HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016_0708_Geotech_Design_Recommend_Sunset Pk Ph IT E C H N I C A L M E M O R A N D U M CH2M HILL, INC. 1 Geotechnical Design Recommendations for Sunset Park Phase I PREPARED FORPREPARED FORPREPARED FORPREPARED FOR:::: Dean Koonts, Hough, Beck & Baird Karla Kasick, P.E. COPY TO:COPY TO:COPY TO:COPY TO: Karen Dawson P.E. PREPARED BY:PREPARED BY:PREPARED BY:PREPARED BY: Menzer Pehlivan DATE:DATE:DATE:DATE: July 8, 2016 PROJECT NUMBER:PROJECT NUMBER:PROJECT NUMBER:PROJECT NUMBER: 677149 REVISION NO.:REVISION NO.:REVISION NO.:REVISION NO.: 0 This technical memorandum is to supplement the Geotechnical Data and Recommendation Report for the Renton Sunset Stormwater Retrofit/LID Project (CH2M 2012), and provides geotechnical design assumptions and recommendations for the proposed foundations for the lightweight structures that includes bathroom facilities and pergola that are going to be constructed as part of the Phase I of the Master Plan for the Sunset Terrace Neighborhood Park (the “Project”) in Renton, Washington. The recommendations have been made to support 30 percent design of the project. This document is a deliverable under subtask 03.35.02 of the contract between CH2M and HBB Landscape Architecture. Project Summary The primary objective of the project is to provide a mix of spaces for the adjacent and surrounding community: open lawn areas for play and events, structured play and picnic areas, environmental facilities, restrooms, and convenient access points all arranged in a curving, informal layout that balances open vistas, focal points, and pastoral aesthetic. The park site was formerly residential housing that was recently demolished or will be demolished under the Sunset Lane construction contract. The demolition is intended to remove building foundations and light pole bases, but abandon utilities in-place. Harrington Avenue and Glenwood Avenue right of way will also be vacated (between NE 10th and Sunset Lane NE) for construction of the new park (Figure 1). The project will also include an extension of NE 10th Street west to Glenwood Avenue NE. The right-of- way and curb line for Sunset Lane NE will be shifted to the north to allow for development on the south side of the street. This new curb line will be the southern boundary of the park. Improvements to the park will be completed in two phases because of funding limitations. The improvements for the Phase I are summarized below. Phase 1: • Rough grading and seeding on west side of park, minimal landscaping (street trees) on east side of park • Install water line and sewer line for bathrooms and a water feature GEOTECHNICAL DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SUNSET PARK PHASE I CH2M HILL, INC. 2 • Demolish or abandon existing utilities (overhead and buried) and undergrounding the electrical and communication lines. • Construct bathroom facilities • Install a pergola • Construct curb and gutter including temporary curb inside the park for area west of the bathrooms • Install irrigation systems • Install electrical the restroom, and lightings (conduit only for lighting). Phase 2 could add a gazebo, walkways, park equipment, water feature, and additional landscaping. Limitations This preliminary Geotechnical Design Memorandum has been prepared for the exclusive use of City of Renton and the CH2M-led internal design team for specific application to the Phase I of Master Plan for the Sunset Terrace Neighborhood Park Project. The memorandum was prepared in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering practice. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made. The conclusions in this preliminary memorandum are based on our understanding of the project at the conceptual design phase. Calculations may be modified as design is developed, final recommendations may change, and this document should be verified or updated to reflect updates made during final design. The preliminary recommendations in this memorandum are based on the subsurface conditions interpreted from explorations described in this document. If conditions differing from these are observed during subsequent explorations or during construction, the recommendations provided in this document must be verified or revised in writing. Subsurface Conditions The subsurface conditions described in this document are based on explorations performed for the City of Renton Sunset Stormwater Retrofit / LID project and documented in the Geotechnical Data and Recommendations Report prepared by CH2M for the City of Renton (CH2M 2012). Area GeologyArea GeologyArea GeologyArea Geology The geologic units in the project vicinity, based on a Geologic Map (Washington State Department of Natural Resources, 2012) are Vashon Glacial Outwash (Qgo) and Vashon Glacial Till (Qgt). Vashon Glacial Outwash chiefly consists of stratified sand, gravel, and cobbles with minor silt and clay interbeds deposited in delta, ice-contact, beach, and meltwater environments (Dragovich, 2002) with generally moderate to high saturated hydraulic