HomeMy WebLinkAboutC_Comment Response Letter_220228_v1 February 28, 2022 Clark Close, Senior Planner City of Renton Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor Renton, WA 98057 RE: Site Plan Review Brown Bear Car Wash 3977 Leary Way, Seattle, Washington 98107 Parcel No. 9154600005, 9154600170, & 1923059092 Our Job No. 20970 Dear Clark: We have revised the plans and technical documents for the above-referenced project in accordance with your comment letter dated February 9, 2022. Enclosed are the following documents for your review and approval: 1. Environmental Checklist revised February 25, 2022. 2. Detailed Landscape Plan prepared by Barghausen Consulting Engineers, dated January 28, 2022 3. Civil Site Plan prepared by Barghausen Consulting Engineers, dated January 28, 2022. 4. Project Narrative revised February 25, 2022. The following outline provides each of your comments in italics exactly as written, along with a narrative response describing how each comment was addressed: SEPA Environmental Checklist: · Provide a more complete description of your proposal. Response: Completed. Please see revised Environmental Checklist. · Include square footages for the self-serve wash and the auto service garage. Response: Completed. Please see revised Environmental Checklist. · What kind and amounts of vegetation will be removed. Be more specific. Response: Completed. Please see revised Environmental Checklist. · Sign and date. Response: Completed. Please see revised Environmental Checklist. Clark Close, Senior Planner City of Renton Planning Division -2- February 28, 2022 Project Narrative: · The proposed project appears to include alterations to the on-site drive-through lane between the proposed auto sentry and existing convenience store. How will this impact the on-site drive-through lane behind the convenience store (now that there is no through traffic or turnaround ability)? Response: The drive-through behind the convenience store is no longer in operation. The drive aisle will become an escape lane for the Car Wash drive-through. · Commercial and other nonresidential construction activities shall be restricted to the hours between seven o’clock (7:00) a.m. and eight o’clock (8:00) p.m., Monday through Friday. Work on Saturdays shall be restricted to the hours between nine o’clock (9:00) a.m. and eight o’clock (8:00) p.m. No work shall be permitted on Sundays. Response: Noted. Construction activity regulations have been added to the project narrative. · Provide consistency in the project site area between the submittal documents. Response: Noted. · The site includes site-to-site vehicle access ways between the parcels. Response: Noted. · Don’t provide approximate setbacks. Include specific setback measurements for the auto sentry (include setbacks to the nearest column and to the canopy line). Label these distances in the site plan. Response: Noted. Please see revised narrative and distances called out on civil site plan. · Update development standards (setbacks) in the table to comply with current codes (RMC 4-2-120A). Response: Completed. Please see revised narrative. · Provide a response to the following minimum setback criteria (RMC 4-2-120C.16): Response: Completed. Please see below. Responses have been incorporated into revised narrative. The minimum setback may be modified through the site plan review process if it can be demonstrated to the Administrator’s satisfaction that the following criteria are met: i. The perceived scale of the proposed structure that is created by the reduced setback is compatible with the abutting structures and the surrounding neighborhood; and Clark Close, Senior Planner City of Renton Planning Division -3- February 28, 2022 Response: The proposed structure is approximately six hundred square feet (600’) and will have a building height no greater than sixteen feet and two inches (16’-2”). ii. The required street frontage landscaping identified in RMC 4-4-070F1 is increased to fifteen feet (15') along all public street frontages with the exception of walkways, driveways, programmed pedestrian plazas, and the area of reduced setback; and Response: Please see the submitted landscaping plan. A fifteen-foot (15’) landscape buffer is proposed in the right of way to the west of the auto sentry canopy. iii. Enhanced landscaping, such as increased caliper size of trees, increased container size of shrubs, and/or increased quantity or diversity of plantings, is provided within the public right-of-way on the street frontage abutting the reduced setback; and Response: The fifteen-foot (15’) landscape buffer proposes an increased quantity and diversity of plantings. Please see the landscape detail sheet for additional information. iv. The project includes a public art installation, subject to review and approval, with a minimum monetary value of one percent (1%) of the assessed value of the proposed structure, or when the Administrator determines that it is impractical to install public art on site, payment of a fee-in-lieu may be approved in an amount of money approximating one percent (1%) of the assessed value of the proposed structure; and Response: Bear statues are currently located on-site as public art. If the bear statues do not meet the requirement described above, the project team is willing to discuss payment- in-lieu of providing additional public art or any recommendations to install new artwork. v. The design of the proposed structure complies with all of the following requirements: a. Back of house facilities such as walk-in freezers, bathrooms, breakrooms, storage rooms, or other rooms that do not contain windows, are not located along any building facade that fronts a public street; and b. Floor to ceiling transparent windows are provided for at least fifty percent (50%) of the ground floor building facade that fronts a reduced setback; and c. The proposed structure includes design features such as step-backs of upper levels, changes in roof plane, and changes in roof form/slope in a manner that serves to reduce the apparent bulk of the proposed structure; and d. Canopies or similar design features are provided along any building facade that fronts a public street, with emphasis provided to the primary entry; and e. Structured parking is not located along any building facade that fronts a reduced setback. Response: Please see the attached narrative for detailed responses to each criterion. Landscape Plan · The provide landscape plan is the same as the provided civil site plan. Provide a detailed landscape plan. Clark Close, Senior Planner City of Renton Planning Division -4- February 28, 2022 Response: A detailed landscape plan has been provided. We believe that the above responses, together with the enclosed revised plans and technical documents, address the comments in your letter dated February 9, 2022. Please review and approve the enclosed at your earliest convenience. If you have questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at this office. Thank you. Sincerely, Glenna Mahar Assistant Planner GM/jk 20970c.002 enc: As noted cc: Nick Wecker, Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc.