HomeMy WebLinkAboutVIA 405 Apartments PPTMatt Herrera Senior Planner VIA 405 APARTMENTS Public Hearing September 26, 2017 Exhibits Exhibits 1-26, which includes the staff report, forwarded to the Hearing Examiner September 18 or 7-days prior to the hearing. Ex: 27: PowerPoint Presentation as an additional Exhibit. Ex 28: City of Renton online mapping system COR Maps – located on the City’s website at rentonwa.gov 1 Project Location and Description Process to Date Comment Period SEPA Determination Staff Analysis Renton Municipal Code Analysis Comprehensive Plan Compliance Zoning Compliance Critical Areas Adequate Infrastructure Design Review Compliance Planned Urban Development Compliance Staff Recommendation Staff Report Presentation 2 Approximate Location 3 Proposed VIA 405 Site Plan The project is located near the Interstate 405 and SR 167 interchange. 3 2.6-acre site is located at 25 S Grady Way. Landlocked parcel south of Renton Village Shopping Center and west of Evergreen building. Current movie theater building to be removed. Site is mapped with geologically hazardous areas. flood hazard, and Non-fish perineal (Np) stream. Subject Property Additional: Access to the site is via easements with abutting Evergreen Building property and Renton Village Shopping Center. These easements grant access to S. Grady Way to the north and S Renton Village to the east. The site is relatively flat with the exception of banks along side of the stream in the south portion of the property. The applicant is estimating 508 cubic yards (cy) of cut and up to 1,500 cy of structural fill that may be brought to the site. The applicant is proposing to retain 34 of the site 62 trees on-site. 4 Site abuts Evergreen Building, Triton Towers, Renton Village, and I-405 Comprehensive Plan: CMU Zoning Designation: CO Urban Design Overlay: D Surrounded by CO, CA, and I-405 Zoning & Land Use   5 Project Description Eight (8) story building. 270 multi-family units. Ground floor commercial & amenity Structured parking Two story brick base Storefront windows Cementitious & composite wood siding Metal canopies, railings, and louvers The building also contains significant upper story setbacks along the concrete podium and various modulations to break down the overall mass of the structure. 6 Project Description, cont. Variety of common open space. Stream buffer enhancement. Pedestrian connections to transit and other amenities. 7 Process to Date Acceptance: The Preliminary Planned Urban Development master application was accepted on April 21, 2107 and determined complete May 5, 2017 27, 2017. The project was placed on-hold to request additional information on May 25, 2017 and taken off-hold following the applicant’s resubmittal on July 14, 2017. The project complies with the 120-day review period. Public Comment Public comments were received from the Muckleshoot Tribe following the initial notice of application. The Tribe provided comments regarding stream typing, buffer impacts, and stormwater detention. The City and applicant provided written responses to the Tribe as provided in Exhibit 25. SEPA ERC issued a Determination of Non-Significance - Mitigated (DNS-M) for the proposal on August 14, 2017. A 14-day appeal period began on August 18 and ended on Sept. 1. No appeals of the determination were filed. The DNS-M included four (4) mitigation measures related to geotechnical review, stream buffer enhancement, and sound attenuation. The mitigation measures are included in the staff report’s recommended conditions of approval. Analysis City staff issued a recommendation to the Hearing Examiner for the PPUD application on September 18, 2017 or 7-days prior to today’s public hearing. Given the length of report, staff will be focusing the remainder of this presentation on key elements of the proposal. 8 Comprehensive Plan Compliance Zoning Compliance Adequate Infrastructure Critical Areas Regulations Compliance Design Review Compliance Planned Urban Development Compliance Renton Municipal Code Analysis The applicant’s request for PUD included six general areas of review: Analysis for each of these items is provided within the staff report to the Hearing Examiner Staff will be focusing on primarily the demonstration of compliance with the PUD standards and critical areas. 