conductivity. Vashon Glacial Till is a highly compacted mixture of clay, silt, sand, gravel, and boulders deposited by glacial ice (Dragovich, 2002). NearNearNearNear----Surface Soil ConditionsSurface Soil ConditionsSurface Soil ConditionsSurface Soil Conditions Surficial soils for the project study area were mapped by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Soil Conservation Service (SCS), now referred to as the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). Typically, the NRCS maps depict conditions within 5 feet of the ground surface, and usually do not indicate representative conditions at greater depths. The surficial soils mapped by NRCS (2012) in the project area consist of Arents-Alderwood material (AmC), Ragnar-Indianola association (RdC), and Urban land (Ur). Arents-Alderwood material consists of moderately drained material from basal till. The material is classified with a very low to moderately low capability to transmit water (Ksat) with values ranging from less than 0.01 to 0.06 in/hr. The typical profile is gravelly sandy loam to very gravelly sandy GEOTECHNICAL DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SUNSET PARK PHASE I CH2M HILL, INC. 3 loam to a depth of 60 inches. Ragnar-Indianola association material consists of a combination of somewhat excessively drained to well drained material formed from glacial outwash and glacial drift. The material is classified with a high capability to transmit water (Ksat) with values ranging from 2 to 6 in/hr. The typical profile is fine sandy loam and loamy fine sand to a depth of approximately 30 inches underlain by sand and loamy sand to 60 inches. Urban land consists of fill material placed for development and can vary widely in composition, depending on it origin. The surficial soils mapped by the NRCS are fairly consistent with the soils encountered during the field explorations. Most of the borings to the west side of the project area, which is mapped mostly as Amc, encountered till between 1 and 4.5 feet below the ground surface (bgs). The majority of the surficial soils encountered throughout the project site contained primarily fine sand with estimated 15 to 20 percent material passing the number 200 sieve. Groundwater found within the project site was below the surficial soils described in the NRCS. General Subsurface ConditionsGeneral Subsurface ConditionsGeneral Subsurface ConditionsGeneral Subsurface Conditions The subsurface explorations performed in the vicinity of the project site as a part of the 2012 subsurface exploration program are B-6-12, B-8-12, B-10-12, TP-1-12, and TP-2-12 (Figure 2). The soil boring and test pit logs associated with these explorations are provided in Appendix A of the Geotechnical Data and Recommendation Report (CH2M 2012). Based on the subsurface explorations, the subsurface profile at the project site consists of following sequence starting at the ground surface: Fill/Outwash: The soil layer nearest to the ground surface was typically medium dense to dense silty sand (SM) and silty sand with gravel (SM), most likely originating as fill or recessional outwash. This soil unit typically contained 15 to 25 percent non-plastic fines. The gravel content varied from 0 to 20 percent. In boring B-6-12 and B-8-12, the Fill/Outwash unit was encountered between the surface and approximately 3 to 4.5 feet below ground surface (bgs) with Standard Penetration Test (SPT) N values ranging from 27 to 51. In boring B-10-12 and test pit TP-2_12 the Fill/Outwash unit was encountered up to a depth of approximately 20 feet bgs; in the upper 10 feet SPT N values ranged from 3 to 14 and in the lower 10 feet SPT N values ranged from 27 to 51. Glacially Overconsolidated Till: Glacially overconsolidated till was encountered below the Fill/Outwash soils at depths ranging between 3 and 20 feet bgs in the locations explored within the project area. This layer usually consisted of very dense silty sand (SM) or silty sand with gravel (SM) with SPT N values greater than 50 and non-plastic or low-plasticity fines content between 15 and 30 percent. Although no specific instances of cobbles larger than 5 inches or boulders were logged in the test pits, cobbles and boulders are commonly found in this geologic deposit and should be anticipated in excavations at the site. Ground water table at the project site was encountered at 15.5 and 20 feet bgs at the time of drilling (June 2012) in B-8-12 and B-10-12, respectively. Ground water was not encountered at the time of drilling in B-6-12. Seismic ConditionsSeismic ConditionsSeismic ConditionsSeismic Conditions The site is classified as Site Class D based on International Building Code (IBC) 2012 guidelines. The short period and one-second spectral accelerations mapped at the project site from 2008 Unites States Geologic Survey (USGS) seismic design. The seismic design parameters estimated for site class D conditions and Risk category I/II/III at the project site are as follows: Design, 5 % damped, spectral response acceleration parameter at short-period, SDS = 0.953 g Design, 5 % damped, spectral