HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdden 6AMENDMENT NO. 6 TO AGREEMENT FOR THUNDER HILLS SANITARY SEWER INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT PROJECT THIS AMENDMENT, dated March 31, 2022, is by and between the City of Renton (the “City”), a Washington municipal corporation, and Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. (“Consultant”), a New York Corporation. The City and the Consultant are referred to collectively in this Amendment as the “Parties.” Once fully executed by the Parties, this Amendment is effective as of the last date signed by both parties. Whereas, the City engaged the services of the Consultant under Agreement CAG-16-108, dated June 23, 2016, to provide necessary services for the Thunder Hills Sanitary Sewer Interceptor Replacement Project (referred to herein as the “Agreement”); Whereas, the Parties wish to amend the Agreement to change the time of performance in order to complete the project based on the regulatory agency permit requirements. NOW THEREFORE, It is mutually agreed upon that CAG-16-108 is amended as follows: 1. Scope of Work: Section I Scope of Work, is amended to add work as specified in Exhibit A-6, which is attached and incorporated herein. 2.Time of Performance: Section V Time of Beginning and Completion, is amended pursuant to the schedule(s) set forth in Exhibit B-6. All Work shall be performed by no later than October 31, 2023. 3.Compensation: Section VI Payment, is amended so that the maximum amount of compensation payable to Consultant is increased by $22,039.74 from $588,725 to $610,764.74, plus any applicable state and local sales taxes. The additional compensation shall be paid based upon Work actually performed according to the rate(s) or amounts specified in Exhibit C-6 which is attached and incorporated herein. 4.All terms of the Agreement not explicitly modified herein shall remain in full force and effect and such terms shall apply to Work performed according to this Amendment as if fully set forth herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have voluntarily entered into this Amendment as of the date last signed by the Parties below.              CAG-16-108, Adden #6-22 PAGE 2 OF 2 CITY OF RENTON By:_____________________________ CONSULTANT By:____________________________ Martin Pastucha Public Works Administrator Mike Van Doorn Senior Principal _____________________________ Date _____________________________ Date Approved as to Legal Form By: __________________________ Shane Moloney Renton City Attorney Contract Template Updated 01-15-2020 Clb 3-22-22 (106)                     (approved via email from Cheryl Beyer on 3/24/2022) 7KXQGHU+LOOV6DQLWDU\6HZHU,QWHUFHSWRU5HSODFHPHQW ([KLELW$ $PHQGPHQW6FRSHRI6HUYLFHV3DJHRI Exhibit A-6 SCOPE OF SERVICES City of Renton Thunder Hills Sanitary Sewer Interceptor Replacement Project CAG-16-108 Amendment No. 6 Stantec Consulting Services Inc. AMENDMENT DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE The purpose of this Amendment is to provide for additional design services, and to provide for additional effort related to managing the project through completion of construction, due to the extended schedule. The budget has also been adjusted to compensate for increases in the billing rates for Stantec staff members for 2022 services, given the fact that Amendment 5 was authorized in 2021, and assumed completion of all services in March 2022. The budget was previously revised under Amendment 4 in 2019 due to scope changes and billing rate adjustments. No adjustment was made for billing rates under Amendment 5. SCOPE OF SERVICES AND TASKS This scope of services consists of additional work required under the following tasks: Task 200 Project Management The project was scheduled to be complete under Amendment 5(constructed) at the end of 2021. The project is now scheduled for construction in 2022/2023. Additional project