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LUA16-000692 - Vol 1
Inin16,_e nto n PERSPECTIVE VIEWS - UPDATE 11 /9/ 16 SCHOOL DISTRICT COMMENT#5: ADDITIONAL ROOF MODULATION ADDED I U' M i s E a I I hc • '. II ; 111 21-`t=°fir a wc I a>im..... COMMENT#1: SOFFIT/ orpr -....... a 4 , -' y4Et..: OVERHANG HEIGHT pm t, iii - fill ipp lit ligiiuc!_.. .11 SIDE OF PARK AVE ADJUSTED TO 10 8'AT lk TI SOUTH S i :%• fi!ADDITIONAL FACADEle • MODULATION r .. ADDED BIRDSEYE VIEW FROM SOUTHWEST - 8/24/16 BIRDSEYE VIEW FROM SOUTHWEST - 11 /9/16 1 I, ss 1 usiaa a Liti I it, -.... 4,' - . _ - ' ' - - ise --- -- - aii. - --- -: .4.,.. . . _ . . -. . VIEW FROM VISITOR PARKING - 8/24/16 VIEW FROM VISITOR PARKING - 11 /9/16 dNoteemoheatedesininent.R SARTORI ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ir)tegrus demonstrate design intent.Refer to submitted site plans for accurate site 315 N GARDEN AVE, RE NTO N, WA 98057 ARCHITECTURE plan proposal. 0 0 enton PERSPECTIVE VIEWS - UPDATE 11 /9/ 16 SCHOOL DISTRICT COMMENT#7: MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT LOCATED THIS ROOF ONLY. EXAMPLE OF SCREENING SHOWN tamely __ RI °-llititi COMMENT#5:ADDITIONAL 11) r illi It r-. LIKE ern p ROOF MODULATION w t I ADDEDrr 1111,1 cto t4 e` o 64 BIRDSEYE VIEW FROM NORTHEAST - 8/24/16 BIRDSEYE VIEW FROM NORTHEAST - 11 /9/16 s T•. t + K.{w. as ><,;1„ IF rt atECI ----- • 1---_ COMMENT#3: COLOR OFawllllwFMrsrtSUNSHADESADJUSTEDTO Ii-z.. LIGHTEN MASS OF FACADE ssssmilals a ./,.; liiii i irciat in11i , n i i i.. III ci„,,, :ill ;Jo.: iii VIEW FROM BUS DROP-OFF - 8/24/16 VIEW FROM BUS DROP-OFF - 11 /9/16 Note:These views intended to SARTORI ELEMENTARY SCHOOL tA r demonstrate design intent.Refer to V submitted site plans for accurate site 315 N GARDEN AVE, RENTON, WA 98057 ARCHITECTURE plan proposal. k, ro 40, fltenton PERSPECTIVE VIEWS - UPDATE 11 /9/ 16 SCHOOL DISTRICT COMMENT#4/6: COLOR, MATERIAL AND PATTERN VARIATION ADDED. i: 1,11111110, COMMENT#2: GLAZING ADDED AT LIBRARY AND ns l COLOR OF SUNSHADES 4,, i II !1 :m' V MODIFIED TO PROVIDE s aiimminniiffiiiidi'or=.:.. ',.., ,--- , 0 meµMORE VISUAL INTEREST int IN FRONT OF WINDOWS mot r a j arm saGrtl/t/M tire; .-._ ill ill r rsilfiiiiil7i iE•t rt Y.COMMENT#6: COLOR IN ris • III lull , ' it) it . --ADDED IN PANELS AT 1, t t), s i , y GYM ENTRY VIEW AT PEDESTRIAN PLAZA - 8/24/16 VIEW AT PEDESTRIAN PLAZA - 11 /9/16 V lis r3 f 40066i.,i 111:101 ._Li_ __, ie: Note:These views intended to demonstrate design intent.Refer to 4 submitted site plans for accurate site a..; I plan proposal. i• )'--_: I VIEW AT PEDESTRIAN PLAZA - 11 /9/16 SARTORI ELEMENTARY SCHOOL integru` 315 N GARDEN AVE, RENTON, WA 98057 ARCHITECTURE I 11 0 enton PERSPECTIVE VIEWS - UPDATE 11 /9/ 16 SCHOOL DISTRICT T T Nig RR 1 06III al. .Illiiiii: .Po a r,Y. e. l 4 4 i x l VIEW AT GYM ENTRY — 11 /9/16 VIEW AT PARK AVE SIDEWALK — 11 /9/16 COMMENT#3/6: A • r - ': MODULATION AND COLOR AK.' .. ADDED IN WINDOW FRAMES k 1 AT GROUND LEVEL Illitd . Aa.si ; 1 lali lit A I ti ISM U COMM #TEIA r AND PATTERN ENT4: MAVARIATIONRL ADDEDIt: limo r I isra COMMENT#1: SOFFIT/OVERHANG HEIGHT AT NORTH SIDE OF BUILDING IS APPROXIMATELY 12'-8" DUE TO GRADE 4, CHANGE BIRDSEYE VIEW FROM NORTHWEST — 11 /9/16 SARTORI ELEMENTARY SCHOOL integrus 315 N GARDEN AVE, RENTON, WA 98057 ARCHITECTURE D D cn cn CA 1 1 a) Cu ai v I 0 0 0 CD rD 3 cn cn rn a r rr D d 0 D fD 3 O CD Cu CD r+ G D fD 3- r 73 0 v r r— a) ai Di O 0 C r,0 0 n O 0 7 7 S IVN 0 v v f o s D T Tro IV fD n coo v - 0a d F e 01 n 7 O. ro ( D n, a1 Iv, Ro 3 x- 0 9 ; , O V c‘) OG a 0 0- N N T C 0! C J o o No al 3 a T 3 Q1 a = ` ^ m n c 3 3 n 3 c e n ry n 00 O rli .^ r N p C n fNn ' O cu I D Oa. _ d n O D r0 j N D CD ,<. 7 a_ io R° a n 3 m ro ro a.n O v O IF C N ^ OC IT NCWd 7 W ' O fl- aa O c. u, aaroaoaro r. vNro rD.^ t adNo a Q° ao n p P ro nn PO Pi O ro a- m C. 0 soa" O_ o_ n a o v c 3 j n N a_ n o' 3 3 a fD 3 0 0 z0N — i__._ 3 ti.................. C I _ L ro3 a r3DKn n O co FiT C N a t cm N c pp Ol 00 c n n O ro CA roro ro U a- 1n a3 Ori n a 0 O n v Z O O z v, 0 N a O 3 O o_ o O a o ro nro n 0 m m n 7- 0 ro o' a a a O. ro 11nnro d ro acr D a 0 92. o, o, n 3 CD n D D ro 0 o a Cr 0.) a N.) N.) a m O a a 0 ` G cu c c rD 00 2 3 3 3 c Cu D T d co W V v 3rn D a c 0_ w x F ao d ro rD m roN v O O C 3 oz Z 3 0 0.) O ron0 a.n dl k t* f xy:` . s.'-`:.,• SCHOOL DISTRICT FACILITIES, OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE CENTER CAPITAL PROJECTS OFFICE 7812 S 124th Street,Seattle,WA .98178-4830 425-204-4403, Fax 425-204-4476 MITIGATED DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE R EC E WE D Sartori Elementary School OCT 2 2016 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL C TY OF ENTON The new Sartori Elementary School will be located on the site of Renton School District's Sart:Irij,EducatppioN Center at 315 Garden Ave N in Renton,Washington. The site is a full block bounded by Park Ave N to the west, Garden Ave N to the east, N 4th St to,the north, and N 3rd St to the south. The new school is being developed as a choice school to house a specialized program and is anticipated to serve a maximum of 650 students from kindergarten to 5th grade. The school will be the first elementary school in Renton School District that is in close proximity to the downtown core and is being developed as a civic and community asset to the city center where it is located. The choice program will have a neighborhood boundary and also draw students from the entire school district. The new three-story building will be.approximately 79,000 square feet in size and located fronting the western/Park Avenue side of the block. In addition to classrooms,the school will contain a gymnasium and library. The grounds will include a hardscape play area, play equipment on soft surface, and a grass play field that are designed for shared use with the community. A.public plaza is located at the main entry at the corner of Park Ave N and N 3rd St.. A total of approximately 83.vehicle parking spaces will be provided in three parking areas. One parking lot is accessed off N 4th St and also allows for convenient parent drop- off/pick-up. Two visitor parking areas are,accessed from N 3rd St. School buses will park along the west side of Garden Ave N for loading and unloading. Proponent and Lead Agency: Renton School District.No. 403 Facilities, Maintenance, and Operations Capital Projects Office Location of Proposal: The school will be located at 315 Garden Ave N, Renton,Washington. It comprises Tax Parcel Nos. 756460-0170, -0180,=0181, -0182, 0183, and-0184, and 722400-0620, -0615, -0610, -0600, -0590, • 0580, -0595,and-0605. It is located in Section 017,Township 23, Range 5E. Responsible Official: Rick Stracke, Executive Director of Facilities Planning Designated SEPA Responsible Official Renton School District No.403 7812 South 124th Street Seattle,WA 98178-4830 richard.stracke@rentonschools.us RENT(:)N Launching Learning to Last a Lifetime 7812 S 124th Street, Seattle Washington 981781.p.425.204.4403/f.425.204.4476 www.rentonschoois.us rY k SCHOOL DISTRICT The Responsible Official for the Renton School District hereby makes the following findings and conclusions based on a review of the environmental checklist and attachments (SEPA Checklist);other information on file with the District and City of Renton;and the policies, plans, and regulations designated by the Renton School District as a basis for the exercise of substantive authority under the Washington State Environmental Policy Act SEPA)pursuant to RCW 43.21C.060. Copies of the documents pertaining to this SEPA Determination are available for review during regular business hours at the Renton School District Facilities Department at the address listed above, or can be viewed and downloaded from the District website at:http://www.rentonschools.us/Page/2718. This Mitigated Determination of Nonsignificance (MDNS) is issued under WAC 197-11-340(2). The Lead Agency will not act on this proposal for 14 days from the issue date(issue date: October 21, 2016). Comments must be submitted by 5:00 pm on November 4,2016. There is no agency appeal of this MDNS;appeals of this MDNS are governed by RCW 43.21 C.075. RENTcN' Launching Learning to Last a Lifetime 7812 S 124th Street, Seattle Washington 98178/p.425.204.4403/f.425.204.4476 www.rentonschools.us e a z SCHOOL DISTRICT FINDINGS OF FACT The SEPA Checklist was made available for public review and comment from August 24,2016,,through September 30,2016. A Notice of SEPA Consultation was published in the Seattle Times, posted on the site, and mailed to interested agencies,property owners,and residents within 300 feet of the property on August 24 and September 19, 2016. The site has been the location of several residences,businesses, and the Sartori Education Center. The buildings will be demolished. Construction of the new elementary school will occur in one phase beginning in the spring of 2017 and be complete by the end of summer 2018. The site is generally.flat. Soils identified beneath asphalt and sod/topsoil generally consist of bedded sandy gravel, clean sand,silty sand,clayey and lean silt with occasional lenses of peat and other organics scattered throughout the soil column. Neighbors have indicated that there is a history of soils instability in the neighborhood, including a sink hole in Garden Ave N that was likely caused by a broken water main. The site is mapped by the City of Renton as a High Seismic Area. There will be approximately 700 cubic yards of cut and 4,500 cubic yards of fill for project construction. Fill will be obtained from an approved source and the project contractor will determine the specific location. It is anticipated that approximately 61.2 percent of the site will be covered'with impervious surfaces after the completion of the proposed improvements. The project will comply with Erosion and Sediment Control guidelines set in the City of Renton stormwater manual. Construction would result in a temporary increase in air pollution, including emissions from equipment and dust from construction activities. Post-construction emissions would include emissions from vehicle trips associated with the elementary school use and maintenance equipment used for the grounds and field. There is no surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the property and it is not located within a floodplain. Stormwater runoff will be collected through a series of pipes and precast concrete catch basins. Flow control will be provided by a series of detention pipes. Additional onsite stormwater management will include Filterra stormwater vaults and catch basin StormFilters. The site ultimately discharges to.the Cedar River and Lake Washington Watershed via the public conveyance system. The site is within Zone 1 of the Aquifer Protection Zone(APZ). The City of Renton prohibits all facilities that may allow infiltration within Zone 1 of the APZ. The project will utilize a storm drainage system that complies with City of Renton applicable stormwater drainage requirements. There are 41 trees of 17 species in the project work area that range from 4 to 28 inches in diameter. They include 10 street trees. The trees range in health from poor to very good. One onsite tree plus nine street trees will be retained and protected during construction, in accordance with the tree protection measures listed in the Arborist Report. The site perimeter will be landscaped, as will the parking lot and building perimeter. Around the perimeter there will be 100 percent ground coverage consisting of a mix of trees,_shrubs,and groundcovers. The plaza at the corner of N 3rd St and Park Ave N will include planters and seating. Energy conservation features include a high performance glazing and exterior solar control, high performance building envelope assemblies at walls and roof, high efficiency LED light fixtures with occupancy and daylighting controls,and high efficiency hydronic induction mechanical system with heat recovery units at fresh air intake, The building will be designed to be solar ready. RENTON Launching Learning to Last a Lifetime 7812 S 124th Street,Seattle Washington 98178/p.425.204.4403/f.425.204.4476 www.rentonschools,rus 471, Y. SCHOOL DISTRICT Temporary,short-term noise impacts typical of construction projects will occur with the operation of equipment during construction and will be limited in duration (approximate 16 month construction schedule). Construction of the auger-cast pile foundation system will occur over the course of a six to eight week period. Long term noise will be typical of that associated with an elementary school, including vehicular'and school bus noise, which is most prevalent at school start and stop times. Truck deliveries will be minimal. The noise of children at play in the outdoor areas will occur during various times throughout the school day. The property is located in a neighborhood with a mix of residential and commercial uses. To the east across Garden Ave N are single-family residential uses;to the north is the Renton School District Transportation facility; to the south are single-family and multifamily residential uses;and to the west are commercial,single-family,and multifamily residential uses. The school is expected to have approximately 60 employees. The site has four zoning classifications: R10- Residential 10 du/ac, R8- Residential 8 du/ac, CN -Commercial Neighborhood,and CA-Commercial Arterial;and three comprehensive plan land use designations: Residential High Density, Residential Medium Density, and Commercial Mixed Use. The property is located in Zone 1 oftheAPZ. The City of Renton Comprehensive Plan calls for growth,which will add to the existing 13,000 students in preschool to 12th grade. Overall, this project serves to meet the projected growth needs for the City and demonstrates consistency with the zoning code and Comprehensive Plan. The project is included in the Renton School District Capital Facilities Plan and is needed to serve the educational needs and programs of the RentonSchoolDistrict. Aesthetic enhancements include installation of street trees, perimeter landscaping, and interior landscaping. The new building construction will be dominated by metal siding, masonry, and windows. The corner plaza at Park Ave N and N 3rd St will be constructed with textured or stamped concrete,and will contain trees for shade and seating areas. Light or glare will be produced after dark from the building, bus lane, streetlights, and parking lot lighting. The playfield at Sartori Education Center will be fully replaced and will remain open during construction for community use until'it must be demolished to prepare for new construction. The playfield will be reconstructed as part of the proposed project to include hardscape play area, play equipment on soft surface, and a grass playfield,which are open space and recreational facilities for both student and community use. The Sartori Education Center was built originally in 1929, with additions in 1939, 1948, and 1955,and renovations in 1969 and 1980. The building is not listed on any preservation registers and there are no known landmarks or historic or cultural features. The old building is being photographed and documented for the Washington State Department of Archaeological and Historic Preservation database. King County Metro Transit provides bus service directly to the project site. The new elementary school will have approximately 83 onsite parking spaces plus parking for 11 full size and 4smallbuses. The City of Renton will require frontage improvements and right-of-way dedications along all four sides of the site. These improvements will include new curbs and curb returns,sidewalks, street trees,"and landscaping along Park Ave N, N 3rd St, Garden Ave N, and N 4th St. The new sidewalk widths will be 12 feet wide along Park Ave N and Garden Ave N, and 8 feet wide along N 3rd and N 4th Streets. R ENTiN, Launching Learning to Last a Lifetime 7812 S 124th Street,Seattle Washington 98178/p.425.204.4403 f t.425.204.4476 wwwjentonschools.us fl Se,,,,4,4,, SCHOOL DISTRICT Based on standard rates published for Elementary Schools(Land Use 520) in the Institute of Transportation Engineers' (ITE)Trip Generation Manual,the project is anticipated to generate 1,220 vehicle trips per day(610 in, 610 out). Peak volumes typically occur during morning arrival and afternoon dismissal when the school is estimated to generate 415 trips (235 in, 180 out)and 250 trips (110 in, 140 out), respectively. Based on information provided by Renton School District about truck activity,there are typically two(2)trash pickups per week and one food delivery per week. As a result, less.than 0.5 percent of the trips are expected to be trucks. In addition,based on data and projections provided by District transportation staff,the site would be served by up to 15 school buses (11 full sized and 4 small) during arrival and dismissal. School buses would represent about 5 percent of the total daily trips. Police traffic control and/or enforcement may be needed initially at school opening or added later, ifnecessary, to assist with traffic control during the afternoon student pick-up time. CONCLUSION OF THE RESPONSIBLE OFFICIAL Renton School District has determined that the proposal, with the mitigation measures listed below, does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment, and an Environmental Impact Statement is not required under RCW 43.21 c.030(2). The mitigation measures described below are recommended as conditions of project approval. This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist, other information on file with the Renton School District,and existing regulations. The responsible official finds this information reasonably sufficient to evaluate the environmental impacts of this proposal. MITIGATION MEASURES Earth 1: A Department of Ecology General Permit to Discharge Stormwater associated with construction activity will be obtained. 