HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/25/2022 - Minutes CITY OF RENTON LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS & FIREFIGHTERS DISABILITY BOARD REGULAR MEETING MINUTES January 25, 2022 – 9:00 a.m. Video Conference (Zoom meeting) In Attendance: Jim Matthew, Russ Olson , Jim Phelan , Ed Prince, Wendy Rittereiser, Alex Tuttle, and Erika Ed dins Not in Attendance: Valerie O’Halloran CALL TO ORDER Russ Olson moved to call the meeting to order at 09:00 a.m., and Jim Matthew seconded. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Russ Olson moved to approve the November 23, 2021, meeting minutes and Jim Matthew seconded. Motion carried . (The December 21, 2021, meeting was cancelled – no minutes.) Election of Member at Large Ed Prince moved to nominate Jim Phelan as Member at Large, Russ Olson seconded. There were n o oth er nominations. Motion carried. Election of Chair and Vice Chair Russ Olson moved to nominate Jim Phelan as Chair, Ed Prince seconded. There were no other nominations. Motion carried . There was no vote to elect a Vice Chair. If the Chair is unable to attend a meeting, the Board will appoint a Vice Chair at that time. Appointment of Board Secretary Wendy Rittereiser is currently the Board Secreta ry however Erika Eddins has the knowledge and experience for this appointment, and it is recommended to appoint her as the Board Secretary. Wendy announced she is retiring in April. Russ Olson moved to ap point Erika Eddins as Board Secretary, Jim Matthew seconded. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS Review to adopt redline updates to Board Rules for approved hearing aid replacement. Erika Eddins explained that page 8 of the LEOFF Board Rules needs updating to reflect the Board ’s approval of the change in hearing a id replacement frequency from every five (5) to every three (3) years. LEOFF Board Jim Phelan Me mber at Large (Chair) Ed Prince Council Member Valerie O’Halloran Council Membe r James Matthew Fire and Emergency Services Russ Olson Police Page 2 LEOFF – Disability Board Regular Meeting Minutes January 25, 2022 There was n o motion or vote as this is a housekeeping i tem and the Board previously approved th is change in the hearing aid benefit at the September 28, 2021, meeting. #1954 – Request Board review for dental procedure reimbursement where cost will exceed dental benefit maximum. The Board reviewed a prop osed dental treatment plan submitted by the member. The treatment p lan outlines the service charges, the estimated insurance coverage, and the estimated out of pocket cost to the member. There was discussion that t he HMA dental insurance pro vides for specific dental coverage limits and maximums and services received outside the coverage provisions are not eligible for reimbursement. There was no vote by the Board . LEOFF 1 Rules for submitting claims for p ayment to insurance first must be followed and the Boa rd directed staff to work with the member to ensure th at the HMA dental benefit is utilized to the maximum allowable coverage. COMMENTS & ANNOUNCEM ENTS None ADJOURNMENT Jim Matthew moved , and Russ Olson seconded to adjourn. Motion carried. Jim Phelan closed the meeting at 09:19 a.m. April 26, 2022