HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibits 1-20 with Cover Sheet CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT HEARING EXAMINER DECISION, EXHIBITS Project Name: Talbot Hill Substation Improvements Project Number: LUA16-000922, ECF, SA-H, CUP-H Date of Hearing February 14, 2017 Staff Contact Angelea Weihs Project Contact/Applicant Kerry Kriner, PSE Project Location 2400 S Puget Drive The following exhibits were admitted during the hearing: Exhibits 1-16: Hearing Examiner Staff Report and Exhibits Exhibit 17: PowerPoint Presentation Exhibit 18: City of Renton COR Maps Exhibit 19: Google Maps Exhibit 20: Landscape Plan Narrative DEPARTMENTOFCOMMUNITYANDECONOMICDEVELOPMENT—iz;conENVIRONMENTALREVIEWCOMMITTEEREPORTERCMEETINGDATE:January23,2017ProjectName:TalbotHillSubstationImprovementsProjectNumber:LUA16-000922,ECF,SA-H,ProjectManager:AngeleaWeihs,AssociatePlannerOwner:PugetSoundEnergy,Inc.;P0Box97034MISPSE-09N,Bellevue,WA98009Applicant/Contact:JeffMcMeekin;P0Box97034MISPSE-09N,Bellevue,WA98009ProjectLocation:2400SPugetDriveProjectSummary:PSEisrequestingHearingExaminerConditionalUsePermit,Environmental(SEPA)Review,andSitePlanReviewforproposedlalbotHillSubstationimprovementslocatedat2400SPugetDr.(parcelnumbers2023059003and2023059066).Theprojectsitetotals50.4acresandiszonedResidential-8(R-8).PSEisproposingtorebuildaportionoftheTalbotHillSubstationinordertoreplaceagingequipmentandprovidemorereliabilityforthetransmissionlinesconnectedtothesubstation.Theexistingcontrolhousewillbedemolishedandanewcontrolhouseisproposedinitsplace.Theexisting230kVsubstationequipmentinsidethefenceisproposedtoberemoved,includingsteelstructuresandfoundations.Noadditionaltransmissionlinesareproposedwiththerebuildofthisproject.Anewstormdrainagesystemisproposedwithinthefencedareaandadetentionpondwillbeinstalledsouthofthesoutherlysubstationfence.Thedetentionpondwillinvolveanexcavationofmorethan500cubicyards,whichtriggersSEPAReview.Thesubstationfootprintwillremainunchanged.Additionaldrivewayimprovementsareproposedtoallowlargervehicleaccesstothesubstation.Theprojectsitecontainsmoderatecoalminehazards,moderatelandslidehazards,andsensitiveslopes(within50feet).TheapplicanthassubmittedanArboristReportandGeotechnicalEngineeringStudywiththeapplication.Exist.Bldg.AreaSF:999SFProposedNewBldg.Area(footprint):1,449SFProposedNewBldg.Area(gross):1,449SFSiteArea:50.4acresTotalBuildingAreaGSF:2,448SFSTAFFStaffRecommendsthattheEnvironmentalReviewCommitteeissueaDeterminationofRECOMMENDATION:Non-Significance-Mitigated(DNS-M).i.—;IProjectLocationMapERCReport_LUA16-000922TalbotHillSubstationEXHIBIT 1 CDCDC)00-0-b.OC)zxw I I PUGET TALBOT HILL SOUND SUBSTATION ENERGY 230KV SWITCHYARD N \RENTON SE SECTION 30,TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH,RANGE 5 EAST,W.M. DRAWING LIST: DWG NO:SHT NO:TITLE: O—2N67R 1 FOUNDATION REMOVAL PLAN SHEET I OF 3D—2867R 2 FOUNDATION REMOVAL PLAN SHEET 2 OF 3O—2967R 3 FOUNDATION REMOVAL PLAN SHEET 3 OF 3D—28TT0 1 STRUCTURAL REMOVAL PLAN 0—18731 1 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY SHEET 1 OF 52TOPOGRAPHICSURVEYSHEET2OFS 5 GPGGRAPHIC SURVEY SHEET S CF 53-18732 1 TEMPORARY EROSION/SEDIMENT CONTROL 2 EMPORARY EROSITN/SETIMENT CONTROL 3 TEMPORARY EROSWN/SEOIMENT CONTROL OETAILSO—18T34 1 GRADING ANO FENCING PLAN 230KV SWJTCHAARO 3 GRATING SECTIONS ANT OETAIS 2 DRAINAGE SECTIONS AND AETAILS — 2 DETENTION PONT SFCTITNS AND DETAILS0—18738 1 FOUNDATION PLAN SHEET 1 OF 22FOUNDATiONPLANSHEET2AF2 0—18739 1 STRUCTURAL PLAN SHEET 1 OF 22STRUCTURALPLANSHEET2OF20—18746 1 V:SuAL BARRIER PLANTING PLAN S[IEET 1 OF 42VISUALBARRIERPLANTINGPLANSHEET2OF43VISUALBARRIERPLANTINGPLANSHEET3OF44VISUJALBARRIERPLANTINGPLANSHEET4OF4 SURVEY NOTES (CONTINUED)LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL $202305—90B3: PARCEL a2O23O5—9O6: SURVEY NOTES 1.PORPOSE OF THIS SURVEY 2.BASIN OF TEARINO 3.VERTICAL DATUM 5.TETH000LBOY / /, /‘--z-,‘ .,/Z L11 AREA PLAN 7.MONUMENT AISITAION 9.IINDERGRTEND UTILUJG.3 1OCON000R INTERVAL l1.SU8SABFACE CONDITIONS 12.1—800—424—5555 GENERAL NOTES PSE ENGINEERING CONTACTS :ONSCTLTI?T JEFFMEBN 425-914-8621 ANL7IO GRAPHIC SCALE EXHIBIT 3 t/CALL BEFOREIIj:z you DIG I V Call:TOLL FREE IL1-8OO-424) 88010104 0€£C8IYlAM:8BNAMB6:1flA22315 SITE PLAN AND GENERAL NOTES 230KV SWITCHYARDi,TALBOT HILL SUBSTATION c8i (NEER gvcsji •VEB1:11 11115 1’UoJ I 04 B0V IPhp*IC)-Ph.C) t\7*r_,_,’•;i;iT-...b*z(DC)b:I!-:[1:IiI%_,.r—II%%.,;:N:---E**tJiq,‘v’-:-t;/H/.*-1’I,,,s‘:Ir,!•_______%\‘:/7Lc‘I%%%1:*w(;j)_sttU000C/)0-J0-J>0LiLiLiH-0C)0LiH-:DC0H-U)0zC0DCLiH-:DC0H-(In0->C)LiDCLiLiDCLi>H-0Li-JLiU)U-0LiDCIsensni•$]1vJ$ F--.aMIIII..ILZdOHdYIVGNOdNOIJN3J30L“•‘“_)]IvaI:NOI±V±SBflS11IH±O1V±INV1dDNI±NV1dlVflSAONI±NV1UThddV9JVflSIAXIasDNI±NV1d1NOdAdDSGNV I I COMMON BOTANICA&Z % NAME NAME WEIGHT PURITh’GERMINATION TALL OR MEADOW SCHEDONORUS 75—80%98%90%FESCUE PRATENSIS SEASIDE AGROSTIS 10—15%92%85%BENTGRASS PALUSTRIS REOTOP AGROSTISBENTGRASSGIGANTEA 98%90% SEED MIX I 23266 TOTAL SOFT EMERGENT PLANTING 7000TOTALSQFT S • CAREX ORNIPTA SLOUGH SEDGE I—YR TRANSPLANT I FT o.c.3,OTI 38/Ti OETCHAMPSIA CESPITOSA lIFTED HAIRORASS I—YR TRANSPLANT I FT S.C.2,151 26%\J_/SCIRPUS CYPEGNUS ROSY 505CC I—YR TRANSPLANT I FT SC.2,829 35% ‘%Ji_ TI22ACER CACINATUM VINE MAPLE 6 TALLc÷MORELLACERIFERAAAAMYRTLESSAL ,—-GARRYA ELLIPTICA SILK TASSEL S GAL :::_)_VF AAAUTUS REDO STRARBERRY TREE S GAL 4.378 TOTAL SOFT 6FTO.C.II IS 6 FT O.C.IS 5% 6 FT S.C.AK 3% 6FTS.C.30 25% NATIVE SHRUBS PLANTING DETAIL NOT TO SCALE ADO 3 COMPOST PER PROJECT AMENDED EMERGENT PLANTING TYPICAL LAYOUT ••,;•..::• SOIL AMENDMENT DETAIL VISUAL BARRIER _____ NOT TO SCALE RANT CENTER DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING DETAIL TRIANGULAR SPACING DIAGRAM NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE A— Pl STEP2 STEP 4 NOT TO SCALE ONE YEAR TRANSPLANT PLANTING STEPS STEP6 STEP7 ST8 VISUAL BARRIER PLANTING TYPICAL LAYOUT L;;ffr . VISUAL BARRIER PLANTING PLAN TALBOT HILL SUBSTATION I I SATE fM/D/YI 8.10FF SUBSTATION D6ADNO NO BOA DO .L.L .LL ‘‘.0 IREVOKED I ::::L056 DO:$$DO$I SL6D5:STE €TAL \\\ /,,/ 4W4.oo/J \-y /X :N-/,,/ V’ /8SH LEGEND GRAVEL ACCESS ROAD ASPHALT 1—,0OE45 CALL BE’t1;Li YOUDIG IrCaII:IOj FREE I-800-424-5555] DITCH 1/ \ !DrSi1EPSJ L NATIVE COMPACTED N”BASE COURSE SECTION GRAPHIC SCALE 32C4O8o GRAPH IC SCALE LEGEND —444 —PROPOSED CUNrotj Jill GRAVEL. ——OVERHEAD POWER LINES ,—*STREET LIGHT ENTRAMrF SECTJDN f115KV SIDE)%’ I r I :zi \J c , * REFERENCE DRAWINGS 1—CALL B’1ii;i YOUDIG I Call:TOLL FREE I L_____1 —800—424—5555J // / ,,y• ,// )\//‘7i:jI../ [—,———‘—- 634’—o’t . c,\“ii -1 &OUDE _---------t ---—— WGON 1 —I HE DE “——fl\i l___a ,_—“‘-—-‘-—‘a I I £:‘‘::L15’::‘“/•,,“‘ •‘:‘P” I t 1 ‘1 ]-J “‘J ‘‘J -J ‘‘-‘c ,:I a I IIl ‘!I --========‘: .E LJ _____:‘ I(,/ ,---‘---‘,---‘C---’,t [,‘,/\1’ ......[,h 1L1 I LLHLHt : 1 MATCH .-.::l : .-.-:L .. 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FYEXHIBIT7EntireDocumentAvailableUponRequestTechnicalInformationReportTalbotSubstationStormwaterSupportPugetSoundEnergyRenton,WashingtonNovember16,2016 EXHIBIT8PSETalbotHillSubstationEntireDocumentArboristReportAvailableUpon—To:JeffMcMeeldn,PSERequestz-JFrom:TomEarly,OtakInc.11241v’i/lowsrottdiiesuite200Date:December13,2016red71YOid,wa98052phone(425)8224446ProjectNo.:319$3.hAssignmentThearboristreportisrequiredtoaccompanyaRentonSitePlanReviewsubmittal.Itisdevelopedtoconveyspecificinformationregardingthetreesproposedforremoval,treeprotectionfortreestoberetainedandsupplementaltreeplantingsuggestions.Iamcoordinatingtheintegrationoftreeremoval,treeretentionandtreeprotectionintothelandscapeplansofthestormwaterpond.AssessmentMethodsTheinventoryoftreessperformedonOctober13,2016.Theinventoryistabulatedinthetreetablewhichincludesanassignmentoftreenumber,identificationoftreespeciesbycommonandbotanicalnames,diameteratbreastheight(DBH)measurement,aconditionassessmentusingfivecategories(Excellent,Good,Fair,PoorandDead)basedonvisualtreeinspectionofeachtree,commentsspecifictoeachtreesconditionandtheproposaltoeitherremoveorretainthetree.InthecaseoftreesMthmultiplestems,typicallybeakedhazelnuttreesinthiscase,I’venotedtheapproximatenumberofstemsandthestemsaveragesize.SitedescriptionThesiteaddressis3004BeaconWaySouth.ThelocationofthesubjecttreesisalongthesouthsideandsoutheastcornerofthePSETalbotIlifiSubstation.Thelandsurfaceisundulatingwithvegetationtypicalofuplandplantspecies.Seefigure1.Themajorityofthetreesareingoodshapewiththeexceptionofthewillowandalder;theyhavebeendamagedbyrecentbranchfailuresduringthespringvndstorms.K:\proj\319OO\31983H\ProjDocs\Reports\Ta1botHillArboristReport.doc ConstructionMitigationDescriptionforPSETalbotHillSubstationProposedconstructiondates:Thisprojectistobeconstructedintwophases.PhaseoneincludesthecivilportionsofthejobandisproposedforApril2017toOctober2017.PhasetwoincludesassemblyoftheelectricalequipmentandisproposedforApril2018toOctober2018.Hoursanddaysofoperation:HoursanddaysofoperationaretofollowCityofRentonnormalworkinghours7:00a.m.-10:00p.m.MondaythroughFriday,and9:00a.m.