HomeMy WebLinkAboutDylan Short Plat Administrative Report, Decision and Exhibits_16-000754DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Project Location Map Admin Short Plat Report A. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT & DECISION DECISION: APPROVED APPROVED SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS DENIED REPORT DATE: November 8, 2016 Project Name: Dylan Short Plat Owner/Applicant: Kenneth E. Neault, P.O. Box 2230, Issaquah, WA 98027 Contact: Jae Kim, Encompass Engineering & Surveying, Inc., 165 NE Juniper St., Ste. 201 Issaquah, WA 98027 File Number: LUA16-000754, SHPL-A Project Manager: Clark H. Close, Senior Planner Project Summary: The applicant is requesting approval of a 2-lot short plat. The site is 22,912 square feet (0.53 acres) and is located at 1909 Jones Ave NE (APN 3344500120) and would be for the future development of one new single family home. The property is in the Residential-4 (R-4) zoning district. The proposed residential lots are approximately 9,993 SF and 10,732 SF in area with an average lot size of 10,363 SF. The residential density is 4.2 dwelling units per net acre. Access is proposed from a shared driveway tract from Jones Ave NE along the north property line. A second driveway approach is proposed to be retained to the existing single family home. The native soils consist primarily of silty sand with gravel consistent with glacial till (QvT). The existing single family home located on the property would be retained. A building construction permit would be required to remove a small portion of the north end of the home to accommodate the ingress/egress tract to the rear lot. The applicant has proposed to retain the lone significant trees onsite. Project Location: 1909 Jones Ave NE, Renton, WA 98056 (APN 334450-0120) Site Area: 22,912 square feet (0.53 acres) City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Administrative Report & Decision DYLAN SHORT PLAT LUA16-000754, SHPL-A November 8, 2016 Page 2 of 17 Administrative Short Plat Report 16-000754 – Dylan Short Plat B. EXHIBITS: Exhibit 1: Staff Report Exhibit 2: Short Plat Plan (Sheets 1 & 2) Exhibit 3: Neighborhood Detail Map Exhibit 4: Existing Condition Plan (C1.0) Exhibit 5: Boundary / Topographic Survey (C2.0) Exhibit 6: Preliminary Grading Plan / Utility / Drainage Plan (C3.0) Exhibit 7: Preliminary Landscape Plan (L1.0) Exhibit 8: Preliminary Geotechnical Report prepared by Ages Engineering, LLC (dated July 6, 2016) Exhibit 9: Preliminary Technical Information Report prepared by Encompass Engineering & Surveying, Inc. (dated September 2, 2016) Exhibit 10: Construction Mitigation Description Exhibit 11: Modifications of Residential Building Height Standards (CI-91) Exhibit 12: Applicant’s Application for Reduced Fire lane Width Exhibit 13: WSDOT I-405 - Renton To Bellevue Project SR 169 to I-90, Part 2 Conceptual Design Exhibit 14: Cement Concrete Driveway Entrance – Modified Standard Detail 104.3 Exhibit 15: Advisory Notes to Applicant C. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Owner(s) of Record: Kenneth E. Neault, P.O. Box 2230, Issaquah, WA 98027 2. Zoning Classification: Residential-4 (R-4) 3. Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation: Residential Low Density (RLD) 4. Existing Site Use: Single Family Residence 5. Critical Areas: Wellhead Protection Area Zone 2 6. Neighborhood Characteristics: a. North: Single Family Residential, R-4 b. West: WSDOT I-405 c. South: Single Family Residential, R-4 d. East: Single Family Residential, R-4 7. Site Area: 0.53 acres D. HISTORICAL/BACKGROUND: Action Land Use File No. Ordinance No. Date Comprehensive Plan N/A 5758 06/22/2015 Zoning N/A 5758 06/22/2015 Zirk Annexation A-06-001 1818 03/17/1960 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Administrative Report & Decision DYLAN SHORT PLAT LUA16-000754, SHPL-A November 8, 2016 Page 3 of 17 Administrative Short Plat Report 16-000754 – Dylan Short Plat E. PUBLIC SERVICES: 1. Existing Utilities a. Water: Water service is provided by the City of Renton. b. Sewer: Wastewater service is provided by the City of Renton. c. Surface/Storm Water: Runoff from the existing site includes one single family residence where no stormwater infrastructure currently exist onsite. Runoff from the eastern portion of the site generally flows south and southeast onto the neighboring property to the south and into Jones Ave NE where a stormwater conveyance system begins with a Type 1 Catch Basin located on the opposite side of the road from the development. Runoff from the western portion of the site sheet flows to the southwest corner of the property where it eventually falls off the steep embankment and into the I-405 drainage system. 2. Streets: The proposed development fronts Jones Ave NE to the east, which classified as a Residential Street with an existing right of way (ROW) width of 60 feet as measured using the King County Assessor’s Map. There are no existing frontage improvements along the street frontage of Jones Ave NE. The project is bordered by I-405 to the west. 3. Fire Protection: Renton Regional Fire Authority. F. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE: 1. Chapter 2 Land Use Districts a. Section 4-2-020: Purpose and Intent of Zoning Districts b. Section 4-2-060: Zoning Use Table – Uses Allowed in Zoning Designations c. Section 4-2-110: Residential Development Standards d. Section 4-2-115: Residential Design and Open Space Standards 2. Chapter 4 City-Wide Property Development Standards 3. Chapter 6 Streets and Utility Standards a. Section 4-6-060: Street Standards 4. Chapter 7 Subdivision Regulations a. Section 4-7-070: Detailed Procedures for Short Subdivision 5. Chapter 11 Definitions G. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: 1. Land Use Element H. FINDINGS OF FACT (FOF): 1. The Planning Division of the City of Renton accepted the above master application for review on September 26, 2016 and determined the application complete on September 28, 2016. The project complies with the 120-day review period. 2. The project site is located at 1909 Jones Ave NE, Renton, WA 98056 (APN 3344500120), between NE 20th St and NE 18th Pl (Exhibits 3 and 4). 3. The project site contains a 1,640 square foot single family home with a 900 square foot attached garage (Exhibit 4). City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Administrative Report & Decision DYLAN SHORT PLAT LUA16-000754, SHPL-A November 8, 2016 Page 4 of 17 Administrative Short Plat Report 16-000754 – Dylan Short Plat 4. Access to the site would be provided from Jones Ave NE via a shared driveway tract and a separate curb cut for the existing home. No right-of-way dedication would be dedicated along Jones Ave NE (Exhibits 2 and 12). 5. The property is located within the Residential Low Density (RLD) Comprehensive Plan land use designation. 6. The site is located within the Residential-4 (R-4) zoning classification. 7. There is approximately one (1) significant tree located within the proposed development area that is proposed to be retained as part of the short plat (Exhibit 7). 8. There are high landslide hazards, regulated slopes and wellhead protection area zone 2 on the subject property. 9. The project is estimated to require about 100 cubic yards of cut and fill. 10. No public or agency comments were received. 11. Representatives from various city departments have reviewed the application materials to identify and address issues raised by the proposed development. These comments are contained in the official file, and the essence of the comments has been incorporated into the appropriate sections of this report and the Departmental Recommendation at the end of this report (Exhibit 15). 12. Comprehensive Plan Compliance: The site is designated Residential Low Density (RLD) on the City’s Comprehensive Plan Map. The purpose of the RLD designation is to provide transition to the rural area, and to provide for larger lot housing to allow for a range of lifestyles. The proposal is compliant with the following Comprehensive Plan land use policies if all conditions of approval are met: Compliance Comprehensive Plan Analysis  Policy L-3: Encourage infill development of single-family units as a means to meet growth targets and provide new housing.  Goal L-I: Utilize multiple strategies to accommodate residential growth, including:  Development of new single-family neighborhoods on large tracts of land outside the City Center,  Infill development on vacant and underutilized land in established neighborhoods and multi-family areas.  Goal L-BB: Maintain a high quality of life as Renton grows by ensuring that new development is designed to be functional and attractive.  Goal L-FF: Strengthen the visual identity of Renton and its Community Planning Areas and neighborhoods through quality design and development.  Policy L-49: Address privacy and quality of life for existing residents by considering scale and context in infill project design. 13. Zoning Development Standard Compliance: The site is classified Residential-4 (R-4) on the City’s Zoning Map. The R-4 designation serves as a transition between rural designation zones and higher density residential zones. It is intended as an intermediate lower density residential zone. Larger lot subdivisions are preferred; however, “cluster development” is allowed on sites where open space amenities are created. Resulting development is intended to be superior in design and siting than that which would normally occur otherwise.The proposal is compliant with the following development standards if all conditions of approval are met: City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Administrative Report & Decision DYLAN SHORT PLAT LUA16-000754, SHPL-A November 8, 2016 Page 5 of 17 Administrative Short Plat Report 16-000754 – Dylan Short Plat Compliance R-4 Zone Develop Standards and Analysis  Density: There is no minimum density required in the R-4 zone. The maximum density permitted is 4.0 dwelling units per net acre. Net density is calculated after the deduction of sensitive areas, areas intended for public right-of-way, and private access easements. Calculations for minimum or maximum density which result in a fraction that is 0.50 or greater shall be rounded up to the nearest whole number. Those density calculations resulting in a fraction that is less than 0.50 shall be rounded down to the nearest whole number. Staff Comment: Based on a net density of 20,725 square feet (22,912 sf gross density – 2,187 sf private access easements), the proposal for 2 residential lots on the project site would result in a net density of 4.2 dwelling units per acre (2 lots / 0.48 acres = du/ac), which meets the minimum and maximum density requirements of the R-4 zone.  