HomeMy WebLinkAboutShoreline Tracking WorksheetSHORELINE TRACKING WORKSHEET Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425-430-7200 | www.rentonwa.gov The City of Renton is required by the Washington State Department of Ecology to track and evaluate the effectiveness of the Shoreline Master Program at achieving no net loss of shoreline ecological functions with respect to shoreline projects. The City will use shoreline development tracking information to prepare a Shoreline Master Program report every eight years to comply with the Shoreline Management Act requirements. SHORELINE STABILIZATION Is there currently a bulkhead on your site? ( Yes ( No; If yes, fill out table below. If no, see “Site Conditions”, Section 2 below. What Type of Materials is Your Bulkhead Made of? Linear Feet of Hard Materials:      Linear Feet of Soft Materials:     Examples of Types of Bulkheads: Hard (e.g. rocks, wood); Soft (e.g. sand, plants); Combination-soft materials at the water with hard materials further inland, or a combination of hard and soft materials at the water. SITE CONDITIONS List the size (in square feet) and type of all structures (1st floor only) on your property (e.g. 2,000 sq. ft. house, 125 sq. ft. greenhouse). Existing Railbed Gravel Ballast ~ 74,000 square feet List distance (in feet) from the water to the closest point of each structure. List each building separately (e.g. shed, dock, carport). The closest area of work to the Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWA) of Lake Washington at various locations along the corridor is approximately 80 feet from the existing railbed. List the size (in square feet) and type of all impervious surfaces (e.g. driveway, parking area, walkway, patio). Existing Railbed Gravel Ballast ~ 74,000 square feet List distance (in feet) from the water to the closest point of each impervious surface (hard surface). The closet point from the water to the existing impervious surface at the railbed is approximately 80 feet at various locations along the corridor. Describe the existing vegetation within 100 ft. of the waterline. Estimate the amount (in square feet) of native vegetation. Grass and ornamental plantings (e.g. plants requiring care or grown for decorative purposes) should not be counted. May Creek Trestle - Existing vegetation (10,000 square feet) upstream and downstream are mostly native deciduous trees, shrubs, and grass. Will the project require any added fill? If so, how many cubic yards will be added: Yes. After rails and timber ties are removed, an ADA crushed gravel of 4-inch depth will be placed on top of the existing railbed ballast. There will approximately 920 cubic yards of ADA crushed gravel added on top of the existing railbed ballast. IN WATER AND OVER WATER STRUCTURES Are there any in or over water structures on your site (e.g. docks, floats, bridges, mooring piles, boatlifts)? ( Yes ( No; If yes, fill out the table below. Describe the in- and over-water structures on your site There is a timber trestle at May Creek and no rail removal is proposed as part of this project on the bridge. Type (e.g. dock, float, bridge, mooring pile, boat lift, etc.) Surface Area (in square feet, if applicable) Light Penetrating Materials (the percentage of the surface area that is made of material that allows light to reach the water)  Existing structures to remain May Creek Trestle 780 square feet Approximately 30%-40% of the timber ties (space at 1-feet on center) allows light to penetrate thru the surface.  Existing structures that will be removed     Proposed structures