HomeMy WebLinkAboutEx_07_WSDOT_Comment__2DOT Form 700-008 EF Revised 5/99 August 4, 2021 TO: Ramin Pazooki / Duffy McColloch Sno-King Development Services, MS 240 FROM: Mike Swires / Maan Sidhu / Christian Asuncion NWR - King Area Traffic Analysis, MS 120 SUBJECT: I-405 Amazon Distribution Facility City of Renton Traffic Impact Analysis WSDOT NW Region Traffic has reviewed the Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) for the Amazon Distribution Facility in the City of Renton submitted July 2021. The proposed distribution facility will occupy an existing 114,850 square foot building and is planned to be constructed in 2021 at a limited capacity, with full capacity by 2024. Comments to the plans are offered as follows. General Thank you for including select state highway intersections in the updated TIA. From the analysis, it appears the proposed development will incur several state highway intersections that will exceed the 25 AM/PM peak threshold. This will require further analysis of the state highway intersections using WSDOT manuals and guidance. The following comments outlines the further analysis with reference to WSDOT manuals and guidance for analyzing state highway intersections. If there are any questions about process or details within the WSDOT Design Manual and/or the Development Services Manual, please feel free to reach out to WSDOT Local Agency and Development to schedule a meeting. 1. As we stated in the first comment memo, we are particularly interested in the intersections proximate to I-405/SR 167 and I-405/SR 181; however, the impact to intersections on state highway facilities with 25 added trips or greater needs to be analyzed per the Development Services Manual Chapter 4. Please identify all intersections with 25 added trips or greater and include in the analysis 2. For existing analysis, please do not include any projects that are not already under construction. DocuSign Envelope ID: A01D9207-C441-4435-A507-5D260CAF903E I-405 Amazon Distribution Facility TIA Date 8/4/2021 Page 2 For future no-build, please do not include any projects that are not already funded and on a comprehensive plan or transportation improvement plan. 3. For analysis of development impacts within a traffic impact analysis, please see WSDOT Design Manual Chapter 320.10(1)(d) “Traffic Analysis” and Development Services Manual Chapter 4. 4. For the traffic analysis and models, please use Synchro/SimTraffic per WSDOT Design Manual Chapter 320.08 “TIA Methodologies” and the WSDOT Traffic Analysis Guidebook. CAP-X is not included in the approved traffic analysis software. 5. Please provide a safety analysis per WSDOT DM 320.10(1)(d) “Traffic Analysis.” Please see Design Manual Chapter 321 Sustainable Safety Analysis and the Safety Analysis Guide Section 8.3. The safety analysis can be a "basic level" analysis that reviews and tabulates 5 year crash history that identifies any safety issues. 6. For potential mitigation, please see WSDOT Design Manual Chapter 320.09 “TIA Mitigation Measures,” Chapter 320.10(1)(e) “Conclusions and Recommendations,” and Development Services Manual Chapter 4. If there are any questions, please feel free to coordinate a meeting with Local Agency and Development Services. MS: ms: ca Attachments: cc: File DocuSign Envelope ID: A01D9207-C441-4435-A507-5D260CAF903E