HomeMy WebLinkAbout10. Hours of operationApril 28, Scott Ric Collins W 710 Seco Suite 140 Seattle, W Re: C R 5 R Dear Sco Site Plan Item #10 A) B durations the end o B) O anticipate to any ty C) O Oaksdale have the Way to I- D) A standard or proper This proj we have the crew The stan hours an industria and frequ distributio 2015 ce Woerman ond Avenue 00 WA 98104 Construction Renton Train 95 Monster Renton, WA 9 ott: n Review Su : Based on cur s, we believe of July 2016 Our work wou e 7am to 5p pical Renton Our proposed e Ave SW, E option of he -5 if that is le As this site w wet weathe rty lines, as ect is being access to d , traffic stripi dard daytim d during the l properties. uency from t on center bu Mitigation D ing Center E Road SW 98055 bmittal Requ rrent informa e the site wo . uld be condu m, Monday t n requiremen d haul route East to SW G eading north ess impactfu work would ta er TESC mea well as dust performed i ust control w ing and sign e workweek e same time Our added the tractor tr usinesses. Description Expansion uirements R ation of perm ork would sta ucted during through Frid nt. starting from Grady Way, h on Monster ul in the eyes ake place du asures for p t control mea n an already water as nee nage and spe k schedule m as other nor work and h railer mercha Page 1 of 2 Response mit turn aroun art at the beg g regular day day and are f m the site wo South to Ra r Road SW t s of a review uring late spr rotecting the asures for th y finished an eded, abund eed bumps. means that w rmal work ac auling traffic andise loads nd, client ve ginning of M ytime hours a flexible with ould be Mon ainier Ave S to 68th Ave S wer. ring and sum e storm syste he drier times nd functional ant paved a we are worki ctivities are t c will be virtu s coming and etting, approv May 2016 and and weekda in that time f nster Road S to I-405. Ho S to Martin L mmer, we wo em and at th s. l industrial p and striped p ng in safer d taking place ually indisting d going at th val and fund d complete b ay operation frame to con SW, South to owever, we Luther King J ould anticipa he perimeter property, as s parking areas daylight visib e at the adjac guishable in he nearby ding by , We nform o also Jr ate r site such s for bility cent n type We feel f institute n wetlands Our preli Should y 251-7403 Mark Mc Project M Ferris-Tu fortunate to necessary m s. minary on s you have any 3 or via ema Gary Manager urney Gener have amena mitigation me ite traffic con y questions o ail at markm@ ral Contracto able neighbo easures to re ntrol plan is or need furth @ferris-turne ors Page 2 of 2 ors to this typ educe our im attached. her clarificat ey.com. pe of site wo mpact to them tion, I can be ork project, b m as well as e reached di but we also w s the adjacen irectly at 206 will nt 6-