-10:00p.m.SaturdayandSunday.Proposedhaulingandtransportationroutes:TheproposedhaulroutewouldbeviaPugetDriveandBensonRoad.Measurestobeimplementedtominimizedust,traffic,mud,noise,etc.:ATESCplanwillbedevelopedandimplementedduringconstruction.Dustandmudshouldnotenterthepublicroadrightofway.Ifdebristrack-outoccurs,immediatecorrectionswillbeimplemented.Anyspecialhoursproposed:Therearenospecialhoursproposedatthistime.Preliminarytrafficcontrolplan:Seeattachedtrafficcontrolplan.EXHIBIT9 ADVISORYNOTESTOAPPLICANTLUAI6-000922—--—-—--RentonApplicationDate:December06,2016SiteAddress:2400SPugetDrName:TalbotHillSubstationImprovementsRenton,WA98055-4311PLAN-PlanningReview-LandUseVersion1BuildingReview-PlanningCommentsContact:CraigBurnellI425-430-7290Icburnell@rentonwa.govRecommendations:ProjectwillbereviewedforcompliancewithBuildingCodes.Thecurrentadoptedbuildingcodeis2015InternationalBuildingCode.Recommendationsofthegeotechnicalreportmustbefollowedasaconditionofbuildingpermits.Geotechnicalreportshouldbeupdatedto2015IBCdesignparameters.EngineeringReviewCommentsContact:AnnFowler425-430-7382afowler@rentonwa.govRecommendations:IhavereviewedtheapplicationfortheTalbotHillSubstationat2400SPugetDrive(APN(’s)2023059003,9066,9064)andhavethefollowingcomments:EXISTINGCONDITIONSThetotalsiteisapproximately50.4acresacresinsizeandisirregularinshape.Thesiteincludesanexistingsubstationwithaccessgraveldriveways.Thesubstationcoversapproximately7.75acresofthetotalsitearea.WaterNowaterserviceisproposedorrequitedfortheredevelopmentproject.EXHIBIT10SewerNosewerserviceisproposedorrequiredfortheredevelopmentproject.StormRunofffromthesitesheetflowsoutwardfromthemiddleofthesubstation.Thereareexistingdrainagepipesonthenortheastandsoutheastsideofthesubstationwhichatetiedtocatchbasinswithinthefenceline.Therimsofthecatchbasinsarecurrentlyatanelevationhigherthanthesurroundingground,whichpreventsthemfromcapturingstormwater.Gradedifferencesbetweenthesubstationslabandthesurroundinggroundsurfacealongthenorthandnortheastsidesofthesubstationpreventsstormwaterfromdrainingawayfromthesubstationandtendstopondwithinthesubstationfootprint.RunoffalongthesouthernedgeofthesubstationflowsintoaculvertlocatedbeneaththeaccesstoadwhichultimatelyflowseasttowardsGrantAvenueSouth.StreetsThesiteisborderedbyBeaconWaySouthtothenortheast.BeaconWaySouthisclassifiedasaResidentialAccessRoadandislocatedwithintheCityofSeattleCedarRivetPipelineEasement.ThesiteisborderedbyPugetDriveSoutheasttothesouth.PugetDriveSoutheastisclassifiedasaMinorArterialStreet.ExistingrightofwayinPugetDriveSoutheastisapproximately100feetasmeasuredusingtheKingCountyAssessor’sMap.TherearenoexistingfrontageimprovementsalongPugetDriveSoutheast.CODEREQUIREMENTSSURFACEWATERI.Ageotechnicalreport,datedDecember5,2016,completedbyGeoEngineers,Inc.forthesitehasbeenprovided.Theprojectsitecontainsmoderatecoalminehazards,moderatelandslidehazardsandsensitiveslopes(within50feet).Erosioncontrolmeasureswillneedtobeinplacepriortostartinggradingactivitiesonthesite.Thereportdiscussesthesoilandgroundwatercharacteristicsofthesiteincludinginfiltrationpotentialandprovidesrecommendationsforprojectdesignandconstruction.Thereportdiscountstheuseofinfiltrationforthesiteduetothedepthoftheoutwashsoilscomparedtotheexistingsurfaceelevationspresentonthesite.Geotechnicalrecommendationspresentedneedtobeaddresswithintheprojectplans.2.APreliminaryDrainagePlanandTechnicalInformationReport(TIR),datedNovember16,2016,wassubmittedbyHDREngineering,Inc.withtheLandUseApplication.BasedontheCityofRenton’sflowcontrolmap,thesitefallswithintheFlowControlDurationStandardareamatchingForestedSiteConditionsandiswithintheLowerCedarRiverandBlackRiverDrainageBasin.ThedevelopmentissubjecttoFullDrainageReviewinaccordancewiththe2009KingCountySurfaceWaterDesignManual(KCSWDM)andthe2010CityofRentonAmendmentstotheKCSWDM.AllcorerequirementsandthesixspecialrequirementsarediscussedintheTechnicalInformationReport.ThefollowingstormwaterimprovementsarerequiredandshallbediscussedwithintheTIR:a.TheapplicantsubmittedacompleteConditionUsePermitApplicationonDecember6,2016andisthereforevestedtothe2009KCSWDMandthe2010CityofRentonAmendmentstotheKCSWDMforaperiodof180daysfromtheapplicationdate.ThevestingperiodwillexpireonJune4,2017inaccordancewithRMC41045E.2.b.AcompleteConstructionPermitApplicationmustbereceivedpriortotheexpirationdateofthevestingperiod.Otherwise,theapplicantwillberequiredtocomplywiththestormwatermanualthatisineffectatthetimeofconstructionpermitapplication.b.AppropriateflowcontrolBMPswillberequiredtohelpmitigatethenewrunoffcreatedbythisdevelopmentsincethenewplusreplacedimperviousareaisover2,000squarefeet.Apreliminarydrainageplan,includingtheapplicationofflowcontrolBMPs,shallbeincludedwiththelanduseapplication,asapplicabletotheproject.C.Asnotedinthereport,theapplicantisexemptfromwaterqualitysincethenewplusreplacedpollutiongeneratingimpervioussurface(PGIS)areaislessthan5,000squarefeet.Anychangestotheredevelopmentprojectwhichresultsingreaterthan5,000squarefeetofPGISarea,asdefinedbythe2009KCSWDM,maytriggerwaterqualityfacilitiestobeprovided.3.TheapplicanthasproposedinstallationofanewstormwaterconveyancesysteminsidethesubstationwhichwillrouteflowstoanewRan:January19,2017Page1of2 