response acceleration parameter at a period of 1 second, SD1 = 0.537 g Design, 5% damped, peak ground acceleration, PGA = 0.38 g Seismic Design Category, SDS = D GEOTECHNICAL DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SUNSET PARK PHASE I CH2M HILL, INC. 4 Engineering Properties of SoilsEngineering Properties of SoilsEngineering Properties of SoilsEngineering Properties of Soils Recommended design engineering properties of the soils anticipated to be encountered in the project area are provided in Table 1. These properties were estimated from the Standard Penetration Test (SPT) N-values and empirical correlations provided by WSDOT Geotechnical Design Manual, available laboratory test results, previous practice, and engineering judgement. Table Table Table Table 1111 Engineering Properties of Soils Soil Unit Layer Description Parameters (unit) Recommended Value 1 Fill/Outwash Unit Weight, γ (pcf) Cohesion, c’ (psf) Friction Angle, φ’ (degree) 125 0 34 2 Glacially Overconsolidated Till Unit Weight, γ (pcf) Cohesion, c’ (psf) Friction Angle, φ’ (degree) 135 200 40 Lateral earth pressure coefficients for use in designing pole foundations and walls less than 5 feet high are provided in Table 2. A factor of safety of 1.5 has been applied to the passive resistance to limit soil deformation needed to mobilize passive resistance. Active earth pressures should only be used if the wall or pole is free to rotate at least 0.01 times H, where H is the depth of pole or wall embedment below the ground surface. The lateral pressure on walls or poles is a triangular distribution, calculated as: σh = K * γ * z, where; K is the active, at-rest, or passive earth pressure coefficient from Table 2 γ is the unit weight for Fill/Outwash soil from Table 1 z is the depth below finish grade or the top of the wall For poles, the lateral earth pressure loading is applied over one pole diameter and the resisting pressure is applied over three pole diameters. Passive resistance within 2 feet of the finished ground surface should be ignored (i.e., the resisting lateral earth pressure diagram is a truncated triangle). Walls or structures in occupied spaces (International Building Code controlled design) are not planned as a part of the project, therefore lateral earth pressures under seismic conditions have not been provided. If the project plan changes or exterior walls greater than 5 feet high are proposed, the geotechnical engineer of record should be consulted for specific recommendations. Table 2Table 2Table 2Table 2 Lateral Earth Pressure Coefficients for Pole and Wall Design Parameter Value Active earth pressure coefficient, Ka 0.28 At-rest earth pressure coefficient, Ko 0.44 Passive earth pressure coefficient, Kp 2.4 GEOTECHNICAL DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SUNSET PARK PHASE I CH2M HILL, INC. 5 Foundation Design Recommendations Strip footings or rectangular pads with minimum width and length of 1.5 feet founded a minimum of 2 feet below finish grade and slabs on grade will be suitable foundation types for the lightweight structures in the Sunset Terrace Neighborhood Park considering the subsurface conditions, constructability, cost, and environmental impacts. The allowable bearing capacity for strip footings founded on medium dense Fill/Outwash is estimated as 3000 psf. A base friction factor of 0.5 should be used between the foundation and footing. Construction Considerations The recommended allowable bearing capacity provided above is based on the construction recommendations provided in the subsections below. All earth material names can be referenced to WSDOT Standard Specifications for Highways and Bridges (hereafter referred to as “Section” only), Section 9-03. All geotextile material names can be referenced to Section 9-33. Maximum density is defined by ASTM D1557. SiteSiteSiteSite and Subgradeand Subgradeand Subgradeand Subgrade PreparationPreparationPreparationPreparation for for for for Strip FootingStrip FootingStrip FootingStrip Footingssss The subgrade should be cleared of trees, shrubs, and any other vegetation; grubbed of stumps and large roots; and stripped of topsoil and underlying soils that contain significant amounts of roots or other organic matter. Rubble or debris larger than 3 inches in maximum dimension should be removed. The top 6 inches should be scarified and recompacted to at least 95 percent of maximum density. A geotechnical representative should observe the subgrade prior to recompaction to verify acceptable conditions. A geotechnical representative was not on site during demolition of the existing structures which included removal of footings and backfill with compacted granular material. It may be necessary to overexcavate and recompact some of these areas if compaction was not well controlled. The geotechnical representative should carefully probe these areas and may request proof rolling with a loaded truck or other piece of heavy equipment to verify that the areas will provide an appropriate firm, unyielding surface appropriate for the use. Use of underground