% 100000 Source: 1980 US.Federal Census 1r- 10000 I r 1990 2000 2020 GRAPHIC IV-6 YEAR CITY OF RENTON Source:PSCOG ETHNICITY ........... • ................... ,...;..,. ... White ;F:<>Fo uYat>ton haracter>< t><cs ><n 1l 0 : nd:. .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:....:.::.:.::.:.: 3::x:a':irii9i:'i'iiii"iii��>:... ;;•T;��=;•'.2g.r`Y,,:a:3,` 1. Age Distribution Overall distribution of ro in in wa .:....._.�.:.:.�..I::::::.::.::.::::.: remarkabl similar m Rentonageg andups in Km Counpopulat o as as 8,5% Non-White Y g ty whole. In 1980 the median age of Renton population was 30 years, while King County's median age was 31 years. More than forty percent of the Renton popula- tion was in the 20-44 years range, approximately the Other same proportion as in King County. Seven percent of 1.2% Renton's population was under age five while King :u :;::;:,. Black County showed six percent for that age group. Elderly :1 _ 2.5% persons of 60 years or older comprised 14.7% in Ren- v ton and 14.5%in King County. The age groups in population were similarly distributed in the nearb cities in Kent, Bellevue, and Auburn with } "` ' American Indian. Y Asian and Pacific ` << •. w^ Eskimo,Aleut very minor differences. Islander 1% 3.8% 2. Ethnicity Source: 1980 U.S.federal Census Ethnic composition of the Renton population is comparable to King County. Table IV-1 illustrates the • 10 3. Income fect the kinds,of industries and commercial establish- ments likely to locate in the community, the level of The per capita income in Renton in 1985 was estimated revenues that can be raised to pay for the public ser- to be $12,279. By comparison, it was $13,192 in King vices and infrastructure, and the types of new housing County. Per capita income had been rising at the an- that will be built. , nual rate of 6.48% in Renton during the 1979 to 1985 • period; In King County the average annual rate of in- crease was 6.2%. GRAPHIC IV-7 In nearby cities, there was a similar rate of increases in 1989 KING COUNTY COMMUNITIES per capita income. In Bellevue, the per capita income MEAN FAMILY AND HOUSEHOLD INCOMES rose at the average annual rate of 6.5%during the 1979 40000-z to 1985 period; in Kent,,it rose at the average yearly rate of 6.28%; in Seattle, at the average annual rate of 6.53%. 30000-z lgit ,Iii The increase in per capita income was larger in King ,.. ivi.i ]..t,, ,i.i.,4t,I _ _ f,County than any surrounding counties in this period. :::YF.. ,. t: a While KingCountyrose at 6.2% per annum theper • • :.,„ > �� tl:3: capita income in Snohomish County rose at 5.4% annu- — — — t o000 r . ,.> �"� :may `_ all KitsapCountyby6.1%. and Pierce Countybyi> �.kx Y� :Y,„ . ::v :t..:. :. 5.7%. 0 `.;. �< is ;�s :; ''',Y'.�.,,._: :. • The most recent data on the mean family and house- o — = o hold income are based on the 1980 U.S. Census. In = N Renton the mean family income was $25,179 and mean U m household income was$22,316 in 1979. Table IV-2 and - Graphic IV-6 illustrate the comparison. Table IV-2 EJ Mean Family Income CITY OF RENTON Fl Mean Household Income MEAN FAMILY AND HOUSEHOLD INCOME Source:King County Planning and Community Development Division . Meari::0701h <: a14ea <Household iIncoriie ;:::::::::_Income ii;:> : • Historicall , Renton has been characterized by its pre- y dominantly blue collar work force. The level of educa- Renton $25,179 $22,316 tion has remained similar over recent decades. The King County $28,678 $24,258 median educational level among the community resi- Seattle $25,872 $20,613 dents is high school. For the residents over 24 years of Bellevue 535,440 $29,276 age, approximately 40% completed high school only, Kent $25,535 $22,349 • while 22%have not completed high school according to Auburn $23,268 $20,821 the 1980 U.S. Census. Only 16% completed 4 or more - Source:1980 U.S.Census and PSCOG years of college. This correlates with the occupational - distribution: The largest number of persons work in 4. Education the manufacturing sector. A total of 5,588 people worked in manufacturing;3,404 in wholesale and trade; The educational level of residents affect the community 2,077 in professional and related services in 1979. in a number of ways. For example, it is closely related • to the level of skill of the work force, income, and recreational and cultural needs. These, in turn, can af- 11 wrr ��tl . 1. i r :•r �1 ,a t , q( ` if r rr . i,73 1,1#, • .'"'"4,;•...i...:' * ,.- ..:„„.....,. • LAN 6 ;I'Mp` 'La �� l` WA Sil ° la IL a \�^`,. t I �`O. a R a 11 7Z ' > �,'�I •At-F�ELtf , laid y, �� ,�y ymp{' / 4 /It A' 3 . Y ., L�•�j,. r'i J �� : 1; T • • • -- .?T # if?''-' ; 'v'-' / < FF � �: f �a C.. PAP 3 it 1Ms s `� �' t 0 \ s tea, •� tZF .+f • P , 1$ �. „- y f, L 1 IAAP{.E 45 t2 11 i1F,� yi' � , srF• 41`L - 1 `§ � RG° c e zrr s 'Wa� M0 . _ 14 "• r. .. k wll A ..,...:::',,,..-••••••::::.1 -, + ii, ..:...,I, i , � fl n gfie Fri 'q nI4,d`. ,. to % '-I r n q � "-- 1 n ef"' l. ' r 1 Y 4 la n N' „° .t t ...••,.!,..,.. .,:. —7....7-;.;._ „bay, .......;,, 4:‘,... ei It 11/21,,' 4. • 4 h 9'a �t R� $., • ;-- I,� S • Ri ' R 1}1 x 1 4.\� i3a t a2 : , r#,-.,. 1 y .yt.'! ✓ OOrt EN .4,,i '^ '.t Cp9F "i- IYJ IIRi P .. '+'1.. �. � w. t: ,,{{` xhta. 1 .. i 'N r _ 1 g '7 k•'��- `- .. a 41 ,y. IP Population STUDY AREA Forecast Area7'. AND SPHERE , D 0 1/2 1 MILE Sphere of Influence OF INFLUENCE City of Renton , _ , 4. Yt f %it' \11111‘': 'WI::l' '3..'„''' ., '':: 1 i 4 y• L 8• , * 1,,44.t 4 4/k -,,.,.,, �1 2,, ,,k i l� 3 i° 4€ , ' i i �. 1 ' 1 . t'll,;k, i ' ' *1.°;..;r I III: 11'-ikti,:.'11;.11-1 1 I {� ,, gt II >; P y t r � a,. 4ln $�3,�7j r�;3 3 I s:'?� k t i(£d f.ni as ,, f • .X k a�4 Ai ;:,,,,,,...„,,,:,.. ....,,,,,...,../„.,,,...„.,,-...;,-;.;,,,,,-,,,.. • , , ; ' M'4 ri,,,,,,,,,:,,,, ' 'F� f € ', . 1 Sit ,� iJ { >, fir. ------ ------- `_�� ii MIS �S'� ;+ 1 - I V. HOUSING GRAPHIC V-1 1 CITY OF RENTON I The Housing Profile,in providing an important body of - EXISTING HOUSING STOCK 1989 information concerning housing opportunities, afford- TOTAL HOUSING UNITS: 18,320 ability,and housing conditions, relates to other sections 5 and More of the Community Profile. Unit Apartment 38.8% Major issues',such as traffic, schools,and the availability ���-�-;�-}",;;}-}?-:+{. ����� of neighborhood parks and retail shops are closely 3 and 4-Unit ;- ``TTr,_ _ Mobile Homes linked to where, how much, and what kind of housing Apartment .k .. �- :. m. — ' exists in Renton. 4.5% 2. 0 Esail•ate ....... .. fliATIP ` :: `fi Duplex A •>Existinglo a in ck:in8 ..................... . ........ ......... --- There was a�total of 18,320 housing units in Renton in April 1989. Table V-1 and Graphic V-1 show the dis- tribution of the existing housing stock in 1989. Single Family Housing 51.2% f Source:City of Renton Table V-1 CITY OF RENTON EXISTING HOUSING STOCK 1989 . Hoiisuig TYP? ;?.::>?:>;;; : < : ::::?;:Number of Units GRAPHIC V-2 ::;•>i <';::::,:::';>::;;:::;;;;;;:.::.:•;.:.s:>:;::;:<:.:::;:::;:::;>:::::;::;::;?:;;;;;.;,:>: .;;.:':::• CITY OF RENTON __ Single Family',Housing 9,385 HOUSING GROWTH TREND Duplex 462 1980 - 1988 --- 3 and 4-Unit Apartment 826 5 and More Unit Apartment 7,115 20000-r T Mobile home's 532 .:........:.: ::<:::I:»;::i;:"z::>:i::>iisii:i: R :%F5 ... .. t:.:: :.:K: "::•: :::::... . .. 6000 :Total"Number'Of UndS:> :>.:>:>;>::»>:>;<:»>::;::;i::2::::23; ,;......':: .: ;::.>_ : ;_:_€::i::i<::::::-:_==I_!r ia:: i Sour: Ci tY of Renton = 0 ca ovvy KQ B..Growth Trends. _...:.:....: ..::�:: .:...::.:...:.:: ligt .................:... . ..:.:...:.: ::::.:;:::::.:...:.:: 4000—--- :_ _ From 19801989 _ =__ - _ _ to a totalof housing 4,581units were - -- thecityhousing [I . . addedto ous stock. This represents an an- ;.;:.;...:........::. :..:.::.:.:.. 1 :::':::'.:::<<=:::: nual average rate of increase of 4%. Multi-Family 1980 1991 1982 1989 1994 1985 1908 1907 1908 1989 housing grew the fastest at an annual rate of 7%. YEAR Graphic V-2 illustrates growth in the total housing Source:Office of Financial Management,State of Washington _ stock. J By comparison, the growth of housing stock in King County was slower than Renton. During the 1980-1988 period, the housing stock in King County increased at the annual,rate of 2.3%. Multi-family housing was added at the annual rate of 4%. Table V-2 and • - ' Graphic V-3 allow more detailed comparison between nearby communities in the same period. 12 Table V-2 2.35. Graphic V-4 illustrates the past trend in average GROWTH OF HOUSING STOCK household size in Renton. 1980-1988 GRAPHIC V-4 =' CITY Y OF RENTON `? : ? i 'Total.::'; :*� :; S?8�a :!s : < : ::»`>Multi . :.; ;: :;::::: .::.:..:• HOUSEHOLD SIZE TREND END ':>Hons`: :� >`:Hous.... 1970 - 1989 : 0 3 ' Renton 4% L7% 7% = 2.8 King County 2.3% 1% 4% Bellevue 2.6% 1% 5.1% 0 2.6 Kent 55% 1% 10% ' 2.4-I Auburn 2.8% 1% 4% >c 2.2-d— N it cc Source:Office of Financial Management,State of Washington - 2 ' Y Y 1970 1980 1989 GRAPHIC V-3 - ANNUAL RATE OF HOUSING YEAR Source:City of Renton INCREASE 1980 - 1988 10%-- �!! 2.Population Distribution 8% :i In Renton, approximately 1/3 of the population lives in 4 111 multiple family housing while 2/3 live in single family . 6%— I units. :. A 4% — 3. Vacancy Rates • 2q 1 - — — The overall vacancy rate in Renton in 1988 for single family houses and multiple family complexes was 6.7%. •' :: b= ki, fr" This is the same rate as found in Kin County as a 0% r` _>:,P „;. P::: whole. g ty x m In 1989 the City of Renton conducted an inventory of .= multiple family housing. The overall vacancy rate was x 4.57% with higher vacancy rates for 4-unit complexes than larger projects. ri Total Housing ri Single Family Housing 4.Housing Affordability Mg Multi—Family Housing Single Family Home Ownership ' Source:Puget Sound Council of Governments J Housing affordability declined overall in King County over the past 12 months as the price of single family • • housing escalated. However, south King County, in- C Housing• Characteristics »;:»:::: ::> »::::>::»:::::::::::::: cludin the Renton area, continues to offer o ortuni- ' ... •' ... ' ties to low and moderate income families and first time buyers. 1. Household Size In Renton as well as in King County,average household County-wide, the average price of all home sales size has been decreasing since 1970. In 1988 the aver- jumped 9.9% during 1988 to $115,262. In Renton, the age number of people forming a household in Renton average price of a single family home was$93,805,well within the calculated affordable price range of$101,400 was 2.1; in King County the average household size was , 13 for the median income household. Renton's average In 1989 the average rental rate in Renton for a 2-bed- sales price was higher in this period than in Kent room unit was $437 per month. This is similar to the ($91,456) and in Auburn ($88,676). Graphic V-5 illus- _average rate of $400-460 in Kent and Auburn. From trates these values. Fall 1988 to Spring 1989 the average contract rent for a two bedroom apartment in King County was $506. These values are shown in Graphic V-7. (GRAPHIC V-5 AVERAGE SALES PRICE SINGLE-FAMILY HOUSING GRAPHIC V-7 1988 1989 SURROUNDING COMMUNITIES 611e2e2 AVERAGE 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT RENT $120000 i d I $sseos salsas 808e78 $800--Z $90000 I: -- - 66 84 v, ., $60000 !.::::>::::::.; ::. .......... ::.::................. 1 i;. ssso -ssea ::::.::::: $600 II $606 $30000 .:.:.:..;.. ............ :::::::..... II €:::i::::i:S i€:€: ia::ititiii:i:i?:ri:: :...:.<:i::€ is€ :::'::,. s s a '... I.' �: s x $400 a .:.:.... ..". ::.::. :. ..:..: .:.:.EL:, .. $200 ".:.::. .::ii::': .:`:i;. Sourc e: KingCountyPlanning on d Community Development Division' n x — _ co z . m Multiple Family Rentals Opportunity b. - ,-- Renton continues to offer a wide range of affordable o rental oppoitunities. Of 7,748 total rental units, ap- Source:King County Planning and Community Development Division proximately half are 2-bedroom units and another 38% • are 1-bedroom units. This is illustrated in Graphic V-6. 4. Housing Conditions • GRAPHIC V-6 Multiple Family CITY OF RENTON UNIT TYPE BREAKDOWN The City of Renton conducted a survey of multiple fam- TOTAL UNITS: 7,748 ily housing in March 1989. The survey included only 3 Bedroom Units those projects which contained more than five housing s 7% Stucio Units units. The survey results showed that the majority of 8.6% the 164 complexes surveyed were kept in good condi- tion:Among them 56% were in good to excellent con- .. dition, 41% in moderate condition; and 3% were in • ---"' ; poor condition and needed repair. s s The median age of multiple family complexes is 19 2 Bedroom Units s :•-Y -: ...':. - years reflecting surges of multiple family construction 46,8% tr-- F 1 Bedroom Units between 1968 and 1972 and between 1978 and 1982. 37.7% The majority of these complexes are 4 to 8 units in size. 4 Bedroom Units Slightly less than half (47%) of all complexes have a '2%_ passive recreation area while only 21% have some kind Source:City of Renton of active recreation facility. All new complexes con- 14 structed since 1986 have been required by City policy to Using the PSCOG April 1988 population and house- include active and passive recreation opportunities. hold forecasts, the number of housing units in the Renton Study Area is forecasted to 2020 from the base Single Family year of 1970. In the forecast area that includes the City of Renton, housing stock is projected to increase to Most of the single-family housing is maintained in good 43,300 units in 1990,58,200 in 2000, and 85,400 in 2020. condition throughout the city neighborhoods. In a vi- The 2020 projected number of total housing units rep- sual survey of neighborhoods, only small pockets of resents a 97% increase over the 1990 forecasted num- deteriorated housing were found in some of the older ber of housing units. These projections are shown in neighborhoods. Graphic V-8. According to the records kept by the city building de- partment, a total of$1,555,352 worth of renovation was GRAPHIC V-8 done on single family homes in Renton in 1988. Table RENTON STUDY AREA V-3 shows the amount of renovation on single-family HOUSING PROJECTIONS homes from 1978 to 1988. In the last few years,the to- tal number and value of renovation has been high. 100000 . Table V-3 / - CITY OF RENTON s * r SINGLE FAMILY RENOVATIONS / NUMBER AND VALUE _ 1978-1988 0 ' 0 `wear ..:. Nti:'of :: >:: ::>:``:::: "Value R ova 1 0000 i Y f en bons:::;;::;::::>::::`.,:. :;;: :: : .. .. .. ..... . .... .... 1990 2000 2020 1978 132 $541,856 YEAR Source: PSCOG . 1979 158 $1,110,379 1980 146 _ $887,723 1981 161 $745,827 1982 224 $869,940 E, Subsidized Housin :::::: :'::>:::::::::::::>::::>::>:.:::::::::::>:>: :. . : 1983 154 $757,181 1984 159 $911,241 1985 221 $1,787,449 History of Past Projects 1986 213 $1,042,023 1987 265 $1,934,627 In the past, government-subsidized or government- •1988 194 $1,555,352 sponsored housing for the workers in the wartime in- dustry were concentrated in three areas: There were e 207 $12743598 Pm anent and temporaryfamily housing in the Hi h- .": : ` ,: lands neighborhood. There was also a 580-unit apart- Source:City of Renton ment for single people and young married couples without children near the Cedar River Park. It was :.:::.; later demolished when the freeway was built. For sin- R.:. housing P>rojecx.iot15:::::::: :::;::;::;::: ::;<::i,::;i::;:.::;::::;: ,ale women working in the Boeing plant during the -..... wartime,a dormitory with 396 units was provided by the U.S.government in the North Renton neighborhood. The housing projection was developed by the Puget Sound Council of Governments as a part of the regional Current Housing . population and household forecast. The Puget Sound region is divided into study areas, each of which com- The City of Renton has a very high percentage of as- , bines a number of census tracts and generally covers a sisted housing units. The Renton Housing Authority large area surrounding a city. 15 • • operates five developments totaling 312 units. Three of Spring Neighborhood Clean-Up Program: Weekend the developments totaling 210 units are located in the hauling services for eligible neighborhoods at no cost. Highlands neighborhood. Two other privately owned Outreach Counseling Program: Outreach, counseling and HUD (U. S. Department of Housing and Urban and referral services to low income households at no Development) subsidized complexes are Golden Pines cost. . ' housing for the elderly with 52 units and Royal Hills Apartmentsi with 284 units. The Renton Housing Au- Deferred Home Improvement Loan Program: Provi- thority also Towns 4 emergency housing units located in sion of funds for repairs or replacement of roofs, fur- the North Highlands neighborhood managed by the naces, plumbing and electric systems for low income Renton branch of the YWCA. households. Weatherization: Provision of weatherization repairs to ..........ce low income households. F < Tousio `ggtaneo; ro raW: > Affordable Monthly Payment Loan Program: Low in- There are a variety of housing assistance programs of- terest rate housing repair loans. fered by the city through Community Development Block Grant programs for the elderly, handicapped, Renton/Kent Rental Rehabilitation Program: A corn- and other low income residents. The following are the bination of no interest loan and deferred loan payment Core Housing Assistance Programs: programs for rehabilitation of rental properties in tar- geted neighborhoods. Minor Home Repair Program: Free minor home re- pairs. In addition, since 1975 the City of Renton has desig- ( nated two neighborhoods as Neighborhood Strategic Emergency Repair Program: Free residential repairs Areas for revitalization efforts: Between 1975 and 1983 of urgent nature. the downtown residential neighborhood was targeted. Since 1983, the Highlands neighborhood has been des- Summer Yard Clean-Up Program: Free complete yard ignated for a variety of rehabilitation assistance pro- clean-up and hauling away of debris. grams. Typical revitalization efforts include provision !, of amenities such as the rehabilitation and upgrading of Summer Painting Program: Complete exterior paint- neighborhood centers, parks, and improvements to ing at no cost. streets. Fall Neighborhood Clean-Up Program: Weekend hauling services for eligible neighborhoods at no cost. • • 16 , . " ?a • •w as pA � � ' at* _'e . ie , *I. 10*r* y: v e .. fs f : •r g + f .-xt:tii .. 1 .1 < w+ SMyW pp t . a ,p t':r, ++ K' �'. dy...' "f s f > Y ''-" s ar r RYA[ r` r. .S 'II, „"* • ' 'z inc l " .44 . , Y x� '1' F Ri-..f z , !� : 'a -0.. * : s ,. r 41 rat w t AY a � y�� iQ,,. #'; l . . .. • i 3'" •• I 1 Pir .... v• s.,..:4• • 41 #_. ir a,.0 ,_ .�. •_......ax........ ...-...•.,0,.7-+.. ....,.a w.r ..._. y'.l.... -* ..- L. 1111,% .Cam,.. • #`' - L., ,.il , - " _ . -ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT- VI. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Capita Income in 1985 for Renton, Bellevue and King County is shown in Graphic VI-2. The economic vitality of a community forms a back- bone that supports the well-being of its inhabitants. _ Full expression of civic life is possible only with a strong GRAPHIC VI-2 and steady economic base. In Renton, the economic PER CAPITA INCOME 1985 outlook is bright. The major regional industrial corn- RENTON, B E L L E V U E AND KING COUNTY panies and other supporting firms located in Renton continue to be stable sources of employment. The $20000 Boeing company, the largest employer in Renton,with $16277 approximately 60% of the work force, has been obtain- $1 6000 ing a record number of commercial airplane orders o $13192 from around the c.a 812279 globe and the backlogis expected to xP keep the c trrent employees atBoeing fullyoccupied for $t 2000 - - at least a decade. 8000 GRAPHIC VI • $ 4 000 BOFI BrPLOYIYB�R SI•WHE N RBdTON • RENTON Bellevue King County # >:24,51fiJobs 58.•8•6%of P►q.ituif wOr force' Source: PSCOG OTHER EMPLOYERS N RBITON n# ; In Renton, retail sales tend to be variable from year to year depending largely on the volume of new construc- tion. Like the surrounding communities,the retail sales fluctuations show a general trend toward increase. With the redevelopment of Boeing and Paccar for the Standard barometers are used to measure the economic next few years retail sales are projected to significantly status of Renton: per capita money income; retail increase. sales;banl deposits;jobless rate; employment; number of employees in various industrial and business cate- In 1985, the total taxable retail sales in Renton were gorier; major employers; assessed valuation and dollar $682,506,526. This represents an 8% increase over the value of building permits;and municipal revenues. 1984 total taxable retail sales of$630,624,671. In the same period, the retail sales in Auburn rose by .. . .. ::<:':�::�.;:.'::<:.::.:.:<;;:<::::�:>;::>::.:::..,:::.::;::;>'<:,:;.:.;:>:::;;>;:::;;«•;<;.;;:;;. 3% from $380,434,139 to $392,337,862; In Kent, there was a 24%increase from$635,870,621 to$789,800,346. In Renton, Per Capita Income in 1985 was $12,279, a 38.9% inciease from $8,837 in 1979. Per Capita In- Total retail sales in Renton were $789,225,464 in 1986 come in Renton has been rising at the annual rate of and $765,246,046 in 1987. It represents a 3% annual 6.5%. decrease in retail sales volume. In comparison, Per Capita Income in Bellevue in 1985 In the same period, total retail sales in Auburn was was$16,277, a 39.5% increase over$11,666 in 1979, an $432,421,766 in 1986 and $495,341,108 in 1987, with annual rate of 6.6%. In King County, Per Capita In- 14.6%annual increase over 1986 retail sales volume. In come in 1985 was$13,192,a 37.7%increase over$9,582 Kent, there was an annual increase of 8% from in 1979 with an annual rate of increase of 6.3%. Per $854,376,004 in 1986 to $920,852,255 in 1987. Graphic VI-3 illustrates these figures. • 17 GRAPHI C C VI-3 41; :j obless`Rate >'> > '" •.: RETAIL SALES ;:.:." !�0.. ... ...:::�....;::;;.:::;::;:>:. .:. RENTON. KENT AND AUBURN 1984 - 1987 The jobless rate in Renton decreased from 5.7% in $10000000001 1987 to an all-time low of 4.6% in 1988. By compari- Kent son,the unemployment rate in Bellevue fell from 4.8% W $800000000 M in 1987 to 3.9% in 1988. Table VI-1 shows the jobless $600000000 " on rate in Renton and Bellevue from 1981-1988. • $400000000` • Auburn Table VI-1 $200000000-4 RENTON vs.BELLEVUE _ JOBLESS RATE $0 I I r 1981-1988 1984 1985 1986 1987 _ YEAR ;?OW: `>:.Bellevue ::;YEAR''<>:`^:'; : :•:::-s' .``< ><rRent rt >`:'``?>'":' > is source:Greater Renton Chamber of Commerce .. : . _. 1981 7A% 6.2% 1982 9.8% 8.2% `::I k•D p:o:;:i:. >::` ? `52> `'% %:'% : >.'''' 9.5% 8.0%C.. .a•.._ . :eposts . . .::::: :::. .:.:::::... . 1983 1984 7A% 6.3% Bank deposits are an indicator of the economic vitality 1985 61% 5.3% 5.2% % of a community. Bank deposits steadily increased from 1986 57% 1984 to 1987. In 1984, $503,083,000 worth of bank de- 1987 5.7% 4.8% posits were made in Renton. In 1985, $548,263,839 1988 4.6% 3.9% worth of bank deposits were made representing an 8% Source:Washington State Employment Security Department increase. In 1986, $572,339,374 worth of bank deposits were made in Renton. In 1987, $686,806,785 worth of bank deposits were made in Renton, representing a 20% annual increase over 1986. Graphic VI-4 illus- trates the trend in bank deposits in Renton from 1984- : "' i ,M.:: . PE .:Em to ent`::::.: <> : < ::: » <: : ;•: ::< > >: o There were an estimated 40,771 jobs in Renton as of CITY OF RENTON July,1989. - BANK DEPOSITS 1984-1987 Data concerning the number of employees and busi- $800000000 i nesses by business type compiled by the City of Renton I 785 indicates that the air transportation industry continues $600000000 $ sr s4 to dominate the job market in Renton with medical ser- IS5o3.083.000 1 vices trailing second. The Services sector, including Ibusiness and medical services, is the second largest $400000000 i rat' 1 source of employment in Renton. By comparison, the fa, e trucking and warehousing businesses are not a major $200000000 ` source of employment. Graphic VI-5 shows the break- down of employment ent bysector in 1989. Table VI-2 lists P Refer the topten employers in Renton in 1989. Re a to the $0 Major Employers Map for their location. 1984 1985 1986 1981 18 . , , .. ... :,•,1., ,'1).'-fik. <1/2..21., ' ..- .i..-, . •. ' ' ...,(,',__ ,;../:.7. F,k',;..fi: ,'We".i;-,Trri'77:i211'ir;." n'!r'„-'!„i,,,,,.,,'..1..2.:.1t,:,4.:4i'-ov;#,:i,6iti,:,,At-•7;,.,,,D,i-4.t,+411-„'-,_°1./',,,,",,e.4.0>:,._.,-,,,l. .-.,.i7- I HAZ f‘ 1 - ,L - ..,"".-4•"'',,,e.".',.0•: 1,.i%.-',:",-,11.,&,,-t..5.'-i-;-7"I,,t 41,•%,..,,.t•..t:.,'1.i.it.v,,.-,'.-......4.v'1'-',,1A,t-d;rs_-74 ) ,I.t.''=•••••:e.,,,.,th", -, 4_,,,,"V.' , •‘,,!,>:„..,..„2!7 . • - al 26 -, •AL CREEK ' ' \ eti1;. `,...1*:,.'':,.0??.1 $°?'";/ 'LI:f4.':','":7. 1,421,',- '04 141t,'.'":,:•V',5(,„„.,.,... ' . 67-''', n i•T''. ''', P., ..:.,•1'1":,v-',...',:,,:r.::411-1-..-X.,„1"-;-'11.1". --•- , 4 •.. :'tt''4i4:k57;7 ii kfLIO'''. /1 ,,,,''.4A''',.'.;,:a411.4y;,•:....f''''t. A'7",L',,,;'..ii;,1' '''Vtt, '., a„, '.1 ,7„ •;4%,1"4.,4 , rwrif:... .2 / s,kf 7.:,,..„..,.,14 T...-.,,:.•.#,%:,-,F,:,r,.k J., ,,,(..."At, y-t7";,4''.•;' '.:.4i'd...,...ef '.10.'".. 7:-''' - * - -" -.....) kv,.....,...(wr--", /7" .:„ - .. 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'zp--Mlik-,.2.•ii....; .- ,,r,...71,,,,,Ki: ;,..tp,,,...,„i.,;ifikt.7,-....7,.:Ati.:;.11:- ,,,,:, -1;j:::::;,,',' i i ''',. Ni;Tif':'_. , , 1 4 J,:' -. 7 ; -N :.7, ifttNiii ,iiti:•,7,,z1 R,...,,,4.,.. . „..,,,,is,.,_t,,„.,..,.,-,1,-„,.„-..t.,70,:„4„,,,,c,:i_„,.„.. ,...... .,,,,,.:4,-.,..,1,.74.;-.:,t,..,„ . .....„..,-,;,„ .--,,,.,- ;-.. „.., ,....__^4A ,,,Z 1.: iip•v II;-.4.:7,' :-.--- . .„..#,.;._.;Oil; . 1 . _„- •1 pg.'",liii",",..,4 ill!,.V.7. i'....ri;.„5,,T-T ,,,, „ _4:-. . . ,v,s,,..1 k ,••'''1 ',"- ..1 .,1?\,„ ' ........P'S.. ,--- V4,0,'CT, ''''1 ,W,..4:7,1445i.41r, t.':,,,,,t, .,41.,,I-,,,,L ,,''• : ,,,,,, •&.,,,,,,,,os „,1,?1,16'41.. , ,,t 4.,,,,, ‘,,.I. 4, .....,,.. . r .,..,,.1„.., It !..1E 1.t i'ql' ' •''''I''''''4161..''' ' 11-. "rr-;272'' • .1r I'i.r,,m,'• 'A'.'..1, --..7 .:rrl.4? ./ '''' •\ ' . „,,,;,..:.L.''',O' ',., .1, °• '''' 'Wor.t", • ..U'rtir'....'.'4,a,'01ER,,,'a '4{11,!P'-f.'.''74.1,i0,44..1., ',Eve.$1i.:,V.-3.*I-Li„ ". •_.:::,...3•••;_. -- 4? / .1,-,,, • 1:- - I- Mr --'"'""- ' ,,..(-'\!:'o i h.q.>:ro 'L-1.-;:"-%7'.',-7:-•,42 !'''',M,.„.:.i-1.1.',.'''''',,i1.-',,,:',..r.,',..,'. 4-.i.,7747,37.,.t.;:_.i..ii4;..-i4,;‘. ' -„,-.:?.',„, ‘s, ..i -,,--,,,----It:- '''.-t0.- • „ • °,... ni •t.e -7i1 ,,":.-"';',... - ..-,,-.-zt-,-4,, •',IT':',.1•11, -i 14-.'' .77",.:, y...,,,4i._ 4.1:4;'•••4:. . , -..Sit:11.,.7 ,ir '`i"?4"'2 ' -' ' - Ad'i, ::a '%: %:::tr%';'5'ilflif;1:11p MITI'-%'i,. x i- -;-,1 --,9z.0 1 ( — . . ( MAJOR 0/H\ ,-- 1 , 0 1/2 1 MILE EMPLOYERS . 1 . , GRAPHIC VI 5 The Puget Sound Council of Governments' forecast in- CITY OF RENTON dicates that there will be 48,936 jobs by 1990 and 55,709 19189 EMPLOYMENT BREAKDOWN jobs by 2000 in the Renton Area. This represents an Boeing average annual growth rate of 1.4% in the number of 58.9% ::,:::,.... jobs through the 1990's in Renton. .................... I is:!:: . ............................. • i!:i:i:i:l:! y ♦}'� inie ::4 +'., m,, nytj„ 3111 Non—Transportation 14' ro w il ti Other Transportation 33.3% f iii I Others r ,*.,._. ",y" ;"`=: f ---• :'K-3,.. Construction • °` 6% 4% €€ r . ; .v Manufacturing l;` '__ ,_,- t ,i.:.� Table VI-3 illustrates the Puget Sound Council of Gov- 9. :.:':,ili::!:!:!:`!:!„!".. Services ernments' employment forecast by industrial sector. 49% Five major employment sectors included in the analysis Retail �j;i ki,4 ' ;;:; riis.it i jiii of the 1990-2020 forecast were Manufacturing; Whole- ,:.!:,:,::::;:!:!:;:!:!:::., 29% � .:'i::!:! ° sale/Transportation/Communications/Utilities; Retail Trade; Services; and Government/Education. The Source:City of Renton PSCOG is forecasting receding importance for the Manufacturing employment sector in the 1990's and be- yond,with the Services sector gaining major importance in the same period in the Renton area. Table VI-2 CITY OF RENTON However, the PSCOG projections were made without TOP TEN EMPLOYERS 1989 the knowledge of the redevelopment of Boeing and PACCAR. Therefore, projections for employment in the Manufacturing sector are most likely lo w. No:otJtis > 9 ofToat . Table VI-3 1.The Boeing Company 24,516 58.86% RENTON AREA 2.Valley Medical Center 1,733 4.16% EMPLOYMENT PROJECTIONS 3.Renton School District 1,119 2.69% 1990-2020 4.PACCARI 833 2.00% 5.City of Renton 459 1.10% I Secfri : :: . :.>; :< :19 z:<:`::::::":;::200: 6.Group Health Cooperative 429 1.03% .: : ?.Rii .:,,.,;;;;•. 2DOQ:::::::: ::::::::: :202q::;:: 7.Puget S lund Power&Light 269 .64% »:: . >:::.. ... . .. . ..:<;;>? .. .. .....:: :a >:.. 8.Pacific Northwest Bell 261 .63% Manufacturing 26,955 26,037 26,112 9.Longacrs 236 .57% Retail Trade 7,480 9,812 15,575 10.King County Shops 217 .52% Services 7,880 10,814 18,663 Govt./Education 2,855 4,210 6,085 W hol ran Comm Ut' / it 3 766 4,836 7128 Source:City of Renton Source:PSCOG 19 • The Puget Sound Region is forecasted by PSCOG to GRAPHIC VI-7 -- have a similar trend in employment. The Services sec- CITY OF RENTON tor is forecasted to increase its share of employment PAST AND PROJECTED ASSESSED VALUATION greatly through the 1990's and beyond. 1984 - 1994 . $10 1 >F is:$11 ldin <:::Permit::::Value:::>a►i. Assessed - . Building permit value or dollar value of new con- — / struction is an indicator of economic growth in the city. — _ !.' __' Thedollarof new construction increased = ` i`` ii:°.``:```` -- total value e co tru ` ____ • from million in 1987 to the city's record highof — $80 ; $151 million in 1988. New construction activity ispro- ;:;:;:i:::::::::::::::: .:.. ::::::,:>: ected bythe Cityof Renton to increase steadilyto the -1 �1•! -°° �° mid 1990's. Graphic VI-6 illustrates new construction 1984 1986 199E 1997 1988 1090 1990 1991 1962 1993 1994 activity in Renton. YEAR Source:City of Renton A large proportion of city revenue is obtained from the property tax levied on the assessed valuation of proper- kt eeri e > n >> » > t <s:::><< ties within the city limits. In Renton,the total assessed G :CI a. S.. ..... ...::::..:: :::: ::: ::::::,:::: property valuation has been increasing since 1986. This trend of increase is expected to continue through the mid 1990's according to the projection by the City of City revenues can be an indicator of growth in the city. Renton Finance Department. The total assessed valu- City revenues are used to provide amenities such as good roads, parks, and utilities which are used by both ation in Renton in 1988 was$2,030,493,796, an increase • of$79,590,139 from$1,950,903,657 in 1987. Fluctuation businesses and residents. The availability of these of valuation over the years and projection to the mid amenities provide an important role in attracting busi- 1990's are shown in Graphic VI-7. nesses and residents to locate in the city. The city revenue increased from $67,483,976 in 1987 to GRAPHIC VI-6 $87,911,446 in 1988. Graphic VI-8 illustrates this: CITY OF RENTON NEW CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY GRAPHIC VI-8 1984 - 1993 CITY OF RENTON • REVENUE - ALL FUNDS $1000-L 1987 - 1988 "' $100000000 ' ....... .......... . $80000000 I .. --_ -_ _ - ::;: [::_!is!:i:f Tfi_-::::!:€:;:.:.:... — 60000000 • '. " — —'isli. , ; _—— — — _ — -- - _ ..... ........ tiiiRli. .......... czbW :;:ri1::.,.i:: ';:isa::;a:�:,:i::':F:!:g9:iiiscs'i;:'a:!:�:1:!:I: !- i„, � $20000000 , ". e-, 1994 1966 lose 1997 1989 1099 1990 1991 1992 1098 ,'' YEAR I� r Source:City of Renton $0 1987 1988 YEAR Source:City of Renton -_ 20 Table VI-4 BOEING RENT ON PLANT 1989 COMMERCIAL PLANE ACTIVITY With the hundreds of outstanding orders of Boeing 737 an d d 757Commercialairplanes P produced in Renton 'I tPACCARs plan o Model Orders::;;,;;;;.;; DeUvenes Outstandtpg manufacture Kenworth trucks m their Renton plant, and major development and rede- �5� 559 228 331 velopment proposals such as the Sabey Corporation's proposed shopping center, and the Valley Medical 737 2 543 1,723 820 Center's plans for expansion, Renton's economy seems Source:City of Renton Finance Department to be bursting at the seams with activity. If approved by the City Council, the Sabey Corporation's proposed 1,000,000 square foot regional shopping center would create a major commercial node in the Green River Valley area. Table VI-4 shows Boeing's order and de- livery schedule for the year as of June 2, 1989. a , . µ .,. ; Buoyed by a bright regional economic condition, Ren= • ton is experiencing the most optimistic economic con- j •`t H ' dition in recent decades. The bright economic outlook • is expected to continue in the city at least through the middle of the next decade. ' ; $ w 3 b 'tf,.V • !4 • �: o • 21 • NI. ... .....„. . .... ... . ...„ . .. . .. .. .. . .. .......... . , . .. i• . . . . . . . . . . . , , • ,.„.......,. ,. , ,..,,, ....„ ,,....••-- i 1 . ., ,... .......•........•,,. , ,... . „•• , ..,,, .. , . . , ....,••_ ," - -- ..............„ . ........ . ,.. .,-. . .. .. . ... t .-32.jr,30.1-1.114-.••,1 , . .. . • -,..„:, ,,,,,,,, i"; . . . . •• -----..,4-1,,,F, it:„.3.. . .,.Ai.1,.,,,,... 41 . • . .• . . .•.. . -, i., , . 4 „1,, t -;- itt • . •: ...,1;.,,,•: .:..., • .-.., .4;r, " :".-• 0..r.1-tt : ::::.-'7't.". 4.,....'.. 4 - _ ",,..1 Ott,:--•• •• -••-:-...A .,-. -4, • ...7k,... .,...:•... -fr.-..;t: . , . .A, • 1 it‘"*..1."•!,•••.''''• ••• /1140. ‘•.T.... "t4t.":17; ...., ":..,..:.;1 '. 1 •''':'. ' '....""."""" . II i. IT'''':' ' - * '''.1 ' .. k, - - 1----44--- • ' - .-- t,-- • - ' - '' '''' ''. 0 ' - . k ,t/ r ' ff • 4 ,.• b r . * - ,z i 16 AL. 4.,..41 '''....... .1 0. 7 •'. '40 .iitlf '. - ' '' . X'' OW.-tr,A r .' .1' 1., ''. ' -...' 2.''..-':' •1 - ' ' i . I .'''''''' -APPIR 1\ t. • • . • • ' I '4744'c q 4' .Se'f • '''''. '''.. ..-' ' ' '•.''' •.•.. ti..•.. . lk ,, ,,,,,,..,,',, ''' ':- "‘ •'• '' • :i400. ,.. -. ' • 41.4'A:.4. ', 1.4.'.. 1 * .•.,,, ,.. .,,.. . . .. * . ‘-'"'''"••."...',..,.:' ..''' •t`‘,.e.:....,:!:;$4:.*,',7,'::,..4' -.•' • ,,,,,,,,,,,:.*: :•.• .: .t.,...;,,,,,,•,„j%:''':',-.--,..„,', ' ' .... ...,_--- . "; 7,•61ft 4,-.';',,4:4-iik":11r17,7 .1' z: -:. ,,:„ -. --:„:1-..7-.:-•:., z---..----- ---'--::::,;- ,....,„..- - 1 -PUBLIC FACILITIES AND UTILITIES.. • , -- I. PUBLIC FACILITIES AND Memorial Beach Park and Kennydale Beach Park are UTILITIES situated on the shore of Lake Washington. � GRAPHICvll-1 j��jj A'<''Parks��and.:R r::ftion < > ': :»' »'»�< <:eC e1t:Q.:..":::. .: ." ." :. ::::.. CITY OF RENTON PARKS ACREAGE i Among the'goals of the city's mission statement, is that (parks, open space and golf course) . - Renton is to be a place where people choose to play. TOTAL: 608.49 ACRES Recreation is recognized as an important need of peo- ple for maintaining health and emotional well-being. Undeveloped Golf Course 5.8% • Existing Parks and Recreational Programs • ....'"- _€ ' =`:..::... Developed .; Park land 21.5% aNT;: ''t,_. : i:':.::':'::_:':: :. 30.4% Renton offers a wide varietyDeveloped t of arks recreational -�-�-�•-'�- .+ s �'facilities and programs servingneighborhoods, senior Golf Course Jr�•, u..- � E tt:d .:a: citizens,families children, single adults, and downtown • ""rt.."" -- workers. The Renton Parks System includes 17 •.,:, .i:> _ . .. neighborhoodparks,6 communityparks, 2 sub-regional `..` " Q°.n parks, Cedar River trail, Springbrook trail, the Senior Undeveloped Citizen's Center, several recreational centers, a swim- Pork Lond4 5� `''47 £�.�. • ', 'Open Space/ ming pool, the Maplewood Golf Course, and the Com- Conservancies/ munity Center. The city's recreational programs in- 27.9% Wetlands dude adult workshops and classes, senior activities, outdoor recreation programs,programs for people with Source:City of Renton special needs, pre-school programs, and youth classes. Table VII-1 and Graphic WI-1 illustrate the breakdown Table VII-2 and Graphic VII-2 show the square footage of park acreage in Renton. The location of Renton's of parks, recreation and community buildings in Ren- parks is illustrated in the Parks Map. ton. Table VII-1 1 Table VII-2 • CITY OF RENTON PARK PROPERTY CITY OF RENTON TOTAL:608.49 ACRES PARKS,RECREATION& COMMUNITY BUILDINGS TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE: 11 :��"'ere Q 119,716 .... .... s .. I Develop ed Park Land 184.7 acres Pe 5 - .'Comiriuii��� :'•:Facilities<'a:::>> »M> :<>�:> :> :_>'?:3>z ::>:: , Undeveloped Park Land 88 acres i Open Space/Conservancies/Wetlands 169.74 acres Carco Theater, Community Developed Golf Course 131 acres Center,Senior Center, Pool, Undeveloped iGolf Course 35 acres Museum, etc. 85,038 sq. ft. 'oral:- ::>�:::::::::< ::::::::: :>::> :::::::::'::z::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::60 49 :<::s....... -- ::Paris:i :Buiidmi!! ::::i: is< K:s.:'Ki::i :: :5:>::i:it:]> .::'` : Source:City of Renton 8: •:::::;:::::::::::::::::::::<•;:<;;•;>;,:. ::;::::::::::::::::.::: The nationallstandard for provision of parks is ten acres Bathhouses, Restrooms, etc. 15,278 sq. ft. per 1,000 residents. Renton currently has 8.2 acres of developed park acreage per 1,000 city residents. Neighborhood Centers 11,988 sq. ft. Recreation and Activity Buildings7,412ft. Many parks and trails in Renton are located along a h' sq. - - river or on lake shores: Cedar River Trail, i at Cedar River ':TOfai' >i ::: : G:i2:>::::i2:: i`': i? '`: 'i:a':2`119:716.:s ff : Park,Maplewood Golf Course,Liberty Park, and Jones :}:.1...; ..::;.; • Park are located along the Cedar River; Gene Coulon source:City of Renton""""""" • 22 GRAPHIC VII-2 The Renton Senior Center, staffed by paid coordinators CITY OF R E N T O N and more than 200 senior volunteers, is dedicated to PARKS, RECREATION & COMMUNITY senior citizens, with a wide range of activities and BUILDINGS classes including bridge, tap dance, oil painting, com- TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE: 119,716 puters and exercise. The Senior Center serves an aver- age of 550 to 600 people per day. Health, dental, and foot care clinics are held on a regular basis. Senior Neighborhood Centers Rec., Activity Buildings Rights Assistance volunteers are available to provide 10% 6 2% help with Medicare, Social Security, supplemental a?'y".. "``' health insurance and more. Transportation is provided Park Buildings . trr_: 12.8% '``�'_`'•' ""`I " for those who need it. • y ' :ia I10iii iia I i.:L!::.;iiiiliiil:M4ittisiE!::i4':#L!:!:!:i:!;:•r: :.:::Ira ...