Lot Dimensions: The minimum lot size permitted in the R-4 zone is 9,000 sq. ft. A minimum lot width of 70 feet is required (80 feet for corner lots) and a minimum lot depth of 100 feet is required. The following table identifies the proposed approximate dimensions for Lots 1-2. Proposed Lot Lot Size (sq. ft.) Lot Width (feet) Lot Depth (feet) Lot 1 10,732 83.89 127.89 Lot 2 9,993 100.14 100 Tract A 2,187 N/A N/A Staff Comment: The proposed lots would comply with the minimum lot size, width, and depth requirements of the R-4 zone (Exhibit 2). Tract A is a joint use access and utility tract located along the north property line that measure 21 feet wide at Jones Ave NE and reduces down to 16.25 feet at the end of Lot 1. Compliant if conditions of approval are met Setbacks: The required setbacks in the R-4 zone are as follows: front yard is 30 feet, side yard is combined 20 feet with not less than 7.5 feet on either side, side yard along the street 30 feet, and the rear yard is 25 feet. Staff Comment: The existing single family home on Lot 1 would continue to face the public street and is proposing to retain direct access to Jones Ave NE. The existing home is proposing to remove and remodel a portion of the existing house to allow for the shared driveway tract and still meet the combined 20 feet side yard setback. Therefore, staff recommends, as a condition of approval, that the applicant shall submit a building permit for review and approval by the City and received final occupancy for the portion of the existing residence on Lot 1 to be removed and remodeled in order to comply with Residential-4 (R-4) minimum side yard setbacks (combined 20 feet with not less than 7.5 feet on either side) of the zone from Tract A (shared driveway) prior to final plat approval (Exhibit 2). Lot 2 is proposed to be oriented to Jones Ave NE, so that the front yard would face to the east and the rear yard would face towards I-405. The future widening of I-405 is not anticipated to significantly impact the buildable portion of the proposed new lot. The Renton to Bellevue project was funded in the 2015 Connecting Washington transportation package. The project will add new capacity to create a two-lane express toll lane system between SR 167 in Renton and NE 6th St in Bellevue. The City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Administrative Report & Decision DYLAN SHORT PLAT LUA16-000754, SHPL-A November 8, 2016 Page 6 of 17 Administrative Short Plat Report 16-000754 – Dylan Short Plat September 2016 conceptual design indicates very limited, if any, right-of-way dedication required at 1909 Jones Ave NE (Exhibit 13). The new residential lot (Lot 2) appears to contain adequate area to accommodate all the required setback areas and provide a sufficient sized building pad. Compliance with building setback requirements for the residences proposed to be constructed on Lot 2 would be verified at the time of building permit review. Compliance not yet demonstrated Building Standards: The R-4 zone has a maximum building coverage of 35% and a maximum impervious surface coverage of 50%. In the R-4 zone, a maximum building height of 3 stories with a wall plate height of 32 feet is permitted. Roofs with a pitch equal to or greater than 4:12 may project an additional six (6) vertical feet from the maximum wall plate height; common rooftop features, such as chimneys, may project an additional four (4) vertical feet from the roof surface. The topmost surface of roofs pitched less than 4:12, and rooftop decks shall be below the maximum wall plate height unless such surfaces are stepped back one- and-a-half (1.5) horizontal feet from each minimum building setback line for each one vertical foot above the maximum wall plate height, in which case they may extend up to six (6) vertical feet above the maximum wall plate height. Railings located above the maximum wall plate height and not stepped back shall be at least fifty percent (50%) transparent (Exhibit 11). Wall plates supporting a roof with only one (1) sloping plane (e.g., shed roof) may exceed the stated maximum if the average of wall plate heights is equal or less than the maximum wall plate height allowed. Staff Comment: The site contains an existing single story home that was originally built in 1959. The home also contains a basement with an area of 560 sf. The existing single family home has a combined building footprint of approximately 3,075 square feet and a building coverage of 28.6 percent (3,075 sf / 5,947 sf = 28.6%) based on the proposed short plat configuration. Lot 1 also contains a 177 square foot of walkway and 1,255 sf of driveway at the front of the house. The impervious area for Lot 1 is approximately 42 percent (3,075 sf + 177 sf + 1,255 sf = 42%). The existing one-story single family structure complies with the building standards of the R-4 zone. The removal of approximately 10 feet will reduce the amount of building coverage and impervious surface on Lot 1. Building height, building coverage and impervious surface coverage for the new single family residences would be verified at the time of building permit review. Compliant if conditions of approval are met Landscaping: The City’s landscape regulations (RMC 4-4-070) require a 10-foot landscape strip along all public street frontages. Additional minimum planting strip widths between the curb and sidewalk are established according to the street development standards of RMC 4-6-060. Street trees and, at a minimum, groundcover, are to be located in this area when present. Spacing standards shall be as stipulated by the Department of Community and Economic Development, provided there shall be a minimum of one street tree planted per address. Any additional undeveloped right-of-way areas shall be landscaped unless otherwise determined by the Administrator. Where there is insufficient right-of-way space or no public frontage, street trees are required in the front yard subject to approval of the Administrator. A minimum of two (2) trees are to be located in the front yard prior to final inspection for the new Single Family Residence. Staff Comment: A Conceptual Landscape Plan, prepared by Charles E. Burget (Exhibit City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Administrative Report & Decision DYLAN SHORT PLAT LUA16-000754, SHPL-A November 8, 2016 Page 7 of 17 Administrative Short Plat Report 16-000754 – Dylan Short Plat 7), was submitted with the short plat application materials. A partial 10-foot onsite landscape strip is proposed along the street frontage of Jones Ave NE. A Plant Schedule was included on the Landscape Plan, the following trees and plants are proposed within the onsite landscape strip and right-of-way planter strip: Yoshino Cherry, Otto Luyken Laurel, Mt. Vernon Laurel, Japanese Maple, Regal Prince Oak, Starlight Dogwood, Crimson King Maple, Sycamore Maple, Hogan Cedar, Akebono Cherry, and Sterling Silver Linden. Staff recommends, as a condition of approval, that the applicant submit a final detailed landscape plan that complies with RMC 4-8- 120D.12 at the time of utility construction permit application to the current planning project manager for review and approval. The applicant would be required to record a note on the face of the plat that executes a shared maintenance agreement for equal ownership and maintenance responsibilities for improvements in Tract A. A draft version of a shared maintenance agreement shall be submitted for review and approval by the current planning project manager prior to short plat recording. If the applicant creates a home owners association for ownership and maintenance responsibilities for improvements in Tract A, then HOA documents shall be submitted for review and approval by the current planning project manager and the City Attorney prior to short plat recording.  Tree Retention: The City’s adopted Tree Retention and Land Clearing Regulations require the retention of 30 percent of trees in a residential development. Significant trees shall be retained in the following priority order: Priority One: Landmark trees; significant trees that form a continuous canopy; significant trees on slopes greater than twenty percent (20%); Significant trees adjacent to critical areas and their associated buffers; and Significant trees over sixty feet (60') in height or greater than eighteen inches ( 18") caliper. Priority Two: Healthy tree groupings whose associated undergrowth can be preserved; other significant native evergreen or deciduous trees; and Other significant non- native trees. Priority Three: Alders and cottonwoods shall be retained when all other trees have been evaluated for retention and are not able to be retained, unless the alders and/ or cottonwoods are used as part of an approved enhancement project within a critical area or its buffer. A minimum tree density shall be maintained on each residentially zoned lot. For detached single family development, the minimum tree density is two (2) significant trees for every five thousand (5,000) square feet. The tree density may consist of existing trees, replacement trees, trees required pursuant to RMC 4-4-070F.1, Street Frontage Landscaping Required, or a combination. Staff Comment: A Conceptual Landscaping Plan (Exhibit 7) was submitted with the project application materials. According to the Plan, a single 14” ornamental tree is proposed to be retained onsite. No other significant trees were located onsite. As a result, the applicant is proposing to retain 100 percent of the significant trees, thereby, meeting the minimum tree retention requirements of the R-4 zone. In addition, to complying with the minimum tree density requirements, the applicant is required to retain or plant two (2) significant trees, or gross equivalent caliper inches, per 