2. Prepare a Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (TESC)and a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)to meet the 12 required elements per the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit and the 2009 King County Surface Water Design Manual, as amended by the City of Renton. Specific measures to reduce or control erosion include clearly marking the clearing limits with high visibility-fencing and stabilizing construction entrances located off N 3rd and N 4th Streets and Garden Ave N. Stabilized construction roads and parking will.also be provided onsite. Stormwater flow rates will be controlled through temporary sediment traps or ponds,as well as through permanent stormwater control facilities. Perimeter protection will be provided through silt fencing. Sediment controls may also include filtration or chemical treatments, if necessary. Temporary and permanent soil stabilization will occur through seeding/sodding, mulching, and plastic covering. Slopes will be protected through interceptor swales and check dams. Inlet protection will be provided to prevent discharge of sediment-laden stormwater offsite. All temporary proposed drainage channels will be stabilized and protected through outlet protection. The contractor will implement, inspect,and maintain all Best Management Practices(BMPs) on a regular basis. 3. All work will be implemented consistent with the recommendations of the Subsurface Exploration, Geologic Hazard,and Geotechnical Engineering Report"prepared by Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. AESI), dated August 4,2016. AESI shall review plans prior to final design completion to ensure earthwork and foundation recommendations are properly interpreted and implemented. RENTONN' Launching Learning to Last a Lifetime 7612 S 124'h Street, Seattle Washington 98178/p.425.204.4403 I f 425.204.4476 www,r entonschools.us SCHOOL DISTRICT Air 4. Dust control BMPs are to be implemented to minimize dust during construction. They include using water sprays or other non-toxic dust control methods on unpaved roadways, minimizing vehicle speed while traveling on unpaved surfaces,preventing the tracking out of mud onto public streets,covering soil piles when practical, and minimizing work during periods of high winds. 5. To minimize air quality and odor issues caused by tailpipe emissions, required BMPs include maintaining engines of construction equipment and minimizing the idling of construction equipment. After construction, during school bus loading and unloading times, buses will be turned off to limit emissions caused by idling. 6. Materials stored on site(e.g., soil,fertilizer, and pesticides)will be enclosed and/or covered when not in use. The applicant will employ BMPs in the use and storage of these materials consistent with all applicable regulations. Water 7. The project will install a comprehensive storm drainage system in accordance with City of Renton drainage requirements. During construction, a SWPPP and associated BMPs will be implemented to manage stormwater properly. Plants 8. Approximately 10 trees will be retained.and protected from construction activities,as described in the Arborist Report. Intrusions (cuts or fills)shall not impact more than 25 percent of the root protection zone: Noise 9. Noise impacts associated with the construction of the project will be limited in duration,consistent with the hours prescribed by the City of Renton (per Chapter 7 of the Renton Municipal Code). 10. To mitigate noise impacts during the construction phases, measures such as locating stationary equipment away from receiving properties, erecting portable noise barriers around loud stationary equipment,turning off idling construction equipment, requiring contractors to maintain all equipment, and training construction crews to avoid unnecessarily loud actions near noise-sensitive areas will be employed. 11. Once the school is under operation,the school buses will be turned off to limit idling during the load/unload period. RFNr N Launching Learning to Last a Lifetime 7812 S 120'Street, Seattle Washington 98178/p.425.204.4403/f.425.204.4476 www.rentonschools.us 116 s. 44,, SCHOOL DISTRICT Light and Glare 12. Minimize exterior lighting to only what is required for life safety and security. 13. Minimize mounting height of all exterior light fixtures;25-foot maximum for pole-mounted fixtures. • 14. Aim fixtures to direct light away from the site perimeter in order to minimize light trespass. 15. Use full cut-off light fixtures. 16. Utilize occupancy sensing and timeclock controls to.control all lights and automatically turn them off during preselected,times and unoccupied periods. Historic and Cultural Preservation 17. If cultural or archeological objects are found during site preparation work,the Washington State Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation(DAHP) will be notified, and appropriate:measures will be taken. Prior to demolition of the.old Sartori Education Center building,the structure will be photographed and documented for the Renton History Museum and the DAHP database. Salvageable items from the existing Sartori Education Center building shall be repurposed into the new building,as practicable. Transportation 16. A haul route control plan will be prepared,and reviewed and approved by the City of Renton prior to the start of construction. 19. The following mitigation measures for pedestrian safety will be employed: a) Installation of school flasher speed limit signage. The location of the signage would be determined. during the City's Construction/Utility Permit review process. b) Installation of radar sign(s)that provide vehicle speed. The location of the signage would be determined during the City's Construction/Utility Permit review process. c) Installation of curb bulbs on Garden Ave N at N 3rd St and N 4th St to reduce pedestrian crossing width. d) Pedestrian safety measures will be developed prior to school opening and adjusted on an ongoing basis to optimize its effectiveness. 20. Prior to the school opening,the Renton School District and school principal shall.establish a Transportation.Management Plan (TMP)to educate families about the access load/unload procedures for the site layout. The effort should communicate to families and staff the site conditions and the ability to accommodate family vehicles. It should encourage school bus ridership,carpooling,and supervised walking (such as walking to school buses). The plan should define clear procedures and travel routes for family vehicles and instruct family drivers not to block or partially block travel lanes with queued or waiting vehicles. The plan should also define clear procedures and recommended travel routes for pedestrians and children walking to the school. The plan should also address evening event conditions by identifying appropriate parking locations for attendees, directing attendees or staff to the remote offsite parking (at the District transportation facility), and/or adjusting the schedule or size of events to better accommodate demand with the available parking supply. The TMP prepared for the school will be developed so that it can be adjusted to optimize its effectiveness. 21. The Renton School District shall coordinate with the City to ensure that school zone speed limits are signed and enforced,and that crossing guard locations are identified and staffed. R> NTON Launching Learning to.Last a Lifetime 7812 S.124t'Street, Seattle.Washington 98178(p.425.204.4403 J f.425.204.4476 www.rentonschools.us , v .,,..V, ent.. SCHOOL DISTRICT 22. The Renton School District and school administration shall develop a neighborhood communication plan to inform nearby neighbors of events each year. The plan should be updated annually(or as events are scheduled) and provide information about the dates,times,and rough magnitude of attendance. 23. The Renton School District shall require the selected contractor to.develop a construction management plan (CMP)that addresses traffic and pedestrian control during school construction. It should define truck routes,lane closures, walkway closures, and parking disruptions, as necessary. To the extent possible,the CMP should direct trucks to arterials and away from residential streets to avoid unnecessary conflicts with resident and pedestrian activity. The CMP may also include measures to keep adjacent streets clean on a daily basis at the truck exit points (such as street sweeping or onsite truck wheel cleaning)to reduce tracking dirt offsite. The CMP should identify parking locations for construction staff;to the extent possible,construction staff parking should be contained onsite. This Mitigated Determination of Nonsignificance(MDNS) is issued under the Washington Administrative Code WAC) 197-11-340(2);the lead agency will not act on this proposal for 14 days from the date of issuance. Only written comments will be accepted and must be submitted by 5:00 pm on November 4,2016 to the District contact. Copies of the SEPA Documents are available for viewing on the Renton.School District website at: http:l/www.rentonschools.us/Pane/2718. There is no agency appeal of this MDNS. Appeals are governed by RCW 43.21 C.075. SEPA Responsible Official Signature: i v/ fit/ih Rick Stracke, Executive Director of Facilities Planning Date Designated SEPA Responsible Official Renton School District No.403 7812 South 124th Street Renton,WA 98178-4830 richard.stracke@rentonschools.us Issue Date: October 21,2016 Last Day to Comment: November 4,2016 RN Launching Learning to Last a Lifetime 7812 S 124th Street, Seattle Washington 98178 J p.425.204.4403 I f425.204.4476 www.rentonschools.us ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST for RENTON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 403 Sartori Elementary School October 20, 2016 Prepared For: Rick Stracke, Executive Director of Facilities Planning Renton School District No. 403 7812 South 124th Street Seattle,WA 98178-4830 Prepared By: Lisa Klein,AICP Associate Principal AHBL, Inc. 2160359.30 State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA) TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT EVALUATION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY A. BACKGROUND 1. Name of proposed project, if applicable: Sartori Elementary School 2. Name of applicant: Renton School District No.403 3. Mailing address and telephone number of applicant and contact person: Owner/Applicant: Renton School District No.403 Contact: Mr. Rick Stracke, Executive Director of Facilities Planning Address: 7812 South 124th Street Seattle,WA 98178-4830 Phone: 425) 204-4403 Fax:425)204-4479 Contact for SEPA: Lisa Klein AHBL, Inc. Address: 2215 North 30th Street,Suite 300 Tacoma,WA 98403 Phone: 253)383-2422 Fax:253)383-2572 E-mail: Iklein@ahbl.com 4. Date checklist prepared: October 20,2016 5. Agency requesting checklist: Renton School District No.403 6. Proposed timing or schedule (including phasing, if applicable): Construction will occur in one phase beginning in the spring of 2017 and be complete by end of summer 2018. SEPA Environmental Checklist(WAC 197-11-960) May 2014 Version Page 2 of 30 State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) 7. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion,or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes,explain. There are no other plans for the Sartori Elementary School other than what is fully described herein. 8. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal. The Construction Stormwater General Notice of Intent was published in the Seattle Times on April 25,2016,and May 2, 2016. PBS Engineering and Environmental is preparing the necessary environmental documentation that is required for the site demolition permits. Geotechnical Report prepared by Associated Earth Sciences, dated August 2016. Arborist Report prepared by Washington Forestry Consultants dated August 17,2016. Survey prepared by AHBL,Inc.dated February 24,2016 Tree Retention Worksheet and Plan prepared by Weisman Associates dated August 2016. Final Transportation Technical Report prepared by Heffron Transportation,Inc. dated October 2016. Drainage Report prepared by AHBL dated August 2016 Preliminary Light Spill Analysis dated October 2016 Event Parking Exhibit prepared by Integrus dated October 2016 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes,explain. Demolition permits are pending from the City of Renton. 10. List any government approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if known. City of Renton Permits/Approvals: Preliminary and Final Planned Unit Development Conditional Use Permit Lot Consolidation Clearing, Grading, and Site Development Permit Building Permit SEPA Environmental Checklist(WAC 197-11-960) May 2014 Version Page 3 of 30 State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA) Fire System Permit Electrical Permit Other Agency Permits/Approvals: SEPA Determination by the Renton School District National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) by the Washington State Department of Ecology Determination of No Hazard by the Federal Aviation Administration 11. Give brief, complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site. There are several questions later in this checklist that ask you to describe certain aspects of your proposal. You do not need to repeat those answers on this page. The new Sartori Elementary School will be located on the site of Renton School District's Sartori Education Center at 315 Garden Ave N in Renton,Washington. The site comprises a full block bounded by Park Ave N to the west,Garden Ave N to the east, N 4th St to the north,and N 3rd St to the south. The new school is being developed as a choice school to house specialized programs and is anticipated to serve a maximum of 650 students from kindergarten to 5th grade. The school will be the first elementary school in the Renton School District that is in close proximity to the downtown core,and is being developed as a civic and community asset to the city center. The choice program will have a neighborhood boundary and will also draw students from the whole school district. The new three-story building will be approximately 79,000 square feet in size and located fronting the western/Park Ave side of the block. In addition to classrooms,the school will contain a gymnasium and library. The grounds will include a hardscape play area, play equipment on soft surface,and a grass play field that are designed for shared use with the community. A public plaza is located at the main entry at the corner of Park Ave N and N 3rd St. Approximately 83 vehicle parking spaces will be provided in three parking areas. One parking lot is accessed off N 4th St and also allows for convenient parent drop-off/pick-up. Two visitor parking areas are accessed from N 3rd St. School buses will park along the west side of Garden Ave N for loading and unloading. SEPA Environmental Checklist(WAC 197-11-960) May 2014 Version Page 4 of 30 State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA) 12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your proposed project, including a street address, if any, and section,township,and range, if known. If a proposal would occur. over;a range of area, provide the range or boundaries.ofthe site(s). Provide a legal description,site plan,vicinity map, and topographic map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency,you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications related to this checklist. The project is located at 31,5 Garden Ave N in the NW Quarter of Section 17,Township 23 North,Range 05 East in Renton, Washington. It comprises the follow•ing tax parcel numbers: I 756460-0170,-0180,-0181,-0182,-0183,-0184,and 722400-0620,-0615,-0610,-0600,-0590,,-0580,-0595,-0605 A copy of the legal description is available upon request. It ;• t £ 3' a1. . - ssr' , 4 • . x M• Vrtfr?i- 3i,`"" a .S` "` t G.xtr• Ott s w aaa S: s:,' i 7. e ,` 4'€` , y a£' 3a,,s s fa ax {' ; ry`'.i ,::. § mac^ « .3 r a i<3(X t . 0 E.;''. tt,oe yx t a t i i. -> qq 3qz,r N m • Q 1. r RRORT£4±' N p 5T '' ,,,,... ,. ¢ T v,,c• t {. s .', r1 t ` x+<i: k ' "x`;: L s' C'x k k ,r ,'` _ i:,s .atx,• R pN° # r rt D yz 1 r sy a E::.I:S' b t i 3' EDI t,'• ,,'` w t tt.`.`> 3 >,€`,, „ tea •k .•,.< l-', _., A n 1£ ._'^,a 5 G ,i;,. . t xm Y 1'3 . a N YCi a ` is Hxr • . a ....W,,, ., E£ kit i A. ar `y" )aJ £ . Z Fi Gtt j y,„ « k':.I.... ; \ B. