HomeMy WebLinkAboutERC_Ecosystems Inventory Renton AtlasWETLAND AND STREAM ATLAS ECOSYSTEM RESOURCES INVENTORY 13 A detailed atlas of wetland, and streams in the corridor right-of-way is included on the following sheets. The atlas includes wetland and stream descriptions, photographs, followed by aerial maps showing the estimated wetland and stream extents inside and near the corridor right-of-way. The first page of this section is a sheet index for all jurisdictions the corridor crosses. Individual sheet indexes are also provided by jurisdiction followed by detailed wetland and stream descriptions and the aerial maps. MASTER MAP INDEX: Page 14 RENTON Map Index: Page 16 Wetlands: Pages 17 – 27 Streams: Pages 28 – 35 Maps: Pages 36 – 41 KING COUNTY Map Index: Page 44 Wetlands: Pages 45 – 47 Streams: Pages 48 – 49 Maps: Pages 50 – 51 BELLEVUE Map Index: Page 54 Wetlands: Pages 55 – 80 Streams: Pages 81 – 91 Maps: Pages 92 – 109 KIRKLAND Map Index: Page 112 Wetlands: Pages 113 – 125 Streams: Pages 126 – 133 Maps: Pages 134 – 147 WOODINVILLE Map Index: Page 150 Wetlands: Pages 151 – 180 Streams: Pages 181 – 196 Maps: Pages 198 – 219 Atlas Table of Contents BELLEVUE KIRKLAND REDMOND RENTON WOODINVILLE Lake Sammamish Lake Washington 5 90 405 104 908 522 520 900 167 527 513 202 599 Woodinville Main Line Maps: W1-W15 Pages: 198-219 Kirkland Main Line Maps: K1-K9 Pages: 134-147 Bellevue Main Line Maps: B1-B18 Pages: 92-109 King County Main Line Maps: KC1-KC2 Pages: 50-51 Renton Main Line Maps: R1-R6 Pages: 36-41 Main Line Main Line Main Line Main Line Spur Master Map Index Rail Corridor - Study Area Rail Corridor - Outside Study Area 0 1 20.5 Miles 14 EASTSIDE RAIL CORRIDOR - REGIONAL TRAIL MASTER PLAN PROJECT RENTON ekaLnotgnihsaW Map: R6Wetlands: WR11Water Features: SR6, SR7 Map: R5Wetlands: WR9, WR10 Map: R4Wetlands: WR7, WR8Water Features: May Creek Map: R3Wetlands: WR5, WR6, WR7Water Features: SR4, SR5, JDR2Map: R2Wetlands: WR2, WR3, WR4Water Features: SR2, SR3 Map: R1Wetlands: WR1Water Features: SR1, JDR1 Bellevue Newcastle Renton Mercer Island King County King County LakeWashington Cedar RiverMay C r e e k112thPl S E NE 30th St N 40th St LoganAveNNE 44thSt N 8th StIslandCrestWayNE P ar k D r SE88th P lLincolnAveNESE 68th St 84thAveSEN 6th St SE 88th StSE70thPl SE 72nd St NE27thSt N 30th St SE89thPl W Mercer Way 87thAveSParkAveNMonroeAveNENE 12th St 84thAveSNewcastle Way 116thAveSEEM ercerWayLake Washi ngt on Bl v d NSunsetBlvdNE124t hAveSE112thAveSEGar denAv eNBurnettAveNEdmondsAveNE900167 405 Bellevue Kirkland Newcastle Redmond Renton Woodinville Renton Main Line Inventoried Waters and Wetlands Map Index *King County Hydrographic Data Main Line Rail Corridor - Study Area Rail Corridor - Outside Study Area Watercourse * Inventoried Waters and Wetlands Map Extent 16 EASTSIDE RAIL CORRIDOR - REGIONAL TRAIL MASTER PLAN PROJECT ECOSYSTEM RESOURCES INVENTORY 17 Segment: Main Line Jurisdiction: Renton Map Number: R1 DATE OF SITE VISIT: 05/22/2014 DRAINAGE BASIN: EAST LAKE WASHINGTON—RENTON USFWS CLASS: PSS/PEM HGM CLASS: SLOPE/DEPRESSIONAL/RIVERINE ESTIMATED WETLAND SIZE IN ACRES (TOTAL / WITHIN CORRIDOR RIGHT-OF-WAY): 1.0 / 1.0 WETLAND NAME: WR1 WR1—SOUTH END LOOKING SOUTHEAST DESCRIPTION: WR1 is a large, linear wetland associated with a stream (SR1) that extends along the western perimeter of the wetland, east of the railbed. Hydrologic sources supporting WR1 include surface water as well as groundwater and seeps expressed off an adjacent slope. Stream SR1 flows in a ditch through the wetland. SR1 serves as an unconstrained inlet and outlet to the wetland and, although not detected, there is likely an underground pipe associated with Lake Washington Boulevard North that serves as an additional inlet. Observed indicators of hydrology included inundation, saturation, drainage patterns, water-stained leaves, and algae. The shrub community is dominated by salmonberry (Rubus spectabilis), Pacific ninebark (Physocarpus capitatus), and climbing nightshade (Solanum dulcamara). The emergent community is dominated by reed canarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea) and giant horsetail (Equisetum telmateia) with watercress (Nasturtium officinale) and common duckweed (Lemna minor) growing within the stream. The buffer consists of a deciduous forest to the north, a row of conifers to the west, quarry spalls, and a wall interspersed with Himalayan blackberry (Rubus armeniacus) to the south, and a roadway to the