HomeMy WebLinkAboutD_2000 Lake Washington Apts Tree Pruning_FINALDEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT D_2000 Lake Washington Apts Tree Pruning_FINAL PLANNING DIVISION CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM CRITICAL AREAS REGULATIONS EVALUATION FORM & DECISION DATE OF DECISION: April 6, 2022 PROJECT NUMBER: LUA22-000121, CAE PROJECT NAME: 2000 Lake Washington Apartments Tree Pruning PROJECT MANAGER: Jill Ding, Senior Planner OWNER: REEP - SP Marina Land LLC (c/o Joyce Kim) 1300 N 20th St, Renton, WA 98056 APPLICANT/CONTACT: Marsha Newman, A Plus Tree 985 Walnut Ave, Vallejo, CA 94592 PROJECT LOCATION: 1300 & 1303 N 20th St, Renton, WA 98056 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting a Critical Areas Exemption for tree maintenance. The proposal includes the pruning of 42 trees throughout the property for the purpose of maintaining building clearance, pedestrian clearance, road clearance, hazard mitigation, and general tree health/aesthetics. In addition, two (2) trees would be cabled to mitigate potential tree parts failure hazards due to poor tree structure. The work is estimated to take 2.5 days, would be performed during regular business hours, and would not block any public roadways. The following equipment will be used on sight for the duration of the project: dump truck, woodchipper, bucket truck, chain saws, pole saws, and hand saws. The project site is mapped with protected slopes (slopes with grades that exceed 40%) and sensitive slopes (slopes with grades betwe en 25% and 40%). CRITICAL AREA: Protected and Sensitive Slopes EXEMPTION JUSTIFICATION: RMC 4-3-050C.3.c Agricultrual, Harvesting, Vegetation Management: iii. Dangerous Trees: Removal of non-native invasive ground cover or weeds listed by King County Noxious Weed Board or other government agency or dangerous trees, as defined in Chapter 4-11 RMC which have been approved by the City and certified dangerous by a licensed landscape architect, or certified arborist, selection of whom to be approved by the City based on the type of information required. Staff Comment: The proposal includes the maintenance of existing trees within an existing multi -family apartment development. The proposed pruning and cabling would maintain the health of the existing trees with the intent that the proposed maintenance activities would avoid removal of the trees in the future. DocuSign Envelope ID: C077160B-FE25-48D6-9BB8-D68529BD7F89 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Certificate of Exemption From Critical Areas Regulations 2000 Lake Washington Apartments Tree Pruning LUA22-000121, CAE Permit Date: April 6, 2022 Page 2 of 3 D_2000 Lake Washington Apts Tree Pruning_FINAL FINDINGS: The proposed development is consistent with the following findings pursuant to RMC section 4-3-050C.2.d: i. The activity is not prohibited by this or any other provision of the Renton Municipal Code or State or Federal law or regulation; ii. The activity will be conducted using best management practices as specified by industry standards or applicable Federal agencies or scientific principles; iii. Impacts are minimized and, where applicable, disturbed areas are immediately restored; iv. Where water body or buffer disturbance has occurred in accordance with an exemption during construction or other activities, revegetation with native vegetation shall be required; v. If a hazardous material, activity, and/or facility that is exempt pursuant to this Section has a significant or substantial potential to degrade groundwater quality, then the Administrator may require compliance with the Wellhead Protection Area requirements of this Section otherwise relevant to that hazardous material, activity, and/or facility. Such determinations will be based upon site and/or chemical -specific data. DECISION: An exemption from the Critical Areas Regulations is hereby Approved with Conditions* and subject to the following conditions: *CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. The contractor shall comply with the ANSI standard for proposed pruning cuts. 2. Pruning shall result in no more than 20% live canopy loss on each deciduous tree and live tissue loss for coniferous trees shall be restricted to 15%. 3. None of the cuts permitted shall be topping cuts, which are prohibited by code. SIGNATURE & DATE OF DECISION: ________________________________________ ____________________________________ for Vanessa Dolbee, Planning Director Date RECONSIDERATION: Within 14 days of the decision date, any party may request that the decision be reopened by the approval body. The approval body may modify his decision if material evidence not readily discoverable prior to the original decision is found or if he finds there was misrepresentation of fact. After review of the reconsideration request, DocuSign Envelope ID: C077160B-FE25-48D6-9BB8-D68529BD7F89 4/6/2022 | 10:54 AM PDT City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Certificate of Exemption From Critical Areas Regulations 2000 Lake Washington Apartments Tree Pruning LUA22-000121, CAE Permit Date: April 6, 2022 Page 3 of 3 D_2000 Lake Washington Apts Tree Pruning_FINAL if the approval body finds sufficient evidence to amend the original decision, there will be no further extension of the appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action must file a formal appeal within the 14-day appeal time frame. APPEALS: This administrative land use decision will become final if not appealed in writing to the Hearing Examiner on or before 5:00 PM on April 20, 2022. An appeal of the decision must be filed within the 14-day appeal period (RCW 43.21.C.075(3); WAC 197-11-680). Due to the ongoing state of emergency enacted by Governor’s Proclamation 20 - 05, the City Clerk’s Office is working remotely. For that reason, ap peals must be submitted electronically to the City Clerk at cityclerk@rentonwa.gov or delivered to City Hall 1st floor Lobby Hub only on Tuesdays and/or Wednesdays. The appeal fee, normally due at the time an appeal is submitted, will be collected at a fut ure date if your appeal is submitted electronically. Appeals to the Hearing Examiner are governed by RMC 4 -8-110 and additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk’s Office, cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. EXPIRATION: Five (5) years from the date of decision (date signed). Attachments: Arborist Report cc: Owner / REED - SP Marina Land LLC (c/o Joyce Kim) DocuSign Envelope ID: C077160B-FE25-48D6-9BB8-D68529BD7F89 1 ARBORIST REPORT for - 2000 Lake Washington Apartments - Security Properties Parcel: 3344500315 1300 N 20th Street, Renton, WA 98056 Friday, February 24th, 2022 Site plan on final page of report By Izzy Nosan | ISA Certified Arborist WE-11653A | TRAQ Certified | izzy@aplustree.com 985 Walnut Avenue, Vallejo, CA 94592 | (206) 550-6679 | www.aplustree.com RECEIVED 04/05/2022 JDing PLANNING DIVISION DocuSign Envelope ID: C077160B-FE25-48D6-9BB8-D68529BD7F89 2 Background Information This report was prepared on behalf of 2000 Lake Washington Apartments regarding recommended 2022 general tree care on site, located at 1300 N 20th Street, Renton, WA 98056. The apartment complex parcel is located within several critical areas. This report was created to describe recommended pruning and mitigation within these areas. 44 trees are included on this report. The trees are located sporadically around community. Please see attached Site Plan and corresponding pin numbers for approximate locations. The tree assessment was performed on September 15th, 2021. The tree assessment was regarding the present conditions, integrity, and future expectations of the trees. The trees were assessed with specific focus on the potential risk to the property, residents, and visitors. Assignment (and any limiting factors) The assignment was a Level 2 Basic Risk Assessment of the trees within the parcel.  This limited visual assessment was performed solely from ground grade and was completed to provide recommendations for future action.  A Plus was requested to assess all trees on site. A report was created regarding recommendations for safety concerns, potential impact to the property, and to distinguish if the trees pose future risks. 2000 Lake Washington management intends to reduce the risk of future tree failures and/or structural damage on site by acquiring arborist services for mitigation of trees. 2000 Lake Washington management intends to plant replacement trees according to the City of Renton's regulations for tree retentions standards following mitigatory tree care. There were no limitations to assessment. Report continues on following page DocuSign Envelope ID: C077160B-FE25-48D6-9BB8-D68529BD7F89 3 Observations At the time of the assessment, the following was observed: (Please refer to the associated photos in the Attachments at the end of report.) 1)1 12-18” DBH quaking aspen, (Populus tremuloides) •Approximate height: 45 feet •A Plus Tree ID# 997302 •Tree Pin #1 a.This tree is contacting the adjacent building. b.This tree is being recommended for clearance pruning in order to clear any tree material from contacting the building. c.The smallest-diameter cuts will be utilized to achieve the intended results. All pruning shall abide by ANSI 300 Standards. d.Crew will utilize reduction cuts when possible in order to retain existing limbs unless no viable laterals exist, where the branch will be removed to a branch collar. e.No more than 20% of live canopy will be removed from the tree during pruning operations. 2)1 6-12” DBH purple leaf plum, (Prunus cerasifera) •Approximate height: 35 feet •A Plus Tree ID# 997282 •Tree Pin #2 a.This tree is contacting the adjacent building and has overextended limbs. b.This tree is being recommended for a crown reduction in order to reduce the potential for limb failure and to clear any tree material from contacting the building. c.The smallest-diameter cuts will be utilized to achieve the intended results. All pruning shall abide by ANSI 300 Standards. d.Crew will utilize reduction cuts when possible in order to retain existing limbs unless no viable laterals exist, where the branch will be removed to a branch collar. e.No more than 20% of live canopy will be removed from the tree during pruning operations. 