HomeMy WebLinkAboutNoise-EA-Partner-Worksheet.pdfOMB No. 2506-0177 (exp. 9/30/2021) U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT WASHINGTON, DC 20410-1000 This Worksheet was designed to be used by those “Partners” (including Public Housing Authorities, consultants, contractors, and nonprofits) who assist Responsible Entities and HUD in preparing environmental reviews, but legally cannot take full responsibilities for these reviews themselves. Responsible Entities and HUD should use the RE/HUD version of the Worksheet. Noise (EA Level Reviews) – PARTNER https://www.hudexchange.info/programs/environmental-review/noise-abatement-and-control 1. What activities does your project involve? Check all that apply: ☒ New construction for residential use NOTE: HUD assistance to new construction projects is generally prohibited if they are located in an Unacceptable zone, and HUD discourages assistance for new construction projects in Normally Unacceptable zones. See 24 CFR 51.101(a)(3) for further details. → Continue to Question 2. ☐ Rehabilitation of an existing residential property NOTE: For major or substantial rehabilitation in Normally Unacceptable zones, HUD encourages mitigation to reduce levels to acceptable compliance standards. For major rehabilitation in Unacceptable zones, HUD strongly encourages mitigation to reduce levels to acceptable compliance standards. See 24 CFR 51 Subpart B for further details. → Continue to Question 2. ☐ None of the above → If the RE/HUD agrees with this recommendation, the review is in compliance with this section. Continue to the Worksheet Summary below. 2. Complete the Preliminary Screening to identify potential noise generators in the vicinity (1000’ from a major road, 3000’ from a railroad, or 15 miles from an airport). Indicate the findings of the Preliminary Screening below: ☐ There are no noise generators found within the threshold distances above. → If the RE/HUD agrees with this recommendation, the review is in compliance with this section. Continue to the Worksheet Summary below. Provide a map showing the location of the project relative to any noise generators. ☒ Noise generators were found within the threshold distances. → Continue to Question 3. 3. Complete the Noise Assessment Guidelines to quantify the noise exposure. Indicate the findings of the Noise Assessment below: ☒ Acceptable (65 decibels or less; the ceiling may be shifted to 70 decibels in circumstances described in §24 CFR 51.105(a)) Indicate noise level here: 65 → If the RE/HUD agrees with this recommendation, the review is in compliance with this section. Continue to the Worksheet Summary below. Provide noise analysis, including noise level and data used to complete the analysis. ☐ Normally Unacceptable: (Above 65 decibels but not exceeding 75 decibels; the floor may be shifted to 70 decibels in circumstances described in 24 CFR 51.105(a)) Indicate noise level here: Click here to enter text. If project is rehabilitation: → Continue to Question 4. Provide noise analysis, including noise level and data used to complete the analysis. If project is new construction: Is the project in a largely undeveloped area1? ☐ No ☐ Yes → The project requires completion of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) pursuant to 51.104(b)(1)(i). → Continue to Question 4. Provide noise analysis, including noise level and data used to complete the analysis. ☐ Unacceptable: (Above 75 decibels) Indicate noise level here: Click here to enter text. If project is rehabilitation: HUD strongly encourages conversion of noise-exposed sites to land uses compatible with high noise levels. Consider converting this property to a non-residential use compatible with high noise levels. → Continue to Question 4. Provide noise analysis, including noise level and data used to complete the analysis, and any other relevant information. If project is new construction: The project requires completion of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) pursuant to 51.104(b)(1)(i). Work with HUD or the RE to either complete an EIS or obtain a waiver signed by the appropriate authority. → Continue to Question 4. 