east. WR1—LOOKING NORTH, NEAR MOUNTAIN VIEW AVENUE CROSSING 18 EASTSIDE RAIL CORRIDOR - REGIONAL TRAIL MASTER PLAN PROJECT Segment: Main Line Jurisdiction: Renton Map Number: R2 DATE OF SITE VISIT: 05/22/2014 DRAINAGE BASIN: EAST LAKE WASHINGTON—RENTON USFWS CLASS: PSS/PEM HGM CLASS: SLOPE/LACUSTRINE ESTIMATED WETLAND SIZE IN ACRES (TOTAL / WITHIN CORRIDOR RIGHT-OF-WAY): 0.1 / 0.1 WETLAND NAME: WR2 WR2—FACING WEST OUT OF STUDY AREA DESCRIPTION: WR2 is a small, lacustrine/slope wetland directly adjacent to Lake Washington. Hydrologic sources supporting WR2 include Lake Washington and a pipe under the railroad and roadway (Lake Washington Boulevard North). The hydrologic outlet is Lake Washington. Observed indicators of hydrology include hydrophytic vegetation and the resonance of water entering the wetland area through a pipe. The scrub-shrub community is dominated by Himalayan blackberry (Rubus armeniacus) and Pacific ninebark (Physocarpus capitatus), and the emergent community is dominated by giant horsetail (Equisetum telmateia) and creeping buttercup (Ranunculus repens). The buffer consists of a yard with deciduous trees to the north, a yard with deciduous trees to the south, a shrub community dominated by Himalayan blackberry on a slope as a buffer to the railbed to the east, and Lake Washington to the west. WR2—FACING NORTHWEST OUT OF STUDY AREA ECOSYSTEM RESOURCES INVENTORY 19 Segment: Main Line Jurisdiction: Renton Map Number: R2 DATE OF SITE VISIT: 05/23/2014 DRAINAGE BASIN: EAST LAKE WASHINGTON—RENTON USFWS CLASS: PEM HGM CLASS: DEPRESSIONAL ESTIMATED WETLAND SIZE IN ACRES (TOTAL / WITHIN CORRIDOR RIGHT-OF-WAY): <0.1 / <0.1 WETLAND NAME: WR3 WR3—SOUTH END FACING NORTH DESCRIPTION: WR3 is a small, linear depression located east of the railbed associated with a maintained railside ditch. The primary hydrologic sources supporting WR3 include groundwater and precipitation. WR3 does not have a visible inlet or outlet. Observed indicators of hydrology include water-stained leaves, cracked soils, and hydrophytic vegetation. The emergent community is dominated by unidentified grasses, common rush (Juncus effusus), and giant horsetail (Equisetum telmateia) with the majority of the wetland area consisting of bare ground. To the north, south, and east, the buffer primarily consists of several deciduous trees (bigleaf maple [Acer macrophyllum]), shrubs (beaked hazelnut [Corylus cornuta]), Himalayan blackberry (Rubus armeniacus), and salal (Gaultheria shallon), grasses, and forbs. The buffer to the east also includes Lake Washington Boulevard North. To the west, the buffer consists of the railbed followed by a narrow corridor of black cottonwood (Populus balsamifera), bigleaf maple, butterfly bush (Buddleia davidii), and Himalayan blackberry with some Scotch broom (Cytisus scoparius) and English holly (Ilex aquifolium). A house, yard, and Kennydale Beach Park are situated farther west from the narrow forested corridor. WR3—NORTH END FACING SOUTH 20 EASTSIDE RAIL CORRIDOR - REGIONAL TRAIL MASTER PLAN PROJECT Segment: Main Line Jurisdiction: Renton Map Number: R2 DATE OF SITE VISIT: 05/23/2014 DRAINAGE BASIN: EAST LAKE WASHINGTON—RENTON USFWS CLASS: PEM HGM CLASS: DEPRESSIONAL ESTIMATED WETLAND SIZE IN ACRES (TOTAL / WITHIN CORRIDOR RIGHT-OF-WAY): <0.1 / <0.1 WETLAND NAME: WR4 WR4—SOUTH END FACING NORTH DESCRIPTION: WR4 is a linear, depression located east of the railbed, west of the intersection of N 36th Street, Burnett Avenue N, and Lake Washington Boulevard North. The wetland is associated with a railside ditch. The primary hydrologic sources supporting WR4 are groundwater and precipitation. No inlet was detected. The outlet is located at the north end of the wetland where it naturally connects to Stream SR3. Observed indicators of hydrology include small areas of inundation, saturated soil, and exposed and cracked soils. The emergent community is dominated by an unidentified grass and giant horsetail (Equisetum telmateia) with some creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera) and common velvet grass (Holcus lanatus). To the north the buffer consists of a stream (SR3) and Himalayan blackberry (Rubus armeniacus), and to the south, the buffer consists of quarry spall, grasses, and steps to Kennydale Beach Park. To the east, the buffer consists of grasses and forbs and Lake Washington Boulevard North; to the west is the railbed (no vegetation between wetland and the railbed), the park, and