ADVISORYNOTESTOAPPLICANTLUAI6-000922--------—-RentonPLAN-PlanningReview-LandUseVersion1EngineeringReviewCommentsContact:AnnFowlerI425-430-73821afowIerrentonwa.govdetentionpondtobelocatedatthesoundendofthesubstationbetweenthesubstationandtheaccessroadinordertomitigatetheaddedimpervioussurfaceareaoftheredevelopmentproject.4.Allworkproposedoutsideoftheapplicant’spropertywillrequireapermanentdrainageeasementtobeprovidedtotheCityandatemporaryconstructioneasementpriortoanypermitsbeingissued.5.AConstructionStormwaterGeneralPermitfromDepartmentofEcologyisrequiredsincegradingandclearingofthesiteexceedsoneacre.AStormwaterPollutionPreventionPlan(SWPPP)isrequiredforthissite.6.Surfacewatersystemdevelopmentfeeis$0641persquarefootofnewimpervioussurface,butnotlessthan$1608.00.Thisispayablepriortoissuanceoftheconstructionpermit.TRANSPORTATIONI.PerCitycode46060,requiredhalfstreetfrontageimprovementsshallinclude54ftofpavedroadwaywidth(27ftfromcenterline),installationofa0.5footcurb,an8footplantingstrip,an8footsidewalk,streettreesandstormdrainageimprovements.Norightofwaydedicationisrequired.2.RefertoCitycode44080regardingdrivewayregulations.DrivewaysshallbedesignedinaccordancewithCitystandardplans104.1and104.2.a.Themaximumwidthofanydrivewayshallnotexceed30feetattherightofwayline.b.Drivewaysshallbelocatedaminimumof5feetfrompropertylines.C.Maximumdrivewayslopeis8%.3.PavingandtrenchrestorationshallcomplywiththeCity’sTrenchRestorationandOverlayRequirementsforanyworkwithintheCityrightofway.GENERALCOMMENTSI.Whenutilityplansarecomplete,pleasesubmitfour(4)copiesofthedrawings,two(2)copiesofthedrainagereport,one(1)completeelectronicsubmittal(drawingsanddrainagereport),thepermitapplication,anitemizedcostofconstructionestimate,andapplicationfeeatthecounteronthesixthfloor.PleasevisittheDevelopmentEngineeringFormspageforthemostuptodateplansubmittalrequirements:http://rentonwa.gov/business/default.aspx?id=424732.Adequateseparationbetweenutilitiesaswellasotherfeaturesshallbeprovidedinaccordancewithcoderequirements.3.Allconstructionutilitypermitsforutilityandstreetimprovementswillrequireseparateplansubmittals.AllutilityplansshallconfirmtotheRentonDraftingStandards.AlicensedCivilEngineershallpreparethecivilplans.4.Afinalsurveythatisstampedandsignedbytheprofessionallandsurveyorofrecordwillneedtobeprovided.Allexistingutilitiesneedtobesurveyedandshown.PleasereferenceCORMapsformappingandrecordsofexistingutilitiesintheprojectvicinity.5.Alandscapingplanshallbeincludedwiththecivilplansubmittal.Eachplanshallbeonseparatesheets.6.Allutilitylines(i.e.electrical,phone,andcableservices,etc.)servingtheproposeddevelopmentmustbeunderground.TheconstructionofthesefranchiseutilitiesmustbeinspectedandapprovedbyaCityofRentoninspector.7.Feesquotedinthisdocumentreflectthefeesapplicableintheyear2017onlyandwillbeassessedbasedonthefeethatiscurrentatthetimeofthepermitapplicationorissuance,asapplicabletothepermittype.Pleasevisitwww.rentonwa.govforthecurrentdevelopmentfeeschedule.Ran:January19,2017Page2of2 EXHIBIT 12 EXHIBIT 13 HOUSE 3 21 16 0 PERMIT SET ... CLR 111022315 SCALE:FILE NO: SHEET: REV NODRAWING NO 12345678 12345678 A B C D E A B C D E CADD NO: CLASS: DATE (M/D/Y)SUBSTATION ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT $FILE$$DATE$$USER$CODE: ENGINEER REVIEWED REVISION DESCRIPTION: CAD APPROVED WO NUMBER: OF: D-18740 CONTROL HOUSE A3-1 Building Elevations & Sections TALBOT SUBSTATION 31 VARIES LAWHEAD ARCHITECTS P.S. 12342 NORTHUP WAY BELLEVUE, WA 98005 (425) 556-1220 -P(425) 556-1228 -F AA BB 1'-4"1' 1'-4" 1'1'VERTICAL METAL SIDING – PRE-FINISHED; SEE SPEC. CMU VENEER – SEAL; SEE SPEC. CONTROL JOINT (C.J.) – TYP. 124 12 4 PROVIDE BLOCKING & ADDITIONAL FURRING AS NEEDED FOR BARD UNITS PER MANUFACTURER'S REQ.'S. ALL LUMBER TO BE PRESSURE TREATED. - TYP. ALIGN TYP. SECURITY CAMERA BLOCK-OUTS PER 4/A6-2. COORD. POWER W/ OWNER. C.J.C.J.4'-2"5 A3-1 7 A3-1 FINISH GRADE CL 1221 11'-4" CMU VENEER – SEAL; SEE SPEC. VERTICAL METAL SIDING – PRE-FINISHED; SEE SPEC. MECH. VENT, SEE SPEC.'S. METAL RIDGE CAP – PRE-FINISHED; SEE SPEC. PL. HT. 11'-0" ±19'-4" MAX STANDING SEAM METAL ROOFING – PRE-FINISHED; SEE SPEC. (LOUVER HEAD) 10'-2" PROVIDE SIGN ON DOOR TO BATTERY ROOM IN ACCORDANCE W/ IFC 608.7.1FINISH GRADE A.F.F. C.J. D.S. A 6 A3-1 BB AA PL. HT. 11'-0" ±19'-4" MAX VERTICAL MTL. SIDING – PRE-FINISHED; SEE SPEC. CMU VENEER – SEAL; SEE SPEC. COMM. & SECURITY VAULT 12 4 LIGHT FIXTURE OVER DOOR. SEE 2/A6-2. 