HomeMy WebLinkAboutStaff Report and Decision_Heather Downs Tree Removal_LUA17000792DEPARTMENTOFCOMMUNITYANDECONOMICDEVELOPMENT—“‘P..enton0PLANNINGDIVISIONROUTINEVEGETATIONMANAGEMENTPERMITEVALUATIONFORM&DECISIONDATE:December05,2017PROJECTNUMBER:LUA17-000792,RVMPPROJECTNAME:HeatherDownsRoutineVegetationManagmentPermitPROJECTMANAGER:AngeleaWeihs,AssistantPlannerAPPLICANT:JustinAlbrecht413ChelanAveSERenton,WA98059LOCATION:413CHELANAVESEDESCRIPTION:Theapplicanthasrequestedtoremove12DouglasFirtreesand2NobleFirtreeslocatedat413ChelanAveSE(parcelnumber3211100370;seeExhibit1).ThepropertyislocatedwithintheResidential-6Zone(R-6).Thesiteisapproximately8,400squarefeetandiscurrentlyoccupiedbyasinglefamilyhouse.WiththeexceptionofWellheadProtectionAreaZone2,nocriticalareasaremappedontheprojectsite.Theapplicantproposestoremove14totaltreesbecauseofconcernsregardingsafety,sunlightthatispreventedduetothedenselyforestedresidentialfrontyard,andbecauseofpersonalpreferenceforadifferentlandscapedesign,includingdifferenttreespecies.Afterremovalofthe14firtrees,theapplicantproposestogrindthestumpsandimmediatelyreplantwithJapaneseMaples,Rhododendrons,andgrass.TheprojectwillbescheduledimmediatelyafterCityofRentonapproval.EXPIRATIONDATE:December19,2016GENERALREVIEWCRITERIA4-9-195D4:YES1.ThelotshallcomplywithminimumtreedensityrequirementspursuanttoRMC44-130,TreeRetentionandLandClearingRegulations.Comments:Staffrecommendaconditionofapprovalthattheapplicantreplantaminimumof3treeson-site,withatleast2oftheminthefrontyard,inordertocomplywithlandscapingregulationsandtreedensityregulationsoftheRentonMunicipalCode.YES2.Thelandclearingandtreeremovalshallbeconsistentwithrestrictionsforcriticalareas,pursuanttoRMC44-130,TreeRetentionandLandClearingRegulations,andRMC4-3-050,CriticalAreasRegulations.Comments:Asstatedabove,withtheexceptionofWellheadProtectionAreaZone2,nocriticalareasaremappedontheprojectsite.Page1of3 CityofRentonDepartmentofCommunity&EconomicDevelopmentRoutineVegetationManagementPermitHeatherDawnsRoutineVegetationManagmentPermitLUAI7-000792,RVMP.YES3.Removalofalandmarktreeshallmeetthereviewcriteriaforremovalofalandmarktree,pursuanttoRMC4-4-130,TreeRetentionandLandClearingRegulations.Comments;Noneofthetreesproposedforremovalare“LandmarkTrees.”YES4.Streetfrontageandparkinglottreesandlandscapingshallbepreserved,unlessotherwiseapprovedbytheAdministrator.Comments:ThreeDouglasFirtreesarelocatedwithinthepublicright-of-wayalongthenorthpropertyline,inthevicinityoftreesproposedforremoval.Thesetreesareingoodconditionandarenotpermittedtoberemoved.Staffrecommendasaconditionofapprovalthattheapplicantapplyathicklayerofwoodchipmulch(atleast6inchesdeep)intheareaofthetreeswithinthepublicright-of-wayinordertoavoiddamagetothosetreespriortotheremovalprocessoftheprivatetrees.Themulchshallbeappliedbyhandandshalleitherberetainedfollowingremovalactivities(usuallythroughstumpgrindingandplantreplacements)orremovedbyhand,withoutTheuseofheavyequipment.YES5.Thelandclearingandtreeremovalshallnotremoveanylandscapingorprotectedtreesrequiredaspartofalanddevelopmentpermit.Comments:Theproposedtreeremovaldoesnotincluderemovalofanylandscapingorprotectedtreesrequiredaspartofalanddevelopmentpermit.YES6.Thelandclearingandtreeremovalshallmaintainvisualscreeningandbufferingbetweenlandusesofdifferingintensity,consistentwithapplicablelandscapingandsetbackprovisionsComments:NotApplicable.YES7.Thelandclearingandtreeremovalshallnotcreateorcontributetoahazardouscondition,suchasincreasedpotentialforblowdown,pestinfestation,disease,orotherproblemsthatmayresultfromselectivelyremovingtreesandothervegetationfromalot.Comments:Citycontractarborist,AnneThayer,visitedthesiteandcharacterizedthetreestandasa“remnantforest.”AnneThayernotedthatthetreesproposedforremoval,particularlyonthesoutheastcornerofthelot,providesupportandprotectioncollectively(SeeExhibit2).AnneThayerdidnotrecommendretainingisolatedsingle,tall,andspindlytrees,whichwouldmorelikelybecomestructurallyunstable,bendorblowoverinstorms,orbecomediseasedandinfestedwithinsects.Theapplicantproposestoremoveallthetreesinthislocationandnotretainanyisolatedtrees,whichwillbeconsistwithAnneThayer’srecommendations.AccordingtoRentonMunicipalCode,Section4-4-130C9,theapplicantcanremoveupto2treeswithinatwelvemonthperiod,andupto4treeswithinafiveyearperiod,withoutapermit.However,staffconcludesthatiftreesareselectivelyremovedwithinthestandoftrees,theremainingtreeswillbeexposedtowind.Thewindexposurecouldcompromisetheintegrityofthetreesandincreasetheirhazardpotentialbycreatingsituationswherethetreeswouldbesusceptibletoblowdown.DECISION:TheHeatherDownsRoutineVegetationManagmentPermitRoutineVegetationManagementPermitisApprovedwithConditions. CityofRentonDepartmentofCommunity&EconomicDevelopmentRoutineVegetationManagementPermitHeatherDownsRoutineVegetationManagmentPermit[(3417-000792.RVMP.tCONDITIONSOFAPPROVAL:1Theapplicantshallapplyathicklayerofwoodchipmulch(atleast6inchesdeep)intheareaofthetreeswithinthepublicright-of-wayinordertoavoiddamagetothosetreespriortotheremovalprocessoftheprivatetrees.Themulchshallbeappliedbyhandandshalleitherberetainedfollowingremovalactivitiesorremovedbyhand,withouttheuseofheavyequipment.2.Theapplicantshallreplantaminimumof3treeson-site,withatleast2oftheminthefrontyard,inordertocomplywithlandscapingregulationsandtreedensityregulations.SIGNATURE&DATEOFDECISION:3_€AAAkJ’1Oét14’tt4’4/t4jDecember05,2017JenniferHenning,PlanningDirectorDateAppealsofpermitissuancemustbefiledinwritingonorbefore5:00p.m.onDecember192017,togetherwiththerequiredfeewith:HearingExaminer,CityofRenton,1055SouthGradyWay,Renton,WA98057.AppealstotheExamineraregovernedbyRMC4-8-110andmoreinformationregardingtheappealprocessmaybeobtainedfromtheRentonCityClerk’sOffice,425-430-6510.Reconsideration:Within14daysofthedecisiondate,anypartymayrequestthatthedecisionbereopenedbytheapprovalbody.Theapprovalbodymaymodifyhisdecisionifmaterialevidencenotreadilydiscoverablepriortotheoriginaldecisionisfoundorifhefindstherewasmisrepresentationoffact.Afterreviewofthereconsiderationrequest,iftheapprovalbodyfindssufficientevidencetoamendtheoriginaldecision,therewillbenofurtherextensionoftheappealperiod.Anypersonwishingtotakefurtheractionmustfileaformalappealwithinthe14-dayappealtimeframe.Expiration:TheRoutineVegetationManagementPermitshallbevalidforoneyearfromthedateofissuance.AnextensionmaybegrantedbythePlanningDivisionforaperiodofoneyearuponapplicationbythepropertyownerormanager.Applicationforsuchanextensionmustbemadeatleastthirty(30)daysinadvanceoftheexpirationoftheoriginalpermitandshallincludeastatementofjustificationfortheextension. 564 47 413 Chelan Ave SE This map is a user generated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for reference only. Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, current, or otherwise reliable. Tree inspection map. 10/5/2017 Legend 32016 THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION Feet Notes 32 WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere Information Technology - GIS RentonMapSupport@Rentonwa.gov Addresses Parcels From: Anne Thayer Sent: Friday, October 06, 2017 9:57 AM To: Angelea Weihs Cc: Terrence J. Flatley Subject: FW: 413 Chelan AVE SE Tree Removal Attachments: 413 Chelan Ave SE-pg 1 of 2.pdf; 413 Chelan Ave SE-pg 2.pdf; 413 Chelan Ave SE-Map.pdf Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Hi Angelea, We recommend removing four private trees(#4,6,7,&11) that