3)1 6-12” DBH purple leaf plum, (Prunus cerasifera) •Approximate height: 35 feet •A Plus Tree ID# 997283 •Tree Pin #3 a.This tree is contacting the adjacent building. b.This tree is being recommended for clearance pruning in order to clear any tree material from contacting the building. c.The smallest-diameter cuts will be utilized to achieve the intended results. All pruning shall abide by ANSI 300 Standards. d.Crew will utilize reduction cuts when possible in order to retain existing limbs unless no viable laterals exist, where the branch will be removed to a branch collar. e.No more than 20% of live canopy will be removed from the tree during pruning operations. Report continues on following page DocuSign Envelope ID: C077160B-FE25-48D6-9BB8-D68529BD7F89 4 4)1 12-18” DBH red maple, (Acer rubrum) •Approximate height: 45 feet •A Plus Tree ID# 997286 •Tree Pin #4 a.This tree has a large, heavy limb overhanging the adjacent building. b.This tree is being recommended for end-weight reduction pruning in order to reduce the likelihood of limb failure. c.The smallest-diameter cuts will be utilized to achieve the intended results. All pruning shall abide by ANSI 300 Standards. d.Crew will utilize reduction cuts when possible in order to retain existing limbs unless no viable laterals exist, where the branch will be removed to a branch collar. e.No more than 20% of live canopy will be removed from the tree during pruning operations. 5)1 12-18” DBH quaking aspen, (Populus tremuloides) •Approximate height: 55 feet •A Plus Tree ID# 997287 •Tree Pin #5 a.This tree is contacting the adjacent building. b.This tree is being recommended for clearance pruning in order to clear any tree material from contacting the building. c.The smallest-diameter cuts will be utilized to achieve the intended results. All pruning shall abide by ANSI 300 Standards. d.Crew will utilize reduction cuts when possible in order to retain existing limbs unless no viable laterals exist, where the branch will be removed to a branch collar. e.No more than 20% of live canopy will be removed from the tree during pruning operations. 6)1 18-24” DBH red maple, (Acer rubrum) •Approximate height: 45 feet •A Plus Tree ID# 1000430814 •Tree Pin #6 a.This tree has low hanging limbs likely to contact vehicles in the road. b.This tree is being recommended for clearance pruning in order to clear any tree material from contacting vehicles. c.The smallest-diameter cuts will be utilized to achieve the intended results. All pruning shall abide by ANSI 300 Standards. d.Crew will utilize reduction cuts when possible in order to retain existing limbs unless no viable laterals exist, where the branch will be removed to a branch collar. e.No more than 20% of live canopy will be removed from the tree during pruning operations. Report continues on following page DocuSign Envelope ID: C077160B-FE25-48D6-9BB8-D68529BD7F89 5 7)1 18-24” DBH red maple, (Acer rubrum) •Approximate height: 55 feet •A Plus Tree ID# 997572 •Tree Pin #7 a.This tree is contacting the adjacent building and has low hanging limbs likely to contact vehicles in the road. b.This tree is being recommended for clearance pruning in order to clear any tree material from contacting buildings and vehicles. c.The smallest-diameter cuts will be utilized to achieve the intended results. All pruning shall abide by ANSI 300 Standards. d.Crew will utilize reduction cuts when possible in order to retain existing limbs unless no viable laterals exist, where the branch will be removed to a branch collar. e.No more than 20% of live canopy will be removed from the tree during pruning operations 8)1 6-12” DBH flowering cherry, (Prunus serrulata) •Approximate height: 25 feet •A Plus Tree ID# 997293 •Tree Pin #8 a.This tree is contacting the adjacent building. b.This tree is being recommended for clearance pruning in order to clear any tree material from contacting the building. c.The smallest-diameter cuts will be utilized to achieve the intended results. All pruning shall abide by ANSI 300 Standards. d.Crew will utilize reduction cuts when possible in order to retain existing limbs unless no viable laterals exist, where the branch will be removed to a branch collar. e.No more than 20% of live canopy will be removed from the tree during pruning operations. 9)1 6-12” DBH flowering cherry, (Prunus serrulata) •Approximate height: 25 feet •A Plus Tree ID# 997297 •Tree Pin #9 a.This tree is contacting the adjacent building. b.This tree is being recommended for clearance pruning in order to clear any tree material from contacting the building. c.The smallest-diameter cuts will be utilized to achieve the intended results. All pruning shall abide by ANSI 300 Standards. d.Crew will utilize reduction cuts when possible in order to retain existing limbs unless no viable laterals exist, where the branch will be removed to a branch collar. e.No more than 20% of live canopy will be removed from the tree during pruning operations. Report continues on following page DocuSign Envelope ID: C077160B-FE25-48D6-9BB8-D68529BD7F89 6 10)1 6-12” DBH purple leaf plum, (Prunus cerasifera) •Approximate height: 30 feet •A Plus Tree ID# 997575 •Tree Pin #10 a.This tree is contacting the adjacent building. b.This tree is being recommended for clearance pruning in order to clear any tree material from contacting the building. c.The smallest-diameter cuts will be utilized to achieve the intended results. All pruning shall abide by ANSI 300 Standards. d.Crew will utilize reduction cuts when possible in order to retain existing limbs unless no viable laterals exist, where the branch will be removed to a branch collar. e.No more than 20% of live canopy will be removed from the tree during pruning operations. 