HomeMy WebLinkAbout7b - CarMax Parking Study 1505 WESTLAKE AVE. N. T 206.522.9510 SUITE 305 F 206.522.8344 SEATTLE, WA 98109 WWW.PACLAND.COM April 27, 2015 CarMax Auto Superstore – Renton, WA Parking Supply Analysis The purpose of this analysis is to present the empirical data collected to support the modification request for an increased parking supply over the parking maximum allowed in the City of Renton code. SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION The property is located at 3751 E. Valley Road in Renton, Washington. The site is bordered by SW 41st Street to the south, E. Valley Road to the east, a Harley-Davidson dealership to the north, and a medical and retail mixed-use building to the west. The site is currently developed as the Act III Movie Theater, which has a building footprint of 61,856 square feet, with associated parking and landscaping. A wetland and a stormwater detention and water quality facility is also located on the western 1.13 AC of the site. The entire lot is approximately 12.28 acres in size. This project proposes to demolish the existing theater and redevelop the site to become a CarMax Auto Superstore car dealership. CarMax as a use is a combination of a pre-owned auto dealership, car servicing operation along with private auto auction. CarMax has approximately 145 stores across the country and has heavily analyzed their parking demand, per previous store experiences. CarMax has defined the parking demand to adequately operate in Renton to be 244 customer and employee stalls. CarMax’s projections are based on the size of the sales lot, peak weekend traffic and peak employee shifts. The sales lot size is based upon the market demand and sales projections for this store. Unlike traditional car dealers, CarMax’s number of transactions are typically 3-4 times the average new car dealer transactions. CarMax will purchase cars from customers without the requirement that the customer purchase a vehicle from CarMax. These cars are brought to CarMax and parked in the customer/employee lot until they are appraised and processed. This process also adds to the number of parking stalls that are required for CarMax to operate. CarMax wants to ensure that all parking lots are safe for pedestrians and vehicle traffic. CarMax does not want vehicles to be parked in drive aisles, in landscape areas or on adjacent properties due to lack of parking spaces on site. SECTION 2: BACKGROUND Customer Parking: CarMax has a regional customer draw unlike many other retailers and auto dealers. When evaluating sites and potential markets, CarMax’s sales market radius is typically forty (40) miles. They have found that customers will drive this relative distance to purchase a vehicle. Unlike traditional car dealerships, CarMax clearly defines the customer/employee parking area, the sales lot and the vehicle staging areas. At a traditional dealership customers generally park wherever there is space available nearest the showroom and they do not designate stalls for trade-in evaluation. At store maturity, up to 200 customers per day are anticipated for retail sales and service and close to 490 retail vehicles per month are expected to be sold in phase I and close to 590 at full build out. Store maturity typically occurs after the 5th year of operation, but varies per market from 5-10 years. Approximately 10-15% of customer traffic will be for retail servicing. Employees: Total employees (part-time plus full-time, including all shifts) could total between 100-130 by store maturity and full phase build out. CarMax projects the number of hourly employees on staff at one time to range from 15 to 65 throughout the day. During the week between 1:00 and 4:00 PM CarMax anticipates approximately 55-60 employees to be on staff at one time; on weekends during the same time period, CarMax anticipates between 60-65 employees. SECTION 3: EMPIRICAL DATA FROM OTHER CARMAX STORES Historical