are in poor condition. Removal of these trees would benefit the health of the existing stand of trees. We do not permit removal of the three Douglas fir street trees located within the right-of-way, # 1,2 &3). In general, trees closely planted to one another tend to interconnect and graft over time. Great care has to occur to prevent damage to the remaining 3 street trees and private trees remaining on the property following any tree removals. We spoke about presenting information to homeowners regarding the value of the trees on their property as a cost and benefits. This is a great link for calculating benefits and values per tree on your property. http://www.treebenefits.com/calculator/treeinfor.cfm?zip=98058&city=RENTON&state=WA&climatezo ne=Pacific%20Northwest&country=US The following numbers reflect the calculated benefits from the three street trees, Douglas firs (29” and (2) 25” dbh). · $749=Overall benefits per year. · 10,286 gallons of storm water runoff intercepted this year. · $389=raised property values this year. · 296 KW hours of electricity conserved. · 1,540 pounds per year reduction of atmospheric carbon. · Mitigates health effect of pollution by •Absorbing pollutants like ozone, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide through leaves •Intercepting particulate matter like dust, ash and smoke •Releasing oxygen through photosynthesis •Lowering air temperatures which reduces the production of ozone •Reducing energy use and subsequent pollutant emissions from power plants *Imagine the benefit numbers potential when incorporating the additional 11 private trees. Appraisal costs of the trees would be substantial. The following information can be found on the International Society of Arboriculture Trees Are Good Website. When evaluating the members of a stand individually to see if they should be kept, consider whether or not the tree is on the edge of the group. These trees provide support and protection to the interior of the stand. If the tree in question is large and providing wind cover, do not remove it. Avoid removing vigorous, healthy trees and vegetation from the stand, and do not retain isolated single, tall, spindly trees; such trees are more likely to become structurally unstable, bend or blow over in storms, or become diseased and infested with insects. Tree protection involves activities designed to preserve and protect tree health by avoiding damage to a tree's roots, trunk, or crown. The best way to do this is protect not only the tree itself but also the ground covering its most important roots, known as the critical root zone. A critical step in retaining healthy trees is the protection of tree roots from disturbance. Each tree has a critical root zone (CRZ) that varies by species and site conditions. The International Society of Arboriculture defines CRZ as an area equal to a 1-foot radius from the base of the tree’s trunk for each 1 inch of the tree’s diameter at 4.5 feet above grade (referred to as diameter at breast height). Another common rule of thumb is to use a tree’s drip line to estimate the CRZ (see figure). Evaluate both of these and choose whichever provides the larger CRZ. Cutting or disturbing a large percentage of a tree’s roots increases the likelihood of the tree’s failure or death. Never cut tree roots that are more than four inches wide; roots that large are usually structural. Cutting them can destroy the stability of the tree, causing it to fall over! Regards, Anne Thayer Consulting Arborist Inspector 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 425-430-6698 athayer@rentonwa.gov From: Justin Albrecht [mailto:jalbrech@ncelec.com] Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2017 