11)1 12-18” DBH red maple, (Acer rubrum) •Approximate height: 55 feet •A Plus Tree ID# 997593 •Tree Pin #11 a.This tree has low hanging limbs likely to contact large vehicles in the road. b.This tree is being recommended for clearance pruning in order to clear any tree material from contacting vehicles. c.The smallest-diameter cuts will be utilized to achieve the intended results. All pruning shall abide by ANSI 300 Standards. d.Crew will utilize reduction cuts when possible in order to retain existing limbs unless no viable laterals exist, where the branch will be removed to a branch collar. e.No more than 20% of live canopy will be removed from the tree during pruning operations. 12)1 18-24” DBH red maple, (Acer rubrum) •Approximate height: 60 feet •A Plus Tree ID# 997567 •Tree Pin #12 a.This tree has limbs contacting the adjacent building. b.This tree is being recommended for clearance pruning in order to clear any tree material from contacting the building. c.The smallest-diameter cuts will be utilized to achieve the intended results. All pruning shall abide by ANSI 300 Standards. d.Crew will utilize reduction cuts when possible in order to retain existing limbs unless no viable laterals exist, where the branch will be removed to a branch collar. e.No more than 20% of live canopy will be removed from the tree during pruning operations. Report continues on following page DocuSign Envelope ID: C077160B-FE25-48D6-9BB8-D68529BD7F89 7 13)1 12-18” DBH red maple, (Acer rubrum) •Approximate height: 60 feet •A Plus Tree ID# 997599 •Tree Pin #13 a.This tree has limbs contacting the adjacent building. b.This tree is being recommended for clearance pruning in order to clear any tree material from contacting the building. c.The smallest-diameter cuts will be utilized to achieve the intended results. All pruning shall abide by ANSI 300 Standards. d.Crew will utilize reduction cuts when possible in order to retain existing limbs unless no viable laterals exist, where the branch will be removed to a branch collar. e.No more than 20% of live canopy will be removed from the tree during pruning operations. 14)1 12-18” DBH red maple, (Acer rubrum) •Approximate height: 55 feet •A Plus Tree ID# 997589 •Tree Pin #14 a.This tree has limbs contacting the adjacent building. b.This tree is being recommended for clearance pruning in order to clear any tree material from contacting the building. c.The smallest-diameter cuts will be utilized to achieve the intended results. All pruning shall abide by ANSI 300 Standards. d.Crew will utilize reduction cuts when possible in order to retain existing limbs unless no viable laterals exist, where the branch will be removed to a branch collar. e.No more than 20% of live canopy will be removed from the tree during pruning operations. 15)1 12-18” DBH shore pine, (Pinus contorta) •Approximate height: 45 feet •A Plus Tree ID# 997565 •Tree Pin #15 a.This tree has limbs contacting the adjacent building. b.This tree is being recommended for clearance pruning in order to clear any tree material from contacting the building. This tree also possess codominant structure with included bark between the leaders. This type of structure is viewed as a defect. Static steel cabling is being recommended to be installed between the 2 leaders in order to reduce the likelihood of a splitting failure. c.The smallest-diameter cuts will be utilized to achieve the intended results. All pruning shall abide by ANSI 300 Standards. d.Crew will utilize reduction cuts when possible in order to retain existing limbs unless no viable laterals exist, where the branch will be removed to a branch collar. e.No more than 20% of live canopy will be removed from the tree during pruning operations. Report continues on following page DocuSign Envelope ID: C077160B-FE25-48D6-9BB8-D68529BD7F89 8 16)1 6-12” DBH white pine, (Pinus strobus) •Approximate height: 35 feet •A Plus Tree ID# 1000430949 •Tree Pin #16 a.This tree has limbs contacting the adjacent building. b.This tree is being recommended for clearance pruning in order to clear any tree material from contacting the building. c.The smallest-diameter cuts will be utilized to achieve the intended results. All pruning shall abide by ANSI 300 Standards. d.Crew will utilize reduction cuts when possible in order to retain existing limbs unless no viable laterals exist, where the branch will be removed to a branch collar. e.No more than 20% of live canopy will be removed from the tree during pruning operations. 17)1 12-18” DBH red maple, (Acer rubrum) •Approximate height: 55 feet •A Plus Tree ID# 997300 •Tree Pin #17 a.This tree has limbs contacting the adjacent building and growing near the chimney. b.This tree is being recommended for clearance pruning in order to clear any tree material from contacting the building. c.The smallest-diameter cuts will be utilized to achieve the intended results. All pruning shall abide by ANSI 300 Standards. d.Crew will utilize reduction cuts when possible in order to retain existing limbs unless no viable laterals exist, where the branch will be removed to a branch collar. e.No more than 20% of live canopy will be removed from the tree during pruning operations. 