HomeMy WebLinkAboutERC Report_Highlands Reservoir_15-000864DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ERC Report 15-000864 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE REPORT ERC MEETING DATE: January 25, 2015 Project Name: Highlands Reservoir & Emergency Generator Project Number: LUA15-000864, ECF, CU-H, SA-H, MOD Project Manager: Kris Sorensen, Associate Planner Owner: City of Renton, 1055 S Grady Way, Renton WA 98057 Applicant/Contact: J.D. Wilson, Public Works, City of Renton, 1055 S Grady Way, Renton WA 98057 Project Location: 3410 NE 12th St and NE 12th St Right-of-Way from Olympia Ave NE to Edmonds Ave NE Project Summary: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan and Conditional Use Permit Reviews, and a Modification to street improvements for development at the Highlands Reservoir site and associated improvements within the NE 12th St corridor. The 204,555 square foot property at 3410 NE 12th St is located in the Residential 10 (R-10) zone. The project is part of the City’s public drinking water utility. The proposed on-site improvements are the construction of a 6.3 million-gallon reinforced concrete partially buried water storage tank, replacement of the emergency generator, utilities improvements, new access road, and relocation of existing telecommunication equipment. Off-site improvements within the NE 12th St right-of- way include a new connection to the wastewater interceptor at NE 12th and NE Sunset Blvd, replacement of water main pipes that connect to NE 12th Street and Edmonds Ave NE, and street improvements along the reservoir site. Access to the site is through two driveways from NE 12th St. The project is located within the Wellhead Protection Area zone. The project would excavate 20,000 cubic yards of soils and import 3,000 cubic yards. Retention of 17 trees is proposed. New landscaping and screening is proposed. The applicant requests a street modification from the RMC 4-6-060 standards along 3410 NE 12th St. The applicant proposes 2 feet of right-of-way dedication along the project side of NE 12th St and new curb and gutter, 5-foot bike lane, 8-foot planting strip, and 5-foot sidewalk. Documents submitted include environmental checklist, traffic study, arborist, geotechnical, and drainage reports. The total project value is estimated at $13,981,000. Exist. Bldg. Area SF: 55,191 SF Proposed New Bldg. Area (footprint): Proposed New Bldg. Area (gross): 45,561 SF 45,561 SF Site Area: 204,555 SF at 3410 NE 12th St & NE 12th St Right-of-Way from Olympia Ave NE to Edmonds Ave NE Total Building Area GSF: 100,752 SF STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff Recommends that the Environmental Review Committee issue a Determination of Non-Significance - Mitigated (DNS-M). City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Environmental Review Committee Report HIGHLANDS RESERVOIR & EMERGENCY GENERATOR LUA15-000864, EDF, CU-H, SA-H, MOD Report of January 25, 2015 Page 2 of 5 ERC Report 15-000864 Project Location PART ONE: PROJECT DESCRIPTION / BACKGROUND The subject proposal is part of an overall multi-phased master plan for the site. Future phases beyond the subject proposal require separate land use approvals and consist of demolition of existing reservoirs, construction of a new water storage tank, and replacement of the existing elevated water storage tank. A master plan for the Highlands Reservoir Site has been developed and is documented in the City of Renton Public Works Department’s Highlands Reservoir Site Master Plan, dated October 2015 (Exhibit 4, page 3). The Site Master Plan future development, beyond the subject proposal, are demolition of the existing 1.5 million gallon and 2 million gallon water storage tanks after the completion of the replacement of the Mount Olivet water storage tank, replacement of the Highlands Reservoir booster pump station, and replacement of the Highlands elevated water storage tank. The subject proposal would occur in two parts (Exhibit 4, page 4-5). The first part would be generator replacement, telecommunication facilities relocation, fence replacement, and planting of trees on the inside of the fence along NE 12th Street. The second part would be the construction of the new water storage tank and all project elements not part of the first phase including the off-site work within the NE 12th St corridor. Off-site improvements within the NE 12th St right-of-way include a new pipe connection to the wastewater interceptor at the intersection of NE 12th and NE Sunset Blvd, replacement of water main from the reservoir site to the intersection of NE 12th Street and Edmonds Ave NE, and NE 12th St right-of-way improvements along the south side of the reservoir property. Agency comments were provided by King County Metro on January 12, 2016 requesting that the design of the street frontage include public transit improvements (Exhibit 5). The comments state that the design of the street frontage along the reservoir site at 3410 NE 12th St should include an ADA front door landing pad, rear door alighting pads, and a new shelter footing as a part of this project to ensure adequate transit access and safety. PART TWO: ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW In compliance with RCW 43.21C.240, the following environmental (SEPA) review addresses only those project impacts that are not adequately addressed under existing development standards and environmental regulations. A. Environmental Threshold Recommendation Based on analysis of probable impacts from the proposal, staff recommends that the Responsible Officials: Issue a DNS-M with a 14-day Appeal Period. B. Mitigation Measure 1. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations included in Technical Memorandum Review of Existing Geologic, Hydrogeologic, and Geotechnical Information, prepared by RH2 Engineering Inc, dated December 19, 2014 and Geotechnical Report, prepared by ZZA-Terracon, dated January 19, 2009 (Exhibit 8). City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Environmental Review Committee Report HIGHLANDS RESERVOIR & EMERGENCY GENERATOR LUA15-000864, EDF, CU-H, SA-H, MOD Report of January 25, 2015 Page 3 of 5 ERC Report 15-000864 C. Exhibits Exhibit 1: Environmental Review Committee Report Exhibit 2: Project Vicinity Map Exhibit 3: Zoning Map Exhibit 4: Environmental Checklist, prepared by City of Renton, dated December 2, 2015 Exhibit 5: Agency Comment, King County Metro, email dated January 12, 2016 Exhibit 6: Response email to Agency Comment, City of Renton Public Works, dated January 12, 2016 Exhibit 7: Technical Information Report, prepared by RH2 Engineering Inc, dated November 2015 Exhibit 8: Technical Memorandum Review of Existing Geologic, Hydrogeologic, and Geotechnical Information, prepared by RH2 Engineering Inc, dated December 19, 2014 Exhibit 9: Construction Mitigation Plan Exhibit 10: Slopes Map, City of Renton Exhibit 11: Aquifer Protection Zone Map, City of Renton Exhibit 12: Proposed Drainage Plan, Sheet 15, prepared by RH2 Engineering Inc, dated December 1, 2015 Exhibit 13: Proposed Grading Plan, Sheet 11, prepared by RH2 Engineering Inc, dated December 1, 2015 Exhibit 14: Proposed Transmission Main & Off-Site Utilities, Sheet 13, prepared by RH2 Engineering Inc, dated December 1, 2015 Exhibit 15: Advisory Notes D. Environmental Impacts The Proposal was circulated and reviewed by various City Departments and Divisions to determine whether the applicant has adequately identified and addressed environmental impacts anticipated to occur in conjunction with the proposed development. Staff reviewers have identified that the proposal is likely to have the following probable impacts: 1. Earth Impacts: The project proposes excavation and grading at the existing public water utility property at 3410 NE 12th St for the development of the new partially buried water tank. Earthwork is also proposed below the street surface in the existing NE 12th St right-of-way between Olympia Ave NE and Edmonds Ave NE for installation of water and sewer pipes. The applicant submitted an Environmental Checklist, prepared by City of Renton Public Works Department, dated December 2, 2015 and a Technical Memorandum Review of Existing Geologic, Hydrogeologic, and Geotechnical Information, prepared by RH2 Engineering Inc, dated December 19, 2014 with the project application (Exhibits 4 and 8). The topography of the water utility property is generally flat with an approximate two percent slope across the site. The topography of the NE 12th St right-of-way is generally flat between Sunset Blvd NE and Edmonds Ave NE with a gentle slope upward from west to east to the reservoir site from the intersection at Sunset Blvd NE. The steepest slopes on the reservoir site are the man-made engineered berms surrounding the two existing partially buried water reservoirs between 15 and 25 percent (Exhibit 8, page 2). Grading at the 3410 NE 12th property is anticipated at 3,000 cubic yards of import and 20,000 cubic yards of export to partially bury the new storage tank (Exhibit 4, page 6). The soils at the site are identified as native dense glacial till and all boring tests encountered dense to very dense sand with silt and gravel down to 40 feet below ground surface (Exhibit 8). Groundwater was not encountered in any of the borings. The submitted Geotechnical Report evaluated potential geological hazards at the site and concluded that the risk for liquefaction, erosion, and unstable slopes is very low (Exhibit 8, page 2). City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Environmental Review Committee Report HIGHLANDS RESERVOIR & EMERGENCY GENERATOR LUA15-000864, EDF, CU-H, SA-H, MOD Report of January 25, 2015 Page 4 of 5 ERC Report 15-000864 The earthwork within the NE 12th St corridor consists of the street improvements along the 3410 NE 12th St property and underground installation of new and replacement pipes. A new connection to the city sewer system is proposed. A new 12-inch pipe would connect a wet well at the reservoir facility to a manhole in Sunset Blvd NE and would be approximately 1,350 feet in length (Exhibit 12). The subject proposal also includes replacement of water mains in NE 12th St with approximately 3,150 linear foot length of 24-inch diameter ductile iron water main (Exhibit 12). The submitted Geotechnical Report provides recommendations regarding site preparation, excavations, permanent slopes, foundation considerations, floor slab support, subgrade walls, and hydrostatic uplift. Staff recommends that the applicant comply with the recommendations as outlined in the submitted Technical Memorandum Review of Existing Geologic, Hydrogeologic, and Geotechnical Information, prepared by RH2 Engineering Inc, dated December 19, 2014 and Geotechnical Report, prepared by ZZA- Terracon, dated January 19, 2009 (Exhibit 8). Mitigation Measure: 1. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations included in Technical Memorandum Review of Existing Geologic, Hydrogeologic, and Geotechnical Information, prepared by RH2 Engineering Inc, dated December 19, 2014 and Geotechnical Report, prepared by ZZA-Terracon, dated January 19, 2009 (Exhibit 8). Nexus: SEPA Environmental Regulations, RMC 4-4-060 Grading, Excavation and Mining Regulations. 