HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.05 Project Narrative12/5/16 Project Narrative Project Narrative: Please provide a clear and concise description of the proposed project, including the following: · Project name, size and location of site Valley Medical Center Medical Office Building and Parking Garage Expansion 400 South 43rd Street Renton, WA 98055 Medical Office Building: 160,000 gross SF Garage Expansion: 381, 300 gross SF · Land use permits required for proposed project Binding Site Plan Amendment Environmental Checklist (SEPA) Site Plan Review · Zoning designation of the site and adjacent properties CO (Commercial Zone) · Current use of the site and any existing improvements Surface Parking for Medical Campus · Special site features (i.e. wetlands, water bodies, steep slopes) Wetlands, F-1 Creak and Steep Slope · Statement addressing soil type and drainage conditions The site soils are generally composed of fill and glacially consolidated soils consisting of sand, silt and gravel. The proposed Medical Office Building (MOB) is not mapped within an erosion or slide hazard area, but is mapped adjacent to steep slopes (slopes greater than 20% and less than 40%). These slopes are man-made and the new project will either remove the entire slope or not modify existing slopes. The new development will either improve slope stability or not negatively impact slope stability. The proposed Garage Expansion is adjacent to an erosion and steep slope (slopes greater than 40%) hazards. Erosion control will be designed per code by the civil engineer and will not introduce runoff onto the adjacent slope. The garage will require an excavation to construct the below grade portion of the building where it is adjacent to the slope. By constructing the building, the slope stability will be improved and the development should not have a negative impact to the existing steep slope. · Proposed use of the property and scope of the proposed development Medical Office Building: 160,000 gross SF, 5 floors plus a basement level with tunnel connection to main hospital Garage Expansion: 381, 300 gross SF, 7 floors with 1,136 parking stalls and staff access ramp 12/5/16 · For plats indicate the proposed number, net density and range of sizes (net lot area) of the new lots. Lot 4 with Medical Office Building = 55,667SF Lot 6 with Existing + Expanded Garage = 192,300SF · Access The Medical Office Building and Parking Garage Expansion will both be accessed from an existing driveway off of Talbot Road. The parking garage will have additional staff only access through an existing driveway to the north. · Proposed off-site improvements (i.e. installation of sidewalks, fire hydrants, sewer main, etc.) No off-site improvements are planned · Total estimated construction cost and estimated fair market value of the proposed project $58,680,000.00 estimate construction for both the Medical Office Building and Parking Garage · Estimated quantities and type of materials involved if any fill or excavation is proposed Approximately 3.77ac. of area will be graded. Estimated excavation volume for the project expansion is 62,000cy · Number, type and size of any trees to be removed Deciduous Trees: (37) 6” Dia. (7) 8” Dia. (3) 10” Dia. (7) 12” Dia. Evergreen Trees: (3) 6” Dia. (2) 10” Dia. (1) 12” Dia. (1) 30” Dia. · Explanation of any land to be dedicated to the City None · Any proposed job shacks, sales trailers, and/or model homes Temporary construction job shacks will most likely be used. · Any proposed modifications being requested (include written justification) Buffer Mitigation Plan The project will completely avoid direct and indirect stream impacts. No in water work or storm water discharges are proposed in Panther Creek. The project will incur unavoidable stream buffer impacts. Direct buffer impacts will be temporary in nature and are required to accommodate grading activities at the top of the steep slope to the north. Permanent buffer impacts will be avoided through buffer modification (reduction with enhancement and averaging). The buffer modification is necessitated, since the standard buffer protrudes into the existing gravel parking lot, where the expansion is proposed. For projects located within 100 feet of a stream or wetland, please include: · Distance in feet from the wetland or stream to the nearest area of work 100’ from Panther Creak