124 A.F.F. 5 A3-1 7 A3-1 FINISH GRADE 11 22 VERTICAL METAL SIDING – PRE-FINISHED; SEE SPEC. CMU VENEER – SEAL; SEE SPEC. STANDING SEAM MTL ROOFING – PRE-FINISHED; SEE SPEC. METAL RIDGE CAP – PRE-FINISHED; SEE SPEC. TYP. SECURITY CAMERA BLOCK-OUTS PER 4/A6-2. COORD. POWER W/ OWNER. (SEC. BLOCK OUT) 10'-0" TYP. C.J.C.J.D.S. 6 A3-1 FINISH GRADE TYPE 1: INTERIOR STUD WALL 5/8" PLWD*, PAINT 6" METAL STUDS PER STRUCT. 5/8" PLWD*, PAINT TYPE 2: EXTERIOR STUD WALL CMU VENEER BASE W/ METAL SIDING ABOVE 1 1/2" RIGID INSUL. W/INTEGRAL WATER BARRIER 1/2" PLWD SHEATHING PER STRUCT. R-19 BATT INSUL. 8" METAL STUDS PER STRUCT. 5/8" PLWD*, PAINT * AT 1-HOUR RATED WALLS PROVIDE 5/8" TYPE X GWBBETWEEN STUDS AND 5/8" PLWD FINISH LEGEND C.J. CONTROL JOINT A.F.F. ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR PL. HT. PLATE HEIGHT VERTICAL METAL SIDING CMU - SMOOTH FACE CMU - SPLIT FACE A B4 A6-1 CABLE TRAY; SEE STRUCTURAL FOR SEISMIC BRACING CONTROL RACKS 12 4 SAFETY SWITCH BATTERY CHARGER DC PANEL #2 CH AC PANEL AC MDP MDP SKIRT 12 4 1 A4-1 2 A4-1 7'-11"5 A3-1 7 A3-112 CABLE TRAY; SEE STRUCTURAL FOR SEISMIC BRACING PL. HT. 11'-0" DC PANEL #1 A.F.F. BARD AC UNIT 5 A4-1 6 A3-1 4 WEST ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0" 1 NORTH ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0"2 EAST ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0" 3 SOUTH ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0" 6 N / S SECTION 1/8" = 1'-0"5 E / W 1/8" = 1'-0" 5 GENERAL SHEET NOTES 1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO FACE OF FRAMING. - TYP. U.N.O. 2. ALL DOORS, DOOR JAMBS, FINISHING GWB, AND FINISHING PLWD ARE TO BE PAINTED. REFER TO SPEC. AND / OR DETAIL SHEETS A6-1 AND A6-2 FOR MORE INFORMATION. 3. REFER TO SPEC FOR PRE-FINISHES ON ALL SIDING, TRIM, ROOFING, SOFFITS, FASCIA, FLASHING, & LOUVERS. EXHIBIT 14 EXHIBIT 15 Talbot Project Narrative • Project Name: Talbot Hill Substation Improvements • Proposed Scope of Work: The proposal is to rebuild a portion of the Talbot Hill Substation, to replace aging equipment and provide more reliability for the transmission lines connected to the substation. The existing control house will be demolished and a new control house will be constructed in its place. The existing 230kV substation equipment inside the fence will be removed, including steel structures and foundations. The new equipment will be reconfigured to create a more efficient and more reliable substation and allow for flexible functioning of the system. Some transmission line work outside the substation fence may be required however no additional transmission lines will be added with the rebuild of this project. A new storm drainage system will be constructed within the fenced area and a detention pond will be installed south of the southerly substation fence. The substation footprint will remain unchanged. The storm improvements will require the removal of 120 trees. Additional driveway improvements are required to allow larger vehicle access to the substation. • Size: The project site totals 50.4 acres. In order to accomplish this total disturbed area will equal approximately 227,370 square feet. The cut will be about 11,500 cubic yards and fill of about 9,000 cubic yards. After construction the area of impervious surface will equal about 78,131 square feet and the pervious surface: 149,238 square feet. • Location: The site is located at 2400 S Puget Drive on parcels 2023059003, 2023059066 and 2023059064. • Land Use Permits Required: Site Plan Review with SEPA. Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit • Zoning designation for site: Residential - 8 • Zoning for surrounding properties: Residential-8, Resource Conservation • Current Use: Utility • Special site features: Sensitive slopes, landslide hazards and coal mine hazards mapped • Soil type and drainage conditions: See attached drainage report • Proposed Use: Utility, unchanged • Total estimated construction cost: Unknown at this time • Fair market value of proposal: $6.7M • Trees to be removed: There are 97 significant trees on-site – 80 at the stormwater pond site and 17 in the area of selective removal. We are proposing to remove 63 significant trees and retain 34. See attached arborist report for detailed information. • Job shack or trailer location: Unknown at this time; to be determined by contractor. • Proposed modification and stream or wetlands: There are no known wetlands or streams in the project vicinity. The substation improvements, with the exception of the stormwater pond, will remain within the existing fenced area. • Existing Access: There are no proposed off-site improvements, no land dedicated to the city. o Regarding Note 16 in Title Report: PSE’s legal and physical access to all three parcels noted above is off the north side of Puget Drive SE at 2023059064. EXHIBIT 16 Conditional Use Permit Justification (Control House1): • Consistency with Plans and Regulations: The proposed use shall be compatible with the general purpose, goals, objectives and standards of the comprehensive plan, the zoning ordinance and any other plans, programs, maps or ordinances of the City of Renton. Response: The proposed use is not changing. The proposal includes replacing an existing control house within the Talbot Hill substation with a new control house. The use is compatible with the general purpose, goals, objectives and standards of the comprehensive plan, the zoning ordinance and any other plans, programs, maps or ordinances of the City of Renton. The Utilities Element of the Comprehensive Plan states: The Utilities Element guides future utility service within Renton’s planning area and ensures that adequate utility services will be available to support existing and future development in the City. The goals and policies included in the Utilities Element are designed to promote efficient, cost effective utility service while meeting community needs and protecting both existing neighborhoods and the nature environment. The proposal complies with the following Comprehensive Plan goals and policies: Policy U-7: Non-City utility systems should be constructed in a manner that minimizes negative impacts to existing development and should not interfere with operation of City utilities. City development regulations should otherwise not impair the ability of utility providers to adequately serve customers. Goal U-O: Promote the availability of safe, adequate, and efficient electrical service within the City and its planning area, consistent with the regulatory obligation of the utility to serve customers. Policy U-72: Coordinate with local and regional utility providers to ensure the siting and location of transmission and distribution facilities is accomplished in a manner that minimizes adverse impacts to the environment and adjacent land uses. Policy U-73: Encourage electricity purveyors to make facility improvements and additions within existing utility corridors whenever possible. The proposed control house structure will replace an existing control house within the Talbot Hill substation fence. The proposal will have little to no impact on adjacent residential, as the existing use of the site will not change. The control house will replace an existing structure and be located adjacent to the existing structure. There are existing transmission corridors between the substation and neighboring residential properties. The City of Renton has determined that a control house is an accessory building to the substation use. The maximum wall plate in the R-8 zone for an accessory building is 12 feet. The proposed control house wall plate is 11 feet. However, since the overall height exceeds more than 6 feet above the wall plate (RMC 4-2-110D.18 Vertical Projections from Wall Plates), the City determined that Conditional Use Permit approval is required for the new control house structure. The proposed control house will comply with all other applicable dimensional standards of the R-8 zone. As evidenced through this analysis, the proposed control house is consistent with the Conditional Use Permit decision criteria outlined in RMC 4-9-030.D. 1 A substation control house is a shelter containing equipment necessary to monitor and control the operation of the substation. At smaller or older substations this usually takes the form of a weather-protective cabinet, where maintenance and operation of control equipment can be performed by technicians standing outside, and reaching into, the cabinet (“house”). At larger or newer substations, which require more complex control and control-related communications equipment, this will necessarily take the form of a larger weather-protective shelter, which technicians may enter into to service and operate the equipment. This