HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 5844 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 5844 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, VACATING A PORTION OF RIGHT-OF-WAY ON SW LANGSTON ROAD, LOCATED NEAR THE INTERSECTION OF SW LANGSTON ROAD AND STEVENS AVENUE SW. (LANGSTON 14, LLC; VAC-16-002.) WHEREAS, a proper petition for vacating a portion of right-of-way as hereinafter more particularly described was filed with the City Clerk on December 6, 2016, and that petition was signed by the owners representing more than two-thirds (2/3) of the property abutting upon the street or alley to be vacated; and WHEREAS, the City Council, by Resolution No. 4303, passed on January 23, 2017, set February 13, 2017, at 7:00 p.m., in the City Council Chambers of the City of Renton as the time and place for a public hearing on this matter; and the City Clerk gave proper notice of this public hearing as provided by law, and all persons were heard who appeared to testify in favor or in opposition on this matter, and the City Council considered all information and arguments presented to it to determine whether the vacation is in the public interest, whether the property is not required for overall circulation of traffic within the City, and that the requested vacation is not detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare; and WHEREAS, the Administrator of the Department of Community and Economic Development has considered this petition for vacation, and has found it to be in the public interest and for the public benefit, and that it is unlikely that injury or damage to any person or properties will result from this vacation; and 1 ORDINANCE N0. 5844 WHEREAS, on June 5, 2017, the City Council determined that the vacation should be granted and adopted the recommendation of the Department of Community and Economic Development to waive compensation for the right-of-way vacation; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The following described portion of SW Langston Road located near the intersection of LW Langston Road and Stevens Avenue SW, to wit: (A portion of SW Langston Road, located near the intersection of LW Langston Road and Stevens Avenue SW.) See Exhibit A, and depicted in Exhibit B, attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein, is hereby vacated. SECTION II. Compensation is hereby waived for this right-of-way vacation. SECTION III. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after publication of a summary of this ordinance in the City's official newspaper. The summary shall consist of this ordinance's title. A certified copy of this ordinance shall be filed with the King County Recorder's Office, and as otherwise provided by law. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 12th day of June, 2017. Jason Seth, Cit lerk 2 ORDINANCE N0. 5844 APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 12th day of June, 2017. Denis Law, Mayor ��1\tlt1111111 Approved as to form: �����•�\'�Y �F R���,���� `,,.� G,,,,,,,�„„���,,,,F '�, , y . �,,d%���ycl - *- . ,,, ,, '. ,� �. o: : Z = S�'A =" = Shane Moloney, City torney = o�; �► L = ,� _ : .o ''. �.