HomeMy WebLinkAboutEX_03_RS_LakeStudy_NoNetLoss_060522_v2 3101 Mountain View Ave N Lake Study/No Net Loss Determination Prepared for Lew Residence 3101 Mountain View Ave N Renton, Washington 98056 Prepared by Northwest Environmental Consulting, LLC 3639 Palatine Avenue North Seattle, WA 98103 206-234-2520 May 2022 RECEIVED 05/06/2022 JDing PLANNING DIVISION DocuSign Envelope ID: 88C7ABCD-C852-4852-A47B-8152FCCAC4F4 Lew Residence Lake Study 1 Project Purpose The project purpose is to construct a new residential dock and moorage structure in Lake Washington. Location The subject property is located at 3101 Mountain View Ave N (King County parcel number 3342103895) in the City of Renton, Washington (see Sheet A1.0 – in Project Drawings). The parcel is on the waterfront of Lake Washington. Project Description The proposed work is to construct an approximately 160-feet long by 4-feet wide residential dock. The new dock is being constructed to access the deepest water possible at the site for good moorage. The dock will be supported by 20 8-inch epoxy coated steel piles and the new decking will be grated to minimize long term impacts from the new structure. During construction, a floating boom will surround the work barge, pier, and work area. Project drawings are included in Appendix A – Project Drawings. Approach Northwest Environmental Consulting LLC (NWEC) biologist Brad Thiele conducted a site visit on January 20, 2022 to evaluate conditions on site and adjacent to the site. NWEC also consulted the following sources for information on potential critical fish and wildlife habitat along this shoreline: • City of Renton COR Maps online database (https://rp.rentonwa.gov/HTML5Public/Index.HTML?viewer=CORMaps) • Washington State DNR Natural Heritage Features database (https://www.dnr.wa.gov/publications/amp_nh_trs.pdf?znn6z) • Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW): Priority Habitats and Species online database (http://apps.wdfw.wa.gov/phsontheweb/) • WDFW SalmonScape online database of fish distribution and ESA listing units (https://apps.wdfw.wa.gov/salmonscape/) Site Description The subject property is a shoreline tract in a residential neighborhood. It has shoreline on its west boundary with single-family homes to the north and south. DocuSign Envelope ID: 88C7ABCD-C852-4852-A47B-8152FCCAC4F4 Lew Residence Lake Study 2 The only existing structure on the property is the house. The property has a shoreline consisting of a bulkhead, with lawn and some garden beds landward of the bulkhead. Vegetation includes a hedge of laurel and a dwarf deodar tree. (Photos 1 through 3). The substrate of the lake is sand, gravel, and cobble. No submerged aquatic vegetation was present at the time of the site visit, but observations were only possible from the shore. Adjacent properties to the north and south contain similar shorelines and residential docks. Lake and Stream Classifications As a Shoreline of Statewide Significance (RMC 4-3-090B1) Lake Washington is defined as a Shoreline of the State (RMC 4-11-190S). The Shoreline is designated as “Shoreline Residential” and as a reach of Lake Washington (Figure 1 – Renton COR Map). No streams are present within 500 feet of the site. Ordinary High Water Mark The Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM) for Lake Washington is the line of mean high water (RMC 4-11-150 Definitions O). The Lake Washington water depth is controlled by the Army Corps of Engineers at the Hiram M. Chittenden Locks and is at 21.8 feet above sea level (Corps of Engineers Datum). The OHWM at the project site is shown in Appendix A – Project Drawings. Vegetative Cover of the Site There are no wetlands or floodplains mapped as occurring in the study area. There are no DNR Natural Heritage Features listed in the study area (Figure 2 – Natural Heritage Features). The site is maintained as a residential property with lawns and various ornamental beds and trees. Ecological Functions of Lake Washington at Site. The site lacks native plantings that would provide habitat functions along the shoreline. Planting additional native plantings will further increase habitat conditions at the project site. These plants will provide overhanging cover for fish, structural diversity for birds and wildlife, detritus for aquatic invertebrates and