2. Water a. Aquifer Protection Area Impacts: The project is located within the City of Renton Wellhead Protection Zone 2 area (Exhibit 11). Approximately 3,000 cubic yards of fill would be brought to the reservoir site and fill is also anticipated with the associated NE 12th St corridor improvements. The overall purpose of the aquifer protection regulations is to protect aquifers used as potable water supply sources by the City from contamination by hazardous materials. Some uses are restricted that store, handle, treat, use, or produce substances that pose a hazard to groundwater quality. Since fill is proposed for project development, a fill source statement would be required to be submitted to the City to ensure clean fill is used. The fill source statement shall be submitted with the construction permit application. Impacts to the Wellhead Protection Area are not anticipated as a result of the subject project. Mitigation Measures: No further mitigation required. Nexus: Not applicable. b. Storm Water Impacts: A Technical Information Report (TIR), prepared by RH2 Engineering Inc, dated November 2015, was submitted with the project application (Exhibit 7). The submitted TIR addresses construction of the subject new storage tank and includes planning information for future phases of the water utility system expansion. The proposed development would create stormwater runoff from the site development at 3410 NE 12th St for the proposed water storage tank, generator shelter, fuel storage tank and load bank, and access road. The existing impervious surface coverage of the 3410 NE 12th St property is approximately 33 percent. Following development of the new water tank and associated improvements, the property would have an approximate 69 percent impervious surface coverage (Exhibit 4, page 7). New impervious surfaces would be collected and conveyed to the proposed on-site stormwater detention vaults and then be released (Exhibit 12). Water from within the new 6.3 gallon storage tank would be released as part of maintenance and in emergency situations. The new wastewater/sewer interceptor pipe in NE 12th St would be used for draining water from the new water storage tank (Exhibit 4, page 9). This use of the interceptor is anticipated to City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Environmental Review Committee Report HIGHLANDS RESERVOIR & EMERGENCY GENERATOR LUA15-000864, EDF, CU-H, SA-H, MOD Report of January 25, 2015 Page 5 of 5 ERC Report 15-000864 occur for two situations, when the water storage tank is drained of water for inspection and maintenance of the interior of the new tank and on the rare occasion that water overflows from the new tank. Mitigation Measures: No further mitigation required. Nexus: Not applicable. 3. Transportation Impacts: It is anticipated that temporary impacts to traffic would result from the proposed project during construction within the NE 12th St right-of-way to place underground pipes. This would result in the closure or partial closure of areas along NE 12th St, between Edmonds Ave NE at the west and 3410 NE 12th St at the east. Construction work within the street is anticipated to occur as part of the second phase of the subject proposal. The exact schedule is not known at this time but the second phase of the subject proposal including right-of-way work is scheduled for between May 2017 and December 2018 (Exhibit 9). Work would occur primarily Monday through Friday, with work hours between 7:00 AM and 6:00 PM and weekend work only as approved by the City. A traffic control plan would be required during construction to ensure emergency access to all properties with existing access located on the street is maintained throughout construction. Areas within the right-of- way that are opened to place new and replacement piping including are anticipated to be restored in kind as part of the project. Public transit agency comments were provided by King County Metro on January 12, 2016. Metro requested that the street frontage improvements at the 3410 NE 12th St property include public transit improvements (Exhibit 5). The design of the street frontage is to include an ADA front door landing pad, rear door alighting pads, and a new shelter footing as a part of this project to ensure adequate transit access and safety. The City of Renton provided a response to the King County Metro on January 12, 2016 and stated that the design of the street improvements would occur following SEPA review phase and that King County Metro will be included in the design phase (Exhibit 6). Mitigation Measures: No further mitigation required. Nexus: Not applicable E. Comments of Reviewing Departments The proposal has been circulated to City Department and Division Reviewers. Where applicable, their comments have been incorporated into the text of this report and/or “Advisory Notes to Applicant” (Exhibit 15).  Copies of all Review Comments are contained in the Official File and may be attached to this report. The Environmental Determination decision will become final if the decision is not appealed within the 14-day appeal period (RCW 43.21.C.075(3); WAC 197-11-680). Environmental Determination Appeal Process: Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing together with the required fee to: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, on or before 5:00 p.m. on February 12, 2016. RMC 4-8-110 governs appeals to the Hearing Examiner and additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk’s Office, Renton City Hall – 7th Floor, (425) 430-6510.