HomeMy WebLinkAbout16834-M-Project Narrative-PRLM PLAT-2014-04-24 - 1 - 16834.007.doc PROJECT NARRATIVE Preliminary Plat of Copperwood (April 22, 2014) Existing Site Characteristics: The project site is 13.11 acres in size (or 570,881 square feet). The property consists of eight tax parcels (152305-9043, 9066, 9067, 9093, 9100, 9170, 9201, and 9221). There are six single-family homes on site and several associated outbuildings, utilities, and several private gravel/paved shared access drives. In the eastern one-third of the property is a larger forested area (covered with mixed deciduous/coniferous trees), Maplewood Creek, and an area of steep slopes (over 40%). The site generally slopes from the east to west (approximately 20 feet in elevation), with an average slope ranging from 3% to 5%. (Please see the ALTA Survey prepared by Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. dated April 14, 2014) The dominant on-site tree species are Cottonwood, Alder, Big Leaf Maple, Douglas fir, Western Red Cedar, and Western Hemlock that reach up to 42 inches in diameter (please see the Tree Protection Plan prepared by Washington Forestry Consultants, Inc. dated April 18, 2014). All significant trees on the site have been surveyed (6-inch diameter at breast height [DBH] or greater) and are shown and identified on the ALTA Survey. The understory cover is predominately Salmonberry, Vine Maple, Western Hazelnut, Sword fern, Salal, Oregon grape, and Pacific Blackberry. The on-site soils consist of approximately 6 to 12 inches of topsoil overlying 2 to 5 feet of medium dense silty sand with gravel (weathered till) overlying dense to very dense silty sand with gravel (unweathered glacial till). Glacial till soils are generally suited for residential development and are one of the more common soil types in and around the City of Renton. Please see the Geotechnical Report prepared by Terra Associated, Inc. dated February 10, 2014. As discussed earlier, Maplewood Creek traverses the easterly one-third of the property and is classified as a Class 3 water body requiring a 75-foot buffer. The ordinary high water mark (OHWM) has been delineated and surveyed and referenced on the plans. Also, there are no threatened or endangered species of plants or animals mapped for this site. Please see the Wetland, Fish and Wildlife Habitat Assessment Report prepared by Soundview Consultants dated April 21, 2014. Primary access to the site is from N.E. 4th Street (principal arterial), south on Jericho Avenue S.E. (collector arterial), and west on S.E. 2nd Place (residential access street). For further information regarding access and traffic, please see the Transportation Impact Analysis (TIA) prepared by The Transpo Group, Inc. dated April 2014. The project site is surrounded by existing single-family subdivisions with similar densities; however, along the south property line are larger single-family lots (due to topography) that range from 1 to 2 acres in size. - 2 - 16834.007.doc Project Proposal: The project proposal is for a 47-lot single-family detached subdivision known as the Plat of Copperwood. The average lot size is 6,013 square feet, with the smallest lot being 4,999 square feet and the largest lot being 19,429 square feet. The overall project density is 4.28 dwelling units per net acre, as allowed for Small Lot Clustering in the R4 zone. For more detailed information, please reference the Preliminary Plat Map prepared by Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. The project development plan proposes 3.49 acres (or 26%) in native and passive open space to meet the Small Lot Cluster requirements. A portion of this open space surrounds the proposed storm pond (wet pond) to provide buffering for the adjacent property owners. Also, we are proposing a passive walking trail (soft surface) within the stream buffer that will also include a bench and picnic table. Please reference the preliminary landscape plan prepared by Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. As referenced earlier, the property is zoned R4, which allows for a Small Lot Cluster Design (see footnote 10 of RMC 4-2-110D). The Small Lot Design standards allow the developer to utilize the design standards of R8 when providing the required open space. Therefore, the minimum lot size allowed is 4,500 square feet, minimum lot width of 50 feet for interior lots, and 60 feet for corner lots. All lots within this proposal either meet or exceed the R8 zoning development standards. As required by City code, all single-family residences will be subject to the Residential Design Standards. Other permits required for this development include the following: · State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Review · Preliminary plat approval · Construction plan approval (water, sewer, roads, storm, and grading) · Final plat approval and recording · Department of Natural Resources Forest Practice Permit · Department of Ecology NPDES Permit · Residential Building Permits · HPA Permit from the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife As designed, there are approximately 1,225 lineal feet of proposed (on site) public right-of-way, which will be 52 feet wide with 26 feet of paving, curb, gutter, planter (8 feet wide), and sidewalk (5 feet wide) on both sides. The internal roadway network has been designed to provide looped roadway with two shared private access tracts and one access easement within Tract B to serve the adjacent property owned by Berquist (Tax No. 152305-9216). The project development will utilize and extend existing City of Renton public utilities throughout the project site (sewer and storm), water from Water District No. 90, and dry utilities (power, telephone, natural gas, and cable) to serve all lots. Please reference the Conceptual Utility Plans prepared by Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. for more detailed information. The project storm drainage system is a two-cell open "wet pond" with 3.1 side slopes. The treated stormwater will be conveyed to Maplewood Creek via a storm pipe to a bubble-up catch basin with a bird cage for discharge. For more detailed information regarding the proposed storm system, please reference the preliminary storm plan and Technical Information Report (TIR) prepared by Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. In order to construct the project as generally depicted on the preliminary grading plan, approximately 10.2 acres will be cleared. Approximately 14,500 cubic yards of topsoil will be stripped and removed from the site or retained for use on site after structural grading is completed. Approximately 20,500 cubic yards of structural soil will be cut for grading the roads and lots. A majority of this cut material will be - 3 - 16834.007.doc used on site to construct the project to the final design grades. Any excess structural material will be exported from the site during construction along with any excess topsoil. These figures are approximate and will be determined at final engineering design. The total cost of construction for the roads and utilities is estimated to be approximately $4.23 million (or $90,000 per lot). The estimated fair market value of the lots upon completion is estimated to be between $180,000 and $200,000. We have not yet established the location of any model homes, job shacks, or a sales office. Tree Inventory/Tree Mitigation: Based on the Final Tree Protection Plan prepared by Washington Forestry Consultants, Inc. dated April 18, 2014, there are 119 healthy significant trees on site (please see the tree retention worksheet). As required by code, 30% of the significant trees (approximately 36 trees) must be protected or mitigation provided (tree replacement). The project proposes to retain 36 healthy significant trees and, therefore, we meet the tree retention guidelines in RMC 4-4-130.