Parking Survey Existing parking counts, based upon actual trip data, at other CarMax stores in Washington is unavailable because no stores exist. PACLAND reviewed aerial photos of other west coast CarMax locations. The closest CarMax locations in Oregon and Washington do not have aerial photos readily available for review. The aerial photo data does not provide a time of day which the photos are taken. In most cases it is believed the photos are taken about midday for weekdays. Weekend aerial photos appear to be taken early morning and this would account for the low parking counts. Location Date of Aerial Photo Day of Week  Parked Cars in  Customer Parking  Bakersfield, CA 3/28/2013 Thursday 125  (192 Provided) 7/30/2013 Tuesday 97   8/12/2013 Monday 111   4/15/2014 Tuesday 117        Duarte, CA 3/17/2011 Thursday 305  (364 Provided) 4/16/2013 Tuesday 202   4/23/2014 Wednesday 212        Ontario, CA 3/9/2011 Wednesday 174  (209 Provided) 6/7/2012 Thursday 192   3/15/2013 Friday 172   11/12/2013 Tuesday 162   4/27/2014 Sunday 149                           Location Date of Aerial Photo Day of Week  Parked Cars in  Customer Parking  Roseville, CA 4/2012  195  (260 Provided) 8/2012  232   4/2013  199   8/2013  228   4/2014  159        Henderson, NV 6/21/2011 Tuesday 192  (289 Provided) 6/21/2012 Thursday 172   2/20/2014 Thursday 196   3/24/2014 Monday 156        Fresno, CA 4/25/2011 Monday 110  (216 Provided) 8/27/2012 Monday 127   3/15/2013 Friday 101   4/5/2014 Saturday 71        Las Vegas, NW 6/21/2012 Thursday 125  (212 Provided) 2/20/2014 Thursday 167   3/24/2014 Monday 165       Irvine, CA 11/14/2009 Saturday 59  (313 Provided) 3/7/2011 Monday 188   4/16/2013 Tuesday 187   4/23/2014 Wednesday 264        Buena Park, CA 3/7/2011 Monday 123  (235 Provided) 4/16/2013 Tuesday 151   4/23/2014 Wednesday 187        Modesto, CA 7/2011  130  (172 Provided) 9/2011  110   8/2012  125   4/2013  132   3/2014  119  Based on the empirical data listed above, the average number of stalls parked at is 165 stalls. The average parking utilization at the observed peaks is about 77%. As stated above, the parking observations are at random and there is no way to document the time of day which the photo is taken, if an auction occurring, or the number of employees, etc. Parking Survey – ITE Parking Generation Manual The 4th edition of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Parking Generation Manual provides parking demand data for various land uses. The data listed in the ITE Manual represent parking demand studies where one or more hours of observations were conducted on a given day. The Manual provides various parking statistics, including the parking demand based off of the 85th percentile peak parking rate for land uses. Unfortunately, there is no auto dealership (new or used) parking demand data represented in the ITE manual. SECTION 5: CONCLUSION The applicant is requesting the parking variance receive approval based upon the decision criteria listed in RMC 4-9-250D Part 2: a. Substantially implements the policy direction of the policies and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element and the Community Design Element and the proposed modification is the minimum adjustment necessary to implement these policies and objectives; Response: The project will be consistent with Policies LU-BB, LU-129, LU-130, LU-126, LU-137, CD- S, CD-136, CD-138. b. Will meet the objectives and safety, function, appearance, environmental protection and maintainability intended by the Code requirements, based upon sound engineering judgment; Response: The proposed parking areas will provide parking this is landscaped, dimension and constructed to the current City of Renton Codes. The limits of the current parking areas are not being increased to provide parking. No adverse impacts to the environment are anticipated due to the parking modification. c. Will not be injurious to other properties