long-term recruitment of woody material and other allochthonous food sources. Species Use Birds Birds observed near the site include raptors, herons, eagles, waterfowl, and songbirds. Bald eagles, protected by the Bald and Golden Eagles Protection Act and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, are protected as a “sensitive species” within the state of Washington (WAC 232-12-011). Eagles were not observed in the area during the site study and no nest or adequate nesting trees were visible along the shoreline. Bald eagles and other raptors are common on along the shoreline of Lake Washington. DocuSign Envelope ID: 88C7ABCD-C852-4852-A47B-8152FCCAC4F4 Lew Residence Lake Study 3 Mammals No wild mammals were observed during the site visit, but Lake Washington is known to have river otters, beavers, nutrias, and muskrats. Deer and coyotes are known to be present in the vicinity. Fish WDFW’s PHS mapping and SalmonScape mapping tools show the following salmonid species using Lake Washington for migration and/or rearing: residential coastal cutthroat (Oncorhynchus clarki), winter steelhead (O. mykiss), Dolly Varden/bull trout (Salvelinus malma), sockeye salmon (O. nerka), fall Chinook (O. tshawytscha), coho salmon (O. kisutch), and kokanee (O. nerka). The Salmonscape database maps the site as critical habitat to the Endangered Species Units (ESU) of Threatened Chinook and steelhead (Figure 3 – SalmonScape Map). Sockeye spawning is mapped as occurring along the shoreline at or adjacent south of the site and within a few hundred feet to the north of the project. The nearest salmon stream is May Creek, located approximately 3,000 feet north of the project area. May Creek is modeled by Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) for spawning of non-listed coho and sockeye and listed Fall Chinook and winter steelhead trout. Juveniles may rear in the waters near the project when traveling from spawning sites on other lake tributaries to the lake’s outlet at the Locks. The project site is accessible to any fish migrating or rearing in the lake, and Lake Washington is designated as critical habitat for Endangered Fall Chinook salmon. There are no other aquatic or terrestrial priority habitats or species mapped as occurring within 1,500 feet of the site. (Figure 4 – PHS Map). Measures to Protect Trees and Vegetation No trees will be disturbed during construction as all work will occur in-water and from the work barge. Some minimal shoreline work will be completed to connect the dock to the shoreline. No significant vegetation will be removed to make this connection. A planting plan is proposed to enhance the shoreline with native trees and shrubs and should improve habitat potential for birds and mammals that use the shoreline of Lake Washington. Project Impacts and Conservation Measures Direct Impacts: Sediments: Sediment disturbance will occur below the OHWM and along the shoreline of Lake Washington. Additionally, the tug and barge propwash may disturb sediments temporarily when making trips to/from the site. Juvenile salmonids could be temporarily displaced or stressed by increased turbidity. Impacts to sediments should be minimal from pile work and the project actions are not expected to exceed State Water Quality Standards. Shoreline: Planting native vegetation, especially three native cedar trees and two shore pine, will increase the habitat functions of the shoreline by creating shade along the shoreline that will be an improvement from the existing baseline habitat conditions at the project site. These plants will provide overhanging cover for fish and shade the water, structural diversity for birds and wildlife, detritus for aquatic invertebrates and long-term recruitment of woody material and other DocuSign Envelope ID: 88C7ABCD-C852-4852-A47B-8152FCCAC4F4 Lew Residence Lake Study 4 allochthonous food sources. The proposed planting plan is included (see Appendix A - Sheet A7.0). Lakebed: The proposed project will add 20, 8-inch diameter steel piles. This will result in displacement of 7 square feet of lakebed. Noise: Construction equipment will create noise audible to neighbors and in-water. Noise disturbance from 8-inch piles will be short-term and should have negligible effects on fish and wildlife in the area. Work will be completed during