5,000 square feet of lot area. Based on the lot areas proposed, the applicant would be required to plant three (3) additional trees on Lot 1 in order to meet minimum tree density requirements and four (4) trees on Lot 2. The conceptual City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Administrative Report & Decision DYLAN SHORT PLAT LUA16-000754, SHPL-A November 8, 2016 Page 8 of 17 Administrative Short Plat Report 16-000754 – Dylan Short Plat Landscape Plan demonstrates compliance with minimum tree density and tree retention requirements of the zone by providing more than four (4) new trees per lot. Onsite landscaping shall be installed prior to final occupancy for the individual homes, landscaping within the right-of-way shall be installed prior to short plat recording. Compliant if conditions of approval are met Parking: Parking regulations require that a minimum of two (2) parking spaces be provided for each detached dwelling. Driveway cuts are required to be a minimum of 5 feet from property lines and new driveways may be a maximum of 16 feet in width at the property line. Maximum driveway slopes shall not exceed fifteen percent (15%); provided, that driveways exceeding eight percent (8%) shall provide slotted drains at the lower end with positive drainage discharge to restrict runoff from entering the garage/residence or crossing any public sidewalk. Staff Comment: The shared driveway has a slope less than 5 percent (5%). The shared driveway transitions into a future driveway on Lot 2. The slope of the future driveway on Lot 2 was identified as 12.58%, which exceeds eight percent (8%); therefore, the applicant would be required to provide slotted drains at the lower end with positive drainage discharge to restrict runoff from entering the garage/residence (Exhibit 6). Parking requirements and driveway grades for each of the new residences proposed would be verified at the time of building permit review. The shared driveway cut for Tract A is located a minimum of 5 feet from the north property line. The applicant is proposing to retain the existing driveway approach on Lot 1, which is located approximately 14 feet north of the south property line. The proposed single family driveway measures 16 feet wide at the property line. As a condition of approval, staff is recommending a reduction to the single family driveway measurement of 16 feet to 9 feet wide at the property line. See FOF 16 Compliance with Subdivision Regulations: Access for analysis. Compliant if condition of approval is met Fences and Retaining Walls: In any residential district, the maximum height of any fence, hedge or retaining wall shall be seventy two inches (72"). Except in the front yard and side yard along a street setback where the fence shall not exceed forty eight inches (48") in height. There shall be a minimum three-foot (3') landscaped setback at the base of retaining walls abutting public rights-of-way. Staff Comment: No new fences are proposed and several existing rockery walls are proposed to be removed. A new 153 ft long retaining wall, shown on the site plan at the north property line, appears to be on the neighboring property. The new block wall has a maximum height of 48”. All work proposed outside of the applicant’s property requires a permanent drainage easement and a temporary construction easement prior to issuance of any permits. The retaining wall setback and grading shall be in accordance with RMC 4-4-040 and RMC 4-4-060. Therefore, staff recommends, as a condition of approval, that the applicant shall submit a permanent drainage easement and a temporary construction easement prior to construction permit issuance for all work proposed outside of the applicant’s property. 14. Design Standards: Residential Design and Open Space Standards (RMC 4-2-115) are applicable in the R-4 zone. The Standards implement policies established in the Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan. Compliance with Site Design Standards must be demonstrated prior to approval of the subdivision. Compliance with Residential Design Standards would be verified prior to issuance of the City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Administrative Report & Decision DYLAN SHORT PLAT LUA16-000754, SHPL-A November 8, 2016 Page 9 of 17 Administrative Short Plat Report 16-000754 – Dylan Short Plat building permit for the new single family homes. The proposal is consistent with the following design standards, unless noted otherwise: N/A Lot Configuration: N/A Compliance not yet demonstrated Garages: One of the following is required; the garage is: 1. Recessed from the front of the house and/or front porch at least eight feet (8'), or 2. Located so that the roof extends at least five feet (5') (not including eaves) beyond the front of the garage for at least the width of the garage plus the porch/stoop area, or 3. Alley accessed, or 4. Located so that the entry does not face a public and/or private street or an access easement, or 5. Sized so that it represents no greater than fifty percent (50%) of the width of the front facade at ground level, or 6. Detached. The portion of the garage wider than twenty six-feet (26') across the front shall be set back at least two feet (2'). Staff Comment: Minor changes are proposed to the existing single family structure. Compliance for this standard would be verified at the time of building permit review. Compliance not yet demonstrated Primary Entry: One of the following is required: 1. Stoop: minimum size four feet by six feet (4' x 6') and minimum height twelve inches (12") above grade, or 2. Porch: minimum size five feet (5') deep and minimum height twelve inches (12") above grade. Exception: in cases where accessibility (ADA) is a priority, an accessible route may be taken from a front driveway. Staff Comment: Minor changes are proposed to the existing single family structure. Compliance for this standard would be verified at the time of building permit review. Compliance not yet demonstrated Façade Modulation: One of the following is required: 1. An offset of at least one story that is at least ten feet (10') wide and two feet (2') in depth on façades visible from the street, or 2. At least two feet (2') offset of second story from first story on one street facing façade. Staff Comment: Minor changes are proposed to the existing single family structure. Compliance for this standard would be verified at the time of building permit review. Compliance not yet demonstrated Windows and Doors: Windows and doors shall constitute twenty-five percent (25%) of all façades facing street frontage or public spaces. Staff Comment: Minor changes are proposed to the existing single family structure. Compliance for this standard would be verified at the time of building permit review. N/A Scale, Bulk, and Character: N/A Compliance not yet Roofs: One of the following is required for all development: 1. Hip or gabled with at least a six to twelve (6:12) pitch for the prominent form City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Administrative Report & Decision DYLAN SHORT PLAT LUA16-000754, SHPL-A November 8, 2016 Page 10 of 17 Administrative Short Plat Report 16-000754 – Dylan Short Plat demonstrated of the roof (dormers, etc., may have lesser pitch), or 2. Shed roof. Additionally, for subdivisions greater than nine (9) lots: A variety of roof forms appropriate to the style of the home shall be used. Staff Comment: Minor changes are proposed to the existing single family structure. Compliance for this standard would be verified at the time of building permit review. Compliance not yet demonstrated Eaves: Both of the following are required: 1. Eaves projecting from the roof of the entire building at least twelve inches (12") with horizontal fascia or fascia gutter at least five inches (5") deep on the face of all eaves, and 2. Rakes on gable ends must extend a minimum of two inches (2") from the surface of exterior siding materials. Staff Comment: Minor changes are proposed to the existing single family structure. Compliance for this standard would be verified at the time of building permit review. Compliance not yet demonstrated Architectural Detailing: If one siding material is used on any side of the dwelling that is two stories or greater in height, a horizontal band that measures at least eight inches (8") is required between the first and second story. Additionally, one of the following is required: 1. Three and one half inch (3 ½") minimum trim surrounds all windows and details all doors, or 2. A combination of shutters and three and one half inches (3 ½") minimum trim details all windows, and three and one half inches (3 ½") minimum trim details all doors. Staff Comment: Minor changes are proposed to the existing single family structure. Compliance for this standard would be verified at the time of building permit review. Compliance not yet demonstrated Materials and Color: For subdivisions and short plats, abutting homes shall be of differing color. Color palettes for all new dwellings, coded to the home elevations, shall be submitted for approval. Additionally, one of the following is required: 1. A minimum of two (2) colors is used on the home (body with different color trim is acceptable), or 2. A minimum of two (2) differing siding materials (horizontal siding and shingles, siding and masonry or masonry-like material, etc.) is used on the home. One alternative siding material must comprise a minimum of thirty percent (30%) of the street facing facade. If masonry siding is used, it shall wrap the corners no less than twenty four inches (24"). Staff Comment: Minor changes are proposed to the existing single family structure. Compliance for this standard would be verified at the time of building permit review. 