HomeMy WebLinkAboutERC _Site Plan Report and Exhibits_LUA15-000478 Project Location Map DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE REPORT AND ADMINISTRATIVE SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN REPORT & DECISION ERC MEETING DATE: August 3, 2015 Project Name: ATS Automation Expansion Owner: Team Properties, LLC, 450 Shattuck Avenue S, Renton, WA 98057 Applicant/Contact: Paul Grundhoffer, Weaver Architects, 1411 4th Avenue, Suite 810, Seattle, WA 98101 File Number: LUA15-000478, ECF, MOD, SA-A Project Manager: Jill Ding, Senior Planner Project Summary: The applicant is requesting Administrative Site Plan Review and Environmental (SEPA) Review for the construction of a new 3-story 11,526 square foot addition to the north side of an existing 4-story office building. The project site totals 41,474 square feet in area and is located within the Center Downtown (CD) zone and Urban Design District A. Work will include the removal of an existing paved driveway, the demolition of an existing single story wood framed structure and associated gravel parking area, and the relocation of an existing wrought iron gate and fence and concrete fencing. The site currently has a total of 87 surface parking stalls, after the construction of the proposed addition and the reconfiguration of the surface parking, the site would have a total of 90 surface parking stalls. A seismic hazard area is mapped on the project site. Project Location: 450 Shattuck Avenue S Site Area: 41,474 SF (0.95 acres) Proposed New Bldg. Area (gross): 11,526 SF STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff Recommends that the Environmental Review Committee issue a Determination of Non-Significance-Mitigated (DNS-M). City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Environmental Review Committee & Administrative Site Plan Report ATS AUTOMATION EXPANSION LUA15-000478, ECF, MOD, SA-A Report of August 3, 2015 Page 2 of 30 ERC/Site Plan Report A. EXHIBITS: If the exhibit is more than five pages the first page is included as an attachment to the report and the full exhibit can be made available upon request. Exhibit 1: Environmental Review Committee & Administrative Site Plan Report Exhibit 2: Neighborhood Detail Map Exhibit 3: Site Plan Exhibit 4: Landscape Plan (3 sheets) Exhibit 5: Building Elevations (2 sheets) Exhibit 6: Tree Inventory Plant (2 sheets) Exhibit 7: Decorative Fence/Gate Photos (4 sheets) Exhibit 8: Urban Design Regulations Analysis Exhibit 9: Modification Request Exhibit 10: Utilities and Paving Plan Exhibit 11: Grading and Drainage Plan Exhibit 12: Technical Information Report, prepared by LPD Engineering, PLLC (dated May 4, 2015) Exhibit 13: Geotechnical Engineering Report, prepared by PanGeo (dated December 23, 2014) Exhibit 14: Notice of Application Exhibit 15: Proof of Posting Exhibit 16: Public Comments from Stephanie Clarey (dated July 9, 2015) Exhibit 17: Staff Response (dated July 9, 2015) Exhibit 18: SEPA Determination Exhibit 19: Transportation Concurrency B. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Owner(s) of Record: Team Properties, LLC 450 Shattuck Avenue S, Renton, WA 98057 2. Zoning Designation: Center Downtown (CD) 3. Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation: Commercial Mixed-Use (CMU) 4. Existing Site Use: 26,322 square foot four-story office building 5. Neighborhood Characteristics: a. North: Residential-14 (R-14) zone –Single Family b. East: Residential-14 (R-14) zone –Single Family c. South: Center Downtown (CD) zone – Burlington Northern Railroad d. West: Commercial Arterial (CA) zone – Retail 6. Site Area: 41,474 SF (0.95 Acres) C. HISTORICAL/BACKGROUND: Action Land Use File No. Ordinance No. Date Comprehensive Plan N/A 5758 06/22/2015 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Environmental Review Committee & Administrative Site Plan Report ATS AUTOMATION EXPANSION LUA15-000478, ECF, MOD, SA-A Report of August 3, 2015 Page 3 of 30 ERC/Site Plan Report Zoning N/A 5759 06/22/2015 Annexation N/A 156 05/18/1909 D. PUBLIC SERVICES: 1. Existing Utilities a. Water: Water service will be provided by City of Renton. There is an existing 16-inch transmission water main located in Shattuck Avenue S that can deliver a maximum flow capacity of 6,000 gallons per minute (gpm). The static water pressure is about 70 psi at ground elevation of 25 feet. There is an existing 2 inch domestic meter and a 4 inch fire sprinkler service serving the existing building. b. Sewer: Sewer service will be provided by City of Renton. There is an 8-inch gravity sewer main in Shattuck Avenue S. The existing building is connected to sewer in Shattuck Avenue S. c. Surface/Storm Water: There is an 18-inch storm conveyance system in S 4th Place and a 12 inch storm conveyance system in Shattuck Avenue S across the street from the site. 2. Streets: North: Whitworth Avenue S and alley; and West: Shattuck Avenue S and S 4th Place 3. Fire Protection: City of Renton Fire Department . E. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE: 1. Chapter 2 Zoning Districts – Uses and Standards a. Section 4-2-020: Purpose and Intent of Zoning Districts b. Section 4-2-060: Zoning Use Table – Uses Allowed in Zoning Designations c. Section 4-2-120: Commercial Development Standards 2. Chapter 3 Environmental Regulations and Overlay Districts a. Section 4-3-100: Urban Design Regulations 3. Chapter 4 City-Wide Property Development Standards 4. Chapter 6 Street and Utility Standards a. Section 4-6-060: Street Standards 5. Chapter 9 Permits – Specific a. Section 4-9-200: Site Plan Review b. Section 4-9-250: Variances, Waivers, Modifications, and Alternates 6. Chapter 11 Definitions F. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: 1. Land Use Element G. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW In compliance with RCW 43.21C.240, the following environmental “SEPA” Review addresses only those project impacts that are not adequately addressed under existing development standards and environmental regulations. City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Environmental Review Committee & Administrative Site Plan Report ATS AUTOMATION EXPANSION LUA15-000478, ECF, MOD, SA-A Report of August 3, 2015 Page 4 of 30 ERC/Site Plan Report 1. Environmental Threshold Determination Based on analysis of probable impacts from the proposal, staff recommends that the Responsible Officials: Issue a DNS-M with a 14-day Appeal Period. 2. Mitigation Measures a. Project construction shall comply with the recommendations outlined in the Geotechnical Engineering Report prepared by PanGeo, dated December 23, 2014. 3. Environmental Impacts The Proposal was circulated and reviewed by various City Departments and Divisions to determine whether the applicant has adequately identified and addressed environmental impacts anticipated to occur in conjunction with the proposed development. Staff reviewers have identified that the proposal is likely to have the following probable impacts: a. Earth Impacts: The topography of the subject site is flat. A seismic hazard area is mapped across the entire project site. A Geotechnical Engineering Report prepared by PanGeo, dated December 23, 2014 (Exhibit 13) was submitted with the formal land use application. Two new borings (CPT-3 and CPT-4) were drilled at the location of the proposed addition; three previous borings were drilled adjacent to the main ATS building. The soil conditions below the proposed addition area were consistent with the soil conditions encountered adjacent to the main ATS building. According to the report (Exhibit 13), the materials within about 48 feet of the existing ground surface consist of interbedded sands, silts and clays that were deposited in a low energy environment. Sands within the upper alluvium are typically loose and the silty clays and clayey silts are typically soft. The CPT probes indicate that the upper alluvium may also contain sensitive or compressible materials such as peat. According to the report (Exhibit 13), these soils are moderately compressible and susceptible to liquefaction during a strong earthquake. The report (Exhibit 13) concludes that the use of conventional spread footing foundations without ground improvement may result in building settlements on the order of 3 to 4 inches under static loading and an additional 1 to 2 inches under seismic loading. To mitigate the settlement of the building, the report identifies the use of a preload, the use of ground densification from Geopiers or stone columns extending to a depth of about 25 feet, or the use of 18” diameter augercast pile foundations installed to a depth of about 53 feet to support both the structure and floor slab as viable options for foundation support. According to the applicant, the building addition would be supported by a structural slab with grand beams and augercast piles. The applicant estimates that 250 cubic yards of soil would be stripped from the project site, 450 cubic yards of cut is anticipated for the foundation, and 700 cubic yards of fill would be brought in. Due to the liquefaction and settlement potential on the project site, staff recommends as a SEPA mitigation measure that project construction be required to comply with the recommendations outlined in the Geotechnical Engineering Report, prepared by PanGeo, dated December 23, 2014. Mitigation Measures: Project construction shall be required to comply with the recommendations outlined in the Geotechnical Engineering Report, prepared by PanGeo, dated December 23, 2014. Nexus: SEPA Environmental Review, 4-4-060 Grading, Excavation and Mining Regulations b. Environmental Health i. Environmental Health Hazards Impacts: It is not anticipated that the project would not significantly impact environmental health. The applicant is proposing to demolish an existing 1-story structure and construct a 3-story addition to an City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Environmental Review Committee & Administrative Site Plan Report ATS AUTOMATION EXPANSION LUA15-000478, ECF, MOD, SA-A Report of August 3, 2015 Page 5 of 30 ERC/Site Plan Report existing office building. There are no contaminants on or near the project site and no hazardous chemicals are part of the proposed design. Mitigation Measures: No further mitigation recommended. Nexus: Not applicable. ii. Noise Impacts: During construction, equipment operation would temporarily increase noise levels in the vicinity of the project. Construction vehicles are required to have mufflers to reduce some of the temporary impact of construction noise. In addition, the applicant has indicated that the construction work hours will be limited to the hours between seven o’clock (7:00) a.m. and five o’clock (5:00) p.m., Monday through Friday. The proposed work hours would not exceed the standard hours permitted by the City of Renton for commercial construction activities. It is not anticipated that the proposed addition would result in long term noise impacts as the current office use of the site is not changing. Mitigation Measures: No additional mitigation needed. Nexus: Not applicable. c. Transportation Impacts: A traffic study was not required for the proposed project as it was determined that the addition would not result in more than 20 peak hour trips. Access to the site is provided off of Shattuck Avenue S via a one way circulation pattern through the parking lot. The existing entrance to the site will be moved to the north to accommodate the proposed addition and reconfigured surface parking. The existing exit off the site will remain in its current location to the south of the existing building. Whitworth Avenue S dead ends at the northwest portion of the project site, however access to the site off of Whitworth Avenue S is limited to gated emergency access. General access to the site from Whitworth Avenue S is not available. In addition, an existing alley dead ends at the northern portion of the project site, however general access to the site is not encouraged off of the existing alley, although access off of the alley is not prohibited. After the reconfiguration of the parking area, the number of parking stalls onsite would increase from 87 to 90 (an increase of 3 stalls). One bicycle parking space would be provided as a result of the proposed addition. It is not anticipated that the construction of the proposed addition would result in a significant adverse impact on existing traffic conditions on or around the project site provided payment of Code required transportation impact fees is received. Mitigation Measures: No further mitigation recommended. Nexus: Not applicable. d. Fire & Police Impacts: Police and Fire Prevention staff indicated that sufficient resources exist to furnish services to the proposed development, subject to the condition that the applicant provides Code required improvements and fees. Mitigation Measures: No further mitigation recommended. Nexus: Not applicable. 4. Comments of Reviewing Departments The proposal has been circulated to City Department and Division Reviewers. Where applicable, their comments have been incorporated into the text of this report and/or “Advisory Notes to Applicant”.  Copies of all Review Comments are contained in the Official File and are attached to this report. City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Environmental Review Committee & Administrative Site Plan Report ATS AUTOMATION EXPANSION LUA15-000478, ECF, MOD, SA-A Report of August 3, 2015 Page 6 of 30 ERC/Site Plan Report H. ADMINSTRATIVE SITE PLAN REVIEW FINDINGS OF FACT: 1. The applicant, Paul Grundhoffer, Weaver Architects, is requesting Administrative Site Plan Review and Environmental “SEPA” Review for the construction of an 11,526 square foot 3-story addition to an existing 26,322 square foot 4-story office building as well as associated parking and landscaping improvements. 2. The 41,474 square foot (0.95 acres) site is located within the Commercial Mixed Use (CMU) land use designation and Center Downtown (CD) zoning classification as well as Urban Design District ‘A’. 3. The subject property is located at 450 Shattuck Avenue S. 4. The proposed addition and parking improvements would be located to the north of the existing 4-story ATS office building. 5. An existing wrought iron gate and fence and concrete fence are proposed to be relocated to accommodate the proposed addition and surface parking improvements. 6. An existing 1-story wood framed structure and gravel driveway and parking area are proposed to be demolished to accommodate the proposed addition. 7. The new addition will provide additional office space as well as a new exit stairway and ADA accessible restrooms at each level. 8. Access to the site would remain off of Shattuck Avenue S. Currently one way access is provided around the site with an ingress only driveway locate to the north of the existing ATS office building and an egress only driveway located to the south of the existing ATS office building. The ingress only driveway would be relocated to the north to accommodate the proposed addition. 9. The site is bordered to the north and east by single family residential development, to the south by the Burlington Northern Railroad, and to the west by retail development. 10. The site is located within a high seismic hazard area. 11. The ground surface of the site is flat. 12. A total of 33 trees have been identified on the project site. Of these 3 trees are proposed to be removed, resulting in the retention of 30 trees onsite. 13. The Planning Division of the City of Renton received the above application for review on June 25, 2014 and accepted the application as complete on July 2, 2015. Notice of application was issued on July 2, 2015 (Exhibits 14 & 15). The project complies with the 120-day review period. 14. One public comment email was received July 9, 2015 (Exhibit 16), staff responded to the comment on July 9, 2015 (Exhibit 17). 15. Pursuant to the City of Renton’s Environmental Ordinance and SEPA (RCW 43.21C, 1971 as amended), on August 3, 2015, the City’s Environmental Review Committee issued a Determination of Non- Significance – Mitigated (DNS-M) (Exhibit 18). A 14-day appeal period will commence with this Administrative Site Plan Review Decision on August 7, 2015 and end on August 21, 2015. 16. Representatives from various city departments have reviewed the application materials to identify and address issues raised by the proposed development. These comments are contained in the official file, and the essence of the comments have been incorporated into the appropriate sections of this report and the Departmental Recommendation. 17. The proposal requires Site Plan Review. The following table contains project elements intended to comply with Site Plan Review decision criteria, as outlined in RMC 4-9-200E: City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Environmental Review Committee & Administrative Site Plan Report ATS AUTOMATION EXPANSION LUA15-000478, ECF, MOD, SA-A Report of August 3, 2015 Page 7 of 30 ERC/Site Plan Report SITE PLAN REVIEW CRITERIA: a. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMPLIANCE AND CONSISTENCY: The site is designated Commercial & Mixed Use (CMU) on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The purpose of CMU is to transform strip commercial development into business districts through the intensification of uses and with cohesive site planning, landscaping, signage, circulation, parking, and the provision of public amenity features. The proposal is compliant with the following Comprehensive Plan policies:  Policy U-18: Support compact urban development to improve health outcomes, support transit use, maximize land efficiency, and maximize public investment in infrastructure and services.  Policy L-53: Orient buildings in developments toward the street or a common area, rather than toward parking lots.  