residential development. WR4—NORTH END FACING SOUTH ECOSYSTEM RESOURCES INVENTORY 21 Segment: Main Line Jurisdiction: Renton Map Number: R3 DATE OF SITE VISIT: 05/23/2014 DRAINAGE BASIN: EAST LAKE WASHINGTON—RENTON USFWS CLASS: PEM/PFO/PSS HGM CLASS: DEPRESSIONAL ESTIMATED WETLAND SIZE IN ACRES (TOTAL / WITHIN CORRIDOR RIGHT-OF-WAY): 0.2 / 0.2 WETLAND NAME: WR5 WR5—SOUTHERN 1/4 SECTION FACING NORTH DESCRIPTION: WR5 is a long, linear depression located east of the railbed south of N 40th Street. The wetland is associated with a railside ditch. The primary hydrologic sources supporting WR5 include groundwater, precipitation, and local surface water runoff. No inlets were observed. The outlet consists of a pipe (and catch basin) that flows under the railbed. Observed indicators of hydrology include small areas of inundation, saturated soil, drainage patterns in the wetland, water-stained leaves, and algae. The forested community is dominated by black cottonwood (Populus balsamifera). The shrub community is dominated by birch (Betula sp.), red alder (Alnus rubra), common rush (Juncus effusus), and broad-leaf cattail (Typha latifolia) with overhanging Himalayan blackberry (Rubus armeniacus). The emergent community is dominated by common rush and broad-leaf cattail. To the north, south, and east the buffer is dominated by Himalayan blackberry with some trees including bigleaf maple (Acer macrophyllum), Scouler’s willow (Salix scouleriana), and red alder. To the west the buffer includes the railbed and landscaped areas with a mix of shrubs and trees. WR5—NORTHERN 1/4 SECTION FACING NORTHEAST 22 EASTSIDE RAIL CORRIDOR - REGIONAL TRAIL MASTER PLAN PROJECT Segment: Main Line Jurisdiction: Renton Map Number: R3 DATE OF SITE VISIT: 05/23/2014 DRAINAGE BASIN: MAY CREEK USFWS CLASS: PEM HGM CLASS: DEPRESSIONAL ESTIMATED WETLAND SIZE IN ACRES (TOTAL / WITHIN CORRIDOR RIGHT-OF-WAY): <0.1 / <0.1 WETLAND NAME: WR6 WR6—SOUTH END FACING NORTH DESCRIPTION: WR6 is a small depressional wetland in maintained lawn located west of the railbed and the intersection of Lake Washington Boulevard and N 40th Street. Hydrologic sources supporting WR6 include groundwater and occasional surface water from an adjacent stream (SR5) that is piped under the railbed and daylights south of the wetland. The outlet for the wetland is SR5 and there is no evidence of an inlet. Observed indicators of hydrology include small pockets of inundation and saturation within the upper 12 inches of soil. The emergent community is dominated by lawn and creeping buttercup (Ranunculus repens) with the common occurrence of bird’s foot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus), some sawbeak sedge (Carex stipata), and small-fruited bulrush (Scirpus microcarpus). Two patches of yellow flag iris (Iris pseudacorus) were observed in two patches. The buffer consists primarily of landscaped lawn, paved areas, and the railbed (to the east) with a row of western red cedar (Thuja plicata) to the northeast and a row of deciduous trees to the south. WR6—NORTH END FACING SOUTH ECOSYSTEM RESOURCES INVENTORY 23 Segment: Main Line Jurisdiction: Renton Map Number: R3 DATE OF SITE VISIT: 05/23/2014 DRAINAGE BASIN: MAY CREEK USFWS CLASS: PFO/PSS HGM CLASS: DEPRESSIONAL ESTIMATED WETLAND SIZE IN ACRES (TOTAL / WITHIN CORRIDOR RIGHT-OF-WAY): 0.2 / 0.2 WETLAND NAME: WR7 WR7—NORTH END FACING SOUTH DESCRIPTION: WR7 is a small, depressional wetland in a vegetated strip between Wells Avenue N and Lake Washington Boulevard North. The primary hydrologic source supporting WR7 is groundwater. No inlet was observed. The outlet is a pipe in the northwest corner of the wetland that extends under Wells Avenue N and likely under N 41st Street Place. Water from the wetland was observed flowing north in a drainage path into the pipe at the time of the field visit. Indicators of hydrology include inundation and saturation within the upper 12 inches of soil. Snags were observed in the wetland. The forested community is dominated by red alder (Alnus rubra) and reed canarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea). The shrub community is dominated by red alder (saplings) and reed canarygrass. Himalayan blackberry (Rubus armeniacus) was common throughout. Common duckweed (Lemna minor) was present in the drainage path along the west side of the wetland. The buffer includes roadways to the north and west, the railroad to the east, and a disturbed area to the south with a narrow strip of