HomeMy WebLinkAboutWild-and-Scenic-Rivers-Partner-Worksheet.pdf OMB No. 2506-0177 (exp. 9/30/2021) U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT WASHINGTON, DC 20410-1000 This Worksheet was designed to be used by those “Partners” (including Public Housing Authorities, consultants, contractors, and nonprofits) who assist Responsible Entities and HUD in preparing environmental reviews, but legally cannot take full responsibilities for these reviews themselves. Responsible Entities and HUD should use the RE/HUD version of the Worksheet. Wild and Scenic Rivers (CEST and EA) – PARTNER https://www.hudexchange.info/environmental-review/wild-and-scenic-rivers 1. Is your project within proximity of a Wild and Scenic River, Study River, or Nationwide Rivers Inventory River? ☒ No → If the RE/HUD agrees with this recommendation, the review is in compliance with this section. Provide documentation used to make your determination. ☐ Yes → Continue to Question 2. 2. Could the project do any of the following? ▪ Have a direct and adverse effect within Wild and Scenic River Boundaries, ▪ Invade the area or unreasonably diminish the river outside Wild and Scenic River Boundaries, or ▪ Have an adverse effect on the natural, cultural, and/or recreational values of a NRI segment. Consult with the appropriate federal/state/local/tribal Managing Agency(s), pursuant to Section 7 of the Act, to determine if the proposed project may have an adverse effect on a Wild & Scenic River or a Study River and, if so, to determine the appropriate avoidance or mitigation measures. Select one: ☐ The Managing Agency has concurred that the proposed project will not alter, directly, or indirectly, any of the characteristics that qualifies or potentially qualifies the river for inclusion in the NWSRS. → If the RE/HUD agrees with this recommendation, the review is in compliance with this section. Provide documentation of the consultation (including the Managing Agency’s concurrence) and any other documentation used to make your determination. ☐ The Managing Agency was consulted and the proposed project may alter, directly, or indirectly, any of the characteristics that qualifies or potentially qualifies the river for inclusion in the NWSRS. → The RE/HUD must work with the Managing Agency to identify mitigation measures to mitigate the impact or effect of the project on the river. Worksheet Summary Provide a full description of your determination and a synopsis of the information that it was based on, such as: • Map panel numbers and dates • Names of all consulted parties and relevant consultation dates • Names of plans or reports and relevant page numbers • Any additional requirements specific to your program or region Include all documentation supporting your findings in your submission to HUD. The nearest wild and scenic river is more than 20 miles from the property location. Reference: National Wild and Scenic Rivers System. https://www.rivers.gov/map.php. Accessed December 24, 2021.