HomeMy WebLinkAboutElliott Farms WSDOT Letter TENW Transportation Engineering NorthWest Transportation Planning | Design | Traffic Impact & Operations 11400 SE 8th St, Suite 200, Bellevue, WA 98004 | Office (425) 250-5002 November 4, 2015 Ramin Pazooki Local Agency and Development Services Manager WSDOT 15700 Dayton Avenue North Seattle, WA 98133 Subject: Elliott Farm Residential Development - SR169 Site Access Mr. Pazooki: Thank you for taking time to meet with us on October 29th regarding access for the Elliott Farms project in Renton. The development proposes 45 residential units in the vicinity of SR169 and 140th Way SE, in the City of Renton, as the third and final phase of the previously-constructed Cedarwood residential development. A site plan and vicinity map are included below. Elliott Farms is currently proposed as a single family-attached residential development. Per attachment B (City of Renton “On Hold” Notice), the City has indicated that in order to satisfy site access needs in support of a single family-attached residential development, a public-roadway access connecting to SR169 would be required. It is our understanding that WSDOT does not support a new vehicular access to the Site from SR169. Although minimum access spacing (330ft per WSDOT Managed Access Class 3) could be satisfied, we understand that that is only one of many factors that influence the decision to support granting of access. Other factors include safety, connectivity to adjacent access points, traffic volumes, and collision history, among others. WSDOT noted that the City of Renton has the right to grant access to SR169, but typically seeks concurrence from WSDOT as it relates to State Routes. Additionally, WSDOT indicated it may support an emergency-vehicle only access to SR169, with physical restrictions preventing use beyond emergency vehicles. Page 2 November 4, 2015 Transportation Planning | Design | Traffic Impact & Operations 11400 SE 8th St, Suite 200, Bellevue, WA 98004 | Office (425) 889-6747 The adjacent Phase 2 of the development (Cedarwood) includes an existing private road-stub, which would provide connectivity for this project to SR169 and 140th Way SE through the existing private roadway network. The image below illustrates existing/potential new access points to the adjacent roadway network. We request your confirmation of our understanding of WSDOT’s position regarding a new vehicular access to SR169 for the Elliott Farms development as summarized in this later. We appreciate your review of and consideration of this request. Please contact me with any questions at (425) 250-5002 or bicket@tenw.com Sincerely, Transportation Engineering NorthWest Chris T. Bicket, P.E. Design Manager Attachments: Elliott Farm Residential Traffic Assessment Memo, April 1, 2015 City of Renton “On Hold” Notice Traffic Assessment – Elliott Farm Residential Transportation Planning | Design | Traffic Impact & Operations 11400 SE 8th Street, Suite 200, Bellevue, WA 98004 | Office (425) 889-6747 MEMORANDUM DATE: April 1, 2015 TO: City of Renton FROM: Jeff Schramm TENW SUBJECT: Elliott Farm Residential Traffic Assessment – Renton, WA TENW Project #5021 This memorandum documents the traffic impact analysis conducted for the proposed 45-unit Elliott Farm multi-family residential development. The proposed project is located near SE Renton Maple Valley Rd (SR-169) and 140th Way SE to the east of the Molasses Creek development in the City of Renton. Location of the site is shown in the Figure 1 site vicinity map. Executive Summary Proposal. The project proposes 45 townhome dwelling units on a site that is currently vacant. Vehicular access to the site would be shared between the proposed site and the existing Molasses Creek site utilizing its existing access on SE Renton Maple Valley Rd and 140th Way SE. Full project buildout is expected in 2017. Trip Generation. The proposed project is estimated to generate 321 new weekday daily trips, with 27 new trips occurring during the weekday AM peak hour (5 entering, 22 exiting), and 31 new trips occurring during the weekday PM peak hour (21 entering, 10 exiting). Intersection Operations Analysis. Based on the LOS results conducted at three