18)1 6-12” DBH quaking aspen, (Populus tremuloides) •Approximate height: 45 feet •A Plus Tree ID# 997301 •Tree Pin #18 a.This tree possesses codominant structure with included bark between the leaders. This type of structure is viewed as a defect. Static steel cabling is being recommended to be installed between the 3 leaders in order to reduce the likelihood of a splitting failure. b.Decay was viewed between the leaders, and is expected to fail if not mitigated. c.Cabling shall abide by ANSI 300 Standards. Report continues on following page DocuSign Envelope ID: C077160B-FE25-48D6-9BB8-D68529BD7F89 9 19)1 3-6” DBH quaking aspen, (Populus tremuloides) •Approximate height: 30 feet •A Plus Tree ID# 997281 •Tree Pin #19 a.This tree is contacting the adjacent building. b.This tree is being recommended for clearance pruning in order to clear any tree material from contacting the building. c.The smallest-diameter cuts will be utilized to achieve the intended results. All pruning shall abide by ANSI 300 Standards. d.Crew will utilize reduction cuts when possible in order to retain existing limbs unless no viable laterals exist, where the branch will be removed to a branch collar. e.No more than 20% of live canopy will be removed from the tree during pruning operations. 20)1 12-18” DBH red maple, (Acer rubrum) •Approximate height: 40 feet •A Plus Tree ID# 997280 •Tree Pin #20 a.This tree has low hanging limbs likely to contact large vehicles in the road. b.This tree is being recommended for clearance pruning in order to clear any tree material from contacting vehicles. c.The smallest-diameter cuts will be utilized to achieve the intended results. All pruning shall abide by ANSI 300 Standards. d.Crew will utilize reduction cuts when possible in order to retain existing limbs unless no viable laterals exist, where the branch will be removed to a branch collar. e.No more than 20% of live canopy will be removed from the tree during pruning operations. 21)1 12-18” DBH big leaf maple, (Acer macrophyllum) •Approximate height: 45 feet •A Plus Tree ID# 997692 •Tree Pin #21 a.This tree has low hanging limbs likely to contact large vehicles in the road. b.This tree is being recommended for clearance pruning in order to clear any tree material from contacting vehicles. c.The smallest-diameter cuts will be utilized to achieve the intended results. All pruning shall abide by ANSI 300 Standards. d.Crew will utilize reduction cuts when possible in order to retain existing limbs unless no viable laterals exist, where the branch will be removed to a branch collar. e.No more than 20% of live canopy will be removed from the tree during pruning operations. Report continues on following page DocuSign Envelope ID: C077160B-FE25-48D6-9BB8-D68529BD7F89 10 22)1 18-24” DBH big leaf maple, (Acer macrophyllum) •Approximate height: 55 feet •A Plus Tree ID# 1000430408 •Tree Pin #22 a.This tree has low hanging limbs likely to contact large vehicles in the road. b.This tree is being recommended for clearance pruning in order to clear any tree material from contacting vehicles. c.The smallest-diameter cuts will be utilized to achieve the intended results. All pruning shall abide by ANSI 300 Standards. d.Crew will utilize reduction cuts when possible in order to retain existing limbs unless no viable laterals exist, where the branch will be removed to a branch collar. e.No more than 20% of live canopy will be removed from the tree during pruning operations. 23)1 6-12” DBH quaking aspen, (Populus tremuloides) •Approximate height: 35 feet •A Plus Tree ID# 997279 •Tree Pin #23 a.This tree is contacting the adjacent building. b.This tree is being recommended for clearance pruning in order to clear any tree material from contacting the building. c.The smallest-diameter cuts will be utilized to achieve the intended results. All pruning shall abide by ANSI 300 Standards. d.Crew will utilize reduction cuts when possible in order to retain existing limbs unless no viable laterals exist, where the branch will be removed to a branch collar. e.No more than 20% of live canopy will be removed from the tree during pruning operations. 24)1 3-6” DBH big leaf maple, (Acer macrophyllum) •Approximate height: 30 feet •A Plus Tree ID# 997291 •Tree Pin #25 a.This tree has low hanging limbs likely to contact large vehicles in the road. b.This tree is being recommended for clearance pruning in order to clear any tree material from contacting vehicles. c.The smallest-diameter cuts will be utilized to achieve the intended results. All pruning shall abide by ANSI 300 Standards. d.Crew will utilize reduction cuts when possible in order to retain existing limbs unless no viable laterals exist, where the branch will be removed to a branch collar. e.No more than 20% of live canopy will be removed from the tree during pruning operations. Report continues on following page DocuSign Envelope ID: C077160B-FE25-48D6-9BB8-D68529BD7F89 11 25)1 6-12” DBH purple leaf plum, (Prunus cerasifera) •Approximate height: 30 feet •A Plus Tree ID# 997581 •Tree Pin #26 a.This tree is contacting the adjacent building. b.This tree is being recommended for clearance pruning in order to clear any tree material from contacting the building. c.The smallest-diameter cuts will be utilized to achieve the intended results. All pruning shall abide by ANSI 300 Standards. d.Crew will utilize reduction cuts when possible in order to retain existing limbs unless no viable laterals exist, where the branch will be removed to a branch collar. e.No more than 20% of live canopy will be removed from the tree during pruning operations. 