vegetated buffer consisting of red alder, Himalayan blackberry (Rubus armeniacus), and reed canarygrass. A mix of more desirable native vegetation including black cottonwood (Populus balsamifera), Pacific madrone (Arbutus menziesii), and Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) with an understory of invasive shrubs are located east of the railbed. WR7—SOUTH END FACING NORTH 24 EASTSIDE RAIL CORRIDOR - REGIONAL TRAIL MASTER PLAN PROJECT Segment: Main Line Jurisdiction: Renton Map Number: R3 DATE OF SITE VISIT: 05/23/2014 DRAINAGE BASIN: MAY CREEK USFWS CLASS: PFO/PEM HGM CLASS: DEPRESSIONAL ESTIMATED WETLAND SIZE IN ACRES (TOTAL / WITHIN CORRIDOR RIGHT-OF-WAY): <0.1 / <0.1 WETLAND NAME: WR8 WR8—SOUTH END FACING NORTH DESCRIPTION: WR8 is a small, depressional wetland east of the railbed, north of Wells Avenue N and N 41st Street, and south of May Creek. Hydrologic sources supporting WR8 include groundwater, precipitation, and local runoff. No inlets or outlets were detected. Observed indicators of hydrology included drainage patterns, water-stained leaves, and cracked soil in the wetland. The forested community is dominated by black cottonwood (Populus balsamifera) with a sparse understory of mostly bare ground and some common rush (Juncus effusus). The emergent class consists primarily of reed canarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea) and common rush. The buffer is minimal and includes maintained vegetation, roadway, and railbed. Just to the north of the wetland is a patch of Japanese knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum). WR8—NORTH END LOOKING SOUTH ECOSYSTEM RESOURCES INVENTORY 25 Segment: Main Line Jurisdiction: Renton Map Number: R5 DATE OF SITE VISIT: 05/23/2014 DRAINAGE BASIN: EAST LAKE WASHINGTON—BELLEVUE SOUTH USFWS CLASS: PFO/PEM HGM CLASS: DEPRESSIONAL ESTIMATED WETLAND SIZE IN ACRES (TOTAL / WITHIN CORRIDOR RIGHT-OF-WAY): 0.2 / 0.2 WETLAND NAME: WR9 WR9—SOUTH END FACING NORTH FROM THE RAIL DESCRIPTION: WR9 is a long, linear depressional wetland associated with the railside ditch. It is located on the west side of the railbed, east of the Virginia Mason Athletic Center (VMAC), and south of Seahawks Way. Hydrologic sources supporting WR9 include groundwater, surface water, precipitation, and local runoff. A constrained inlet (pipe) was observed under the railbed near the south end of the VMAC building. A pipe under Seahawks Way conveys water from Wetland WR10. A constrained outlet (pipe) was observed in the northwest corner at the south end of the VMAC. Observed indicators of hydrology in the wetland include inundation, saturation, drainage patterns, and slight buttressing of trees. The forested community is dominated by black cottonwood (Populus balsamifera) with a sparse understory consisting mostly of bare ground. The emergent community is primarily reed canarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea) and giant horsetail (Equisetum telmateia). The buffer is minimal and disturbed. It includes disturbed vegetation to the north, the railbed to the east, the maintenance facility to the west, and a gravel road to the south (associated with the Seahawks facility). WR9—CULVERTS AT NORTH END FACING SOUTH 26 EASTSIDE RAIL CORRIDOR - REGIONAL TRAIL MASTER PLAN PROJECT Segment: Main Line Jurisdiction: Renton Map Number: R5 DATE OF SITE VISIT: 06/10/2014 DRAINAGE BASIN: EAST LAKE WASHINGTON—BELLEVUE SOUTH USFWS CLASS: PEM HGM CLASS: DEPRESSIONAL ESTIMATED WETLAND SIZE IN ACRES (TOTAL / WITHIN CORRIDOR RIGHT-OF-WAY): <0.1 / <0.1 WETLAND NAME: WR10 WR10—SOUTH END FACING NORTH DESCRIPTION: WR10 is a small, linear depressional wetland associated with the railside ditch. It is located west of the railbed and adjacent to Virginia Mason Athletic Center (VMAC), northwest of Hazelwood Lane, and north of Seahawks Way. Hydrologic sources supporting WR10 include groundwater and local surface water runoff. The outlet is a pipe at the southwest end of the wetland, which extends under Seahawks Way to WR9. No inlets were detected. Observed indicators of hydrology include hydrophytic vegetation and water-stained leaves. The dominant emergent community is broad-leaf cattail (Typha latifolia) with some common rush (Juncus effusus). The existing vegetated buffer includes a nar- row landscaped area (mulched, minimal trees and shrubs) between the wetland and a paved parking lot to the west, and an area of giant horsetail (Equisetum telmateia) growing in quarry spalls