Policy L‐57: Complement the built environment with landscaping using native, naturalized, and ornamental plantings that are appropriate for the situation and circumstance and which provide for respite, recreation, and sun/shade. b. ZONING COMPLIANCE AND CONISTENCY: The subject site is classified Center Downtown (CD) on the City of Renton Zoning Map. The following development standards are applicable to the proposal: Density: Per RMC 4-2-120B the allowed density range in the CD zoning classification is a minimum of 25 dwelling units per net acre (du/ac) up to a maximum of 100 du/ac. Net density is calculated after public rights-of-way, private access easements, and critical areas are deducted from the gross acreage of the site. Not applicable. Lot Dimensions: Per RMC 4-2-120B there are no minimum lot size, width, or depth requirements in the CD zone. Not applicable. Setbacks: Per RMC 4-2-120B the CD zoning classification requires a minimum front and side yard along a street setback of 0 feet. There is a maximum front and side yard along a street setback of 15 feet for buildings 25 feet or less in height and no maximum front or side yard along a street setback for that portion of the building over 25 feet in height. The CD zone has no side yard setback. There is no rear setback unless the lot abuts a residentially zoned lot then there shall be a 15-foot landscaped strip or a 5- foot wide sight-obscuring landscaped strip and a solid 6-foot high barrier used along the common boundary. The following table contains setbacks for the proposed addition (Exhibit 3): Front Yard Setback (east along Shattuck Ave S) Side Yard Setback (north) Side Yard Setback (south) Rear Yard Setback (west) 5’ 9” 47’ 41’ (existing building) 32’ The proposed addition would comply with the setback requirements of the CD zone. Building Height: Per RMC 4-2-120B building height is restricted to 95 feet unless the site abuts a lot designated as residential, then the maximum building height is restricted to 20 feet more than the maximum height allowed in the abutting residential zone. City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Environmental Review Committee & Administrative Site Plan Report ATS AUTOMATION EXPANSION LUA15-000478, ECF, MOD, SA-A Report of August 3, 2015 Page 8 of 30 ERC/Site Plan Report The height of the proposed structure would be 41 feet 6 inches to the top of the mechanical equipment screen (Exhibit 5). The project site abuts property zoned Residential – 14 dwelling units per acre (R-14) to the north. The maximum height permitted in the R-14 zone is 30 feet for residential uses and 20 feet for commercial uses. The maximum height permitted on the project site would be 20 feet more than the 30- foot maximum height permitted for residential uses in the R-14 zone or 50 feet. The proposed maximum height of 41 feet 6 inches complies with the height requirements of the zone. Building Standards: Per RMC 4-2-120B there is no maximum lot coverage requirement for proposals within the CD classification. After the construction of the proposed addition, the project site would have a lot coverage of 31.4 percent, which would be in compliance with the maximum building coverage standards. Landscaping: Per RMC 4-4-070C development in the CD zone is exempt from the landscaping requirements, however code interpretation was issued (CI-72) which requires development in the CD zone to comply with the surface parking lot landscaping requirements. Surface parking lots with more than fourteen (14) stalls shall be landscaped as follows: Total Number of Parking Stalls Minimum Landscape Area 15 to 50 15 sf/parking space 51 to 99 25 sf/parking space 100 or more 35 sf/parking space A conceptual landscape plan was submitted with the project application (Exhibit 4). The landscape plan includes a planting plan; the proposed species largely consist of Chinese kousa dogwood (street trees), vine maple, Japanese maple, shore pine, deer fern, feather reed grass, English lavender, Oregon grape, David’s viburnum, and kinnickinnick. The proposed addition would be located 5 feet 9 inches from the front property line. Within the 5 feet 9 inch setback area, the applicant is proposing to install a concrete walkway and 2-foot planting strip to be vegetated with English lavender. Along the northeastern corner of the project site, abutting the reconfigured parking area, the applicant is proposing to install an 11’5” landscape strip and a relocated antique wrought iron fence (see further discussion below on fencing). The landscape plan (Exhibit 4) identifies vine maple, shore pine, David’s viburnum, Oregon grape, English lavender, and kinnickinnick as vegetation to be installed within this landscaped strip. The site plan (Exhibit 3) shows plantings between the relocated wrought iron fence and the sidewalk, however, the landscape plan (Exhibit 4) shows no plantings between the fence and sidewalk. Staff recommends, as a condition of approval, that a detailed landscape plan be submitted at the time of Building Permit Review. The detailed landscape plan shall include, but is not limited to, plantings between the wrought iron fence and sidewalk on the northeast corner of the project site. The detailed landscape plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Current Planning project manager prior to the issuance of the building permit. Landscaping shall be installed prior to Certificate of Occupancy. The construction of the proposed addition will result in the removal and replacement of 11 parking spaces as well as the addition of 3 new parking spaces for a total of 90 parking spaces on the project site. Surface parking lots with 51 to 99 spaces are required to provide 25 square feet of landscaping per parking space. The proposal to remove/replace 11 parking spaces and add 3 parking spaces, results in a new parking area with 14 parking spaces, which would require a total of 350 square feet of landscaping City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Environmental Review Committee & Administrative Site Plan Report ATS AUTOMATION EXPANSION LUA15-000478, ECF, MOD, SA-A Report of August 3, 2015 Page 9 of 30 ERC/Site Plan Report (14 spaces x 25 sf = 350 sf). According to the landscape analysis provided on the site plan (Exhibit 3), the proposal includes a total of 1,158 square feet of parking lot landscaping, which exceeds the minimum 350 square foot requirement. The parking area is proposed to be landscaped with 7 Japanese maples, 1 vine maple, David’s viburnum, deer fern, Oregon grape, English lavender, and kinnickinnick. Perimeter parking lot landscaping area shall be a minimum of 10 feet in width. Landscaping shall be dispersed throughout the parking area and shall include a mixture of trees, shrubs, and groundcover as follows: trees shall be 2 inches in diameter at breast height (dbh) for multi-family, commercial, and industrial uses. At least one tree for every 6 parking spaces within the lot interior shall be planted; shrubs at the minimum rate of one per 20 square feet of landscaped area shall be planted. Up to 50% of shrubs may be deciduous; ground cover shall be planted in sufficient quantities to provide at least 90% coverage of the landscaped area within 3 years of installation; there shall be no more than 50 feet between parking stalls and an interior parking lot landscape area. The landscape strip between the parking lot and the north property line is 3 feet in width, which is less than the 10-foot minimum width required. However, per 4-4-070C.2.e. those alterations or small additions determined by the Community and Economic Development Administrator not to warrant improvements to the entire site. If the applicant were to install the 10-foot wide perimeter parking lot landscaping, a reduction in the number of parking spaces provided would likely occur. The proposal includes modifications to an existing site on which no landscaping currently exists. In addition, an existing decorative fence is proposed to be relocated to the north property line, which would provide screening of the project site from the property to the north. Therefore, staff recommends a minimum 5-foot wide landscape strip be provided between the proposed parking lot and north property line. In addition, staff recommends that evergreen shrubs be installed within the 5-foot wide landscape strip to further buffer the northern property from the proposed project. Underground sprinkler systems are required to be installed and maintained for all landscaped areas. The sprinkler system shall provide full water coverage of the planted areas specified on the plan. The applicant will be required to submit a landscape maintenance surety device for a period of no less than three years in sufficient amount as determined by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to temporary occupancy permit. Refuse and Recyclables: Per RMC 4-4-090 in office, educational and institutional developments, a minimum of two (2) square feet per every one thousand (1,000) square feet of building gross floor area shall be provided for recyclables deposit areas and a minimum of four (4) square feet per one thousand (1,000) square feet of building gross floor area shall be provided for refuse deposit areas. A total minimum area of one hundred (100) square feet shall be provided for recycling and refuse deposit areas. The proposal to add 11,526 square feet to the existing 26,322 square foot office building results in a new total building area of 37,848 square feet. Based on the new building area of 37,848 square feet, a minimum of 100 square feet of recyclable deposit areas would be required and 151 square feet of refuse deposit areas would be required for a total of 251 square feet. The existing onsite refuse and recyclable deposit area totals 400 square feet, which exceeds the 251 square foot requirement. The existing refuse and recyclable deposit area is located on the southwest corner of the project site and is fenced with a wood fence. Critical Areas: A seismic hazard area is mapped across the entire project site. See previous discussion under section 3.a. Earth. Staff recommended as a SEPA mitigation measure that project construction be required to comply with the recommendations outlined in the submitted geotechnical report. Parking: The parking regulations, RMC 4-4-080, require a specific number of off-street parking stalls be provided. For structure additions within the Center Downtown zone, only the area exceeding the area of the original structure shall be used to calculate required parking. The driveway regulations, RMC 4-4- 080I.2 require a maximum driveway width of 30 feet for commercial driveways and a minimum spacing of 18 feet between driveways. City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Environmental Review Committee & Administrative Site Plan Report ATS AUTOMATION EXPANSION LUA15-000478, ECF, MOD, SA-A Report of August 3, 2015 Page 10 of 30 ERC/Site Plan Report The following ratios would be applicable to the proposed addition: Use SF Ratio Required Spaces General Office 11,526 (addition) A maximum of 1 space per 1,000 square feet of net floor area, with no minimum requirement. Max: 11.5 Based on these use requirements, a maximum of 12 parking spaces would be permitted for the proposed addition. As a result of the construction of the addition 11 spaces would be removed and replaced with 14 spaces, resulting in a net increase of 3 spaces. The proposed net increase of 3 parking spaces on the site is less than the maximum 12 spaces permitted. The proposed relocated driveway would have a width of 20 feet and the spacing between the driveways would be 110 feet. The proposed driveway would comply with the width and spacing requirements. c. DESIGN REGULATION COMPLIANCE AND CONISTENCY: The site is located within Design District ‘A’. To ensure that buildings are located in relation to streets and other buildings so that the Vision of the City of Renton can be realized for a high-density urban environment; so that businesses enjoy visibility from public rights-of-way; and to encourage pedestrian activity throughout the district. As demonstrated in the table below the proposal meets the intent of the Design Regulations on the basis of individual merit if all conditions of approval are met. Each standard is evaluated and shown with a check mark if compliant with the standard, “N/A” for not applicable to the proposal, and “Not compliant” where the standard is not met. Staff comments are provided following explanation of the standard being evaluated. i. SITE DESIGN AND BUILDING LOCATION: Intent: To ensure that buildings are located in relation to streets and other buildings so that the Vision of the City of Renton can be realized for a high-density urban environment; so that businesses enjoy visibility from public rights-of-way; and to encourage pedestrian activity. 1. Building Location and Orientation: Intent: To ensure visibility of businesses and to establish active, lively uses along sidewalks and pedestrian pathways. To organize buildings for pedestrian use and so that natural light is available to other structures and open space. To ensure an appropriate transition between buildings, parking areas, and other land uses; and increase privacy for residential uses. Guidelines: Developments shall enhance the mutual relationship of buildings with each other, as well as with the roads, open space, and pedestrian amenities while working to create a pedestrian oriented environment. Lots shall be configured to encourage variety and so that natural light is available to buildings and open space. The privacy of individuals in residential uses shall be provided for.  Standard: The availability of natural light (both direct and reflected) and direct sun exposure to nearby buildings and open space (except parking areas) shall be considered when siting structures. Staff Comment: The proposed addition would to be constructed to the north of the existing building and would maintain a 47-foot setback from the residential properties to the north. The proposed addition is 3 stories tall with a maximum height of 41 feet 6 inches. It is not anticipated that the proposed addition would adversely impact the sun exposure to the neighboring residential properties. The proposed addition was designed to allow for adequate light and air circulation to the building and the site. The proposed addition would not result in excessive shading of the neighboring properties to the north.  Standard: Buildings shall be oriented to the street with clear connections to the sidewalk. Staff Comment: The front of the existing building and proposed addition are oriented towards Shattuck Avenue S and provide paved pedestrian connections to the sidewalk, which is proposed to extend along the Shattuck Avenue S frontage. City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Environmental Review Committee & Administrative Site Plan Report ATS AUTOMATION EXPANSION LUA15-000478, ECF, MOD, SA-A Report of August 3, 2015 Page 11 of 30 ERC/Site Plan Report  Standard: The front entry of a building shall be oriented to the street or a landscaped pedestrian-only courtyard. Staff Comment: The front entrance to the existing building fronts on Shattuck Avenue S. N/A Standard: Buildings with residential uses located at the street level shall be: a. Set back from the sidewalk a minimum of ten feet (10') and feature substantial landscaping between the sidewalk and the building; or b. Have the ground floor residential uses raised above street level for residents’ privacy. 2. Building Entries: Intent: To make building entrances convenient to locate and easy to access, and ensure that building entries further the pedestrian nature of the fronting sidewalk and the urban character of the district. Guidelines: Primary entries shall face the street, serve as a focal point, and allow space for social interaction. All entries shall include features that make them easily identifiable while reflecting the architectural character of the building. The primary entry shall be the most visually prominent entry. Pedestrian access to the building from the sidewalk, parking lots, and/or other areas shall be provided and shall enhance the overall quality of the pedestrian experience on the site.  Standard: A primary entrance of each building shall be located on the façade facing a street, shall be prominent, visible from the street, connected by a walkway to the public sidewalk, and include human-scale elements. Staff Comment: The existing building has a primary entrance on the west building façade, facing Shattuck Avenue S. The existing west entrance to the existing ATS building is currently connected to Shattuck Avenue S via an existing vehicular driveway, however under the current proposal a sidewalk connecting the front building entrance would run north along the west façade and connect to the proposed sidewalk along Shattuck Avenue S. A building’s scale refers to its perceived size in relation to a person (i.e., human scale) or neighboring structures (i.e., architectural scale). Examples of human-scaled architectural elements may include: windows, doors, porches, vestibules, stoops, awnings at entrance level, or other ground-level pedestrian amenities that help establish an inviting, pedestrian- oriented streetscape. The height, location and size of the west façade windows, window sills and canopy were designed at a pedestrian scale and to create a relationship with the street and sidewalk. Canopies provide cover for over 90 percent of the west façade.  Standard: A primary entrance of each building shall be made visibly prominent by incorporating architectural features such as a façade overhang, trellis, large entry doors, and/or ornamental lighting. Staff Comment: Canopies are proposed on the west façade of the proposed addition for over 90 percent of the façade. The canopies provide weather protection along the sidewalk connection from the building entrance to Shattuck Avenue S.  Standard Building entries from a street shall be clearly marked with canopies, architectural elements, ornamental lighting, or landscaping and include weather protection at least four and one-half feet (4-1/2') wide. Buildings that are taller than thirty feet (30') in height shall also ensure that the weather protection is proportional to the distance above ground level. Staff Comment: Canopies provide cover for over 90 percent of the west façade. Proposed canopies have a depth of 6 feet, which complies with this requirement.  