HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-409722a J n rr O co i- a n a 0 co Ld Q 0 0 a U J co cc i L T Q) C S_ N 00 00 / 0 0 CD w� Z J TREE RETENTION and LANDSCAPE SET OF DALPAY SHORT PLAT A PORTION OF THE N.E. 1/4 OF THE S.E. 1/4 OF SECTION 4, TOWNSHIP 23 N., RANGE 5 E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON Print Form Reset Form Sage Form DEPARTIVIENT 0 F COMM UNITY CITY OF TREE INVENTORY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ��Re one Tree No. QBH Species Del 10" Big Leaf Maple TREE ETEI TIE O KSH EET 002 12" Big Leaf Maple 003 7" Big Leaf Maple Planning Di-rision 004 16" Big Leaf Maple 05 =055 South GD8 06 rady Way -Fenton, WA 98057 " Decides Fir Decidous Phane; 42 5-430-7 00 k ww. ,renton a.gov 007 20" Douglas Fir 008 12" Big Leaf Maple 000 30" Douglas Fir DIG 8" Big Leef Maple 011 20" Douglas Fir 1. Total numbe r of trees over 6" diameter', or alder of cotton -wood 012 8" Big Leaf Maple 013 22" Douglas Fir trees at least 8"' in diameter on project site 1 220 1 trees 014 14" Douglas Fir D15 20" Big Leaf Mapl-e . Deductions; Certain trees are excluded frorrl t h a retention ralcuInon: D16 20" Douglas Fir Trees that are dangerous trees 017 11" Douglas Fir 018 15" Douglas Fir Trees In proposed public streets trees 019 $'• Dougla$ Fir Trees in proposed private access eas-ements/tracts 22 trees D20 24." Douglas Fir Trees in critical areas and bt~ffer 021 Big Leaf Maple 127 trees 022 5" Big Leaf Maple 023 21" Douglas Fir Total number of excluded trees: 149 trees 024 10" gig Leaf Maple D25 16" Douglas Fir 3- Subtract Arne- 2 'from line 1: 71 trees D26 10" Douglas Fir 027 16" Douglas Fir 4- Next, t0 determine the numberof trees that rnust be retained 4, multiply line 3 by: 028 18" Douglas Fir 0314" Douglas Fir D3 0-� i n 20n�5 R, R-1, R-4, R-6 O r R-8 0 013" Hemlock 0.2 in all ether residential zones D31 2xa- Big Leaf Maple ir 0-1 in all �mmercial and industrial zones 632 20" DouglasFtrees 032 7" Big Leaf Maple 034 8" Western Fled cedar S. List the nt rnl er of 6" in diameter, or adder or cotton woad trees 035 1a" western Red Cedar over 8" in d:arneter that you are proposings to retain: 27 trees D36 12" Hemlock 037 16" Douglas Fir 6. S ubtract rive 5 from line 4 for trees to be replacL-d: 038 36" Douglas Fir (if tine 6 is zeroor less, step here. No rephcemf!nt treU5 are -i?q roc) 0 trees 039 38" Douglas Fir 040 20" Douglas Fir D41 6" Douglas Fir 7- 111iult[ply fine G b 12"' fear number of required replac rr�elnt inches; 0 inches 042 19" Douglas Fir 043 9" Douglas Fir 8. Proposed sire of trees to meet additional planting requirement: 044 20" Douglas Fir (Minimum 2' caliper trees required for replacement, otherwise enter 0 I inches per tree D45 16" Douglas Fir D46 18" Douglas Fir 9. Divide line 7 by line 8 for number of replacement trees: 047 20" Douglas Fir (If remainder is ,5 otr, greater, round up to the next whole nulnber) trees 048 14" Douglas Fir 049 26" Douglas Fir 050 8" Douglas Fir i Measured at 4-5' above grade- D51 25" Douglas Fir A tree certified, in a wrt#err report, as dead, terra nally diseased, damaged, or otherwise dangerous to aersons or property by a licensed 052 8" Big Leaf Maple landscape architect, orcertified arbori5t, and app-oved by the City. 053 18" Western Red Cedar 3CriticaI areas, such as wetlands, streams, flecdpIans and protected slopes, are defined in RMC4-3-050 054 10" Douglas Fir 4 Count onty those trees to be retained outcidE�! of otitical areas and buffers- 5 The City may require rrlodifIcation of the tree retention plan to ensure retenJan of the rnaxirnum nurnber of trees per RMC 4.4.130H7a. r, hen the required n u n b e r of protected trees cannot be retained, replacement trees, with at least a two-inch (2") caliper ar an evergreen at least six feet $') tall, shall be planted- See RMC 4-4-130-11-1-1-a-(ii) for prohibited types of replacement trees. 