15. Critical Areas: Project sites, which contain critical areas, are required to comply with the Critical Areas Regulations (RMC 4-3-050). Based on City of Renton Critical Areas Maps, the site is located within the wellhead protection area zone (Zone 2). All proposals for new facilities within any zone of an aquifer protection area must be reviewed for compliance with this RMC 4-3-050 prior to issuance of any development permits for uses in which hazardous materials are stored, handled, treated, used or produced or which increase the quantity of hazardous materials stored, handled, treated, used, or produced. All fill material regarding quality of fill and fill material source statement requirements, City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Administrative Report & Decision DYLAN SHORT PLAT LUA16-000754, SHPL-A November 8, 2016 Page 11 of 17 Administrative Short Plat Report 16-000754 – Dylan Short Plat within aquifer protection areas, are required per RMC 4-3-050G.8.i. A Geotechnical Engineering Report (Exhibit 8) was prepared by Ages Engineering, LLC and submitted with the short plat application. According to the submitted report, Low Landslide Hazard and Low Seismic Hazard are present onsite. Otherwise there are no critical areas identified on the project site. Protected Slopes and High Landslide Hazards can be found to the west of the site between I-405 and the western property line. 16. Compliance with Subdivision Regulations: RMC 4-7 provides review criteria for subdivisions. The proposal is consistent with the following subdivision regulations if all conditions of approval are complied with: Compliance Subdivision Regulations and Analysis Compliant if conditions of approval are met Access: Each lot must have access to a public street or road. Access may be by a shared driveway per the requirements of the street standards. The maximum width of single loaded garage driveways shall not exceed nine feet (9') and double loaded garage driveways shall not exceed sixteen feet (16'). Staff Comment: Along the north property line, the applicant is proposing a 16.25 ft to 21 ft wide by 130.66 ft long (2,187 sf) shared driveway tract with a minimum of 16-foot wide paved driveway to served Lots 1 and 2 from Jones Ave NE. The existing single family home on Lot 1 would retain the existing looped driveway that connects the shared driveway tract, at the northeast corner of the property, to the existing driveway cut near the southeast corner of the lot (Exhibit 5). The proposed second driveway approach is acceptable due to the low volume of vehicular traffic along Jones Ave NE and to maintain the existing site access to the garage entrance of the existing single family residence on Lot 1. RMC 4-6-060J.1.a expressly provides as follows: When Permitted: Shared driveways may be allowed for access to four (4) or fewer residential lots, provided: a. At least one of the four (4) lots abuts a public right-of-way with at least fifty (50) linear feet of property. Where access must be provided from the shared driveway to each lot within the short plat, including the lot that abuts a public right-of- way, access to Jones Ave NE must be secondary to the primary shared driveway access. Furthermore, under RMC 4-6-060J.1.d When Permitted: The shared driveway would not adversely affect future circulation to neighboring properties. Therefore, in order to increase the importance of access to the shared driveway and improve circulation to the neighboring properties, staff recommends, as a condition of approval, that the applicant be limited to single loaded garage driveway cut, not to exceed nine feet (9’) in width, at the property line along Jones Ave NE to serve the existing single family home on Lot 1. A final detailed site plan shall be submitted to and approved by the City of Renton Project Manager prior to construction permit approval. The project includes 100 feet of frontage along Jones Ave NE. The applicant is requesting a variance from the fire code to allow a 16-foot wide fully paved fire apparatus access roadway (Exhibit 12). The Renton Regional Fire Authority approved the proposed variance on September 13, 2016 to allow a fully paved 16-foot-wide roadway, provided the future home on Lot 2 is equipped with an approved residential fire sprinkler system. A note to this effect would be shown on the front page of the final short plat. The project would complete half-street frontage improvements along Jones Ave NE which includes, but is not limited to, a pavement width of 26 feet (13 feet from centerline), installation of 0.5 foot curb and gutter, 8 foot planting strip, 5 foot sidewalk. No right-of-way dedication would be required along Jones Ave NE in order to complete this street standard. City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Administrative Report & Decision DYLAN SHORT PLAT LUA16-000754, SHPL-A November 8, 2016 Page 12 of 17 Administrative Short Plat Report 16-000754 – Dylan Short Plat Driveways shall be designed in accordance with Modified City Standard Plans 104.3 (RMC 4-4-080; Exhibit 14). A construction permit for frontage improvements would be required. N/A Blocks: Blocks shall be deep enough to allow two tiers of lots. Staff Comment: No blocks are proposed.  Lots: The size, shape, orientation, and arrangement of the proposed lots comply with the requirements of the Subdivision Regulations and the Development Standards of the R-4 zone and allow for reasonable infill of developable land. All of the proposed lots meet the requirements for minimum lot size, depth, and width. Staff Comment: As discussed above under FOF 13 all lots meet the minimum lot dimensional requirements in the R-4 zone. The proposed lots are rectangular in shape. The orientations of the lots have their front yards facing east towards Jones Ave NE. Access to the existing single family home would retain orientation and access to Jones Ave NE via the existing paved driveway. The building design of the new residence would be reviewed and approved at the time of building permit application. Compliant if condition of approval is met Streets: The proposed street system shall extend and create connections between existing streets per the Street Standards outlined in RMC 4-6-060 Street Standards. Staff Comment: The proposed project provides access to both Jones Ave NE (a Residential Access Street) and Tract A (shared driveway). To meet the City’s complete street standards for residential access streets, the minimum right-of-way (ROW) width requirement is 53 feet. Jones Ave NE is 60 feet wide; therefore, no street right-of-way dedication is required to meet the residential access street standards. The City established standard street section for Jones Ave NE, which shall be installed by the developer as part of the proposed development, would allow a pavement width of 26 feet (13 feet from centerline), 8 foot planting strip, 5 foot sidewalk, and 0.5 foot curb and gutter. Payment of the transportation impact fee is applicable on the construction of the single family houses at the time of application for the building permit. The current rate of transportation impact fee is $2,951.17 per new single family house. The project proposes the addition of one (1) new single family residence (1 new single family home plus 1 existing home to be retained). Traffic impact fees would be owed at the time of building permit issuance. Based on the City’s current fee schedule, estimated traffic impact fees for the proposed development would be $2,951.17. Fees are subject to change. The transportation impact fee that is current at the time of building permit application would be levied.  Relationship to Existing Uses: The proposed project is compatible with existing surrounding uses. Staff Comment: The proposed short plat is surrounded by existing detached single family residences to the east, north and south of the site. In addition, R-4 zoning is also located on Jones Ave NE between NE 16th St and NE 26th Pl (a distance of 0.62 miles). The proposal would be in harmony with the existing uses. The proposed lots are similar in size and shape to the existing surrounding development pattern in the area and would be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code, which encourages residential infill development. City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Administrative Report & Decision DYLAN SHORT PLAT LUA16-000754, SHPL-A November 8, 2016 Page 13 of 17 Administrative Short Plat Report 16-000754 – Dylan Short Plat 17. Availability and Impact on Public Services: Compliance Availability and Impact on Public Services Analysis Compliant if condition of approval is met Police and Fire: Police and Fire Prevention staff indicates that sufficient resources exist to furnish services to the proposed development; subject to the condition that the applicant provides Code required improvements and fees. The Renton Fire Authority granted a variance from the fire code to allow a 16-foot wide fully paved fire apparatus access roadway with the condition that the future home on Lot 2 is equipped with an approved residential fire sprinkler systems (Exhibit 15). Current fire impact fees are applicable at the rate of $495.10 per single family unit. This fee is paid at time of building permit issuance. Fees are subject to change. The fire impact fee that is current at the time of building permit application would be levied.  Schools: It is anticipated that the Renton School District can accommodate any additional students generated by this proposal at the following schools: Kennydale Elementary School (0.5 miles from the subject site and within walk distance of school; no school bus transportation provided), McKnight Middle School (0.7 miles from the subject site and within walk distance of school; no school bus transportation provided), and Hazen High School (2.9 miles from the subject site; school bus transportation provided). RCW 58.17.110(2) provides that no subdivision be approved without making a written finding of adequate provision made for safe walking conditions for students who walk to and from school. While the elementary and middle schools are designated to be located within a close enough proximity of the subject site, future students to the high school would be transported to school via bus. According to the online Renton School District bus routes WebQuery, the bus stop is located at the intersection of NE 20th St and Aberdeen Ave NE or NE 16th St and Aberdeen Ave NE. A shoulder and intermittent 5-foot wide sidewalks exists along NE 20th St from Jones Ave NE to Aberdeen Ave NE to the High School Bus Stop (a higher ratio of sidewalks existing along NE 16th St between Jones Ave NE to Aberdeen Ave NE). Nearly a fully paved sidewalk exist on the east side of Jones Ave NE from the site to the elementary school (a short break across the property to the north does not have sidewalk, but a white strip and a 3 foot shoulder allow student travel outside of the travel lanes for a distance of approximately 130 ft). Wide shoulders and a patchwork of 5-foot wide sidewalks are located between the site and McKnight Middle School at 1200 Edmonds Ave NE. The safest route to the middle school is south along Jones Ave Ne to NE 16th St, east on NE 16th St to Edmonds Ave NE, south on Edmonds Ave NE to McKnight Middle School. The identified routes provide a safe walking route from the proposed subdivision to the bus stop or the respective schools. As part of the proposed project, sidewalks improvements would be constructed across the public street frontage of the development. A School Impact Fee would be collected on behalf of the Renton School District for the new residence at the time of building permit issuance. The current Renton School District fee for new single family dwelling is $5,643.00 per unit.  