8:46 AM To: Terrence J. Flatley Cc: Anne Thayer Subject: RE: 413 Chelan AVE SE Tree Removal Great! Thank you for your reply. All the trees are in the front yard of the house and can be seen from the street. Thanks, JUSTIN ALBRECHT | OUTSIDE SALES NORTH COAST ELECTRIC CO. P: 425.641.3400 C: 206.550.3078 1617 135th PL NE Bellevue, WA 98005 We listened to you! We increased our Top Stock inventory and added Next Day Credit on Stock Returns! Contact your local Service Center to learn more and stay up-to-date on NCE events & News! Find I Follow I Like I Mobile I Shop! From: Terrence J. Flatley [mailto:Tflatley@Rentonwa.gov] Sent: Tuesday, October 3, 2017 5:03 PM To: Justin Albrecht <jalbrech@ncelec.com> Cc: Anne Thayer <AThayer@Rentonwa.gov> Subject: RE: 413 Chelan AVE SE Tree Removal Hi Justin, Thanks for contacting the Urban Forestry Program. Anne Thayer will be out to inspect all the trees on your property and in the street right of way. She will stop when she is in the area if that is ok. If not, she can set a specific time if you wish to be home during her inspection. Terry Flatley, Urban Forestry and Natural Resources Manager Community Services Department – 6th Floor 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 425-430-6601 ISA Certified Arborist - Municipal Specialist From: Justin Albrecht [mailto:jalbrech@ncelec.com] Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2017 2:13 PM To: Terrence J. Flatley <Tflatley@Rentonwa.gov> Subject: 413 Chelan AVE SE Tree Removal Hello Terry, I am looking to have 17 trees removed from my property due to the fact they are over grown. I have begun the paperwork process and have found that I need your approval as some of the trees may be in the public way of access. I plan on removing all trees in the front yard of the residence at 413 Chelan AVE SE Renton, WA. I will replace the areas with grass, Japanese Maples, and potentially rhododendrons. Please let me know when you have had a chance to drive by and approve. Let me know if there are any other questions. Thanks, JUSTIN ALBRECHT | OUTSIDE SALES NORTH COAST ELECTRIC CO. P: 425.641.3400 C: 206.550.3078 1617 135th PL NE Bellevue, WA 98005 We listened to you! We increased our Top Stock inventory and added Next Day Credit on Stock Returns! Contact your local Service Center to learn more and stay up-to-date on NCE events & News! Find I Follow I Like I Mobile I Shop! City of Renton - Community Services Department - Parks Planning & Natural Resources Tree Work Request & Work Order Form Please Complete This Section Only Office Use Only Date of Request:Inspected By Received By: Inspection Date Name of Caller:Completed By Phone Number:Email:Completion Date Location:Inventoried By Reason For Call:Inventory Update Office Use Only Below This Line Tree No.Private Park ROW Species DBH Condition Location Problems Treatment Priority Referral Notes Problem Codes Treatment Codes 1 Broken branches 15 Insects 1 Add mulch 11 Pruning - roots 2 Clearance - street/sidewalk 16 Leaning tree 2 Chemical treatment 12 Pruning - sprouts 3 Clearance - structures 17 Limited planting space 3 Grate widening 13 Pruning - structural 4 Damage by equipment 18 Overhead wires 4 Grind stumped roots 14 Remove stakes/wires 5 Damage by grate 19 Vacant planting space 5 Inspect/monitor 15 Repair damage 6 Damage by storm 20 Street light blocked 6 Repair tree grate/frame 16 Stake tree 7 Damage by vandals 21 Sidewalk/curb heaved-roots 7 Plant tree 17 Tree removal 8 Damage by vehicle 22 Structural problems 8 Pruning - clearance 18 Water tree 9 Deadwood - branches 23 Stump 19 Widen planting space 10 Dead tree 24 Sprouts 10 Pruning - thinning 20 11 Decay/hollows 25 