in the vicinity; Response: The implementation of the increase in the maximum parking ratio will not be injurious to other properties. d. Conforms to the intent and purpose of the Code; Response: It is our understanding the intent of the required parking is to have the intended land use to provide sufficient offsite parking to not impact surrounding properties by having a parking demand which exceeds what is provided. Additionally the maximum parking allowed is intended to encourage property owners and developers to not oversize parking areas for a particular use. The parking study shows the 244 parking stalls is a sufficient and consistent amount of parking for the intended use. e. Can be shown to be justified and required for the use and situation intended Response: As stated previously CarMax is a unique operation. The separation of customer and employee parking is very unique for a car dealership. The intended amount of parking is warranted based on the historical data provided and CarMax’s operational knowledge. f. Will not create adverse impacts to other properties in the vicinity. Response: The implementation of the increase in the maximum parking ratio will not have adverse impacts to other properties in the vicinity. 1. Empirical evidence shown above for other CarMax facilities in the western United States. 2. The unique way CarMax operates providing separate parking for customers and employees from their vehicle sales area and storage areas. 3. CarMax’s understanding of their operational needs having over 145 locations in operation. Therefore, CarMax is requesting the parking variance of up to 244 stalls to meet the needs of their Phase III sales build out be approved. 1505 WESTLAKE AVE. N. T 206.522.9510 SUITE 305 F 206.522.8344 SEATTLE, WA 98109 WWW.PACLAND.COM APPENDIX A PARKING LAYOUT EXHIBITS E VALLEY ROADSW 41ST STE VALLEY ROADEX SD EX SD EX SD EX SD EX SDEX SDMSERVICEPRESENTATIONS(2)SALESCARWASHVEHICLE STAGING0.95 ACRES 155 SPACESPHASE ISALES2.56 ACRES423 SPACESPHASE ICUSTOMER/EMPLOYEEPARKING1.03 ACRES108 SPACESWETLAND BUFFER0.42 ACRESDETENTION AREA1.05 ACRESPHASE IISALES0.51 ACRES84 SPACESCCCC CCCCCCCCUSTOMER/EMPLOYEE PARKINGPHASE I: 352 SPACES 2.99 ACRESPHASE III: 244 SPACES 1.96 ACRES APPENDIX B HISTORICAL AERIAL IMAGES OF CARMAX SITES Bakersfield, CA 100% SITE PLAN 2010022.98 11-7-12 SP-ASBUILT REQUIRED: 408 PUBLIC/PRIVATE ROADS: EASEMENTS: LANDSCAPE BUFFERS: (INCL LANDSCAPING) N-S CALCULATION: 165 SPACES/AC = 558 SPACES PARKING SALES LOT: CUST/EMP: N-S: 178 379 SERVICE: SALES: CARWASH: PRESENTATION: TOTAL: BUILDING INFORMATION: SALEABLE: EXPANSION: USABLE SURPLUS: TOTAL: OTHER: WETLANDS:*** UNUSABLE: CARMAX DEVELOPED: DETENTION: PROVIDED: 378 (2.63 AC) 195 (2.27 AC) 556 (3.37 AC) 10.30 ACRES 0.00 ACRES XXXX ACRES 0.00 ACRES XXXX ACRES 0.00 ACRES 0.00 ACRES 10.30 ACRES XXXX ACRES 0.00 ACRES SITE INFORMATION ACREAGE GENERAL NOTES: 1. PROTOTYPICAL M/A LAYOUT 2. SETBACK REQUIRMENTS UNKNOWN TYPE: VESTIBULES: SALES ESTIMATE = 350 SALES 3. LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS UNKNOWN "M/A" 41,507 SF 1,135 SF 930 SF 8,269 SF 31,173 SF SP-7(6.11.10) FIRE TRUCK ROUTE ADDED. PRODUCTION ESTIMATE = 350 SALES AUCTION = 350 SP-8(7.14.10) DUMPSTER LOCATION REVISED. SP-9(8.24.10) UPDATED PER CIVIL PLAN. SP-10 (8.27.10) 15FT LANDSCAPE ADDED OFF COLONY AND 10FT BETWEEN WIP AND C/E SP-11 (11.16.10) UPDATED PER CIVILS PLAN LANDSCAPE PLAN REQUIRMENTS. SP-12 (12.20.10) MOVED FUEL TANK. MOVED GATE AND WIP WALL CLOSER TO PL AND ADDED 5 C/E PARKING SPACES. SHIFTED DUMPSTER DOWN TO ALIGN WITH DRIVE AISLE. ADDED INVENTORY GATE. SP-13 (5.25.11) CAR CARRIER MOVEMENT MOVED TO SECOND AISLE. ONE SPACE ADDED AND RECYCLE BIN ADDED TO DUMPSTER. SP-14 (10.13.11) LANDSCAPE ISLAND CREATED FOR EXISTING SIGN. N Duarte, CA 366 SALES LOT 646 CARMAX CUSTOMER/EMPLOYEE PARKING W.I.P. 475 Ontario, CA Roseville, CA Henderson, NV Frensno, CA Las Vegas, NV Irvine, CA Buena Park, CA Modesto, CA