Standard: Building entries from a parking lot shall be subordinate to those related to the street. Staff Comment: The building entries fronting on Shattuck Avenue S would be primary building entrances and would be treated appropriately.  Standard: Features such as entries, lobbies, and display windows shall be oriented to a street or pedestrian-oriented space; otherwise, screening or decorative features should be City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Environmental Review Committee & Administrative Site Plan Report ATS AUTOMATION EXPANSION LUA15-000478, ECF, MOD, SA-A Report of August 3, 2015 Page 12 of 30 ERC/Site Plan Report incorporated. Staff Comment: The height, location and size of the west façade windows, window sills and canopy (along Shattuck Avenue S) were designed at a pedestrian scale and to create a relationship with the street and sidewalk. N/A Standard: Multiple buildings on the same site shall direct views to building entries by providing a continuous network of pedestrian paths and open spaces that incorporate landscaping. N/A Standard: Ground floor residential units that are directly accessible from the street shall include entries from front yards to provide transition space from the street or entries from an open space such as a courtyard or garden that is accessible from the street. 3. Transition to Surrounding Development: Intent: To shape redevelopment projects so that the character and value of Renton’s long-established, existing neighborhoods are preserved. Guidelines: Careful siting and design treatment shall be used to achieve a compatible transition where new buildings differ from surrounding development in terms of building height, bulk and scale.  Standard: At least one of the following design elements shall be considered to promote a transition to surrounding uses: (a) Building proportions, including step-backs on upper levels; (b) Building articulation to divide a larger architectural element into smaller increments; or (c) Roof lines, roof pitches, and roof shapes designed to reduce apparent bulk and transition with existing development. Additionally, the Administrator of the Department of Community and Economic Development or designee may require increased setbacks at the side or rear of a building in order to reduce the bulk and scale of larger buildings and/or so that sunlight reaches adjacent and/or abutting yards. Staff Comment: The proposed addition would maintain a 47-foot setback from the residential properties to the north, creating separation between the larger 3 story office building and the smaller single family residences. The building addition façade has been divided in window bays with glazing recessed into the plane of the brick façade to break up the overall façade into smaller increments. The third level of the addition is also differentiated from the brick façade of the lower levels through the use of metal panel cladding that is recessed slightly from the face of the façade to reduce the appearance of the building. 4. Service Element Location and Design: Intent: To reduce the potential negative impacts of service elements (i.e., waste receptacles, loading docks) by locating service and loading areas away from high-volume pedestrian areas, and screening them from view in high visibility areas. Guidelines: Service elements shall be concentrated and located so that impacts to pedestrians and other abutting uses are minimized. The impacts of service elements shall be mitigated with landscaping and an enclosure with fencing that is made of quality materials. N/A Standard: Service elements shall be located and designed to minimize the impacts on the pedestrian environment and adjacent uses. Service elements shall be concentrated and located where they are accessible to service vehicles and convenient for tenant use. Staff Comment: No changes are proposed to the existing refuse and recycling deposit areas. The refuse and recycling deposit areas are currently located on the southwest corner of the project site, away from the neighboring residential uses to the north and east of the project site, and are enclosed with a wood fence. N/A Standard: In addition to standard enclosure requirements, garbage, recycling collection, and City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Environmental Review Committee & Administrative Site Plan Report ATS AUTOMATION EXPANSION LUA15-000478, ECF, MOD, SA-A Report of August 3, 2015 Page 13 of 30 ERC/Site Plan Report utility areas shall be enclosed on all sides, including the roof and screened around their perimeter by a wall or fence and have self-closing doors. Staff Comment: See previous Refuse and Recycling discussion under Findings of Face, Section 17.b. The existing refuse and recyclables deposit area is sized appropriately to accommodate the proposed addition. As such no changes are proposed to the existing refuse and recycling deposit area. As no changes are proposed, retrofitting of the refuse and recycling deposit area for compliance with these regulations is not required. N/A Standard: Service enclosures shall be made of masonry, ornamental metal or wood, or some combination of the three (3). Staff Comment: See comment above. The existing enclosure consists of a wood fence. N/A Standard: If the service area is adjacent to a street, pathway, or pedestrian-oriented space, a landscaped planting strip, minimum 3 feet wide, shall be located on 3 sides of such facility. Staff Comment: No changes are proposed to the existing refuse and recyclable deposit area, therefore compliance with this requirement is not applicable. 5. Gateways: Not applicable. ii. PARKING AND VEHICULAR ACCESS: Intent: To provide safe, convenient access to the Urban Center and the Center Village; incorporate various modes of transportation, including public mass transit, in order to reduce traffic volumes and other impacts from vehicles; ensure sufficient parking is provided, while encouraging creativity in reducing the impacts of parking areas; allow an active pedestrian environment by maintaining contiguous street frontages, without parking lot siting along sidewalks and building facades; minimize the visual impact of parking lots; and use access streets and parking to maintain an urban edge to the district. 1. Surface Parking: Intent: To maintain active pedestrian environments along streets by placing parking lots primarily in back of buildings. Guidelines: Surface parking shall be located and designed so as to reduce the visual impact of the parking area and associated vehicles. Large areas of surface parking shall also be designed to accommodate future infill development.  Standard: Parking shall be located so that no surface parking is located between a building and the front property line, or the building and side property line, on the street side of a corner lot. Staff Comment: No parking is located between the existing building or proposed addition and the front property line.  Standard: Parking shall be located so that it is screened from surrounding streets by buildings, landscaping, and/or gateway features as dictated by location. Staff Comment: The reconfigured surface parking associated with the building addition is located on the north side of the addition. The parking area would be screened from the street (Shattuck Avenue S) and the residential properties to the north by landscaping and a relocated pre-cast concrete decorative 6-foot fence (Exhibit 7). 2. Vehicular Access: Intent: To maintain a contiguous and uninterrupted sidewalk by minimizing, consolidating, and/or eliminating vehicular access off streets. Guidelines: Vehicular access to parking garages and parking lots shall not impede or interrupt pedestrian mobility. The impacts of curb cuts to pedestrian access on sidewalks shall be minimized.  Standard: Access to parking lots and garages shall be from alleys, when available. If not available, access shall occur at side streets. Staff Comment: Primary access to the site would be provided off of Shattuck Avenue S via an existing driveway to the south of the existing building and a relocated driveway to the north City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Environmental Review Committee & Administrative Site Plan Report ATS AUTOMATION EXPANSION LUA15-000478, ECF, MOD, SA-A Report of August 3, 2015 Page 14 of 30 ERC/Site Plan Report of the addition area. Alley access is available to the site, however the alley primarily provides vehicular access to the residential properties to the north and the residents would prefer that employees and patrons of ATS not utilize the alley for primary access.  Standard: The number of driveways and curb cuts shall be minimized, so that pedestrian circulation along the sidewalk is minimally impeded. Staff Comment: The site is currently served by two existing driveway curb cuts off of Shattuck Avenue S. One driveway is proposed to be relocated to the north of the addition area, however, no additional driveway curb cuts are proposed as part of the addition. iii. PEDESTRIAN ENVIRONMENT: Intent: To enhance the urban character of development in the Urban Center and the Center Village by creating pedestrian networks and by providing strong links from streets and drives to building entrances; make the pedestrian environment safer and more convenient, comfortable, and pleasant to walk between businesses, on sidewalks, to and from access points, and through parking lots; and promote the use of multi-modal and public transportation systems in order to reduce other vehicular traffic. 1. Pedestrian Circulation: Intent: To create a network of linkages for pedestrians to improve safety and convenience and enhance the pedestrian environment. Guidelines: The pedestrian environment shall be given priority and importance in the design of projects. Sidewalks and/or pathways shall be provided and shall provide safe access to buildings from parking areas. Providing pedestrian connections to abutting properties is an important aspect of connectivity and encourages pedestrian activity and shall be considered. Pathways shall be easily identifiable to pedestrians and drivers.  Standard: A pedestrian circulation system of pathways that are clearly delineated and connect buildings, open space, and parking areas with the sidewalk system and abutting properties shall be provided. (a) Pathways shall be located so that there are clear sight lines, to increase safety. (b) Pathways shall be an all-weather or permeable walking surface, unless the applicant can demonstrate that the proposed surface is appropriate for the anticipated number of users and complementary to the design of the development. Staff Comment: The proposed addition includes pedestrian pathways connecting the addition to the sidewalk to be extended along Shattuck Avenue S.  Standard: Pathways within parking areas shall be provided and differentiated by material or texture (i.e., raised walkway, stamped concrete, or pavers) from abutting paving materials. Permeable materials are encouraged. The pathways shall be perpendicular to the applicable building façade and no greater than one hundred fifty feet (150') apart. Staff Comment: Pedestrian walkways are proposed around the perimeter of the addition, between the building and the reconfigured parking lot. The walkways would be comprised of a combination of raised concrete sidewalks and striped walkways. The proposal to strip the walkway along the north and east portion of the addition would not comply with the requirements for pedestrian circulation. Staff recommends, as a condition of approval, that a revised site plan be provided at the time of Building Permit Review replacing the striped walkways with a walkway of a differentiated material (i.e. stamped concrete, or pavers). The revised site plan shall be submitted to the Current Planning Project Manager for review and approval prior to the issuance of a building permit. Compliant if modification is granted Standard: Sidewalks and pathways along the facades of buildings shall be of sufficient width to accommodate anticipated numbers of users. Specifically: (a) Sidewalks and pathways along the facades of mixed use and retail buildings 100 or more feet in width (measured along the facade) shall provide sidewalks at least 12 feet in width. The walkway shall include an 8 foot minimum unobstructed walking surface. City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Environmental Review Committee & Administrative Site Plan Report ATS AUTOMATION EXPANSION LUA15-000478, ECF, MOD, SA-A Report of August 3, 2015 Page 15 of 30 ERC/Site Plan Report (b) Interior pathways shall be provided and shall vary in width to establish a hierarchy. The widths shall be based on the intended number of users; to be no smaller than five feet (5') and no greater than twelve feet (12'). (c) For all other interior pathways, the proposed walkway shall be of sufficient width to accommodate the anticipated number of users. Staff Comment: The application has submitted a modification request from the sidewalk width requirement along Shattuck Avenue S. The City’s street standards (RMC 4-6-060) require a 12-foot wide sidewalk with tree grates. The applicant’s modification request is to provide an 8-foot wide sidewalk with tree grates within the public right-of-way and an additional 4 feet of sidewalk on their property. Staff is recommending approval of the requested modification (see further discussion below under Findings of Fact 17.g Transportation). All interior pedestrian walkways would maintain a minimum 5-foot 6- inch width. N/A Standard: Mid-block connections between buildings shall be provided. 2. Pedestrian Amenities: Not Applicable iv. RECREATION AREAS AND COMMON OPEN SPACE: Intent: To ensure that areas for both passive and active recreation are available to residents, workers, and visitors and that these areas are of sufficient size for the intended activity and in convenient locations. To create usable and inviting open space that is accessible to the public; and to promote pedestrian activity on streets particularly at street corners. Guidelines: Developments located at street intersections should provide pedestrian-oriented space at the street corner to emphasize pedestrian activity (illustration below). Recreation and common open space areas are integral aspects of quality development that encourage pedestrians and users. These areas shall be provided in an amount that is adequate to be functional and usable; they shall also be landscaped and located so that they are appealing to users and pedestrians. N/A Standard: All mixed use residential and attached housing developments of ten (10) or more dwelling units shall provide common open space and/or recreation areas. Partially Compliant Standard: All buildings and developments with over thirty thousand (30,000) square feet of nonresidential uses (excludes parking garage floorplate areas) shall provide pedestrian- oriented space. (a) The pedestrian-oriented space shall be provided according to the following formula: 1% of the site area + 1% of the gross building area, at minimum. (b) The pedestrian-oriented space shall include all of the following: i. Visual and pedestrian access (including barrier-free access) to the abutting structures from the public right-of-way or a non-vehicular courtyard; and ii. Paved walking surfaces of either concrete or approved unit paving; and iii. On-site or building-mounted lighting providing at least four (4) foot-candles (average) on the ground; and iv. At least three (3) lineal feet of seating area (bench, ledge, etc.) or one individual seat per sixty (60) square feet of plaza area or open space. (c) The following areas shall not count as pedestrian-oriented space: i. The minimum required walkway. However, where walkways are widened or enhanced beyond minimum requirements, the area may count as pedestrian-oriented space if the City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Environmental Review Committee & Administrative Site Plan Report ATS AUTOMATION EXPANSION LUA15-000478, ECF, MOD, SA-A Report of August 3, 2015 Page 16 of 30 ERC/Site Plan Report Administrator determines such space meets the definition of pedestrian-oriented space. ii. Areas that abut landscaped parking lots, chain link fences, blank walls, and/or dumpsters or service areas. (d) Outdoor storage (shopping carts, potting soil bags, firewood, etc.) is prohibited within pedestrian-oriented space. Staff Comment: The proposed 11,526 square foot addition results in a total building area of 37,848 square feet on the project site. As the proposed addition results in a total building area of over 30,000 square feet, the proposal is required to provide pedestrian-oriented open space. A total minimum square footage of 793 square feet of pedestrian-oriented open space is required. An 852 square foot plaza is provided to the west of the building adjacent to the Shattuck Avenue S street frontage. No seating is identified within the plaza area; therefore, staff recommends, as a condition of approval, that a revised site plan be submitted at the time of Building Permit review providing at least 3 lineal feet of seating area (bench, ledge, etc.) or one individual seat per 60 square feet of plaza area within the west plaza. The revised site plat shall be submitted to the Current Planning Project Manager for review and approval prior to the issuance of the Building Permit. Seating shall be installed prior to Certificate of Occupancy. v. BUILDING ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN: Intent: To encourage building design that is unique and urban in character, comfortable on a human scale, and uses appropriate building materials that are suitable for the Pacific Northwest climate. To discourage franchise retail architecture. 1. Building Character and Massing: Intent: To ensure that buildings are not bland and visually appear to be at a human scale; and ensure that all sides of a building, that can be seen by the public, are visually interesting. Guidelines: Building facades shall be modulated and/or articulated to reduce the apparent size of buildings, break up long blank walls, add visual interest, and enhance the character of the neighborhood. Articulation, modulation, and their intervals should create a sense of scale important to residential buildings.  