storage tanks for heating oil is sometimes a concern during demolition of housing. Though not included in this scope of work, we urge a records search to determine if oil was ever used to heat the buildings. If the records indicate the potential for buried tanks that have not been removed, an inadvertent discovery plan should be developed. Backfill Backfill Backfill Backfill Under and Around FoundationsUnder and Around FoundationsUnder and Around FoundationsUnder and Around Foundations A leveling course of crushed surfacing base course or top course at least 4 inches thick should be compacted to at least 95 percent of maximum density beneath spread footings and slabs. Excavations around footings should be backfilled with gravel borrow compacted in 6 inch maximum lifts to at least 95 of maximum density beneath paved areas and to at least 90 percent of maximum density in other locations. Unsuitable SoilsUnsuitable SoilsUnsuitable SoilsUnsuitable Soils If loose material below the depth of scarification, fine-grained, organic, or oversized materials are encountered, the geotechnical representative may direct overexcavation and replacement with gravel borrow compacted to at least 95 percent maximum density. Wet, large, or deep areas of unsuitable foundation materials may require replacement with a separation or reinforcement geotextile and ballast at the direction of the geotechnical representative. GEOTECHNICAL DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SUNSET PARK PHASE I CH2M HILL, INC. 6 Trench Trench Trench Trench Preparation and Preparation and Preparation and Preparation and BackfillBackfillBackfillBackfill Remove loose and disturbed material and trim off high areas and ridges left by excavating bucket teeth in the trench bottom. Remove debris and particles more than 4 inches in maximum dimension and compact to provide a firm, non-yielding surface. The trench width should provide at least 12 inches of clear space between the pipe barrel and trench walls or slope and at least 12 inches between pipes in the same trench to allow for compaction. Pipes and conduits should be bedded on a minimum 4 inches of bedding material. Bedding may be imported or select on-site material from excavations with the following characteristics: • Unfrozen, friable, and no clay balls, roots, or other organic material • Clean sand (100 percent passing the No. 4 sieve) with less than 10 percent passing the No. 200 sieve, as determined in accordance with ASTM D1140 • Individual particles free of sharp edges (i.e., no recycled glass) • Non-plastic fines as determined by ASTM D4318. The bedding should be placed across the full width of the trench and graded compacted smooth. The upper 1 to 2 inches should be loosened to provide a cushion before laying each section of pipe or conduit. After the pipe or conduit is uniformly supported along its length, backfill the pipe zone with bedding material by placing material simultaneously in lifts on both sides of the pipe and between pipes and conduit installed in the same trench. The first lift should be less than or equal to half of the pipe diameter and subsequent lifts should be limited to 6 inches. Thoroughly tamp each lift, including area under haunches, with handheld tamping bars supplemented by “walking in” and slicing material under haunches with a shovel to ensure voids are completely filled before placing each succeeding lift. Do not use power-driven impact compactors to compact pipe zone material. The pipe zone should extend at least 6 inches above the crown of the pipe. Material between the pipe barrel and the trench should be compacted to at least 90 percent of maximum density. Backfill above a horizontal projection of the pipe should not be compacted until there is at least 3 feet of backfill above the pipe crown. Trench backfill above the pipe zone should be well graded sand and gravel with a 3 inch maximum particle size compacted per the requirements of the overlying land use, but to a minimum of 90 percent of maximum density. References ASTM. Annual Book of ASTM Standards. American Society for Testing and Materials. Section Four – Construction. Volume 04.08 – Soil and Rock (I): D 420- D 5779. Revisions issued annually. CH2M (2012). Renton Sunset Stormwater Retrofit/ LID Project. Geotechnical Data and Recommendations Report, prepared for City of Renton, August. Dragovich, J.D, et al. 2002. Geologic Map of Washington – Northwest Quadrant. Washington State Department of Natural Resources, Geologic Map GM-50. International Building Code 2012. NRCS 2007. Web Soil Survey. Natural Resources Conservation Service. Web Soil Survey Release 1.1, accessed June 2016. http://websoilsurvey.nrcs.usda.gov/app/WebSoilSurvey.aspx Washington State Department of Transportation (2016). Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction. M41-10 United States Geologic Survey, 2008. U.S. Seismic Design Maps. GEOTECHNICAL DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SUNSET PARK PHASE I CH2M HILL, INC. 7 Figure 1. Sunset Terrace Neighborhood Park Phase I Plan Figure 2. Boring Location Plan