9 Rolling Hills Creek Np (non-fish perennial) along southern portion of property. Typically requires a 75’ buffer. Existing improvements are located within current buffer area. Existing improvements are located between 7’ to 25’ from OHWM of stream. Non-regulated Critical Areas RMC 4-3-050B.1.g Regulations do not apply to development separated from critical areas by pre-existing and intervening substantial existing improvements. No functional buffer exists within the paved and improved areas. Stream Buffer Determination Rolling Hills Creek The application also includes a stream buffer determination for Rolling Hills Creek 10 Rolling Hills Creek (Np) stream Non-regulated due to separation by existing improvements. Buffer enhancement proposed. Geologically Hazardous Areas No special buffer or setback recommended for sensitive slopes along stream bank. Recommendations for High Seismic Area include the use of a pile supported foundation or shallow foundation w/ piers or concrete columns. Flood Hazard Finished floor elevation would be greater than one-foot above base flood elevation. Existing floodplain storage would increase from 32,108 cubic feet to 34,688 cubic feet. Finding of No Effect on federally listed status species within the floodplain. Critical Areas Three Critical Areas identified on the City mapping system include the Np rated stream, geologically hazardous areas, and flood hazard. 11 PUD Development Standards Modifications Drive Aisle and Parallel Parking – Support Standard - Typical 24-foot wide vehicle travel lanes. Modified - Two (2) 10’ travel lanes, 8’ parallel parking lane, curb, gutter, min. 12’ sidewalk with street trees in grates. Public Street Standards – Support Standard – 8’ sidewalk and 8’ planter strip. Modified – Match existing sidewalk width with no planter strip. Residential Surface Parking – Do not support Use Standard – Required parking for dwelling units shall be within an attached structured parking facility. Mod. Request – Provide 229 spaces within attached structured parking facility and provide remaining 41 required spaces as surface parking on and off-site. One of the requirements for residential uses in the CO zone is to for the applicant obtain Planned Urban Development approval for the project. PUDs allow the applicant to modify many of development standards in exchange for superior design and public benefits. The applicant has proposed the following modifications: 12 PUD Analysis The applicant has provided public benefits in open space, critical areas, and circulation. The applicant has also demonstrated the project is superior to that which would result without a PUD. 13 Open Space Ground level The applicant proposes to provide open space and recreational opportunities in a variety of areas of the development. A 7,300sf at grade space is provided along the northeastern portion of the property. A courtyard space with seating, landscaping, art, water feature, and plaza concrete scoring. The third floor podium provides a north and south patio feature with 9,400sf of exterior space. The 8th floor provides an interior amenity room and rooftop exterior deck with a combined space of more than 11,000sf A temporary ground floor amenity of 3,300sf would be provided within the ground floor commercial space until such time a tenant could be secured. The ground floor would space would be designed with commercial development standards with a minimum floor to ceiling height of 15-feet and 30-feet of depth. The applicant proposes 27,738sf of permanent open space which exceeds to PUD minimum of 13,500sf for 270 dwelling units. 14 Critical Areas Area north of curb is non-regulated per pre-existing and lawfully created substantial existing improvements. Remove asphalt south of emergency vehicle access drive. Provide buffer enhancement and debris removal along north and south banks of stream. Fence buffer area to restrict access. The applicant’s original project scope included stream buffer enhancement and refuse removal. Working with the Muckleshoot Tribe and the Environmental Review Committee threshold determination, further enhancement with the project would occur. 15 Circulation 17 Protected pedestrian connection to park & ride (future Sound Transit facility). Complete city sidewalk along north half of S Renton Village Pl and connect to new development. Provide delineated connection to Uwajimaya grocery store. The applicant would provide protected pedestrian connections and enhanced circulation throughout the existing surface parking area. 16 Circulation, cont. Modified drive aisle to mimic a street. Drive aisle provides a pedestrian oriented streetscape. Street trees in grates and planted curb-bulbs abutting pedestrian corridor also provided. In front of the building the applicant would provide: 17 Superiority If conditions of approval are met, the project would result in a superior development with an enhanced pedestrian experience, TOD that is currently absent from the area, and multiple open space and recreation opportunities. 18 Recommendation 19 Staff recommends approval of the VIA 405 Apartments Planned Urban Development File No. LUA17-000237 subject to 21 conditions of approval. 19