between the railroad and the wetland to the east. Seahawks Way, the railroad, and Hazelwood Way comprise the rest of the buffer. WR10—NORTH END FACING SOUTH ECOSYSTEM RESOURCES INVENTORY 27 Segment: Main Line Jurisdiction: Renton Map Number: R6 DATE OF SITE VISIT: 06/10/2014 DRAINAGE BASIN: EAST LAKE WASHINGTON—BELLEVUE SOUTH USFWS CLASS: PFO HGM CLASS: DEPRESSIONAL/RIVERINE ESTIMATED WETLAND SIZE IN ACRES (TOTAL / WITHIN CORRIDOR RIGHT-OF-WAY): 0.2 / 0.2 WETLAND NAME: WR11 WR11—SOUTH END FACING NORTH DESCRIPTION: WR11 is a linear depressional/riverine wetland located on both sides of the railbed with a trestle crossing over it, north of the Virginia Mason Athletic Center (VMAC). Hydrologic sources supporting WR11 includes groundwater and surface water runoff from adjacent streams (SR6 and SR7). Streams SR6 and SR7 function as both inlets and outlets to the wetland. Observed indicators of hydrology include small pockets of inundation, saturation, and stream flow. The dominant forested community is red alder (Alnus rubra), reed canarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea), and giant horsetail (Equisetum telmateia). The buffer consists of the railbed, residential development, and landscaping to the west; a roadway to the east and to the north; and a parking area to the south. Immediately adjacent to the wetland is a thin strip of vegetation consisting of Himalayan blackberry (Rubus armeniacus), giant horsetail, black cottonwood (Populus balsamifera), and landscaped plants. WR11—VIEW TO THE SOUTH UNDER TRESTLE 28 EASTSIDE RAIL CORRIDOR - REGIONAL TRAIL MASTER PLAN PROJECT Segment: Main LineJurisdiction: RentonMap Number: R4 DATE OF SITE VISIT: 05/23/2014 DRAINAGE BASIN: MAY CREEK STREAM NAME: May Creek DESCRIPTION: May Creek intersects the rail north of the intersection of Wells Avenue N and Lake Washington Boulevard North. May Creek, a tributary to Lake Washington, drains the area north of the Cedar River and west of Issaquah Creek. Within the rail right-of-way, the rail extends over the stream on a bridge. Bridge footings were observed below the ordinary high water mark (OHWM). The OHWM was determined at the time of the site visit and is shown on Map R4. Additional stream crossings near the rail include Lake Washington Boulevard North and a sewer main between Lake Washington Boulevard North and the rail. In-stream features include a concrete weir, large woody debris, and gravel and cobble substrate. Riparian vegetation in the right-of-way includes sparse red alder (Alnus rubra), Himalayan blackberry (Rubus armeniacus), giant horsetail (Equisetum telmateia), Japanese knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum) and a variety of grasses. A snag was also observed in the buffer. The City of Renton classifies the water type of May Creek as Shoreline (Class 1). The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife’s SalmonScape (queried October 2014) indicates the “documented” presence of sockeye salmon (O. nerka), Chinook salmon (O. tshawytscha) (fall Chinook), steelhead trout (O. mykiss) (winter run), and coho salmon (O. kisutch). King County adopted a basin action plan in 2001 to reduce flooding, stabilize stream banks, reduce erosion, protect and enhance fish and wildlife habitat, and improve water quality. The action plan and other studies performed since that time are located on the County website: http://www.kingcounty.gov/environment/watersheds/cedar-river-lake-wa/may-creek.aspx. There is the potential to apply prescribed enhancement and restoration identified in the 2001 May Creek Basin Action Plan including stabilizing slopes prone to erosion, placement of large woody debris (LWD), and enhancing riparian vegetation by planting conifers in the project vicinity. There may also be opportunities to create floodplain wetlands and increase connec- tivity to wetlands in the vicinity. MAY CREEK—EAST OF RAIL BRIDGE, LOOKING UP- STREAM AT ROAD BRIDGE MAY CREEK—EAST OF RAIL BRIDGE LOOKING DOWNSTREAM FROM UNDER ROAD BRIDGE ECOSYSTEM RESOURCES INVENTORY 29 Segment: Main Line Jurisdiction: Renton Map Number: R1 DATE OF SITE VISIT: 05/22/2014 DRAINAGE BASIN: EAST LAKE WASHINGTON - RENTON STREAM NAME: SR1 DESCRIPTION: Stream SR1 enters the corridor in the vicinity of the Mountain View Avenue N/N 33rd Street intersection, then flows south along the east side of the railbed with Wetland WR1 for approximately 0.26 mile before entering a pipe that crosses under the railbed. A jurisdictional