shelter is solely for the purpose of containing the control equipment; compared to other work or storage spaces, a control house is entered only while actively servicing the equipment it contains. • Appropriate Location: The proposed location shall not result in the detrimental overconcentration of a particular use within the City or within the immediate area of the proposed use. The proposed location shall be suited for the proposed use. Response: The proposed location of the control house will not result in detrimental overconcentration of a particular use within the City or within the immediate area. The proposed control house will replace an existing control house within the substation fence. The increased building square footage is minor compared to the scale of the substation footprint. The new control house will be located adjacent to the existing structure used for a control house and will not be substantially larger in size. • Effect on Adjacent Properties: The proposed use at the proposed location shall not result in substantial or undue adverse effects on adjacent property. Response: The proposed control house will not result in substantial or undue adverse effects on adjacent property. The proposed control house will replace an existing control house adjacent to the current structure location within the existing substation fence. The substation is located within a 50 acre site that contains several transmission lines. The substation is located over 460 feet from the nearest residential lot, resulting in no substantial impact to neighboring properties. • Compatibility: The proposed use shall be compatible with the scale and character of the neighborhood. Response: The proposed use is compatible with the scale and character of the neighborhood. Talbot Substation is an existing station that was constructed in the early 1960’s. There is an existing control house structure within the substation fence that’s use will be replaced with the new structure. The substation is over 460 feet from the nearest residential lot and completely surrounded by transmission corridors. The proposed control house is part of the same use that has been on the site for more than 50 years. • Parking: Adequate parking is, or will be made, available. Response: Adequate parking will be provided for the proposed control house. The existing and proposed control houses are visited by maintenance personnel on a weekly basis and not occupied fulltime. Adequate existing parking is provided for the substation use. • Traffic: The use shall ensure safe movement for vehicles and pedestrians and shall mitigate potential effects on the surrounding area. Response: The proposed control house will not result in increased traffic to and from the substation site. Impacts to the surrounding area are not anticipated. • Noise, Light and Glare: Potential noise, light and glare impacts from the proposed use shall be evaluated and mitigated. Response: The proposed control house will have minimal lighting to provide for safe entry and exit into and out of the building. The lighting will be directed downward and not directed offsite. Noise generated by the proposed control house is within the limits allowed by the City’s noise ordinance. • Landscaping: Landscaping shall be provided in all areas not occupied by buildings, paving, or critical areas. Additional landscaping may be required to buffer adjacent properties from potentially adverse effects of the proposed use. Response: This conditional use approval only covers the proposed control house within the substation fence. The area outside the substation fence is landscaped in compliance with applicable codes and standards. Talbot Hill Substation Improvements (LUA16-000922) DateAngelea Weihs, Associate Planner February 14, 2017 Public Hearing 1 Presentation Outline •Project/Proposal (6 Slides) –Description –Location –Site Characteristics •Process to Date (1 Slide) •RMC Analysis (3 Slides) –Comprehensive Plan Compliance –Zoning Development Standard Compliance –Conditional Use Permit Compliance –Site Plan Review Compliance –Availability and Impact on Public Services •Staff Recommendations (1 Slide) 2 Approximate Location 3 Approximate Location 4 2023059003 2023059066 Site Characteristics 5 Proposal: 6 •Replace the existing 999 SF control house with a new 1,499 SF control house. •Remove and replace existing 230kV substation equipment inside the fence, including steel structures and foundations. •Install a new storm drainage system within the fenced area and a detention pond south