HomeMy WebLinkAboutGrind & Overlay DiscussionOn it. You'll be seeing it shortly. Thanks, Levi- Sent from my iPhone On Nov 5, 2015, at 9:25 AM, Rohini Nair <RNair@Rentonwa.gov> wrote: Hi Levi, Please provide the fee-in-lieu application form that can be obtained from the following link. https://rentonwa.gov/uploadedFiles/Business/CED/FORMS/BPW.pdf Sincerely Rohini From: Rocale Timmons Sent: Thursday, November 05, 2015 8:59 AM To: Levi Rowse (Levi.Rowse@quadranthomes.com); Wayne Potter (wpotter@novastardev.com) Cc: Rohini Nair; Mark Wetherbee Subject: FW: Copperwood (LUA14-000550) - 143rd Failure Hello Levi, It looks like your attached estimate is acceptable. Please provide the fee-in-lieu to Rohini as soon as possible so that it may be processed. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you. Rocale Timmons From: William Wressell Sent: Wednesday, November 04, 2015 3:52 PM To: Rocale Timmons; Gregg A. Zimmerman Cc: Doug Jacobson; Bob M Hanson; Michael Stenhouse; Jayson Grant; Mark Wetherbee; Rohini Nair Subject: RE: Copperwood (LUA14-000550) - 143rd Failure HI Rocale, Their cost is acceptable. ________________________________ From: Rocale Timmons Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2015 12:10 PM To: William Wressell; Gregg A. Zimmerman Cc: Doug Jacobson; Bob M Hanson; Michael Stenhouse; Jayson Grant; Mark Wetherbee; Rohini Nair Subject: RE: Copperwood (LUA14-000550) - 143rd Failure Hello Bill, We received an estimate for the Grind and Overlay for the work on 143rd. Please see attached and let me know if this acceptable. If so, we will have them provide the fee-in-lieu of the work. Thank you. Rocale Timmons From: William Wressell Sent: Thursday, October 08, 2015 2:51 PM To: Rocale Timmons Cc: Doug Jacobson; Bob M Hanson; Michael Stenhouse; Gregg A. Zimmerman Subject: RE: Copperwood (LUA14-000550) - 143rd Failure Hi Rocale, We are aware of the sinking edge of road on 143rd. We hope to get this fixed before we get a lot of rain. I support that we collect the fee in lieu and that the developer give us an estimate for the grind and overlay. From: Gregg A. Zimmerman Sent: Thursday, October 08, 2015 2:06 PM To: Michael Stenhouse; William Wressell Cc: Doug Jacobson; Rocale Timmons; Bob M Hanson Subject: FW: Copperwood (LUA14-000550) - 143rd Failure Mike and Bill: Please read the message below. The developer of the Copperwood Plat cites and existing slope failure along 143rd Ave. SE which they allege compromises the street (an aerial map is attached). Therefore they state that since the street first needs repair that they feel they are not responsible for, they should not be required to overlay the street. Can