HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-052 (IM Renton Honda Relocation)DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT M E M O R A N D U M   DATE: July 12, 2012     TO: Pre-Application File No. 12-052     FROM: Vanessa Dolbee, Senior Planner     SUBJECT: Renton Honda Relocation – 3701 E Valley Road      General: We have completed a preliminary review of the pre-application for the above-referenced development proposal. The following comments on development and permitting issues are based on the pre-application submittals made to the City of Renton by the applicant and the codes in effect on the date of review. The applicant is cautioned that information contained in this summary may be subject to modification and/or concurrence by official decision-makers (e.g., Hearing Examiner, Community & Economic Development Administrator, Public Works Administrator, Planning Director, Development Services Director, and City Council). Review comments may also need to be revised based on site planning and other design changes required by City staff or made by the applicant. The applicant is encouraged to review all applicable sections of the Renton Municipal Code. The Development Regulations are available for purchase for $50.00 plus tax, from the Finance Division on the first floor of City Hall or online at www.rentonwa.gov Project Proposal: The subject property is located at 3701 E Valley Road. The project site totals 9.26 acres in area and is located within the Medium Industrial (IM). The pre-application packet indicates that the proposal is to remodel the interior of the existing 157,225 square foot building and update the exterior façade. The site would be updated by providing customer, ADA and bicycle parking and removal of the existing greenhouse. The removal of a 4,600 square foot greenhouse would allow for a new “Service Drive” under the existing canopy. Access to the site would continue to be provided via the existing curb cuts along East Valley Road. Current Use: The property currently used for motorcycle sales and service and contains two buildings. Zoning: The property is located within the Employment Area Valley (EAV) land use designation and the Medium Industrial (IM) zoning designation. Vehicle Sales and vehicle service - small are outright permitted uses within the IM zone. However, vehicle all operations for vehicle services shall be conducted entirely within an enclosed structure. Vehicles shall only be held on the property while being serviced and shall have an active repair or service invoice that shall be made available to the City upon the City’s request. Vehicle storage before or after service shall not be allowed. Vehicles held on the site shall be subject to the screening and landscaping provisions in RMC 4-4-120, Storage Lots – Outside, unless enclosed within a building. Vehicle holding areas shall count toward the maximum lot coverage standard of the zone. Any overnight vehicle parking accessory to this use shall not be located in the front setback or in a side setback along a street. Based on the provided information is appears the vehicle service space would be provided in the existing structure. Development Standards: The project would be subject to RMC 4-2-130A, “Development Standards for Industrial Zoning Designations” effective at the time of complete application (noted as “IM standards” herein). Minimum Lot Size, Width and Depth – There are no minimum requirements for lot width or depth within the IM zone, however, there is a minimum lot size requirement of 35,000 square feet which is not applicable to the proposal. Lot Coverage – There is no minimum lot coverage requirement within the IM zone. Setbacks – Setbacks are the distance between the building and the property line or any private access easement. The required setbacks in the IM zone are as follows: 20 feet for a front yard; zero for the rear yard; and zero for the interior side yards. The proposal appears to comply with the required setback requirements. Building Height – There is no maximum building height requirement within the IM zone. Screening – Screening must be provided for all surface-mounted and roof top utility and mechanical equipment. The site plan application or building permit application will need to include elevations and details for the proposed methods of screening. Refuse and Recycling Areas – Refuse and recycling areas need to meet the requirements of RMC 4-4-090, “Refuse and Recyclables Standards” (enclosed). For office, educational and institutional developments a minimum of 2 square feet per every 1,000 square feet of building gross floor area shall be provided for recyclable deposit areas and a minimum of 4 square feet per 1,000 square feet of building gross floor area shall be provided for refuse deposit areas with a total minimum area of 100 square feet. Refuse and Recycling information as not provided with the application. This information shall be provided at time of building permit application. Landscaping – New development shall comply with the City of Renton Landscape requirements. The subject development would be required to comply with this section if the cost of the remodel/addition is equal to or greater than fifty percent (50%) of the assessed property valuation. Except for critical areas, all portions of the development area not covered by structures, required parking, access, circulation or service areas, must be landscaped with native, drought-resistant vegetative cover. The development standards require that all pervious areas within the property boundaries be landscaped. The minimum on-site landscape width required along street frontages is 10 feet, except where reduced through the site plan development review process. When an Industrial Zoned Lot or Use is Abutting a Residential or Commercial Zone: A fifteen-foot (15') wide partially sight-obscuring landscaped visual barrier, or ten-foot (10') wide fully sight-obscuring landscaped visual barrier, is required along the common property line. Commercial zoned property is located across E Valley Road and adjacent to the southern property line at the eastern edge. Please