26)1 12–18” DBH quaking aspen, (Populus tremuloides) •Approximate height: 45 feet •A Plus Tree ID# 997577 •Tree Pin #27 a.This tree is contacting the adjacent building. b.This tree is being recommended for clearance pruning in order to clear any tree material from contacting the building. c.The smallest-diameter cuts will be utilized to achieve the intended results. All pruning shall abide by ANSI 300 Standards. d.Crew will utilize reduction cuts when possible in order to retain existing limbs unless no viable laterals exist, where the branch will be removed to a branch collar. e.No more than 20% of live canopy will be removed from the tree during pruning operations. 27)1 12-18” DBH quaking aspen, (Populus tremuloides) •Approximate height: 55 feet •A Plus Tree ID# 1000430813 •Tree Pin #28 a.This tree is contacting the adjacent building and has an excessive amount of weight in the top of the tree, and weak attachments (codominant leaders). b.This tree is being recommended for a crown reduction in order to reduce the potential for top failure and to clear any tree material from contacting the building. c.The smallest-diameter cuts will be utilized to achieve the intended results. All pruning shall abide by ANSI 300 Standards. d.Crew will utilize reduction cuts when possible in order to retain existing limbs unless no viable laterals exist, where the branch will be removed to a branch collar. e.No more than 20% of live canopy will be removed from the tree during pruning operations. Report continues on following page DocuSign Envelope ID: C077160B-FE25-48D6-9BB8-D68529BD7F89 12 28)1 18-24” DBH red maple, (Acer rubrum) •Approximate height: 50 feet •A Plus Tree ID# 1001431724 •Tree Pin #29 a.This tree has a large, heavy limb overhanging the adjacent carport and road. b.This tree is being recommended for end-weight reduction pruning in order to reduce the likelihood of limb failure. c.The smallest-diameter cuts will be utilized to achieve the intended results. All pruning shall abide by ANSI 300 Standards. d.Crew will utilize reduction cuts when possible in order to retain existing limbs unless no viable laterals exist, where the branch will be removed to a branch collar. e.No more than 20% of live canopy will be removed from the tree during pruning operations. 29)1 6-12” DBH flowering cherry, (Prunus serrulata) •Approximate height: 25 feet •A Plus Tree ID# 997620 •Tree Pin #30 a.This tree is contacting the adjacent building. b.This tree is being recommended for clearance pruning in order to clear any tree material from contacting the building. c.The smallest-diameter cuts will be utilized to achieve the intended results. All pruning shall abide by ANSI 300 Standards. d.Crew will utilize reduction cuts when possible in order to retain existing limbs unless no viable laterals exist, where the branch will be removed to a branch collar. e.No more than 20% of live canopy will be removed from the tree during pruning operations. 30)1 12-18” DBH red maple, (Acer rubrum) •Approximate height: 40 feet •A Plus Tree ID# 997619 •Tree Pin #31 a.This tree is contacting the adjacent building. b.This tree is being recommended for clearance pruning in order to clear any tree material from contacting the building. c.The smallest-diameter cuts will be utilized to achieve the intended results. All pruning shall abide by ANSI 300 Standards. d.Crew will utilize reduction cuts when possible in order to retain existing limbs unless no viable laterals exist, where the branch will be removed to a branch collar. e.No more than 20% of live canopy will be removed from the tree during pruning operations. Report continues on following page DocuSign Envelope ID: C077160B-FE25-48D6-9BB8-D68529BD7F89 13 31)1 6-12” DBH flowering cherry, (Prunus serrulata) •Approximate height: 20 feet •A Plus Tree ID# 997617 •Tree Pin #32 a.This tree is contacting the adjacent building. b.This tree is being recommended for clearance pruning in order to clear any tree material from contacting the building. c.The smallest-diameter cuts will be utilized to achieve the intended results. All pruning shall abide by ANSI 300 Standards. d.Crew will utilize reduction cuts when possible in order to retain existing limbs unless no viable laterals exist, where the branch will be removed to a branch collar. e.No more than 20% of live canopy will be removed from the tree during pruning operations. 32)1 6-12” DBH Deodar cedar, (Cedrus deodara) •Approximate height: 35 feet •A Plus Tree ID# 997616 •Tree Pin #33 a.This tree is contacting the adjacent building. b.This tree is being recommended for clearance pruning in order to clear any tree material from contacting the building. c.The smallest-diameter cuts will be utilized to achieve the intended results. All pruning shall abide by ANSI 300 Standards. d.Crew will utilize reduction cuts when possible in order to retain existing limbs unless no viable laterals exist, where the branch will be removed to a branch collar. e.No more than 20% of live canopy will be removed from the tree during pruning operations. 