HomeMy WebLinkAboutModification Approval Plan Type 2.2DEPARTMENTOFCOMMUNITYANDECONOMICDEVELOPMENTfl:JflMODIFICATIONOFRESIDENTIALDESIGNREQUIREMENTSFORPROJECTSWITHINTHER-4ANDR-8ZONESEVALUATIONFORM&DECISIONPlanningDivision1055SouthGradyWay-Renton,WA98057Phone:425-430-7200Fax:425-430-7231APPLICANTCONTACTINFORMATIONApplicantName:Company(ifapplicable):PhoneNumber:DaltonSmithGreenleaf-LaRosaLLC425-646-4415ApplicantMailingAddress:City:846108t1AveNE#200,BellevueWA98004BellevuePROJECTINFORMATIONProjectName:ParcelNumber:ZoningDesignation:RosaMeadowsPtanType2.2ResidentialDesign4192200170,4192200060,R-8Modification41922200210ProjectLocation:1429S28thSt,1500S28thSt,1409S28thstBriefSummaryofRequest:Wewouldliketorequestmodificationtotheresidentialdesignrequirementssothatwecanbuildhouseswithamorecontemporary/modernstyle.WebelievethatthesehouseswillpresentnicelyasaneighborhoodandwillattracthomebuyerstoRenton.Pleaselistthecodesectionyouarerequestingamodificationfromandthe“Standards”forthatspecificcode.WritethepointsofjustificationandreasoningtograntthemodificationCodeSection:4-2-115E.3.“Roofs”Justification:WeareproposingtousevariousroofStandard:formswithroofpitcheslowerthan6:12inordertoOneofthefollowingisrequiredforalldevelopment:complimentthemodernstyleofthehomes.Multiple1.Hiporgabledwithatleastasixtotwelve(6:12)roofformsandpitcheswillbeusedthroughouttheplatpitchfortheprominentformoftherooftoensurethatthesubdivisionhasvariety.Notwo(dormers,etc.,mayhavelesserpitch),oridenticalhousestyleswillbeplacedabuttingeachother2.Shedroof.withinthesubdivision.CodeSection:4-2-115E.3.“ArchitecturalDetailing”Justification:WearerequestingapprovalofwindowStandard:trimsthatarenarrowerinsomelocationsandabsentinAdditionally,oneofthefollowingisrequired:othersinordertoharmonizewiththemoderndesignof1.Threeandone-halfinch(31/21?)minimumtrimthehouse.Wearealsonotputtingshuttersonthesurroundsallwindowsanddetailsalldoors,orwindowsinordertokeepwiththemodernthemeof2.Acombinationofshuttersandthreeandone-thesubdivision.Weareusingavarietyofpaintcolorsinhalfinches(31/2”)minimumtrimdetailsallordertoaccentdifferentarchitecturalelementsofthewindows,andthreeandone-halfinches(3homeinplaceoftrimdetailing.Weareusing3base1/2”)minimumtrimdetailsalldoors.colors,1trimcolor,and1doorcolor.Seecolorschemes. CodeSection:4-2-115E.3.“ArchitecturalDetailing”Justification:WeareseekingapprovaltonotuseaStandard:horizontalbandonthesidesofthehouses.Instead,weIfonesidingmaterialisusedonanysideofthedwellinghaveaccentedareasaroundspecificwindowsinorderthatistwostoriesorgreaterinheight,ahorizontalbandtoharmonizewiththemodernstyleofthehomes.Wethatmeasuresatleasteightinches(8)isrequiredareusingavarietyofpaintcolorsinordertoaccentbetweenthefirstandsecondstorydifferentarchitecturalelementsofthehomeinplaceoftrimdetailing.Weareusing3basecolors,1trimcolor,and1doorcolor.Seecolorschemes.Inadditiontothisform,thefollowingattachmentsarerequired:•Siteplanandelevations(8.5x11size)•Builtexamplephotos(ifavailable)RMC4