ditch flows (JDR1) flows north into Stream SR1 in the pipe on the east side prior to flowing under the railbed. It then discharges over an engineered erosion control feature (terraced quarry spalls) before it flows west under Mountain View Avenue N. Stream SR1 is considered a primary source of hydrology to Wetland WR1. During the site visit, flow was visible in the lower segment until just north of Wetland WR1, where the stream transitioned to intermittent. The bankfull width is approximately 4 to 5 feet east of the railbed. The stream has in-stream vegetation in portions including watercress (Nasturtium officinale) and common duckweed (Lemna minor). Riparian vegetation is narrow consisting of deciduous forest to the north, a row of conifers and English ivy (Hedera helix) to the west, Himalayan blackberry (Rubus armeniacus), interspersed with quarry spalls, and a wall to the south. Developed areas in the buffer include the railbed, roadways, and residences. SR1—WEST SIDE, LOOKING UPSTREAM TOWARDS MT. VIEW AVENUE SR1—EAST SIDE, LOOKING UPSTREAM (NORTH) FROM CULVERT UNDER RAILBED 30 EASTSIDE RAIL CORRIDOR - REGIONAL TRAIL MASTER PLAN PROJECT Segment: Main Line Jurisdiction: Renton Map Number: R2 DATE OF SITE VISIT: 05/23/2014 DRAINAGE BASIN: EAST LAKE WASHINGTON - RENTON STREAM NAME: SR2 DESCRIPTION: Stream SR2 is located in the vicinity of Kennydale Beach Park, emerging from a pipe under Lake Washington Boulevard North approximately 75 feet south of the intersection of Lake Washington Boulevard North, Burnett Avenue N, and N 36th Street. The stream flows north along the east side of the railbed, then turns west through the pipe under the railbed. The pipe extending under the rail is broken as evidenced by water flowing under the pipe at the outlet, rather than in it. On the west side of the rail, Stream SR2 briefly daylights in a broken concrete-lined ditch before entering another pipe that extends under concrete and sand in Kennydale Beach Park then discharging to Lake Washington. Stream SR2 was flowing at the time of the field investigation. The stream width is approximately 4 feet and has a variable substrate with gravel, sand, and silt. Vegetation in the channel and banks includes watercress (Nasturtium officinale), common rush (Juncus effusus), giant horsetail (Equisetum telmateia), American speedwell (Veronica americana), and a variety of grasses. Riparian vegetation is limited to giant horsetail, Himalayan blackberry (Rubus armeniacus), and maintained disturbance-tolerant herbaceous species. Developed areas in the buffer include the railbed, roadways, and residences. SR2—LOOKING EAST AT CULVERT SR2—LOOKING NORTH FROM SOUTH END ECOSYSTEM RESOURCES INVENTORY 31 Segment: Main Line Jurisdiction: Renton Map Number: R2 DATE OF SITE VISIT: 05/23/2014 DRAINAGE BASIN: EAST LAKE WASHINGTON - RENTON STREAM NAME: SR3 DESCRIPTION: Stream SR3 is located in the vicinity of Kennydale Beach Park, emerging from a pipe under Lake Washington Boulevard North, approximately 50 feet north of the intersection of Lake Washington Boulevard North, Burnett Avenue N, and N 36th Street. The stream briefly daylights for several feet on the east side of the railbed where water from Wetland WR4 flows into Stream SR3. The stream then flows through a pipe under the railbed and the rest of the right-of-way. Although not field verified, it is assumed it ultimately discharges to Lake Washington. Stream SR3 was flowing at the time of the site visit. The stream is lined with quarry spalls. Vegetation in the riparian buffer includes Himalayan blackberry (Rubus armeniacus), giant horsetail (Equisetum telmateia), and other disturbance-tolerant herbaceous vegetation. SR3—LOOKING EAST AT DAYLIGHTED SEGMENT AND PIPE UNDER LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD NORTH 32 EASTSIDE RAIL CORRIDOR - REGIONAL TRAIL MASTER PLAN PROJECT Segment: Main Line Jurisdiction: Renton Map Number: R3 DATE OF SITE VISIT: 05/23/2014 DRAINAGE BASIN: EAST LAKE WASHINGTON - RENTON STREAM NAME: SR4 DESCRIPTION: Approximately 60 feet south of N 38th Street, Stream SR4 emerges from a pipe under Lake Washington Boulevard North flowing west, and enters a pipe that extends under the railbed where it likely continues as a piped system that ultimately discharges to Lake Washington. The grade of the daylighted portion of the stream east of the rail is approximately 10 percent. In addition to a substrate consisting of cobble, gravel, and sand, broken pieces