33)1 6-12” DBH flowering cherry, (Prunus serrulata) •Approximate height: 25 feet •A Plus Tree ID# 997615 •Tree Pin #34 a.This tree is contacting the adjacent building. b.This tree is being recommended for clearance pruning in order to clear any tree material from contacting the building. c.The smallest-diameter cuts will be utilized to achieve the intended results. All pruning shall abide by ANSI 300 Standards. d.Crew will utilize reduction cuts when possible in order to retain existing limbs unless no viable laterals exist, where the branch will be removed to a branch collar. e.No more than 20% of live canopy will be removed from the tree during pruning operations. Report continues on following page DocuSign Envelope ID: C077160B-FE25-48D6-9BB8-D68529BD7F89 14 34)1 18-24” DBH red maple, (Acer rubrum) •Approximate height: 50 feet •A Plus Tree ID# 997614 •Tree Pin #35 a.This tree is contacting the adjacent building. b.This tree is being recommended for clearance pruning in order to clear any tree material from contacting the building. c.The smallest-diameter cuts will be utilized to achieve the intended results. All pruning shall abide by ANSI 300 Standards. d.Crew will utilize reduction cuts when possible in order to retain existing limbs unless no viable laterals exist, where the branch will be removed to a branch collar. e.No more than 20% of live canopy will be removed from the tree during pruning operations. 35)1 12-18” DBH quaking aspen, (Populus tremuloides) •Approximate height: 40 feet •A Plus Tree ID# 997604 •Tree Pin #36 a.This tree is contacting the adjacent building. b.This tree is being recommended for clearance pruning in order to clear any tree material from contacting the building. c.The smallest-diameter cuts will be utilized to achieve the intended results. All pruning shall abide by ANSI 300 Standards. d.Crew will utilize reduction cuts when possible in order to retain existing limbs unless no viable laterals exist, where the branch will be removed to a branch collar. e.No more than 20% of live canopy will be removed from the tree during pruning operations. 36)1 12-18” DBH red maple, (Acer rubrum) •Approximate height: 45 feet •A Plus Tree ID# 1000430424 •Tree Pin #37 a.This tree is contacting the adjacent building. b.This tree is being recommended for clearance pruning in order to clear any tree material from contacting the building. c.The smallest-diameter cuts will be utilized to achieve the intended results. All pruning shall abide by ANSI 300 Standards. d.Crew will utilize reduction cuts when possible in order to retain existing limbs unless no viable laterals exist, where the branch will be removed to a branch collar. e.No more than 20% of live canopy will be removed from the tree during pruning operations. Report continues on following page DocuSign Envelope ID: C077160B-FE25-48D6-9BB8-D68529BD7F89 15 37)1 12-18” DBH sweetgum, (Liquidambar styraciflua) •Approximate height: 55 feet •A Plus Tree ID# 997606 •Tree Pin #38 a.This tree has an excessive amount of weight in the top of the tree, and is weak wooded/species characteristics of failure at this size . b.This tree is being recommended for a crown reduction in order to reduce the potential for top failure. c.The smallest-diameter cuts will be utilized to achieve the intended results. All pruning shall abide by ANSI 300 Standards. d.Crew will utilize reduction cuts when possible in order to retain existing limbs unless no viable laterals exist, where the branch will be removed to a branch collar. e.No more than 20% of live canopy will be removed from the tree during pruning operations. 38)1 6-12” DBH quaking aspen, (Populus tremuloides) •Approximate height: 45 feet •A Plus Tree ID# 997695 •Tree Pin #39 a.This tree is contacting the adjacent building. b.This tree is being recommended for clearance pruning in order to clear any tree material from contacting the building. c.The smallest-diameter cuts will be utilized to achieve the intended results. All pruning shall abide by ANSI 300 Standards. d.Crew will utilize reduction cuts when possible in order to retain existing limbs unless no viable laterals exist, where the branch will be removed to a branch collar. e.No more than 20% of live canopy will be removed from the tree during pruning operations. 39)1 12-18” DBH red maple, (Acer rubrum) •Approximate height: 45 feet •A Plus Tree ID# 997705 •Tree Pin #40 a.This tree is contacting the adjacent building. b.This tree is being recommended for clearance pruning in order to clear any tree material from contacting the building. c.The smallest-diameter cuts will be utilized to achieve the intended results. All pruning shall abide by ANSI 300 Standards. d.Crew will utilize reduction cuts when possible in order to retain existing limbs unless no viable laterals exist, where the branch will be removed to a branch collar. e.No more than 20% of live canopy will be removed from the tree during pruning operations. Report continues on following page DocuSign Envelope ID: C077160B-FE25-48D6-9BB8-D68529BD7F89 16 40)1 18-24” DBH red maple, (Acer rubrum) •Approximate height: 45 feet •A Plus Tree ID# 997702 •Tree Pin #41 a.This tree is almost contacting the chimney. b.This tree is being recommended for clearance pruning in order to clear any tree material from contacting the chimney. c.The smallest-diameter cuts will be utilized to achieve the intended results. All pruning shall abide by ANSI 300 Standards. d.Crew will utilize reduction cuts when possible in order to retain existing limbs unless no viable laterals exist, where the branch will be removed to a branch collar. e.No more than 20% of live canopy will be removed from the tree during pruning operations. 