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS 1. EARTH a. General description of the,site (circle one):® rolling, hilly, steep slopes, mountainous, other: The property is generally flat. SEPA Environmental Checklist(WAC 197-11-960) May 2014 Version Page 5 of 30 l State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA) b. What is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent slope)? Less than 5 percent. c. What general types of soils are found on the site (for example, clay,sand,gravel, peat, mulch)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any agricultural land of long-term commercial significance and whether the proposal results in removing any of these soils. As detailed in the Geotechnical Report prepared by Associated Earth Sciences,soils identified beneath asphalt and sod/topsoil generally consist of bedded sandy gravel, clean sand,silty sand,clayey and lean silt with occasional lenses of peat and other organics scattered throughout the soil column. These sediments are likely representative of recent alluvium deposited in former channels of the Cedar River. d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so, describe. Neighbors have indicated that there is a history of soil instability in the neighborhood,including a sink hole located in Garden Ave N that was likely caused by a broken water main. e. Describe the purpose, type,total area, and approximate quantities and total affected area of any filling, excavation, and grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. There will be approximately 700 cubic yards of cut and 4,500 cubic yards of fill for project construction. Filling,excavation, and grading are limited to that associated with the removal of existing underground utilities and impervious surfaces and the creation of grades to accommodate stormwater conveyance. Grading will be limited to slight contouring at areas of backfill and of existing minor slopes of less than 5 percent. Resulting excavations will be backfilled with approved fill per City of Renton standard specifications,to be proposed by the Contractor and approved by the Owner. SEPA Environmental Checklist(WAC 197-11-960) May 2014 Version Page 6 of 30 State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA) f.Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, pr use? If so,generally describe. Yes,erosion could occur because of clearing and construction. However,the implementation of a temporary sediment and erosion control plan using Best Management Practices(BMPs)should mitigate impacts. g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)? It is anticipated that approximately 61.2 percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after the completion of the proposed improvements. h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any: The applicant is required to obtain a Department of Ecology General Permit to discharge stormwater associated with construction activity. The project will comply with Erosion and Sediment Control guidelines set in the City of Renton's stormwater manual. AHBL will prepare a Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control Plan(TESC)and a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)to meet the 12 Required Elements per the NPDES permit and the 2009 King County Surface Water Design Manual,as amended by the City of Renton. Specific measures to reduce or control erosion include clearly marking the clearing limits with high visibility fencing and stabilizing construction entrances located off N 3rd and N 4th Streets and Garden Ave N. Stabilized construction roads and parking will also be provided onsite. Stormwater flow rates will be controlled through temporary sediment traps or ponds,as well as through permanent stormwater control facilities. Perimeter protection will be provided through silt fencing. Sediment controls may also include filtration or chemical treatments,if necessary. Temporary and permanent soil stabilization will occur through seeding/sodding, mulching,and plastic covering. Slopes will be protected through interceptor swales and check dams. Inlet protection will be provided to prevent discharge of SEPA Environmental Checklist(WAC 197-11-960) May 2014 Version Page 7 of 30 State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA) sediment-laden stormwater offsite. All temporary proposed drainage channels will be stabilized and protected through outlet protection. The contractor will implement,inspect, and maintain all BMPs on a regular basis. 2. AIR a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal during construction, operation, and maintenance when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities if known. Construction would result in a temporary increase in air pollution,including emissions from equipment and dust from construction activities. Dust controls will include watering soils to prevent blowing of dust. Construction vehicles will be turned off when not in use to help control emissions. Construction activities and equipment will follow the appropriate regulations for controlling emissions to the air. Post-construction emissions would include emissions from vehicle trips associated with the elementary school use and maintenance equipment used for the grounds and field. b. Are there any off-site sources of emissions or odor that may affect your proposal? If so,generally describe. There are no known offsite sources of emissions or odors observed that might effect this proposal. c.Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any: Potential BMPs include using water sprays or other non-toxic dust control methods on unpaved roadways, minimizing vehicle speed while traveling on unpaved surfaces, preventing the tracking out of mud onto public streets, covering soil piles when practical,and minimizing work during periods of high winds. Additionally,to minimize air quality and odor issues caused by tailpipe emissions, BMPs will be used. Such BMPs include maintaining engines of construction equipment,while also minimizing the idling of construction equipment. SEPA Environmental Checklist(WAC 197-11-960) May 2014 Version Page 8 of 30 State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA) During the school bus loading and unloading times,school buses will be turned off to limit emissions caused by idling. 3. WATER a. Surface: 1. Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site (including year-round and seasonal streams,saltwater,lakes, ponds,wetlands)? If yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate,state what stream or river it flows into. No,there is no surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site. 2. Will the project require any work over, in, or adjacent to (within 200 feet)the described waters? If yes, please describe and attach available plans. Not applicable. 3. Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be•placed in or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill material. None. 4. Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. No. 5. Does the proposal lie within a 100-year floodplain? If so, note location on the site plan. According to Map No. 53033C0977F of the FEMA National Flood Insurance Program's Flood Insurance Rate Maps dated May 16, 1995,the proposed project is not within a floodplain. ' SEPA Environmental Checklist(WAC 197-11-960) May 2014 Version Page 9 of 30 State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA) 6. Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste material to surface waters? If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. No. b. Ground Water: 1. Will groundwater be withdrawn from a well for drinking water or other purposes? If so, give a general description of the well, proposed uses and approximate quantities withdrawn from the well. Will water be discharged to groundwater? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. No. 2. Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any for example: Domestic sewage; industrial, containing the following chemicals . . .; agricultural; etc.). Describe the general size of the system,the number of such systems,the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the number of animals or humans the system(s)are expected to serve. No waste material will be discharged into the ground. The site is connected to sanitary sewer. c. Water Runoff(including stormwater): 1. Describe the source of runoff(including stormwater) and method of collection and disposal, if any(include quantities, if known). Where will this water flow? Will this water flow into other waters? If so, describe. Stormwater runoff will be collected through a series of pipes and precast concrete catch basins. Flow control will be provided by a series of detention pipes. Additional onsite stormwater management will include Filterra stormwater vaults and catch basin StormFilters. The site ultimately discharges to the Cedar River and Lake Washington Watershed via the public conveyance system. SEPA Environmental Checklist(WAC 197-11-960) May 2014 Version Page 10 of 30 State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA) The site is within Zone 1 of the Aquifer Protection Zone,(APZ):, The City of Renton prohibits all facilities that may allow infiltration within Zone 1 of the APZ. 2. Could waste materials enter ground or surface waters? If so,generally describe. No. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground, and runoff water impacts, if any: As noted above,the project will utilize a storm drainage system in accordance with the City of Renton's drainage requirements in effect at the time of the project application. During construction,a stormwater pollution plan and associated BMPs will be implemented to manage stormwater properly. 4. PLANTS a. Check the types of vegetation found on the site. X Deciduous tree:'alder, maple, aspen,other: X Evergreen tree:fir, cedar, pine,other: X Shrubs X Grass Pasture Crop or grain Orchards,vineyards, or other permanent crops Wet soil plants:cattail, buttercup, bullrush, skunk cabbage, other: Water plants:water lily,.eelgrass, milfoil,other Other types of vegetation b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? According to the Arborist Report,there are 41 trees of 17 species on the site that range from 4 to 28 inches in diameter. They include 10 street trees. The trees range in health from poor to very good. One onsite tree near Garden Ave N and nine street trees will be retained. SEPA Environmental Checklist(WAC 197-11-960) May 2014 Version Page 11 of 30 State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA) c.List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. To our knowledge,there are no threatened or endangered plant species on or near the project site. d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any: There are no significant woodlands or wildlife habitats on the subject property. One onsite tree near Garden Ave N and nine street trees along the frontages of Park Ave N, N 3rd St, and Garden Ave N will be retained and protected during construction,in accordance with the tree protection requirements listed in the Arborist Report. Natural vegetative features will be rehabilitated upon the completion of the PUD by including a majority of native plant species within the landscape plan,with the remaining plantings adaptive to the Pacific Northwest. The site perimeter will be landscaped,as will the parking lot and building perimeter. Around the perimeter there will be 100 percent ground coverage consisting of a mix of trees,shrubs, and groundcovers. The plaza at the corner of N 3rd St and Park Ave N will include planters and seating. e.List all noxious weeds and invasive species known to be on or near the site. None known or identified. 5. ANIMALS a.List any birds and other-animals, which have been observed on or near the site or are known to be on or near the site. Examples include: Birds: hawk, heron, eagle, songbirds,other Mammals: deer, bear, elk, beaver,other:small rodents Fish: bass,salmon,trout, herring, shellfish, other: b. List any threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. To our knowledge,there are no threatened or endangered animas species on or near the project site. SEPA Environmental Checklist(WAC 197-11-960) May 2014 Version Page 12 of 30 State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA) c.Is the site part of a migration route? If so, explain. The site is located within the Pacific Flyway for migratory birds. d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any: No measures are proposed. e. List any invasive animal species known to be on or near the site. None known. 6. ENERGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES a. What kinds of energy(electric, natural gas, oil,wood stove, solar)will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing,etc. The school will utilize electric power and natural gas to maintain normal operations once the project is completed. b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by. adjacent properties? If so,generally describe. There will be no impact on the potential to utilize solar energy for neighboring properties as a result of this proposal. c.What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any: Energy conservation features include: High performance glazing and exterior solar control. High performance building envelope assemblies at walls and roof. All light fixtures will be high efficiency LED with occupancy and daylighting controls. High efficiency hydronic induction mechanical system with heat recovery units at fresh air intake. The building is designed to be solar ready. SEPA Environmental Checklist(WAC 197-11-960) May 2014 Version Page 13 of 30 State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA) 7. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste,that could occur as a result of this proposal? If so,describe. No. Any identified contaminants would have been removed as part of site demolition. 1) Describe any known or possible contamination at the site from present or past uses. Underground fuel storage tanks existing at the project site from the previously existing school. The underground storage tanks were removed during' previous construction,and appropriate identification and mitigation measures have been taken. 2) Describe existing hazardous chemicals/conditions that might affect project development and design. This includes underground hazardous liquid and gas transmission pipelines located within the project area and in the vicinity. There are no gas transmission pipelines present on-or within the immediate vicinity of the project site. Existing natural gas mains are located within Garden Ave N. Proposed gas service will be coordinated with Puget Sound Energy(PSE). PSE will construct the service up to the meter and the Contractor will be responsible for trenching, bedding,backfill,and street restoration. 3) Describe any toxic or hazardous chemicals that might be stored, used, or produced during the project's development or construction, or at any time during the operating life of the project. Chemicals typical of construction activities will be used during the construction process,including gasoline for vehicle use. No other toxic or hazardous chemicals will be stored onsite after construction. SEPA Environmental Checklist(WAC 197-11-960) May 2014 Version Page 14 of 30 State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) 4) Describe special emergency services that might be required. No special emergency services will be required,other than those normally provided such as police,fire protection,and emergency services. 5) Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any: None are anticipated to be required. Specialized erosion and sediment control measures will be implemented if contaminated soils are detected during the construction process. Standard dust control measures will be implemented to mitigate dust emissions resulting from construction activities. b. Noise. 1) What types.of noise exist in the area which may affect your project(for example:traffic, equipment operation, other)? The primary source of noise in the area is generated from vehicular traffic adjacent to the property,trains, and aircraft/aircraft testing serving the Renton Airport. Speeds on these roads are limited to 25 to 30 mph,which minimize vehicular noise. 