Parks: Although there would be no significant impacts to the City of Renton Park System anticipated from the proposed project, a Park Impact Fee is required of all new residential development. The current Park Impact Fee is $1,887.94 per new residence and is payable at the time of building permit issuance. Fees are subject to change. The park impact fee that is current at the time of building permit application would be levied. City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Administrative Report & Decision DYLAN SHORT PLAT LUA16-000754, SHPL-A November 8, 2016 Page 14 of 17 Administrative Short Plat Report 16-000754 – Dylan Short Plat Compliant if condition of approval is met Storm Water: An adequate drainage system shall be provided for the proper drainage of all surface water. Staff Comment: A Preliminary Technical Information Report, dated September 2, 2016, was prepared and submitted with the short plat application by Encompass Engineering & Surveying, Inc. (Exhibit 9). Based on the City of Renton’s flow control map, the site falls within the Peak Rate Flow Control Standard area matching Existing Site Conditions and is within the Lake Washington Drainage Basin. The development is subject to Full Drainage Review in accordance with the 2009 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM) and the 2010 City of Renton Amendments to the KCSWDM. It is anticipated that the 2016 KCSWDM would be adopted by the beginning of 2017. If a construction permit has not been submitted to the City prior to adoption of the 2016 KCSWDM the project would be subject to the requirements of the new manual. All core requirements and the six special requirements of the 2009 KCSWDM have been discussed in the Technical Information Report. The proposed project is exempt from providing flow control and water quality facilities in accordance with the following exemptions as outlined in the 2009 KCSWDM and the 2010 City Amendments to the Manual: a) Flow Control Exemption (Section 1.2.3) – the development creates less than a 0.1 cubic feet per second (cfs) increase in the 100 year peak rate flows as modeled using the KCRTS stormwater modeling; and b) Water Quality Exemption (Section 1.2.8) – the development creates less than 5,000 square feet of new or replaced pollution generating impervious surfaces (PGIS). The development is required to provide flow control Best Management Practices (BMPs) to help mitigate the new runoff created by this development. The submitted drainage plans identifies the use of basic dispersion as the proposed flow control BMPs for Lot 2. The final drainage plan and drainage report submitted with the utility construction permit shall account for the recommendations outlined in the geotechnical report submitted with regards to stormwater discharge on the site. The proposed preliminary drainage plans conflict with the recommendations noted in the geotechnical report with regards to point discharges over the slope to the west of the property and keeping surface water onsite. Therefore, staff recommends, as a condition of approval, project construction shall be required to comply with the recommendations found in the Geotechnical Engineering Study prepared by Ages Engineering, LLC (dated July 6, 2016; Exhibit 8 of this report). In addition to a permanent drainage easement and a temporary construction easement required for the proposed retaining wall, the applicant would be required to provide drainage plans for the wall drain with the construction permit application. The lower soil grade (i.e., ground at the bottom of a retaining wall’s exposed surface) and the upper soil grade (i.e., ground at the top a retaining wall) abutting a retaining wall shall be level for a horizontal distance (measured perpendicularly to the wall) equaling one foot (1') for every one foot (1') in height of the retaining wall. Per AASHTO 2011 Roadside Design Guide, the lateral offset from a curb is 1.5 feet. Since there is no curb present, a minimum 2-foot separation shall be provided between the retaining wall and the shared driveway. Therefore, as a condition of approval, that the applicant shall comply with the AASHTO 2011 Roadside Design Guide which includes a minimum 2-foot separation between the retaining wall and the fully paved 16-foot wide shared driveway. A final shared access driveway road profile and grading plan shall be submitted to and approved by the City of Renton Project Manager prior to utility construction permit approval. A Construction Stormwater General Permit from Department of Ecology would be City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Administrative Report & Decision DYLAN SHORT PLAT LUA16-000754, SHPL-A November 8, 2016 Page 15 of 17 Administrative Short Plat Report 16-000754 – Dylan Short Plat required if grading and clearing of the site exceeds one acre. A Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) is required for this site. A surface water development fee of $1,485.00 per new single family residence would apply. The project proposes one (1) new residence. The estimated total fee is $1,485.00. Fees are subject to change. This is subject to final design and payable at construction permit issuance.  Water: Water service is provided by the City of Renton. The site is in the Highlands service area in the 435 hydraulic pressure zone. There is an existing 8-inch City water main located in Jones Ave NE (Water plan no. W-0094) that can deliver a maximum total flow capacity of 1,800 gallons per minute (gpm). The approximate static water pressure is 69 psi at the elevation of 274 feet. The site is located within Zone 2 of an Aquifer Protection Area. The project proposes one 1-inch water service line and meter to Lot 2, while maintaining the existing ¾ inch meter to Lot 1 (Exhibit 6). The new water meter for Lot 2 shall be placed within the public right-of-way. Preference is to place the water meter within the planter strip. The development is subject to applicable water system development charges and meter installation fees based on the size of the water meters. 2016 water system development charges for each proposed 1-inch domestic water service is $3,245.00 per meter. This is payable at construction permit issuance. Water service installation charges for each proposed 1-inch water service is $2,850.00 per meter. This is payable at construction permit issuance. The 2016 drop-in meter fee is $460.00 per meter. This fee is payable at issuance of the building permit.  Sanitary Sewer: Wastewater service is provided by the City of Renton. There is an existing 8-inch concrete gravity wastewater main located in Jones Ave NE (see City plan no. S-0144). The project proposes one new 6-inch side sewer with 1-inch meter connection to Lot 2 while maintaining the existing side sewer and meter to Lot 1. The calculated invert elevation for the existing sanitary sewer main at the connection point to the lot appears to be above the grade of the roadway. Applicant shall verify the invert elevation of the sanitary sewer main and provide details on how sewer service will be provided to Lot 2 as it does not appear that gravity sewer service can be achieved based on the site topography. A grinder pump may be permitted if a gravity connection is not possible. The installation a new 6-inch stub from the main to just outside of the ROW and enough of the 1 to 1.5-inch force main to get out of the paved shared driveway is required as part of the construction permit. The actual grinder pump and remaining force main are covered as part of the side sewer permit issued with the building permit. The development is subject to applicable wastewater system development charges based on the size of the new domestic water to serve the project. The 2016 SDC fee for a 1-inch meter is $2,242.00 per meter. These charges are payable at the time of construction permit issuance. City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Administrative Report & Decision DYLAN SHORT PLAT LUA16-000754, SHPL-A November 8, 2016 Page 16 of 17 Administrative Short Plat Report 16-000754 – Dylan Short Plat I. CONCLUSIONS: 1. The subject site is located in the Residential Low Density (RLD) Comprehensive Plan designation and complies with the goals and policies established with this designation if all conditions of approval are met, see FOF 5 and 12. 2. The subject site is located in the Residential-4 (R-4) zoning designation and complies with the zoning and development standards established within this designation provided the applicant complies with City Code and conditions of approval, see FOF 6 and 13. 3. The proposed short plat complies with the Residential Design and Open Space Standards provided the applicant complies with City Code and conditions of approval, see FOF 14. 4. The subject site is located within the wellhead protection area zone (Zone 2). No other Critical Areas are located on the project site, see FOF 15. 5. The proposed short plat complies with the subdivision regulations as established by City Code and state law provided all advisory notes and conditions are complied with, see FOF 16. 6. The proposed short plat complies with the street standards as established by City Code, provided the project complies with all advisory notes and conditions of approval contained herein, see FOF 16. 