Standard: All building facades shall include modulation or articulation at intervals of no more than forty feet (40'). Staff Comment: The building addition facades have been modulated and differentiated from one another to create visual interest and to make reference to their adjacent surroudings while tying into the existing building. There are not intervals greater than 40 feet between modulations.  Standard: Modulations shall be a minimum of two feet (2') deep, sixteen feet (16') in height, and eight feet (8') in width. Staff Comment: The center of the addition that connects to the existing brick building is clad in an aluminum and glass curtain wall system to add a visual break between the addition and the existing building and to reference the vertical glass and metal systems used to enclose the stairways of the original building and to break up the monolithic brick appearance of the west and east facades. The third floor level exterior on the west, north and east facades is sheathed in metal panel siding to incorporate previous building addition finishes and to further add visual interest and to reduce the possible monolithic appearance of the building. The brick portions of the west façade of the building is modulated to articulate the locations of the exit stair and its verticality while the north portion of the west façade is broken into two bays to define the location of the addition’s structure and to reduce the scale of the face to the street and human scale. The north façade of the addition City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Environmental Review Committee & Administrative Site Plan Report ATS AUTOMATION EXPANSION LUA15-000478, ECF, MOD, SA-A Report of August 3, 2015 Page 17 of 30 ERC/Site Plan Report is broken into 5 bays based on the building’s structure. The entrance on this side of the building is differentiated from the others to indicate its importance. The brick portion of the east façade continues the modulated bays as defined on the west façade. N/A Standard: Buildings greater than one hundred sixty feet (160') in length shall provide a variety of modulations and articulations to reduce the apparent bulk and scale of the facade; or provide an additional special feature such as a clock tower, courtyard, fountain, or public gathering area. 2. Ground-Level Details: Intent: To ensure that buildings are visually interesting and reinforce the intended human-scale character of the pedestrian environment; and ensure that all sides of a building within near or distant public view have visual interest. Guidelines: The use of material variations such as colors, brick, shingles, stucco, and horizontal wood siding is encouraged. The primary building entrance should be made visibly prominent by incorporating architectural features such as a facade overhang, trellis, large entry doors, and/or ornamental lighting. Detail features should also be used, to include things such as decorative entry paving, street furniture (benches, etc.), and/or public art.  Standard: Human-scaled elements such as a lighting fixture, trellis, or other landscape feature shall be provided along the facade’s ground floor. Staff Comment: The applicant has added landscaping and canopies along the façade’s ground floor in order to provide human-scaled elements to the building.  Standard: On any façade visible to the public, transparent windows and/or doors are required to comprise at least 50 percent of the portion of the ground floor facade that is between 4 feet and 8 feet above ground (as measured on the true elevation).  Standard: Upper portions of building facades shall have clear windows with visibility into and out of the building. However, screening may be applied to provide shade and energy efficiency. The minimum amount of light transmittance for windows shall be 50 percent. N/A Standard: Display windows shall be designed for frequent change of merchandise, rather than permanent displays.  Standard: Where windows or storefronts occur, they must principally contain clear glazing.  Standard: Tinted and dark glass, highly reflective (mirror-type) glass and film are prohibited.  Standard: Untreated blank walls visible from public streets, sidewalks, or interior pedestrian pathways are prohibited. A wall (including building facades and retaining walls) is considered a blank wall if: (a) It is a ground floor wall or portion of a ground floor wall over 6 feet in height, has a horizontal length greater than 15 feet), and does not include a window, door, building modulation or other architectural detailing; or (e) Any portion of a ground floor wall has a surface area of 400 square feet or greater and does not include a window, door, building modulation or other architectural detailing. Staff Comment: No blank walls are proposed that would be visible from Shattuck Avenue S.  Standard: If blank walls are required or unavoidable, blank walls shall be treated with one or more of the following: (a) A planting bed at least five feet in width containing trees, shrubs, evergreen ground cover, or vines adjacent to the blank wall; (b) Trellis or other vine supports with evergreen climbing vines; (c) Architectural detailing such as reveals, contrasting materials, or other special detailing that meets the intent of this standard; (d) Artwork, such as bas-relief sculpture, mural, or similar; or (e) Seating area with special paving and seasonal planting. 3. Building Roof Lines: City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Environmental Review Committee & Administrative Site Plan Report ATS AUTOMATION EXPANSION LUA15-000478, ECF, MOD, SA-A Report of August 3, 2015 Page 18 of 30 ERC/Site Plan Report Intent: To ensure that roof forms provide distinctive profiles and interest consistent with an urban project and contribute to the visual continuity of the district. Guidelines: Building roof lines shall be varied and include architectural elements to add visual interest to the building.  Standard: Buildings shall use at least one of the following elements to create varied and interesting roof profiles: (a) Extended parapets; (b) Feature elements projecting above parapets; (c) Projected cornices; (d) Pitched or sloped roofs (e) Buildings containing predominantly residential uses shall have pitched roofs with a minimum slope of one to four (1:4) and shall have dormers or interesting roof forms that break up the massiveness of an uninterrupted sloping roof. Staff Comment: The roof line of the addition utilizes extended parapets to create a varied and interesting roof profile. All rooftop mechanical equipment will be screened from public view. 4. Building Materials: Intent: To ensure high standards of quality and effective maintenance over time; encourage the use of materials that reduce the visual bulk of large buildings; and encourage the use of materials that add visual interest to the neighborhood. Guidelines: Building materials are an important and integral part of the architectural design of a building that is attractive and of high quality. Material variation shall be used to create visual appeal and eliminate monotony of facades. This shall occur on all facades in a consistent manner. High quality materials shall be used. If materials like concrete or block walls are used they shall be enhanced to create variation and enhance their visual appeal.  Standard: All sides of buildings visible from a street, pathway, parking area, or open space shall be finished on all sides with the same building materials, detailing, and color scheme, or if different, with materials of the same quality. Staff Comment: The primary building material to be utilized on all facades is brick with the exclusion of the third floor at the west, north, and east facades where metal panel is used to clad and define the third floor. The center of the addition is clad in an aluminum and glass curtain wall system. The brick scale and color has been selected to match the original building brick. The metal panel has been selected to tie into the original building’s exterior metal panel cladding.  Standard: All buildings shall use material variations such as colors, brick or metal banding, patterns or textural changes.  Standard: Materials shall be durable, high quality, and consistent with more traditional urban development, such as brick, integrally colored concrete masonry, pre-finished metal, stone, steel, glass and cast-in-place concrete. N/A Standard: If concrete is used, walls shall be enhanced by techniques such as texturing, reveals, and/or coloring with a concrete coating or admixture. N/A Standard: If concrete block walls are used, they shall be enhanced with integral color, textured blocks and colored mortar, decorative bond pattern and/or shall incorporate other masonry materials.  Standard: All buildings shall use material variations such as colors, brick or metal banding, patterns, or textural changes. City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Environmental Review Committee & Administrative Site Plan Report ATS AUTOMATION EXPANSION LUA15-000478, ECF, MOD, SA-A Report of August 3, 2015 Page 19 of 30 ERC/Site Plan Report vi. LIGHTING: Intent: To ensure safety and security; provide adequate lighting levels in pedestrian areas such as plazas, pedestrian walkways, parking areas, building entries, and other public places; and increase the visual attractiveness of the area at all times of the day and night. Guidelines: Lighting that improves pedestrian safety and also that creates visual interest in the building and site during the evening hours shall be provided.  Standard: Pedestrian-scale lighting shall be provided at primary and secondary building entrances. Examples include sconces on building facades, awnings with down-lighting and decorative street lighting. Staff Comment: According to the applicant, the pedestrian areas at the west façade and at entrances on other facades are illuminated by wall sconces. Ramp and stair circulation in the area is illuminated with step lights. The north parking lot is to be illuminated by two parking lights on poles. The remaining parking area and walkways will be illuminated by wall pack lighting attached to the building façade.  Standard: Accent lighting shall also be provided on building facades (such as sconces) and/or to illuminate other key elements of the site such as gateways, specimen trees, other significant landscaping, water features, and/or artwork. Not Compliant Standard: Downlighting shall be used in all cases to assure safe pedestrian and vehicular movement, unless alternative pedestrian scale lighting has been approved administratively or is specifically listed as exempt from provisions located in RMC 4-4-075, Lighting, Exterior On-Site (i.e., signage, governmental flags, decorative lighting, right-of-way-lighting, etc.). Staff Comment: A lighting plan was not submitted with the current application materials. The Police Department commented that all areas of the project should have adequate lighting, which will assist in the deterrent of theft from motor vehicles as well as provide safe pedestrian travel for employees and customers. Staff recommends, as a condition of approval, that a lighting plan be submitted at the time of Building Permit Review demonstrating compliance with RMC 4-4-075 Lighting, Exterior, On-Site. The lighting plan shall be submitted to the Current Planning Project Manager for review and approval prior to the issuance of a building permit. d. PLANNED ACTION ORDINANCE AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT COMPLIANCE AND CONISTENCY: Not applicable. e. OFF-SITE IMPACTS: Structures: Restricting overscale structures and overconcentration of development on a particular portion of the site. The proposed addition is setback from the existing single family residential development to the north by 47 feet to create significant separation between the addition and the smaller scale residential buildings. Currently, there is no landscape buffer between the existing development and the north property, however, landscaping is proposed to be installed as a result of the construction of the addition. The addition facades have been divided into window bays with glazing recessed into the pane of the brick façade to break up the visual appearance of the façade into smaller increments. The third level of the addition is also differentiated from the brick façade of the lower levels with the use of metal panel cladding that is recessed slightly from the face of the building to reduce the monolithic appearance of the building. The proposed addition would not result in the construction of an overscale structure or an overconcentration of development on the project site. Circulation: Providing desirable transitions and linkages between uses, streets, walkways and adjacent properties. City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Environmental Review Committee & Administrative Site Plan Report ATS AUTOMATION EXPANSION LUA15-000478, ECF, MOD, SA-A Report of August 3, 2015 Page 20 of 30 ERC/Site Plan Report The placement of the proposed addition was made to create a direct pedestrian connection to the sidewalk along Shattuck Avenue S. The entry to the addition was located adjacent to the sidewalk to increase the pedestrian relationship to the building. The height, location, and size of the front (west) façade windows, window sills, and canopy were designed at a pedestrian scale to create a relationship between the addition and Shattuck Avenue S. Loading and Storage Areas: Locating, designing and screening storage areas, utilities, rooftop equipment, loading areas, and refuse and recyclables to minimize views from surrounding properties. As part of the proposed addition, new rooftop mechanical equipment screening will be added. The screening will extend approximately 7 feet above the surface of the rooftop and would be 13 feet 8 inches in width. The materials proposed for the screen include a galvanized steel frame and prefinished 22 GA corrugated metal panel. No changes are proposed to the existing refuse and recyclables deposit area for the building. The existing refuse and recyclable deposit area is located on the southwest corner of the project site, away from the abutting residential development, and is fenced with a 6-foot wood fence. Views: Recognizing the public benefit and desirability of maintaining visual accessibility to attractive natural features. The project site is relatively flat with limited vegetation and no large attractive natural features on or near the site for which to maintain visual accessibility. The proposed height of the addition is appropriate for the situation. The addition of the new rooftop mechanical equipment and associated screening will have limited impacts on the surrounding properties. Landscaping: Using landscaping to provide transitions between development and surrounding properties to reduce noise and glare, maintain privacy, and generally enhance the appearance of the project. See Landscaping discussion under Findings of Fact, Section 17.b. Lighting: Designing and/or placing exterior lighting and glazing in order to avoid excessive brightness or glare to adjacent properties and streets. As stated above, a lighting plan was not provided with the project materials. Staff had previously recommended, as a condition of approval, that the applicant provide a lighting plan with the Building Permit Review. f. ONSITE IMPACTS: Structure Placement: Provisions for privacy and noise reduction by building placement, spacing and orientation. The project is located in an area of commercial and residential uses. The surrounding parcels are zoned Commercial Arterial (CA) and Residential-14. The proposed addition has been located adjacent to Shattuck Avenue S to create a pedestrian relationship with the addition. In addition, the proposed addition would maintain a 47-foot setback from the existing less intense residential development to the north. The proposed addition complies with the required setbacks for the CD zone. The proposed expansion of the office use is anticipated to be compatible with future surrounding uses as permitted in the CD zone. Structure Scale: Consideration of the scale of proposed structures in relation to natural characteristics, views and vistas, site amenities, sunlight, prevailing winds, and pedestrian and vehicle needs. The massing of the proposed addition is most prominently visible from Shattuck Avenue S. The scale and bulk of the building is reduced through the use of differing materials on the building façades and City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Environmental Review Committee & Administrative Site Plan Report ATS AUTOMATION EXPANSION LUA15-000478, ECF, MOD, SA-A Report of August 3, 2015 Page 21 of 30 ERC/Site Plan Report landscaping. Building materials primarily include brick and metal panel siding. The center of the addition, where it connects to the existing brick building, is clad in an aluminum and glass curtain wall system to add a visual break between the addition and the existing building and to reference the vertical glass and metal systems used to enclose the stairways of the original building and to break up the monolithic brick appearance of the west and east facades. The existing building was designed appropriately to allow adequate light and air circulation to the buildings and the site. The design of the structures would not result in excessive shading of the property. In addition, there is ample area surrounding the building to provide normal airflow. The primary building entrance and main parking lot will remain unchanged. The entry to the addition is proposed to be located adjacent to the sidewalk to increase the pedestrian relationship to the building. To accommodate the proposed addition, 11 parking spaces are proposed to be removed and relocated to the north and an additional 3 parking spaces are proposed to be added. In addition, the existing northern entry only driveway would be relocated to the north to accommodate the construction of the addition and new parking area. The remaining surface parking area would remain unchanged. Natural Features: Protection