2) What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a short-term or long- term basis(for example:traffic, construction operation, other)? Indicate what hours noise would come from the site. Temporary,short-term noise impacts typical of construction projects will occur with the operation of equipment during construction and will be limited in duration. Construction of the pile foundation system will occur over the course of a six to eight week period. An auger-cast type'of construction method is proposed not a pile-driving type of construction method). The noise levels are the same as those used for typical SEPA Environmental Checklist(WAC 197-11-960) May 2014 Version Page 15 of 30 State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA) construction vehicles such as dump trucks and loaders. Construction will normally occur during the hours subject to the appropriate City of Renton ordinance. Construction operations will occur during weekdays between 7:00 am and 8:00 pm. Work on Saturdays will be restricted to the hours between 9:00 am and 8:00 pm. No work will occur on Sundays. Hauling hours will be restricted to the hours between 8:30 am and 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday,unless otherwise approved in advance by the Development Services Division. Long-term noise will be typical of that associated with an elementary school, including vehicular and school bus noise,which is most prevalent at school start and stop times. Truck deliveries will be minimal. The noise of children at play in the outdoor areas will occur during various times throughout the school day. 3) Proposed measure to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: To mitigate general noise impacts during the construction phases, measures such as locating stationary equipment away from receiving properties,erecting portable noise barriers around loud stationary equipment,limiting construction hours to the appropriate City of Renton ordinance, turning off idling construction equipment, requiring contractors to rigorously maintain all equipment,and training construction crews to avoid unnecessarily loud actions near noise-sensitive areas will be employed. Once the school is under operation,the school buses will be turned off to limit idling during the load/unload period. SEPA Environmental Checklist(WAC 197-11-960) May 2014 Version Page 16 of 30 State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA) A haul route control plan will be developed by the General Contractor and will be reviewed and approved by the City of Renton prior to the start of construction. Preliminary estimates are that the earthwork would generate about 165 truckloads 165 trucks'in, 165 trucks out), primarily during two periods at the beginning and end of the project. Assuming the trips are condensed to about two months each,this would correspond to about eight truck trips per day(four in,four out)and one or fewer truck trips per hour on a typical eight-hour work day. This volume of truck traffic may be noticeable to,the residents living adjacent to the site,but it.is.not expected to result in significant impacts to noise or traffic operations in the site vicinity. There is no anticipated need for special hauling hours. 8. LAND AND SHORELINE USE ' a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? Will the proposal affect current land uses on nearby or adjacent properties? If so, describe. At the time of application,the site contains residential and • commercial uses;however,the remaining structures on the project site will be demolished in the fall of 2016. Current uses of adjacent properties include the following: East: Garden Ave N—single-family residential uses North: N 4th St—the Renton School District Transportation Facility South: N 3rd St—single-family and multifamily residential uses West: Park Ave N—commercial,single-family,and multifamily residential uses b. Has the project site been used as working farmlands or working forestlands? If so, describe. How much agricultural or forestland of long-term commercial significance will,be - converted to other uses as a result of the proposal, if any? If resource lands have not been designated, how many acres in SEPA Environmental Checklist(WAC 197-11-960) May 2014 Version Page 17 of 30 C State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) farmland or forestland tax status will be converted to nonfarm or nonforest use? There is no indication of the project site being used as working farmlands or forestlands prior to its use as the Sartori Education Center,single-family residential,and commercial/business. , 1) Will the proposal affect or be affected by surrounding working farm or forest land normal business operations, such as oversize equipment access,the application of pesticides,tilling, and harvesting? If so, how: No,the proposal will not impact, nor be impacted by, farm or forest land operations. c.Describe any structures on the site. At the time of preparing this SEPA Checklist,there are two residences,a small commercial building containing a food mart and a burrito restaurant,and a dog grooming business. They are located at 314,330,336,and 350 Park Ave N. d. Will any structures be demolished? If so,what? Yes,the structures listed in"c"above will be removed as part of the new school construction. e. What is the current zoning classification of the site? The site contains four zoning classifications: R10—Residential 10 du/ac R8—Residential 8 du/ac CN—Commercial Neighborhood CA—Commercial Arterial f.What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site? Residential High Density, Residential Medium Density,and Commercial Mixed Use. g.If applicable,what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site? Not applicable. SEPA Environmental Checklist(WAC 197-11-960) May 2014 Version Page 18 of 30 State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) h. Has any part of the site been classified as a critical area by the city or county? If so, specify. The property is located in Zone 1 of the APZ. The site is mapped by the City of Renton as a High Seismic Area. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project? The school is expected to employ 60 people. j.Approximately how many people would the completed project displace? Two existing residents will move offsite to make way for project construction. Eight other residents moved during a previous phase of demolition. k.Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any: No measures are proposed. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans, if any: Renton's Comprehensive Plan calls for growth,which will add to the existing 13,000 students in preschool through 12th grade. Overall,this project serves to meet the projected growth needs for the City and demonstrates consistency with zoning code and Comprehensive Plan,as well as the stated purpose in the PUD and CUP regulations. The proposed project spans over three land use designations, residential medium density, residential high density and commercial mixed use,which is consistent with the adjacent land use designations. The property also contains four zoning districts that are consistent with the adjacent property zoning(i.e., properties across the street). Each zoning district has distinct development standards,and thus deviations are required. However,these deviations do not conflict with the intent of the zoning code or land use element of the comprehensive plan. SEPA Environmental Checklist(WAC 197-11-960) May 2014 Version Page 19 of 30 State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) The R-8 and R-10 residential zones are categorized as medium density in the comprehensive plan,which encourages access to service,as well as public spaces, gathering places,and civic amenities. The Commercial Arterial (CA)zone and Commercial Neighborhood(CN)zones are categorized as commercial mixed use in the comprehensive plan. The CA zone calls for enhanced site planning, pedestrian orientation,efficient parking lot design, and coordinated access,all of which are improved by the new site design. The Commercial Neighborhood (CN)zone calls for uses that serve the larger area,as well as the immediate area,and are compatible with the scale and character of the neighborhood. The proposed project adds service to the area by providing an educational facility and open space areas for public use. Overall,the project is designed to match its neighborhood context and meet future growth needs,while providing a public amenity to the adjacent residential neighborhood. Requested deviations from development standards include yard setbacks,building and wall plane height/number of floors,landscaping,exceeding the maximum parking quantity,and roadway sections. Deviations in one zoning category are needed to enhance the overall site design and utility,such as adequate circulation and continuous open space. As an educational/institutional use,the setback standards for detached residential homes should not apply. The height deviation from two to three stories is not expected to have an adverse impact on adjacent properties or community character,due to increased setback distances. The taller structure also reduces the building footprint, maximizing area available for open space and recreational use. The overall area of landscaping exceeds that required by strict adherence to code,and parking areas are screened by the addition of street trees. The project is included in the Renton School District's Capital Facilities Plan and is needed to serve the educational needs and programs of the Renton School District. SEPA Environmental Checklist(WAC 197-11-960) May 2014 Version Page 20 of 30 State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA) m. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with nearby agricultural and forest lands of long-term commercial significance, if any: No measures are proposed—there are no agricultural or forest lands within the immediate vicinity of the proposal. 9. HOUSING a. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle,or low-income housing. None. There is not a residential component to this proposal. b. Approximately how many units, if any,would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. Two middle income residences will be eliminated. c.Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any: No-measures are proposed. 10. AESTHETICS a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas;what is the principal exterior building material(s) proposed? Approximately 50 feet. b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? There are no views in the neighborhood that will be altered. The view of the property itself will change from a mixture of uses with a variety of structures of varying condition to a new state of the art educational facility with outside play areas and landscaping. c.Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any: The new school will incorporate many aesthetically pleasing attributes,including street trees, perimeter landscaping, interior landscaping and new building construction dominated by masonry and windows. The corner plaza at SEPA Environmental•Checklist(WAC 197-11-960) May 2014 Version Page 21 of 30 State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA) Park Ave N and N 3rd St will be constructed with textured or stamped concrete and contains trees for shade and seating areas. It is intended to be an inviting place for after school community use. The project will be required to adhere to City of Renton architectural and site design standards. 11. LIGHT AND GLARE a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? Light or glare will be produced after dark from the building, bus lane,streetlights,and parking lot lighting. Onsite lighting- will be turned off each evening between the hours of 11:30 pm and 5:00 am. b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard, interfere with views, or affect wildlife? No,lighting will be produced to enhance safety. It will be directed downward so as not to interfere with views or provide glare. c.What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal? There are no offsite sources of light or glare that will impact the proposal. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any: Minimize exterior lighting to only what is required for life safety and security. Minimize mounting height of all exterior light fixtures; 25-foot maximum for pole mounted fixtures. Aim fixtures to direct light away from the site perimeter in order to minimize light trespass. Use full cut-off light fixtures. Utilize occupancy sensing and timeclock controls to control all lights and automatically turn them off during preselected times and unoccupied periods. SEPA Environmental Checklist(WAC 197-11-960) May 2014 Version Page 22 of 30 State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) 12. RECREATION a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? Liberty Park is located two blocks south of the project. There is an existing playfield onsite associated with the Sartori Education Center that will be replaced with a new playfield. b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe. The playfield at Sartori Education Center will remain open during construction for community use as long as it is safe; it is expected that it will need to close at certain times. The playfield will be reconstructed as part of the proposed project to include hardscape play area,play equipment on soft surface,and a,grass play field,which are open space and recreational facilities for both student and community use. c.Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or application, if any: A portion of the existing Sartori playfield will remain open during construction for community use until it must be demolished to prepare for new construction. 13. HISTORIC AND CULTURAL PRESERVATION a. Are there any buildings, structures, or sites, located on or near the site that are over 45 years old listed in or eligible for listing in national, state, or local preservation registers located on or near the site? If so, specifically describe. The Sartori Education Center was built originally in 1929, with additions in 1939, 1948,and 1955,and renovations in 1969 and 1980. The building is not listed on any preservation registers. b. Are there any landmarks,features, or other evidence of Indian or historic use or occupation? This may include human burials or old cemeteries. Are there any material evidence, artifacts, or areas of cultural importance on or near the site? SEPA Environmental Checklist(WAC 197-11-960) May 2014 Version Page 23 of 30 State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA) Please list any professional studies conducted-at the site to identify such resources. There are no landmarks,features,or other evidence of Indian or historic use/occupation on the project site. The Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation Historic Property Inventory Report was reviewed to assess the presence of historic features. c.Describe the methods used to assess the potential impacts to cultural and historic resources on or near the project site. Examples include consultation with tribes and the department of archeology and historic preservation, archaeological surveys, historic maps, GIS data, etc. The applicant reviewed the City's maps and data for the site, as well as the Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation Historic Property Inventory Report. d. Proposed measures to avoid, minimize, or compensate for loss, changes to, and disturbance to resources. Please include plans for the above and any permits that may be required. Some of the existing Sartori Education Center building materials will be salvaged and/or repurposed into the new building or landscape. These include some of the brick, fluted terracotta columns and rosette panels,metal sign letters,and metal benches. Prior to demolition,the old Sartori Education Center building is being photographed and documented for the Washington State Department of Archaeological and Historic Preservation database. The Renton History.Museum participated in a walkthrough of the old Sartori Education Center building prior to demolition to identify any historically significant items and will be given a copy of the documentation. If cultural or archeological objects are found during site preparation work,the Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation will be notified,and appropriate measures will be taken. SEPA Environmental Checklist(WAC 197-11-960) May 2014 Version Page 24 of 30 State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) 14. TRANSPORTATION A detailed Final Transportation Technical Report(Heffron Transportation, Inc.,October 2016)has been prepared for the project that documents the existing and future transportation system in the site vicinity,details trip generation estimates for the project,and evaluates the project's impacts. a.Identify public streets and highways serving the site or affected geographic area and describe proposed access to the • existing street system.,Show on site plans, if any: The site consists of 14 parcels bounded by N 4th St on the north, Park Ave N on the west,Garden Ave N on the east, and N 3rd St on the south. The new school is proposed to include three parking lots,one at the north end of the site and two at the south end. Visitors and staff would access the southern lots from a driveway on N 3rd St;additional staff parking and family-vehicle load/unload would be directed to the north lot,with access from two one-way driveways on N 4th St. School bus load/unload is proposed curbside on the west side of Garden Ave N. b. Is the site or affected geographic area currently served by public transit? If so,generally describe. If not, what is the approximate distance to the nearest transit stop? King County Metro Transit provides bus service directly to the project site,with one stop located on Park Ave