7. There are safe walking routes to the schools and school bus stops, see FOF 17. 8. There are adequate public services and facilities to accommodate the proposed short plat, see FOF 17. J. DECISION: The Dylan Short Plat, File No. LUA16-000754, SHPL-A, as depicted in Exhibit 2, is approved and is subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall submit a building permit for review and approval by the City and received final occupancy for the portion of the existing residence on Lot 1 to be removed and remodeled in order to comply with Residential-4 (R-4) minimum side yard setbacks (combined 20 feet with not less than 7.5 feet on either side) of the zone from Tract A (shared driveway) prior to final plat approval. 2. The applicant shall submit a detailed landscape plan that complies with RMC 4-8-120D.12 at the time of utility construction permit application to the current planning project manager for review and approval. Landscaping within the right-of-way and landscaping within the 10-foot wide landscape strip on Lot 1 shall be installed prior to short plat recording. Onsite landscaping for Lot 2 shall be installed prior to final occupancy for the single family building permit. 3. The applicant shall submit a permanent drainage easement and a temporary construction easement prior to construction permit issuance for all work proposed outside of the applicant’s property. 4. The applicant shall be limited to single loaded garage driveway cut, not to exceed nine feet (9’) in width, at the property line along Jones Ave NE to serve the existing single family home on Lot 1. A plat note to this effect shall be added to the face of the final short plat. A final detailed site plan shall be submitted to and approved by the City of Renton Project Manager prior to construction permit approval. 5. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations included in the Geotechnical Engineering Study prepared by Ages Engineering, LLC (dated July 6, 2016), or an updated report at a later date. 6. The applicant shall comply with the AASHTO 2011 Roadside Design Guide which includes a minimum 2-foot separation between the retaining wall and the fully paved 16-foot wide shared driveway. A final shared access driveway road profile and grading plan shall be submitted to and approved by the City of Renton Project Manager prior to utility construction permit approval. CityofRentonDepartmentofCommunity&EconomicDevelopmentAdministrativeReport&DecisionDYLANSHORTPLATLUAI6-000754,SHPL-ANovember8,2016Page17of17DATEOFDECISIONONLANDUSEACTION:SIGNATURE:\txJ1///ienni)erHenning,PlanningDirecrDateTRANSMITTEDthis8thdayofNovember,2016totheOwner/Applicant/Contact:Owner/Applicant:Contact:KennethE.Neault,JoeKimP.O.Box2230EncompassEngineering&Surveying,Inc.,Issaquah,WA98027165NEiuniperSt.,Ste.201lssaquah,WA98027TRANSMITTEDthis8thdayofNovember,2016tothePartiesofRecord:LeifAnderson20822DamsonRdLynnwood,WA98036TRANSMITTEDthis8thdayofNovember,2016tothefollowing:CE.“Chip’Vincent,CEDAdministratorBrianneBonnworth,DevelopmentEngineeringManagerLillianWatson,DevelopmentServicesVanessaDolbee,CurrentPlanningManagerAnnFowler,PlanReviewFireMarshalK.LANDUSEACTIONAPPEALS,REQUESTFORRECONSIDERATION,&EXPIRATION:Theadministrativelandusedecisionwillbecomefinalifthedecisionisnotappealedwithin14daysofthedecisiondate.APPEAL:ThisadministrativelandusedecisionwillbecomefinalifnotappealedinwritingtotheHearingExamineronorbefore5:00PMonNovember22,2016.Anappealofthedecisionmustbefiledwithinthe14-dayappealperiod(RCW43.21.C.075(3);WAC197-11-680),togetherwiththerequiredfeetotheHearingExaminer,CityofRenton,1055SouthGradyWay,Renton,WA98057.RMC4-8-110.BgovernsappealstotheHearingExaminerandadditionalinformationregardingtheappealprocessmaybeobtainedfromtheCityClerk’sOffice,(425)430-6510.EXPIRATION:Theadministrativeshortplatdecisionwillexpiretwo(2)yearsfromthedateofdecision.Asingleone(1)yearextensionmayberequestedpursuanttoRMC4-7-070M.RECONSIDERATION:Within14daysofthedecisiondate,anypartymayrequestthatthedecisionbereopenedbytheapprovalbody.Theapprovalbodymaymodifyhisdecisionifmaterialevidencenotreadilydiscoverablepriortotheoriginaldecisionisfoundorifhefindstherewasmisrepresentationoffact.Afterreviewofthereconsiderationrequest,iftheapprovalbodyfindssufficientevidencetoamendtheoriginaldecision,therewillbenofurtherextensionoftheappealperiod.Anypersonwishingtotakefurtheractionmustfileaformalappealwithinthe14-dayappealtimeframe.THEAPPEARANCEOFFAIRNESSDOCTRINE:providesthatnoexparte(privateone-on-one)communicationsmayoccurconcerningthelandusedecision.TheDoctrineappliesnotonlytotheinitialdecision,buttoAppealstotheHearingExamineraswell.Allcommunicationsafterthedecision/approvaldatemustbemadeinwritingthroughtheHearingExaminer.Allcommunicationsarepublicrecordandthispermitsallinterestedpartiestoknowthecontentsofthecommunicationandwouldallowthemtoopenlyrebuttheevidenceinwriting.AnyviolationofthisdoctrinecouldresultintheinvalidationoftheappealbytheCourt.AdministrativeShortPlotReport16-000754—DylanShortPlot Exhibit1Exhibit2 Exhibit3 Exhibit 4 Exhibit 5 IE cannot be correct as this would be above the roadway. Exhibit 6 Exhibit 7 Exhibit 8 Entire Document Available Upon Request Exhibit 9 Entire Document Available Upon Request Dylan Short Plat  Construction Mitigation Description    The proposed construction start date will be approximately in the Spring/Summer of 2017 and  completion will be in about two months.    Hours of operation will be 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM Monday through Friday.    The proposed haul route is South on Jones Avenue NE then East on NE 16th St, then south on Aberdeen  Ave NE, west on NE Park Drive to Interstate‐405  Water trucks, street sweepers and any other requirements deemed necessary would be implemented  for any impacts that may occur.    There will be no anticipated weekend, late night or any other specialty hours proposed for construction  or hauling at this time.    Flag persons will be employed and signs will be installed for traffic control when necessary.    Exhibit 10 H:\CED\Planning\Title IV\Docket\Administrative Policy Code Interpretation\CI-91\Code Intepretation.Docx Department of Community and Economic Development Planning Division ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY/CODE INTERPRETATION ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY/CODE INTERPRETATION #: CI-91 MUNICIPAL CODE SECTIONS: 4-11-010 Definitions A; 4-11-190 Definisitons S; 4-2-110.A Development Standards for Residential Zoning Designations (Primary and Attached Accessory Structures); RMC 4-2-110.B, Development Standards for Residential Zoning Development (Detached Accessory Structures); and 4-2-110.D Conditions Associated with Development Standards Table for Residential Zoning Designations. SUBJECT: Modifications of Residential Building Height Standards BACKGROUND: Ord. 5790 instituted new standards for residential building height, specifically, limiting the number of stories, limiting the maximum height of topmost wall plates, and establishing standards for vertical projections from the topmost wall plates. Ord. 5790 utilized the existing definition of "story" to implement the new restriction of the number of allowed stories. That defintion qualifies the topmost story as "that portion of a building included between the upper surface of the topmost floor and the ceiling or roof above." The definition would qualify any floor commonly regarded as an attic to be a story. The intent of limiting the number of stories was to ensure that if a lot has a grade difference the building may be designed so that the first floor is partially subterranian, which partially obscures building mass, and thereby qualified as a basement. The R-14 Zone was determined to be a suitable "transitional zone" between the greater maximum wall plate height (32') and number of stories (3) allowed in the RMF Zone, and the R-6, R-8, and R-10 zones where maximum wall plate height is limited to 24' and the number of stories is limited to two. The R-14 Zone was afforded only 24' of maximum wall plate height, but allowing three stories was intended to not require a partially subterranian basement where a grade difference is present. Exhibit 11 Entire Document Available Upon Request Exhibit 12 B R O N S O N MEADOW PL. N.27TH ST.SUNSET BLVD NE 900/PARK DR. NNE 14TH STPACCAR BUILDINGS N. 8TH ST.PARK DR. NN 24TH ST.NE 28TH ST.N 34TH ST.SUN SET BLVD N EHOUSER WAY N. 8TH ST.GRANDE YNE 30TH ST.NE 30TH ST.BRONSON WAYWI NDOR HI LLS BLAINE CT. NE HOUSER WAY N LANDING WAY GARDEN AVE N GARDEN AVE N HOUSER WAY HIGH AVE. NE JONES AVE. NE JONES AVE. NE KENNEWICK AVE. NE KENNEYDALE SCHOOL MEADOW PL. N. MEADOW PL. N.N 32ND ST.SB I-405 NB I-405 SB I-405 NB I-405 SB I-405 NB I-405 BRONSONLAKE WASHINGTON BLVD.NE 16TH STNE 20TH STNE 28TH ST.PARK MEMORIAL BEACH GEN COULON NE 26TH ST.NE 24TH ST.JOHN’S CREEKJOHN ’S CREEK CLOVER CREEK CLOVER CREEKM.P. 4.50M.P. 4.75 M.P. 5.00 M.P. 5.25 M.P. 5.50 M.P. 5.75 M.P. 6.00 M.P. 6.25 M.P. 6.50 M.P. 6.75CABSExist i ng Power Access - add WSDOT use838 839 840 841 842 850 849 851 847 67 68 70 71 72 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100101 102 103104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 139 140 141 142 143 144145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 330 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 355 356 357 358 359 820 821 822 826 831 832 833 852 848 138 4-24322 4-24320 4-24321 04 05 03NE 44TH ST112TH AVE NESE 8TH STNE 6TH STN 8TH STSR 169 VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE I-405 COAL CREEK I-90NE 30TH STPARK DR N02 01 SR 167 LEGEND CONCEPTUAL MASTER PLAN LIMITS PROJECT LIMITS EXISTING NOISE WALLS PROPOSED NOISE WALLS PROPOSED RETAINING WALLS PROPOSED DRAINAGE FEATURES PROPOSED STRUCTURES STREAMS PROPOSED PAVING AREAS EXISTING RIGHT OF WAY OR ORN:\Projects\405 - R2B_XL4653\CAD\References\Sheet\Open House Layouts\020_SHEET_OpenHouseFootprint_200scale_Sept2016.dgn5:14:36 PM9/14/2016SCALE IN FEET 0 100 200 (SHEET OF 5) NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION CONCEPTUAL DESIGN SEPTEMBER 2016 OPEN HOUSE LAYOUT 2 EXISTING RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE PLAN LIMITS CONCEPTUAL MASTER LIMITS CURRENT PROJECT PLAN LIMITS CONCEPTUAL MASTER LIMITS CURRENT PROJECT EXISTING RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE TRAIL IN DEVELOPMENT EASTSIDE RAIL CORRIDOR Exhibit 1 Exhibit 13 BID I TElA (I~ICLUOES SIDEWAlK RAMPS) IS' MIN. VARIES (SEE NOTE 7 ' 6 Mu-.1. (SEE NOTES) I (SEE NOTE 8) r-10 LF OF PAVED DRIVEWAY REQUIRED ""' ><~AA·"'-1\"" (SEE STD. PLAN 102) I !CEI co SIO AENT NCRETE EWALK ~~ 5! I \ w 7 ,_ l " 0 SEE NOTE S~ ~ z ill 1 g ., "' '\. ,._....,n,.,., J: I \ ~ .... 