study intersections, all intersections are expected to operate at acceptable levels (LOS D or better) during the AM and PM peak hours in 2017 with no significant impacts created by the proposed Elliott Farm residential development. Concurrency. Since all of the study intersections are expected to operate at acceptable LOS D or better, this project is anticipated to meet City concurrency requirements. Mitigation. Based on our findings, the proposed project is not expected to have a significant adverse impact on the transportation system. The payment of transportation impact fees will adequately mitigate project impacts by funding the project’s fair share of the cost of the City of Renton’s planned transportation improvements. Based on the City’s current impact fee rate, the development’s impact fee would be $53,137.80 (45 X $1,180.84/unit). Traffic Assessment – Elliott Farm Residential TENW April 1, 2015 Page 2 Figure 1 Traffic Assessment – Elliott Farm Residential TENW April 1, 2015 Page 3 Introduction Consistent with our traffic scoping discussions with City staff, the following items are addressed in this traffic assessment:  Project description  Trip generation  Trip distribution and assignment  Traffic volumes  LOS Analysis  Transportation concurrency  Traffic Safety Assessment  Mitigation Project Description The project proposes 45 new townhome dwelling units on a site that is currently vacant. The proposed project is located near SE Renton Maple Valley Rd (SR-169) and 140th Way SE just east of the Molasses Creek development. Vehicular access to the site will be shared between the proposed site and the Molasses Creek site utilizing its existing access on SE Renton Maple Valley Rd and 140th Way SE. Full project buildout is expected in 2017. A preliminary site plan is provided in Figure 2. Trip Generation The trip generation estimate for the proposed Elliott Farm residential development was based on the trip equations published in the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual, 9th edition for Land Use Code (LUC) 230 (Residential Condominium/Townhouse). The weekday daily, AM and PM peak hour trip generation estimates associated with the proposed project are summarized in Table 1. Traffic Assessment – Elliott Farm Residential TENW April 1, 2015 Page 4 Figure 2 Traffic Assessment – Elliott Farm Residential TENW April 1, 2015 Page 5 Table 1 Elliott Farm Residential - Trip Generation Dwelling Units Trip Rate1 Directional Split Trips Time Period Enter Exit In Out Total Weekday Daily 45 equation 50% 50% 160 161 321 Weekday AM Peak Hour 45 equation 17% 83% 5 22 27 Weekday PM Peak Hour 45 equation 67% 33% 21 10 31 1 Trip rate based on ITE Trip Generation, 9th Edition, 2012 for Land Use Code 230 Residential Condominium/Townhome As shown in Table 1, the proposed Elliott Farm project is estimated to generate 321 new weekday daily trips, with 27 new trips occurring during the weekday AM peak hour (5 entering, 22 exiting), and 31 new trips occurring during the weekday PM peak hour (21 entering, 10 exiting). Trip Distribution and Assignment The estimated distribution of project traffic was based on existing travel patterns. The weekday AM and PM peak hour new project-generated trips were generally distributed as follows in the site vicinity:  50 percent to/from the west on SE Renton Maple Valley Rd  30 percent to/from the east on SE Renton Maple Valley Rd  20 percent to/from the south on 140th Way SE Figures 3 and 4 provide a graphic illustration of the estimated trip distribution patterns for the proposed project. They also include the assignment of the new weekday AM and PM peak hour project trips. Based on our discussions with the City, the following three intersections were identified and analyzed for AM and PM peak hour LOS: 1. SE Renton Maple Valley Rd / 140th Way SE 2. SE Renton Maple Valley Rd / Molasses Creek East Access 3. Molasses Creek West Access / 140th Way SE Traffic Assessment – Elliott Farm Residential TENW April 1, 2015 Page 6 Traffic Volumes Existing weekday AM and PM peak hour traffic counts at the three study intersections were conducted on Wednesday, February 11, 2015 by All Traffic Data, Inc. The existing peak hour traffic volumes