of the natural landscape by retaining existing vegetation and soils, using topography to reduce undue cutting and filling, and limiting impervious surfaces. The site contains a total of 33 existing significant trees. The majority of the existing trees are located along the southern and northern property line. The addition has been sited to avoid the removal of the majority of trees on site. There are 3 trees in the area of the proposed addition, resulting in the retention of 30 existing trees. The applicant has indicated a mature, existing tree, located along Shattuck would remain as a part of the proposed plaza area. The retention of this tree, that is visible to the public, provides a significant benefit to the overall project design and for both the office users and the public. Considering there is proposed construction around this tree, staff recommends an arborist be on site during construction of the plaza to ensure tree protection is sufficient to ensure survival of this tree. The project site is relatively flat; therefore staff does not anticipate that the construction of the proposed site improvements would require undue cutting and filling or excessive impervious surfaces. Landscaping: Use of landscaping to soften the appearance of parking areas, to provide shade and privacy where needed, to define and enhance open spaces, and generally to enhance the appearance of the project. Landscaping also includes the design and protection of planting areas so that they are less susceptible to damage from vehicles or pedestrian movements. The landscaping is used to provide a transition between the existing development and the abutting properties or adjacent public spaces. Landscaping has been incorporated into the surface parking area, in the form of a planter islands, and around the front of the building to soften the appearance. The landscaping will provide shade and privacy where needed and will enhance the appearance of the site if all conditions of approval are complied with. g. ACCESS: Location and Consolidation: Providing access points on side streets or frontage streets rather than directly onto arterial streets and consolidation of ingress and egress points on the site and, when feasible, with adjacent properties. The project site has two existing primary points of access off of Shattuck Avenue S. One entry only driveway is located on the north side of the existing building and a second exit only driveway is located on the south side of the existing building. A gated secondary emergency access is located where Whitworth Avenue S terminates at the north property line. In addition, an existing alley serving the residential development to the north terminates at the north property line. The alley is not encouraged for use by the employees of ATS, however access from the alley is not precluded. The existing entry only City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Environmental Review Committee & Administrative Site Plan Report ATS AUTOMATION EXPANSION LUA15-000478, ECF, MOD, SA-A Report of August 3, 2015 Page 22 of 30 ERC/Site Plan Report driveway on the north side of the existing building will be relocated to the north to accommodate the construction of the addition. The proposed development is expected to maintain the safety and efficiency of pedestrian and vehicle circulation on the site if all conditions of approval are complied with. Internal Circulation: Promoting safety and efficiency of the internal circulation system, including the location, design and dimensions of vehicular and pedestrian access points, drives, parking, turnarounds, walkways, bikeways, and emergency access ways. The internal circulation of the site will largely be maintained. The construction of the addition results in the relocation of 11 parking spaces as well as the addition of 3 parking spaces to the north of the addition. The applicant has proposed 45 degree head-in parking using a one way circulation pattern within the new surface parking area. A stall shall be a minimum of sixteen feet (16’) for stalls designed at forty five degrees (45°) or greater. The applicant has sufficient area to provide a seventeen foot (17’) drive aisle width and a nine foot (9’) by twenty foot (20’) parking stall. Internal connections to the existing public sidewalk network and across the proposed drive aisle allow for an efficient and generally safe circulation system for a litany of transportation methods. Loading and Delivery: Separating loading and delivery areas from parking and pedestrian areas. There are no dedicated loading or delivery areas proposed onsite. Transit and Bicycles: Providing transit, carpools and bicycle facilities and access. Per RMC 4-4-080F.11 the number of bicycle parking spaces shall be 10% of the number of required off- street parking spaces. Based on the proposal, which permits a maximum of 12 vehicle parking stalls, 1 bicycle parking stall is required to be provided. Information regarding the location of the required bicycle parking space was not included in the submitted materials. Bicycle parking for office must provide for secure extended use and shall protect the entire bicycle and its components and accessories from theft and weather. Acceptable examples include bike lockers, bike check-in systems, in-building parking, and limited access fenced areas with weather protection. Therefore, staff recommends the applicant revise the site plan to comply with the bicycle requirements or request a modification to the required bicycle parking spaces outlined in RMC 4-4-080F.11. The revised site plan shall be submitted to the Current Planning Project Manager for review and approval prior to the issuance of a building permit. Pedestrians: Providing safe and attractive pedestrian connections between parking areas, buildings, public sidewalks and adjacent properties. The construction of frontage improvements, including sidewalks, along the site’s Shattuck Avenue S frontage are required, which will provide safe pedestrian connections between the buildings and the surrounding area. Pedestrian connections between the proposed addition and the new sidewalk are proposed and shown on the submitted site plan (Exhibit 3). h. OPEN SPACE: Incorporating open spaces to serve as distinctive project focal points and to provide adequate areas for passive and active recreation by the occupants/users of the site. As part of the construction of the proposed addition, the applicant has proposed to construct a plaza on the west side of the addition to provide a passive recreation area for occupants/users of the site. Staff has previously recommended, as a project condition, that seating be provided within the plaza. i. VIEWS AND PUBLIC ACCESS: When possible, providing view corridors to shorelines and Mt. Rainier, and incorporating public access to shorelines. The proposed structure would not block view corridors to shorelines or Mt. Rainier. The public access requirement is not applicable as the site is not adjacent to a shoreline. City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Environmental Review Committee & Administrative Site Plan Report ATS AUTOMATION EXPANSION LUA15-000478, ECF, MOD, SA-A Report of August 3, 2015 Page 23 of 30 ERC/Site Plan Report j. NATURAL SYSTEMS: Arranging project elements to protect existing natural systems where applicable. There are no natural systems located onsite. k. SERVICES AND INFRASTRUCTURE: Making available public services and facilities to accommodate the proposed use. Police and Fire: Fire and Police Department staff has indicated that their existing facilities are adequate to accommodate the subject proposal, provided the applicant provides Code required improvements and fees. The preliminary fire flow requirement is 2,500 gpm based on a fully fire sprinklered building. A minimum of three fire hydrants are required. One fire hydrant is required within 150 feet of the proposed building and two hydrants within 300 feet. One new hydrant shall be required to be installed on the east side of the building to coincide with new fire apparatus access in that area. The existing fire alarm, fire sprinkler, and fire standpipe systems are required to be extended into the proposed addition. Separate plans and permits are required to be submitted to the Renton Fire Department for review and permitting. Fire Department apparatus access roadways are required to be a minimum of 20 feet wide fully paved, with 25 feet inside and 45 feet outside turning radius. Fire access roadways shall be constructed to support a 30 ton vehicle with 322 psi point loading. Access is required within 150 feet of all points on the buildings. Proposed access around the proposed addition does not meet the Fire Department access requirements and shall be revised or alternate access shall be proposed. Staff recommends, as a condition of approval, that a revised site plan be submitted at the time of Building Permit Review demonstrating compliance with the Fire Department access requirements. The revised site plan shall be submitted to the Fire Department for review and approval prior to the issuance of a building permit. Parks and Recreation: Alteration or replacement of an existing residential structure that does not create an additional dwelling unit or change the type of dwelling unit are exempt from Parks Impact Fees per RMC 4-1-190I.1.a. The street tree species along Shattuck Avenue S shall be “Leprechaun” Ash, with a minimum 2” caliper and the tree grates shall measure 4’ by 8’ and shall match the existing design of the grates on Shattuck Avenue S. Staff recommends, as a condition of approval, that a detailed landscape plan be submitted at the time of Building Permit Review incorporating Leprechaun Ash street trees and 4’ by 8’ tree grates which match the design of the existing grates along Shattuck Avenue S. The detailed landscape plan shall be submitted to the Current Planning Project Manager for review and approval prior to the issuance of a building permit. Drainage: A drainage report (Exhibit 12) dated May 4, 2015 was submitted by LPD Engineering PLLC with the site plan application. The redevelopment project is subject to Full Drainage Review in accordance with the 2009 King County Surface Water Manual and City and The City of Renton Amendments to the KCSWM, Chapters 1 and 2. All core and special requirements have been discussed in the report. The 0.95 acre site consists of 0.182 acres of impervious surface area (existing building, asphalt and gravel), and 0.768 acres of existing landscaping. There is an existing 4 story building (to be retained) on the site. The applicant is proposing to build an addition with a 4,100 square foot building footprint to the north end of the existing building. Based on the City’s flow control map, this site falls within the Peak Rate Flow Control Standard, Existing Conditions. The engineer has shown that flow control is not required for this project since the targeted surfaces will generate less than 0.1 cfs increase in the existing site condition 100 year peak flow. The project is subject to a Level 1 downstream analysis. Stormwater runoff from the site drains to a series of catch basins and pipe systems in Shattuck Ave South, Rainier Ave South and SW 7th Street, where it ultimately discharges into the Black River. No downstream flooding or erosion issues were identified in the report. The proposed project will create a new 7,181 square foot asphalt parking lot. City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Environmental Review Committee & Administrative Site Plan Report ATS AUTOMATION EXPANSION LUA15-000478, ECF, MOD, SA-A Report of August 3, 2015 Page 24 of 30 ERC/Site Plan Report Water quality treatment under Core Requirement No. 8 will be required. The engineer has shown a wet vault and a Stormfilter system at the west end of the parking lot. A Construction Stormwater General Permit from Department of Ecology will be required if grading and clearing of the site exceeds one acre. A Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) is required for this site. A surface water system development fee of $0.540 per square foot of new impervious surface will apply. This is payable prior to issuance of the utility construction permit. Transportation: Existing right of way width in this section of Shattuck Ave South is 60 feet. There is an existing 8 foot sidewalk along the east side of Shattuck Ave South, north of the site. This site falls within the City Center Community Planning Area. Per City code, a 12 foot sidewalk with street trees and tree grates are required. To install these improvements, approximately four feet of dedication of right of way would be required. The applicant is requesting a modification to the street standard. The modification request is to install and match the existing 8-foot sidewalk along Shattuck Ave South. A connection from the sidewalk at the corner of Shattuck Ave South and South 4th Place to the sidewalk fronting the site will need to be made (see Finding of Fact 18 for analysis of the modification). Installation of LED street lighting may be required fronting the site if lighting levels do not meet city code. Traffic impact fees will be assessed based on the use of the new addition. The current traffic impact fee for an office use is $3.69 per square foot. Fees will be assessed and are payable at building permit issuance. Schools: Not applicable. Water: A fire sprinkler system will be required by the Fire Department. Extension of an 8-inch water main and a new hydrant is required to be located at the rear of the building. This is required by the Fire Department and will provide 1, 000 gpm. Any existing hydrant(s) counted towards fire protection will be required to be retrofitted with a 5-inch quick disconnect storz fitting if not already in place. Installation of a domestic water meter for the new building addition with a reduced backflow prevention assembly (RPBA) is required. The RPBA shall be installed behind the meter and inside a heated enclosure (“hot box”) per City standard plan no. 350.2. The sizing of the domestic water meter shall be done in accordance with Chapter 6 of Uniform Plumbing Code. If underground irrigation is proposed, the project shall require the installation of a landscape irrigation meter with a double check valve assembly. l. PHASING: The applicant is not requesting any additional phasing request. 18. Street Modification Analysis: All frontage roads are required to meet street standards pursuant to RMC 4-6-060. The applicant is requesting a street modification, from RMC 4-6-060, in order to modify the requirement for the required 12-foot sidewalk along Shattuck Avenue S. The existing sidewalks fronting along Shattuck Avenue S in the vicinity of the project site are currently 8 feet wide. The proposal is compliant with the following modification criteria, pursuant to RMC 4-9-250, if all conditions of approval are met. Therefore, staff recommends approval of the requested street modification, as noted below: Compliance Street Modification Criteria and Analysis  a. Substantially implements the policy direction of the policies and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element and the Community Design Element and the proposed modification is the minimum adjustment necessary to implement these policies and objectives. City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Environmental Review Committee & Administrative Site Plan Report ATS AUTOMATION EXPANSION LUA15-000478, ECF, MOD, SA-A Report of August 3, 2015 Page 25 of 30 ERC/Site Plan Report Staff Comment: See FOF 17a, Comprehensive Plan Compliance.  b. Will meet the objectives and safety, function, appearance, environmental protection and maintainability intended by the Code requirements, based upon sound engineering judgment. Staff Comment: The requested modification is to match the existing 8-foot sidewalk width along Shattuck Avenue S which would meet the objectives and safety, function, appearance, environmental protection and maintainability intended by the Code requirements.  c. Will not be injurious to other property(ies) in the vicinity. Staff Comment: The proposed 8-foot wide sidewalk is not anticipated to be injurious to other properties within the vicinity of the site.  d. Conforms to the intent and purpose of the Code. Staff Comment: See comments under criterion ‘b’.  e. Can be shown to be justified and required for the use and situation intended; and Staff Comment: See comments under criterion ‘b’.  f. Will not create adverse impacts to other property(ies) in the vicinity. Staff Comment: See comments under criterion ‘c’. I. CONCLUSIONS: 1. Based on analysis of probable impacts from the proposal, staff recommends that the responsible officials issue a Determination of Non-Significance-Mitigated. 2. The proposal complies with the Site Plan Review Criteria if all conditions of approval are met. 3. The proposal is compliant and consistent with the plans, policies, regulations and approvals if all conditions of approval are met. 4. Staff does not anticipate any adverse impacts on surrounding properties and uses as long as the conditions of approval are complied with. 5. The proposed use is anticipated to be compatible with existing and future surrounding uses as permitted in the CD zoning classification. 6. The scale, height and bulk of the proposed buildings are appropriate for the site. 7. Safe and efficient access and circulation has been provided for all users. 8. There are adequate public services and facilities to accommodate the proposed use. 9. The proposed location is suited for the proposed addition. 