4. HUD strongly encourages mitigation be used to eliminate adverse noise impacts. Work with the RE/HUD on the development of the mitigation measures that must be implemented to mitigate for the impact or effect, including the timeline for implementation. ☐ Mitigation as follows will be implemented: Click here to enter text. 1 A largely undeveloped area means the area within 2 miles of the project site is less than 50 percent developed with urban uses or does not have water and sewer capacity to serve the project. → Provide drawings, specifications, and other materials as needed to describe the project’s noise mitigation measures. Continue to the Worksheet Summary. ☐ No mitigation is necessary. Explain why mitigation will not be made here: Click here to enter text. → Continue to the Worksheet Summary. Worksheet Summary Provide a full description of your determination and a synopsis of the information that it was based on, such as: • Map panel numbers and dates • Names of all consulted parties and relevant consultation dates • Names of plans or reports and relevant page numbers • Any additional requirements specific to your program or region Include all documentation supporting your findings in your submission to HUD. The project is within 15 miles of Seattle Seaplanes, Will Rogers Wiley Post Memorial, Renton Municipal, Norman Grier Field, Auburn Municipal, Seattle Tacoma International (SeaTac), Vashon Municipal, Boeing Field/King County International (Boeing Field), and Kenmore Air Harbor. The following airports include operations that could contribute to noise levels at the site: • Renton Municipal • Auburn Municipal • Boeing Field • SeaTac • Kenmore Air Harbor • Norman Grier Field See attached Airport Noise Worksheets and Airport Master Records for Seattle Seaplanes, Will Rogers and Vashon Municipal. Noise contours for Boeing Field, SeaTac, Renton Municipal and Auburn Municipal are included in the attached supporting documentation. Contours for Norman Grier and Kenmore Air Harbor were not available so noise levels and contour size from SeaTac were conservatively used for those airports. Total estimated airport noise was 58 dB. No railroads are present within 3,000 feet of the project location. The project is located within 1,000 feet of the following major roadways: • Sunset Boulevard • 10th Street • Kirkland Avenue Peak hourly 2020 data for Kirkland Ave were obtained from a traffic study conducted for the project site. Average weekday traffic for Sunset Blvd (2012) and 10th St (2009) were obtained from the City of Renton. To calculate Kirkland Ave average weekday data, a proportional analysis was calculated using Sunset Blvd average weekday and peak hourly values with Kirkland Ave peak hourly values. Annual increase from 2009, 2012, and 2020 to 2032 was estimated using compound annual interest rate of 1 percent to get to 2020 values, 3 precent to get to 2022 values, and 3 percent to get to 2032 values. Distances and elevations were measured using NEPAssist and Google Earth. HUD DNL Calculator was used to estimate noise levels at the location with the potentially highest noise impacts on the project site, the outdoor use area in the northwestern portion of the site. Noise levels at other outdoor use areas and at the building wall nearest the roadways would be lower than noise levels at this location. The DNL at the site was estimated to be 65 dB at the maximally impacted outdoor use area nearest the major roadways. See attached documentation. References NEPAssist Website: https://nepassisttool.epa.gov/nepassist/nepamap.aspx. Accessed January 7th, 2022. HUD DNL Calculator: https://www.hudexchange.info/environmental-review/dnl-calculator/ Google Earth Image, dated September 2021 AirportIQ 5010 (Airport Master Records): https://www.airportiq5010.com/5010Web/ Boeing Field/King County International Noise Contour Map: https://kingcounty.gov/~/media/services/airport/documents/part-150/bfi-part-150-complete- 04.ashx?la=en SeaTac Noise Contour Map: https://www.faa.gov/airports/environmental/airport_noise/noise_exposure_maps/ Renton Municipal Airport Noise Contour Map: https://rentonwa.gov/city_hall/public_works/renton_municipal_airport/master_plan Auburn Noise Contour Map: https://centurywest.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Part-2a-Auburn- AMP-final-report_digital-sm.pdf Sunset Blvd and 10th Street Traffic Data: email from Chris Barnes Sr., Transportation Operations Manager for the City of Renton Transportation Solutions. Sunset Gardens Traffic Impact Analysis, prepared for Anderson Construction, Renton Housing Authority, SMR Architects, and City of Renton. April 2021.