-............... iiiiil;:ry i;t:::.Lii!s:iijiir " "_as ', +.yx,. _ • - a - Community Facilities - =• ii _ , , . . • 71% • „, , 'A • • S' Source:City of Renton Parks and Recreation Department •. 1 . rf .r, Nam,,. These parks and trails make use of their special loca- ap.� '� � � .. �; lions and offer a rich variety of water-related recre- 5 � eri ' � ( , ational opportunities and scenic beauty. The following ' ;.... =° - ,- '7_ . *" .* . '..j---- two are outstanding examples: Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park,a national award winner,is considered one of the finest parks in the Pacific Northwest. It features The City of Renton Community Center is a recently a swimming area during the summer, a boat launch, a dedicated facility for community activities. The build- day moorage area, fishing piers, walkways, picnic facil- ing contains a banquet room,jacuzzi, racquetball court, ities, food and boat concessions, a botanical exhibit, a gym, arts and crafts room, pre-school room, game ' nature island, a play equipment area, tennis courts, room, and kitchen facilities. It is used for athletic pro- horseshoe pits, and sand volleyball courts. Cedar River grams and other organized recreational and educational Trail, stretching for more than two miles, is a con- activities offered by the City of Renton Parks and tinuous bike and pedestrian trail linking various activity Recreation Department. areas. There are spots for picnics, fishing, jogging or strolling throughout the trail. The city offers special- , ized cultural and recreational facilities as well: Carco -- , Theater,the Senior Center,the Community Center and • Maplewood golf course. ." .• bt.•i Carco Theater, a fme and performingarts facility, has 3 �`" ' ty� r ,� been hosting a variety of cultural events since its open- ir... ; • i ing8years ago. As indicated in the 1984public survey, �. , ' vcs- i�Y# °/.f � g �. � � 46% of all households in Renton attended Carco The- .`1' � � " 4' g 1 , � 1,' :` ater duringthe precedingyear. Todayit remains one of A: & t , '" ' a� the most popularplaces for the citizens of Renton and = • .. M , g.:L,-- ....-' "'"" P P ... the surrounding area. Construction of the theater was `_..�'' "---" 'rv"•. ' ' jointly funded by the City and Pacific Car & Foundry. r • ' The theater holds a variety of concerts, plays, competi-' ! , tion events,dance programs,lectures,films,and fashion __ m shows every year. � , 23 17,11, ._.. ', � ; cY �r !,F y 4'' T rw /.1 Yq 3 _ -• " 23 y- r.:� r ,, J _ Nnt a i - + s a :'";; • �'8 .ate ,F.' r. 'w i a7 ' / ZEJ .i C.W y % ee-"I: �j� Y. ,.'�t .- 'i ( ,PAL CREEK 11. v ' •fdi 1 r s» 311 t 36 a.a,. 31 ;$ s � y� - \ , 0 2 '"' lam" x x �� LhN� Os ,� , , „ ;�1I P�4vs .,:▪ —. t E ; ,4i `4% \ weseE16 n ' to 1 �' ;1,r, � 1 5_ .\.‘" ry ��'e'�' ,y .�+w " �" 'a �` � � y, `A. conLrxeLo�. r 3 xc� i s _, _ry� CY �w /i + is a Y Lq Ry' }.i u /,°e 4 ' r cP' zilt.wi.. A .'' Y c9Cfs ! LA(.. I y.k �` !� '�Y ..r c, .,1 MAPLE y ,, •„ Sh x } �, _ rr �F`.. . , -.A.- 0 .,, Au 11 f• ldi swnM. y_ q ,y " , v :26 i, 25 .-� :66c.:, y � I ; • -, , � • Ra P - ; a ,7 ` t , d��Iat r;+`Ex 1 ��.\. ,,, +�'.^��� � �r p .c�l sF�-'<I i�E'6e �s,,y`'•" �., a�;,;,,,,,M::'":,':"',,,,,,, p ' 1. •'''ili'ROI ti". i �410, ..,, , 1 g2FL' T. t► ' �!+! G "'" N 1, -• � 4,, .,rat _ ^Lr M e I -»5 ...' 3Sr � �W 3 x' �E.,�:. 4I+R a. i� s F. s �/' 888 r .ail i {E . iio to, t �": 1 .r, "_a4 ---- , c " a 'aserkillopt i• lt ~ r��J ' / '� *� , ; ` c / + ::a %✓ +mo ttR1 : .1 a "S''.? r - a�- � •. - 11 1 � b , ' ' 1L*l' *s,,' I5 -: ,'' _ ` t ` i " ,' Y ✓ enN ; a "" r'- a4; 1.,.4.-l a4-;,,',,- A.,. �.. r l_ !4 ' 4n-r .. * 1 1 ..,,8rt1 ►' `� Parks Within City I D 0 t� /2 1; MILE Parks Outside CityPARKS • .t ,}" F S R '' A' /'v, Maplewood Golf Course, an 18-hole, 5100-yard golf 5� r ' course with a restaurant and pro-shop, has become one r {,; ?$. of the most popular golf centers in South King County ' , " `� in the last three and a half years the City of Renton has t t ; managed ICI Four new holes with an additional 1000 • ;', ' '"' yards of course will open in the Spring of 1990 east of r. _ ,� �:L �, '"� ek the Cedar River. 1;,• � f E � �, � . z Other Recreational Resources I Other recreational resources available in the city are ! , ,~ 1 ` - , "7'4 the open spaces and the trail system. Much of the open ��." 1 _? space is for protection of wetland habitat,water supply, - s�f. woodland,and steep slopes,and for public enjoyment. The following list of open space lands are those in pub- Proposed Trails Masterplan lic ownership, held for the specific purposes of protec- tion and preservation of natural and scenic resources The City prepared a Trails Masterplan which would ex- and public enjoyment: pand its trail system extensively by the turn of the cen- tury. The masterplan would add an additional 41.4 - Springbrook Watershed: Watershed for miles of pedestrian trails and 42.6 miles of bicycle paths public water supply,steep slopes to the city's existing 3.5 miles of usable pedestrian trails. - Springbrook Creek 40' open If acquisition and construction of proposed trails and space corridor on each side of stream paths is accomplished as the masterplan specifies,many Black River: Riparian woodland of the city's trails would connect with trails in King - Mai Creek Park Wooded stream County, Kent, and Tukwila. Hikers and bicyclists corridor and ravine(partially in King County) starting in Renton also would be able to reach distant - Renton Park Forested slopes places such as Tiger Mountain and Lake Youngs.1 Of- ficial adoption of the proposed Trails Masterplan is ex- Other open,space lands which may be committed to pected to occur around the end of 1989 after the envi- public recreational use in the future include the fol- ronmental review and other city council reviews are lowing: I completed. - Renton Hill site: Future school site,woodland, Parks Standards steep slopes - Faircrest site: Future school site,woodland Renton Parks and Recreations standards were adopted - Rolling Hills site: Water tower,future utility by the Park Board and City Council as part of the 1984 uses,woodland ! Parks Comprehensive Plan. The standards were set in 1 response to the local condition and potential demand. The Renton trail system consists of pedestrian trails They are comparable to the National Recreation and which are a combination of developed trails and uncle- 1 Parks Association's recommendation. Currently, the _ veloped waterline and powerline right-of-ways. Jogging City of Renton meets its parks standards set in 1984. and walking were the most highly desired recreation Table VII-3 shows Renton's parks standards. activities among Renton citizens, according to the 1984 survey conducted by the Department of Parks and Future Trends __ Recreation.1 Recognizing the high demand for recre- ational activities that require trails or marked routes, Renton's population in the 1980's has been steadily in- the city proposed trails and open space projects to be creasing, averaging about 2.7% a year. During the included in the county-wide trails and open space bond same period, the number of households in Renton has - issue. If the $117 million bond package is approved of been growing at an annual rate of 1.6%. By compari- by the voter's in November 1989, the city shall allocate son,the number of households in King County grew at approximately $3 million to acquire and develop new an annual rate of 2.0% during the same period. The trails and expand some of the city's existing trails and open space. 24 1 i ninKin 14 o u at o County grew at about a annual PP g ty� 0 rate. ,_..SG..... .. • The trend of small household size in Renton and King School-age children in Renton are served by Renton County reflects a lower birth rate; and more single par- School District No.403. The school district is responsi- ent families, older persons, childless couples and single ble for providing public education from kindergarten individuals. There will be greater needs for recre- through grade twelve: It also provides vocational ational programs and facilities for these groups in the training through the Vocational Technical Institute. future. There were 11,878 students enrolled in the District as • of October 1988. The School District covers an area of The overall population increase will continue to exert 32.5 square miles,which is approximately twice the size pressure on the existing facilities and programs with a of the city of Renton. There are 13 elementary schools, • result of need for expansion of facilities and programs, 2 middle schools; 3 high schools, 2 special program and for more efficient use of existing parks and recre- schools, and a vocational technical institute in the Dis- ational resources. trict. The Schools Map illustrates the location of all schools in the Renton School District. Graphic VII-3 Table VII-3 shows the current enrollment by grade levels for the CITY OF RENTON Renton School District. PARKS STANDARDS R I GAPH C VII-3 3 n RENTON SCHOOL DISTRICT Total Park Area 10 acres/1,000 pop. CURRENT ENROLLMENT 1989 TOTAL: 11,878 • Neighborhood Park Standard 2 to 5ac/1,000 pop. Grades 9-12 Size 4 to 10 acres Population Served 1,000 to 5,000 pop. Service Area 1/4 to 1/2 mile Playground/Active Area 58% of park Passive Park Area 42% of park Indoor Center Building 1 per park r�' Grades K-5 Community Park 2 48.2% Standard 5 to 8 ac/1,000 pop. • `'� 4,✓ fix: Size 20 to 100 acres - Population Served 10,000 to 50,000 pop. Grades 6-8 Service Area 1/2 to 3 miles 20.2% I Athletic Field/Active — \Source:Renton School District Passive Park Area — Indoor Center 1/15,000 to 30,000pop. Special Facilities Several citizen advisory committees continue to be ac- Baseball Diamond 1/6,000 pop. tive in the special programs and services such as gifted Softball Diamond 1/2,000 pop. education, Head Start, special education, intercultural Football Field 1/6,000 pop. education, and remedial programs for student learning Soccer Field 1/2,000 pop, disabilities. In addition, there are numerous volunteers Tennis Courts 1/2,000 pop, who participate in tutoring programs. A local PTSA Basketball Courts 1/5,000 pop. (Parent-Teacher-Student Association) also plays an ac- Swimming Pool 1/20,000pop. tive role in the School District. Golf Course 1,50,000 pop. Academic excellence among Renton public schools has Source:Renton Parks Department been recognized and honored by winning top state 25 -. :�J:1; GJ � I i !7 ri' k 13 '3k,� a•', '+I`p--�- r,.1� !s 1r �' v.:�. 8. P ... ..o� 23 L'• 7': x ..... OP Ha i M .` 5 .."' day f. F ` 'em• ( •, 4 ` 4 t s .1 T • 'r Fgp 4 .., h Il ., :I 4 , , f cam•„ ^ w 3 35 36 ,,�. 31 c ,& �. ,,3 , ; 33 _ 36 fF yq r 9 -- s w�sut6`OTu� = 1, �^'xj p} 4.4. „ s' - � I t iv. e Mw 1 t � f"�/ con:c{E�c i.'N' i eta, :, r "! 7:1;1 I v' �plraoova M, ^a yur•ron le ..\`_' :lA it x_ s .114 ' #., ° e _t '" ,.� F,�' - i ym itt. u 9 .�R7! l� ° da ':.� i R st'.�•^*� `i,{ ia'' '�''w1j&, nary- !� I cr., Y 1 ; ,sfn. ' f 1 O� .1trs,"-P \�• ,i t^ `�r'`''�q°'+�"�" rift :t lj 1 , r01, Al '`S °y ,� .11 4.t. ---rat.� y „?-7,--.� �' i 1d,i e t l Y ,: 1 : b i . 71. 1' - ' Ara_ t �y Syr f �� " Il � �.. i Y �. . .�''r F i t r .2Q ' 7A•41 ' jiiii t y N etle '4 C' ' ...�� tilt of if. -13 11110,- .g _ .' `Minn �FJAiI[sr' i 'tF" f' .iw .-, -. 4 t" 25 4 1 a r x cs 14.....• A , F., lop .fir ' '""�� r -. _t 1 . �4 I © ( ,.f1t 1 t 4, f s. I, ' .f+l L f i .' e° 'a r,-..°..° , i �" a 4 �� {+ .>d'.� _ P �, o„ ' F p .r ai j y!AI:y s 3a P . 6 , ' 3 a .2 9 t ' , 1'y!J"' e 1 -E d .iP. i K!h°_`" =•„r p 1 o \4 '1t. µ- 0 / - .: r ,.r C e- r 4i 1p t4 .li i- 1i, ,p' s ti.s 1. xr 1 .i•i r, P, • �o M_„ 'f 1 ._ an J Y ° 0 w:^ a q '" 7 �L"a 4 as v /t K,�" +.,. _ , I I t1s'1 ~ t'.= J 7J„ s,. e ''IIf1. tl'' { r �• rk } � - Schools Within District 403 Schools Outside District 403 7..D O 1/2 1 MILE School Sites 1/2 1 Within District 403 SCHOOLS School Sites Outside District 403 i i 1 awards:Renton Park Elementary School in 1986;McK- Renton School District are less than thirty years old and t- night Middle School in 1985;and Lindberg High School are well maintained. -- in 1984. There are approximately 700 certified em- ployees for grades kindergarten through 12. The ma- jority of then have five or more years of college train- Funding ing including'those who have advanced degrees. The School District obtains its funding from several _ Ethnic Composition sources: 73.9% from the State, 20.19% locally, 5.74% 1 Federally and 0.17% from other sources (based on Based on October 1, 1988 enrollment,minority students 1987-88 funding figures). This is shown in Graphic VII- represented ;approximately 24% of the total public 5. The local source of funding continues to be secure school population. Black students made up about because of a strong property tax base in Renton. Due 10.4%; Asian 9.3%; Hispanic 2.4%; and American In- to the large industrial complexes, local headquarters dian 1.7% ofl the minority enrollment. Minorities made and warehouses for national companies and housing . up 8.6% of the general population of Renton in 1979. developments, the District has one of the highest as- The 1988 minority enrollment in public schools repre- sessed taxable property valuations and one of the lowest sents a somewhat larger proportion of minorities than property tax rates in King County. Assessed property the general population in 1979' Graphic VII-4 illus- values per pupil is approximately$309,000 per student. trates school ethnicity in the Renton School District in (— 1988. GRAPHIC yil-5 ( RENTON SCHOOL DISTRICT /GRAPHIC VII-4 SCHOOL FUNDING ( 1 CITY OF RENTON Federal SCHOOL ETHNICITY 5.7% Hispanic Asian Local ..... �J P Black 2.4% 9.3% American Indian 20.2% ,"°' '``><- 1,0.4% 1.7% }`•<"xi'::;ss:. TVs• << _ ;j : _ f e s` .. ::.:.:i.:.;.,..:.I.,.....:•lEg::. ..:':...:.!..::.:.i.::.:.:.::::::..:_:z�:'::i:!:'�i:i:i�is ........:.: .:::...:.:.::.:.:..:.:: State 79 3. °Source:Renton School District White 76.2% Source:Renton School District Projections 1 J According to the projection developed by the School District,future school enrollment is not expected to rise Age of School Buildings dramatically in the future due to recent population trends of lower birth rates and an increase of smaller The oldest school building in Renton is Bryn Mawr E.l- households with no children. Enrollment projections ementary School, originally built in 1930. Renton High are shown in Graphic VII-6. School was built in 1932 and since 1939 many additions were made to the original structure.The majority of the elementary, middle, and high school buildings in the ! 1 i 26 ' GRAPHIC VII-6 Table VII-4 CITY OF RENTON RENTON FIRE DEPARTMENT SCHOOL ENROLLMENT PROJECTIONS 1988 SERVICE DATA 1990 - 2000 10 0000 ...... .... ............... ........ ................. �etitoe`Fiiie D" :rt=.. Population Served 36,940 :::.:.:.:.:.. :;.;:: Total Number of Calls 4,800 Medical averageresponse 3.92 minutes 1090 1991 1992 1993 1994u1996 1996 1997 1999 1999 2000 time per number of calls per 3,167 calls YEAR Source:Renton School District Fire average response 4.4 minutes time per number of calls per 1,633 calls • Insurance rating 4 p I . Public facilities in the City of Renton are illustrated in the Public Facilities Map. Mutual Aid All King County fire depts 1. Fire Automatic response FD #20;#25;#40;#43 The Fire Department of the City of Renton has four Agreements Tukwila and Kent primary functions: fire suppression; life support; fire Source:Renton Fire Department prevention; and training and disaster preparedness. The Fire Prevention Division conducts routine inspec- tions of public buildings and businesses to ensure com- In 1988, new programs such as an underground storage pliance with local codes and arson investigation. Fire tank inspection program and an hazardous materials in- fighting and emergency medical service are provided to spection program were implemented. city residents by the Fire Suppression and Life Support Division. Emergency medical service includes primary Service Standards life support such as resuscitation, control of blood loss, and preparation of injury victims for transportation to a The Renton Fire Department uses its own city stan- hospital or clinic. The Training and Administration Di- dards to measure its performance. The following stan- vision is responsible for training department personnel dards and guidelines were established as a part of the for a variety of emergency, medical and fire fighting Renton Fire Department Masterplan in 1987. skills. Standards of Fire Suppression: Existing Staff, Programs, Facilities, and Performance Indicators a. Acceptable fire flow is defined as having water avail- • able to all parts of the city in sufficient quantity and There are three Fire Stations operated by the City Fire pressure to extinguish the worst case fire in an existing Department with a total of 79 firefighters. In 1988, the or projected land use. Fire Department received 4,800 calls for fire service. The average response time for an emergency medical b. Acceptable response time is defmed as having five service call was 3.92 minutes. The average response firefighters on the fire scene in five minutes or less. time for fire calls was 4.4 minutes. Dispatch time for both services was approximately 1 minute. Table VII-4 c. Acceptable response time is defmed as having ten shows service data for the Renton Fire Department. firefighters on the fire scene in ten minutes or less. 27 , It* 23 a ry4X , - cm. .� Ifl! . _ rrb ; ' YN � ° E%A'rRr'M ,i Jn•-_: , .,3 1 c u b 1 c b 53 l 36 47' �' 4 /4 .. .!Y i1/{ o�jw�Y > r 1 35 - 3$ - - 4ck LAKE l �' { 7 ' il1 4. 1„A 11A ..� . \ �R'i' s i "\'iti:. € � ^1+ - r � 3•-•� Y ... �f^� COALFIEItl' �.o � � /,ft�� �, N��,e�� ,Y' •a � °Y�-1 4ij. ,w� pk f ^. ��: 1. ` , ,jra It 7 `." 1i �Y II y414 �. ;,z{! a,. +? y xo;� `:3i • s s. `r ` d. . I s�?9- • Y i ,.�..;, 't '{s 1 ii • • • 'r E ` °•-.. b ` r►+*•r.„.;,3 ' T ,, .n r r i ,,� !.,�\ Y ,,,,,'R9t. ` P ..zle ©„ $y .. i ! ti•eater > R 4' t ,. ®� �4- i."§ 11.1 .F11uulls S i�� ,n • w - L•.:v i o , I b .: 'r t I '. ©r 4 1•` \7,:7 . 'y. tw`C• � Fj i[rd..., _ t p�a� i 1A� RA \\ t ., r.,. h If' .i�• IJK. S,MAPI; SysIt ? Q t r ; -. A Cry i" �t 'r a'`t ' '" ., 1_ 1 � r �I•v.ic..