refer to landscape regulations (RMC 4-4-070) for additional general and specific landscape requirements (enclosed). A conceptual landscape plan and landscape analysis meeting the requirements in RMC 4-8-120D.12, shall be submitted at the time of application for building permit application. Fences – If the applicant intends to install any fences as part of this project, the location must be designated on the landscape plan. A fence detail should also be included on the plan as well. Parking – The following ratios would be applicable to the site: Use Square Footage of Use Ratio Required Spaces  Vehicle sales (large and small vehicles) with outdoor retail sales areas: 37,219 SF Min and Max: 1 per 5,000 SF. The sales area is not a parking lot and does not have to comply with dimensional requirements, landscaping or the bulk storage section requirements for setbacks and screening. Any arrangement of motor vehicles is allowed as long as: • A minimum 5-foot perimeter landscaping area is provided; • They are not displayed in required landscape areas; and • Adequate fire access is provided per Fire Department approval. Min/Max: 7  General Office 16,410 SF Min: 2.0 spaces / 1,000 SF Max: 4.5 spaces / 1,000 SF Min: 33 Max: 74   Vehicle service and repair (large and small vehicles): 53,699 SF A Min and Max: 2.5 per 1,000 SF of net floor area Min/Max: 134  The applicant is proposing a total of 454 parking stalls which falls above the maximum permitted per Renton Municipal Code. However, vehicle stalls provided for display of “for sale” vehicles do not count towards the parking stall count. Additionally, the applicant identified a Storage Area in the provided project narrative; staff was unable to determine what the storage area was applicable to and therefore has not included this area in the above calculations. The applicant will be required at the time of Site Plan application or building permit application to provide a parking analysis of the subject site. Parking area square footage calculations utilize net square feet. Net square footage is the total of all floor area of a building, excluding stairwells, elevator shafts, mechanical equipment rooms, interior vehicular parking or loading, and all floors below the ground floor, except when used for human habitation or service to the public. Where practical difficulties exist in meeting parking requirements, the applicant may request a modification from these standards. The applicant will be required at the time of formal land use application to provide detailed parking information (i.e. stall and drive aisle dimensions) and calculations of the subject site and the overall campus use. It should be noted that the parking regulations specify standard stall dimensions. Surface parking stalls must be a minimum of 9 feet x 20 feet, compact dimensions of 8½ feet x 16 feet, and parallel stall dimensions of 9 feet x 23 feet; compact surface parking spaces shall not account for more than 30 percent of the spaces in the surface parking lots. ADA accessible stalls must be a minimum of 8 feet in width by 20 feet in length, with an adjacent access aisle of 8 feet in width for van accessible spaces. The appropriate amount of ADA accessible stalls based on the total number of spaces must be provided. Surface parking lots with 15 or more than 100 stalls shall provide a minimum of 15 square feet of landscaping per parking space. Please refer to landscape regulations (RMC 4-4-070 and RMC 4-4-080F.7) for further general and specific landscape requirements (enclosed). Access –No changes are proposed to the site access. All access would be gained from two curb cuts along E valley Road. . Critical Areas: The subject site is located in a seismic hazard area and has been identified to be within the vicinity of wetlands. The seismic hazard is related to potential liquefaction of soils during an earthquake event. A geotechnical analysis for the site is required. The analysis needs to assess soil conditions and detail construction measures to assure building stability. Based on the proposal, no expansion of the existing building or parking area is proposed on the west side of the site where the wetlands are shown to be located. As such, staff does not anticipate any wetland impacts as a result of the proposed application. Environmental Review The demolition of the Greenhouse would be subject to SEPA Environmental Review, because is exceeds 4,000 square feet. However, the tenant improvements to the existing structure would not trigger SEPA Environmental Review. Therefore an environmental checklist is a submittal requirement. An environmental determination will be made by the Renton Environmental Review Committee. This determination is subject to appeal by either the project proponent, by a citizen of the community, or another entity having standing for an appeal. Permit Requirements (Only for the demolition of the greenhouse) The proposal would require Environmental (SEPA) Review. The application can be reviewed in an estimated time frame of 6-8 weeks once a complete application is accepted. The application fee for SEPA Review (Environmental Checklist) is $1,000. There is a technology fee, of 3 %, based on the total land use application fees for the project. Detailed information regarding the land use application submittal is provided in the attached handouts. In addition to the required land use permits, separate construction, building and sign permits would be required. The review of these permits may occur concurrently with the review of the land use permits, but cannot be issued prior to the completion of any appeal periods. Impact Mitigation Fees: In addition to the applicable building and construction fees, the following mitigation fees would be required prior to the issuance of building permits. Impact fees, which would replace mitigation fees, may be adopted prior to construction. Those fees are to be determined. The following are current fees: A Transportation Mitigation Fee based on $75.00 per new daily trip attributed to the development; A Fire Mitigation Fee based on $0.52 per square foot of new commercial building area. cc: Jennifer Henning