represent the highest hour between 7:00-9:00 a.m. and 4:00-6:00 p.m. The existing count sheets are included in Attachment A. To estimate future 2017 baseline traffic volumes without the project at the study intersections, an annual growth rate of two percent was applied to the existing volumes based on direction from the City Staff. Future 2017 with-project traffic volumes were estimated by adding the trip assignment from the proposed 45 townhome dwelling units to the year 2017 without-project volumes. The 2015 existing traffic volumes, 2017 without-project traffic volumes, project trip assignments, and 2017 with-project volumes at the three study intersections are summarized in Figures 3 and 4 for the AM and PM peak hours, respectively. Traffic Assessment – Elliott Farm Residential TENW April 1, 2015 Page 7 Figure 3 – AM Volumes + Distribution + Assignment Traffic Assessment – Elliott Farm Residential TENW April 1, 2015 Page 8 Figure 4 – PM Traffic Volumes + Distribution + Assignment Traffic Assessment – Elliott Farm Residential TENW April 1, 2015 Page 9 LOS Analysis Weekday peak hour level of service (LOS) analyses at the three study intersections were conducted using the methodologies and procedures outlined in the 2010 Highway Capacity Manual (HCM 2010). LOS serves as an indicator of the quality of traffic flow and degree of congestion at an intersection or roadway segment. It is a measure of vehicle operating speed, travel time, travel delays, and driving comfort. The LOS methodology is described in Attachment B. The Synchro Version 8 software package was used to determine the reported LOS. SE Renton Maple Valley Rd/140th Way SE – This is a major signalized intersection with a five lane section at the eastbound and westbound approaches, and a five-lane section at the northbound approach. The current geometry is expected to remain for future conditions. SE Renton Maple Valley Rd/Molasses Creek East Access – This access is a two-way stopped controlled intersection. The eastbound and westbound movements along SE Renton Maple Valley Rd operate as free movements. The northbound movement is stop controlled and supports full access. This intersection will serve as one of two access locations for the proposed site. The current geometry is expected to remain for future conditions. 140th Way SE/Molasses Creek West Access – This access a two-way stopped controlled intersection. The westbound movement is stop controlled while the northbound and southbound movements operate free. The westbound approach is restricted to allow right in and right out only movements; no left turns are permitted southbound along 140th Way SE. This intersection is anticipated to serve as the second access location for the proposed site. The current geometry is expected to remain for future conditions. Tables 2 and 3 summarizes the results of the AM and PM LOS analysis at the three study intersections. The LOS calculation sheets are included in Attachment B. Table 2 Elliott Farm Residential AM Peak Hour LOS Summary 2015 Existing 2017 Without Project 2017 With Project Study Intersection LOS1 Delay (sec)2 LOS1 Delay (sec)2 LOS1 Delay (sec)2 Signalized 1. 140th Way SE & SE Renton Maple Valley Rd D 37.3 D 39.6 D 39.9 Unsignalized 2. Molasses Creek East Dwy & SE Renton Maple Valley Rd Northbound Approach C 23.0 C 24.2 D 25.2 Westbound Left-Turn B 11.3 B 11.6 B 11.6 3. 140th Way SE & Molasses Creek West Dwy Westbound Right-Turn C 20.1 C 21.2 C 21.6 1 LOS = Level of Service. 2 Delay refers to average control delay in seconds per vehicle Traffic Assessment – Elliott Farm Residential TENW April 1, 2015 Page 10 Table 3 Elliott Farm Residential PM Peak Hour LOS Summary 2015 Existing 2017 Without Project 2017 With Project Study Intersection LOS1 Delay (sec)2 LOS1 Delay (sec)2 LOS1 Delay (sec)2 Signalized 1. 140th Way SE & SE Renton Maple Valley Rd D 46.4 D 49.9 D 50.3 Unsignalized 2. Molasses Creek East Dwy & SE Renton Maple Valley Rd Northbound Approach C 23.2 C 24.5 D 30.4 Westbound Left-Turn B 14.8 C 15.4 C 15.6 3. 140th Way SE & Molasses Creek West Dwy Westbound Right-Turn B 10.7 B 10.9 B 10.9 1 LOS = Level of Service. 