�ti @ ��w1 a Y: "h" �� • Na ir.,x!�9 rq,+t".af v .A...r .. ..,. \ 1,' %" .26 <s � 26,c't ( • - J • 4 r. ,. 2r , �4 - :i /. . r L Y ye gyp, { t a +R 71. I � I, Y,,�Y i.i � fir " - 0 i { 31�. .:,•i 3 ,. 1@ ', _`4 a P.r '' �, 4 . i- ..- ate; �. ,a. I,:I: T .. r 'fir r+itF� 1 A% • .ft..� ': ', . t ,fit 'd �.. „ i 3s • a. ttfrji " � r y ..,if.' 4/J a �.. .. 4 w'^ai 5 K � d ! .i �K 7J°"rf' _ - "?. .�•> .�» /A a: `� .r Ate'` "'' '�-'1" - " :'< i:* �'- 3S' k,.6 •; '• 'w`' :c L r�" - ,....ii F dw �1'r .� r '" :• °i > s^ r r,y 9 + � i f �f0 r� a f `Y fa 4Itl 'r � � _ 1 X ru\.1 j E i .,. I _{ i , " ` l'� I I yA i, 10'i - - 1i ,. a3 N c__ �a -:1.g N,',.. „� ,t4 ^ti 00 PUBLIC , 5, 0 ""`E FACILITIES d. Acceptable manpower is defined as having five fire- east in the vicinity of Duvall Avenue; (2) negotiate an fighters on site in first response and ten firefighters on interlocal services agreement with District #40 for joint site in second response. manning of their Station #42 on Petrovitsky Road and relocate Station #13 personnel to that station; (3)build e. For the largest single family residential calls, and a new Station#14 in the Valley Industrial area; and(4) multiple family,institutional,commercial,and industrial build a new Station#15 in the Kennydale area. service calls,the Department will depend on mutual aid agreements,off-duty personnel, and other management and administrative measures to provide necessary sec- 2. Police and alarm power. The Renton Police Department provides police services In 1986 the Fire Department was found to provide an to 38,7,480 city residents, as well as 38,000 people who above average level of fire protection service for its travel daily to Renton to their places of employment. residents. For any existing deficiencies in the short The Police Department is faced with many of the same term, the Department priority is to provide adequate problems as larger cities because of this daily influx of personnel anrd response time to all the areas and neigh- people,and the high volumes of traffic. borhoods within the city limits, particularly the Kenny- dale and Tiffany Park neighborhoods, and the Valley In order to function efficiently the Police Department Industrial Area. The current project of automation has developed patrol districts by analyzing geographic through integration of computers and word processing area, travel time, population, calls for service and systems in the Fire Department would also aid in criminal activity since all these factors combine to de- speeding up inspections,investigations and the response termine the level of service. these 'districts receive 24 time to calls. hour police protection. These districts are shown in the Police Patrol Districts Map. The Police Department provides an outstanding level of service for both emergency and non-priority calls. The RENTON FIRE DEPARTMENT I. total number of calls for police service in 1988 was ETAT" NO.fl 29,507. Presently, average response time (from the time a call was received by the police department to the time of arrival of police at the emergency or non-emer- 't t s ° 4:4 gency site) is under 4 minutes for emergencies. An av- . `° '' erage time for those calls of less or non urgent nature is less than 11 minutes. The number of policemen per 1,000 City residents is 1.92. In addition to fast emergency service, the Police De- partment provides a wide variety of services. Such as: 1. Traffic safety and enforcement by a traffic Sergeant,3 motorcycle officers,a traffic Future Needs investigator and a traffic officer. In order to I improve the current service levels and to 2. Parking enforcement better prepare for the service demands of the future, the Renton Master Plan recommends a combination of 3. Animal Control Services new fire stations and administrative agreements with 4. Follow-up investigation on criminal and neighboring1fire districts. In the short term, the priority Narcotic cases by 14 officers in the is to provide adequate personnel and response time to all those areas and neighborhoods currently within the Investigation Division. City limits, specifically Kennydale and the Valley In- 5. Records keeping and retention by 11 specialists dustrial area. To do this, the City should (1) relocate Station #12 from the Highlands area to a site farther 28. 6. Jail services which includes the safe A total of 14.1 full-time permanent staff was employed housing of persons arrested by Renton Police in the Renton Public Library in mid-1989. officers. 7. Crime Prevention through programs such GRAPHIC VII-7 • as: CITY OF RENTON LIBRARY CIRCULATION Commercial Crime Prevention 1987 - 1988 Residential Crime Prevention Children's Crime Prevention . . 2500001 • Senior citizen Crime Prevention Crime Prevention for women 200000 '•> ••�`�•.:.z i— 71,509 Vacation/Travel Crime Prevention 7 New Construction Crime Prevention 150000 r P ':':.c.. - : :,.32,: z,,t j:iii:.:.;:;... , Consultation <I.°` ' ..,..,...,...,......., -'..- NeighborhoodTr f c Watch : I : . i � 1000o0 ..:.:..:::..:.iii. . .. :: . Ii , : :. .. 14 iir::iiiiii:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiCii:. tt;i:.::.:.. .:.:::.[;:;::;:; :..;. Holiday Crime Prevention(Christmas, � -:. Halloween,etc.)Police Service 128,853 164,627 Ii: _ 50000 1• Trainingwhichinl 8. includes therecruiting ec lutm and hiring of new employees as well as in-service 1987 1988- training of all other employees. _ PI Highlands Library Steady growth of the City population in recent years has 71 Renton Public Library been accompanied by the increase in the number of calls for police services. As indicated in the past trend Source:Renton Public library in the number of calls received for police service, the police service demand is expected to increase in the coming years. �. �� :i. *- 4. -" " ` fix~ T« d 3. Library �, � � � ��` • The Renton Public Library(RPL)is a municipal library" — p Eaµ Pu a11Y — system serving city residents,businesses, the substantial iv ,t,,, 7; daytime population working in Renton, and other non- I • I`Is I.,. � 11 ! it . . resident users. There are two libraries serving the city, '' ,: _, + the Main Library and the Highlands Branch. The . Renton Public Library is a member of the Western Li- brary Network and has access to more than 2.7 million -'• :. titles. Inter-library loans are quickly transacted using "` Laser-Cat, the Washington State Library Courier Sys- • .: .. tem, and the U.S. Postal Service. Non-resident use is , estimated at 32% of information requests, visits to the libraries and other services,but less than 3%of circula- _ tion. Funding for library service is through the City's Future Needs General Fund. Books and other printed materials are expected to con- tinue as the major media used in public libraries during Existing Service Volume and Staff the next 20 years due primarily to cost and convenience • of use. In the next 10 years, computer and transporta- In 1988 total circulation volume was 236,136. The total Lion technology may be combined to provide library circulation for 1987 and 1988 is shown in Graphic VII-8. materials that are not available on-site, but the cost of this service will make it useful only for relatively expen- 29 NORMA',.1.0, , - . 1 11.1 1 r ....'..,...,..7...,k ............ ----, .7-•: t. •i -+ et l n ,,...:.-111.1ii k t„1/0iiiilk.:,i;\' if) 111SPATTLE 1 \' S,iiap, t ille f✓p��}@�! *�'''ma" ��f'°. _ "\� a 1! r .imiti,„-,..itt, iii • . ,4- .. III / ., • 4,` , :� 1iF / ;;' "r — ` � \ \ , ` aY , �r{ r'''A+ 4 yak, 1 fr., ' / {. p�f Arstl. t ' ' ' ms d N1wf" .a r':,' ,may i '''1),1-, r't.,',' '�' \h 4 'r F` vii �n9) a _.0 w \ s,, ,, , t y i x 1 / \ v ' 1 ,-- - ..),-,;._ -,,.. . 1.. ... ,.. -r' -,,-;3 ',,. ...:,. .. .... ..,-74..4",......, \‘‘ - ,., , . • ..,,-; ,,3 'I" ,..,, \.,,s.,i ..-1,',,,,,:k:;-..rir:.1 }` `^ - AN y )) ', °•17,ay . ✓te _ ..- • lr""1 g E fit,_ 4 /' I.AR6 OLNTS 7.. POLICE 1/2 1 MILE PATROL DISTRICTS sive materials with relatively low annual utilization. Currently, a study of Renton Facilities is underway in LaserCat, the Western Library Network (WLN) biblio- order to assess current and future spatial needs of the graphic database on CD-ROM'is the first operational City government. use of the new technology at the Renton Public Library. Information databases are the next easily accessible - stepif adequate fund ing dm is available.q g ab e. 1 • 4. City Hall 1. Water System The Renton City Hall is located'in the heart of the city The City of Renton enjoys a unique situation with its near the Cedar River. Built originally in 1968,it is a six water supply. The water supply exists within its city story structure of 49,177 square feet. The building border which consistently produces water of excellent houses the Mayor's office, Municipal Court, the City quality. In addition, the water source is highly reliable. Clerk's office, the Finance Department, the Hearing The Water System Map illustrates the City of Renton's Examiner,the Police Department, and parts of the De- existing water system. The map identifies the location partments Of Community Development, Public Works, of wells, pump stations, and major water lines within and the Fire Prevention Division of the Fire the city. Department. Presently, the building accommodates • approximately 270 city employees. a. Existing Facilities ' In addition, there are a number of other buildings,such Renton has three sources of water: The Cedar River as the Liberty Park Community Center, the City Hall Aquifer, Springbrook Springs and the Seattle Water Annex, the Davis Building, the Liberty View Building, Department. The City of Renton obtains approxi- and the Parks Building,that contain city departments. mately 95% of its water from the Cedar River Aquifer, 3%from the Seattle Water Department, and 2% from Due to the booming local economy, increased employ- Springbrook Springs. This is shown in Graphic VII-9. ment opportunities, and housing opportunities in the In the future, Highlands Well #5 will be an additional city, the population of Renton has been steadily in- source of water for the city. City of Renton residents creasing. Accordingly, the number of municipal em- receive fluoridated water. ployees has been increasing in recent years. As the city grows, the more than twenty-year-old municipal build- ing is experiencing growth pangs as well. A growing GRAPHIC VII-8 ' need for space to accommodate city workers has been CITY O F RENT O N WATER SOURCES acutely felt for some time. Springbrook Springs Seattle Water Department 2% 3% 0.-F,.-: ,ti�tfItO@IatltIItlp %, • 1inomint ��1tlrstltltltlP #f1{ik ( i +t l,. • - '4; =, 4F `# x;q Cedar River Aquifer ,.; f. b,; 95% T Source:City of Renton 30 The Cedar River Aquifer supplies wells which are ca- 2. Sewer System pable of producing 16 million gallons per day. The wells produce high-quality water which consistently ex- The City of Renton's existing sewer facilities are illus- ceeds existing Federal and.State water quality stan- trated in the Sewer System Map. The map identifies dards. The City of Renton also supplies water to other the location of the major sewer lines in the city, sewage areas through inter jurisdictional agreement. lift stations, and Metro trunk lines and treatment facili- ties in the Renton area. Currently, the city system supplies more than 10,600 service connections which represent the equivalent of a. Existing Facilities more than 22,500 single=family homes. The difference between the actual number of connections and the The existing system serves nearly 10,000 customers number of single-family homes is due to the fact that through approximately 128 miles of sewer pipelines. there are number of commercial and industrial facilities The city maintains 22 sewage lift stations and there are that consume large amounts of water. 7 privately owned and maintained lift stations. Wastewater is discharged to Metro facilities at 55 facil- The city's water system contains approximately 165 ities within the city, from which it is conveyed to and miles of steel, cast iron, and ductile iron pipe ranging treated by Metro's Renton Treatment Plant. from 2" to 24" in diameter, approximately 3,600 valves, and 1,600 fire hydrants. Major existing facilities include b. Future Needs five active wells,one artesian spring,nine booster pump . stations, seven reservoirs, and thirty-two pressure re- The city has been updating its 1983 Comprehensive ducing stations. The booster pump stations and pres- Sewer System plan in order to identify the most effi- sure reducing stations are necessary to serve the four cient method of resolving existing problems, as well as hills in the city: West Hill,Talbot Hill,Scenic Hill, and identifying improvements necessary to accommodate the Highlands. anticipated growth. The population growth in the last few years is beginning to strain the current sewer ca- b.Need for Aquifer Protection pacity, especially in the areas where new multi-family housing construction has been active. Recognizing its unique position of having a reliable and excellent source of water within its city limits, the City The city maintains a multiple-year capital improvement of Renton is engaged in active programs to protect its program which includes upgrading parts of its sewer aquifer. Because the groundwater from the aquifer is system. For example, the need to replace or reline 50- relatively shallow and the well field is near a number of 60 year old sewer lines in Renton's central business potential sources of contamination, the city initiated its district has been identified. own aquifer protection program for the Cedar River Aquifer in 1983. The program included a well field protection study, a well field monitoring study, and or- • dinance development. Also,the City of Renton applied for and obtained Sole Source Aquifer designation for the Cedar River Aquifer from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in 1988. The designation would help s•c the city to protect its aquifer from contaminants. j • • — M c.Future Growth It is anticipated that there will be steady population and employment growth in the city for the next)10 to 20 _; years. Currently,the city is updating its Comprehensive Water System Plan in orderr to accommodate growth and take care of any existing deficiencies. 31 • , A �1114 ai,'; ' !:1 1 ��1� s 1 r , _ f` l� Wit' r-w..l'��llit�D i R r t ( � aimless*` - - 4 I I o l 1 i� 11. ' % 1 fi t. 1 4 Er4. �. ,,,-- �`� iiupEi �d d i r, ��� �, n. - - ;. w„, �. �r . • ,I,.‘,, l '�' :chi ,tc .S.,r ,,,A , !(y. 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A Ii.A•Ili �,4 i •••••ril • n •. a n��2.y...x., �± ,...4.i �►,, 1 i, _1 fie__ L 1 ti i ' ;ik li�i[� _ i� v ' j_.,,,T� �l�, i ' ���` fi.,,,,:\,,,:\_.c....,:, y c,d '- j: liL,..n�fit _• tI zsr - .y- �71, ,t 7— T r� w �(• n911yty t7tYl "1 ••w,�l��f�►. - pp+..maw .4 \_ dr�1 „ `hirni� t-1,.y.,.fill =c_avlI' �1 ,a, r J. ,® x _ i "4,. ', , IR ,ii 0 . <' ,'' ; 4- -",,,,.... . .-A -- .., - -;,--.-„-....i.....--',-.1t ', ,�/ V M. _; iic'1. 1 o ran it k \ .a ,�� e.e ors` ..s a,w�s • { • ya.t , r i \-Cr l -, ,. ii i \ , 70 WATER , I , 0 1/2 1 MILE SYSTEM a 5,. G _� i��p�.. Via{ ( r. h �N _ tt 1 I awe• r Al,,,„, f IA- A"3., t M+�■� 1. tit kIVAI1 1� �rY 1 `• �+ ty i trA ;lam ' , w� r•.. til l 0 �R�. �,��6 , 1 i'o r ;P \,►ati a '. AN. r (L ltmnrewe ( A � S //y f b �w7L, It a Jok y r b c...,,.,. • ''��"S":Y� --� // - - 4 -/ "` . :,. .,li 11 ri 4. i 2 i ii.i.04.,,. , i...= - • timi ', lifrarsoIsIlilit-wi.741 .4;' milovA &' '41; ei, L.,'I '4., „ ' i�� ! �\ \ Bryn Mawr y• 'i ,. ,-,1•40, I7 his ` '-•. 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Most of the homes in West Kennydale sit on a relatively high plateau, giving many of them a view of Renton is composed of sixteen distinct neighborhoods. the lake. Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park, located Each neighborhood has certain characteristics or re- at the southwestern edge of the neighborhood, features sources that make it a unique and recognizable com- over a mile of lake side paths, public boat launching munity within the City. The neighborhoods are: West and overnight moorage, and an Ivar's Seafood Bar. Kennydale, East Kennydale, Glencoe/Sierra Heights, Kennydale Beach Park provides a lake-shore. recre- President Park/Honeydew, the Highlands, the North ational area within walking distance of most neighbor- Highlands, Heather Downs, Maplewood, Renton Hill, hood homes. Tiffany Park, Rolling Hills/Benson Hill, Talbot Hill/Springbrook, North Renton, South Renton, West Hill/Earlington Hill, and the Green River Valley. Please refer to the Neighborhood Map. Note: The generalized housing price categories used in the neighborhood descriptions are based on data pro- duced by the King County Land Development Infor- • = mation System. The categories represent the average . sale price for single family housing during July to De- cember 1988. Data was collected by census tract and _ � -" rr estimates were then generated for each neighborhood. '' �.:_,. The low to moderate category ranges from $60,000 to "•:e. ,�� � ' � Y` ` $85,000, the moderate category ranges from $85,000 to $110,000, and the' moderate to high category extends from$110,000 on up West Kennydale ' Growth Potential -- Growth and development in West lim- Location and Size -- West Kennydale,.at the northern Kennydale appear to have leveled off. However, a tip of Renton, is bounded on the north by the Barbee ited amount of growth in single family and multiple lumber mill, on south by the I-405/N.E. Park Drive family residential units in the areas to the north, and to interchange, on the east by I-405 and on the west by the immediate east, of Gene Coulon Park can be ex- Lake Washington. The neighborhood covers approxi- pected in the near future. mately 1.0 square mile. Character--,West Kennydale is a well-maintained resi- East Kennydale dential neighborhood composed mostly of single family Location and Size -- East Kennydale, also located at homes built in the years following World War II. The the northern end of Renton,is bounded on the south by residential portion of the neighborhood remained a N.E Park Drive, on the north by S.E. 68th Street, and part of King County until the 1960 s. During that on the west by I-405. On the east, its approximate decade most of the neighborhood was annexed to the boundary is Edmonds Avenue N.E./116th Avenue S.E.. City of Renton. Parts of the neighborhood that were East Kennydale covers about 1.8 square miles, includ- originally rural have become checkerboard mixtures of mg a large area at the northern end of the neighbor- older farm-style homes and newer contemporary homes hood that lies in King County. as the large, rural lots have been subdivided and built on. ,Homes in West Kennydale tend to sell for moder- ate to high prices. The neighborhood includes isolated Character--The southern portion of East Kennydale is areas of small-scale multiple family housing and busi- predominantly a suburban single family residential ness activity along Lake Washington Boulevard and at neighborhood composed of small developments built in the freeway interchanges. the 1960's and 1970's. The neighborhood is semi-rural to the north of May Creek, with many single family Major Features -- This neighborhood is the only resi- residences on large lots with septic tank systems. dential community in Renton that borders Lake Wash- Homes in East Kennydale tend to sell for prices that 32 range from moderate to high. There is a growing con- Character -- A large area within Glencoe/Sierra centration of commercial development and multiple Heights is developed with single family residences that family housing at the N.E. 44th Street/I-405 inter- have been constructed between the late 1960's and the change. present. Many of the homes in the Glencoe area are semi-rural in character, with large wooded lots and septic tank systems. Homes in the older portion of the . " ,: y , neighborhood tend to have moderate prices while a "i t'•:'2 ; F homes in the newer developments tend to have prices ,.1'" ` 4 �, s •" that range from moderate to high. The neighborhood ' ', 4:1' ; y also has a significant amount of multiple family housing S2.