you take a look at the street, take some photos, and let me know your thoughts/ evaluation? We can have our transportation engineers look at it as well if needed. We need to evaluate the developer’s claim that the City needs to repair the street before it can be overlaid. If we agree with the developer, we could collect a fee in lieu of overlay, and then use that money to overlay the street after the needed repairs have been done. This is one option. I’m interested in your appraisal. Thanks. Gregg Gregg A. Zimmerman, P.E. City of Renton Public Works Department Administrator 1055 South Grady Way, 5th Floor Renton, WA 98057 Phone: (425) 430-7311 Fax: (425) 430-7241 E-mail: gzimmerman@rentonwa.gov <mailto:gzimmerman@rentonwa.gov> <image001.jpg> From: Doug Jacobson Sent: Thursday, October 08, 2015 12:45 PM To: Rocale Timmons Cc: Gregg A. Zimmerman Subject: RE: Copperwood (LUA14-000550) - 143rd Failure Rocale The repair of an existing street should be directed to Mike Stenhouse and Bill Wressell in PW Maintenance. Depending on the timing of the repair work, possibly the developer could make a payment in lieu of the overlay and when the City corrects the failure, the City does the overlay that is paid for with the monies collected from the developer. Just an idea for consideration. Doug From: Rocale Timmons Sent: Thursday, October 08, 2015 12:38 PM To: Doug Jacobson Cc: Rohini Nair; Mark Wetherbee Subject: Copperwood (LUA14-000550) - 143rd Failure Hello Doug, We have a developer intending to wrap construction for a 47 lot plat which includes a grind and overlay of 143rd Ave SE so they can move to recording. However, there is an existing slope failure which compromises the street (143rd Ave SE) and should definitely not be overlayed. Given the failure is existing, from our perspective, the developer would not be responsible for repairing the street. I am reaching out to you with hopes that you could direct us to the right group/person to get this situation addressed. I am sure you all will be willing to repair the street but the issue then becomes timing given they are wanting to move to record as soon as possible. The developer is still responsible for grind and overlay so it could be that we accept a fee-in-lieu for their work and do it all at one time maybe this Spring. If possible can you let me know what you think? If you need more information? Or if I should direct this question else-where? Thank you so much Doug. <image003.png> Rocale Timmons City of Renton - Current Planning Senior Planner 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 Tel: (425) 430-7219 Fax: (425) 430-7300 rtimmons@rentonwa.gov ments on the