the in-water work window when juvenile fish are not expected to be present. Potential spills: Short-term risks include the potential for petroleum spills that can occur with any equipment operation. The chance of impact to the aquatic environment is reduced because a crew trained in using spill containment measures will be on site and employ these measures should a spill occur. Indirect Impacts: Shading: The proposed dock will result in 599 square feet of new overwater coverage from the construction of the new dock. Grated decking allows more light to penetrate the water below a dock that can increase productivity in the littoral zone below the dock and reduce the full shade favored by salmonid predators. Salmonid predators are known to use hard shadowing under solid-decked docks to ambush juvenile salmonids. Reducing these hard shadows limits predation opportunity caused by hard shading under the dock. ThruFlow grated decking has a measured performance at 43 percent light penetration (ThruFlow, 2020). Thus, effective cover of the area is 57% of the area of a solid decked structure. Using grated decking results in an effective reduction of overwater coverage of 258 square feet. Recreational Boating: The project supports continued recreational boating, which has been identified as a limiting factor for salmonid populations in Lake Washington. The lift installation will not introduce additional boating to Lake Washington, as the owners could still access the lake from a public boat launch or private moorage facility. Other Conservation measures: Work window: The work will be completed during the prescribed in-water work window for this area of Lake Washington (July 16 to December 31). Operating within this time frame helps protect Chinook salmon, steelhead, bull trout and other salmonid fish species. Best Management Practices: Applicable BMPs will be used such as a floating boom around the in-water work area to contain any floating debris that may escape during construction. The barge will have a perimeter containment sock to absorb oil and grease that may wash from the barge during construction. Hazardous material containment materials such as spill absorbent pads and trained personnel will be required onsite during any phase of construction where machinery is in operation near surface waters. DocuSign Envelope ID: 88C7ABCD-C852-4852-A47B-8152FCCAC4F4 Lew Residence Lake Study 5 Mitigation Strategy Avoidance and Minimization Impacts to Lake Washington cannot be avoided. The project has been designed to reduce impacts by using grated decking, minimal piling quantity and diameter, and will use BMPs to reduce potential impacts from construction. The dock has been designed with a minimal width and will place moorage in the deepest water possible at the site. Mitigation Approach Mitigation will be provided by a shoreline planting plan along the shoreline. The existing dock and new dock uses grated decking to reduce effective overwater coverage. In addition, the owner has opted to pay the required in-lieu fee to King County to complete the mitigation requirements as required by the National Marine Fisheries Service using the RAP process. The City of Renton has not codified in lieu mitigation as an option for the project. Shoreline Function and Values Improvements The property owner is proposing to plant three western red cedars, 2 shore pine, 4 nootka rose, and 3 mock orange at the site to offset the dock impacts. These plants will provide overhanging cover, structural diversity for birds and wildlife, detritus for aquatic invertebrates and long-term recruitment of woody material and other allochthonous food sources for aquatic invertebrates and fish. The proposed planting plan is included (see Appendix A - Sheet A7.0). The in-lieu fee will be used for conservation projects within King County improving watershed conditions. Conclusion Juvenile Chinook salmon, and other salmonids, rear and migrate along the Lake Washington shoreline. There will be temporary impacts from noise and disturbed sediments during installation of the pilings to construct the new docks. The project will minimize construction effects on the environment by following the prescribed in water work window and use applicable BMPs to prevent construction spills and debris from escaping the area. The