10. The proposed office addition would not result in a substantial or undue adverse effect on adjacent properties. City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Environmental Review Committee & Administrative Site Plan Report ATS AUTOMATION EXPANSION LUA15-000478, ECF, MOD, SA-A Report of August 3, 2015 Page 26 of 30 ERC/Site Plan Report 11. Adequate parking for the proposed addition has been provided as long as the conditions of approval are complied with. 12. The proposed site plan ensures safe movement for vehicles and pedestrians and has mitigated potential effects on the surrounding area if all conditions of approval are complied with. 13. The proposed development would not generate any long term harmful or unhealthy conditions. Potential noise, light and glare impacts from the proposed use have been evaluated and mitigated if all conditions of approval are complied with. 14. Landscaping has been provided in all areas not occupied by the building or paving. Additional landscaping has been provided in order to buffer adjacent properties from potentially adverse effects of the proposed change in use. 15. The subject project complies with the Comprehensive Plan designation of Commercial & Mixed Use (CMU) and the zoning designation of Center Downtown (CD) if all conditions of approval are satisfied. 16. The requested modification satisfies the Modification criteria outlined under RMC 4-9-250D. J. DECISION: The proposed Site Plan and Modification Request for the ATS Expansion, File No. LUA15-000478, ECF, MOD, SA- A, are approved subject to the following conditions: 1. A detailed landscape plan, compliant with RMC 4-8-120D shall be submitted at the time of Building Permit Review. The detailed landscape plan shall include: a. plantings between the wrought iron fence and sidewalk on the northeast corner of the project site; b. a minimum 5-foot wide landscape strip shall be provided between the proposed parking lot and north property line. In addition, evergreen shrubs shall be installed within the 5-foot wide landscape strip to further buffer the northern property from the proposed project; c. Leprechaun Ash street trees and 4’ by 8’ tree grates which match the design of the existing grates along Shattuck Avenue S. The detailed landscape plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to the issuance of the building permit. Landscaping shall be installed prior to Certificate of Occupancy. 2. A revised site plan shall be submitted at the time of Building Permit Review providing at least 3 lineal feet of seating area (bench, ledge, etc.) or one individual seat per 60 square feet of plaza area within the west plaza. The revised site plat shall be submitted to the Current Planning Project Manager for review and approval prior to the issuance of the building permit. Seating shall be installed prior to Certificate of Occupancy. 3. A lighting plan shall be submitted at the time of Building Permit Review demonstrating compliance with RMC 4-4-075 Lighting, Exterior, On-Site. The lighting plan shall be submitted to the Current Planning Project Manager for review and approval prior to the issuance of a building permit. 4. An arborist shall be on site during construction of the plaza to ensure tree protection is sufficient to ensure survival of the existing tree to be retained adjacent to the plaza. 5. A revised site plan, which complies with the bicycle requirements or a modification to the required bicycle parking spaces outlined in RMC 4-4-080F.11 shall be submitted at the time a Building Permit CityofRentonDepartmentofCommunity&e”’fnicDevelopmentEnvironmentalReviyimmittee&AdministrativeSitePlanReportATSAUTOMATIONEXPANSIONLUAI5-000478,ECF,MOD,SA-AReportofAugust3,2015Page27of30Review.TherevisedsiteplanshallbesubmittedtotheCurrentPlanningProjectManagerforreviewandapprovalpriortotheissuanceofabuildingpermit.6.ArevisedsiteplanshallbesubmittedatthetimeofBuildingPermitReviewdemonstratingcompliancewiththeFireDepartmentaccessrequirements.TherevisedsiteplanshallbesubmittedtotheFireDepartmentforreviewandapprovalpriortotheissuanceofabuildingpermit.7.ArevisedsiteplanshallbeprovidedatthetimeofBuildingPermitReviewreplacingthestripedwalkwayswithawalkwayofadifferentiatedmaterial(i.e.stampedconcrete,orpayers).TherevisedsiteplanshallbesubmittedtotheCurrentPlanningProjectManagerforreviewandapprovalpriortotheissuanceofabuildingpermit.DATEOFDECISIONONLANDUSEACTION:SIGNATURE:1-me/fiifJenniferHenning,AICP,PlanningDirectDateDepartmentofCommunity&EconomicDevelopmentTRANSMITTEDthis7thdayofAugust,2015totheOwner:TeamProperties,CCC450ShattuckAvenueSRenton,WA98057TRANSMITTEDthis7dayofAugust,2015totheApplicant/Contact:PaulGrundhofferWeaverArchitects14114thAvenue,Suite810Seattle,WA98101TRANSMITTEDthis7thdayofAugust,2015tothePartiesofRecord:StephanieandRickClarey419WhitworthAvenueSRenton,WA98057TRANSMITTEDthishdayofAugust,2015tothefollowing:CE.“Chip”Vincent,CEDAdministratorSteveLee,DevelopmentEngineeringManagerJanConklin,DevelopmentServicesCraigBurnell,BuildingOfficialVanessaDolbee,CurrentPlanningManagerFireMarshalRentonReporterLandUseActionAppeals,RequestforReconsideration,&ExpirationTheEnvironmentalDeterminationandtheAdministrativeSiteDevelopmentPlanReviewdecisionswillbecomefinalifthedecisionsarenotappealedwithin14daysofthedecisiondate.EnvironmentalDeterminationAppeal:AppealsoftheenvironmentaldeterminationmustbefiledinwritingtotheHeatingExamineronorbefore5:00p.m.,August21,2015.ERC/SitePlanReport City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Environmental Review Committee & Administrative Site Plan Report ATS AUTOMATION EXPANSION LUA15-000478, ECF, MOD, SA-A Report of August 3, 2015 Page 28 of 30 ERC/Site Plan Report Administrative Site Development Plan Approval Appeal: Appeals of the administrative site development plan review decision must be filed in writing to the Hearing Examiner on or before 5:00 p.m. on August 21, 2015. APPEALS: An appeal of the decision(s) must be filed within the 14-day appeal period (RCW 43.21.C.075(3); WAC 197-11-680). Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-110 governs appeals to the Hearing Examiner. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the $250.00 application fee to Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk’s Office, Renton City Hall - 7th Floor, (425) 430-6510. RECONSIDERATION: Within 14 days of the decision date, any party may request that a decision be reopened by the Administrator (Decision-maker). The Administrator (Decision-maker) may modify his decision if material evidence not readily discoverable prior to the original decision is found or if he finds there was misrepresentation of fact. After review of the reconsideration request, if the Administrator (Decision-maker) finds sufficient evidence to amend the original decision, there will be no further extension of the appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action must file a formal appeal within the 14-day appeal timeframe. EXPIRATION: The Administrative Site Development Plan Review decision will expire two (2) years from the date of decision. A single two (2) year extension may be requested pursuant to RMC 4-9-200. THE APPEARANCE OF FAIRNESS DOCTRINE: provides that no ex parte (private one-on-one) communications may occur concerning the land use decision. The Doctrine applies not only to the initial decision, but to Appeals to the Hearing Examiner as well. All communications after the decision/approval date must be made in writing through the Hearing Examiner. All communications are public record and this permits all interested parties to know the contents of the communication and would allow them to openly rebut the evidence in writing. Any violation of this doctrine could result in the invalidation of the appeal by the Court. ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the administrative land use action. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for the land use actions. Planning: 1. RMC section 4-4-030.C.2 limits haul hours between 8:30 am to 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday unless otherwise approved by the Development Services Division. The Development Services Division reserves the right to rescind the approved extended haul hours at any time if complaints are received. 2. Within thirty (30) days of completion of grading work, the applicant shall hydroseed or plant an appropriate ground cover over any portion of the site that is graded or cleared of vegetation and where no further construction work will occur within ninety (90) days. Alternative measures such as mulch, sodding, or plastic covering as specified in the current King County Surface Water Management Design Manual as adopted by the City of Renton may be proposed between the dates of November 1st and March 31st of each year. The Development Services Division’s approval of this work is required prior to final inspection and approval of the permit. 3. Commercial, multi-family, new single-family and other nonresidential construction activities shall be restricted to the hours between seven o’clock (7:00) a.m. and eight o’clock (8:00) p.m., Monday through Friday. Work on Saturdays shall be restricted to the hours between nine o’clock (9:00) a.m. and eight o’clock (8:00) p.m. No work shall be permitted on Sundays. 4. All landscaping shall be irrigated by an approved irrigation system prior to final occupancy permits. 5. Tree Protection Measures as outlined in RMC 4-4-130H.8 shall be installed prior to the commencement of construction activities and shall remain in effect until project completion. Water: 1. A fire sprinkler system will be required by the Fire Department. 2. Extension of an 8-inch water main and a new hydrant is required to be located at the rear of the building. This is required by the Fire Department and will provide 1, 000 gpm. 3. Installation of a domestic water meter for the new building addition with a reduced backflow prevention assembly (RPBA). The RPBA shall be installed behind the meter and inside a heated enclosure (“hot box”) per City standard plan no. 350.2. The sizing of the domestic water meter shall be done in accordance with Chapter 6 of Uniform Plumbing Code. 4. Installation of a landscape irrigation meter with a double check valve assembly if applicable City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Environmental Review Committee & Administrative Site Plan Report ATS AUTOMATION EXPANSION LUA15-000478, ECF, MOD, SA-A Report of August 3, 2015 Page 29 of 30 ERC/Site Plan Report 5. Hydrant(s) counted as fire protection will be required to be retrofitted with a 5-inch quick disconnect storz fitting if not already in place. Sewer. 1. Not Applicable. Surface Water: 1. A surface water system development fee of $0.540 per square foot of new impervious surface will apply. This is payable prior to issuance of the utility construction permit. 2. A drainage report dated May 4, 2015 was submitted by LPD Engineering PLLC with the site plan application. The redevelopment project is subject to Full Drainage Review in accordance with the 2009 King County Surface Water Manual and City and The City of Renton Amendments to the KCSWM, Chapters 1 and 2. All core and special requirements have been discussed in the report. The 0.95 acre site consists of 0.182 acres of impervious surface area (existing building, asphalt and gravel), and 0.768 acres of existing landscaping. There is an existing two story building (to be retained) on the site. The applicant is proposing to build a 4,100 square foot addition at the north end of the existing building. Based on the City’s flow control map, this site falls within the Peak Rate Flow Control Standard, Existing Conditions. The engineer has shown that flow control is not required for this project since the targeted surfaces will generate less than 0.1 cfs increase in the existing site condition 100 year peak flow. The project is subject to a Level 1 downstream analysis. Stormwater runoff from the site drains to a series of catch basins and pipe systems in Shattuck Ave South, Rainier Ave South and SW 7th Street where it ultimately discharges into the Black River. No downstream flooding or erosion issues were identified in the report. The proposed project will create a new 7,181 square foot asphalt parking lot. Water quality treatment under Core Requirement No. 8 will be required. The engineer has shown a wet vault and a Stormfilter system at the west end of the parking lot. 3. A Construction Stormwater General Permit from Department of Ecology will be required if grading and clearing of the site exceeds one acre. A Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) is required for this site. Transportation: 1. Existing right of way width in this section of Shattuck Ave South is 60 feet. There is an existing 8 foot sidewalk along the east side of Shattuck Ave South, north of the site. This site falls within the City Center Community Planning Area. Per City code, a 12-foot sidewalk with street trees and tree grates are required. To install these improvements, approximately four feet of dedication of right of way would be required. The applicant is requesting a modification to the street standard. Request is to install and match the existing 8-foot sidewalk along Shattuck Ave South. A connection from the sidewalk at the corner of Shattuck Ave South and South 4th Place to the sidewalk fronting the site will need to be made. 2. Installation of LED street lighting may be required fronting the site if lighting levels do not meet city code. 3. Traffic impact fees will be assessed based on the use of the new addition. Fees will be assessed and are payable at building permit issuance. Fire: 1. The fire impact fees are applicable at the rate of $0.14 per square foot of additional office area. Fees are paid at time of building permit issuance. 2. The preliminary fire flow requirement is 2,500 gpm based on a fully fire sprinklered building. A minimum of three fire hydrants are required. One fire hydrant is required within 150 feet of the proposed building and two hydrants within 300 feet. One new hydrant shall be required to be installed on the east side of the building to coincide with new fire apparatus access in that area. 3. The existing fire alarm, fire sprinkler and fire standpipe systems are required to be extended into the proposed addition. Separate plans and permits are required to be submitted to the Renton Fire Department for review and permitting. 4. Fire Department apparatus access roadways are required to be a minimum of 20 feet wide fully paved, with 25 feet inside and 45 feet outside turning radius. Fire access roadways shall be constructed to support a 30 ton vehicle with 322 psi point loading. Access is required within 150 feet of all points on the buildings. Proposed access around the proposed addition does not meet any of our requirements and shall be revised or alternate access shall be proposed Police: 1. To protect materials and equipment it is recommended that all materials and tools be locked up when not in use. 2. The site will need security lighting and any construction trailer should be completely fenced in with portable chain link fencing. The fence will provide both a physical and psychological barrier to any prospective thief and will City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Environmental Review Committee & Administrative Site Plan Report ATS AUTOMATION EXPANSION LUA15-000478, ECF, MOD, SA-A Report of August 3, 2015 Page 30 of 30 ERC/Site Plan Report demonstrate that this area is private property. 3. Construction trailers should be kept locked when not in use, and should also have a heavy duty deadbolt installed with no less than a one and one half inch throw when bolted. Glass windows in the trailer should be shatter resistant. 4. The business should post the appropriate “No Trespassing” signs on the property while it’s under construction. This will aid police in making arrests on the property after hours if suspects are observed vandalizing or stealing building materials. 5. The use of private security personnel to patrol the site during the hours of darkness is recommended. 6. All exterior doors should be made of solid metal or metal over wood, with heavy duty deadbolt locks, latch guards or pry resistant cylinders around the locks, and peepholes. If glass doors are used, they should be fitted with the hardware described above and additionally be fitted with a layer of security film. Security film can increase the strength of the glass by up to 300%, greatly reducing the likelihood of breaking glass to gain entry. 7. Access to the back of the buildings should be limited, preferably with security fencing, as these areas could be vulnerable to crime due to the lack of natural surveillance by business customers or employees. 8. It is recommended that the commercial areas be monitored with recorded security alarm systems installed. It’s not uncommon for businesses to experience theft and/or vandalism during the hours of darkness. An auxiliary security service could be used to patrol the property during those times. It is important to direct all foot traffic towards the main entrance of the buildings. Any alternative employee entrances should have controlled access doors to prevent trespassing. 9. All areas of this project need to have adequate lighting. This will assist in the deterrent of theft from motor vehicle (one of the most common crimes in Renton) as well as provide safe pedestrian travel for both employees and customers. 10. Both structures should have building numbers clearly posted with numbers at least 12 inches in height and of a color contrasting with the building. This will assist emergency personnel in locating the correct location for response. 11. Landscaping should be installed with the objective of allowing visibility – not too dense and not too high. Too much landscaping will make customers and employees feel isolated and will provide criminals with concealment to commit crimes such as burglary. 12. It is highly recommended that the developer have a Renton Police Crime Prevention Representative conduct a security survey of the premises once construction is complete. General: 1. Separate permits and fees for storm water connections will be required. 2. All required utility, drainage and street improvements will require separate plan submittals prepared according to City of Renton drafting standards by a licensed Civil Engineer. 3. All plans shall be tied to a minimum of two horizontal and vertical controls per the City’s current horizontal and vertical control network. zr9 C) I 0 I 0 0 p9 > > -U N’ cD cD F%) II \‘\\ ._i___\_--_‘\\--__--__------__ ________________________ \ SHATTUCKAVES. _______________ flII\“ :iFi #H H --\\I I ‘‘\jH D \\!J WHITWORTHAVES.