41)1 18-24” DBH red maple, (Acer rubrum) •Approximate height: 45 feet •A Plus Tree ID# 997700 •Tree Pin #42 a.This tree is contacting the building. b.This tree is being recommended for clearance pruning in order to clear any tree material from contacting the building. c.The smallest-diameter cuts will be utilized to achieve the intended results. All pruning shall abide by ANSI 300 Standards. d.Crew will utilize reduction cuts when possible in order to retain existing limbs unless no viable laterals exist, where the branch will be removed to a branch collar. e.No more than 20% of live canopy will be removed from the tree during pruning operations. 42)1 3-6” DBH Japanese maple, (Acer palmatum) •Approximate height: 20 feet •A Plus Tree ID# 997698 •Tree Pin #43 a.This tree is contacting the adjacent building. b.This tree is being recommended for clearance pruning in order to clear any tree material from contacting the building. c.The smallest-diameter cuts will be utilized to achieve the intended results. All pruning shall abide by ANSI 300 Standards. d.Crew will utilize reduction cuts when possible in order to retain existing limbs unless no viable laterals exist, where the branch will be removed to a branch collar. e.No more than 20% of live canopy will be removed from the tree during pruning operations. Report continues on following page DocuSign Envelope ID: C077160B-FE25-48D6-9BB8-D68529BD7F89 17 43)1 12-18” DBH quaking aspen, (Populus tremuloides) •Approximate height: 45 feet •A Plus Tree ID# 997699 •Tree Pin #44 a.This tree is contacting the adjacent building. b.This tree is being recommended for clearance pruning in order to clear any tree material from contacting the building. c.The smallest-diameter cuts will be utilized to achieve the intended results. All pruning shall abide by ANSI 300 Standards. d.Crew will utilize reduction cuts when possible in order to retain existing limbs unless no viable laterals exist, where the branch will be removed to a branch collar. e.No more than 20% of live canopy will be removed from the tree during pruning operations. Testing / Analysis No soil assessment or advanced testing procedures were conducted. Report continues on following page DocuSign Envelope ID: C077160B-FE25-48D6-9BB8-D68529BD7F89 18 Discussion and recommendations The majority of recommended tree care is for clearance pruning. Many trees on site are contacting the buildings, almost contacting the buildings, or possess limbs likely to be contacted by passing vehicles. Clearance pruning will utilize minimal pruning practices to clear the aforementioned items. For all trees, cuts are not expected to exceed 3 inches in diameter. Clearance pruning is important tree maintenance to upkeep in order for properties to be in compliance with local fire codes and to reduce the likelihood of property damage, insect infestation, or rodent infestation. Crown reductions are being recommended for select trees. The trees included on this report for crown reductions have become large for their species and are expected to experience failures if retained as is. Trees of the included species can be prone to splitting failures at their respective sizes. The trees will be reduced back to a point where the likelihood of future failure will be reduced. Crown reductions remove weight from the ends of branches back to a healthy, growing lateral branch, which will form a new crown. The process reduces long, heavy, or overextended branches, as well as removing any branches with significant defects. Reduction cuts are not expected to exceed 4 inches in diameter. Weight reduction pruning is being recommended for select trees possessing heavy limbs expected to fail in a heavy loading event or under normal circumstances. Reducing weight at the ends of these limbs will reduce the likelihood of them failing. Static steel cable installation is being recommended for select trees to prevent a future splitting failure and  to encourage future integrity.. The purpose of this is to support weak crotches/codominant leaders with included bark. (This type of structure is viewed as a defect as it an increase the likelihood of splitting failures along the included bark union). Upon visual inspection of the trees included on this report, they were recommended for the aforementioned pruning and arborist services. These recommendations were given with focus on reducing the likelihood of property damage and/or personal harm to residents/visitors. 2000 Lake Washington management intends to plant replacement trees according to the City of Renton’s standard, following mitigatory tree care. Report continues on following page DocuSign Envelope ID: C077160B-FE25-48D6-9BB8-D68529BD7F89 19 Site Map DocuSign Envelope ID: C077160B-FE25-48D6-9BB8-D68529BD7F89