long term effects of the dock will be minimized by using grated decking, minimizing the width of the dock to less than 4 feet, placing moorage in the deepest water possible and using the minimum number of piles and pile diameter to construct the dock. The planting plan will enhance the nearshore environment and increase the shoreline functions and values at the site offsetting the impacts from the new dock in the long term. This project has been designed to meet current residential dock standards and will use Best Management Practices to reduce project impacts. The conservation measures are designed to improve ecological functions or prevent further degradation of habitat and will result in No Net Loss of ecological functions at the site. DocuSign Envelope ID: 88C7ABCD-C852-4852-A47B-8152FCCAC4F4 Lew Residence Lake Study 6 Document Preparers Brad Thiele Biologist 28 years of experience NWEC NWEC followed standard acceptable field methods and protocols at the time work was performed. These standards may include delineation of wetland and stream boundaries, characterization, rating, functional analyses, impact assessments and mitigation of impacts. The conclusions and findings in this report are based on field observations and measurements and represent our best professional judgment and to some extent rely on other professional service firms and available site information. Within the limitations of project scope, budget, and seasonal variations, we believe the information provided herein is accurate and true to the best of our knowledge. Northwest Environmental Consulting does not warrant any assumptions or conclusions not expressly made in this report or based on information or analyses other than what is included herein. DocuSign Envelope ID: 88C7ABCD-C852-4852-A47B-8152FCCAC4F4 Lew Residence Lake Study 7 REFERENCES City of Renton. 2021. COR Maps. Accessed July 2021 at https://maps.rentonwa.gov/Html5viewer/Index.html?viewer=CORMaps. City of Renton Municipal Code (RMC). 2021. RMC Section 4-8-120. Code Publishing. Accessed July 2021 at https://www.codepublishing.com/WA/Renton/#!/Renton04/Renton0408/Renton0408120. html Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW). 2021. Priority Habitats and Species. Online database. Accessed July 2021 at http://apps.wdfw.wa.gov/phsontheweb/ WDFW. 2021. SalmonScape. Online database. Accessed July 2021 at http://apps.wdfw.wa.gov/salmonscape/ Washington State Department of Natural Resources. 2021. Sections that Contain Natural Heritage Features. Access July 2021 at https://www.dnr.wa.gov/publications/amp_nh_trs.pdf?znn6z DocuSign Envelope ID: 88C7ABCD-C852-4852-A47B-8152FCCAC4F4 Appendix A: Project Drawings DocuSign Envelope ID: 88C7ABCD-C852-4852-A47B-8152FCCAC4F4 SITE PLAN SUBJECT PROPERTY SHEETA1.0 NWS-2021-XXX 11PAGE 1 OF Pin: 334210-3895 Legal Description: HILLMANS LK WN GARDEN OF EDEN # 1 POR OF LOTS 56-57 & 58 & OF ADJ 2ND CL SH LDS DAF BEG AT INTX OF S LN OF LOT 58 WITH GOV MDR LN TH S 80-13-02 W 42.78 FT TH N 72-03-18 W 99.44 FT TH S 89-50-57 W 190.56 FT TO INNER HARBOR LN TH N 23-40-00 E ALG SD HARBOR LN 52.76 FT TH N 89-50-57 E 219.38 FT TH S 75-24-20 E 83.14 FT TH S 61-50-30 E 22.86 FT TH N 89-50-57 E TO ELY LN OF BLK A TH SLY ALG SD ELY LN TO S LN OF LOT 58 TH S 89-50-57 W ALG SD S LN TO BEG TGW POR OF LOTS 57 & 58 & OF ADJ 2ND CL SH LDS DAF BEG AT INTX OF S LN OF LOT 58 WITH MDR LN TH S 80-13-02 W 42.78 FT TO TPOB TH N 72-03-18 W 99.44 FT TH S 89-50-57 W 190.56 FT TO INNER HARBOR LN TH S 23-40-00 W ALG SD HARBOR LN TAP S 80-13-02 W FR TPOB TH N 80-13-02 E TO TPOB Plat Block: A Plat Lot: 56-57-58 LAT: 47.51909 LONG: -122.21122 1 Scope of Work: We propose to drive (20) new 8" steel piles, and construct a 613 sq ft dock covered by grated decking material.Created: 10/06/21Adjacent Owners:BURR ROBERT H3013 MOUNTAIN VIEW AVE N 98056MORGAN LAURA S+JAMES C3103 MOUNTAIN VIEW AVE N 98056Datum: CORPS OF ENGINEERS 1919SE Quarter Of Section 31, Township 24, Range 05Applicant: Lew Residence3101 Mountain View Ave NRenton, WA 98056Last Updated: 4/20/2022 1:00 PM DraySeaborn Pile Driving1080 W Ewing StSeattle, WA 98119 Office: 206-236-1700 ext. 3www.seabornpiledriving.com B U I L T BY B O R NAE S E S T D 1 9 4 7 County: King CountyLocation: Lake WashingtonDocuSign Envelope ID: 88C7ABCD-C852-4852-A47B-8152FCCAC4F4 EXISTING