N at N 3rd St(serving northbound buses)and two stops on Park Ave.N at N 4th St(one serving southbound buses on the south side of the intersection and one serving northbound buses on the north side of the intersection). The three stops are all served by Routes 167,240,and 342. There are also stops located about 0.35 mile to the west on Logan Ave N south of N 4th St, served by Metro's RapidRide F Line. There are stops about 0.25 mile to the north served by Sound Transit's ST Express Bus Service Routes 560 and 566. c.How many additional parking spaces would the completed project or non-project proposal have? How many would the project or proposal eliminate? The new elementary school will have approximately 83 parking spaces onsite for regular school day parking. For SEPA Environmental Checklist(WAC 197-11-960) May 2014 Version Page 25 of 30 State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA) evening events,the onsite parking supply of 83 spaces would be available. Room for another 17 parked vehicles would exist in the family-vehicle load/unload zone. The on-street school bus load/unload zone could also be used for event parking and could accommodate about 28 more vehicles. The existing school use has approximately 83 striped stalls; the existing supermarket/restaurant site has a large paved area with about 17 marked spaces and additional unmarked pavement that can be used for parking. Most of the single- family residences also have driveways and/or garages that serve onsite parking. The proposal will eliminate the parking associated with the existing uses as part of the demolition phase of the project. d. Will the proposal require any new or improvements to existing roads, streets, pedestrian, bicycle or state transportation facilities, not including driveways? If so, generally describe (indicate whether public or private). The City will require frontage improvements and right-of- way dedications along all four sides of the site as part of project development,described as follows: Park Ave N—New curb at its existing location with an 8-foot wide planter and a new 12-foot wide sidewalk, requiring right-of-way dedication of about 12 feet to the back of the . sidewalk. N 3rd St—New curb at.its existing location with an 8-foot wide planter and a new 8-foot wide sidewalk,requiring right of-way dedication of about 4.5 feet to the back of the sidewalk. N 4th St—New curb at its existing location with an 8-foot wide planter and a new 8-foot wide sidewalk, requiring right- of-way dedication of between 8.0 and 8.5 feet to the back of the sidewalk. Garden Ave N—New curb and curb bulbs at corners of N 3rd St and N 4th St and a new 12-foot wide sidewalk behind the SEPA Environmental Checklist(WAC 197-11-960) May 2014 Version Page 26 of 30 State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) curb. A right-of-way dedication of about 3 feet to the back of the sidewalk is required to provide these improvements. All Intersections—New curb returns with radii of 35 feet would be required at all corners. Two perpendicular curb ramps would be required at each corner. Along Garden Ave N,the adjacent on-street parking lane is planned to be restricted to school buses only during school days, but is expected to be available for general parking during evenings and on weekends(times of school-day restrictions to be determined). The project would eliminate all existing site access driveways along Park Ave N. Along N 3rd St,all existing access driveways would be removed and a single two-way access driveway would be constructed about midway between Park and Garden Avenues N. Along N 4th St,the existing access driveway would be removed and two one-way access driveways would be constructed,to serve the family-vehicle load/unload loop and onsite parking see Site Plan). No other changes to the roadway network are proposed. e. Will the project use (or occur in the immediate vicinity of) water, rail, or air transportation? If so,generally describe. ' The proposed project will not use or occur within the immediate vicinity of water or rail transportation. The Renton Municipal Airport is located approximately 0.5 mile to the west of the property, but the project will not use this facility. f.How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project or proposal? If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur ar)d what percentage of the volume would be trucks (such as commercial and nonpassenger vehicles). What data or transportation models were used to make these estimates? Based on standard rates published for Elementary Schools Land Use 520)in the Institute of Transportation Engineers' ITE)Trip Generation Manual,the project is anticipated to generate 1,220 vehicle trips per day(610 in,610 out). Peak volumes typically occur during morning arrival and afternoon SEPA Environmental Checklist(WAC 197-11-960) May 2014 Version Page 27 of 30 State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA) dismissal when the school is estimated to generate 415 trips 235 in, 180 out)and 250 trips(110 in, 140 out),respectively. Based on information provided by the Renton School District about truck activity,there are typically two trash pick-ups per week and one food delivery per week. As a result, less than 0.5 percent of the trips are expected to be trucks. In addition,based on data and projections provide by Renton School District Transportation staff,the site would be served by up to 15 school buses(11 full-sized and 4 small)during arrival and dismissal. School buses would represent about 5 percent of the total daily trips. g. Will the proposal interfere with, affect or be affected by the movement of agricultural and forest products on roads or, streets in the area? If so,generally describe. This proposal will not impact, nor be impacted by,the movement of agricultural and forest products within the vicinity of the project site. h. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any: Several measures have been recommended to reduce and control transportation impacts, including physical improvements to the adjacent roadway network and operational measures. Details about each can be found in the referenced Transportation Technical Report: Roadway Markings &Signage: Work with the City of Renton to install lane channelization markings(painted arrows) and/or street signs on N 4th St approaching Park Ave N. Coordinate with the City of Renton to confirm the locations,extent, and signage of the school-bus load/unload zone along the west side of Garden Ave N. Coordinate with the City to review walk routes and determine if any changes should be made to crosswalk locations,signage, or pavement markings. SEPA Environmental Checklist(WAC 197-11-960) May 2014 Version Page 28 of 30 State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA) Operational Measures: Develop a Transportation Management Plan (TMP). Coordinate with the City of Renton to enforce school zone'speed'limits and to locate and staff crossing guard locations. Develop a neighborhood Event Communication Plan. Require the selected contractor to develop a Construction Management Plan (CMP). 15. PUBLIC SERVICES a. Would the project result in an increased need for.public services(for example:fire protection, police protection, health care,schools, other)? If so,generally describe. Police traffic control and/or enforcement may be needed initially at school opening or added later, if necessary,to assist with traffic control during the afternoon student pick- up time. b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any: As outlined in Section 4.4 of the Transportation Technical Report, a Transportation Management Plan (TMP)has been recommended to help minimize traffic and parking impacts to the surrounding roadways and residential community and minimize the need for City of Renton Police Department traffic control services. The TMP will be prepared in coordination with the school's administrative staff,with the following objectives: Educate families about the access load/unload procedures for the site; Encourage school bus ridership, carpooling,and supervised walking; Define travel routes for family vehicles and instruct drivers not to block travel lanes; and Address evening event conditions. SEPA Environmental Checklist(WAC 197-11-960) May 2014 Version Page 29 of 30 State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA) 16. UTILITIES a. Circle utilities currently available at the site:electricity, natural gas,water refuse service,telephone, sanitary sewer, septic system, other: b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project,the utility providing the service, and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity,which might be needed. Water and sewer will be provided by the City of Renton. Electricity and natural gas will be provided by Puget Sound Energy. Cable, internet,and telephone service will be provided by Comcast or CenturyLink. C. SIGNATURE The above answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the lead agency is relying on them to make its decision. SIGNATURE: NAME OF SIGNEE: Lisa Klein POSITION AND AGENCY/ORGANIZATION: Agent for the Renton School District,No.403 DATE SUBMITTED: October 20,2016' SEPA Environmental Checklist(WAC197-11-960) May 2014 Version Page 30 of 30 Renton School District#403 y•piP0.srq Attn: Rick Stracke F 7812 South 124th Street zO < <« Seattle,WA 98178-4830lin, PITNEY BOWES t t 4 0000825481OCT 02Z6 Fi' F• MAILED FROM ZIP CODE 98403 Vanessa Dolbee, Current Planning Manager Renton City Hall 1055 S. Grady Way Renton,WA 98057 RECENE OCT 2 5 2016 ail OF REN TO LAMMING DiVIS OM 11liIfih1 i1kI111h11h11l1h1I1I I1hIh111l11l11"#llil1lhl1l ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT LUA16-000692 rx pia CIT• e t eY aFn Application Date: September 02,2016 Site Address: 1212 N 3rd St Name:Sartori Elementary School Renton,WA 98057-5735 PLAN - Planning Review- Land Use Version 1 I Police Plan Review Comments ° '° Contact:Sandra Havlik 1425-430-7519,(SHavlik@Rentonwa.gov Recommendations: POLICE RELATED COMMENTS 40 Police Calls for Service Estimated Annually CONSTRUCTION PHASE To protect materials and equipment it is recommended that all materials and tools be locked up when not in use. Toolboxes and storage containers should be secured with heavy duty padlocks and kept locked when not in use. The site will need security lighting and any construction trailer should be completely fenced in with portable chain link fencing. The fence will provide both a physical and psychological barrier to any prospective thief and will demonstrate that this area is private property. Construction trailers should be kept locked when not in use,and should also have a heavy duty deadbolt installed with no less then a 1 1/2"throw when bolted. Any construction material that contains copper should be removed from the construction site at the end of each working day. Glass windows in the trailer should be shatter resistant. I also recommend the business post appropriate"No Trespassing"signs on the property while it's under construction. This will aid police in making arrests on the property after hours if suspects are observed vandalizing or stealing building materials. The use of off duty police officers or private security guards to patrol the site during the hours of darkness is also recommended. COMPLETED BUILDING It's important to direct all foot and vehicle traffic into the main entrance of the building;this should be monitored during hours of business by placing the school office in the main lobby area. This will assist with control of the pedestrian traffic in the building's public areas. Entrance through other exterior doors should be strictly prohibited. Rules should be posted in conspicuous location,letting visitors know they are to check in at the school's office immediately upon arrival. All exterior doors should be made of solid metal or metal over wood,with heavy duty deadbolt locks,latch guards or pry resistant cylinders around the locks,and peepholes. All strikeplates should have 2 1/2 to 3"wood screws. If glass doors are used,they should be fitted with the hardware described above and additionally be fitted with a layer of security film. Security film can increase the strength of the glass by up to 300%,greatly reducing the likelihood of breaking glass to gain entry. It is recommended that this building,and the individual offices inside,have monitored security alarms installed. There should be a plan set in place for lockdown procedures,as well,should an emergency occur. It's not uncommon for a school building to experience theft and/or vandalism during the hours of darkness,so it would also be recommended that an auxiliary security service be used to patrol the property during those times. Any alternative employee entrances should have coded access to prevent trespassing. Exterior doors should be checked routinely to insure they are not being propped open. All areas of parking and pedestrian travel need to have adequate lighting. This will assist in the deterrent of theft from motor vehicle(one of the most common crimes in Renton)as well as provide safe pedestrian travel for students,employees and visitors. Landscaping around the exterior of the buildings should not be too dense or high. It is important to allow visibility. Too much landscaping will give the building the look of a fortress and possibly give a burglar sufficient coverage to break into the buildings,especially during the hours of darkness. Key for a school of this size is proper lighting and an abundance of signage. The public needs to be made aware at all times of what space is private and what space is public. Proper No Trespassing signs should be posted in conspicuous locations throughout the outside of the buildings(including parking areas)so enforcement action can be taken if needed. I highly recommend that the developer have a Renton Police Crime Prevention Representative conduct a security survey of the premises once construction is complete. Engineering Review Comments Contact: Ian Fitz-James,I 425-430-7288 I'ifitz:james@rentonwa.gov'.' Recommendations: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Ran:October 25,2016 Page 1 of 8 V ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT LUA16-000692 tl: CITY of 1 PLAN - Planning Review- Land Use Version 1 I I 0 72 j tneEngineeringReviewComments.: t Contact:Ian Fit4James .425;43 = 88 ;ifitz-ame s rentonwa.govMEMORANDUMton DATE: October 14,2016 TO: Matt Hen-era,Senior Planner FROM: Ian Fitz James,Civil Plan Reviewer SUBJECT: Utility and Transportation Comments for Sartori Elementary School—315 Garden Avenue N. LUA16 000692 I have reviewed the application for Sartori Elementary School located at 315 Garden Avenue N.and have the following comments. EXISTING CONDITIONS The site is approximately 5.28 acres and is rectangular in shape. The site contains the existing Sartori Education Center,a strip mall with a small grocery store and Mexican restaurant,numerous single family residences,and a few smaller commercial sites. WATER: Water service is provided by the City of Renton. The site is in the Valley service area in the 196'hydraulic pressure zone. The approximate static water pressure is 68 psi at a ground elevation of 33 feet. Below is a summary of existing water mains located in streets surrounding the site: a. 12"Water Main(320 Zone)that can provide 5,400 gallons per minute(gpm)east of the site in Garden Avenue N. Reference COR Project File WTR2701111 In COR Maps. b. 6"Water Main(196 Zone)that can provide 1,300 gpm east of the site in Garden Avenue N. Reference COR Project File WTR2701156 in COR Maps. c. 8"Water Main that can provide 1,500 gpm north of the site in N.4th Street. Reference COR Project File WTR2701156 in COR Maps. d. 16"Water Main that can provide 9,600 gpm west of the site in Park Avenue N. Reference COR Project File WTR2702208 in COR Maps. e. 8"Water Main in N.3rd Street that can provide 2,000 gpm south of the site in N.3rd Street. Reference Project File WTR2701021 in COR Maps. Below is a summary of the existing fire hydrants in the vicinity of the site: a. At the NW corner of the site(COR Facility ID HYD N 00093) b. Across the street from the NE corner of the site(COR Facility ID HYD N 00092) c. Across the street from the northern project frontage(COR Facility ID HYD N 00308) d. Across the street from the SW corner of the site(COR Facility ID HYD N 00094) e. Along the southern project frontage(COR Facility ID HYD N 00291) f. Across the street from the SE corner of the site(COR Facility ID HYD N 00091) The existing Sartori Education Center is served by a 1.5"domestic water meter(Account Number 010240). There are also numerous small meters serving the light commercial and residential lots surrounding the existing Sartori Education Center. SEWER: Sewer service is provided by the City of Renton. There is an existing 22"concrete sewer running east to west in N.4th Street north of the site. Reference Project File WWP2700513 in COR Maps for record drawings. There is also an existing 8"PVC sewer running from east to west and then south to north through the site and connecting to the existing 22"sewer in N.4th Street. Reference