___\‘ WHITWORTHAVES. ___ I \ _____ ‘ \\ _iEiEDD: ‘\\Ih]t I :%-Pf-F--1 Q \iJEij[I LJLJL1iE1 Di=i___‘DiLjDELDLHE 11x - j43 CLENT ATSAUTOMATION owMtLWAUKEESUBSTATFON 45OSHATTUCK AVENUES RENTON,WASNJ55 Iyc1a’L:rJ engineering pIIc KEYED SHEET NOTES Q w MEN TSR NUSCMT RL ‘TtSTE PINSSTETTT 10 1l1DENTh!k1L MOWE WL$TN w RU S?S PAPG SWIW/NNE1EWE TSP A?5TC SCNND STCONcTE w itDc9flRNI T NffiNEIO mi k lMSSN O DWQO EUNNfDCItLIG&TT&1ffA1O ILFWAFORPiNCWStt)C N4 Fr,—CCEDZSRE 4—4-O N V S.SN SENLIIIN TUNL FT.37!45 €5 LflcATDMflE rcAS ESSSNTT F flETJOH EN LDCNflL .w PN11W(51W10 4 %lffSATC-f0.5iSP. QSIiSSiS EtEOrfRM /\w iAiSiSiStiS SIMSW/iiSElE VfiS.SiSP NCSTRSNliSE SNN40 WiSPEASON ‘V PER CMI.SONNETS. ON OlSON,ONETIESOON,STOPNE STNPNC.PNMIE NON NC ETONITSISONON 1 SOW NET NTiS ONEOS.ONNN DEINE FOP ETNO N SONON IFOEONNt.SOWSOD TENT SiS SRSO ON trot SONEGS ER AOONN&WOREDOE 4S SOSUON ON ETNE WI ONliNE SOLE OH OOWOEW SOOT WI DUNNSO NINESSO MOON FOROlSON SEINE4oSOONsisSPsomiiii 13 ON iSO KNElT ONTNtOTS 4 SOW ONEON C/ASO.SO TS MJ ON NON ITS iNTLONNE POiSSON OSW Nit NCST FOOSSENS SONi NIEJET NE(COWSOTSEONI)41,474 SO E ESINC NE*T&15429 SQ FT TNT,L NONE FOiS1 SO ONiON NC ffiOTSON IETNS000NEON EON(S5 ESNIG EEl SN.E 13,645 ON FL (ETTSSE) SETTEE SOONSEETSO ETNSOET 4,140SN FT ETNSOOF WI ONSEON iS NILSOTS OP SlRUCT:ONOTSO TOFETONS:NEX,PROPOSE ONCITOON SQIWE SONNET OFPEONOWi NESNONO (SPC1ffiP050 EETR).158SQ FT.00W aMY) GENERAL NOTES F.ONETO MONEUNSO SPONETEN ER EFENYTFONTONNOSOFT 2.SEEM.SOIFNEN TOFUNNTOYFOL ONF1CSOFETOFO PEJOIFO SPElTNELOSOUS SOOTONIGOF1S SNIFTaMSOPTO NaMMET ONION SOSOIJSTOSOESSNIC 0110515 TOON OOFETNJCTON TON MOfOCT NC 4.NFFRETO TONETOIEMXFGS SONNEF5aM.SONNETS NC NETS FOR RIO EDTSO BESSTO SO S.NOSESMI ESNC BET LOSE.BESO1NE ONODIO1NETEF NET ONTO NESENCTO SOON DRAWING LEGEND MW NSODNC WA L:ONFOSOON T FEW SOMEONE WOWSI WTTOYSWON E .-WAR NONE PARKING STALL COUNT (NEW) PARKING STALL COUff (NI NNSOFE5 19 OWSO1 3ETESTOIY)(11 SINUSTN SO SEFEON) PYOPONEPENIS 90 TNFN.53NEW ONES) (ii ENEE,II EOONET 4ccassaY) ETWANENSOERANNION ON 4.4.MOA.1.a.I ONNIT 4.4W FORCOMINONE OPTIONC 150 TO ONE AWNNRJJOF I 15500 ON 1050 SQNJE FONT OF MT SECT 150*TOTSNOMYMMM COOSOM NEWFOR FENTON -11 0150115)11,W SOT SE Pt) N REFINE. LANDSCAPE ANALYSIS &LOT COVERAGE mx= I-Iw I-I -I w rcz:) NEW SITE PLAN rr SWENSON SAY EAGET RFtOOS.N ES DESIGN DEVELOPMENT 03.06 ONTP5 R.A.ES5Y6 NEW SITE PLAN A.OO.0 CLIENT: ATS AUTOMATION 01_C MLWAUKEESUBSTATION 45OSHATPJCKNVENUES. REWTON,WA9NSSS engheerlng plIc Fri SWENSON SAY FACT FAZID /-3[]\tF LANDSCAPEPLAN x I-I I-I—I : -—-LANDSCAPE PLAN GENERALNOTES 1.SEE L 1.05SHEETSERIESFORADDONALPLANS AND INFORMATION. 3.SEE L 2.00SHEETFORPLANTING SCHEDULEAND NOTES 4.SEE 52.51 SHEETFDRTREE INVENTORY. S.SEE L2.S2SHEETFORTREE PROTECTIONAND PLANTINGDErAILS. 6.ALLPLANENGINPUBLICROW.SHALLBEPER CITY OFRENTON STANDARDPLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. NORTH 0 20’40 L tOO FAZID AsuufrE. PLANTING SCHEDULE&NOTES L2.OO Planting Schedule PLAN11NGNOTES: 1.ALLPLANTINGAREAS ONTHEGROUND-PLANE fAILROW., PLANTERS.EEC.)SHALLHAVEATRADITIONAL IRRIGATiON SYSTEMTO BEINTEGRATED WITH A CONTROLLER.RAIN SENSORS AND OTHEREQOIPMENTHULLBEINCORPORATEDINTO DESIGNTO MAXIMIZEEFFICIENCYANDLOWER OVERALL MAINTENANCE. 2.NO PLANTSTOBEINSTALLEDWITHIN 2 DIA.OF PROPOSED STREETTREES. 3.ALL SHRUBSAND GROUNDCOVERSTO BE LAYEDOUTINFlEW ANDAPPROVEDBY LANOSCAPEARCHITECTPRIORTO INSTALLAT1ON. 4.PLANTTREESINROW.PER CflV OF RENTON STANDARDS. 5.SEE CMLSHEETS FOR PROPOSED GRADING,DRIVEALIGNMENTS AND UTSUTYLOCATiONS. ,/c(’S *Tctommoved 5,,II %f Tre$sto beetdned o’S\; O STBEETTREES 4 Ceeuckuose ‘ChEeeele’!ChEeeeKucecDuesuod 2”uI.,BEB ODECIDUOUSTREES &ALedsUoeSueIVleeMeple 5”caL BED ®Acerpelmelum ‘BleudguodIJapanese Maple 1cal.,B&B CONIFEROUSTREEScDOSNCWIOUOIShOD Flee ‘mln.hi,BEB LARGE/MEDIUM/SMALL SHRUBS SW Bleshouus epEuntIDeeEFern SBmm.ht.,see pluns RiB CUIUrnUgrnSUD B.‘Red FoornIrnIFeRtherneed grncc 1Umln.ht.,seeplans H,Laoonddo enWsWoWeIEnglishLenenden 12”mIs.ht.,seeplans MaSonIc aqclluHcrnI Oregonrnpe 24”mln.ht. lh5E Vlbasrnorn dacIdlDasIdsVIburnurn 24 mm.ht. GROUNDCOVERS Anutoctaphylosusouansl!Gnnkklnnluk 4”put,52”D.C. CLIENT: ATSAUTOMATION DIDHILWAUEEESUBSTATION 455SHATEJCKAVENUES. NENTDN,WASRO5S Bnglneerlflg plIc fri SWENSON SAY FACET ... r-) \_rENCIN’RCOT POTEJlION-ChAINUNk rNCINGTO 3E PWVIDD AND MDJNTAINDD AT DRJPUNATALL TtMED. DUNTATE PRDTC]1DN I WITLTN DRIPLrNE SMALLIPDOUIRE:G-DPIM MULCh I L4YE 3/4 MLS%NQD AND I STEDLPLATES MOOT 0NE DRJPLINE J MOOT ZONE DKIPLINE ZONE- -OPERATION OP hEAVY EQtJPMENT AND PILING OP hEAVY MATERIALS PP.OMISITED. 2.LIMITEDTRENCMINUALLOWED. EXCAVATION MY hAlO ORWITS SAND-DRIVEN TRENChES MUST PP IMPROVED MY ENUINEEP 3_5EVERING Or ROOTS LANDER THAN 2 DIM.TYQUIPES EI4GINtt5 APPROVAL. AODITIONAL NOTES- I -U’SIGh CMAINLINNPENCESMALLCOMPLETELY ENCIRCLETNEEfSI.INSTALL PENCE POSTS USIIIG PIER SLOCRUONLY.AVOID DPIVING P05Th OR STARES INTO MAJOR ROOTS 2.TPEATMENT OF P.0015 EXPOSED/DAMAGEDDUPJIIG CONSTRUCTION:P.OOTS OVER I•DIAM..MANE A CLEANSTRAIGhTCUTTO REMOVED DAMAGED POPTIONOP ROOT.ALLESPODED P.0015 5MALL NE TEMPORARILYCOVERED WITS DAMP MUPLAPAND COVEREDWITS SOILAS 50011AS POSSIbLE. SPECIFIED PACIIJG.1FF PLANTING bED 00 EDGE OP PLANTING BED OR PAVING TREE STARING TIES vpS (2)2 DIA WOOD STARE. 7 U’ALIGN STARESTO RESPOND —.TOPREVAILING WiNDS. FREE ROOTMALL.SO ROOT CROWN I AbOVE FINISh GRADE. MULCh:2 DEPTh ALLOW 2 CLEARPROM TRUNk. FINISh GRADE 3•hEIGhTSOIL GAJCER.INSTALL AT EDGE OP PLANTING PIT. PLANT ShRUbS AT I AbOVE LEVEL GROWNIN NURSERY PLANT GROI]NDCOVERS Al LE\’EL GROWN IN NURGEPY IAULCM LATER-2 DEPTh.ALLOW 2/CLEAR.FROM TRUNLI STEM FINISh GRADE N.LL——-_AMENDED SOIL I,TV.:..SCAPIFFSUSGRADE I 5 -.:-----REMOVE bINDING FPO2TRUI&PULL lAM.bURLAP BACkTO SIDES OPROOTSALL. SAD-FILLING . WIDTh OP PLAITING PIT= 25 WIDThOF ROOTSALL MINIMUM III 2 DIA WOOD STATE DRIVEN TO REFUSAL SECURE TOTREE WETS 2 STRANDS NURSEP.TTAPE. ‘POINT TOP OPSTARETOWARDPREVAIUNGWIND. TREE FOOTbALL SD•ROOT CROWN I AbOVE PINISM GRADE. ___________ MULCh:2 DEPTh ALLOW 2 CLEAR FROM TRUNk. FINISh GRADE 3•hEIGhTSOILSAUCER.INSTALL ATEDGEOF PLANTING PIT. I .Z,-.::-AMENDED SOIL IM ‘--T .‘SCARIFY SUSGRADE REIAOVE bINDING FROMTRUM. PULL bACk bURLAP TO SIDES OPIIIN2WIDThROOTTALLEXPOSENObURLAPOPROOTR&GURFWCE AFTER SMCIFILLING CONIFER TREE STAKING /PLANTING —__TRP TROUNDCOVER PLARTED AT NURSERY LEVEL(POllED PLANTS OR ROOTED CUTTINGS —lAIN.2 MULChREEFIDLESCLEARFROMSTEM IF4ISHDE PER LANDSCAPEPLAN SECTION O GROUND COVER PLANTING !_WI•NOT TO SCALE FAzIDAsEDOA1t- PLANTINGDETAILS SHRUB &GROUND COVER SPACING 0 4 S iiJ rTtAA Al ENDED OIL -.-- c ..-.SCARIFY SUDGRADE ±REMOVE SADIST-FROM TRUNC,PULL DAD-DUNLAPTO OrROOTDALY WDESOFROOTDALL.EYPOGE AFTER DAD-FILLING DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING &STAKING ROOT ZONE- I .OPERATION OPhEAVY EQUIPMENTAND PILING OP hEAVY MATERIALSREQUIRES ENGINEERS APPROVAL 2.TRENCING WITS EQUIPMENT ALLOWED UNDER ENGINEERSSUPERVISIONAND IP 2)3 OR MORE OFThE ROOT ZONE 5 UNDISTURbED. CUENT ATSAUTOMATION OLDMLWAGKEESUBSTATION 4500KATSJCKAUBNUOS. RENTON,WAIAOOI engIneerIng plic tr-j SWENSON SAY FAGET c::TREE PROTECTION AMENDED SOIL -;;; PLANTING —) PLAN L2.02 CLENT ATS AUTOMATION o_D MILWAUKEESUBSTATKJN 45OSHAUUCKAVENUES RENTON,WA96055 engineering plic Fri SWENSON SAY FACET EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS II JjIIFI-JI I cj nfl £‘I .,.I nn I I I I COP.(DNTWL I I III fl,wiinncs IHHU I IiI1ii I.0.oe II <2> <I>[Ji ii1 ,I IiI ...; A NORTH ELEVATION ,t\ O6224’ 1f6 =1-0 [DOlENUIDIOtICSONNEtSk UGIfl SYST00 NWL PM0E W/C4TN0IS ASNN001E I 2002 N*1ENN SlATS DENEE5000006 04052.1 040522.040524 0405.54 C42i 00000 10 EEtfl0E N-0(AS FOR NSE UNOWE 0000000-S WCASONS M SV1001C D0RAE UY c0ER WCATflE NWfl0LQtJNU0S WITh OWIER SOON 10 OW110001’PHOTOSThSTh OThITh TED10 EThWC55501000015WIE coNmNs FOR WGTh1fl ThOUWIS. --—2 \—EmmGIWEI NWI I ‘0 NEW AUTh’0N WWIWIWI00OW. KEYED SHEET NOTES O WEWUIY WWUNWUMNM SOWIWN WLLUNONL TWEUUflflW)2PC10 I tISlLMWcLTh WIT. OWI&U WTh0TO r miss NWIUEWL)3E ®0 ThEWU.Y OROIThIMJM&W0100ThOONTSYSTEM WI 0.tEJIAT*WI WiTh KIN. 20 GAMEOW.OWE.KIKI ON INUINKIY EOOATKTONIH1000W001WATEN KIUt0 ININTEM. €0 TOKENFWKIThIE ThOU GLKWOW STOOL FKMT KI PKT*Kf0 IN K TOKUOWIThUETM.OWE. c WLLTIOWW/HAIETETUE0WRYKRW0WTKIOWT0WE3T/20EX21/2111X7T/2’5 (2 /2 STEEWE). U:,WEST TIE.INWIE.TOWEWIIN.WND LOW.OWE.STE ME WI 01ST.COWL Z;o OW! 1ST OWL NW- .1 I1x I- I-I-I U’O WEST ELEVATION (SHATTUCK AVE.)B ‘i4 1/6-.A.05.O1 Th C—c:: r*:71: -r-),N •.;C:1 , : EXW AlL umio coiis &LflflQ STD#LL PRQ1/tflRC(S FSWFE ti 2012S*CNSTATE UERC(COCE CflOI C4C5.Zl.C42.Z C40&23 C40514 & C4O52&PER10 uEmcM1GN-&t1D FORC U&fll&WCAI&+6 NC S1TGING D&R&VEYcmoWCAT&NSN&D&flOWLRtQUP&&&S WRA L&Hr ONW’NOS.SER SS1E&T&DO ES1P1UmR F&UA cc&ms FOR NflUESEEU. CLIENT ATS AUTOMATION OLD MILWAUKEESUBSTATON 45’SHAUUCKAVENUES * engineering plic Fri SWENSON SAY FAGET &bSpc SW EXTERIORELEVATIONS A.05 .02 KEYED SHEET NOTES 0 SWWQAWW S SWMiY35KW &JM&&SNWTROWSYStEM W/l &WAVNGGtSW HIS. HE S&tIG ONThWWYISCI&SW EUN1HJOLIS &SWMIIS ,WEHIESSElla SHENC PI1SWIS H O L555TH WIIHOSETWSOHIV SW&MASONWYSS.IISW 10 \3 112 HE X 2 IA x7 ft LHC (2 1/2 EWWHID). €2 H&P(W/HISWsm WHeW.FH&W/WWEDIW.HEl.W,H UC W/SSW.CHE s:!:n xsc&w&&s.s A UW WEsno&nwco s 4:LHI &HiTEDIS HIT WISEQEN OWN HEAT &ThI HI LWL SHIES..SWMi ®SOUTH ELEVATION R O62’2A’ 1/-1•-o• ©EAST ELEVATION D OE22A l/e 1-0 CENT: ATSAUTOMATION OLDMiLWAUKEE0080TAUDON 450SHATTUCKAVENUES. RENTONWASMiN5 engineering plic fri SWENSON SAY FACET FAZID in z::00x = TREE INVENTORY PLAN I-Iw I-I—I . a O TREE INVENTORY PLAN GENERAL NOTES 1.SEEL 1.55 SHEET SERIES FORADDITIONALPLANSAND INFORMATION. 3.SEEL2.SS SHEETFORPlANTING SCHEDULE ANDNOTES 4.SEE .2.51 SHEETFORTREEINVENTORY. N.SEEL2.02 SHEET FORTREEPROTECTiONANDPLANTINGDETAILS. N.ALL PLANTiNG IN PSALICROW.SHALLBEPERCITYOFKENTON STANDARD PLANSANDSPECIFICATIONS. E;RUK 02040’ D&5!V CLIENT: ATS AUTOMATION OLDMLWAUKEESUNSTATJON 450SHATTUCKAVENUE S. RENTON,WA9NOS5 engineering plic Fri SWENSON SAY FACET FAzID .vS121VSS VV ThkK.p.dN59f2V15 TREEINVENTORY I T.NeotTrui S,NU4ANUs5VETh13 Tree TabI.ofTr.u SneWom;ASlShattockAvenoeSooth 0*I N.NH5V9V0TU ScNJII0IEl 4LI2ShIEtuckAenueSouth RenTUn,WA50057 VUVV NUTNUsWA 98057 ASH 05.Ah 9N*?I • 150NU)C”NU 450A 6..8 5.tb 80H*: 509 0N4oNUt#w.:::NU 2,50d SANd ii 14.5 11 50 4 . 810 50d 804 11 iSV 50 II 8808: -;—;:-;;;;;;-;;;;;;;—--;_;—;—8=8 67 R!8:*8:80N 808:OK&A8:Od NA 24 8:13 058:IEV8:05?05.8001.LV 0*8:88:10 14 3 0.3 R,N8:58::8.V8*IE888:hb880M8.*:80db880d808:8:,0b8:*A EU A:A NdA 39 Gâd Gd 105 10.5 105 ES I8:.8: 875 NU808flHd8 E8808:d80580d 7.1 P.8:P:C 10.5 U 14 619 8050*p8th,A NUp80th 155 9800 50d 20 8 105 00 682 850AA05 5 5084 900 0 14 uS 15 0098: -V00V10550H 68:4 88:80980 113 50*9 NE 75 0LI 75 75 8808: U5 RdA 47 50d 0d 00 IOURS i -:---—-:—TT 55 :7—::.... L f I 14 9884 9*8:4 C 00,8:d80800 •Gd F 8:*bF. ---_____ 8:I:19 5050 6804 8:•-—---p,00d05800 IE*d 8: —-----=r 508:14 9650 — =IEL CATU80I 2N40W.oAk,AN IEk8:800IS..okWA9SS09 TUeSolcAlons no M8:900V8 00.8008..508d 98:84 005A8:008049-NU008:9T8 - :8:80.0599AV198:8:808 Y584*058: ThbleCfTE8eS 05.d:n’n5VnV01S A ASSSAaUu&AvenoeSouth P.p.d9fl9051S TableofTrees 432ShatwIEAsenueSooth RantonWA 98057 :-—;-:=z ;:;:=:=;z 686 AooofrVenoo,V84o1 CV Good Good 3 .9 7 j5 NV ;:;;:;;;;Moo05Ah 19.0 0994 Good 148 lOS 183 545 Ia50 4ooNNt05E844..d84y058:8:oo 680 #A8:O84 foopo9VE ZEn Good 8084 338 17 00 24 00508: MC 0840 00 004 5084 4:2 01 18:5 8800———----—— 002 050?6405108V9 8:ok 003 5084 Good Si lEN 30 21 884o 68:!05o090084 Ro8:8480450U U F9:800:lOS 115 29-9 US #800 805 088:80:50:I,P8:50k 71 5084 9504 eLS 32 II 89 896 8:oesV:5dsoy 22.9 Ood NV C it 04 20 800 PneoNU00oA9 2m4s::0084 84 Ood NV 17.9 2 14 14 809 00eoIoereTU renoooeA I.9 0804 NV 174 0 14 16 8,008:r50o2o005LtSo.900NNUot00reA9eoW:o5000. 708 00aaAoftof P50898:4984 L3 NV 8:4:0 0 14 2 8:80ffi 700 05ooAoRrelV 8004E •9 94 8:8::0 0 14 2 828:918:A-50reo:8.L$o280o9O.l9NU 28nnWaUIIeAoa.NWC,l200ISoW.,wAnslot 000529-8:970 2000W00054.8:..8ISo5082OOINUWLWA89SO8 L2.O1 t -/f I - %% j”.’I F -; .--- p,_•k • -AJ- % ‘_c :• .c:: ., IL k- , 0 —rn ,c: .n m p r% ,4>!:!JZG)co-1mC,,03m-1mmz.-‘dI0UJmmZ0m-1003mm100-1m 14114’AvenueSuite810SeattleWashington98101p206.262.9622f206.262.9507May8th,2015CityofRentonPlanningDivision1055SouthGradyWayRenton,WA98057ATSBuildingAddition,450ShaftuckAve.S.—UrbanDesignRegulationsAnalysisBelowisadescriptionofhowtheproposedbuildingadditioncomplieswiththeUrbanDesignRegulationsfordistrict“A”.BuildingLocationandOrientation:TheproposedadditionsplacementwasmadetocreateamoredirectconnectiontothesidewalkalongShattuckAve.S.incomparisontotheexistingbuilding.TheexistingmainentranceislocatedattheSEcornerofthebuildingandtheadditionentryandexistingdoorswheresetadjacenttothesidewalktoincreasethepedestrianrelationshipofthebuilding.Theheight,locationandsizeofthewestfaçadewindows,windowsillsandcanopywheredesignedatapedestrianscaleandtocreatearelationshipwiththestreetandsidewalk.Thecanopiesprovidecoverforover90%ofthewestfaçade.TransitiontoSurroundingDevelopment:Thebuildingissetbackfromtheexistingresidentialbuildingtothenorthby48’tocreatesignificantseparationfromthesmallscalebuildingsandtoallowsunlighttocontinuetoreachtheiryard.Thebuildingadditionsfacadeshavebeendividedinwindowbayswithglazingrecessedintotheplaneofthebrickfaçadetobreakthefaçadeoverallfaçadeintosmallerincrements.Thethirdleveloftheadditionisalsodifferentiatedfromthebrickfaçadeofthelowerleverswiththeuseofmetalpanelcladdingthatisrecessedslightingfromthefaceofthebuildingtofurtherreducethemonolithicappearanceofthebuilding.ParkingandVehicularAccess:Parkingassociatedwiththebuildingadditionislocatedattheeastsideofthebuildingadditionwhereitistotallyscreenedfromthestreetfrontandtothenorthsideofthepropertywhereitisbufferedfromthestreetwithfencingand12to30feetoflandscaping.Thelocationofthenorthparkinglotallowsforfutureinfilldevelopment.VehicularAccess:AssesstotheparkinglotsisviaIwodrivewayslocatedalongShattuckAve.S.Thedrivewaysconstituteonly13%ofthelengthofthesitealongShattuckAve.S.PedestrianEnvironment:ThelocationofthetwomainentrancestothebuildingwherelocatedadjacenttoShattuckAve.S.toenhancethebuildingsconnectiontothestreet.Thenorthsideofthebuildingincludesastair,landingandpathwaytotherearofthebuildingforpedestriantrafficandtheexteriorplazaatthewestsideofthebuildingprovidesbothstairsandaccessibleramptoallowforadditionalpedestrianconnectionstobuildingentrancesandtothestreet.:iEXHIBIT8 ___)14114AvenueSuite810SeattleWahingto98101p2062629622f2062629507ARCHITECTSBuildingCharacterandMassing:Thebuildingadditionfacadeshavebeenmodulatedanddifferentiatedfromoneanothertocreatevisualinterestandtomakereferencetotheiradjacentsurroundingswhiletyingintotheexisting1918brickbuilding.Thecenteroftheadditionthatconnectstotheexistingbrickbuildingiscladinanaluminumandglasscurtainwallsystemtoavisualbreakbetweentheadditionandtheexistingbuildingandtoreferencetheverticalglassandmetalsystemsusedtoenclosethestairwaysoftheoriginalbuildingandtobreakupthemonolithicbrickappearanceofthewestandeastfaçades.Thethirdfloorlevelexterioronthewest,northandeastfacadesissheathedinmetalpanelsidingtoincorporatepreviousbuildingadditionfinishesandtofurtheraddvisualinterestandtoreducethepossiblemonolithicappearanceofthebuilding.Thesouthfaçadeoftheadditionisamoremonolithicbrickmasswithpunchedrecessedopeningsfordoorsandglazingtoreflectionthecharacteristicsoftheexistingbuilding’scurrentnorthfaçade.Thebrickportionsofthewestfaceofthebuildingismodulatedtoarticulatethelocationoftheexitstairandit’sverticalitywhilethenorthportionofthewestfaçadebrokenintotwobaystodefinethelocationoftheaddition’sstructureandtoreducethescaleofthefaçadetothestreetandhumanscale.Thenorthfaceofthebuildingisbrokeninto5baysbasedonthebuildingsstructure.Theentranceonthissideofthebuildingisdifferentiatedfromtheotherstoindicateitsimportance.Thebrickportionoftheeastfaçadecontinuesthemodulatedbaysasdefinedonthewestfaçade.GroundLevelDetails:Canopieshavebeenincorporatedintothewestfaçadeaswellasthenorthandsouthfaçadeentrancestodefinetheimportanceoftheseareasandtoreinforcethepedestrianscaleanduseoftheseareas.Thepavingintheseareasistiedtothelinesandscaleofthefaçadetocreatefurthervisualinterest.Glassintheseareasistransparent.Theglasslocatedintheupperportionsofallfacadesistransparentaswell.BuildingRoofLines:Thebuilding’sroofutilizesextendedparapetsandallmechanicalequipmentistobescreened.BuildingMaterials:Thebuildingsprimaryfaçadematerialisbrickandisusedonallofthefacadeswiththeexclusionofthethirdflooratthewestnorthandeastfacadeswheremetalpanelisusedtocladanddefinethethirdfloor.Thecenteroftheadditioniscladinanaluminumandglasscurtainwallsystem.Thebrickscaleandcolorhasbeenselectedtomatchtheoriginalbuildingbrick.Themetalpanelhasbeenselectedtotieintotheoriginalbuilding’sexteriormetalpanelcladding.Lighting:Thepedestrianareasatthewestfaçadeandatentrancesonotherfaçadesareilluminatedbywallsconcesandrampandstaircirculationintheareaisilluminatewithsteplights.Thenorthparkinglotistobeilluminatedbytwoparkinglightsonpoles.Theremainingparkingareaandwalkwayswillbeilluminatedbywallpacklightingattachedtothebuildingfaçade. C•14114’AvenueSuite810SeattleWashinQton98101p206.262.9622f206.262.9507CityofRentonDepartmentofCommunity&EconomicDevelopmentPlanningDivision1055SouthGradyWayRenton,WA98057ModificationtoStreetStandard-SidewalkWidthThepurposeofthisletteristorequestmodificationtothesidewalkwidthstandardforthebuildingexpansionprojectlocatedat450ShattuckAve.S.TheprojectislocatedwiththeCityCenterCommunityPlanningAreawhichrequiresa12-0’widesidewalk,treesandtreegrates.Theproposalforthebuildingistorenovatetheexisting8’-O”sidewalkandaddstreettreesandgrates.WewouldproposerenovationstothesidewalkbekepttomatchthecurrentsidewalkadjacenttothesiteandtomatchtheexistingsidewalkstothenorthofthesitealongShattuckAve.S.andtotheeastalongS.4thPlace(recentlyrenovatedbythecityofRenton).Includedattheendofthisletterareimagesofthecurrentsidewalkssurroundingthesite.Increasingthesidewalkwidthatthesitewouldrequirededicationofaportionofthecurrentsitetothestreetrightofwayaswellasremovalofanexistingsitesignificatewroughtironfence,landscapingandexistingsiteutilities.Thebuildingadditionhasbeensetback5-9”whichwillallowforthesidewalktobeincreasedto12-0”asthecurrentmajorityresidentialneighborhoodevolvesinintothecitycenterthatisintentofthecurrentCDzoneandUrbanCenterDowntoncomprehensiveplanmapdesignation.PaulGrundhofferWeaverArchitectsRECEIVEDJUN25Z015(‘iTV(M:DKTflNMay7th,2015EXHIBIT9 CD CD CD CD 0 CD 0 0 0 I 4 //,,// j_‘;\ 1I1\;‘.II \.