• k_'", r ,; ` . and commercial development along Sunset Boulevard .� �,,, ;. :'. ;.,,,, N.& .„ .,, ‘.,%,...,,,,, iir r I--, , i Al..-1•;'' , A . 4� N.E.. - 1 Major Features -- Sierra Heights Elementary School is `` " ••3 - ' ' the major community facility in the Glencoe/Sierra -Y-` i Heights neighborhood. Park facilities in the neighbor- hood include a small play lot in Glencoe and an unde- 4,w- -. ,,. _ • veloped King County park site in Sierra Heights. •••'r• -- , Major Features -- The portion of the neighborhood to ,, .,►:%' the north of May Creek includes large areas of steep slopes that can be prone to erosion and landslides un- _, der certain conditions. Kennydale Elementary School � ,,� and Hazelwood Elementary School are located in East , lir Aa .���.. - " Kennydale. Kennydale Lions Park, Hazelwood Park ' - and May Creek provide neighborhood recreational op- - w- - r - am..... portunities. ~:—:`"= ." - ,-, r °:." Growth Potential -- It is expected that the neighbor- ,o , hood will experience substantial growth in population and housing as vacant land is developed. It is also anticipated that the areas of the neighborhood border- ing the City will develop to a higher urban intensity as King County territory within the neighborhood is an- Growth Potential -- There are large areas of vacant nexed to Renton and becomes eligible to receive City land in the western portion of the neighborhood,in the utilities. Some areas of the neighborhood may be diffi- vicinity of Honey Creek,that are suitable for residential cult to develop due to the steep slopes and hillside ar- development. Many of these undeveloped areas are eas. currently in King County and do not have the services (streets, sewers, water supply, stormwater drainage) in place which will be required for development. It is ex- Glencoe/Sierra Heights pected that these areas will develop as annexations oc- - cur in the future and City services become available to Location and Size -- The Glencoe/Sierra Heights the properties. neighborhood is in the northeastern portion of the City. This neighborhood is bordered by Honey Creek on the west, 142nd Avenue S.E. on the east,Sunset Boulevard President Park/Honeydew S.E. on the south and May Creek on the north. The neighborhood encompasses approximately 1.1 square Location and Size -- President Park/Honeydew is lo- _ miles and includes an area on its northern side that is in cated on the eastern side of the City. This neighbor- King County. hood is bordered by Monroe Avenue N.E. on the west, 33 U. w i )Efi �+tire' i n M44, '�q-w I 'A:1.. ekliril :�`s--�� -t k �a 2i d #4 ., 1 ,, `�1 � � - �ma•:■' N� r ,, f. +a ".l .,ti;kir, y, .. _, , , .,, , .,,,, -, . ,.., , , ,r,„, , , ,, - . . . , M , I ria ,i, - i :Ai iiii A44 ,_. 4 \ t I 3 ��/` LI. I.EN, 1 / -� yM1�■! SEFTTit: ` T'' I TERRA , T~��. �.t, '1 `, 3 Ysmo111ar tifititint. -�:N GINS ,1ke igttilr. tit+l irk l , 'Avt, s '' � .i - 1 N t .. gi'. n \ � 1, °ESIDENT , .. k�� � �, , ' `1�OR a ,t� _ 14 PARK �� .�� [� �' pia ,�tili} ' ° '\ �� vto NEYDI W \ '`7 t" r'`��'%r to. �1 hal • rk,.. ,... , ,. , _,... _ i - 1\., -"*"....\ ..._ , ..,,, ,. ? - �RIVE�. �6111,0�1 ALLEY,: 1 1 r' - '' ` I ' .' , _vAsior et a1-* et�hi�.�.t _� x , A i■ ,I �' �' �� { tip t N .t 5 `✓ .m. TT t J p � • :. �, rid �/ I •� � Fb` � � L . , ,,...„.,,,,f, r r , , ! tT .YS! e y � a�T •'1 t : . ' R r s 404. or v � a D 0 11 1/21 MILE NEIGHBORHOODS 142nd Avenue S.E. on the east, N.E. 4th Street on the Highlands south and Sunset Boulevard S.E. on the north. The neighborhood covers approximately 1.5 square miles in- Location and Size -- The Highlands is a centrally lo- cluding a large area on its eastern edge that lies in King cated neighborhood. The neighborhood is bounded on County. the west by I-405, on the east by Monroe Avenue N.E., on the north by N.E. Sunset Boulevard, and on the Character -- Most of the existing development within south by Mount Olivet Cemetery. The Highlands is President Park/Honeydew is single family residential. approximately 1.2 square miles in area. The residential portion of the neighborhood is a mix- ture of modest homes built in the 1960's. and more Character -- Much of the existing development in the elaborate modern homes. The homes in President Highlands is single family and duplex housing, with Park/Honeydew tend to have prices that range from newer multiple family complexes near Sunset Boule- moderate to high. There is a rapidly growing multiple yard N.E. to the north and N.E. 4th Street to the south. family residential and commercial area in the southern The single family and duplex homes were originally portion of the neighborhood along the N.E. 4th Street built by the federal government as temporary housing corridor. There are significant areas of unincorporated for Boeing employees during World War II. At the vacant land on the eastern fringes of the neighborhood. time, the neighborhood was in King County. After the war,in 1946,the neighborhood was annexed to the City of Renton. The majority of these homes have endured and become Renton's main source of low income `a housing. Most of the homes in the Highlands neigh- x� .� f • ° � borhood are within walking distance of the commercial * areas that are concentrated along Sunset Boulevard. e • Homes in the Highlands tend to have prices that range i from low to moderate. _ s �� 12 " 4t. sM ‘et ;l.. Major Features -- The neighborhood includes Hazen \. High School, Renton Vocational Technical Institute's Business and Technical Center,and Kiwanis Park. °"• :.,:: ` ' R,•A<` ``° Growth Potential -- ` �. � It is very likely that residential de- velopment in the President Park/Honeydew neighbor- hood will continue at a fast pace. Due to poor soils for septic systems and lack of sewers in the unincorporated portion of the neighborhood, it is uncertain how highly Major Features -- A primary feature of the Highlands developed that area will become. If development oc- neighborhood is the N.E. 4th Street corridor. This curs in King County using "mound" septic systems, it is street is the focus of commercial activity and multiple possible that the area will become a very low density ru- family housing in the neighborhood. The main campus ral-style single family residential neighborhood. King of Renton Vocational Technical Institute and High- County requires large lots for houses using this type of lands Elementary School are two of the central com- , septic system. If sewers become available, it is possible munity facilities in the Highlands. The neighborhood that the area will develop to a higher suburban or urban also includes Highlands and Windsor Hill parks and the density. Highlands Neighborhood Center. 34 Growth Potential -- The Highlands neighborhood is lands is fully developed, but the neighborhood does in- almost fully developed north of N.E. 4th Street. There dude small scattered areas of vacant land. If the com- is a small area of undeveloped land in the neighbor- petition for developable land in the City becomes more hood, south of N.E. 4th Street which may be suitable intense,these vacant areas are also expected to be filled for commercial or multiple family residential develop- in. ment. Heather Downs North Highlands Location and Size -- Heather Downs is located on the Location and Size -- The North Highlands is in the eastern side of the City. The neighborhood is bordered northeastern portion of the City. This neighborhood is by N.E. 4th Street to the north, Maplewood Golf bounded by Edmonds Avenue N.E. to the west, Sunset Course the south, 148th Avenue S.E. to the east and the Boulevard N.E. to the south and Honey Creek to the western edge of Greenwood Cemetery to the west. north and to the east. The North Highlands covers Heather Downs covers approximately 1.5 square miles approximately 0.5 square miles. and includes a portion of King County on its eastern edge. Character -- This neighborhood is characterized by fairly high intensity commercial and multiple family housing development along Sunset Boulevard N.E. and lower intensity residential development to the north. a The housing to the north is dominated by small, duplex ;£`, and single family structures. Like many of the homes in `4 _ the Highlands neighborhood, most of the single family . and duplex structures in the North Highlands originated N ` Ott. a ` e Y as temporary wartime housing for Boeing employees. Homes in the North Highlands tend to have prices that � range from low to moderate. • t rc .;� 'xV 1. Y -'�"' 3 S J :4u� 3" a.' ei' fir' } r„{}. te a"" Y,.P,4}'• x 4 � f'>, 4' n `t ; z Character -- Heather Downs includes a mix of com- f, ' ' • - v =� mercial, single family residential and multiple family residential land uses. The neighborhood offers a.vari- rz ety of housing opportunities including the Leisure Es- tates Mobile Home Park. Single family homes in the neighborhood tend to have moderate prices. The neighborhood's expanding commercial and multiple family residential areas tend to be concentrated along the N.E. 4th Street corridor. The neighborhood in- cludes a large area of undeveloped land to the south of N.E.4th Street. Major Features -- The North Highlands has many community facilities including: McKnight Middle Major Features -- Greenwood Cemetery, and Maple- School, Hillcrest Elementary School, the Highlands Li- wood Heights Elementary School are within Heather brary, the North Highlands Neighborhood Center and Downs. North Highlands Park. Growth Potential -- It is likely that growth on the east- Growth Potential -- To a large extent the North High- ern fringe of Heather Downs will be very similar to 35 growth on the eastern side of the President ence on the natural and man-made environment of the Park/Honeydew neighborhood. Low density develop- neighborhood; affecting topography, vegetation, and ment may occur in King County using "mound" septic land use type and pattern. This neighborhood features systems or higher density development may occur if a significant number of community facilities including: sewers become available to the area. There is a current Carco Theater, Cedar River Park, the Renton Commu- proposal before the City to develop a 100-acre sand and nity Center, and Maplewood Golf Course. Stoneway gravel pit on the western edge of the neighborhood, ly- Sand and Gravel is the major industrial operation in ing south of N.E. 4th Street, with approximately 1400 Maplewood. The neighborhood also represents a multiple family residential units. significant portion of the aquifer recharge area for the Cedar River Aquifer. The Maple Valley Highway, paralleling the Cedar River, is one of the key entry Maplewood routes into the City. Location and Size -- The Maplewood neighborhood is Growth Potential -- It is expected that large areas of situated within the Cedar River valley on the east side the Maplewood neighborhood will remain undeveloped of Renton. The neighborhood extends in a strip that due to the physical limits presented by the steep walls follows the Cedar River valley and Maple Valley High- of the Cedar River canyon. way. Maplewood is bounded on the north and on the south by the,valley rims. The neighborhood is bounded on the west by I-405 and on the east by the eastern end Renton Hill of Maplewood Golf Course. Maplewood is approxi- mately 1.0 square mile in size, and includes some area Location and Size -- The Renton Hill neighborhood is within King County at its eastern end. centrally located in Renton. The neighborhood is bounded on the west by I-405, on the north by the Character -- The Maplewood neighborhood has pock- Cedar River, on the east by Phillip Arnold Park and on ets of development that are scattered along the Cedar the south by S. 11th Street. Renton Hill is approxi- River. Much of the,remaining area tends to be mately 0.5 square miles in area. undeveloped due to the steep slopes of the canyon walls. The majority of the existing development is sin- gle family residential, but the neighborhood also in- eludes a mix of industrial and commercial land uses and public' facilities. The neighborhoods single family homes tend to have low to moderate prices.4. ryp A »-.- ,* .k o _ Y 4} 0. ,�p'�5�5 r»�1.. ._�...,.,'.. � Mh.„. •..,.r0 m R ra rG i t< ,� OX:; ». x 9x r''• ..»'..�.a .._ � a.� -*';aec:. ;':','�w",`y,nz,�..,�+,. .. M .xxlma'" u, ,-yr r"( " r ,# Character-- Renton Hill is one of the oldest and most • *tea KKs 6 �tI .¢ ' i established single family residential neighborhoods in L. -• igi - <: Renton. Many of the homes have been held in the same families from generation to generation. In recent years, newer homes have been added to the neighbor- hood as lots featuring views of the City have been sub- Major Features --The dominant feature of Maplewood divided and built on. Homes in Renton Hill tend to is the Cedar River. The river has had a strong influ- have moderate prices. 36 Major Features -- Renton Hill is an unusual Renton Major Features -- The Tiffany Park neighborhood in- neighborhood in that the streets are isolated from the dudes Royal Hills, a large, low income multiple family heavy flows of through traffic that impact many of housing project. Tiffany Park and Cascade Elementary Renton's other neighborhoods. The low level of Schools are within this neighborhood. through-traffic is due to the fact that the neighborhood has only one point of access at S. 3rd Street and Mill Growth Potential -- Much of Tiffany Park is fully de- Avenue S. The neighborhood's location allows quick veloped. A portion of the vacant land in the northern access to I-405 and downtown Renton. Many Renton section of the neighborhood is zoned for multiple fam- Hill homes feature a view of the Green River Valley in ily residential and may develop in the near future. which downtown Renton lies and, beyond that, Lake Washington. Phillip Arnold Park sits at the top of Renton Hill. Rolling Hills/Benson Hill Growth Potential -- It is anticipated that there will be Location and Size -- The Rolling Hills/Benson Hill only a slight increase in population and housing in neighborhood is in southeastern Renton. This neigh- Renton Hill the next few years. Most of the neighbor- borhood is bordered on the west by Benson Road S. on hood is fully developed the east by Edmonds Avenue S.E. on the north by S. 11th Street and on the south by S.E 166th Street. The r neighborhood is approximately 0.8 square miles in area Tiffany Park and includes a small area within King County on its southeastern edge. Location and Size -- Tiffany Park is located at the southeast end of Renton. The neighborhood is bor- dered on the west by Edmonds Avenue S.E.,on the east �'_ by 128th Avenue S.E., on the south by S.E. 164th Street and on the north by the Cedar River. Tiffany park coy- ers about 1.0 square miles and includes property within ti King County in its southern half. -, Character -- Tiffany Park is a well maintained single 41 r---,1 a family residential neighborhood. Most of the homes - _ °,, 18 -; '!«" , were built during the 1960's, 1970's and 1980's. The ' ' � ,` " ,. '' homes in Tiffany Park tend to have moderate prices. 7 .e..-',' ,' There is a large area of undeveloped land in the north- — ""` ern portion of the neighborhood, much of which is part * " ' °" -, of a Bonneville Power Administration transmission line ,� --`" • • ":: ' ...- easement. .. ' ,•• aAi ;_ Character -- The Rolling Hills/Benson Hill neighbor- . - ' ,Nt hood consists of single familysubdivisions and a high 1 :; ,,; - '� �, ".' 