-9-2500.2CriteriaforModificationoftheStandards.Therequestedmodificationmustalsomeetthefollowingcriteria:1.Willmeettheobjectivesandsafety,function,appearance,environmentalprotectionandmaintainabilityintendedbytheCoderequirements,baseduponsoundengineeringjudgment;and2.Willnotbeinjurioustootherproperty(ies)inthevicinity;and3.ConformtotheintentandpurposeoftheCode;and4.Canbeshowntobejustifiedandrequiredfortheuseandsituationintended;and5.Willnotcreateadverseimpactstootherproperty(ies)inthevicinity.I,theundersigned,declareunderpenaltyofperjuryunderthelawsoftheStateofWashington,thattothebestofmyknowledgetheaboveinformationistrueandcomplete.ApplicantSignature:_________________________________Date:___________ DEPARTMENTOFCOMMUNITYCityofANDECONOMICDEVELOPMENTForCityUseOnlyProjectNumber:LUA1S-000146DECISION:Staffagreeswiththeapplicant’sjustificationforModificationofResidentialDesignRequirements.Theproposalsatisfies5ofthe5criterialistedinRMC4-9-250D2forapprovalofmodifications.Therefore,theRosaMeadowsPlanType2.2ResidentialDesignModificationoftheresidentialdesignrequirementsfortheproposedsingle-familyresidentialstructures(PlanType2.2),ProjectNumberLUA15-000146,MODisapproved.ModificationGrantedModificationPartiallyGrantedModificationDenied(Seeattachedstaffcomments)IMarch6,2015JenniferHenning,PlanningDirectorDateDepartmentofCommunity&EconomicDevelopmentConditionsofApproval:NotApplicableThedecisiontoapprovethemodification(s)willbecomefinalifnotappealedinwritingtogetherwiththerequiredfeeto:HearingExaminer,CityofRenton,1055SouthGradyWay,Renton,WA98057onorbefore5:00pm,onMarch24,2015.AdditionalinformationregardingtheappealprocessmaybeobtainedfromtheRentonCityClerk’soffice,RentonCityHall—7thFloor,(425)430-6510.Ifyouhaveanyfurtherquestionsregardingthisdecision,feelfreetocontacttheprojectmanager,AngeleaWickstrom,at425.430.7312orawickstrom@rentonwa.gov. 0 m rn nm mx= -1 mx I-I -I __ F__ ‘III MAX.HEIGHT,441.5O’+50 477.50’ POSED HEIGHT,4’7R56 -OK PARCEL A: LOT 7,BLOCK I,ARER’S FARMS NO.5,ACCORDING TCTHEREOF,RECORDED IN VOLLEHE 40 OP FLATS,PAGECOJNTYrIAEHINGTON. PARCEL B, LOT 5,BLOCK I,AREN’S FARMS NO.5,AC,GORDING TcTHEREOF,RECORDED IN VOUftHE 40 OF FLATS,PAGECOJNTTPA54-4INGT0N. PARCEL C LOT q,BLOCK I,AREN’S FARMS NO.5,ACCORDING TCTHEREOF,RECORDED IN VOUJME 40 OF FLATS,PAGEC,a]RrT’%ASHINGTON;EXCEPT THE PORTION DESCRIFOLLOIq5,BEGINNING AT THE NORTI-EASI CORI€R O7}RECE SOUTH 851654”VT.ALONG THE NORTHERLLOT,A DISTANCE OF 155.17 T TO THE TRUE POINT. THENCE CONTINUING SOUTH 55 I654 VEST,ALONG SALINEOFSAIDLOT,A DISTANCE OF SO FEET,THENCEEAST,A DISTAE OF q FEET THENCE NORTH SSI6’ DISTANCE OF 50 FEET;THENCE NORTH l42I T,OF 45 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL 0 THAT PORTiON OF LOT 4,BLOCK I,AKEN’S FARMS HEACCORDINGTOTHEFLATTHEREOF.RECORDED IN Vc PLATE,PAGE 27,IN KING COUN77’V4.ASHINGTON BEGIN NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT q;THENCE SOUTH ALONG THE NORTNERLr LINE OF SAID LOT,A PISTANFEETTOTHETRUEPOINTOFBEGINNING;THENCE