5!1 ~ ~ a: w w ... !5 w .. "'I )7 I ,--- RAI.:P WITH 12H IV J CON1s'TRUc;~~N~~ _) CEMENT CONCRETE J B CURB & GUTTER SLOPE (TYP.) J ~8· CONTRACTION JOINT {TYP) (SEE STD. PLAN 101} (SEE NOTE l) PLAN VIEW 10'-DIFFERENCE IN SLOPE t.tAX - DRIVEWAY WI RELATIVE NEGA liVE SLOPE (SLOP - SHOWN EXAGGERATED) PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT VARIES (SEE NOTE 10) 8 31)1, MAX SEE NOT£ B lTYPJ SECTION 0 JJe• EXPAJI.SION JOINT {TYP ) fliEE STD. PLAN 1021 DEPRESSED CUR.B & GUITER (SEE NOTE l) TYPE R18 -ISOMETRIC VIEW (RESIDENTIAL, WITH BUFFER) CEMENT CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER (SEE NOTE 3) CEMENT CONCRETE DRIVEWAY ENTRANCE -TYPE R1 B For NOTES STD. PLAN 104.2 STD. PLAN -104.3 Gregg Zimmerman, Public Works Administrator PLANTER STRIP (TYP) PLANTER STRIP (TYP) CONSISTENT SLOPE Exhibit 14 ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT LUA16-000754 September 26, 2016 Name: Dylan Short Plat Application Date:1909 Jones Ave NE Renton, WA 98056-2661 Site Address: PLAN - Planning Review - Land Use Version 1 | November 01, 2016 Community Services Review Comments Contact: Leslie Betlach | 425-430-6619 | LBetlach@rentonwa.gov Recommendations: 1. Parks Impact fee per Ordinance 5670 applies. 2. Include an eight foot wide planting strip and sidewalk along Jones Avenue NE. Plant one street tree should be a tree that has a small mature height due to overhead electrical wires street tree should be a Starlight dogwood, specimen grade, with a minimum of 2 inch caliper. Fire Review - Building Comments Contact: Corey Thomas | 425-430-7024 | cthomas@rentonrfa.org Recommendations: Environmental Impact Comments: 1.The fire impact fees are currently applicable at the rate of $495.10 per single family unit. Fee is paid at time of building permit issuance. Credit granted for one existing retained home. Code Related Comments: 1.The fire flow requirement for a single family home is 1,000 gpm minimum for dwellings up to 3,600 square feet (including garage and basements). If the dwelling exceeds 3,600 square feet, a minimum of 1,500 gpm fire flow would be required. A minimum of one fire hydrant is required within 300 feet of the proposed buildings and two hydrants if the fire flow goes up to 1,500 gpm. Existing hydrant located at the corner of NE 20th St and Jones Ave NE can be counted toward the requirements for one primary hydrant. 2.Fire department apparatus access roadways are required to be a minimum of 20 feet wide fully paved, with 25 feet inside and 45 feet outside turning radius. Fire access roadways shall be constructed to support a 30 ton vehicle with 75 psi point loading. Access is required within 150 feet of all points on the buildings. Access as proposed does not meet these requirements. Applicant has been approved for a variance to allow 16 feet wide roadway (as proposed) with the condition that an approved residential fire sprinkler system be installed in the future residence. Building Review - Planning Comments Contact: Craig Burnell | 425-430-7290 | cburnell@rentonwa.gov Recommendations: follow the recommendations of the geotechnical report Planning Review Comments Contact: Clark Close | 425-430-7289 | cclose@rentonwa.gov Recommendations: 1. RMC section 4 4 030.C.2 limits haul hours between 8:30 am to 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday unless otherwise approved by the Development Services Division. 2. New single family construction activities shall be restricted to the hours between seven o’clock (7:00) a.m. and eight o’clock (8:00) p.m., Monday through Friday. Work on Saturdays shall be restricted to the hours between nine o’clock (9:00) a.m. and eight o’clock (8:00) p.m. No work shall be permitted on Sundays. 3. Within thirty (30) days of completion of grading work, the applicant shall hydroseed or plant an appropriate ground cover over any portion of the site that is graded or cleared of vegetation and where no further construction work will occur within ninety (90) days. Alternative measures such as mulch, sodding, or plastic covering as specified in the current King County Surface Water Management Design Manual as adopted by the City of Renton may be proposed between the dates of November 1st and March 31st of each year. The Development Services Division’s approval of this work is required prior to final inspection and approval of the permit. 4. The applicant may not fill, excavate, stack or store any equipment, dispose of any materials, supplies or fluids, operate any equipment, install impervious surfaces, or compact the earth in any way within the area defined by the drip line of any tree to be retained. 5. The applicant shall erect and maintain six foot (6') high chain link temporary construction fencing around the drip lines of all retained trees, or along the perimeter of a stand of retained trees. Placards shall be placed on fencing every fifty feet (50') indicating the words, “NO TRESPASSING – Protected Trees” or on each side of the fencing if less than fifty feet (50'). Site access to individually protected trees or groups of trees shall be fenced and signed. Individual trees shall be fenced on four (4) sides. In addition, the applicant shall provide supervision whenever equipment or trucks are moving near trees. 6. This permit is shall comply with the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act. The permitted is responsible for adhering to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Bald Eagle Management Guidelines (2007) and /or your U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service permit. Engineering Review Comments Contact: Ann Fowler | 425-430-7382 | afowler@rentonwa.gov Recommendations: I have reviewed the application for the Dylan Short Plat at 1909 Jones Ave NE (APN(‘s) 3344500120) and have the following comments: EXISTING CONDITIONS The site is approximately 0.48 acres in size and is square in shape. The eastern end of the site is currently occupied with an existing single family residence. Water Water service is provided by the City of Renton. The site is in the Highlands service area in the 435 hydraulic pressure zone. There is an existing 8 inch City water main located in Jones Ave NE (see Water plan no. W 0094) that can deliver a maximum total flow capacity of 1,800 gallons per minute (gpm). The approximate static water pressure is 69 psi at the elevation of 274 feet. The site is located within Zone Page 1 of 4Ran: November 07, 2016 Exhibit 15 ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT LUA16-000754 PLAN - Planning Review - Land Use Version 1 | November 01, 2016 Engineering Review Comments Contact: Ann Fowler | 425-430-7382 | afowler@rentonwa.gov 2 of an Aquifer Protection Area. Sewer Wastewater service is provided by the City of Renton. There is an existing 8 inch concrete gravity wastewater main located in Jones Ave NE (see City plan no. S 0144). Storm Runoff from the existing site includes one single family residence where no stormwater infrastructure currently exists on site. Runoff from the eastern portion of the site generally flows south and southeast onto the neighboring property to the south and into Jones Avenue NE where a stormwater conveyance system begins with a Type 1 Catch Basin located on the opposite side of the road from the development. Runoff from the western portion of the site sheet flows to the southwest corner of the property where it eventually falls off the steep embankment and into the I 405 drainage system. Streets The proposed development fronts Jones Ave NE to the east, which classified as a Residential Street with an existing right of way (ROW) width of 60 as measured using the King County Assessor’s Map. There are no existing frontage improvements along the street frontage of Jones Ave NE. The project is bordered by I 405 to the west. Future widening of I 405 may impact the buildable portion of the proposed Lot. CODE REQUIREMENTS WATER 1.The project proposes one 1 inch water service line and meter to lot 2 while maintaining the existing ¾ inch meter to Lot 1. a.The new water meter for Lot 2 shall be placed within the public right of way. Preference is to place the water meter within the planter strip. 2.The development is subject to applicable water system development charges and meter installation fees based on the size of the water meters. a.Water system development charges for each proposed 1 inch domestic water service is $3,245.00 per meter. This is payable at construction permit issuance. b.Water service installation charges for each proposed 1 inch water service is $2,850.00 per meter. This is payable at construction permit issuance. c.Drop in meter fee is $460.00 per meter. This is payable at issuance of the building permit. SEWER 1.The project proposes one new 6 inch side sewer with 1 inch meter connection to lot 2 while maintaining the existing side sewer and meter to Lot 1. a.The calculated invert elevation for the existing sanitary sewer main at the connection point to the lot appears to be above the grade of the roadway. Applicant shall verify the invert elevation of the sanitary sewer main and provide details on how sewer service will be provided to Lot 2 as it does not appear that gravity sewer service can be achieved based on the site topography. b.A grinder pump may be permitted if a gravity connection is not possible. The installation a new 6 inch stub from the main to just outside of the ROW and enough of the 1 to 1.5 inch force main to get out of the paved shared driveway is required as part of the construction permit. The actual grinder pump and remaining force main are covered as part of the side sewer permit issued with the building permit. 