of concrete and pipe were in the channel. Erosion and scour were observed at the outlet of the Lake Washington Boulevard North pipe. Stream SR4 was flowing at the time of the site visit. Vegetation in the riparian buffer includes Himalayan blackberry (Rubus armeniacus), giant horsetail (Equisetum telmateia), butterfly bush (Buddleia davidii), climbing nightshade (Solanum dulcamara), and other invasive and disturbance-tolerant vegetation. SR4—FROM PIPE UNDER RAILBED, LOOKING NORTH- EAST (UPSTREAM) SR4—LOOKING AT SCOUR POOL BY ROADWAY PIPE OUTLET ECOSYSTEM RESOURCES INVENTORY 33 Segment: Main Line Jurisdiction: Renton Map Number: R3 DATE OF SITE VISIT: 05/23/2014 DRAINAGE BASIN: MAY CREEK STREAM NAME: SR5 DESCRIPTION: In the railbed right-of-way, Stream SR5 is piped east of, and under, the railbed with daylighted channel west of the railbed just north of the intersection of Lake Washington Boulevard North and N 40th Street. It is associated with Wetland WR6. A catch basin and associated pipes east of the rail (near the northern extent of Wetland WR5) likely provide the hydrology to both the Stream SR 5 and Wetland WR6. Stream SR5 leaves the right-of-way in a pipe that extends under Wells Avenue N. It is assumed that it eventually drains to Lake Washington. The low-gradient, narrow (approximately 18 inches in width) channel was flowing at the time of the site visit. The stream flows through a landscaped/ maintained area with buffer vegetation of maintained lawn, creeping buttercup (Ranunculus repens), reed canarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea), installed trees, and a garden. SR5—LOOKING WEST 34 EASTSIDE RAIL CORRIDOR - REGIONAL TRAIL MASTER PLAN PROJECT Segment: Main Line Jurisdiction: Renton Map Number: R6 DATE OF SITE VISIT: 06/10/2014 DRAINAGE BASIN: EAST LAKE WASHINGTON - BELLEVUE SOUTH STREAM NAME: SR6 DESCRIPTION: Stream SR6 flows north along the east side of Seahawks Way/Ripley Lane N and extends under Ripley Lane N, north of the Seahawk Training Facility (Virginia Mason Athletic Center) north entrance. It continues to flow north on the east side of the railbed through and adjacent to Wetland WR11 into Stream SR7, immediately south of the Ripley Lane N crossing (trestle). Stream SR6 was flowing at the time of the visit. The width varies between 4 feet (downstream) and 8 feet (upstream), becoming more incised at the north end. The segment of Stream SR6 that flows under the rail trestle through Wetland WR11 is braided. Vegetation in the riparian buffer includes red alder (Alnus rubra), black cottonwood (Populus balsamifera), reed canarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea), giant horsetail (Equisetum telmateia), Himalayan blackberry (Rubus armeniacus), and landscaped plants. The developed portion of the buffer consists of the railbed, residential development, roadways, and a parking area. SR6—LOOKING NORTH (PRIMARY CHANNEL)SR6/WR11—BRAIDED SECONDARY CHANNELS ECOSYSTEM RESOURCES INVENTORY 35 Segment: Main Line Jurisdiction: Renton Map Number: R6 DATE OF SITE VISIT: 06/10/2014 DRAINAGE BASIN: EAST LAKE WASHINGTON - BELLEVUE SOUTH STREAM NAME: SR7 DESCRIPTION: Stream SR7 emerges from a culvert that extends under Ripley Lane N near the north end of Wetland WR11 and the Ripley Lane N crossing (trestle). It flows west under the rail trestle, extends under a private drive, and daylights again for approximately 100 feet before discharging to Lake Washington. West of the rail trestle, Stream SR6 discharges to Stream SR7. At the time of the visit, Stream SR7 was flowing. The stream width varies between 3 and 4 feet. Vegetation in the riparian buffer includes red alder (Alnus rubra), black cottonwood (Populus balsamifera), reed canarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea), giant horsetail (Equisetum telmateia), Himalayan blackberry (Rubus armeniacus), and landscaped plants. The developed portion of the buffer consists of the railbed, residential development, roadways, and a parking area. SR7—LOOKING UPSTREAM (EAST) AT CULVERT UNDER RIPLEY LANE SR7 (AND SR6)—CROSSING AND CONFLUENCE UNDER TRESTLE, LOOKING WEST (DOWNSTREAM) WITH SR6 JOINING SR7 FROM LEFT SIDE Lake Washington JDR1 SR1 WR1 R e n to n Renton King CountyKin g C o u nty 10 0 8 0 6 0 4 0 2 0 10080604020120100800640206 04 0202 0 BURNETTAVENN 33RD ST N 32ND ST N 31ST ST N 30TH ST N 29TH ST N 28TH PLMOUNTAINVIEWAVENMOUNTAINVIEWAVENLAKE W A S HIN G T O N BLVD NLAKEWASHINGTONBLVDN Bellevue Newcastle Renton