CON’ GGIbSq’T,ALONG SAID NORtHERLr LINE OF SA DISTANCE OF GO T;THENCE SOUTH 142’21”EAST, 43 FEET;THENCE NORTH 55I654 EAST,A DISTANCE THENCE NORTH I 45’21 PEST.A DISTANCE OF 45 POINT OF BEGINNING. LOT AREA, MAIN FLOOR (P4CC GARAGE). COVERED PORCHES, TOTAL LOT COVERAGE: %OF LOT AREA: ALLOrES LOT COVERAGE, S OF LOT AREA, 4506 S.F. 1614 S.F. Sq S.F. rISE S.F. 55.65 S OK 2265 SF. SIT!PLANSOS 00 -J 06 (‘.1 C C’J NQRTh 445.00’ / EAST LEGAL ESCRTION AVERAGE SGJTH GRADE PLANE 45 NORTH’t44700 *445.00’)/2 447.50’ VEST.(44700’•441.00)/2 44700’ So,m4 t447.OO •445.00’)/2 447.50’ EAST,(446.00’•44G.00’)I 2 =445.00’ ElM:1,740’/4 -447.50 ow __1—(p U’-’uI (=I 0I g *.0•/0 1PERVIOU5 CALCULATION: LOT AREA:4536 S.F. STRIJCTRE (IHEL ROOF OVERHANG),2154 S.F. CONCRETE DRIVISNA’r:254 S.F. CONCRETE SIDEINALKS:65 S.F. TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREA, S OF LOT AREA, ALLOVRD IMPERVIOUS AREA, S OF LOT AREA: EXIST, 2531 S.F. 55.50%OR 5402 SF. 75 5 LOT COVERAGE (STRUCTURE) 446 a)E g SIIe A1.1ALE:I 20’ 450 AVERAGE RAE PLANE NORTH,(44p00’:450.00’)/2 44N5O’ NEST (44R0O 44P.OO’)/2 44,QO SOUTH.44.OO’+450.00’)/2 =44q.5o’ EAST:(450.00 *450.00’)/2 450.00 SUM.VINS /4 444.50’ MAX.HEIGH 44950 +50 47950 PROPOSEO HEIGH’450.2F -OK EAL ESCRPTON PARCEL A: O’ELOCK AKER’S FARMS NO.5,ACCORDING ‘O THE PLA INEREOF RECOROEO IN VOLUME 40 OF FLATS,PAGE 21 IN KING COUN GASHINGTON. PARCEL 5: 5,SLOCK AKERS FARMS NO 5,ACCORDING rO INE PLAT ‘HEREOF RECOROEO ‘N VOLUME 40 OF LA’G PAGE 27,‘N KING COUN’F4ASHING7ON. PARCEL C SLOOC ,,AKER’S ARMS NO 5,ACCORDING 10 INE FLATINEREOFRECORDEDINVOLUME40OFFLATSPAGE27,‘N KINGCOUNV1ASHINGTON,EXCEP INE PORTION DESCRISED AS OLOGS SESINNINS AT INE NORINEAS CORNER OF 5AID O 4, INENCE SCUIN 551554’GEG,ALONG “HE NORTHERL INC OF SAID O’A DISANCE OF 155.7 KE O THE “RUE POINT OF SEGINNING:INENCE CONT’NING SOUTU 557554’4E5 ALONG SAID NORIHERLT ‘NE OF SAID _0 A DISTANCE OF SO FNE THENCE SKEIN :40’2I” EAG A DISTANCE OF PS EE,INENCE NORTH 551534’EAS’A DISTANCE OF GO FEET “HENCE NORTH :4S’2I’GUST A DISTANCE OF 45 FEE “0 INC INLE POINT OF SEGINNING PARCEL D INA ORTON OF O”'4,SLOCK AKERS FARMS HO S ACCORDING O INC PLA INERCOF,RECOROEO IN VOLUME 40 OF PLAIN PAGE 21 IN KING COUN’GASHINSINN,SEGINNING AT INS NORINEAG CORNER OF SAID LO 4.“HENCE SOUTh 551534’GUS” ACONG INS NORINERLI’LINE OF SAID OT A OISINNCE OF 155.11 EE TO ThE INUE OIHE OF SEGINNING THENCE CONCINUING SOUTh 551534’GEG ALONG GAO NORINERLT LINE OF GAO O”A DIGINNCE OF SO FEE.ThENCE SOUTh :43’2I’EAST A DIU”ANCE OF 45 EE ThENCE NORTh 557533’EAS A DIS’ANCE OF SO FES” “'HENCE NORTh 4S’2I GEG A DISTANCE OF 45 FEE”IN THE TRUEPOIN”OF SESINNING. CONNECT 4”PVC ROOF FNN ORAINS TO EXIST.STORM STUS “O’AL IMPERVIOUS AREA.2490 S.F. %OF LOT AREA 55.54 %OK 2’ [U ‘[U 1< [U [U‘[Uci [U [U [U 452 I [U 444 00,/S0.OO’ NORTH ME5 EAS” 444,00 SOUH 4a)0 00’ 5 25-5TRET -v 452 I CONS”RUCTiON ENTRANCE EXIST.STORM Jr 450 452 N4PEVIOU5 CALCULA”IOIN, .OT AREA. STRUCTRE (‘NCL ROOF OVERHANG) CONCREIN DRIVEAA’F CONCREIN SIDEIGALKS a’)’ 1(31_ ow __I ‘- U-UI o: E,.