of the southerly substation fence. •Interior and exterior driveway improvements Proposal 7 Proposal 8 Process to Date Acceptance Public Comment Environmental ‘SEPA’ Review Public Hearing 9 Analysis 10 Comprehensive Plan Compliance and Consistency •The proposal complies with the City’s Comprehensive Plan goals and policies if all recommended conditions of approval are complied with. Zoning Development Standard Compliance and Consistency •The proposal has demonstrated compliance with the R-8 zoning classification if all recommended conditions of approval are complied with. Analysis 11 Conditional Use Permit Compliance •The proposal complies with RMC 4-9-030D, Conditional Use Permit decision criteria, for development in the R-8 zone if all recommended conditions of approval are complied with. Site Plan Compliance and Consistency •The proposal complies with RMC 4-9-200E, Site Plan Review decision criteria, for development in the R-8 zone if all recommended conditions of approval are complied with. Analysis 12 Availability and Impact on Public Services •Police and Renton Fire Authority staff indicates that sufficient resources exist to furnish services to the proposed development. No fire impact fees are applicable for this project. •No transportation impact fees are applicable for this project. Existing right of way in Puget Drive SE is approximately 100 feet, with no existing frontage improvements. Per RMC 4-6-060, half street frontage improvements, including curb, planter strip, sidewalk, and storm drainage improvements are required. No right of way dedication is required. •No water or sewer service is proposed or required for the redevelopment project. •A preliminary Technical Information Report (TIR) was submitted with the application. Recommendation 13 Staff recommends approval of the Talbot Hill Substation Improvements Conditional Use Permit and Site Plan Review, subject to 4 conditions of approval. 14 Questions? PSE Talbot Hill Substation Landscape Narrative K:\project\31900\31983H\ProjectDocs\Reports\Talbot Hill Landscape Narrative.doc The work proposed is in association with improvements to the PSE Talbot Hill substation. A stormwater detention pond is proposed to be constructed to the southeast of the substation. The grading of the stormwater pond will require 52 significant trees to be removed while 28 significant trees to the east of the stormwater pond are proposed to be retained. We are also proposing to remove 11 Douglas fir trees to the west of the entrance driveway along the south side of the substation; this area contains 17 significant trees in total and 6 of these significant trees are proposed to be retained. The majority of these trees are reaching a height in which their risk toward the substation is enhanced due to the prevalence of windblown limbs damaging equipment within the substation. Please refer to images 1 and 2 in the arborist report. The existing shrubs and smaller trees in this area are to remain to continue to provide their view buffer for the southern neighbors. The significant tree removals for the stormwater pond grading requires a landscape planting effort to bolster the view buffer planting for the neighbor’s to the south per Renton Municipal Code 4-4-070, specifically section F.4.c and H.6.c which calls for fully sight obscuring landscape visual buffer. The execution of this view buffer planting to meet the letter and intent of the code is challenging in that the nearest location available for planting is between a maintenance road and the clearance zone of overhead transmission lines managed by Seattle City Light. In light of these constraints the fully sight-obscuring landscaped visual buffer is proposed to be 20 feet in width in two locations and contain a mixture of trees and large shrubs, some of which will mature to 35 feet tall. The visual buffer plantings include Vine Maple, Western Serviceberry, Beaked Hazelnut, California Wax Myrtle, Silk Tassel and Strawberry Trees planted at 6 feet triangular on-center spacing. The vine maple and western serviceberry are proposed to be 6 feet tall and the other plants are to be 5 gallon containerized plantings at the time of installation. The visual buffer planting is 50% evergreen species to maximize the screening provided by the planting while also providing some variation to improve ecological services as well as aesthetics. To: Jeff McMeekin, PSE From: Tom Early, Otak, Inc. Date: December 13, 2016 Project No.: 31983.H 11241 willows road ne suite 200 redmond, wa 98052 phone (425) 822-4446 fax (425) 827-9577