Project File WWP2700513 in COR Maps for record drawings. STORM DRAINGE: The majority of the site is the site of the existing Sartori Education Center. The Sartori site contains a two story education center with an asphalt parking lot,grass fields,and lawn areas. The site is relatively flat and contains a private on site drainage Ran:October 25,2016 Page 2 of 8 1 ` ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT CITY OF w--LUA16 000692 ento PLAN - Planning Review - Land Use Version 1 I Engineering Review Comments .a. 1° Contact:ianpFitz-James 1425-430-72881 ifitz:jamesa@rentonwa.gov, system in the parking lot. Drainage from the site is either collected by the on site drainage system,infiltrates,or sheet flows gradually off site. Drainage that is collected by the on site conveyance system is conveyed west to the public storm drainage system in Park Avenue N. Drainage that sheet flows off site to the north is intercepted by a type 1 catch basin along the southern flowline of N.4th Street. Drainage from this catch basin is routed west by an existing 8"storm drain. Drainage that sheet flows off site to the northeast is intercepted by a type 1 catch basin located along the flowline near the intersection of N.4th Street and Garden Avenue N. Drainage from this catch basin is routed north by an existing 6"storm drain. There are also numerous light commercial and residential lots surrounding the existing Sartori Education Center to the west and south. These lots are also relatively flat and contain no on site drainage systems. Drainage from the existing lots west of the Sartori Education Center is intercepted by three type 1 catch basins located along the eastern flowline of Park Avenue N. Drainage from these catch basins is routed north by an existing 12"storm drain. Drainage from the existing lots south of the Satori Education Center is intercepted by two type 1 catch basins located along the flowline near the intersection of Park Avenue N.and N.3rd Street and Garden Avenue N.and N.3rd Street. Drainage from these catch basins is routed west by an existing 12"/10"storm drain. STREETS: The site is bounded by Park Avenue N.to the west,N.4th Street to the north,N.3rd Street to the south,and Garden Avenue N. to the east. Park Avenue N.,N 4th Street,and N.3rd Street are classified as principal arterials. Garden Avenue N.is classified as a residential access street. N.3rd Street and Garden Avenue N.have a current right of way width of 60'along the project frontages. Park Avenue N.and N.4th Street have varying right of way widths of at least 60'along the project frontages. The composition of the adjacent street sections are as follows: Park Avenue N.—44'pavement width with two travel lanes in each direction(north and south). Concrete curbs and 8'sidewalks exist on each side of the street. N.4th Street—44'pavement width with three travel lanes in the western direction and one right turn lane. Concrete curbs and 6' sidewalks exist on each side of the street. N.3rd Street—30'pavement width with three lanes in the eastern direction. Concrete curbs and 5'sidewalks with planters exist on each side of the street. Garden Avenue N.—40'pavement width with one travel lane in each direction(north and south)and on street parking on each side of the road. Concrete curbs and 6'sidewalks with planters exist on each side of the street. WATER COMMENTS 1. Abandoned/removed water services shall be capped at the main in accordance with City standards. 2. The two existing hydrants along the project frontage shall be replaced with new hydrants located in the planter strip. One is located along the N.3rd Street frontage and the other is located near the northwest corner of the site near the intersection of N.4th Street and Park Avenue N. 3. A new hydrant served by an 8"main shall be provided in the western parking island north of the proposed building. The main serving the hydrant shall have an additional valve located in the parking island before the hydrant. The new hydrant and water main shall be located in a water utility easement. 4. The area where the proposed water services and vaults are located is very crowded. A blow up detail showing the proposed configuration of the connections is required for utility permit review. All required vaults and piping shall be shown to scale to ensure constructability. Locations of proposed water services and vaults shall also take into account the location of existing utilities. Below is a summary of the required water services for the proposed building: a. A fire sprinkler stub with a double detector check assembly(DDCVA)in an exterior underground vault per COR Standard Plan 360.2 shall be installed for backflow prevention. The DDCVA may be installed inside the building if it meets the conditions as shown on COR Standard Plan 360.5 for the installation of a DDCVA inside a building. b. A domestic water meter installation shall include a reduced pressure backflow assembly(RPBA)installed behind the meter and inside an above ground heated enclosure per COR Standard Plan 350.2. Domestic water meters larger than 3"shall be installed per COR Standard Plan 320.4. Meters larger than 3"require a 4"external bypass line with a post indicator valve per COR Standard Plan 320.4. c. A separate meter is required for landscape irrigation. A double check valve assembly(DCVA)is required downstream of the meter. For services 2"and smaller,the DCVA shall be installed per COR Standard 340.8. A RPBA is not required for an irrigation meter. If right of way vegetation requires irrigation,a separate irrigation meter with a DCVA shall be provided. 5. Water improvements shall be designed in accordance with Appendix J of the City's 2012 Water System Plan. Adequate horizontal and Ran:October 25,2016 Page 3 of 8 ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT LUA16-000692 CITY OF t I PLAN - Planning Review- Land Use Version 1 I Engineering Review Comments Contact:Ian Fitz-James 1425-430-7288 I ifitz-james@rentomNa.gov vertical separation between the new water main and other existing and proposed utilities(sewer lines,storm drains,gas lines,power and communication ducts)shall be provided for the operation and maintenance of the water main. Retaining walls,rockeries,or similar structures cannot be installed over the water main unless the water main is installed inside of a steel casing. 6. The development is subject to applicable water system development charges(SDCs)and meter installation fees based on the number and size of the meters for domestic use and fire prevention. Meters greater than 2"will be charged a$220.00 processing fee and the contractor will provide the meter and install it. A system development fee credit will be issued for any existing meters being abandoned. The full water fee schedule can be found in the City's 2016 development fees document on the City's website. SEWER COMMENTS 1. The proposed location of the school building conflicts with the location of the on site 8"sewer. The sewer and services connected to the sewer shall be removed and/or abandoned as necessary for construction of the building. 2. The site plan indicates that the new school will connect to the existing 8"sewer main that is not removed for construction of the building. The connection of new main to the old main is proposed to occur at an existing manhole(COR Facility ID MH1988)in the new parking lot north of the new building. This provides an acceptable wastewater route for wastewater discharge from the new school. 3. The proposed sewer easement shall end south of the existing manhole that is serving as the point of connection for the new building sewer line(COR Facility ID MH1988). All new sewer main and side sewers shall be privately maintained. 4. Release of any existing sewer easements will be reviewed during utility permit review. 5. The development is subject to applicable sewer system development charges(SDCs)for sewer service. The SDC for sewer service is based on the size of the domestic water service. A system development fee credit will be issued for any existing sewer service being abandoned. The full sewer fee schedule can be found in the City's 2016 development fees document on the City's website. STORM DRAINAGE COMMENTS 1. Effective January 2,2017,the City of Renton will be adopting a new stormwater manual which will be based on the 2016 King County Surface Water Design Manual. All projects vested after January 2,2017 will be subject to these new stormwater requirements. Please refer to RMC 4 1 045 for information regarding project vesting. 2. A Preliminary Drainage Plan and Technical Information Report(TIR)completed by AHBL were submitted to the City on September 2, 2016. The site drainage area including offsite areas is approximately 5.67 acres. The site drainage area under existing conditions contains approximately 3.17 acres of impervious area and the site drainage area under proposed conditions contains approximately 4.08 acres of impervious area. The site is relatively flat and has three separate discharge locations. Each discharge location is part of a separate threshold discharge area(TDA). Each discharge location will be maintained in the proposed condition. The site is located in the Lower Cedar River drainage basin and in Zone 1 of an Aquifer Protection Zone. The site is located in the City's Peak Rate Flow Control Standard(Existing Conditions). Per the preliminary TIR and KCRTS model prepared by AHBL,the project proposed to meet the flow control facility requirement using three detention pipes. There will be one detention pipe for each basin. All proposed detention pipes will be private facilities. Due to the site's flat topography and shallow existing storm system,an in depth review will be conducted of all stormwater detention facilities and conveyance systems to ensure proper function and to examine the effects of backwater on the detention facilities during utility permit review. Six Filterra stormwater filtration systems are proposed to meet the enhanced basic water quality treatment standards. Flow control BMPS, ponds,stormwater wetlands,and infiltration facilities are prohibited as the site is located in Zone 1 of an Aquifer Protection Zone. All core and special requirements are to be addressed in the final TIR. 3. The project site is located within one half mile of the Cedar River which is classified as a major receiving water. This project may qualify for the Direct Discharge Exemption from the Flow Control Facility requirement if all criteria in Section 1.2.3 of the City amended 2009 KCSWDM are met. 4. Drainage improvements along all frontages will be required to conform to the City's street standards. Catch basin spacing along all street frontages shall conform to the standards found in Section Additional catch basins or inlets may be required to conform to these standards. 5. A geotechnical report prepared by Associated Earth Sciences Incorporated dated August 4,2016 was submitted. 6. The development would be subject to stormwater system development charges(SDCs). The current SDCs are$0.594 per square foot Ran:October 25,2016 Page 4 of 8 ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT CITYtñLUA16-000692e . ten PLAN - Planning Review - Land Use Version 1 I Engineering Review.Comments':W . Contact:Ian Fitz-James;I 425-430-7288 I ifitz-james@rentonwa.gov; of new impervious surface area,but not less than$1,485.00. A system development fee credit will apply for the existing single family residential lots. Fees are payable at the time of permit issuance. TRANSPORTATION/STREET COMMENTS 1. The current transportation impact fee is$2.00 per square foot of building. Fees are payable at the time of permit issuance. A transportation impact fee credit will apply for the existing education facility,single family residential lots,and light commercial lots. 2. N.3rd Street,N.4th Street,and Park Avenue N.are classified as principal arterials. Garden Avenue N.is classified as a residential access street. City staff is recommending street sections that differ from the City's street standards found in RMC 4 6 060. A summary of the required street frontage improvements requested can be found below. a. The existing curb line shall remain in place along Park Avenue N. An 8'planter shall be located behind the curb and a 12'sidewalk shall be located behind the planter. Right of way dedication along Park Avenue N.will be required to the back of the 12'sidewalk. b. The existing curb line shall remain in place along N.3rd Street and N.4th Street. An 8'planter shall be located behind the curb and an 8'sidewalk shall be located behind the planter along these streets. Right of way dedication along N.3rd Street and N.4th Street will be required to the back of the 8'sidewalk. c. The existing curb line shall remain in place along Garden Avenue N.The proposed curb bulbs at the corners of N.3rd Street and Garden Avenue N.and N.4th Street and Garden Avenue N.are required with the original curb line remaining in place. The curb bulb at the corner of N.3rd Street and Garden Avenue N.adjacent to the site shall extend for the entirety of the curb return. The addition of curb bulbs will allow for a 13'southbound travel lane on Garden Avenue N.and an 8'bus parking lane. City curb bulb design standards shall be met. The depressed curb between the bus parking lane and southbound travel lane on Garden Avenue N.shall meet the City standards for a cement concrete valley curb. A 12'sidewalk will be required directly behind the curb. Right of way dedication along Garden Avenue N.will be required to the back of the 12'sidewalk. d. Companion curb bulbs along the eastern frontage of Garden Avenue N.are required at the intersections of N.3rd Street and N.4th Street. These curb bulbs should only extend in the western direction to shorten the crossing distance across Garden Avenue N. No curb bulb extension north into N.4th Street or south into N.3rd Street is required. City curb bulb design standards shall be met. e. A curb bulb at the corner of N.3rd Street and Park Avenue N.adjacent to the site shall extend south into N.3rd Street. The curb bulb shall not extend west into Park Avenue N. When coupled with the required curb bulb along the entirety of the curb return at the intersection of N.3rd Street and Garden Avenue N.(described in comment 2.c),on street parking along the northern frontage of N.3rd Street adjacent to the site will be created. City curb bulb design standards shall be met. f. The curb radius at all intersections shall be 35'. Appropriate right of way dedication at each corner is required to accommodate the curb radius. g. Perpendicular curb ramps conforming to current ADA and WSDOT standards will be required at each corner. Curb ramps shall be perpendicular to the roadway centerline. Two curb ramps are required at each corner. The project shall comply to the City of Renton Americans with Disabilities Act Transition Plan adopted May 18,2015. Required curb ramp improvements at each intersection will be evaluated to determine if additional improvements such as accessible pedestrian signals(APS) are required. Companion curb ramps across from the project site are required to be brought up to current ADA standards. h. The existing curb along all frontages shall be replaced with a new curb that meets City standards. i. Proposed access points to the site are acceptable. j. No on street parking will be permitted along N.4th Street or Park Avenue N. k. Current channelization on N.4th Street,Park Avenue N.,and Garden Avenue N.shall remain. The far left lane on N.3rd Street shall be a left turn only lane west of the intersection with Park Avenue N. Signal and sign modifications shall be made as necessary to ensure that the new traffic pattern with the far left lane being left only is correctly implemented. The proposed change in N.3rd Street channelization will allow for on street parking on the north side of N.3rd Street adjacent to the site. I. All existing manholes,handholes,and other utility covers within public sidewalks shall be brought up to current ADA standards. 