HomeMy WebLinkAboutConstruction Mitigation Description- APRON A DCONSTRUCTION MITIGATION DESCRIPTION Boeing Commercial Airplane Group Renton, WA Renton Apron A& D New Crew Shelter & Guard house Proposed Construction Dates & Times: The proposed construction schedule will begin in Early September 2015 and end in late November 2015. The work will be accomplished during daylight hours, typically starting at 7:00AM and completing at 4:00PM, Monday through Friday. No late night hours are proposed for construction and hauling activities. Potential Saturday hours may be required. Construction Description & Work Plan: 1) The project consists of an installation of a new 12’ x 30’12’ High crew shelter with new underground data and electrical utilities. The Crew Shelter will be equipped with an exterior amber hued directional light and a ADA ramp. 2) The project will also have a new smaller guard house relocated from a temporary location and installed on Apron D. The old guardhouse will be removed due to obstruction with the wings of the new larger 737 max aircraft as it taxis through the Apron. The new guard house is 8” x 10 “by 8’ 6” high with new data and electrical utilities. Construction Mitigation Measures & Best Practices: All activities will begin with the implementation and installation of Best Management Practices (BMP)). These practices include: Proposed Hauling/ Transportation routes Contractors will apply for their own hauling permits related to this project. And will follow a city approved route. Construction. The actual Construction will be accomplished by a Construction contractor. The contractor will call for all required inspections, as well as site pre-construction meeting. The contractor will keep records of any special inspections at the construction site Storm Water Construction will start with the implementation and installation of Best Management Practices (BMP) for Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control (TESC) under supervision of Boeing Environmental personnel. All storm water drain inlets in and around the proposed construction operations and staging areas will be surrounded by oil absorbent padding to mitigate the potential of any hydraulic/fuel leakages emanating from construction machinery entering the watershed Snow, Ice, dirt and mud removal Contractor shall remove snow and ice to the extent necessary to perform the work. The use of calcium chloride or other chemicals will not be permitted to remove snow or ice. Contractor shall assure that vehicles are constructed, loaded, maintained and covered as necessary to prevent the deposition of dirt, mud or other debris on public roadways. Dirt mud or debris shall be removed on continual basis. Any dirt, mud or debris dropped by vehicles shall be removed immediately. Dust Control Through the entire construction period the Contractor shall take all necessary steps to dust control all working area and unpaved roads. The use of calcium chloride or other chemicals will not be permitted for dust control. The Contractor will accomplish dust control by watering and sprinkling to satisfactorily settle the dust. Contractor shall comply with any requirements imposed by law to prevent fugitive dust emissions. All demolished materials and debris will be stockpiled on site to prevent dust and sedimentation from migrating onto roadways. Contractor vehicles that are transporting materials to and from the site will be required to have tires washed prior to leaving the site. This will prevent dust and sedimentation from entering nearby roadways. Environmental Protection All motorized construction equipment will be inspected daily for petroleum/hydraulic fluid leaks and any leaking equipment will be removed from the site for repair. Drip pans/pads will be placed beneath motorized construction equipment left on site for the duration of the project. A spill kit will be kept on site to contain and clean-up any chemical/petroleum spills Airport Mitigation A pre construction meeting will set up with the Airport personnel. The contractor will set up visual controls, and FOD* controls including a FOD* fence. *Foreign Object Debris