`� - . Date of Publication: 6/16/2017 (summarv) '',//��o��rF�/SEPT`6�,90`````� '�i���iini,►�a��`. ORD:1952:5/26/17:scr 3 ORDINANCE NO. 5844 EXHIBIT A THAT PORTION OF THE NORTNWEST 1�UARTER OF TNE SOUTHWEST QUARTER, AND A PORTION OF THE NORFHEAST QUARTER OF 7HE SOUTHWEST QUARTER IN SFCTION 18, TOWNSHIP 23 N6RTH. RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. MORE PARTICUTARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLQWS: A VaRIABI.E wIDrH STRIP OF LAND ira tF+E CITY 0� RENTCxv, KING CbUNTY, WASNINGTDN LYlNG AdJACENT TO IOTS 4 THROUGFi 15, T01MN ANO COUNTRY ClUB BUNGALdW SITES, REC�RDED IN VpLUME 19 OF PLATS. PAGE(S} 21 REGORDS OF KING CQUNTY, WASHINGTON (SAIO LINE IS COINCIDENT W1TH T71E NORTH LINE OF TRACT A OF 'fHE PLAT OF EARUNGTON RECORDED IN VOIUME 14 flN PAGE(S} 7 RECORdS C}F KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON) AND A LINE THIRTY THREE AND A HALF(33.5) FEET SQUTHERtY AND PARA�LEL Wt7H TNE MdF1UMENTED CENTERLINE OF SOUTHWEST LANGSTON ROAD. �GN�T.S.�F� �?�'a� w A SH�s . �� . o;' ; z. . • . . :-o. � �o�"',,p 38011 ��a.o Fss���ST ER�'���-,� �NAL �At� � 3 �( L'�4 1/� S11' 1/-�, .�'�D NE 1/4 S1h' 1;4, SEC. 18,'ftiV'�. 23 N. RGE. :i E., t�4'.I�i. CITY OF RE�1TOti,COF,TTI'OF t:ING,STATE OF 41�'ASHINGTON „ www.axismap.cam � Jas rro. n,�TE A15241 NE 907H ST 16-0=F9 3/7;�17 �, S REOMONO, WA 98052 �1RITTEti B�" CHECKED BY TEL. 425.823-5700 TJO MTSE SurvQy dc Mapping Fax a2s.$�3-s�oa �.� sx�er .. r��,� � oF i 4 ORDINANCE N0. 5844 L,li11I�� B FaI,JND 2 MONUMENTS , � I � � � � ! IN CASE STEVENS AVE SW � � �Q, ,�.� vacAnor, aREa, (DIAGflNAL HATCH -1-� -�,�-��---� ��> I f I J����� " AlONUMENTEb �� I CENTERLINE � �� . �o � � r. —'S 30 �� FOUNd SURVEY � � ----�� �-'" �IONUMENT(TYP.) � Q � , � � d �W � � � o � ��� � � L��� p�v� � � � � G`'� � FOl.1ND MUfJUi�ENT IN CASE `� � � � �`J� � � � � '�L � VAC�TION AREA � � � � `¢�`� �� C!� (DIAGONA� HATCH . � — AREA) �. C � � < � I �tl�r,�, G�' r ��D �', � tJU o � � � / ' ' �^s���, � � _ �� � ��—�� m� o r I z � "� � ������ d f TOWNCAND�COUNTRY \S� � � f��, CLUB BUNGALOW �sCl�, �� I OF�TRAGT A� PLAT OF `cS��\� �, � EARUNGTON t �� \�L�� \ � � � \ J � - G1Z�PHIC SCALE \ ` HARDIE AVE SW FOUND MONUMENT IN CASE �� 0 7'' 1'°' tvW 1/-} SW 1/4,AND NE 2 f-� SW 1/-�, SEG 18,TV4''�1. 23 ;�. RGE. � E.,W.1��. 1"= 15�' GTl'"OF RENTON, C�UNTY' OF Kl'VG,STATE OF i+b'ASHItiGT01ti www.e�dsmap.com � 106 NO, DATE ' � �52a� NE 947H ST �6-0-39 3/�/17 REDMOND, WA 9$052 bRA�4",V 8Y CHECKED BY Surve d� Ma TEL. 425.823-5700 Tfo hrrsE y pping Fa�c 425.823-670d �� S�. ` 1"=1�0' 1 OF i 5 ORDINANCE N0. 5844 VICINITY MAP 1�7�- ,-- _ 3 -� �: l > � L °z � /� � l / � ' S � � 1 �'L"q�GS7'p . � VACpnot� 'z' r'�/ l / �`�..` �J�D AREA ,`! ��, �� _ � � � � � �� =� -- _ � �`,�, - -_._. - �' � -��. �`� � U �' 7 --�w L„� �-, T � .r ,-- z ! ��� ��ti�� f � �'� ���. �r�'�� �� � S�� / � / � I � a � is GRAPHIC SCALE U lOQ' 2W' l"= 20C}� . tiW 1J�S�4' 1/-!,AfvD NE 1J�SW 1/4, SEC. 18,Tl�4T;. 23 N. RGE.5 �,W.;�[. CITY'OF REN7'ON,COIJi�'TY OF I�P,�G,STr1TE OF 4YASHL�IGTOti r www.auisll►ap.e:Om � JOB tiQ D.aTE � ' � 15241 NE 9QTH ST 16-0-#9 3�%/17 ftEOMOND, WA 98a52 DR�ttSv BY` CHECKED Bl' TEL. 425.823-570D Tj0 h1TSE $urvoy & Mapping FAX 425.823-67Q0 sc.�u.E s�r ` 1��=zao� i oF i 6