management services for up to 19 months will be required to meet the current design and construction schedule, and to account for additional project coordination and adjustments in Stantec rates for the remaining work. Task 201 Surveying This task is complete. Task 202 Design The design services are revised to include the additional time and materials for revisions necessary after the original bid set documents, including plans and special provisions, in were submitted in March 2021. The city was unable to acquire an easement for parcel no. 2023059113 (Berkshire Apartments, and revisions to the maintenance road design are required in order for the project to stay within existing easement limits. A site walk will also be performed to verify there are no changes site conditions which will need to be addressed on the plans. Stantec will revise ups to sixteen (16) sheets, including the following: Exhibit A-6               7KXQGHU+LOOV6DQLWDU\6HZHU,QWHUFHSWRU5HSODFHPHQW ([KLELW$ $PHQGPHQW6FRSHRI6HUYLFHV3DJHRI •Revised Erosion Control Plan Sheets 8-9 •Horizontal Control Plan Sheets 13-16 •Existing Access Improvement Sheets 22-25 •Sewer Plan and Profile Sheets 31-34 •Gravel Path Cross-Section Sheets 41 - 42 Deliverables: •One Full Size Plan set in electronics (PDF) format •One updated Opinion of Probable Construction Cost Assumptions: •CAD Files will be updated to Civil 3D 2019 •No updates to the Special Provisions are required. Task 203 Permitting This task is complete. The remaining task budget of $15,874.26 will be applied to Task 202 – Design. Task 204 Bidding Services This project was originally scheduled to bid under Amendment 5 in April 2021. The budget was revised to address adjustments in rates for Stantec staff in 2022. 7DVN &RQVWUXFWLRQ6XSSRUW6HUYLFHV  This project was scheduled to bid under Amendment 5 in April 2021. The budget was revised to account for Stantec rate adjustments. COMPENSATION FOR SERVICES END OF EXHIBIT A-6 Exhibit A-6               7KXQGHU+LOOV6DQLWDU\6HZHU,QWHUFHSWRU5HSODFHPHQW3URMHFW ([KLELW% 6FKHGXOH±'HVLJQ %LGGLQJ6HUYLFHV3DJHRI  9??DFWLYH??PDQDJHPHQW?DJUHHPHQW?DPHQGB?7KXQGHU+LOO%'HVLJQ6FKHGXOHB$PHQGPHQWB)LQDOBGRF  (;+,%,7%  6&+('8/( &LW\RI5HQWRQ 7KXQGHU+LOOV6DQLWDU\6HZHU,QWHUFHSWRU5HSODFHPHQW3URMHFW 'HVLJQDQG&RQVWUXFWLRQ6HUYLFHV  6WDQWHF&RQVXOWLQJ6HUYLFHV,QF  'XHWRWKHFKDQJHVLQWLPHWRFRPSOHWHGHVLJQDQGSHUPLWWLQJVHUYLFHVWKHSURMHFW VFKHGXOHKDVEHHQPRGLILHGDVVKRZQEHORZ 6&+('8/( • 1RWLFHWR3URFHHG±-XQH • 6XUYH\(DVHPHQW([KLELWV±-XQHWR$XJXVW • 'HVLJQ±-XO\WR)HEUXDU\ • 3HUPLWWLQJ±6HSWHPEHUWR'HFHPEHU • 'HVLJQ5HYLVLRQV±0DUFK • %LGGLQJ6HUYLFHV±$SULOWR0D\ • &RQVWUXFWLRQ6HUYLFHV±-XO\WR2FWREHU  $OOZRUNXQGHUWKLVFRQWUDFWWREHFRPSOHWHGE\2FWREHU (1'2)(;+,%,7 Exhibit B-6               7KXQGHU+LOOV6DQLWDU\6HZHU,QWHUFHSWRU5HSODFHPHQW3URMHFW ([KLELW& &RPSHQVDWLRQIRU6HUYLFHV3DJHRI  9??DFWLYH??PDQDJHPHQW?DJUHHPHQW?DPHQGB?7KXQGHU+LOO&&RPSHQVDWLRQB$PHQGPHQWB)LQDOBGRF  (;+,%,7&  &203(16$7,21)256(59,&(6 &LW\RI5HQWRQ 7KXQGHU+LOOV6DQLWDU\6HZHU,QWHUFHSWRU5HSODFHPHQW3URMHFW 'HVLJQDQG&RQVWUXFWLRQ6HUYLFHV  6WDQWHF&RQVXOWLQJ6HUYLFHV,QF  The additional scope of services will be accomplished by Stantec, with the current fee amount of $588,725.00 (as modified pursuant to Amendment 5) increased to $610,764.74 as summarized below. 7$6. '(6&5,37,21 &855(17 %8'*(7 $'',7,21$/ %8'*(7 5(9,6(' %8'*(7  352-(&7 0$1$*(0(17     6859(<,1* ($6(0(17  1$   '(6,*1     3(50,77,1*      %,'',1* 6(59,&(6     &216758&7,21 6833257    727$/     And the adjustment to the original fee estimate will be: Revised Amendment 6 Fee Budget $610,764.74 Exhibit C-6               7KXQGHU+LOOV6DQLWDU\6HZHU,QWHUFHSWRU5HSODFHPHQW3URMHFW ([KLELW$ &RPSHQVDWLRQIRU6HUYLFHV3DJHRI 9??DFWLYH??PDQDJHPHQW?DJUHHPHQW?DPHQGB?7KXQGHU+LOO&&RPSHQVDWLRQB$PHQGPHQWB)LQDOBGRF  Fee Budget (as modified by Amendment 4) $588,725.00 Net Increase in Fee Budget $22,039.74 The new “not-to-exceed” fee after execution of Amendment 6 is $.  Exhibit C-6