1 KACEIADatalFcrms-TernpineslSelf-Help HandoutslplanringlTree Retention Workfheet.dock OU2015 HORIZONTAL DATUM: NAD '83/'l1 BENCHMARK FOUND 1.5" BRASS DISK WITH PUNCH IN CSEDATUM AVENUE MARK NORTHEAST ANDTNENION I 9TH VERTICAL DATUM: STREET, KNOWN AS CITY OF NAVD '88 RENTON CONTROL POINT #716 2" BRASS DISK WITH PUNCH MARK NORT EA TIN CASET 1 TH THEI STREETCANDN OF DUVALL, KNOWN AS CITY OF RENTON CONTROL POINT #1996 NO. REVISION Dripline, RETAIN cr Radius REMOVE Boles As shown RETAIN Shaded foliage. withi-1 NGPE RETAIN Off site RETAIN Topped, within NGPE RETAIN Multiple leaders. one dead; in NGPE RETAIN Healthy, in NGPE RETAIN Severe trunk damage, in NGPE RETAIN Healthy, in NGPE RETAIN Broken main top, in NGPE RETAIN Old dead leader, health}, in NGPE RETAIN Poor; groWing over lot, in (NGPE RETAIN Healthy, in NGPE RETAIN Healthy, in NGPE RETAIN Healthy, unsurveyed RETAIN Healthy, unsurveyfed RETAIN Dbl trunk, healthy RETAIN Minor rat at baw otrerwilie healthy rernove semi -shaded canopy. otherwise healthy rerr ove Healthy remave Leanin-9 base: otherwise healthy remave Heal(hy RETAIN Old dead leader. heallhy RETAIN Too close to Douglas Fir RETAIN healthy RETAIN Fairly healthy RETAIN Healthy remove Healthy rernove Healthy remove Healthy RETAIN Healthy RETAIN Multiple aid, replacec leaders, marginal RETAIN Split at base. old leader replaced RETAIN (Healthy terr ove Healthy RETAIN Healthy RETAIN Healthy RETAIN Healthy RETAIN Healthy RETAIN Healthy: remove ivy from trunk RETAIN Healthy; N-GPE rem ave Healthy rernove Healthy rernove Healthy remove Poor health_ shade lb r adj_ trees rerr ove Healthy remave Healthy remove Healthy remove Healthy remove Broken leader. new leaders rernove Healthy remove Spindly, shade by ether trees remove Healthy rernove Broken leader remove Healthy remove Healthy, leaning base SURVEYED: SCALE: TSL DESIGNED: BLS DRAWN: BLS ONE INCH CHECKED: AT FULL SGALE BLS IF NOT ONE INCH BY DATE APPR APPROVED: SCALE ACCORDINGLY BLS 055 17" Dougla5 Pir remove Healthy D 6 24" Big Leaf Maple RETAIN Healthy, in NGPE 057 6" Douglas Fir remove Splittrunk, dead leader 058 13" Douglas Fir remove Healthy 059 28" Dauglas Fir RETAIN Healthy 060 8" Douglas Fir remove Spindler D61 19" Douglas Fir remove Healthy 062 16" Douglas Fir remove Healthy 063 10" Douglas Fir remove Spindler but healthy 064 10" Dauglas Fir remove Spindly but healthy 066 184I Douglas Fir remove 1-+ealthy D66 20" Douglas Fir remove Healthy D67 24" Douglas Fir RETAIN Healthy 068 12" Western Reel Cedar RETAIN Healthy D69 32" DcFuglas Fir RETAIN Healthy D70 18" Douglas Fir RETAIN Healthy D71 12" Trunk RETAIN Retain as habillat strudure D72 12" Western Red Cedar BETA N 1-4ealthyf 073 12" Douglas Fir DETAIN Severe lean, danger 074 6" D&uglas Fir RETAIN Healthy D75 12" Douglas Fir RETAIN 7opped D76 20" Douglas Fir RETAIN Ftealthyf, in NGPE 077 10" Wes'tern Rod Cedar remove Topped 078 361, Douglas Fir remove Healthy 079 8" Big Leaf Maple remove Topped of WAS 080 20" Xugla5 Fir rt~move Sovero learn ,<<C. F M. Vq R��r D81 082 18" 7" Douglas Fir Wes#ern Rod Gedar remove remove Healthy�� Healthy co 'o 083 24" Douglas Fir remove Split base, otherwise healthy 1:6 084 8" D&uglas Fir remove Broken leaders 2s�o EXP / 5 085 14" Douglas Fir rernove Healthy `�No. 7748X D86 10" Douglas Fir remove Topped �'�NoscAP�P 087 16" Douglas Fir remove Healthy 088 28" Douglas Fir remove Healthy 089 12" Western Fled Cedor remove Old split leader E 090 161, Douglas Fir remove Healthy� +fv D91 16" Western Fled Cedar remove Healthy 092 10" Douglas Fir remove Healthy ail 01 W1 093 e" Western Red Cedar remove Healthy G11 � 0; 094 14" Dauglp!� Fir rernove Healthy .� D �I 095 10" Qwglas Fir remove Healthy D96 18" DcFuglas Fir Femove Healthy � LLI D97 24" Douglas Fir remove Healthy j 098 14" Douglas Fir remove Healthy a 099 7" Daug11199 Fir remove Leaning, dead top +-0 73 � 100 12" QQuglas Fir rm eave Healthy � 5 rc v 101 12" Western Reid Cedar remove Significant dead foliage � U � v4 102 24" Douglas Fir remove Healthy Z. M 0 C4 r-r� 103 12" Conifer remove Healthy ICI lu VERnCAL: NAVD 1988 HORIZONTAL: NAD 1983/1991 DATUM %R • CITY OF RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works Dept. R-409522 IN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON STANDARDS 0 PLANNING DIVISION APPROVED 11/09/2020 jding TREE RETENTION CALCULATIONS DALPAY SHORT PLAT DALPAY PROPERTIES, LLC. 4033 N.E. SUNSET BOULEVARD RENTON, WA 98059 a CL oo 00 O O = 77 DATE: 2/1 1 /20 U) FlELDBOOK: PAGE: A L--� DRAWING NO: J SHEET: L_2OF: 4 Q