•SENONEWs)ATNEARE&I \ s1i + I I 1L 1sEE :‘ OR LWiS1A 101*73.21“8EN NEV WRB cl IG12ERI c : // 11)/) ____;II —-CJ) tAl WI hr-7’ c3 /j 4/II 4T ..r ‘-/-v ---IthI2HOQSINGI :.••‘‘•.•-r • ,1’.::.:::.4.:.::::J:WWIWM -_J1 •::.I •PA2TED t I :wsrn oV4 : ,W , 3 -- 1b I J DOL /// Lw ////////F I...,.11112rs t AC PAVO4ENI (TIP .:,:• 1 -RElOCATE TELEPHONE :<..1 ....,R6R.COONA7E Th 1:IA11k PARKtG z”•.SERVlE PRO1DER.c:3 wANI5I 1 •j —sa Ho-io I flN&IED GRADE 38ULDNG .I ..2O REP1)E WfIRAFFIC RATED BOXES.A12 PARIGNG SIGN ‘..... I COORfl1Tt MIH SC PR1MO j j5 ‘I-FF3t 2:coNcRE1E RA •,..F .,...— ONC:SP I !-11EEL STOP (TIP I?,.7...,itH ASPHALT .(1)CONCRETE Z I 4)‘‘...PER mcii Dwcs’’N_•__;:.:J •4 ...I “IWII 55 TO LX /-7MIt -7 r,W;rJ L I —2:i:N //7 //,,,//// 1R*FPccURH2z:;/” -‘i )36’ \I (T1POF2) 1.54.il lt•I &%WSP1W2 !AHP Si n HYDIWITASSflIHLY—TOA*C1 EX HATER HA (I)TA?PHA TEE (HAIL) (1)t HATE SPLAt (ftsHA)THAm HAS 2 3 45-- -i II :..‘,-H SiDEWAlK PTA c13;.TSR 515 PlAN .‘ •‘‘sJ:.I —\,I_\,L /1-P%L,Icc+I\J }2 ____ es.t6•oa: /cfLD:c:3 2 HA 28J0 ______ •=flI:p_29 LF 5 H 555 0 2.OX III. SPAFAC TARS 6”HA-l2I 2%I2 ;,/IL 27.0±P6.2 HARlEY fW=f-’/.HAT5PRloR1OgA2R4G AS P lENT (rIP)!‘‘/““cONNECTOR I—-.5 ‘W<WRE1NG( : :N 1 1 I : 10 0 5 10 20 Scale icy LEGEND ——HA —CT CONTOUR (OPEC) ——30——TO°W CONTOUR (OPEC) ——20—-——PPH cONTOUR HA__%SPOT ELECARON HXA0C MAltA ECHATNG COUPE it%TOP OF CURO/PAVONDET HAO_%cOOlING CROUNO (FOR REFERENCE) F7&O FiNISHED FLOOR ELEVATION PROPOSER RULONG.-::_:zi CONCRETE PAHAUD1T PAULO T I ASPHALT )NC)PAVENECAT F..-.:..i ASPHALT Ac)-—-—SPENGI WRTCN CURB ENTER ROSIN TYPE 2 CATcH ROSIN TYPE 1 :cOoRNG/500SURFAEEOANN .SPOON DAMN EIEANOUT \I:SCREEN PIPE SEWER CLEANOUT -+--TIRE KYDRRRO L—::: Cal 3 Workkig DaysB.fot.NGI 1-800-4245555 CUENT: ATSAUTOMATION OLDMILWAUKEESUOSTATION 450SHATTUCKAVENUE S. eRg)neering plic TI, -J I----I—cO.50ILC l.UEEUP NCAAOUOI0R1-20l00l cD D CoUTILITIES AND PAV)NG o: wo_ m =I-I -I 0 :1 ,__l ///j/’// 8ca 1-10’ LEGEND ——‘——E CONTOUR (IND) ——29—-——PROPOSED ON1OUR ax__SPOT ElEVATION ZXIAJ[_,%•MATCH EVISTING GOODE ___%.Top OF CURN/PAVONONT aIfil%,DOGGiNG GROUND (FOR REFERENCE) FF7O FiNiSHER FLOOR ElEVATiON ///,//IERSOLTING ///,/./1 PROPOSER BOlTING .:-‘CONCRETE PAWUENT PERMEADEE PACERS t 1 ASPHALT (AC)PAVEMENT F.:.:1 (AC) VERTICAL CURB cI ERICH BASIN TYPE 2 — CATCH BRSIN TYPE 1 —STORM DRANACE PPE -FDOVNG/SUBSURFACE DBMS .STORM DRAIN CLEANOUT K\DOOOISPOOTS —:::: EARTHWORK OP IAkflTT1Q SiOPPINGS 242 CV (IIcWc6 UT IO RAIDING 0 57 Of, WIBSEAPING 0 BR CV fN.L 704 Of (NdURIO PMRB SECTOR AND CLIENT: ATS AUTOMATION CIDMALWAUEEEUUBUIATJON 450SHATTUCKAVENUES. RENTSN,WA9RUS5 p’!rn1J engineering plic -J F—NO.OOJIC IOAA 50EV CoGRADINGAND !=DRAINAGE DND w Q_ 4-ICl)G)000.D0)C‘-II-I-II-I><LU4-IC0)000)4-’C GEOTECHNICALENGINEERINGREPORTATSWAREHOUSE432ShattuckAvenueSouthRenton,WashingtonPanGE®—INC0RP0RATED3213EastlakeAvenueESuiteB,Seattle,WA98102T.206262.0370F.206.262.0374n:\I1JUN25Z5c:’f20-CPROJECTNO.14-269December23,2014\-J,t---E(h)OYE)*0OUEDECCUNCREFUSEEAK‘5’REDFO8UWGLE1K4J25ttTNKG(L:,NEWPGSIALLfMx.ALHWfl,‘SALR100010SOJILjJK’AF-EOE5TThAAATAUSS?UGEPreparedfor:ATSAutomationTEPLANEXHIBIT13IEntireDocumentAvailableUponRequest NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED(DNS-M)AMasterApplicationhasbeenfiledandacceptedwiththeDepartmentofCommunity&EconomicDevelopment(CED)—PlanningDivisionoftheCityofRenton.ThefollowingbrieflydescribestheapplicationandthenecessaryPublicApprovals.DATEOFNOTICEOFAPPLICATION:July2,2015LANDUSENUMBER:PROJECTNAME:15-000478,ECF,SA-AATSAutomationExpansionPROJECTDESCRIPTION:TheapplicantisrequestingAdministrativeSitePlanReviewandEnvironmental(SEPA)Reviewfortheconstructionofanew3-story11,526squarefootadditiontothenorthsideofanexisting4-storyofficebuilding.Theprojectsitetotals41,474squarefeetinareaandislocatedwithintheCenterDowntown(CD)zoneandUrbanDesignDistrictA.Workwillincludetheremovalofanexistingpaveddriveway,thedemolitionofanexistingsinglestorywoodframedstructureandassociatedgravelparkingarea,andtherelocationofanexistingwroughtirongateandfenceandconcretefencing.Thesitecurrentlyhasatotalof87surfaceparkingstalls,aftertheconstructionoftheproposedadditionandthereconfigurationofthesurfaceparking,thesitewouldhaveatotalof90surfaceparkingstafls.Aseismichazardareaismappedontheprojectsite.PROJECTLOCATION:450ShattuckAveSOPTIONALDETERMINATIONOFNON-SIGNIFICANCE,MITIGATEDfDNS-M):AstheLeadAgency,theCityofRentonhasdeterminedthatsignificantenvironmentalimpactsareunlikelytoresultfromtheproposedproject.Therefore,aspermittedundertheRCW43.21C.110,theCityofRentonisusingtheOptionalDNS-MprocesstogivenoticethataDNS-Mislikelytobeissued.CommentperiodsfortheprojectandtheproposedDNS-Mareintegratedintoasinglecommentperiod.Therewillbenocommentperiodfollowing.theissuanceoftheThresholdDeterminationofNon-Significance-MitigatedfDNS-M).Thismaybetheonlyopportunitytocommentontheenvironmentalimpactsoftheproposal.A14-dayappealperiodwillfollowtheissuanceoftheDNS-M.PERMITAPPLICATIONDATE:NOTICEOFCOMPLETEAPPLICATION:June25,2015July2,2015APPLICANT/PROJECTCONTACTPERSON:Permits/ReviewRequested:OtherPermitswhichmayberequired:RequestedStudies:Locationwhereapplicationmaybereviewed:PaulGrundhoffer/WeaverArchitects/14114thAye,Ste810/Seattle,WA98101/206-262-9622/paulg@weaverarch.comEnvironmental(SEPA)Review,SitePlanReview-AdministrativeBuildingPermit,ConstructionPermit,FirePermitGeotechnicalReport,LandscapeAnalysis,ParkingAnalysisDepartmentofCommunity&EconomicDevelopment(CED)—PlanningDivision,SixthFloorRentonCityHall,1055SouthGradyWay,Renton,WA98057Ifyouwouldliketobemadeapartyofrecordtoreceivefurtherinformationonthisproposedproject,completethisformandreturnto:CityofRenton,CED—PlanningDivision,1055So.GradyWay,Renton,WA98057.Name/FileNo.:ATSAutomationExpansion/LUA15-000478,ECF,SA-ANAME:MAILINGADDRESS:.City/State/Zip:EXHIBIT14NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONANDPROPOSEDDETERMINATIONOFTELEPHONENO.: CONSISTENCYOVERVIE)Zoning/LandUse:EnvironmentalDocumentsthatEvaluatetheProposedProject:DevelopmentRegulationsUsedForProjectMitigation:ProposedMitigationMeasures:ThesubjectsiteisdesignatedUC-DontheCityofRentonComprehensiveLandUseMapandURBANDESIGN-A,CDontheCity’sZoningMap.Environmental(SEPA)ChecklistTheprojectwillbesubjecttotheCity’sSEPAordinance,RMC4-2-120B,4-3-100,4-4-070,4-4-080,4-9-200andotherapplicablecodesandregulationsasappropriate.ThefollowingMitigationMeasureswilllikelybeimposedontheproposedproject.TheserecommendedMitigationMeasuresaddressprojectimpactsnotcoveredbyexistingcodesandregulationsascitedabove..ProjectconstructionshallcomplywiththerecommendationsprovidedintheGeotechnicalEngineeringReportpreparedbyPanGeo,datedDecember23,2014.CommentsontheaboveapplicationmustbesubmittedinwritingtoJillDing,SeniorPlanner,CED—PlanningDivision,1055SouthGradyWay,Renton,WA98057,by5:00PMonJuly16,2015.Ifyouhavequestionsaboutthisproposal,orwishtobemadeapartyofrecordandreceiveadditionalnotificationbymail,contacttheProjectManager.Anyonewhosubmitswrittencommentswillautomaticallybecomeapartyofrecordandwillbenotifiedofanydecisiononthisproject.Acopyofthesubsequentthresholddeterminationisavailableuponrequest.CONTACTPERSON:JillDing,SeniorPlanner;Tel:(425)430-6598;EmI:jding@rentonwa.govIPLEASEINCLUDETHEPROJECTNUMBERWHENCALLINGFORPROPERFILEIDENTIFICATIONI NOTICEOFAPPLICATIONANDPROPOSEDDETERMINATIONOFNON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED(DNS-M)AMstrnAppIktI,flIdndacptedwiththeDeptmntfCmmIty&EcmfDe(pent(CAD)—Plann(ngDIIsfnofthCItyofReton.Thf&IAgbIflydesHbsthepplItiondthensaryPblicApp1s.DAThCFNOflCEOFAPPUCATION:JIy2,2015LANDUSENUMBER:15-000478,ECF5AAPROiEaNAME:ATSA0omtl::EXpansIonPR0JEaEEScRWnoN:Theapp0etsrequestingAdmleistratlveSitePan0e#IeWandEnAmnmenUI(SEPA)Re,IewfarthetettstruUlenofonew3-otory11525oquarefootaddiSotttothenot-thsideofoneoloofng4-ototyofficebolidloR.Theprojectottetotals41,474equatefeeonoteatoUisbootedotithintheCenterDowotooto(CD)oooeaodUtbonDeoignDIoOdotA.WorktoOlrotudeth.remotalofonexlotlrgpotteddritewoy,thedemotlUonofateolotlrRtirgteotorywoodfwrredottwootreardasooolatedgraveIparklrgarea,ardtherelovadorottoeoioUrgwrovghtIrongotearUfervearUCorcre:eferclrg.TheoitecvnerOlyhasatotalofB7surfaveparkingotolls.aftarthevorstrucUoroftheproposedadditionandthereoorfgvratlonoftheovrfaoeparldrg,thesitewovidhaveatotalofSOsorfoosparbirgstoiis.AoeistnirhaoardaresismappedontheprojevooltePR0JEaL0CAfl0N4SOShaOtuckASe5OPTIONALDETERMINATIONOFNON-SIONWICANCEMISTSATED(DNS-M):AstheLeadAgevoytheCityofRertonhasdoternriredthatolgrifitantervironmertalimpactsareUrlikelytoresultfromtheproposedproject.ThereforeaspernriOtedtrUertheRCW43.210110theCityoffentonIsvoIrgtheOptioralONS-MprotesstogiverotitsthotaDNS-MIslikelytobesavedCvtnmertperiodsfortheprojectardtheproposedONS-Mareirtera:edIntoaoirgievommsntperiod.TherewillberovonrmsntperiodfoiiowirgtheIsovarcsoftheThresholdOeMrmlratiorofNor-Signifloarte-Mitigawd(0NS-M.ThismaybetheonlyoppofturitytovommerOontheervlrorrrertalirrpadsoftheproposal.A14-dayappealperiodwillfoiiowtheIsouarteoftheDNS-Mlure252015July2,2015FaulGrundhsffer/WeaverArohlteote/14114°Ave,5te810/SeaOtle,WA5B1O1/Z0B-2G2-5G22/paulgwIavetasthtomThesvblevo:ttsisdesignaotdUC-oortheCityoffertorCampreherolueLardlosMapandURBANDESIGN-ACDortheCIty’sZorirgMap.Envirormerotl(SEPAlChetbilotThproleotwillbesublecototheCIWOSEPAordirarte,RMC4-Z-120o,4-3-;oo,4-4070,4-4050,ths-andotherapplitobiecodesandreguiatioreasappropriate.PrspsseMltiatlonMeesores:ThefollowingMItigationMeasureswiliiikeiybeimposedontheproposedprojenrThcaere:orrmerdedMitigationMeasursoaddressprnletoimpa25rottoueredbysoAringtodsandregulatiorsastitedaboveeProjectCQflStrUt!shallcomplywiththerecommendationsprovidedintheGeotechnicalEngineeringReportpreparedbyPanGea,datedDecember23,2014.ComnresUostheaboveapplioatjsnmastbesubmittediswritlngtojillDlrg,SeslorPtannet,CED—Pianslngolvlsise,lOO5SOtthOradyWap,fenton,WAn57y525p5J1;50ifyovhavequeotJorsaboutthispropotalorwishtobemadgapanyofretordandreteiveadditionalnotifiwolonbynail,v000act:heProJeonManagerAnyonewhovubmft.swniotenvorrnrenotwillautomafnaiiybecomeapartyofretordandwillbenotifiedofanyderisiononthisproleotAtopyofthesuboequestthreshoidde:ernrlnariorisavailableuponrequeorCONTACTPERSON.JillDing,SeniorPlanner;Tel:(425)430-6598;Cm!:Jding@rentonwa,goCERTIFICATIONI,JjLl‘;:D’q,herebycertifythat3copiesoftheabovedocumentwerepostedn3(3conspicuousplacesornearbythedescribedpropertyonDate:.-.Signed:tcPCOUNTYOFKINGLIIcertifythatIknoworhavesatisfactoryevidencethat\signedthisinstrumentandacknowledgedittobehis/her/theirfreeandvIuntaryactfortheusesandpurposesmentionedintheinstrument.--;;qdNotar3iubIicinandfortheStateofWashingtonNotary(Print):U,zj:(Lrc;‘-‘C0N5l5tyNOvEnvityj,Zoning/LardUse:EnoironrnenUlDotvmenthatEvaluatetheProposedProleot:DevelopmentRegularioUsedForProjeotMitigation:PERMITAPPUCAOONDATE:NOTEOFCOMPLETEAPPLSAEON:AFPUCANT/PROJECTCONTACTPERSON:PermIts/ReviewRequested:OtherPenmltswhlthmaybareqolred:RequosnedStudios:Lo,atlonwhereappiloatlonmayberevIewed:TNUMBERWHENCALUNGFORPROPERFILEIflFNT:EsrvTv-s:Environmental(SEPa)Reulew,SitePiesReview-Admlslotratlo.OolldlngPermit,ConstrutbonPermit,OrePermitSeoOeohnioslReport,LandetapeAnalysle,ParkingAralysisDeparomentofCummunltp&Eoononsloeeueiopment(CEDI—PianfllngDivision,SloshFloorRentosCityHell,1055SouthGradyWay,fenton,WA90057Ifyouwouldliketobemadeapartyofre,ord:oroveluelurtherInformationorthisproposedproleot,vompieOethisformandreturnto:CityofRenton,CED—PianningUivislos,10555o.vrodyWay,fentonWA90057.Name/FileNo:ulsAutomationEupasslon/LUA1S-000475,ELF,NA-ACitvlltstelZimSTATEOFWASHINGTON)55•, , , ‘:‘Dat5EXHIBIT15appointmentexpires: JillDingFrom:sweetpeasteph@c0mcastetSent:Thursday,July09,20157:16AMTo:unDingSubjectLandUse45OShattuCkAveS.DearJill,Hello,mynameisStephanieClareymyhusband(Rick)and1liveat419WhitworthAveS.Wearethesecondfromtheendoftheallfacingthelotthatisinreference.Ourconcernisthetrafficimpactonthebackalleyandwhatistobecomeofit.Whenwepurchasedourhome2OyearSagothealleywasnotathroughalley.SincetheDentistofficehassoldthelargebouldersthatdividedtheparkingforhispatientsandforhisemployeeshavebeenmovedInwhichcarsnowenterthroughtheShattucksideanddrivedownalley.Alsoonweekendslateatnightcarswillcutthroughthere.Atshasdoneawonderfuljobonmaintainingtheirpropertyandkeepingtheendoftheneighborhoodclean.Asnotedintheproposaltheyareonlyadding3additiOnalparkingstalls.Ifyouhavedrivendownourstreetwhichhappenstobeadeadendthereisnoroomforparking.Westilloccasionalhavetheiremployeesparkingonourstreet.Thisisanolderneighborhoodwithmostovertheageof60,sowhenmyneighborishandicapandZ5yrsoldcomeshomefromshoppingsheisforcedtoparkallthewayatendoftheblockandtryandcarryherpurchasestoherhouse.Notfair.SowiththeadditionalBuildingis3spotsgoingtobeadequate?Whatistheimpactonconstruction?Whatarethehoursgoingtobe?Thediagramthatonbacksideofnoticeisblurredwhocouldseewhattheactualproposedplanis?AnotherquestionIguessnotreallyrelatedtothis,butifyoutakeadrivedownthestreetyouwillseeanemptylotthathasanabandonedoldgarage(?).Thisbuildingnowhasa#onitandallthewindowshavebeenboardedbecausetheywereallbroken.Ihavecalledseveraltimesontryingtounderstandthecitiescodecompliancewithabandonedbuildingsandeverytimeinsteadofitgettingrepairedabandaidgoesoniy.Iliverightnexttoitandthebumstryandgetinit.theythrowtheirtrasharoundit,wepickitupbecausetheowneronlypayssomeonetocomebyeveonceinawhiletomow.Theyalsowillhangoutbackbehindbecausenoonecanseethem.Justwonderingwhywhenthecityistryingtocleanupitsappearancethisisallowed?Thankyou,StephanieClarey419WhitwOrthAveS.Renton,WA98057EXHIBIT161 JillDing_ _From:JillDingSent:Thursday,July09,201511:39AMTo:‘sweetpeasteph@comcast.net’Subject:RE:LandUse#15-000478-ECF,SA-A45OShattuckAveS.Stephanie,Thankyouforyouremail,Ihaveaddedyouasapartyofrecordforthisprojectandincludedyourcommentsintheprojectfileforthedecisionmakertoconsider.Regardingyourcommentsonthealleyaccesstothesite,itismyunderstandingthatATSissensitivetothefeelingsoftheneighboringresidencesanddoesnotplantoutilizethealleyforaccesstothesite.Reviewoftheaccesstothesite(includingviathealley)willbepartofthisprocess,yourcommentsregardingemployeeaccessthroughthealleywillbeconsidered.ATSanticipatesconstructionontheadditionwillbegininlateAugustofthisyearthroughJuneofnextyear.Thepermittedhoursofoperationforconstructionareasfollows:Commercial,Multi-Family,NewSingleFamilyandOtherNonresidentialConstructionActivities:Commercial,multi4amily,newsinglefamilyandothernonresidentialconstructionactivitiesshallberestrictedtothehoursbetweensevenoclock(7:00)a.m.andeighto’clock(8:00)MondaythroughFriday.WorkonSaturdaysshallberestrictedtothehoursbetweennineo’clock(9:00)ajm.andeighto’clock(8:00)pPm.NoworkshallbepermittedonSundays.Regardingtheabandonedgarageissue,Ibelieveyouwouldneedtocontactourcodeenforcementdept.at4%543O-7200.Pleaseletmeknowifyouhaveadditionalquestions.JillDingSeniorPlannerCEDCityofRenton(425)4306598jding@rentonwagovFrom:sweetpeasteph©comcastnet[mailto:sweetpeasteph@comcast.net]Sent:Thursday,July09,20157:16AMTo:JillDingSubject:LandUse#15-000478-ECF,SA-A450ShattuckAveS.DearJill,Hello,mynameisStephanieClareymyhusband(Rick)andIliveat419WhitworlhAveS.Wearethesecondfromtheendoftheallfacingthelotthatisinreference.Ourr”””ie+h+f4;mvw+onthebackalleyandwhatistobecomeofit.Whenwepurchasedourhwasnotathroughalley.SincetheDentistofficehassoldthelargebouldEXHIBIT171 Dforhispatientsandforhisemployeeshavebeenmoved.InwhichcarsnowenterthroughtheShattucksideanddrivedownalley.Alsoonweekendslateatnightcarswillcutthroughthere.Atshasdoneawonderfuljobonmaintainingtheirpropertyandkeepingtheendoftheneighborhoodclean.Asnotedintheproposaltheyareonlyadding3additionalparkingstalls.Ifyouhavedrivendownourstreetwhichhappenstobeadeadendthereisnoroomforparking.Westilloccasionalhavetheiremployeesparkingonourstreet.Thisisanolderneighborhoodwithmostovertheageof60,sowhenmyneighborishandicapand75yrsoldcomeshomefromshoppingsheisforcedtoparkallthewayatendoftheblockandtryandcarryherpurchasestoherhouse.Notfair.SowiththeadditionalBuildingis3spotsgoingtobeadequate?Whatistheimpactonconstruction?Whatarethehoursgoingtobe?Thediagramthatonbacksideofnoticeisblurredwhocouldseewhattheactualproposedplanis?AnotherquestionIguessnotreallyrelatedtothis,butifyoutakeadrivedownthestreetyouwillseeanemptylotthathasanabandonedoldgarage(?).Thisbuildingnowhasa#onitandallthewindowshavebeenboardedbecausetheywereallbroken.Ihavecalledseveraltimesontryingtounderstandthecitiescodecompliancewithabandonedbuildingsandeverytimeinsteadofitgettingrepairedabandaidgoesoniy.Iliverightnexttoitandthebumstryandgetinit.theythrowtheirtrasharoundit,wepickitupbecausetheowneronlypayssomeonetocomebyeveryonceinawhiletomow.Theyalsowillhangoutbackbehindbecausenoonecanseethem.Justwonderingwhywhenthecityistryingtocleanupitsappearancethisisallowed?Thankyou,StephanieClarey419WhitworthAveS.Renton,WA98057sweetpeasteph@comcast.net2 .cn-YOFDEPARTMENTOFCOMMUNITYANDECONOMICDEVELOPMENT311MEMORANDUMDATE:July30,2015TO:JillDing,SeniorPlannerFROM:JanlIlian,DevelopmentEngineeringSUBJECT:TrafficConcurrencyTest—ATSAddition;FileNo.LUA15000478,ECF,S-A,MODTeamPropertiesisproposingtoconstructanew3-story11,526squarefootadditiontothenorthsideofanexisting4-storyofficebuilding.Theprojectsitetotals41,474squarefeetinareaandislocatedatthenortheastcorneroftheintersectionofS4thPlaceandShattuckAvenueSat450ShattuckAvenueS.Thesitecurrentlyhasatotalof87surfaceparkingstalls,aftertheconstructionoftheproposedadditionandthereconfigurationofthesurfaceparking,thesitewouldhaveatotalof90surfaceparkingstalls.ATrafficImpactAnalysiswasnotrequiredastheproposedadditionwouldgeneratefewerthan20peakhourtrips.TheproposedprojectpassestheCityofRentonTrafficConcurrencyTestperRMC4-6-070.Dasfollows:TrafficConcurrencyTestCriteriaPassImplementationofcitywideTransportationPlanYesWithinallowedgrowthlevelsYesProjectsubjecttotransportationmitigationorimpactfeesYesSitespecificstreetimprovementstobecompletedbyprojectYesTrafficConcurrencyTestPassesEvaluationofTestCriteriaEXHIBIT19 TransportationConcurrencyTest—ATSExpansionPage3of3July30,2015TheConcurrencyManagementSystemestablishedintheTransportationElementonpageXl-65oftheComprehensivePlanstatesthefollowing:BaseduponthetestofthecitywideTransportationPlan,considerationofgrowthlevelsincludedintheLOS-testedTransportationPlan,paymentofaTransportationMitigationFee,andanapplicationofsitespecificmitigation,developmentwillhavemetCityofRentonconcurrencyrequirements.