project. I'm assuming my question about access to the Renton Sewer system will need to wait until the City has actually accepted the application. Please let me know if my understanding is not correct. Thanks!!! Roger -----Original Message----- From: Vanessa Dolbee <VDolbee@Rentonwa.gov> To: 'Roger Paulsen' <rogerapaulsen@cs.com> Sent: Wed, Feb 12, 2014 12:25 pm Subject: RE: Enclave at Bridle Ridge Roger, The name of the project based on your photos is “156th Ave. SE Assemblage” This project did go through the City’s pre-application process but has not been submitted to the City as an official application. The developer is required to install these public notices signs prior to application to the City. At this point in time we do not have an official application to add you to as a party of record. Please keep an eye on the big white sign, once you see a bright pink “notice” poster stapled to the front of the sign, the application has been submitted to the City for review. At this time please contact the identified person at the City that is noted on the pink “notice” sign requesting to be added to the party of records list. Please let me know if you have any other questions. Vanessa Dolbee Current Planning Manager Department of Community & Economic Development City of Renton Renton City Hall - 6th Floor 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 425.430.7314 From: Roger Paulsen [mailto:rogerapaulsen@cs.com <mailto:rogerapaulsen@cs.com?> ] Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 8:15 PM To: Vanessa Dolbee Subject: Re: Enclave at Bridle Ridge Vanessa, Thanks for getting back to me!!! Attached is a zip file with photos taken of the "Proposed Land Use" sign recently posted on the property. The address is 14038 156th Ave. SE. I believe the project number is 13117. Does that help?? Roger -----Original Message----- From: Vanessa Dolbee <VDolbee@Rentonwa.gov> To: 'Roger Paulsen' <rogerapaulsen@cs.com> Sent: Tue, Feb 11, 2014 5:23 pm Subject: RE: Enclave at Bridle Ridge Roger, I have searched the City’s permit system for a project with the title “Enclave at Bridle Ridge” or a variation of this title. We do not have any records of a project with this name in our system. Can you please provide me a site address or tax parcel number so I can identify what project you are inquiring about. If you would like to become a party of record for any project, the City has to have an application to assign “you” to. In order to do this I need to identify what application you would like to become a party of record for. Thank you for the additional information. Thank you, Vanessa Dolbee Current Planning Manager Department of Community & Economic Development City of Renton Renton City Hall - 6th Floor 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 425.430.7314 From: Roger Paulsen [mailto:rogerapaulsen@cs.com <mailto:rogerapaulsen@cs.com?> ] Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 2:09 PM To: Vanessa Dolbee Subject: Enclave at Bridle Ridge Vanessa, By way of introduction, my wife and I live on the East Renton Plateau, adjacent to the NE corner of proposed Enclave at Bridle Ridge development. I had some questions about the development, and met yesterday with Chris in your department. He suggested that I forward one of my questions to you. Our property has a 50-year old septic system. It's currently functioning correctly, but I anticipate it's life is limited. I wonder if the new development will provide us an opportunity to connect to the Renton sewer system?? If you're not the right person to address this question to, please direct me to someone who can. Although we haven't yet been formally notified of the development, I would like to become a party of record. Can I do that via this e-mail?? If so, the following is my contact information: Roger Paulsen 6617 SE 5th PL Renton, WA 98059 425-228-1589 RogerAPaulsen@cs.com Thanks!!! Roger 擿㠏㥏晟䙟䜯뼿䤯ݟ潊罋㱪畃牲॥䁈倠큨湮湩柸䴠䁬ꁝꁯ㽑廿毯江䡯溿澏炟皯/ཎ὏⽐齴佒当潔罕囿嶏帟蔯裏褯訿譏⦅澌彥彼뾏쾐�モ柿梏榟鞯睟砯礿穏⦅潻⾚Ἓ⼜㼝�ソ臿踏莿萯蔿虏蝟赯￿ྏ羯辰龱꾲뾳⾕㾖럿렏뤟먯묿뱏顟饯ソ꾾龛꾜齭쾞�翁菂䑜ꭥ걡牰潢사灃浯畭䃄쿂䬦჆誣숦‸읅滀쩉槐쥣监읥烠쫿ꡂꤟ숯쌿鱏얿왯ソ过鿈�ᆬྦྷ忏濐㾪꯿걏�꺯땿�￿࿥ῦ⿧㿨侽⿘迫鿬뿏쁿턟틯翿쿄῕⿖㿗䵱⋋释r慲῜⿝㿶俷鿓濹﫿ﭿﲏ Ɵ��️ᅬ￟㿞俟忠Ἀ翢࿩༑᏿ᑯᕿᚏសݏ᪟￿༜Ἕ⼞㼟翳迴輡弁˿ӏ֏ڟ▯﹬ﵤ˔⑈泀ⴠ㘠⁨⭆⭐ୠಏ▟ᆵ뼦༃�J༬鼱漉૿⽿〟യຯ྿㣏ᅯ￯缘㼽彁뽃콄�g⃿㞿䯯䱏䵟乯使⊏￯C�꼱뼲㼨�V唃㒼㕀‵潓ⅵ鄮片摡䃋慗秾�uབྷ弳⽙㽚寿屏慟㥯㪿廏忯㷿￿༿ὀ㽨㽂콈཭⽱轳瓿疟皯瞿减朏箿簟O㽽佾彿㽓佔꾁罡轢墿撏斯暿ⳏﹿⲑꁞ䇐㤠崸㞰꽫뽬藿蛏揟蠯諿謏谟逯￿轩齪美辏콭�쾗狿砏鲟ꂟꎿꐟꔯ꘿o徧�侗꾪뾫쾬�菿萏넟鄿 鈏蠟鑟锿譏徖Ჵ騴⺀㌴낓㟰ㄳ鬴鰿땏뙟ッ뾒辸龹꾺뾻俀ᾙ⾚뷿뻏鷟鹟齯읿ꄟꢟO࿐濒翓返鿕꿖澰웿�􏰏��눿뎟ᆵ迠忀濁翂迃鿄꿅濤♻扮僦專⟸ち뿫࿈Έ⿊㿋쳿쵏칟콯큿톏��_꿹뿺쿻�忟↑㼁˿͏џկٿࢯ￟쿥�│࿪꼋뼌㿭﾿쿶�翿輀@༢ἣ⓿┯ؿޯ⢿⦏⪟⮯﾿켬�*⼰Ἅ⼎㼏ჿᅏ቟㑯ᐏᖏ᚟ឯ﾿켘�;༝἞༾㼠⛿䋏䛟䧿䩟䭯䱿䶏゚༯꼺qནὔ⽕㼱㊯坏㭿㽿扰쭚䑢缗ཛྷ缵輶鼷꼸뼹孛潲㩭潁罂㽞ꥦ巿栺 彏怿慏扟捯摿ᎏ㍫悍杯ၰ倠ⱡ汵p쁬歛憏쀠牨晥∽遚赭㪠셲䑡现䀣授⹳灰㽭焢ꀻ楦汥㹤暒椂큯筴奈䕐勀䥌䭎甠瘟䰫絽ꅷ獲?晣就⁳⥞轹㡶檯䍏櫹曏憋䁁䵝鋽嘱拡煲尹硬�䙥屿嵿薏厂膍⽦椃狿吗敵摳剡赹䛐荥痠偆晹렠赠㋐봰負㪰ヴ爹䷰쾂�ナ蝻透吤၁쾈�♲❖끬肋끯䐠聰敢轿趱躯辿郏釟裯申扰敪衣钯牟䔈渂텙敶愠⁴䋺⁰浤爐ꂐ犀㻀ソ輿齀罦轧콃�꾙䣿丏ꖟ䶿곿괿깏꽟ッ羰�潛쾳�ᄊྸ姿娏먟歟沟涯溿濏￟㾾༼Ἵ鿅ᄁྤꗿꘟꜯ꠿졏 ꨿끯닿/⿑迓鿔꿕뿖쿗㾹�􏰟���マᄏ྽�⾿㿀俁忂濃쓷隴Ⰵ쿈�ᅨ췿츏켟퀯틟�_俘뿻쿼�￿༁ἂ׏ٯݿ࢏টય﾿켋�₩⼏Ῡ⿪㿫፯옏읏᩟᭯ソ輜聲꿰뿱쿲�￵ᴟ﩯̿▏ȯ⯯ᆵ뼬켭�P༲켍漙㗿㙟㝯㡿㦏㪟㮯㲿ᅬ輐鼑Ἷ뼓켔�7ᤫ䈏䋹悌護₰䭯〨聸整擰鱵槠䔻讀淐셊偈ᆠ摮‸⁉Ơ聅琠棚Ⴀ䅅ꁰ剀膈慍倲恁整ၳ킋摡樮၉膈聍䵯亃彅䁁쁈™⅋数烰漞⁈큌뾟쒠搠퍥큑끈浰膈ᴮắ箿쬟佨䐠曰儀燠讋䭱珒 ₠潢併뾑ꅍ॓ŏ셌灓䂠坹侁えꆋ兌遍䌠쁴ゥ聸⁘S턦北咏喟䢯畳罧쁲ᅚ큌遍ㆠ灅イ䁚免䅍〨ㅌ桗녏寿山Ⅼ≯⍿⒏▟⚯﾿켧⽃㼳⽧佫꽭뽮濿烏營狯瓿㴏㹿瞏⦅潸罹轺齻꽼뽽콾㽀䇿腏舟䐯䕿䚏䞟䢯﾿ト齜꽝後澍美㼠轣擿斟暯枿棏槟迯氿/彵潶ᾛ羝辞龟꾠뾡ꋿꏏ翟肟貯ꡏꤿ꩏⦅澫羬辭龮徂澃羄ᄆ蚿螟袯覿諏듟俏酛借뫲띠噀埁⃡〵ⷮꂚ။噬寱䯐띣礠ᅚ屭遯嗟퓝❴季犐煏䂹惝疐遑퉋偋偧썂쁋䂹O塢䰱런뼀︁饩一寀숰䶲䰐宁뼑၍₹꾿 뿀�띷�쁛ꁐ肺荍ち剷䳺둑汬剶䵐疰럿儐儐頠쏀媠䮠伀綱삺慮䬰俀亦먥睐僳뾑㽄윿졯啿髬浠煛쌧쬠潀䑘為罧š悺煍쁏⁏、⃃낳뿐쿑᪏遍ᅛ晗佯힜踏烞悷ꂳ・⿚㿛᪏산苄ꅙ濝翞�佛埀愒眢침띑＀콢쾓�ヨ྘ᾙ⾚뗿鲏ꕏꑯ/ῳ⿴㿵俶�鿹꿺ﯿﲿ﷏ﻟ￯ǿ눏뎟ᆵ弃쾵�ᄌྺΆ㼇฿ྟႯ銿￟│࿪Ύ⿬缑修鿷᧿ᴿὟ₿⇏⋟⏯◿/ἦ�漩缪輫鼬꼭⻿⾿ハӟ֟㎯ᄯࢿ�*༌Ἅషᕁ齰ꁟ쁚셖큑❮퉙勹成佥恰㚒썑푡뵁逼兩 䭑堡쩯畒ꆾ䷽欐끍녏灀퀼ㅗ寽秢2⨑⅋臄=잷䕏᏿䏭ᄹ佤쿂Œ탌Ꮩⵥ倶䀻탿䦟퉿垿夁콐㤢첰ﹰ챯쑐嬡愑캑ᕱ칰䁛썀틃䴺乯ᅿᔯO㼖众弘켨缚輛鼜꼝ỿ⢿⤏怟慿抏掟撯﾿콥�伲㽫佬彭滿潯灿熏犟㖯㘏琟￿㼸伹强漻缼輽�s嗿耏脿ፏ囿坟塯奿マゥ꽛뽜콝�㽩佪郿酏鉟鍯鑿閏隟鞯﾿罳὿