2 Delay refers to average control delay in seconds per vehicle The results of the LOS analysis shown in Tables 2 and 3 indicate that the study intersections are expected to operate at acceptable levels (LOS D or better) during the AM and PM peak hours in 2017 without or with the proposed Elliott Farm residential development. Transportation Concurrency Since all of the study intersections are expected to operate at acceptable LOS D or better, we expect this project would meet City of Renton concurrency requirements. Traffic Safety Assessment The proposed site will share vehicle access locations with the existing and adjacent Molasses Creek residential development. Collision records nearest to study area were obtained for documentation purposes. Collision records in the study area were reviewed for the three-year period from January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2014. Collision data was provided by the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT). Summaries of the total, annual average, and collisions per million entering vehicles (MEV) and million vehicle miles of travel (MVM) are provided in in Table 4. Traffic Assessment – Elliott Farm Residential TENW April 1, 2015 Page 11 Table 4 Three Year Collision Summary – January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2014 Number of Collisions Location 1/1/2012 - 12/31/2012 1/1/2013 - 12/31/2013 1/1/2014 - 12/31/2014 Total Annual Average Collisions per MEV1 or MVM1 Intersections 1. SE Renton Maple Valley Rd / 140th Way SE 11 5 8 24 8.00 0.73 2. SE Renton Maple Valley Rd / Molasses Creek Access 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 Roadway Segments 1. SE Renton Maple Valley Rd (140th Way SE to Molasses Creek East Access) 1 1 1 3 1.00 0.45 2. SE Renton Maple Valley Rd (Molasses Creek East Access to 149th Ave SE) 3 6 2 11 3.67 0.72 Source: WSDOT Collision Records (1/1/2012 – 12/31/2014). 1. MEV = Million Entering Vehicles; MVM = Million Vehicle Miles Mitigation To mitigate long-term traffic impacts created by the Elliott Farm residential project, the City of Renton requires payment of a traffic impact fee. The City’s currently adopted impact fee rates are derived from the 2015 Development Fees per Ordinance 5670. The impact fee for condominium/townhome is $1,180.84 per dwelling unit. Based on 45 new dwelling units, the resulting impact fee would be $53,137.80 (45 X $1,180.84/unit). The City’s impact fee rate is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the information presented in this Traffic Impact Analysis, please contact me at 425-250-0581 or schramm@tenw.com. cc: Todd Levitt, Murray Franklin Jeff Haynie, P.E – TENW Principal Attachments: A. Existing Traffic Counts B. LOS Calculations —ASeptember15,2015Community&EconomicDevelopmentDepartmentC.E.”Chip”Vincent,AdministratorIvanaHalvorsonBarghausenConsulting1821572ndAveSKent,WA98032SUBJECT:“OnHold”NoticeElliottFarmsPreliminaryPlat,LUA15-000242,ECF,PP,SA-H,MODDearMs.Halvorson:ThePlanningDivisionoftheCityofRentonacceptedtheabovemasterapplicationforreviewonMay5,2015.Duringourreview,staffhasdeterminedthatadditionalinformationisnecessaryinordertoproceedfurther.ThefollowinginformationwillneedtobesubmittedbeforeDecember15,2015sothatwemaycontinuethereviewoftheabovesubjectapplication:•RedesigntheprojectintocondominiumsinordertoretainprivatetoadsthroughouttheprojectORprovideapublicaccessroadwaytoeachsegregatedfeesimplelotsaspartoftheplatredesign,suchthatadirectconnectionfromtheinternalpublicroadwayismadetoSR169/MapleValleyHighway.•Ifapplicable,asubdivisionwithfeesimplelotsrequiresthattheinternalroadwaytobemadepublic.Therefore,theroadwaydesignmustcomplywiththeresidentialaccessroadstandardsoftheRentonMunicipalCode(RMC4-6-060StreetStandards).•Ifapplicable,updatetheTrafficAssessmentpreparedbyTransportationEngineeringNorthwest(TENW)toreevaluatethechangeinaccessclassificationattheSR169/RoadAintersection.Atthistime,yourprojecthasbeenplaced“onhold”pendingreceiptoftherequestedinformation.Pleasecontactmeat(425)430-7289ifyouhaveanyquestions.Sincerely,ClarkH.CloseSeniorPlannercc:cedarRiverLightfoot/Owner(s)ToddLeavitt/ApplicantBonaudi,Gregory,Harrison,Knight,O’Meara,Thierry,Wruble/Party(ies)ofRecordFileLUA15-000242,EcE,PP,SA-H,MODRentonCityHalllos55outhGradyWayRenton,Washington98057.rentonwa.gov