1 <� concentration of multiple family housing complex near • x *. Puget drive and Benson Road. These complexes in- �` ^�' vim£ �t4 ' 4 ��"f .,1 dude: Eagle's Pointe Condominiums, Benson Condo c. ,-'s ''' '. -. miniums,Sunset Ridge Condominiums, Cypress Pointe • � .).4 '` `"�'"" Apartments, Abitare Apartments, Rolling Hills Con- ,. . ra . `*"`- � ,' ". dominiums, Heritage Village Apartments, The Benson - Condominiums, and Victoria Park Condominiums. The single family homes in the Rolling Hills/Benson Hill neighborhood tend to have low to moderate prices. - E Major Features -- Nelson Middle School and Spring - 37 Glen Elementary School are located within the Rolling State Route 515 are directly accessible from Talbot Hills/Benson Hill neighborhood. Hill/Springbrook. Growth Potential -- The Rolling Hills/Benson Hill neighborhood is an actively developing area. It is likely Growth Potential -- There has recently been a large that the neighborhood will remain a high growth area amount of growth and development in Talbot for single family and multiple family residential housing Hill/Springbrook associated with the medical center. It in the near future: is likely that the growth of office and multiple family housing will continue in the area into the near future. Talbot Hill/Springbrook North Renton Location and Size -- Talbot Hill/Springbrook is the southernmost Renton neighborhood. The neighbor- Location and Size--North Renton lies on a broad, flat hood is an elongated neighborhood bordered by I-405 valley floor in the central portion of Renton. The on the north, S. 200th Street on the south, State Route neighborhood is border(3 by 1-405 to the east, the 167 on the west and Benson Road 'S./108th Avenue Cedar River to the south and to the west, and Gene S.E. on the east. Talbot Hill/Springbrook covers ap- Coulon Memorial Beach Park and Lake Washington to proximately 2.1 square miles and includes areas of King the north. North Renton is about 1.0 square mile in County on its southern and eastern borders. size. Character -- The primary components of the North Renton neighborhood are an industrial subarea and a residential subarea. The core of the City's major in- dustry is located in the northern two thirds of North Renton and one of the City's oldest residential areas is i- in the southern one third. The majority of the Indus- hit trial area is composed of the Boeing and PACCAR �,--� - complexes and their related office,warehouse, and pro- '" 4__ - duction facilities. The residential area is a mixture of ! single family, duplex, and small scale, multiple family � • _ „ (. u ' - - housing. The neighborhood also has'a large number of - " "�"' retail businesses that are centered on the Park Avenue Mw N. and.Sunset BoulevardN. corridors. Single family homes in North Renton tend to have prices that range • lf, •-•1' from low to moderate. Character--The character of the central portion of the Talbot Hill/Springbrook neighborhood is established by the Valley Medical Center and its related clinics and convalescent centers. Much of this area is devoted to ., w 4R medical and office facilities. The neighborhood also in- .. dudes well-established single family residential areas to the north, large, open.wetland areas along its entire •• 414 western edge, and large undeveloped areas to the south " x, • . and east of the medical center. Single family homes in the neighborhood tend to have moderate prices. " � Major Features -- The central feature of the Talbot x, , ' • Hill/Springbrook neighborhood is the Valley Medical • }._ " :. Center. The neighborhood also includes Talbot Hill Elementary School, Talbot Hill Park and the Talbot Hill Reservoir. Interstate 405, State Route 167, and • 38 Major Features --A distinguishing characteristic of the Major Features -- Renton High School, Renton Shop- North Renton neighborhood is its large number of arte- ping Center, City Hall and the main branch of the rial streets that carry a considerable amount of pass- Renton Public Library are located in South Renton. through traffic. In addition to the North Renton's no- The neighborhood also includes Tonkin Park, Burnett table industrial and residential areas, the neighborhood Linear Park and Jones Park. also includes a variety of community facilities including Renton Stadium, Liberty Park, Renton Municipal Air- Growth Potential--The South Renton neighborhood is port, Renton's Senior Center, and the Cedar River fully developed. Any growth in the area will most likely Trail. occur if conditions in the central business district 'change and pressure for redevelopment or revitalization Growth Potential -- North Renton is essentially a com- is created. pletely developed neighborhood. Growth may occur in North Renton if current land uses convert to new land uses or if existing land uses become more intense. West Hill/Earlington Hill Location and Size -- The West Hill/Earlington Hill South Renton neighborhood is located on the west side of Renton, immediately east of the Bryn Mawr and Skyway dis- Location and Size -- South Renton is in the central tricts. The neighborhood is bordered by Sunset Bottle- Renton area, to the southwest of North Renton. The yard W. to the south, S. 116th Street to the north, neighborhood is bounded on the north by the Cedar Rainier Avenue N. to the east, and 80th Avenue S. to River and Lake Washington, on the west by Rainier the west. West Hill/Earlington Hill is approximately Avenue S. and on the south and on the east by I-405. 1.4 square miles in size and includes a large area of South Renton covers approximately 1.1 square miles. unincorporated King County within its western bound- ary. • • S y yq, w Character -- South Renton is the historical central _ business district of Renton. The downtown area re- Character -- The West Hill/Earlington Hill area is an mains fairly lively,with activity centered on government older single family residential neighborhood. The and service related functions. Much of the downtown neighborhood is physically split by the Renton Avenue retail and commercial activity however, has been dis- ravine. Single family homes located on Earlington Hill placed by local malls and shopping centers. The neigh- are generally older than those located on West Hill. borhood also includes long established single family, Single family housing prices in the neighborhood tend duplex and small-scale multiple family residential areas. to range from low to moderate. There are several mul- Single family homes in South Renton tend to have tiple family complexes in this neighborhood, most of prices that range from low to moderate. s which are adjacent to the Rainier Avenue commercial corridor. 39 S r Major Features--The neighborhood includes Dimmitt Middle School and the Earlington Alternative High y . School. Access to and from the West Hill/Earlington �' Hill area is aided by the proximity to State Route 900 z ° ,' and Rainier Avenue. Rainier Avenue's long commer- cial corridor is a neighborhood feature that is relatively > 3 unique in Renton. The topography of the neighbor- At A ` " � hood is quite varied since it is situated on the western ' ��_ ,- slopes of the Green River Valley. I ' g " Growth Potential -- Undeveloped land is scattered Ai throughout the slopes of West Hill/Earlington Hill. It v. .r} ` ."a, • '"' `-- �" is expected that infilling of these vacant parcels will oc- " cur over time. Green River Valley Major Features -- Much of the Valley floor lies within a floodplain and contains many wetland areas. Lon- gacres horse racing track and a Metro sewage treat- Location and Size --.The Green River Valley (the Val- ment facility are located in the Valley. An important ley) is located in the southwestern portion of Renton. feature of the Valley neighborhood is that it is bounded The Valley neighborhood covers a large, flat plain that by two major freeways: Interstate 405 to the north and is bounded by State Route 167 on the east, the Green State Route 167 to the east. River on the west, S.W. 43rd Street on the south, and Sunset Boulevard W. on the north. This is the largest Growth Potential --It is anticipated that the Valley will Renton neighborhood covering approximately 4.6 be one of the major growth areas within the City given square miles. the recent growth trends and the large areas of avail- able undeveloped land. Currently there are several Character-- The Valley is a rapidly developing area of proposed development projects in the Valley. For ex- industrial, commercial, manufacturing and office land ample: the Austin Company is seeking City approval to uses. Development in the Valley is facilitated by the construct a 5-story, 199,000 square foot office building large amount of undeveloped land. Residential devel- in the northeast corner of the Valley, also, the Sabey opment in this neighborhood is very limited. Corporation is proposing the construction of a 1,000,000 square foot regional shopping center in the southeast corner of the Valley. • 40 • t . .. HI •'ft 't4 •''� .a #,y t � ate'^.;.; j fi �'`., a x•5. ° °••. ''.: '' • - x=,� � '.s �,: 'fir A a °' �•� _',.,� y.+� w+r��, �+„+ ��� b'�• . ",�`�`.. � "" � :+��•" " x ' • t � Y • • A'.9 t. ,,r: s '.+' ••, r. air 7�c f ' 4, ..• •0.err +,/'1"'t•x4' ' +,,y ! 1: $ , r8 R "' a 4.d�W* • 1 • M •• `F ° it 4 .i a ,. e. y p ° Yr� *. SFr 'de.. y C`Te 4. ',. • y'E '.S anl"' r 7.41 sue` �,°. - J 1.•::...ill*.l $ '' t iww �..fva - , yr ,a x _ �.' .... ...... ..._ .,_,.. ._,...a..,..m.... ... a.,.... .. ..„r.,....�..,.. ,... P .. . .r,.,....,n........ .. ....._ sY.°.ra.,...+..,... a.....w.,...,.w.... '�_ Saw,........v... „ -CIRCULATION AND TRANSPORTATION— IX. TRANSPORTATION The high-volume freeways and highways include Inter- state 405 with close to 100,000 vehicles passing through The City of Renton is situated at the south end of Lake per day, and State Route 167 with 90,000 vehicles flow- Washington and provides access around the lake ing through daily. The arterials with high volumes of through its regional transportation network. One inter- traffic include Airport Way, with over 30,000 vehicles state highway and three state highways run through the per day;Rainier Avenue North with 50,000 vehicles per city. Because of Renton's location in the region and its day; Maple Valley Highway, with close to.30,000 vehi- own industrial, commercial and other types of employ- des per day, and N.E.4th Street,with over 20,000 vehi • - meat centers, freeways and arterials in the city get des per day. . heavily congested during peak hours. GRAPHIC IX-1 In an effort to improve traffic flow in the city and to up- CITY OF R E N T O N grade the street capacity in general,the city maintains a EXISTING STREET SYSTEM LOCATION multiple-year transportation improvement program . which includes constructing new streets as well as reha- Industrial and bilitating existing ones. In 1988, the city of Renton ini- Commercial dated a Per Capita Business fee, which charged busi- 40% CBD or • nesses based on the number of employees. This fee has _'',_ `' Downtown been used to fund street projects that are high priority 8% • for the business community. In addition, the city is '- fJ conducting a city-wide arterial study in order to assess transportation needs of the community. '" . `• = - In k:i:y:l _="? .- terstate 405 has been one of the major sources of • traffic Congestion Renton.in M alor construction for :.... ...:::.. widening Interstate 405 to six lanes, including one lane • • in eachdirection h • for the exclusive i of - e c us ve usecarpools, 0o s _ �P buses,and motorcycles,is scheduled to be completed by . the middle of 1990. Widening of I-405 is expected to 52q relieve some of the local traffic congestion within the Residential Source:City of Renton City as well. . E stin . . ... . .......... The city's existing street system is made up of freeways, Due to the large volume of"pass-through"traffic on the major arterials, secondary arterials, and collector arte- freeway and state highways, the local arterials become rials in addition to the lesser urban roads. Currently, congested at or near the interchanges. Also, concen- 52% of the streets are in residential areas, 40% are in tration of employment creates congestion near the work industrial and commercial areas,and the remainder are places. The greatest congestion occurs at the following in the central business district or downtown. This is key intersections during the afternoon peak hours, be- shown in Graphic DC-1. The Existing Street System tween 4 and 6 p.m.: map shows the city's existing street system. Lake Washington Blvd./Park/Garden Ave. N norm r o t 3 d Street and Sunset Blvd.North South 43rd Street and Talbot Road South South 43rd Street and SR 167 The Traffic Flow Map illustrates the amount of traffic S.W. 43rd Street and East Valley Road flowing through the city's street system in 1988. The S.W. 16th Street and Lind Ave.S.W. c. number of vehicles which passed through the city's Grady Way and Rainier Avenue major freeways, highways and arterials daily was Grady Way/Main/Benson Road recorded and is shown on the map. Grady Way South&Talbot Road South 41 • South 3rd Street and Main Ave.South The airfield consists of a single asphalt and concrete Sunset Blvd/Bronson/Maple Valley Highway runway with a full parallel taxiway on the west side and Factory/Bronson/Houser partial parallel taxiway at the southeast end. Runway , length is 5,379 feet and the width is 200 feet. The city's multi-year transportation improvement pro- gram includes projects that will lessen the congestion The Federal Aviation Administration operates a part- • problem at some of these intersections. time control tower service which operates year-round, fifteen hours a day. Aviation service centers are located • on the airport and provide a wide range of services: • major andmin r repairs, charter services,s flight in- struction,fuel sale,tie-downs,and aircraft storage. Bus service in Renton and the surrounding area is pro- According to the Federal Aviation Administration, vided by Metro Transit which provides public mass Renton Municipal Airport is a heavily used facility, transit throughout King County. Approximately thirty ranking third in the State of Washington in terms of Metro bus routes run through the City. The bus routes frequency of landings and take-offs. The other two cover key employment and residential areas in the city. most heavily used airports in the State are Sea-Tac In- They also connect Renton residents and workers to the ternational Airport. and King County International- surrounding cities and communities. The Metro Tran- Boeing Field. Because of the closure of other local air- sit Routes Map shows the local routes and Park-and- ports such as Bellevue and Kent, the intensity of use is • Ride lots. becoming greater at the Renton Municipal Airport. At the present time, recreational and corporate purposes - comprise more than 90% of the uses of the airport. :;•:':<:'; >'<<.: <;;'•.<> :•> Less than 10% of the uses is bycharter airplanes, for ••E:`;Trans ortation-.• stem aYiaria ement. : P ' P .. . flight instruction, and for manufacturing purposes by the Boeing Company. The use of the airport is pre- Carpooling and ridesharing, Park-and-Ride services, dominantly by small planes. flexible work hours, reversible traffic lanes, and exclu- sive access ramps to freeways are some of the sugges- Currently, the airport facility is fully occupied. Al- tions included in regional Transportation System Man- though the airport uses are expected to increase agement. Local jurisdictions or agencies are encour- steadily in the coming years,the possibility of expansion aged to participate in the programs outlined in Trans- of its 170 acre facility is considered limited because of portation System Management in order to improve its location,hemmed in by the Boeing Company on one transportation on a regional basis. Currently, the City side and a major urban street on two others. Efficient of Renton encourages individual employment centers use and rearranging of the present airport facility are such as the Boeing industrial complex to implement considered more realistic methods of meeting the fu- company-supported programs on a voluntary basis. ture demands from increased uses. The Updated Master Plan for the Renton Airport as a wasado ted by the Ci h year 2008 r 'de to e Prowl am P h' art Council in 1988. In addition, capital improvements are budgeted annually to improve the airport facility. The The City of Renton's Municipal Airport is comprised of 1989 airport capital improvement program includes a two airports: one for general aviation and the other, taxiway extension and a pavement overlay and recon- the Will Rogers-Wiley Post Seaplane Base, for sea- struction,budgeted at$868,875. A total of$86,888 will planes. The municipal airport provides regional and lo- be obtained through airport user charges and leases. cal non-commercial aviation services for corporate and The rest of the expenses will be paid for by a Federal recreational aviation. The Boeing Company leases 70% Aviation Administration/Airport Improvement Pro- of the general aviation airport space and uses it for air- gram grant. plane production related purposes. The Airport Map illustrates the Renton Municipal Airport. • - • 42 cm. x A..-, 1? fir` ` "1�LV i *W \. a A" ✓•.[>H' y�I1tr P Ipt E ({�Jt"1.`Y�:'. 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I 1f.. .,ram pr - Y' `�. sp 4.,t'+ 4.„ 35 .,^ I� » M36'``j, ,, I , 'Z,,, ,+ Y t...,. i+.: � '. ti l `'.gy" /�. • i 'X , ,; � C ,1:.' , ` et c t ' nrn.s ,A" / ( 1 i �+ .� : }iti '�-,;.s,—✓ "" e.reF ,,;-Sa r. p, v; �"�'ui sB'[ ,+, _ t �? � i 'Cr��"' � �� r Y ,. e' ..�aS _...� �p.i..e..` r 3 .o•' ,.�. .+.��'t _r:`.'fi ,;' . A. 's.. „ AIMt .. Fir Freeway EXISTING Major Arterial STREET 000 1/2 1 MILE — Secondary Arterial D SYSTEM — Collector Arterial ..<..r., I 1. ,.)i .,.,• •• 411 al 111 04!t )v.il ijoir"ir'A.31: ("."`"' ' i 1 1 n.. s . 1,. In", CDD C " .:a _°�°°fRi��° 4aDeJ , .�0b . .. 11 ' ,C —\ so ,I,-);It i w 1' 1 cT, �,>"" Note: Interstate 405 and State Route 167 (south of I-405) • are shown at half scale tfP 4 and are based on 1987 e W.S.D.O.T.statistics. [,,,o �� � ®„®„ 4 EXAMPLE At 1.o A' .. Y .3. h Cr SCALE i In Thousands of Vehicles " Bidirectional Average Daily Traffic .f �cp. 4 .i wi i „... . % 1 D 0 -� DD 0 . . 0 0 ..0 0 0 7" .d b. TRAFFIC FLOWS x s $. sr: nt''' Al ,' J /S ! 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'r _.. ... � -'.^'• � .•I.i; t ,„ Y. ._ — , - + . g 1. ; as+• , ' Ni' - it ' • in S a �� . 'A V': pp : k : , 4. t. 40. ttr lkii 3t/ , � pQ I a d;e k o' / L b r y p-. s a M ° i� ' 'i� b I Y �-,6 4-'..'"``'r b _ i ' � ; • fiti 1�t s 4 I 44,IL ,9 y' 47G a C 4 . N • Park and Ride METRO Makes All TRANSIT 7- Regular Stops , 5, 0�1/2 1 MILE Ma o Nkes o S opsted ROUTES 1g1f e ! j! ill vS•�}• ,`A1` '4V \ f \,I ti 1`� l Q 1 "1 ti ; \ ' , r' 6 e p }� e� F "ht \�.t Avg J ✓ L (� I lk P . 1 >wi 1 /%11 I 1 ;I,1 \ P. I .- o� J�,- iS ,-_-.�, 21 6p • x r—`rizzo / C .'"' • • 3 a `\^..J J i '.<� J t `j `axe,..i.li„ :.• 9` y �, li",q,�i \k(~ .r� �_,f � _� � ` ii\1 .r rl I� N. ma I NV*y �jt w ppgg a MM 6611E.. _••• ,\ ,.., .,-.„ - ,,. , - ‘ .•- ..'-'\ , ,\' •,, ' `; '6 � /Yre ! 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',.. .,' ''.../-'' i V, .7 . -, • 1 S `_ 36 r b k S • M Ip :44i,I I Y 36 �'r ( 1 r.S 1 ✓ ..1; 11 1 IJ „ ..t. ., . / 1.R I� t F _ re r \ v b\ -- 11�.1 = tt# A •f. !�: I 1 AK6 YOUN 5 7.. RENTON 0 1/2 1 MILE MUNICIPAL AIRPORT -TSrl Gwv I— . -- -.....''' , '''''441..W y1,1 -* ''''1,41:1‘, . ' ,i, -,41 '..„'•P;rAZ(''`v 4“.'!",i.7,41V`..,.'t.4' -- - , :- It.e...-,pt "to*t.q,),,,,=.0c 4 • 1 it:'','7g, Ipe-t;/, •, • 414>-"mt.,. .44,41.4„,..;.‘..1... • ^ � • is a � �,�k '�n •;:• �,, u . • '� �(�s� ... ,�: .yes ' t# *:_` xr i `:- 4,.a;v -+e,.'II' *.' E , , r* .. . Vi ' I :� s 4 � r - 7 b. ,,,A-...,.,.... « • .4,4 ,,, , ••. * = :444.Mfta.r. ,,,,,,,4,„ ,, c..Fwt;;,...- i. .... .•....-!, --; •.‘-, - .. . ,.,.:1,44,:t.;3..„,,,,,.‘1.,."._;,,,„-.,. ...i.x «.,. , , m,.w,<,<.,._.... ..L.,m<mr.....n.,b—<..''a,.n..,.w........:....._.. ««.v.ta..,....,<,�w^.,..,m w.a..,.,..,,.,...._, Y.... ..e •„ ,....,m<,..,.i....®......aw.,«.6' 8 7 ,—.s„+.a .. 4 • • • X. LAND USE GRAPHIC X-1 CITY OF RENTON The land use profile provides information on the pro- DISTRIBUTION OF EXISTING LAND USE _ portional distribution of existing land uses, the existing TOTAL ACREAGE: 10,304 land use pattern,and vacant land in the City. . Residential 24.2% .. The existing land uses within the City have been classi- . . fied into a variety of categories for the purposes of Vacant Land _; ;_.:_:: 22.3% planning,and mapping. The classes used in the Existing _ Land Use Map of May1989 and the corresponding land "i '=°' P P g <:> :>-`':`' `<:> Commercial acreages are listed in Table X-1: .. 6 7% - Table X-1 `„P� _ :l r; CITY OF RENTON 53 r .F.: , . Industrial ' EXISTING LAND USES 1989 Freeways and Streets 14.7% :" : : .... : : _ 19.8% 10.7% • > : Open Space i Commu nitynit Y Facilities .Lan dUse :::> >. :: � �� :�:> :;> :�< >::N:umbe ;o[Acres 1. o , and Utilities 1 • Single Family 2,069 Multiple Family 326 `Source:City of Renton J Mobile Home Park 103 Neighborhood Commercial 3 General Commercial 238 .. ... . .. ....... ... ... .... . . ... ... ... ......................... ................ ( CommunityCommercial 256 i g• . .... . . :'Esting.Land:;Use`Patteriit ><< > < < > ::: Recreational Commercial 190 Office Park 166 Light Industry 180 The existing land use'pattern of the City of Renton re- Heavy Industry 551 flects 100 years of settlement and expansion. The origi- Manufacturing 616 nal City was settled in the broad floodplains at the con- Community Utility 153 fluence of the Cedar and Black Rivers along the shore Schools of Lake Washington. This area continues to be the Hospital heart of Renton with its mix of heavy industrial uses Parks 481 and the airport along Lake Washington, the Central Open Space 51 Business District at the foot of Renton Hill, all inter- Civic/Community 20� spersed with older single family housing mixed with Water 124 small apartment complexes. - Freeways/Arterials/Streets 2,039 Vacant Land 2 294 Surrounding the original settlement are the residential •,--- areas on the hills and plateaus, much of which was ' 1h originally deve o ed in the countyand annexed into the P : ..... .... City. Single family residential neighborhoods are con- ,,,, Source:City of Renton centrated in the Highlands, Kennydale Hill, West Hill, - Earlington Hill, Talbot Hill and along the ridges along Maple Valley. • A• Existmg.Land: 3se D><str><bULIU11::>:::::::: ... . . . ............ Along the edges of the single family neighborhoods and . along the transportation corridors are concentrations of Existing land uses can be categorized in seven broad multiple family housing. Significant concentrations ex- uses: Residential; Commercial; Industrial; Community ist along NE 4th Street,NE Sunset Boulevard,SW Sun- Facilities and Utilities; Open Space; Freeways and set Blvd.,and Benson Road South. i Streets; and Vacant Land. Graphic X-1 illustrates the land use distribution. In addition to The Central Business District, commer- _ cial areas are concentrated along the major arterials • f - ' 43 and freeway exchanges including: Rainier Ave., Grady Table X-2 Way, Sunset Highway, Bronson Ave., NE 4th, the NE CITY OF RENTON 44th St.exit and SW 43rd Street. VACANT LAND BY ZONING DESIGNATION The Green Riv erVa Valley was annexed to Renton in the !g;::•: :;::;;:;;:_::;<.:;;: ::;:.:;>:;;:;.;: :.:.:.::• rofAcies' late 1950 s with the intention of developing a second in- ..... . . . .. . ..•,.,..., ,, ,,... . . . . . ... . ., ....... • dustrial base. This area, which was originally the G-1 Single Family 946 northern end of a long farming belt along the Green R-i single Family 452 River,now includes a few residual houses and a signifi- R-2 Duplex is cant concentration of manufacturing, warehousing, and R-3 Multiple Family 28 office park development. A node of commercial ser- R-0 Multiple Family 59 vices is located in the southeast corner of the Valley. M-P Manufacturing Park 335 Valley Medical Center dominates the land uses along B-i Business Use 64 • the southern portion of Talbot hill. Surrounding the L-1 Light Industrial 8 hospital is a concentration of support facilities including P-i Public Use 192 medical and dental offices,and laboratories. o-P Office Park 192 Parks in the Renton area tend to be located along river '..:. channels and lake shores. Many parks are located source:city of Renton along the Cedar River. Liberty Park, Maplewood Golf Course, Cedar River Park, Jones Park, and the Cedar River Trail are such park facilities. Gene Coulon GRAPHIC X-2 Memorial Beach Park and Kennydale Beach Park are CITY OF RENTON situated directly on the shore of Lake Washington. VACANT LAND TOTAL: 2,294 ACRES Public Use 8.4% Vacant land and its current zoning designation are Industry }` th e don e t e Zoningof Vacant avant Land Ma The 23.3% u.}. P• aprovides 1 n the location ofavailable 1 a atlab a and it s is o P P -- - ton ial development. t. - -_ ..:.:.:.:... Table b e X-2 and Graphic X-2 illustrate the amount of va- ................. cant land available under zoningdesignations. desgnat•ons. Commercial Residential 2.8% 65.5% Source:City of Renton 1 44 • �jj� t ^i h a. srs . l �' ';/t3•P> .r1 f • _., H.16 ' fgr '" • } = „ ! s i'.2iW ,...ftEi ,vim`". 4 w b .. P 7.. sir 4• R 27 "i 1, ,,,,,,- iti , ,, ', ' " r tt 4�k' ire pa4� c 3 36 " 31 2 t �t R4.0 € `� ! 36 'r ; , i ��rf :.. ASHr 4 P 6 ,.,,,„ -1- t5 - z � i L.� rr* ' ', �` aa,,.F e. .,.�u � �'�� §I.�>f� -Jo t i� 1 i. h . i. 1 ^n�,. .w ,` I I' C • I �s�Ei . 4r `• 7 Te7r tLd• \ ',' a,.w i�` 3 - �:::-:;,....„, ...,,,,, ,t ,....,:. , ,.. ....,,......‘;,..:,.. .., ,,-',- `i res lAt k �.y `w �aP�°`�. i Ot r %a + +rr ik le �' R•rGV�� © s° r-t.' ` 1 l • •� tk_WO �! '-�$• • , t. r a ' . , . r . } s e r 1� T } ,„ I % Ey t d + Fr, n(4 --,-N . o. A �� ' I I7 , ,,.a — xs+ . ?M>6CEW K ss P • F Li:, ` 5 r '°''R ' / RA tr© a � 1 ,. • „ . _ , * ` -26 :t d• •,u 0 3 11 �5 2r a. .. ? L, , 131 7 s \ at1• 1`',. 1,d '�"'•}- tr ¶ 's 't1d+t a 'r'�7, t-u't fie` "� M a* e:: R t t } ' ,. i ti --- I.-..*ai `y ft; tir # �i.�" w 35� " � �; R' pf e k' -or rTt oy .: . � a— j, ..i l � f �, f ~SY 4.W , `; ' t k 'i yaJ �fi" I , , '''ce , btr.__*. _fio a � 4" pImc �,' ':‘. v, - '..o© itt&: % M sd " • Alli lrk 414. • yy • . Ia � ''t to i ,_ F5� -- x, \ v " ..J•^rt' .,, ", .p.E '.4} r/f r„• * } , rt4. - ;IIt • ilr , }{ ' {.a +'� r1 g 1 1 °'ry y q; a nfRa ` Y� ii 1, e 1 - .A.t ae t > - • ••Single Family ® Light Industry _ Multiple Family _ Heavy Industry _ Mobile Home Park MEI Manufacturing Neighborhood _Community Utility Commercial _Schools EXISTING _ General Commercial iiim Hospital EMI P� a D 0 1/2 1 MILE Communiy oom ercial _civic/community LAND USE g� ^ Recreation Commercial _Parks I 1� 1 jigOffice Park _Open Space A as NOft',, , 4 i., 77 l '' ... r t 10j1.: ,.�i ..,..,..., a. _. .., 3 35 36 31 1.2' y t d 1 �', ;•-•4" 33 . . - 1 +'Y1 ,, o 1 • - • 1 36 -- t..- . i --.ft t I-- ,, — ri kZ1& ; {#` "9~P�3 . _ 1 rx'.,Ail"7.p1 i/. m `N5-, -- NAf,�r coALii£ld'' \ • 1 ; : ( 7 ' ':Alt 5a, tti,1 a n.��" si:, 'J dA n K'.>,.: �e9 �� I ' 'ym :1114 1' ��. 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S N+'X agy , ,y d 1 . • 1. n�� ° xr"°". .; zLa's' e ,e h. aedY'. `« a.'. k ,;."` • "x Ili,. il .I''' , a - y,�.r a �a si £°, mo �s1sp ss It> S•° r2 e ' ' a .r.'rr`At > it>.«P•' ' 6, s - a ,'ar�.te l`" £ii 'i i x 'irns lk° ' t Feet'* a } . i»� r rs i�' +4 �r* fit } • ..,,' .A;0..,' A... -.7 r.4) 4^4 ': 7' ,,,,..;!;....,.*;,... ,'N ,.;."..il..t',14,11A(.14-''''.11..:, '..c...".t4t.ik' .-1.t. .- -' ' '.s:: '.,..,:t: -:,,., '''..."*.i-:',4,::::!i'.:4t*, c 't'..e4, ;".,"'If A'..'1''''14-, X rr i� « � �'7•f .� + fir, ,.�,4 {t� s ��t �,�, ° .y iv,.4 ri,,_.,,,./;:tio_iy:,sititior'-.1 ik is sp rye a ..rr�c.. :� / I XI. Natural and Environmental The Oridia-Seattle-Woodinville Association lies in the . Features valleys of the Green River and lower Cedar River. The • soils in this type tend to be poorly drained, and occur The natural environment in the Renton area has been on level areas. These are desirable farming soils. Site profoundly, influenced by geologic events that took preparation for urban development is more costly on place millions of years ago. These long-term geologic this type of soil than others, and limitations are moder- events and processes formed the local streams, rivers, ate to severe for residential and commercial devel- and lakes;a variety of topographic features such as hills opment sites. and valleys;and the types of soil in the area. The Beausite-Alderwood Association covers the north- eastern Renton area. These upland soils tend to be well tomoderately-well drained and occur on gently • . ....... .... .... .. . rolling to very steep sites. Moderate to severe limita- tions for residential and commercial development sites The geologic characteristics of Renton's natural.land- exist on this.type of soil. scope were fundamentally shaped by the forces of glaciation during the last million years. As the glaciers The Everett Association lies on the terrace areas of advanced and retreated, they deposited, compressed, Kennydale and the Highlands. These soils tend to be and leveled the soils that formed the plateau areas to gravelly, and somewhat excessively drained. The soils the east and west of the city, gouged out Lake Wash- tend to occur on gently undulating terrain. Everett soils ington,and,the wide, flat floodplain of the Green River tend to have the fewest limitations for residential and Valley,and determined the original routes of the Cedar commercial development of all of the soils types exist- and Green Rivers. ing in the Renton area. Renton lies in a broad lowland where the terrain is dominatedbroad e byaglacially formedplain am that stands P • l~ :. several hundred feet above the floors of valleys cut into it. • Groundwater is contained in underground formations of porous rock or earth called aquifers. The water stored in aquifers reaches the ground surface through gh S0 s; springs or wells or by seepage into surface water bodies . and wetlands. The water in aquifers is replenished or In general, soil types are classified according to mineral recharged from the ground surface by seepage from composition,topography, biological activities within the surface water bodies and from precipitation that per- soil,climate,and the length of time of soil development. colates directly through the ground surface. The following description of four soil types (or associa- tions) existing in the Renton area is based on the U.S. The City of Renton is unique in the Puget Sound region Soil Conservation Service's soil survey for King County. in that local groundwater aquifers are capable of pro- The Soils Map shows the four soil types found in the viding all of the City's potable water supply. Currently, Renton area. These types are the Alderwood Associa- 95% of the water is provided by the Cedar River .lion, the Oridia-Seattle-Woodinville Association, the aquifer and 2% from Springbrook aquifer. The re- Beausite-Alderwood Association, and the Everett As- maining 3% is supplied by the Seattle Water Depart- - sociation. ment. The Alderwood Association is the largest local soil type The Aquifer Recharge Areas Map illustrates the loca- covering most of the eastern and southern portions of tion of the City's aquifers. Zone 1 represents the area the Renton area. This type is made up of moderately within which water entering the ground will require a well drained, rolling to hilly soils that occur on uplands year to travel to the City's wells and Zone 2 corre- and terraces.,These soils are well suited to pasture land sponds to the remainder of the aquifer within the City and timber'production. Limitations for residential de- limits. velopment are moderate to slight on this soil type. The well fields of the Cedar River aquifer are located in the Cedar River canyon near Interstate 405 and the 45 Maple Valley Highway. At this location the aquifer is Wetlands perform many important functions. Aquatic prolific. As much as 14 million gallons per day is plants in wetlands preserve natural water quality by pumped into the City's water system from the five wells. changing inorganic pollutants into organic material and The Springbrook Springs aquifer supplies up to 2 mil- storing it in their leaves and in peat. Also, the stems, lion gallons of water per day. The groundwater aquifer leaves, and roots of these plants slow the flow of water recharge area extends over 2700 acres. through the wetlands which in turn helps to settle out sediments and reduce downstream erosion. Wetlands act as natural detention ponds,storing water during the 1 dur in h water table h 'n the rcar nand re char Lakes,;..:: Rivers, and Streams<'>' '` wet gigg dry n >Ntura ..;::....: ..::.:..:........::.:.:..: seasons in the same way that groundwater is critical to year round stream flows. Wetlands act like giant The Renton city limits encompass over 22 miles of sponges which soak up large quantities of water during shoreline (lakes, rivers and streams). This shoreline the wet season and then gradually release the water provides a focus for recreation in the area and a valu- during the dry season. In this way, there are adequate able wildlife habitat that includes spawning habitat for water flows during August when many species of fish anadromous fish. These local waters also are an inte- are moving upstream to spawn. Wetlands also provide gral part of the stormwater conveyance system for the breeding and wintering grounds for waterfowl and City. Please refer to the Surface Water and Drainage shorebirds. , Basins Map. There are many relatively permanent, large areas of , '3 .,.._7 open water in the Renton area. These include Lake r• ' ,a , rsg'"r ,0'4 : Washington, Lake Youngs, Lake Boren, Panther Lake, ';, > ' .+= `=tip ° ,,z, and Lake Desire. �i �, `'r' , In addition, there are numerous perennial and seasonal a � � , watercourses in the Renton area. These include the y�,.x � �. 74i-y' q ; -J i Cedar River, Green River, Springbrook Creek, Panther '.. . jr ' ;' Er,'y i ,t3 Creek,Soos Creek,May Creek,and Honey Creek. 4 , v Z' t y 1( .4, ,.4-T a -, C µ, ,j tx i 3 i 1 yyCCii. s : tj 3 n 1( Sf firs r4 Y'Vz:S 4 h a tea,.,' 1*44:3' Ott e. . 4. f...)..+tP. t ,h 1i f,.fx i{i'._r 4;2':>,x..:r '24*. .. ° 1. 4'. .,, As development has accelerated in the City, many wet- k .¢ x , '' lands have disappeared. In the Valley, most of the e,, , ,, a wetlands are filled or are being filled by industrial and C tt .., commercial development, while on the plateaus, wet- `. , . I I lands are being filled for residential uses. 4, ors \ \_.. , \\ 4 < � x 1: ° �' `" The City's Wetlands Study of 1981 described the major 4 .. . , ,;,1.1 , ,� ;- wetlands existing in Renton. The Wetlands Map illus- trates the location of wetlands in the Renton area. The following wetlands are identified in that study: t wetlands Wetland, 65 acres in size, is fed b ThePanther Creek y Panther Creek, surface water runoff from local hillsides and storm water runoff from local streets and develop- Wetlands are lands where the soil is at least periodically ment. The wetland provides diverse habitat for wildlife saturated with or covered with water and where spe- including waterfowl. cialized"water-loving"plants grow. 46 ' f,,,--z.r.v2trutnikr-iir -zf •••-•:-..',Aittit E'64/54.,. , VaiuTiii Ora la,' ..._ ! - ... . agitsaml5f, : , f• ''..,fr-ii i ItWr: •rtramtm.14:,- , r.0.41$4:1,& t.. laillEitY:111?1LI t;; t4re P., An lili1i,(7.',' - , Aratilintlursi ' '' kt,,4 ..''' 1141,4,F;v4." , • , -, , '''',._ I ..1 4,...0 .-,,----:1, p- ,' •Aw' ineti. kl-., ..,,,,...„. .,, , . ...4., .,,,, 4: !MIMI t ..-„,....- . .., %%rug . • , ,=7. .1',',. ' ' .:,..',i-:-, • --.,'' . /-!: IN .- -•'ti VC:PU:11434Z* I ''' 4. 'tirignik. ...- - •,',4,•--..--..,-,...-! .,-,------. r -":".4"-.'".-7''..-r. ,--,:\ ..,-... , .___, •.- _ - ' •,.,, --,,,,,,,,i:q: 1,1". ,,i..-I ..,:-.;..;".,,,.A, '..•i;-: N.,,,,..;, t .141,44i, ..-_,,,,Tu: * riff44 :, ', .. , . ) ,-,:v 41.0riiiihArtivi'Jr; --, - 't..4; . 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III% ..2 qi / ) ) I, \/i 1•/ .I, / / r;-\ •/e/i ' i 1 Ll IMI0 . n •1- i I alt ' ''' 1 ', ,., ,7 1: ` /1 7' Deep Water 5, 0 1/2 1 MILE WETLANDS -140:1-jt Shallow Water - The Black River Riparian Forest is a 75 acre wetland that have dominated the region for the last 50 thousand fed by a remnant of the Black River and by surface years. These principles and processes must be recog- water runoff from hillsides to the north. A great variety nized as these areas are developed or substantial eco- of wildlife exists in the wetland including Blue Heron, nomic loss may occur. songbirds and waterfowl as well as black-tailed deer and red fox. It is one of the City's richest wetlands in Refer to the Flood Hazards Map for the location of terms of the variety of existing vegetation and wildlife. flood related hazards in the Renton area. Springbrook Wetland,30 acres in size, is fed by surface The 100-year floodplain is that area that is expected to water runoff directly from the adjacent hillsides. be covered by flood waters at least once in a 100-year period (a one percent probable occurrence). Portions Orillia Pond, a five acre wetland, is fed by local surface of the floodplain may be flooded more frequently. water runoff. The wetland is ideal habitat for nesting There is some uncertainty in the mapping of 100-year and roosting waterfowl. floodplains due to the short time intervals of accurate flood evaluation measurements and longer term cyclic The Cedar River Marsh,30 acres in size, is fed by sur- weather effects. face water runoff from local hillsides. There is diverse wildlife and vegetation present in the wetland. Because of the characteristics of flow currents within a floodplain, floodplains are subdivided into floodways, characterized by higher velocity flow, and floodway flood- plain i n of the ood r' in theremaining portion fringes, com is e ami comprisingg P plain flow. • The natural landforms in the City of Renton include Steep Slopes significant areas of unique geologic and topographic features. In the past,many of those portions of Renton The Renton planning area contains numerous slopes which possess unique natural features or perform utili- within the range of 15-25%, 25-40%, and greater than tarian functions were passed over for land more suit- 40%, as a result of glacial scouring. In Renton, most able for development. With the amount of developable soils on slopes of 15-40% have potential erosion and land in the city rapidly diminishing, these unique areas slippage hazards. See the Slopes Map. have become more attractive to developers. Many of the remaining undeveloped areas of the city are located on hillsides or in ravines where steep slopes have dis- . ti ' -v 3 ,, couraged development. These are frequently areas ` y where natural drainage ways exist and where the nat- e " = ; Ural vegetation is still relatively undisturbed. In some 3.k areas, soil conditions also exist which severely limit ur- :�� , -" ° " ban development. + These topographical, geological, hydrological and veg- - , etational characteristics combine to produce an envi- , ,1 D; 1 ronment that in some areas of the City is compatible "< r ; 5 with development of varying intensities and in other ar- eas of the City is not compatible with development. In ' ' Renton,those topographic and eolo c hazards include ' c ' ''41° geologic - areas subject to flooding, steep slopes, landslide areas, . i s.':..'