Wetland Feature(s): WR1 Water Feature(s): SR1, JDR1 Wetland (GPS Boundary) Wetland (Estimated Boundary) Stream* (GPS) Stream* (Estimated) Pipe* Jurisdictional Ditch OHWM (GPS) Pipe End County Land City Limit Public Land Park Parcel Mile Marker Rail Corridor Watercourse ** Wetland*** Wetland**** Inventoried Waters and Wetlands Eastside Rail Corridor Regional Trail Master Plan Project 0 50 100 15025Feet * Arrow indicates flow direction ** King County Hydrographic Data*** National Wetlands Inventory **** City of Renton Wetlands Inventory Renton Main Line Map R1 36 EASTSIDE RAIL CORRIDOR - REGIONAL TRAIL MASTER PLAN PROJECT LakeWashington SR3 SR2 WR3 WR4 WR2RentonKing County806040204020Kennydale Beach Park BURNETTAVENLAKE WASHINGTON BLVD NN 36TH ST N 35TH ST N 34TH ST Bellevue Newcastle Renton Wetland Feature(s): WR2, WR3, WR4 Water Feature(s): SR2, SR3 Wetland (GPS Boundary) Wetland (Estimated Boundary) Stream* (GPS) Stream* (Estimated) Pipe* Jurisdictional Ditch OHWM (GPS) Pipe End County Land City Limit Public Land Park Parcel Mile Marker Rail Corridor Watercourse ** Wetland*** Wetland**** Inventoried Waters and Wetlands Eastside Rail Corridor Regional Trail Master Plan Project 0 50 10025Feet * Arrow indicates flow direction ** King County Hydrographic Data*** National Wetlands Inventory **** City of Renton Wetlands Inventory Renton Main Line Map R2 ECOSYSTEM RESOURCES INVENTORY 37 LakeWashington MayCreekJDR2 SR5 SR4 6 WR5 WR6 WR7 RentonKingCounty120100806040140100806040201204080604020602020 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD NWELLSAVENN 40 TH PL N 40TH ST N 37TH ST N 37TH ST N 38TH ST Bellevue Newcastle Renton Wetland Feature(s): WR5, WR6, WR7Water Feature(s): SR4, SR5, JDR2 Wetland (GPS Boundary) Wetland (Estimated Boundary) Stream* (GPS) Stream* (Estimated) Pipe* Jurisdictional Ditch OHWM (GPS) Pipe End County Land City Limit Public Land Park Parcel Mile Marker Rail Corridor Watercourse ** Wetland*** Wetland**** Inventoried Waters and Wetlands Eastside Rail Corridor Regional Trail Master Plan Project 0 50 100 15025Feet * Arrow indicates flow direction ** King County Hydrographic Data*** National Wetlands Inventory **** City of Renton Wetlands Inventory Renton Main Line Map R3 38 EASTSIDE RAIL CORRIDOR - REGIONAL TRAIL MASTER PLAN PROJECT May Creek M a yC reek6 WR7 WR8 80604060 40 WELLSAVENN 4 1 S T P L LAKEWASHINGTONBLVDNBellevue Newcastle Renton Wetland Feature(s): WR7, WR8Water Feature(s): May Creek Wetland (GPS Boundary) Wetland (Estimated Boundary) Stream* (GPS) Stream* (Estimated) Pipe* Jurisdictional Ditch OHWM (GPS) Pipe End County Land City Limit Public Land Park Parcel Mile Marker Rail Corridor Watercourse ** Wetland*** Wetland**** Inventoried Waters and Wetlands Eastside Rail Corridor Regional Trail Master Plan Project 0 50 10025Feet * Arrow indicates flow direction ** King County Hydrographic Data*** National Wetlands Inventory **** City of Renton Wetlands Inventory Renton Main Line Map R4 ECOSYSTEM RESOURCES INVENTORY 39 LakeWashington WR9 WR10 R entonK ing C ounty402040 LAKEWASHINGTONBLVDNESEAHAWKS WAY NE 44TH STRAMPHAZELWOOD LNRAM P405 Bellevue Newcastle Renton Wetland Feature(s): WR9, WR10Water Feature(s): Wetland (GPS Boundary) Wetland (Estimated Boundary) Stream* (GPS) Stream* (Estimated) Pipe* Jurisdictional Ditch OHWM (GPS) Pipe End County Land City Limit Public Land Park Parcel Mile Marker Rail Corridor Watercourse ** Wetland*** Wetland**** Inventoried Waters and Wetlands Eastside Rail Corridor Regional Trail Master Plan Project 0 50 100 15025Feet * Arrow indicates flow direction ** King County Hydrographic Data*** National Wetlands Inventory **** City of Renton Wetlands Inventory Renton Main Line Map R5 40 EASTSIDE RAIL CORRIDOR - REGIONAL TRAIL MASTER PLAN PROJECT Lake Washington SR7 SR6 WR11 NewcastleRenton60 4 0 604020RI PLEY LN SERIPLEY LN NRIPLEY LN N405 Bellevue Newcastle Renton Wetland Feature(s): WR11Water Feature(s): SR6, SR7 Wetland (GPS Boundary) Wetland (Estimated Boundary) Stream* (GPS) Stream* (Estimated) Pipe* Jurisdictional Ditch OHWM (GPS) Pipe End County Land City Limit Public Land Park Parcel Mile Marker Rail Corridor Watercourse ** Wetland*** Wetland**** Inventoried Waters and Wetlands Eastside Rail Corridor Regional Trail Master Plan Project 0 50 10025Feet * Arrow indicates flow direction ** King County Hydrographic Data*** National Wetlands Inventory **** City of Renton Wetlands Inventory Renton Main Line Map R6 ECOSYSTEM RESOURCES INVENTORY 41