3. A draft traffic impact analysis(TIA)prepared by Heffron Transportation was submitted for the project. The TIA evaluated traffic operations at the four intersections adjacent to the site at the request of the City plan reviewer and Transportation department. The Ran:October 25,2016 Page 5 of 8 ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT LUA16-000692 E ' 1 CITY OF e t • n 14R kTq++ PLAN - Planning Review - Land Use Version 1 Engineering Review:Comments ' Contact:°Ian.Fitz-James[425-430-7288.I:,ifitz jarnes@centonwa.gav:. intersections evaluated were N.4th Street and Park Avenue N.,N.4th Street and Garden Avenue N.,N.3rd Street and Park Avenue N.,and N.3rd Street and Garden Avenue N. To analyze the intersections,vehicle turning movements were conducted at the four study intersections on Thursday May 19,2016 by ldax Data Solutions. Traffic counts were taken for the morning and afternoon peak periods. Heffron use the traffic counts to forecast traffic volumes in 2018 when the project will be complete. Heffron determined that all four study intersections operate at Level of Service C or better and will continue to operate at Level of Service C or better in 2018 without the project. Heffron estimated vehicle trips generated by the project using the proposed land use from the 9th Edition of the Trip Generation Manual published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers(ITE). Level of Service at the four study intersections was evaluated using 2018 conditions without the project and 2018 conditions with the project. Heffron determined that all four study intersections will operate at the same Level of Service in 2018 with or without the project. Heffron evaluated on site queuing in the morning drop off period and the afternoon pick up period. The morning arrival queue was modeled using Poisson arrival methodologies and assumptions from queuing data collection at Bellevue School District. The report concludes that the estimated morning arrival queue will be accommodated on site. The afternoon arrival queue was modeled using data collected on March 15th and October 15th,2015 from Cherry Crest Elementary School in Bellevue. Cherry Crest Elementary is similar in student and staff sizes to the proposed school and has a similar number of parking stalls to the proposed school. The report concludes that the afternoon queues could exceed the demand of the north parking lot/load and unload loop. The report suggests that access management measures could be implemented to prevent queues from adversely impacting traffic flow on N.4th Street. Heffron evaluated on site parking for both a typical school day and evening event. Typical school day parking demand was determined using data from several Seattle elementary schools and ITE employee based parking generation rates for middle schools. The ITE does not provide employee based parking generation rates for elementary schools. The report concludes that the on site parking supply can accommodate typical midday parking demand. For evening events,Heffron evaluated use of all possible on site parking,the bus parking area,on street parking within 400 feet of the site,and the Renton School District Transportation Facility which is located across N.4th Street from the site. The report concludes that parking for an attendance of 675 to 790 persons can be accommodated by the evaluated parking facilities. Lastly,Heffron evaluated traffic safety and non motorized transportation facilities. The report concludes that the project will not result in any significant adverse safety impacts. The report suggests additional channelization markings on N.4th Street near the parking lot entrance may be beneficial. The report acknowledges that an increase in pedestrian traffic activity in the vicinity of the site will occur with this project. The report suggests implementing school speed zones and accompanying signage,along with a walk routes,crosswalk locations,and crossing guard locations. 4. A final signed traffic impact analysis shall be provided prior to utility permit submittal. 5. Street lighting analysis is required to be conducted by the developer along all street frontages. Required street lighting shall be to City of Renton standards. Street lighting was not included with the site plan submittal. 6. Paving and trench restoration within the City of Renton right of way shall comply with the City's Restoration and Overlay requirements. GENERAL COMMENTS 1. The SDCs listed are for 2016. The fees that are current at the time of the utility permit application will be levied. Please see the City of Renton website for current SDCs. 2. Storm drainage detention vaults and retaining walls that are 4'or taller from bottom of footing will require a separate building permit. Structural calculations and plans prepared by a licensed engineer will be required. 3. The survey and all civil plans shall conform to the current City of Renton survey and drafting standards. Current drafting standards can be found on the City of Renton website. 4. A final survey that is stamped and signed by the professional land surveyor of record will need to be provided. All existing utilities need to be surveyed and shown. Please reference COR Maps for mapping and records of existing utilities in the project vicinity. 5. Separate plan submittals will be required for construction permits for utility work and street improvements. All plans shall be prepared by a licensed Civil Engineer in the State of Washington. 6. When utility plans are complete,please submit four(4)copies of the plans,two(2)copies of the drainage report,an electronic copy of each,the permit application,an itemized cost of construction estimate,and application fee to the counter on the sixth floor. Ran:October 25,2016 Page 6 of 8 ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT CITY OFwaQ i1UA16-000692 yent •4 x. PLAN - Planning Review - Land Use Version 1 I Technical Services Comments ; Contact:..Amanda"Askren-1425-430-7369 I aaskren@rentonwa.gov, Recommendations: Legals and exhibits were provided for what appears to be ROW dedications. If this is the case,the Deed of Dedication forms will need to be prepared along with the legal and exhibit and the REETA forms for the dedication areas for review. Lot Combination Form was reviewed as submitted. Form will need to be filled out for review with appropriate call outs for the provided exhibits. Building Review-Planning Comments°, 07.ffi Contact:Craig Burnell 1425=430-7290 1_cburnell@rentonwa.gov. Recommendations: Recommendations of the Geotechnical report must be followed.Update the geotechnical report to the 2015 IBC. Fire Review-Building Comments : ': . Contacts'Corey.ThomasI 425-430-7024"I cthomas@rentonrfa.org, Recommendations: Environmental Impact Statement: 1. Fire impact fees are currently applicable at the rate of$0.45 per square foot of increased building area. This fee is paid at time of building permit issuance. Credit will be granted to the square footage of educational/retail buildings demolished/removed on this site. Code Related Comments: 1. The preliminary fire flow is 2,000 gpm. A minimum of two fire hydrants are required. One within 150 feet and one within 300 feet of the building. Building shall also meet maximum hydrant spacing of 300 feet on center. One hydrant shall be within 50 feet of the fire department connection for the fire sprinkler and standpipe systems. Any existing hydrants used to satisfy the requirements shall meet current fire code including 5 inch storz fittings. 2. Approved fire sprinkler,standpipe,kitchen hood and fire alarm systems are required throughout the building. Separate plans and permits required by the fire department. Direct outside access is required to the fire sprinkler riser rooms. Fully addressable and full detection is required for all fire alarm systems. 3. Fire department apparatus access roadways are required within 150 feet of all points on the building. Fire lane signage required for the on site roadway. Required turning radius are 25 feet inside and 45 feet outside. Roadways shall be a minimum of 20 feet wide. Roadways shall support a minimum of a 30 ton vehicle and 75 psi point loading. 4. The building shall comply with the.City of Renton Emergency Radio Coverage ordinance. Testing shall verify both incoming and outgoing minimum emergency radio signal coverage. If inadequate,the building shall be enhanced with amplification equipment in order to meet minimum coverage. Separate plans and permits are required for any proposed amplification systems. 5. Separate plans and permits for any removal of existing tanks and installation of any new tanks. Ran:October 25,2016 Page 7 of 8 ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT LUA16-000692 CITY OF efwTT`'L.4'R. r PLAN - Planning Review - Land Use Version 1 I Ran:October 25,2016 Page 8 of 8 X)**•*. 4": 7V. Denis Law Mayor .4 g Arm- September 30,2016 Community&Economic Development C.E."Chip"Vincent,Administrator Rick Stracke, Executive Director of Facilities,Maintenance,Operations,Safety,and Security Designated SEPA Responsible Official Renton School District 7812 South 124th Street Seattle,WA 98178-4830 VIA Email: richard.stracke@rentonschools.us SUBJECT: SEPA Comments for Sartori School Dear Mr.Stracke, Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on the State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA) Checklist for the proposed Sartori Elementary School project. The Renton School District is acting as the Lead Agency for the SEPA process as allowed per WAC 197-11-050. City of Renton will be processing the land use permits necessary for the proposal. We have reviewed the Final SEPA Checklist and offer the following comments: Project Description. The description of the proposal in the final SEPA Checklist indicates the proposed school building as 76,000 square feet isf),while the land use application submitted to City of Renton identifies the building as 79,000 sf. Critical Areas. The City's COR mapping database shows the subject property is within a High Seismic area. We request that this Critical Area be noted in the SEPA Checklist. Transportation/Pedestrian Safety. The proposal will result in an increase in pedestrians in the vicinity of the school. Therefore,the City requests mitigation for potential impacts to pedestrians and to increase pedestrian safety. Further,we request that the mitigation measures listed below be included in the SEPA Threshold Determination and be subject to City of Renton review and approval prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. Installation of school flasher speed limit signage. The location of the signage would be determined during the City's Construction/Utility Permit review process. Installation of radar sign(s)that provide vehicle speed. The location of the signage would be determined during the City's Construction/Utility Permit review process. Installation of curb bulbs on Garden Ave N.at N.3'd St.and N.4th St.to reduce pedestrian crossing width. Preparation of a plan to be distributed to students and families that identifies safe walking routes to school and crossing guard locations. Transportation/Off-Site Impacts. The proposal would potentially result in vehicle queuing onto North 41h Street at the beginning and end of the school day. In addition,off-site parking impacts to the 1055 South Grady Way,Renton,WA 98057 rentonwa,gov Rick Stracke September 30,2016 Page 2 surrounding neighborhood may occur during special school events. The City requests the following mitigation measures to address these concerns. The mitigation measures listed below should be subject to the review and approval of the City of Renton prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy. Preparation of an operational plan that provides preventive measures for offsite queuing onto N.dth Street during pick-up and drop-off. e- Preparation of a parking plan for special events that may require more parking than is available onsite. If you have any questions regarding the City's comments, please contact me at jhenninePrentonwamov or Matt Herrera,Senior Planner,at mherreraPrentonwa.eov. Sincerely, jeAJ (irkAV avid- Jennifer T. Henning,AICP Planning Director Cc: C.E.'Chip'Vincent,CED Administrator Gregg Zimmerman, Public Works Administrator Vanessa Dolbee, Current Planning Manager Matt Herrera,Senior Planner Ian Fitz-James, Development Engineer Brianne Bannwarth,Development Engineering Manager Jim Seitz,Transportation Director Denis Law Mayor i l September 14, 2016 Community&Economic Development C.E."Chip"Vincent,Administrator Lisa Klein AHBL 2215 N 30th St, #300 Tacoma, WA,98403 Subject: Notice of Complete Application New Sartori Elementary School, LUA16-000692, CU-H, PUD Dear Ms. Klein: The Planning Division of the City of Renton has determined that the subject application is complete according to submittal requirements and,therefore, is accepted for review. You will be notified if any additional information is required to continue processing your application. In addition,this matter is tentatively scheduled for a Public Hearing on November 8,2016 at 11:00 am, Council Chambers, Seventh Floor, Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton. The applicant or representative(s) of the applicant are required to be present at the public hearing. A copy of the staff report will be mailed to you prior to the scheduled hearing. Please contact me at (425)430-6593 if you have any questions. Sincerely, 7, Matthew Herrera Senior Planner cc: Renton School District#403/Owner(s) Rick Stracke,RSD/Applicant North Renton Neighborhood Association,Debbie Natelson,Genie Chase,Jessica Roach,Kathleen Booher, Nancy Monahan,Neil Sheesley,Pamela Thomas,Paul Rolinger,Rochelle Krebs,Sara&Tim Bishop,Scott Rice,Wyman Dobson/ Parties of Record 1055 South Grady Way,Renton,WA 98057• rentonwa.gov t r 1,4 ITY OFr.-7o. Fy; A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community&Economic Development . . CED)—Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION:September 14,2016 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: New Sartori Elementary School/LUA16-000692,CU-H,PUD PROJECT DESCRIPTION:The Renton.School District (applicant) has submitted.applications for.Hearing Examiner Planned Urban Development,Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit,and.Lot Combination approvals for the -. construction of a new 3-story 79,000 square foot Sartori Elementary.School. The subjectproperty consists of.14 contiguous parcels that are bound by Park Ave N.,Garden Ave N.,N 4th St.;and N 3rd St The 5.28;acre.subject property is an entire block located within the Residential-8(R-8),R-10,Commercial Neighborhood(CN),and:Commercial Arterial CA)zoning designations.The existing Sartori Education Center and surrounding residential and commercial structures have been or will be demolished.The Renton School District is the lead agency for State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA) Review.TheCity's mapping database has identified the subject property is within the Wellhead Protection Zone 1 and potential seismic hazard area. Vehicle access to the subject property is proposed on N.3rd St.and N.4th St.The proposal includes.83 parking stalls,14 bus loading spaces,and 14 covered bicycle parking spaces.Additional improvements proposed by the applicant include a 35,000 square foot grass field,various soft and hard surface play areas,4,400 square foot covered play area,public plaza, . landscaping,street frontage improvements,and drainage infrastructure. The Planned Urban Development application requests to vary setback, impervious surface coverage,,height, parking,.. ,. landscaping,refuse/recycling,and street standards..The applicant has proposed public benefits including a public plaza, large play field and other programmed play areas,and enhanced landscaping. The applicant has submitted the following technical reports with the application:drainage report,:geotechnical report; arborist report;and traffic study. PROJECT LOCATION: 315 Garden Ave N PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Conditional Use-HE,Preliminary PUD APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Lisa Klein,AHBL,2215 N 30th St,#300,Tacoma,WA 98403/253-383-2422/ Iklein@ahbl.com PUBLIC HEARING: Public hearing is tentatively scheduled for November 8,2016 before the Renton Hearing Examiner at 11:00 am,in Renton Council Chambers on the 7th floor of Renton City Hall. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to Matthew Herrera,Senior Planner,Department of Community&Economic Development,1055 South Grady Way,Renton,WA 98057,by 5:00 p.m.on September 28,2016. This matter is also tentatively scheduled fora public hearing on November 8,2016,at 11:00 am, Council Chambers, Seventh Floor,Renton City Hall,1055 South Grady Way,Renton. If you are interested in attending the hearing,please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at(425)430-6578. If comments cannot be submitted in writing by the date indicated above,you may still appear at the hearing and present your comments on the proposal before the Hearing Examiner. If you have questions about this proposal,or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional information by mail, please contact the Project Manager,Matthew Herrera at (425)430-6593. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. If you would like to be made a party of record to receive further information on this proposed project,complete this form and return to: City of Renton,CED,Planning Division,1055 South Grady Way,Renton,WA 98057. File Name/No.: New Sartori Elementary School/LUA16-000692,CU-H,PUD NAME: MAILING ADDRESS: CITY/STATE/ZIP: TELEPHONE NO.: CI J )F ,,.gar • t}'e}y-!".>,"Yfl Sd 1 4. r+"a -. PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN,CALLING FOR PROPER.FILE.IDENTIFICATION::4 : DATE OF APPLICATION: SEPTEMBER 2,2016 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: SEPTEMBER 14,2016 Y2 ''"y-.,.,v"`1z.'C, ".-.'.r..?'F:rr.-^.:. srri`b; 8a r„'"ao-'S'"". } w tfl. Q, ,yM-..5'y..''`xtY:y. "-_` `t - 'v.ti .... ate+ l3itEYt's. j„1+_., 1 3.1if Yv..' ''' s Y{,, ..n 5''L " - i_ih.^ a',.. Xt`rc-s,'-' 1"fll l l ''''''^.tt ;Y.. . 4,,Alllu_':E+'in ".'_€^v..,f •'',,. t " k ,.- $'S• A "'! c`1'.