. severe erosion areas,and seismic hazard areas. Floodways and Floodplains Landslide Hazard Areas • Flooding of lowland areas by excessive storm runoff Many of the major valleys and shoreline bluffs of Ren- and snow melt is one of the most common and costly ton and the surrounding area are bordered by steeply natural hazards. Floodplains have evolved in accor- dance with natural geologic principles and processes sloping unconsolidated glacial deposits that are highly 47. susceptible to gravity sliding. These unstable slopes are Seismic Hazards a major hazard to both people and buildings. Seismic hazards include ground failures, ground shak- Localities characterized by slopes 15% or greater with ing, liquefaction and the triggering of landslides by an permeable subsurface materials (predominantly sand earthquake. The principal damage caused by earth- and gravel) underlain by relatively impermeable mate- quakes is due to settling which is caused by ground -) rials such as silts and clays are classified as having mod- shaking and ground failure. Ground motion is ampli- erate landslide hazard potential, or as Class 2 Landslide fled and damage to structures is most severe on uncon- Hazard areas. This designation indicates that land- solidated soils. slides are a possible risk. These slopes tend to be stable ) under natural conditions,but minor changes such as ex- Class 3 seismic hazards are prevalent in many areas in - cavation or removal of vegetation may affect slope sta- and around Renton. The May Creek,Honey Creek and bility. The apparent stability of these slopes can be de- Cedar River corridors experience this type of hazard, as ceptive because their potential instability may not be does much of the Lake Washington shoreline. Other ) immediately discernable. large hazard areas include the West Valley floor, the Earlington area, the Highlands and Renton Hill. See ) The joint occurrence of permeable sand,gravel and silt the Seismic Hazards Map. with clay layers exposed above base level on slopes of 15% or greater constitutes the most severe level of - landslide hazard potential in the Renton area, or Class 3 Landslide Hazard areas. All slopes in this category Erosion Hazards are believed to be potentially unstable and ready to slide from sufficient natural or man-made causes, such Erosion is the natural process of wearing away the land - as excavation or removal of vegetation, surface by falling and running water, wind, and glacial scour. Of these geophysical forces, erosion by running Class 2 landslide hazards are concentrated primarily water is by far the most important within the Renton near the Renton Hill, Talbot Hill and Earlington areas. area. Class 3 landslide hazards occur primarily north of the May Creek interchange on both sides of I-405, and Areas with high erosion hazards are concentrated along - 7 along the May Creek basin, the Honey Creek drainage the May Creek, Honey Creek and Cedar River•Corri- channel and the Cedar River corridor. The Landslide dors, as well as in the Earlington, Renton Hill, and Tal- Hazards Map illustrates all areas with landslide haz- bot Hill areas. The Erosion Hazards Map illustrates ards. the areas with high erosion hazards. • 48 - '' 'K''''' 17 itiir titarki ---:,..._, • O out" ..- ., 'y„ �I-rJ 1'1 \ � ,rtor,.Nv; p- 4 x-� ..,��I 9 ' NIA •t ` (� <. ,. � � i �►3 ��", U. +0.7, ,,,.1 ,t..... • IM I QM► alf 1@ors ..WATTLE .Y �. �V �r. ql� r�j[{��� {y �; \ � .T-\,. 27.:-/1:::: {rr * Win , 4!).1.)0. '1.11151 . , . C '•N '' N-i•,,, ,,,si(,,y-7: , • 41111 in 14 `\ 9T�F4r►-- .�x� li ' - !✓" swa-°n ' souk 111-tiitr 'j.- � a f '� id' 3""4 - .I � b r.4 `''4.1 '!r5 •! 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"\\•,‘ )..‘,. .-''‘',..\\.:P11\.,,ICI,,,--:: . . ,,,,,.._ ,. 71 ,,,, ., ilik ,, ---::iii„, ,, . „,.--__ -... .,„_-_,,-: , r ''-.' i‘‘,' 'r-,-,' y,-- -1.\.; \-sf 2 ,. . ,r.,,,r (, ,c } ',... ,-1 ,►# t `r st, \ �1S ,r,.xe rou s ;(•, \ i ,, f1 �e ` , � 15%-25% v V ® 25%-40% a 5 0 1/2 1 MILE Greater Than 40% SLOPES i►Rx nN i • ,da 114 . 1. �, Jm As g, i �h11Y1 .1r7�� � Mr.'', �° � i\' 1� I. .� ems-- l, Sri . n kiln' k (��liko,dir't 1 _�fil ,) f , ::,,-:__:.\,,,1:.',,,,,•'.:;.*"t v x ,,,,l'::::, r:;;-\1 u ►iVLi 1 2:7): it, 1 - I�!'�;4„: g�■,, gqg�q� wS�'r E... m �.m..b. fit . r '� / /�� �`� ' �I 1R1 74' ►RCJ4R , 6 ".\\` \AW.w\ fit-\;. l \ l4-At. � __ ^J• • • 1 > ti11bolalls o.>r r ; a61p .. `� ---$ ,' 1, )' air r =xe n �fi " aw ? ` . t •_I 91111.� •� ' . ti aS ',tlir edr I Ett �� sC� ■ K Ate``P'y - '• ,ix,-,_ L .�.- xq .. ,1111C... :� :,� �. �.,�- _ --='�'.< 4 )i`� ` ' '' :`` 9p � ..,_ . � ,� )� �,�•vllf�� '� �,,,.,,,,,,,,,44'r:".7.1 i . . ' • `K�a tram,! ,YF," � i V fl s w iZ •,. taw 1' x _ , too/ 1d' 1 ,,a, 6 ` ` • ' , • _ T " yl . Y �oY (INa a t il • ViSPARIN9 . ' • :-:,-.* '' ., , ., iktb . ieleignelli,^ . , ' ,i i.:maim , n i �V r ��� V v �� i s _t_ d �;d spa .e . 1 11 11 pray - Ci a 1 ,..t Irir [ , r .. x } , ;y:: ■fix, rid ;4 { ' `e` ���� - " .L.d' A�;Ix N C �. h 1 7. Class 2 LANDSLIDE 5 0 1/2 -; MILE Class 3 HAZARDS MilV airIVIC 40,1' i t ri. r PI94,, -7,1k _ •\''. (7 . ,- ..-, A'' a.r w p^w�n C IiC f t ' ri' T ))� c / I �a a�`�`waty 4�-- _ 4 y{P kb �l ,;, c - 1.; / •'\a ,r y I ru 1 fp r :e •, J 1�' 1 I .r ti � Z.rd I. i -. a...+ins 1 - 0,�i 1f J , \ 1 '�lR �.: L I r �, 1 -�, EV %,; ? 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' L3KS„t � .7 �:. ,,. ; K ^m X--.'k ...;...._,;.,. ._., +,.Jt Si �A '� .fi X y .'4f"# u�.w: : ,s .• l.du sr x k . . ..,�,'. .�y k y • • • —CITY GOVERNMENT/ COMMUNITY SERVICES— XII. City Government and Community artistic and cultural development of the City. The Services • Commission is responsible for reviewing the design, ex- ,' ecution and acceptance of works of art funded or oth- itY erwise acquired Y h b the AStrnctu e.a.::CatGo . .::... .::..::.. :. ::. t:::::::..:. ::..::..::::.: Executive 1%for Art Fund The City of Renton has a strong Mayor/Council form In the City of Renton, 1% of the total cost for munici- of government. The Mayor is the popularly elected pal construction projects is reserved for City art pro- chief executive and administrative officer of Renton. jects. Examples of 1%for art projects include the art in He is the official and ceremonial representative of the the Renton Community Center and the wall mural at City and its citizens in all governmental and public the entry to Renton Fire Station#11. - contacts. Duties of the Mayor include overall administration, directing City activities and operations. The Mayor serves a four year term of office. • Legislative Court services in the City of Renton are provided through the Renton Municipal Court, a division of the The seven member Renton City Council is the popu- Renton Judicial Department. The Renton District larly elected (at-large) legislative body of city• Court serves residents of the greater Renton area. government. These seven individuals assess public • needs and set priorities through adoption of ordinances Renton Municipal Court has jurisdiction, within the and resolutions to address those identified needs. city, over cases charged under city ordinances or por- • tions of state law that been adopted by the city. Cases City Council meetings are conducted on the first four include criminal, traffic and parking ordinance viola- , Mondays of each month. Full agendas with public tions as well as civil actions under the domestic violence hearings are conducted during the Council meetings on law. The court is responsible for collecting and dis- the first and third Mondays of each month, while the busing bail, bail forfeitures, costs, penalties, fines and . second and fourth Monday meetings consist of an conducting court proceedings such as motions, ar- abbreviated'agenda (essential business only) followed raignments,pre-trial conferences,jury and non jury tri- by a Council committee-of-the-whole work session. als. Court hearings are held Monday through Friday at The Council has six working committees. All Council Renton City Hall,200 Mill Avenue South. and committee meetings are open to the public. The Renton District Court, a King County Judicial City staff and the Mayor's office provide technical sup- Agency, services the area generally between Bellevue port for Council. The Renton City Council represents on the north,SR 18 on the east,Kent on the south,and 38,480 people, or approximately 5,497 citizens per I-5 on the west. The area is estimated to include over Council member. 121,000 residents (in 1986) in both incorporated and unincorporated areas. Renton District Court is located in Renton Highlands at 3407 N.E.2nd Street. • Boards,Commissions and Committees This court has jurisdiction over traffic and parking in- A variety of administrative duties and functions are fractions issued by King County Department of Public performed by boards, commissions and committees. A ,Safety and Washington State Patrol (WSP) within the • list of the City's boards,commissions and committees is district court's service area. It also has jurisdiction over included on page 51. citations or complaints for DWI/physical control, criminal traffic, criminal non-traffic and domestic vio- • lence cases. The district court also hears some types of Municipal Arts Commission cases that the Renton Municipal Court does not, in- cluding limited civil lawsuits and small claims cases. The Municipal Arts Commission serves in an advisory capacity to the City government in connection with the 49 • The medical center employs a total of approximately 1700 people. There are 359 h y sicians on the hospital P P P Y .-- medical staff, representing 22 specialties and sub-spe- The City of Renton Police Department operates a 32- cialties. bed jail facility located at City Hall, 200 Mill Avenue South, in Renton. However, persons in custody for a The Medical Center's Emergency Services Department felony or requiring medical attention are taken to the is one of the busiest in the state,averaging over 130 pa- King County Jail. Prior to 1989, the Police Department tients a day. The department is staffed 24 hours a day provided limited jail services to neighboring cities. The by trained emergency physicians. City intends to discontinue jail service to other agencies so that it will operate within its 32-bed capacity. Other medical services at the medical center include state-of-the-art cancer treatment at the Radiation-On- cology unit, a Children's Therapy Department, a Coro- , .. n nary YCare Unit, anInten sive Care Unit an outpatient Surgicenter, a Physical Therapy Department, and an Obstetrical Department that delivered over 2,700 ba- - • The Renton Police Department has an Animal Control bies in 1988. Division that provides control services within the City. Renton has 1 truck and 1.5 full-time staff dedicated to The Medical Center also offers a variety community -• animal control. Basic licensing fees are $6.00 for al- oriented programs and services that include community tered dogs. outreach programs, nutrition clinics, van service, birth preparation classes and other educational services. ' The Seattle-King County Department of Public Health provides diagnostic and treatment related health ser- • vices through a network of clinics to the entire county, including residents of the City of Renton. Both per- sonal health services and environmental health services are provided to Renton residents through the Depart- ment's Southeast District Health Center located at 3001 N.E.4th Street,Renton,Washington 98055. • - Services include: maternal and child health care,nutri- tion, adult and family health, family planning, immu- nizations, treatment of sexually transmitted diseases, dental care,and geriatrics. The Valley Medical Center is a community medical center which provides a broad range of health care ser- vices to people living and working in South King County. The medical center is owned by the residents of Public Hospital District No. 1 of King County which includes the cities of Kent, Renton and most of the city - of Tukwila. Valley Medical Center is located in the southern portion of Renton at 400 South 43rd Street, just east of the East Valley Freeway. 50 CITY OF RENTON,WASHINGTON BOARDS,COMMISSIONS,AND COMMITTEES January 1989 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT HUMAN RIGHTS&AFFAIRS PARK BOARD Meets 4th Wednesday,8:00 pm COMMISSION Meets 2nd Tuesday,5:00 pm Council Chambers,City Hall Meets 2nd Tuesday,7:30 pm City Hall Annex (4-year terms) 3rd Floor Conference Room Conference Room William Anderson City Hall (4-year terms) Chi-Tai Chu (2-year terms) Charles DeLaurenti Lee Connel' Marilyn Bingaman Robert Logue Dennis Dochnahl Sally Carlson Joan Moffatt Helga Karinen David Grant Ronald Regis Barbara Lally Barbara Lansing Esther Weathers David Young Rose Raihala ' Marguerite Robinson PLANNING COMMISSION Glenda Williams Meets 2nd Wednesday,7:00 pm BOARD OF ETHICS Council Chambers City Hall Meets on call (3-year terms) (4-year terms) Kathleen Crow John DuBois LIBRARY BOARD Trish Lavery Rev.Donald Hammond Meets 1st Wednesday,7:30 pm Eugene Ledbury Thomas Hellene Renton Library Conference Rm. Jeff Lukins Donald Jacobson (5-year terms) Barbara Schellert Mary Mattson Leatha Allison Bill Taylor Phillip Beckley Patrick Texeira Lillian Poff Richard Wagner CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION: John Simpson Joan Walker POLICE AND FIRE Dan Sullivan Meets 4th Tuesday,5:00 pm RENTON HORIZONS ' 6th Floor Conf.Room City Hall COMMT1ThE Greg Anderson Meets February-June Darrel Igelmund LOCAL LEOFF DISABILITY 3rd Tuesday,7:00 pm Barbara Little BOARD Parks Dept.Conference Room Margaret Proctor (Law Enforcement Officers/ City Hall Annex Vere Thompson Fire Fighters) Elva Fern Fuller . Meets 2nd Wednesday,8:00 am Roxanne Hanson 6th Floor Conference Room ' Lew Innocenti City Hall Kimberly Nelson FIREMEN'S PENSION BOARD Councilmember Nancy Mathews Heather Sparkman Meets 3rd Tuesday,4:00 pm Councilmember Tom Trimm Ernest Tonda Main Fire Station Russ Olson,Police Dept. Edward Yaguchi Mayor Earl Clymer Bob Deines,Fire Dept. Jewell Yaguchi City Clerk Maxine Motor Gary Faull,Member-at-Large City Staff:Harley Holt Councilmember Richard Stredicke (appointed by membership) Parks Department Ray Barilleaux,Fire Dept. Ken Walls,Fire Dept. SENIOR CITIZENS ADVISORY William Larson, COMMTITbE Fire Dept.Alternate Meets 1st and 3rd Monday,10:00 MUNICIPAL ARTS am,Senior Center COMMISSION (3-year terms) Meets 3rd Wednesday,8:00 am Beatrice Abrahamson HOUSING AUTHORITY (except July&August) Vesta Bolstad I Meets 2nd Monday,10:00 am 6th Floor Conference Room Mary Burns Housing Authority Office City Hall Frank Cenovich 970 Harrington Avenue NE (3-year terms) Bill Constantine (5-year terms) Lois Anslow Albee Jim Denzer Edna Bagnariol Gerald Edlund Selma Fitting Clarence Bunstine David Jayne Lloyd Gregory Tillie Cole Karen Lunder Sarah Johnson Kay Johnson Dianna Manning Ann Kooser Floyd Shaff Sharon Newbury Dale Merritt Tony Ladner, Gregory Parsons Claudia Carli Nelson Housing Director Ronald Ringwood Helen Sorenson Connie Tajon Ernest Tonda Clark Teegarden Jake Zier 51 SOURCES Puget Sound Council of Government's Per Capita Money Income Estimates Bagley,Clarence B.,History of King County The S.J.Clarke Pub.,1929. Renton Report-A Community Newsletter City of Renton 1988 Annual Budget The Seattle Times City of Renton 1989 Annual Budget Slauson,Morda C.,Renton-From Coal to Jets. The Renton Historical Society, 1976. City of Renton Comprehensive Annual Financial Report For the Year Ended December 31,1988 U.S.Agriculture Department's King County Area Soils Map and Report City of Renton Finance Department's Summary of Business by the Standard Industrial Codes The Valley Daily News City of Renton 1989 Mayor's State of the City Address Washington State Employment Security Department's Jobless Rate Statistics City of Renton Parks&Recreation Department's 1989 Community Pograms and Activities Washington State Office of Financial Management 1988 Population Trends for Washington State City of Renton's 1989 Population Estimate 1970 Seattle-Everett Standard Metropolitan Statistical City of Renton's Proposed City-wide Master Trails Plan Area Census of Population and Housing by the U.S. Bureau of Census City of Renton Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program 1990 to 1995 1980 Seattle-Everett Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area Census of Population and Housing by the U.S. The Greater Renton Chamber of Commerce's Bureau of Census Economic Profile 1984 City of Renton Comprehensive Park and The Greater Renton Chamber of Commerce's Retail Recreation Plan Sales Report 1986 City of Renton Space Utilization Study The Greater Renton Chamber of Commerce's Information for Residents 1987 City of Renton Fire Department Master Plan The Greater Renton Chamber of Commerce's 1988 1987 Puget Sound Council of Governments'Population Renton Area Statistics and Housing Estimates King County Housing Affordability Bulletin 1988 Puget Sound Council of Governments'Population and Employment Forecasts King County Housing Affordability Monitoring Report 1988 Updated Renton Municipal Airport Master Plan King County Parks and Recreation Department's King County Historic Sites Survey North Soos Creek Fiscal Impact Study 1989 Cover Photo Taken By Rubin Yu Puget Sound Council of Government's 1988 Finalized Employment Forecasts 1990-2000-2020 Puget Sound Council of Government's 1988 Finalized Population and Household Forecasts 1990-2020 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Renton Community Profile was produced by the Renton Department of Community Development with assistance from the following departments and staff. Community Development Parks Department Dee Beedle John Webley,Dir. Jim Hanson' Randy Berg Mark Isaacson Sam Chastain Jerry Lind Rebecca Lind Police Department John Morris Lt.Dennis Gerber Ronald Nelson Capt.Don Persson Larry M.Springer Public Works Department Finance Department John Adamson Dan Clements,Dir. Garth Cray Eric Iverson Rick Harbert Phil Jewett Arnita Henniger Maxine Motor Richard Nordon Joan Pringle Gary Norris Debbie Willard Ronald Olsen Maxine Motor Chuck Price Gail Reed Fire Department Chief James Matthew Outside Agencies Deana Dryden,Puget Sound Council of Governments Library Kay Johnson,Greater Renton Chamber of Commerce Clark Peterson,Dir. Julie Koler,King County Cultural Resources Division Tony Ladner,Renton Housing Authority Mayor's Office Terry Lewis,Boeing Government Relations Char Baker Theresa Lowe,Washington State Office of Financial Management Gordon Pfister,Renton School District Mike Quinn,King County Planning and Community Development Division Lawrence Weisser,Washington State Office of Financial Management Prepared by the Long Range Planning Section of the Department of Community Development Kenneth E.Nyberg,Director Nancy Laswell Morris,AICP,Long Range Planning Manager PROJECT TEAM Rubin Yu,Project Manager Joe Sparr,Assistant Planner Airyang Pahk,Planning Technician Bob Burns,Planning Technician Denise Bieker,Graphic Artist Willis Roberts,Administrative Secretary Joy Vierling,Secretary J 0 C:> This document was produced by the Renton City staff on IBM PCs using the following software: Microsoft Word,Version 5.0 CSC Arts&Letters Micrografx Graph Plus --� Hewlett Packard Scanning Gallery Microsoft Windows/286 OCR Systems,ReadRight - O 4 oE I 14 111111111111111111 ti I �'