Traffic sign/signal blocked 12 Dieback 26 Topped 1 Immediately 13 Disease 27 Tree staking 2 Within 5 days 14 Girdling roots 28 3 When in area Priority Code 9 Pruning - dead/broken/hanging Comments City of Renton - Community Services Department - Parks Planning & Natural Resources Tree Work Request & Work Order Form Please Complete This Section Only Office Use Only Date of Request:Inspected By Received By: Inspection Date Name of Caller:Completed By Phone Number:Email:Completion Date Location:Inventoried By Reason For Call:Inventory Update Office Use Only Below This Line Tree No.Private Park ROW Species DBH Condition Location Problems Treatment Priority Referral Notes Problem Codes Treatment Codes 1 Broken branches 15 Insects 1 Add mulch 11 Pruning - roots 2 Clearance - street/sidewalk 16 Leaning tree 2 Chemical treatment 12 Pruning - sprouts 3 Clearance - structures 17 Limited planting space 3 Grate widening 13 Pruning - structural 4 Damage by equipment 18 Overhead wires 4 Grind stumped roots 14 Remove stakes/wires 5 Damage by grate 19 Vacant planting space 5 Inspect/monitor 15 Repair damage 6 Damage by storm 20 Street light blocked 6 Repair tree grate/frame 16 Stake tree 7 Damage by vandals 21 Sidewalk/curb heaved-roots 7 Plant tree 17 Tree removal 8 Damage by vehicle 22 Structural problems 8 Pruning - clearance 18 Water tree 9 Deadwood - branches 23 Stump 19 Widen planting space 10 Dead tree 24 Sprouts 10 Pruning - thinning 20 11 Decay/hollows 25 Traffic sign/signal blocked 12 Dieback 26 Topped 1 Immediately 13 Disease 27 Tree staking 2 Within 5 days 14 Girdling roots 28 3 When in area Priority Code 9 Pruning - dead/broken/hanging Comments Project Narrative: Please provide a clear and concise description of the proposed project, including the following: Project name, size and location of site; Albrecht Tree Clearing. 413 Chelan AVE SE Renton, WA 99059 Land use permits required for proposed project; Routine Vegetation Management Permit Zoning designation of the site and adjacent properties; Current use of the site and any existing improvements; Residential neighborhood Special site features (i.e. wetlands, water bodies, steep slopes); N/A Statement addressing soil type and drainage conditions; Sturdy soil with proper grading towards the street. Bark and gravel coverage to prevent washout. Proposed use of the property and scope of the proposed development; removal of 17 trees for safety concerns for our house and the houses surrounding. For plats indicate the proposed number, net density and range of sizes (net lot area) of the new lots; N/A Access; Access from 4th st and Chelan AVE Proposed off-site improvements (i.e. installation of sidewalks, fire hydrants, sewer main, etc.); N/A Total estimated construction cost and estimated fair market value of the proposed project; Initial quotes are $7500 for cutting down the trees and removal of branches and wood. Estimated quantities and type of materials involved if any fill or excavation is proposed; Bark will be placed over existing stumps. Number, type and size of any trees to be removed; 14 Explanation of any land to be dedicated to the City; N/A Any proposed job shacks, sales trailers, and/or model homes; and N/A Any proposed modifications being requested (include written justification). N/A Construction Mitigation Description: Please provide a written narrative addressing each of the following: Immediately upon approval. 9AM – 2PM Stumps to be ground on site. Wood to be stacked on site and excess hauled to cabin by pickup truck. noise, and other noxious characteristics; Grass seed will be laid to help with dust mitigation and Japanese Maples and rhododendrons will replace in some cases. NONE