2.The development is subject to applicable wastewater system development charges based on the size of the new domestic water to serve the project. a.SDC fee for a 1 inch meter is $2,242.00 per meter. This is payable at construction permit issuance. SURFACE WATER 1.A geotechnical report, dated July 6, 2016, completed by Ages Engineering, LLC for the site has been provided. The submitted report describes the project site as a Low Erosion Hazard area. However, the report identifies protected slopes to the west of the proposed Lot 2 property line, between the property line and I 405. These slopes are classified as a Severe Erosion and High Landslide Hazard areas. The soils on the slope to the west of the site will have a sever potential for erosion. Therefore, surface water must be controlled on the site and erosion control measures will need to be in place prior to starting grading activities on the site and maintained throughout the construction phase. 2.A Preliminary Drainage Plan and Technical Information Report (TIR), dated September 2, 2016, was submitted by Encompass Engineering and Surveying with the Land Use Application. Based on the City of Renton’s flow control map, the site falls within the Peak Rate Flow Control Standard area matching Existing Site Conditions and is within the Lake Washington Drainage Basin. The development is subject to Full Drainage Review in accordance with the 2009 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM) and the 2010 City of Renton Amendments to the KCSWDM. All core requirements and the six special requirements have been discussed in the Technical Information Report. 3.The proposed project is exempt from providing flow control and water quality facilities in accordance with the following exemptions as outlined in the 2009 KCSWDM and the 2010 City Amendments to the Manual: a.Flow Control Exemption (Section 1.2.3) The development creates less than a 0.1 cubic feet per second (cfs) increase in the 100 year peak rate flows as modeled using the KCRTS stormwater modeling. b.Water Quality Exemption (Section 1.2.8) – The development creates less than 5,000 square feet of new or replaced pollution generating impervious surfaces (PGIS). 4.The development is required to provide flow control Best Management Practices (BMPs) to help mitigate the new runoff created by this development. The submitted drainage plans identifies the use of basic dispersion as the proposed flow control BMPs for Lot 2. The final drainage plan and drainage report submitted with the utility construction permit shall account for the recommendations outlined in the geotechnical report submitted with regards to stormwater discharge on the site. Page 2 of 4Ran: November 07, 2016 ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT LUA16-000754 PLAN - Planning Review - Land Use Version 1 | November 01, 2016 Engineering Review Comments Contact: Ann Fowler | 425-430-7382 | afowler@rentonwa.gov a.The proposed preliminary drainage plans conflict with the recommendations noted in the geotechnical report with regards to point discharges over the slope to the west of the property and keeping surface water on site. As a condition of approval, applicant will be required to comply with the recommendations of the geotechnical report. 5.All work proposed outside of the applicant’s property will require a permanent drainage easement and a temporary construction easement prior to issuance of any permits. a.The retaining wall shown on the site plan at the north property line appears to be on the neighboring property. b.The applicant will need to provide drainage plans for the wall drain with the construction permit application. c.The lower soil grade (i.e., ground at the bottom of a retaining wall’s exposed surface) and the upper soil grade (i.e., ground at the top a retaining wall) abutting a retaining wall shall be level for a horizontal distance (measured perpendicularly to the wall) equaling one foot (1') for every one foot (1') in height of the retaining wall. d.A minimum 2 foot separation shall be provided between the retaining wall and the shared driveway. Per AASHTO 2011 Roadside Design Guide, the lateral offset from a curb is 1.5 ft. Since there is no curb present, a minimum of 2 ft separation should be provided. 6.A Construction Stormwater General Permit from Department of Ecology will be required if grading and clearing of the site exceeds one acre. A Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) is required for this site. 7.A surface water development fee per new single family residence will apply. The project proposes the addition of 1 new residence (1 new single family home, 1 existing home to be retained). The estimated total fee is $1,485.00. This is subject to final design and payable prior to issuance of the utility construction permit. 8.Effective January 2, 2017, the City of Renton will be adopting a new stormwater manual which will be based on the 2016 King County Surface Water Design Manual. All project vested after January 2, 2017 will be subject to these new stormwater requirements. Please refer to RMC 4 1 045 for information regarding project vesting. TRANSPORTATION 1.The proposed developments proposes half street frontage improvements along the property frontage to meet the City’s complete street standards for residential access streets. Required half street frontage improvements shall include 26 feet of paved roadway width (13 feet from centerline), installation of 0.5 foot curb and gutter, 8 foot planter strip and 5 foot sidewalk. No right of way dedication is required. 2.Access to each of the lots may be granted via the proposed shared driveway provided the shared driveway meets requirements for emergency services access and must provide a turnaround in compliance with City code 4 6 060I. a.Fire department apparatus access roadways are required to be a minimum of 20 feet wide fully paved, with 25 feet inside and 45 feet outside turning radius. Fire access roadways shall be constructed to support a 30 ton vehicle with 75 psi point loading. Access is required within 150 feet of all points on the buildings. Access as proposed does not meet these requirements. Applicant has been approved for a variance to allow 16 feet wide roadway (as proposed) with the condition that an approved residential fire sprinkler system be installed in the future residence. b.The requirement for a hammerhead turnaround may be waived provided that Lot 1 will have and approved fire sprinkler system installed. c.The shared driveway is required to have a minimum 16 foot wide paved roadway. d.Joint use driveways must be created upon the common property line of the properties served or through the granting of a permanent access easement when said driveway does not exist upon a common property line. e.The project proposes the installation of fire sprinklers on Lot 1 in lieu of the required hammerhead turnaround and 20 foot wide paved emergency access. Renton Fire Authority has granted approval of a variance to allow the proposed 16.25 foot wide paved access on the condition that Lot 1 will have installed an approved fire sprinkler system. 3.Refer to City code 4 4 080 regarding driveway regulations. a.Driveways shall be designed in accordance with City standard plans 104.1 and 104.2. b.Maximum driveway slope is 15%. Driveways which exceed 8% shall provide slotted drains. c.There shall be no more than one driveway for each 165 feet of street frontage. Applicant proposes to maintain the existing second driveway to provide through access for Lot 1 from the proposed shared access driveway. The proposed second driveway approach is acceptable due to the low volume of vehicular traffic along Jones Ave NE and to maintain the existing site access to the existing single family residence on Lot 1. 4.Paving and trench restoration shall comply with the City’s Trench Restoration and Overlay Requirements. 5.Payment of the transportation impact fee is applicable on the construction of the development at the time of application for the building permit. The project proposes the addition of 1 new residence (1 new single family home, 1 existing home to be retained). The estimated total fee is $2,951.17. Traffic impact fees will be owed at the time of building permit issuance. Fees are subject to change. The transportation impact fee that is current at the time of building permit application will be levied. GENERAL COMMENTS 1.Adequate separation between utilities as well as other features shall be provided in accordance with code requirements. a.7 ft minimum horizontal and 1 ft vertical separation between storm and other utilities is required with the exception of water lines which require 10 ft horizontal and 1.5 ft vertical. b.The stormwater line should be minimum 5 feet away from any other structure or wall or building. c.Trench of any utility should not be in the zone of influence of the retaining wall or of the building. 2.All construction utility permits for utility and street improvements will require separate plan submittals. All utility plans shall confirm to the Renton Drafting Standards. A licensed Civil Engineer shall prepare the civil plans. Page 3 of 4Ran: November 07, 2016 ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT LUA16-000754 PLAN - Planning Review - Land Use Version 1 | November 01, 2016 Engineering Review Comments Contact: Ann Fowler | 425-430-7382 | afowler@rentonwa.gov 3.A landscaping plan shall be included with the civil plan submittal. Each plan shall be on separate sheets. 4.All utility lines (i.e. electrical, phone, and cable services, etc.) serving the proposed development must be underground. The construction of these franchise utilities must be inspected and approved by a City of Renton inspector. 5.Fees quoted in this document reflect the fees applicable in the year 2016 only and will be assessed based on the fee that is current at the time of the permit application or issuance, as applicable to the permit type. Please visit www.rentonwa.gov for the current development fee schedule. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1.The applicant will be required to provide an updated geotechnical report approving the discharge of stormwater over the steep slopes to the west of the property. OR The applicant will be required to provide alternative flow control BMPs which do not point discharge over the steep slopes to the west of the property. Page 4 of 4Ran: November 07, 2016