HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/05/2022 - Minutes RENTON MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISSION MINUTES Tuesday, April 5, 2022 (via Zoom) Members Present: Bill Huls, Brianna Burroughs, Caren Sumption, Dave Samek, Evelyn Reingold, Kaie Wise, Mary Clymer, Susan Jessick Staff Present: Jessie Kotarski, RMAC Staff liaison Chip Vincent, CED Administrator Call to Order: Meeting was called to order by RMAC Chair, Mary Clymer at 6:04 pm. Approval of Minutes: A motion was made and carried to approve the minutes from the March meeting. MSC (Evelyn/Caren) Budget Update: • $33,841 has been awarded in Grants from the Arts & Culture 2022 budget • $19,600 has been set aside for the 2022 Roadshow program (managed by the Arts Commission Roadshow Committee) • $20,015 remains in the carryover funds from 2021 for contracted projects yet to be carried out. It sis expected that these projects will be completed in the calendar year. • The Commission has been notified by 4Culture that a 2022 Sustained Support award is forthcoming, but the total has not been yet confirmed. • The total remaining in the 2022 Arts & Culture budget is $48,909 Promotions Committee update: • April is the celebration of Erasmus 4th anniversary of his landing in downtown Renton. The Commission will host a couple of activities to engage with the public: o Beginning April 1, dragons (a total of 30) will be hidden throughout downtown Renton for the annual Hatch Day scavenger hunt. Participants find 10 and submit their scorecard to arts@rentonwa.gov by April 12 (prizes include 3 gift certificates ($25 value each) to downtown merchants) o Free dragon mask craft kits are available for pick up at participating locations downtown (80 masks were purchased and an additional 50 will be arriving soon). o Selfie competition to encourage participants to use the Erasmus selfie spot and send their photos to arts@rentonwa.gov for their chance to be selected for one of the gift cards. o Entries for the hunt and selfie contest are due April 12 (winners will be selected on April 13 in honor of the official “hatch” day). • The Committee will be presenting at the rescheduled Mayor’s Inclusion Task Force on April 14 at 5:30pm to expand outreach efforts. • The Committee has agreed to support a table at the Multicultural Festival on May 7. The two-day event will be held in downtown Renton. The Committee will offer an activity to engage and interact with the public and expand outreach efforts. • Renton River Days is scheduled for July 22 and 23 in downtown Renton. The Committee is seeking feedback from the Commission on activities to offer/promote the Commission at this two-day event in July. Outreach Committee: • The Roadshow program is currently working on a confirming an agreement with the City’s Parks and Rec division to host the sound and band recruitment for the summer concert series. The dates selected are: o Wed, 6/29, at Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park o Tues, 7/12, at Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park o Wed, 8/17, at Sunset Neighborhood Park o Wed, 8/31, at Piazza Park • The Committee is waiting for approval of the proposed bands for these four dates in the summer • The Committee continues to recruit and schedule bands for the Farmers Market season Grants Committee Update: • The Committee reviewed the remaining applications from the first grant cycle and recommend the following for funding: • Renton Downtown Partnership - Renton Light Festival request for funds to contract with Lusio Lights to hire light artists and facilitate a holiday light display downtown between November 26 and the end of the year. Recommend Grant Award: $9,000 (Six artist stipends of $1,500 each) • REEL Renton – Seattle Film Summit - request for the 2022 summit to be held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Renton September 8 – 11. Recommend Grant Award: $5,000 Stipulations: To be used for scholarships; RMAC has a booth/table at event. A motion was made and carried to approve $14,000 for the two grant requests as recommended by the Grants Committee. MSC (Kaie/Evelyn) Old Business: • Bylaws update – The bylaws are currently under review with the City attorney’s office. A final draft will be circulated with the Commission for review before adoption. A section has been added to the bylaws that outlines general decorum. Revisions are still necessary for the addition of an accession policy. o A resolution for City Council will need approval before the bylaws can be adopted. • The Economic Development staff have submitted a grant request to the Port of Seattle that requests funds for the creation of an Arts & Culture Center in a public facility in downtown Renton and funds for a 2022 Film Frenzy to be held in the summer and showcased at the Seattle Film Summit in September. New Business: • Commissioner Roles & Conduct – a request was made by members of the Commission to review the rules of conduct expected of City volunteers in their service on the Commission. o A special meeting of the Commission will be held to review group norms and create an operation agreement that will outline meeting expectations and outline the process for addressing acts of misconduct. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 7:01pm.