>` r' ,-.i;` f^'{ 1. ! a k^.'k..M',•ri. . `Y rYii:+Fr,i l'y Iguo,C,. qIt,P,",.44 Tie M .tt[[„'Kr..15.'rn 1' •i;t;.y;c, ttr _ 3] g?10. s t n 1:k0 l A-r4 I p C7JD _r yt..., ¢,eeir,S,''*::a.:,.r. `r""y',Ik4t.;i ,qrp«1', ieVsaaRl z [d ,j` -atv i.x:''i+ 'e i., - .I•'. ,..T'' M ts Y'9e! """,U`' '+". 0 ' ) e lr, Fret4yrSHf',^ r'Sr Y a y ''_^. 1 OS .1 L gq r ;J. i n ryBitT•'it:=:CM4`.'{y'i't E is 1,. y 0! 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M`°,-, ki" 9 { v a n} i=" .^m i. i rd 5 --jr-... r -''sdl. ei8 ii.'-=s! fiai"' " S?3 h4 I+'.ipi'fC E'l s t 7i '.m• . 7 IPl s-nr 5p{g 7/a k rv r r'fir' l s 31 . - ), ]' .k..aLci•n.'ranS 'J r5n .+ r 10T ,d .i 'A I xt Idlt Yi A[ sky k ya l.f •z r4y- q. {! 1a . Em .$,t 1 3 flat e ..{ 1'ti Z'ia 1.4" F], If you would like to be made a party of record to receive further information on this proposed project,complete this form and return to: City of Renton,CED,Planning Division,1055 South Grady Way,Renton,WA 98057. File Name/No.: New Sartori Elementary School/LUA16-000692,CU-H,PUD. NAME: MAILING ADDRESS: CITY/STATE/ZIP: TELEPHONE NO.: 01 A. N.' 1.4 " , 1 '" . ... 41411110$. le. - ,.. •,' it*, t 44* P' •". Pr-04111111. .r,....-- VIft' 21k 41111 . r as 14 IV " • '' .' t 1 inal i 1 ' IL * r- 4.. ... 44 - .-* / - • L7 ile 1. 1. t 1- ' .•• lir 111 .. - II, 4. • • , • rt e:‘ ' 4. f...... 4.... 2,\.../) ilk 43f,.. .• 1 ' 1/4. 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III ..4. iitic. ke. 1 li aAMOR I iaflffr+r t40 • I s ...II!iljlJ x' s'! ti'. t s si al 1 l r A Denis Law Mayor ri#:.; 11,1 October 11, 2016 i Community&Economic Development C.E."Chip"Vincent,Administrator Angie Laulainen 314 Garden Ave N Renton,WA 98055 Email to enkeli_l@yahoo.com 1 SUBJECT:Response to Public Comments Sartori Elementary School/LUA16-000692 Dear Ms. Laulainen: Thank you for your comments regarding the proposed Sartori Elementary School (LUA16- 000692) located at 315 Garden Ave N.The City of Renton's Department of Community and Economic Development is reviewing the Planned Urban Development land use application and will provide a recommendation to the Hearing Examiner at an upcoming public hearing.The Renton School District is the Lead Agency for the review required by the State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA)and it will issue al threshold determination prior to the public hearing. Many of the comments you submitted to the City during the land use application commenting period of September 14-28, 2016 were comments associated with the environmental checklist for the SEPA review. While the school district is the Lead Agency for the SEPA review, I have provided responses as they relate;to city code. I have also added you as a Party of Record for the land use application. I've paraphrased your comments and provided a response (bulleted and italicized)to each of them below: Environmental Checklist Comments received via email September 15, 2016: 1. Earth History of instability on Garden Ave N specifically a sinkhole at the south end of the street. I have forwarded this concern to Mike Stenhouse in the City's Public Works Maintenance Division. Instability related to historic Lake Washington and Black River basins. The subject property is within a High Seismic Hazard area as identified on the City's mapping database. This is due to soils that are associated with former channels of the Cedar River.A geotechnical report was prepared for the proposed new building and associated improvements. The City's adopted building code will require the school district to design the building to withstand the effects of seismic events. 1055 South Grady Way,Renton,WA 98057• rentonwa.gov 6. Energy and Natural Resources Recommend the use of solar panels and other sustainable strategies and design similar to the Secondary Learning Center. The City supports the school district in efforts to utilize sustainable strategies and design for the Sartori Elementary School. The City's Comprehensive Plan contains policies that encourage LEED construction and efforts to reduce greenhouse gases. 7. Environmental Health No mention of offsite noise that would affect the proposal. Off-site noise identified from Boeing, Renton Airport,emergency vehicles, and trains. Modern building practices and the City's adopted building code requires exterior materials and insulation that should help mitigate some of the off-site noise impacts you have cited. Checklist refers to speeds adjacent to school at 20 mph that will mitigate noise.Speed limits posted at 30 mph in neighborhood. Streets adjacent to schools are limited to 20 mph. The City has provided recommendations for SEPA mitigation measures that include installation of flashing school zone signs and radar detecting school zone signs. Permitted construction hours within the City begin at 7am.There should be a delay to begin at 8am for loud equipment such as pile drivers. The school district has proposed a method of pile construction called augercast.As an alternative to traditional pile driving,piles are formed by drilling and then grout is pumped down within a hollow stem. The school district has indicated noise impacts from this system of foundation construction are analogous to normal construction activities. 10. Aesthetics Concern with appearance of Park Ave N.side of building.Suggest art or other visually pleasing articulation on west elevation. The design of the building is required to meet urban design standards set forth in the City's Development Regulations.Applicants are able to choose from a menu of options that meet the standards outright and/or suggest alternative methods of design that meet the intent of the guidelines. City staff will provide a recommendation, with consideration of your comments, to the Hearing Examiner on design aspects of the proposal. 12. Recreation School district has indication a portion of the playfield will remain open during construction. Available portion should be along Garden Ave N.side of property. Contractors should be made z z Y °:' aware of children using playfield and crossing Garden Ave N. x s S?FNTOt, 1055 South Grady Way,Renton,WA 98057 • rentonwa.gov r d' This comment is outside the scope of the City's review of the land use application. However any portion of the field that remains open during school construction will need to be adequately fenced and separated from construction activities. 13. Historical and Cultural Preservation Renton History Museum was not listed as being consulted regarding historical significance of Sartori. The school district did contact the Renton History Museum related to any building fixtures the museum would'like to retain for their collection. No fixtures were identified by the museum curator as much of the furnishings had been already been removed. The curator did request a brick from the building following demolition. 14.Transportation Transportation report describes inaccurate description of Garden Ave N. and does not identify barrier on N.4th The City concurs and is aware of the limitations of Garden Ave N. The finalized report should provide clarification iof Garden Ave N limitations including the barrier. No consultation was mentioned with the City regarding traffic citations on surrounding streets. A Traffic Impact Analysis does not typically include area traffic citations. The analysis is intended to determine whether new vehicle trips will cause failures to the City's transportation network and potential traffic safety hazards. The City has recommended several pedestrian safety n%easures near the school such flashing pedestrian sign age and radar signs. Improvements are needed to the intersection of N.4th and Garden Ave N.The current street system cannot accommodate the additional traffic caused by the school. The Traffic Impact Analysis has modeled the new trips added to the intersection associated with the school and determined those trips and existing traffic will not cause a failure to the intersection. The City has recommended improvements to the intersection that include curb-bulbs that will reduce the crossing distance for pedestrians and provide a traffic calming measure for vehicle traffic on Garden Ave. N.Additionally, the City has recommended that the school district prepare an operational plan that would address any potential queuing extending onto N. 4th St. Suggest the barrier on N.4th and Garden Ave N. be relocated to allow school busses to access Garden Ave N.from bus facility. The City of Renton Police Department currently and will continue to provide patrol and presence in the area of the cut-through barrier located at N. 4th Street and Garden Ave N. during Boeing shift changes. The barrier was placed at its current location to direct vehicles to the N. 4th Street arterial. The removal or relocation of the barrier could result Y 0 • flik QFNT ' 1055 South Grady Way,Renton,WA 98057 • rentonwa.gov in additional school bus(other than Sartori busses)and cut-through traffic along Garden Ave N.At this time, the City is not recommending the removal or relocation of the barrier due to the potential increase of vehicle traffic on Garden Ave N. between N. 3rd and N. 4th Avenues. Truck route maps should be distributed to all contractors during construction. The school district has been made aware of the designated truck routes in the City.Also,prior to construction of the school, a pre-construction meeting will be required with the school district and their construction superintendent where truck routes will be further discussed. 15. Public Services Two Renton Police Department offices will be required for pick-up and drop-off to direct traffic if no improvements are made to the intersection of N.4th St. and Garden Ave N. As mentioned previously, the Traffic Impact Analysis has modeled the new trips added to the intersection that are associated with the school and those trips along with existing traffic volumes will not cause a failure to the intersection. The City has recommended that the school district prepare an operational plan that would address any potential queuing extending onto N.4th St. Additional Environmental Checklist Comments received via email September 15,2016 14.Transportation Buses leaving the school district bus barn will be exiting from a driveway directly across the Sartori pick-up and drop-off driveway. Busses will be changing lanes immediately to the far left lanes to turn onto Park Ave N.School district should make an additional entrance on the north side of bus barn to alleviate district traffic on N.4th Street. As mentioned previously, the Traffic Impact Analysis found no failures on the abutting intersections, which accounted for existing bus traffic and proposed trips to the new school.Additional ingress/egress to the school district bus facility is not warranted at this time. Comments received via email September 16,2016 Concern regarding response from Randy Matheson about a statement that the school district does not make improvement to traffic patterns or road improvements.Traffic report prepared by the school district refers to impacts created by the new school as negligible. As part of the SEPA review, the school district and the City will review area intersections to identify any Level of Service failures caused by the new trips for the proposed elementary school.Any Level of Service failures would need to be corrected via improvements to the transportation system or reducing the scope of the project. While no Level of Service failures were identified, the City has recommended that the school district provide pedestrian safety measures and prepare operational plans for potential queuing during pick-up/drop-off and overflow parking during special events. c S Y..o ; F N T Off: 1055 South Grady Way,Renton,WA 98057 • rentonwa.gov Comments received via email September 19,2016 Request a new non-biased and more thorough traffic report be prepared for the project. Report identifies traffic impact to proposed school as negligible. Report identifies 200 fewer trips per day to the site than the current use. The school district has indicated a finalized transportation report will be issued with the SEPA threshold determination.According to Section 3.2.2 of the report, the trip generation rates for existing uses and net change that resulted in 200 fewer trips per day was an analysis the transportation engineer prepared for disclosure purposes that could be used in determining mitigation requirements and impact fees. The analysis assumed the school was fully functional, which is why the analysis resulted in 200 fewer trips. This specific analysis did not determine whether the new school would cause failures to the abutting intersections. The City has informally recommended that this specific analysis either be removed from the final report or better clarified. Morning drop-off times identified as 20 to 30 minutes prior to start time are not in line with the district's policy of not allowing drop off more than 10 to 15 minutes prior to start time.Study should look at impact of current traffic along Park Ave N being relocated into residential zone,, specifically N.4th and Garden Ave N.The stretch of N.4th between Garden Ave N and Park Ave N should be studied for potential queue impacts. The City has recommended the school district prepare an operational plan to address any potential queue impacts onto N. 4`h Street during pick-up and drop-off time. Closing Again,thank you for providing comments regarding the proposed Sartori Elementary School. You are Party.of Record for the land use application.Your comments are now part of the official file and will be considered prior to the Hearing Examiner issuing a decision. Please feel free to contact me at 425.430.6593 or matt.herreraPrentonwa.gov if you have any questions regarding the project proposal. Sincerely, 1/171 ty' . . IF, t. Matthew Herrera,AICP Senior Planner I 3 F,N,7 044> ? , 1055 South Grady Way,Renton,WA 98057 • rentonwa.gov I I m X 0) z G) 0 T m r z m 0 m 0 z r z m D C m z C m z O CD m t C r=` z G) m CD U) m z X 7 ICJ z 0 m C m mrn 0 Goy m m 0 0 C m C_ z G) r- 0 0 z U) NORTH 4 H EXIT ONLY 20' ENTER ONLY 20' STREET — ONE WAY ENTER/ EXIT 1, NORTH 3RD STREET m 0 ONE WAY — V D TR1TH4THSTR,EE 4 --i -F rl-,-- EXIT ENTERJ ONLY ONLY IV will 0//A V N 13jjne 3dVOSONVI 10 c 0 ov Tocl DAd NI3HIN3d 90 t M3N 0 < D 77 IV/0/0 rnt11 C . m X U) A z G) 0 0 m z m A1VM301S oZ L M3N 30ViNO8A\ 1338iS 301M t9 M3N 0 m 0 z r z m m z X o z 0 G) m m m m C/) q 0 00 m m 0 0 C: rn C: z G) r 0 0 z U) 0 0 z m i m U) 0 m z A 00 am 0-4 L 4- + X G) C/) Cf) m 0 m M M X Z o ou C) C/) > T G) M x > 0 ;u Cm Z > C/) 0 rn z G) u r-"" m 0 o Z M --j M U) ;a 0 X Z C/) 0 z m 0 m m C/) m i m X z 0 m n m 0 --1 M 0 z X -- m > G) n m m m cn cn T m 0 m C/) z rks cn F y" Cl C o Mm ONE WAY 's-,- co rn 0;0 nwons 0 7 - 7 z 01 0,r` 0 C) C) 0 0 All& c r m 0 m z 0 39VJLN08-4 133&S 301M oO t M3N A1VM301S tO I M3N A i 00 cn 0 z r 0 t;p Fe * 9 i m z G) T X 0 u m z m NORTH 4iH EXIT ONLY 20' 4- 70 m z C m ENTER ONLY 41- 20'- STREET -- ONE WAY o , NORTH 3RD STREET rhW h 0 CD > m 4 6 C: ;o z z ;o (n Cf) A r0 G) m 0 U 0n 0 0 -- A i -n n > r 0 m C — m > C/) ! m > > m A o 0 > r C70zrksmC/) r v) m m 0 ENTER/ EXIT ONE WAY — z O I D 0 m z D CT r m D O z z O w COO m m CA) J P 0 D co m z O D ;o mm r m m WK Z m O z D C/) 0 ono = 0 O r 00 0 m C) O z O 77 v m 0 COO Z r D N D D z 0 z Ca a 0 a m m o co i co 00 D io=+ D wo 1b. 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M 9 29V014 TELEPHONE: ((!2 ( D93)) ffi T !$ - ffi 81 ffi V IF AA SIC:: (9 0 9) 6 2 8- 2 1 98 a a i \ r z C U C 2 Z R r 2 z c o o r Cl) F)C/) r D Cr C C CTI 0 rh C4 D Z CD 'aDistricthocoZ a.CDv 1 IICD artori Elementary School CD co00 0) ILO IM 315 Garden Avenue N, Renton WA 98057 WEISMANDESIGNGROUP LANDSCAPE 2329 E MADISON ST 206-322-1732 ARCHITECTURE SEATTLE WA 98112 WWW.WDGINC.COM 71ntegrus ARCHITECTURE 110 $0OTki TMIAIN C fFOEMT R, S3IIIFEO KOOA, N SEA TTwEA . w% 9 29V 014 T E L E P H 0 N E: ((S () 96)) ffi I ffi- i$ 81 ffi 9 IF AA X: (9 0 0) 8 2 8- 2 1 8 i M m C7 ^ D c7 D mF- A cf) FT1 oM r cn - z cc] --I C m z ZDj--1 DD W l-I DZE p-I Z p 0Zm O nCD o o znf= D M I zOrn 7D I m0 Cn 7 nor OOD 0z r-iD m z 0Z :Tl rn M zoo Cw M r- o CZ M- ZC/) C)nD M;;u0 Mx COMM r-Z D _—M z D Z D z-1 0000M00OUlm _ Wz M m N—I(/7\ 0D0 Zc M Cf) Cf) Z z O -< MrZi K:CD(-) 09 O 0- 0Z CM -{ M M Z -I rl.--. O ZzOZZ z I= Cnz 0 z m= Ox D-0 zm r O 0 Cn z -UD Dz zn 00 0 z x- o cn z -io n p ! p Renton r O CD . _ CD I Sartori Elementary CD oC N00 o ,co Imo; _ Z p O 315 Garden Avenue N, Renton WA 98057 f XM m T N m M z 0 z z 0 i M WEISMANDESIGNGROUP LANDSCAPE 2329 E MADISON ST 206-322-1732 ARCHITECTURE SEATTLE WA 98112 WWW.WDGINC.COM i f D it A--- ----- a 1 i I r r t d N 9 f o Z t z............ w.. Y i7ntegrus ARCHITECTURE 110 $ 00TH TMRIN C SETFOEEATR, SSJIFPEO KOM, NSEATTIEq. va+ 9 298)1014 TELEPHONE: ((5? 0) 93)) 8i 2283 - 83 81 83 9 FAX: (9 0 6) 8 2 8- 2 1 98 ill h O W w cY, O W N I Z W~y V OWE aoo v z w 1 w V O O O O 2 2 O O a Q Z' W Q W J M O w L1.1 00 ?' d o U o w z o O M c r- N W M N I,U w o Q M N cv O N Z oMo Q u N N W Q 0 o UWyWU m O d. Q z z t- Q U_ Z W CMG J 0 0 V n U W Q {= O Q Z O Z O +(!) O Q Q Wa U cnoof- a OQ , d NO w W j U_ Na0(n O O cI? `'i O I o Z 2 QZ !! 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