=a,=E S g /0 U)0 Cu 51I) W -‘L 51 Ci a)S SUe Plan !A1.1 4453 S.F. 2154 S.F. 225 SF lOS S.F ALOkNED IMPERVIOUS AREA,334V,2S S.F %OFLOTAREA 75% ,O OVEPAE (SUCTURE) O’AREA MAIN P100%(INC,GARAGE) COVERED a’ORCHES. TOTAL ,O’COVERAGE, %OF O’AREA, AL,.040D .O’COVERAGE % SCGUE.2U’ 4454 S. 1514 S.F 213 SF. IS2 5F 4051%OK 452 2229.50 S.F SO % 450 MRERVI0IJS CAO1ATI0N ESAL ESCR ON PARCEL A OT 1 ELOCK ,,AKER ‘ARMS NO N ACCOROINS TO THE PLA” THEREOF REEOROCO N VOLUME 40 OF PLATO.PANE 21 ‘N KING COUNT’AASH NSTON 24S6 sr FARCE,,B 4002 %OK LOT S BLOCK .,SEER’S ‘ARMS NO.N,A000RO NO TO THE PLA1’ THEREOF REEOROEO N VOLUME 40 OF FLATS PAGE 2’N K NO COUNT’OASHINSTON PARCEL C: 0 H BLOCK AKERS FARMS NO 5,A000ROINS ‘0 THE 0,A’THEREOF,RECOROEO IN VOLUME 40 OF PLATS,PASS 2’IN K US COUNT’F4ASHINSTON EXCEPT THE PORTION OESCR EEO AS FO,,,OUIN.BESINSINS A’‘HE \OR’HEAS’CORNER 0”CAb O’ THENCE SOUTH BOTH SN NEST,ALONE THE NORTHERLY iNE OF SAIO LOT A OISTANCE OF ISO 1 FEET TO ‘HE TRUE POIN’or BEG NN NO’ THENCE EONT1N3IHS SOUTH ES H aX NEST ALONG CAb NORTHERN’ 355 OF CAb O’A 0 OTANCL OF SO FEET THENCE SOUTH 4S’2b FAST,A 0 STANCE OF PG rEEF THENCE NORTH ESTHER CAST A BISTANCE OF SO TEE’THENCE NORTH 4S 2 VEST A 0 STANCE OF HG FEE’TO THE TRUE POIN”OF BUS NN NC PARCE,,0SlobSFTHATPORT ON OF LEE N BLOCK AKERS EARUXO NO S 50 G ACCORO NO TO THE MEAL’THEREOF R200ROCO N VOLUME 40 OF RUATE ‘AGE 21,‘N KING CCLN’T GASHINO”CN.BEG NN NE AF “C NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAD FOE H,THENCE CC,”-ENTH’E”nEST A_ONE “'E NORTPERL’UNE OF GAb OF A 0 NANCE OF :55 —O THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNINC THENCE CONTINU,NC SOL’ 559651’NEC”ALONE CA 0 NORTHERLY ONE OF CAD LET A OISTANCE OF SO FEE”.THENCE SOUTH 4E’;’CAN”A O.EEANCE OF HG FEE’“HENCE NCRT”SD H 5°EAS”A 0 STANCE OF SO TEE’ THENCENORTH’H32;’nENC AOSTANCEO”NSFEETTOThETRUE POINT OF BEGINNING 45000, :t //450 00’ NOR’H /EHOO _______________ 1101°IIctI_i 106 C14-‘CtIOJCN 0 ICC4rIWcC%l CCIw_+_- I0E I‘45H 00 _______________ S Z”'STREE’ QONNEQ”4”VC ROOE 4 °NDN RAN3 0 EXIS”'.STORM 3VJ SRM V22 “ CONS”RUC’ON EN”'RANCE ,,OT AREA 622 NP GTRLCTRE NNCc ROOF OVERHANG3 54 5F CONCRETE ORIVECAY 224 S.F CONCRETE S OEAALKG lOb 5,F ‘O’AL IMPERV OUC AREA %OF _O”AREA 425 ALLOCEO ‘MFERVIOUS AREA %or LOT AREA 440 ‘H) (IS ‘4 465°SF 15 % 6212 5’ 64SF 25SF ISO”SF 2H4 RU OK ,0”COVERASE (SRuo”JRE). i,,O’AREA’ MAIN FLOOR )INCL GARAGE) CCVEREO ‘ORCHEG TO’AL ,O’COVERAGE RU OF 0’AREA AL,,0000 LO’COVERAGE RU OF ,O’AREA I GANE,XE1PI P_AN EL 45550’ GERAGEILO 5_AS EL. 425 N 559520 E 1100 ——— +ONE’EASEMENT H 0 440 U) ol D0ow _I ‘- Jr 00 UI , 0 ISIS6UESE60 4FNNINIFLOOREL.42N50’ 435 90 AVERASE SRAOE PLANE NORTH (436.00”4 434.00)/2 =43630’ F1EGT.(436.00’+433.00)/2 =43500’ SOUTH (436.00 H 440.00)/2 ‘43400’ EAST (440.00 +434.00)/2 =434,50 SUM ,‘73/4=43515 MAX.HEIGH”43595’=30 =46573 R0PQ3EO HEIGHT.4b3.04 -OK3 0 446 436 440 *1o “ S ‘an 4N5 **S SCALE 0S IS SItE Plan IAI.1