HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 21 - Wetland Assessment Wetland Resources, Inc. JayMarc – Ilwaco Pl June 4, 2014 WRI # 14122 1 June 4, 2014 JayMarc Homes, LLC Attn: Jay Mezistrano PO Box 2566 Renton, WA 98056 RE: Wetland and Stream Determination for King County Tax Parcels 1023059230 Wetland Resources, Inc. (WRI) completed a site investigation on June 4, 2014 to locate jurisdictional wetlands and streams on and in the vicinity of the aforementioned tax parcels. The investigation area is an assemblage of 1.34 acres located in and around Ilwaco Pl NE & NE 5th Pl in the City of Renton, WA. The site is further located in Section 10, Township 23N, Range 05E, W.M. The investigation area is a disturbed undeveloped site with an existing gravel parking area near its center. Surrounding parcels are dominated by single-family residential (SFR) development. On-site vegetation consists of a patchwork of small tree stands made up of mostly black cottonwood, Oregon ash, and Douglas fir, with an understory of mostly Himalayan blackberry and reed canarygrass with sporadic patches of hardhack. The non-forested portion of the site is dominated by Himalayan blackberry and reed canarygrass, and contains a parking pad for vehicles at the center of the property. Soils throughout the investigation area are generally a very dark brown (10YR 2/2) silt loam from the surface to 14 inches below. From 14 inches to greater than 18 inches, the soils change to a dark yellowish brown (10YR 3/4) silt loam. All sampled soils were dry at the time of investigation. Topography of the subject property is generally flat with slight undulations throughout. METHODOLOGY Prior to conducting the on-site investigation of the subject site, public resource information was reviewed to identify the presence of wetlands, streams, and other critical areas within and near the project area. These sources included: the USFWS National Wetlands Inventory (NWI); USDA/NRCS Web Soil Survey; WDFW SalmonScape Interactive Mapping System; WDFW Priority Habitat and Species (PHS) Interactive Map; and the King County iMap Interactive Mapping Tool. None to the available on-line resources illustrated any wetlands or streams on or immediately adjacent to the investigation area. The presence of wetland areas was determined in the field using the routine determination approach described in the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual (Environmental Laboratory 1987) and the Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Wetland Resources, Inc JayMarc Homes, LLC June 4, 2014 WRI# 14122 2 Western Mountains, Valleys, and Coast Region (Version 2.0) (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 2010). Under this method, the process for making a wetland determination is based on three steps: 1.) Examination of the site for hydrophytic vegetation (species present and percent cover); 2.) Examination of the site for hydric soils; 3.) Determining the presence of wetland hydrology The presence or absence of ordinary high water marks (OHWM) of streams and waterbodies were evaluated using the methodology described in the Washington State Department of Ecology document Determining the Ordinary High Water Mark on Streams in Washington State (Second Review Draft) (Olson and Stockdale 2010). Streams were classified according to the water typing system provided in the Washington Administrative Code (WAC), section 222-16-030. BOUNDARY DETERMINATION FINDINGS/RESULTS All area of the subject property lack the three necessary criteria to meet the definition of wetland. No wetlands or streams were observed within the boundary of the investigation area. USE OF THIS REPORT This Wetland Determination Report is supplied to JayMarc Homes, LLC as a means of determining on-site critical area conditions, as required by the City of Renton. This report is based largely on readily observable conditions and, to a lesser extent, on readily ascertainable conditions. No attempt has been made to determine hidden or concealed conditions. The laws applicable to critical areas are subject to varying interpretations and may be changed at any time by the courts or legislative bodies. This report is intended to provide information deemed relevant in the applicant's attempt to comply with the laws now in effect. This delineation and report conforms to the standard of care employed by wetland ecologists. No other representation or warranty is made concerning the work or this report and any implied representation or warranty is disclaimed. Wetland Resources, Inc. Scott Brainard, PWS Principal Ecologist