CONDITIONS SHEETA2.0 NWS-2021-XXX 11PAGE 2 OF 1     6&$/(   LAKE WASHINGTON SUBJECT PROPERTY: LEW RESIDENCE 3101 MOUNTAIN VIEW AVE N 98056 Parcel #: 334210-3895 LATERAL LINE MORGAN LAURA S+JAMES C 3103 MOUNTAIN VIEW AVE N 98056 EXISTING PIER: NO WORK PROPOSED 10' SETBACK **CLEAN UP LAKE AROUND PROJECT** 2+:0 2))6(7 BURR ROBERT H 3013 MOUNTAIN VIEW AVE N 98056  '(37+%(<21' 9,(:3257 Scope of Work: We propose to drive (20) new 8" steel piles, and construct a 613 sq ft dock covered by grated decking material.Created: 10/06/21Adjacent Owners:BURR ROBERT H3013 MOUNTAIN VIEW AVE N 98056MORGAN LAURA S+JAMES C3103 MOUNTAIN VIEW AVE N 98056Datum: CORPS OF ENGINEERS 1919SE Quarter Of Section 31, Township 24, Range 05Applicant: Lew Residence3101 Mountain View Ave NRenton, WA 98056Last Updated: 4/20/2022 1:00 PM DraySeaborn Pile Driving1080 W Ewing StSeattle, WA 98119 Office: 206-236-1700 ext. 3www.seabornpiledriving.com B U I L T BY B O R NAE S E S T D 1 9 4 7 County: King CountyLocation: Lake WashingtonLATERAL LIN E 10' SETBACK (;,67,1*&21&5(7( %8/.+($'725(0$,1 EXISTING PIER: NO WORK PROPOSED EXISTING PIER: NO WORK PROPOSED 2+:0 6(:(5/,1( 9(5,),(',1),(/' 3523(57</,1( 3523(57</,1( DocuSign Envelope ID: 88C7ABCD-C852-4852-A47B-8152FCCAC4F4 41'-6" TO NEIGHBOR'S DOCK 126'-3" TO NEIGHBOR'S DOCK 3'-10" 159'-10"SHEETA3.0 NWS-2021-XXX 11PAGE 3 OF PROPOSED CONDITIONS 1 **CLEAN UP LAKE AROUND PROJECT** Scope of Work: We propose to drive (20) new 8" steel piles, and construct a 613 sq ft dock covered by grated decking material.Created: 10/06/21Adjacent Owners:BURR ROBERT H3013 MOUNTAIN VIEW AVE N 98056MORGAN LAURA S+JAMES C3103 MOUNTAIN VIEW AVE N 98056Datum: CORPS OF ENGINEERS 1919SE Quarter Of Section 31, Township 24, Range 05Applicant: Lew Residence3101 Mountain View Ave NRenton, WA 98056Last Updated: 4/20/2022 1:00 PM DraySeaborn Pile Driving1080 W Ewing StSeattle, WA 98119 Office: 206-236-1700 ext. 3www.seabornpiledriving.com B U I L T BY B O R NAE S E S T D 1 9 4 7 County: King CountyLocation: Lake Washington    6&$/(   LAKE WASHINGTON SUBJECT PROPERTY: LEW RESIDENCE 3101 MOUNTAIN VIEW AVE N 98056 Parcel #: 334210-3895 LATERAL LINE MORGAN LAURA S+JAMES C 3103 MOUNTAIN VIEW AVE N 98056 EXISTING PIER: NO WORK PROPOSED 10' SETBACK 2+:0 2))6(7 BURR ROBERT H 3013 MOUNTAIN VIEW AVE N 98056  '(37+%(<21' 9,(:3257 LATERAL LIN E 10' SETBACK (;,67,1*&21&5(7( %8/.+($'725(0$,1 EXISTING PIER: NO WORK PROPOSED EXISTING PIER: NO WORK PROPOSED 2+:0 6(:(5/,1( 9(5,),(',1),(/' 352326(''2&.Z *5$7(''(&.,1*0$7(5,$/ 3523(57</,1( 3523(57</,1( DocuSign Envelope ID: 88C7ABCD-C852-4852-A47B-8152FCCAC4F4 LEGEND (20) PROPOSED 8" EPOXY COATED STEEL PILES - TO BE ADDED Area: 599 sqft (over water decking) Area: 613 sqft (new grated decking) **Grated decking material is 43% light permeable A'A' 3'-10" 159'-10" 18' 8" 8" 8" 8" 8" 8" 8" 8" 8" 8" 8" 8" 8" 8" 8" 8" 8" 8" 8" 8" 16'-9"16'-7"11'-9"11'-9"11'-9"16'-9"16'-9"16'-9"16'-9"SHEETA4.0 NWS-2021-XXX 11PAGE 4 OF PIER DETAILS PROPOSED PLAN VIEW Scope of Work: We propose to drive (20) new 8" steel piles, and construct a 613 sq ft dock covered by grated decking material.Created: 10/06/21Adjacent Owners:BURR ROBERT H3013 MOUNTAIN VIEW AVE N 98056MORGAN LAURA S+JAMES C3103 MOUNTAIN VIEW AVE N 98056Datum: CORPS OF ENGINEERS 1919SE Quarter Of Section 31, Township 24, Range 05Applicant: Lew Residence3101 Mountain View Ave NRenton, WA 98056Last Updated: 4/28/2022 2:51 PM DraySeaborn Pile Driving1080 W Ewing StSeattle, WA 98119 Office: 206-236-1700 ext. 3www.seabornpiledriving.com B U I L T BY B O R NAE S E S T D 1 9 4 7 County: King CountyLocation: Lake Washington6+25(/,1( 6(:(5/,1( 9(5,),(',1),(/'  6(:(5/,1( 2))6(76 DocuSign Envelope ID: 88C7ABCD-C852-4852-A47B-8152FCCAC4F4 5'-1"4'-8"4'-6"4'-4"4'3'-10"3'-7"LAKE WASHINGTON OHWL 1'-6" 159'-10" EXISTING MUD SUBSTRATE 5'-7"6'4'SHEETA5.0 NWS-2021-XXX 11PAGE 5 OF PIER DETAILS PROPOSED SECTION VIEW: A'-A' Scope of Work: We propose to drive (20) new 8" steel piles, and construct a 613 sq ft dock covered by grated decking material.Created: 10/06/21Adjacent Owners:BURR ROBERT H3013 MOUNTAIN VIEW AVE N 98056MORGAN LAURA S+JAMES C3103 MOUNTAIN VIEW AVE N 98056Datum: CORPS OF ENGINEERS 1919SE Quarter Of Section 31, Township 24, Range 05Applicant: Lew Residence3101 Mountain View Ave NRenton, WA 98056Last Updated: 4/28/2022 2:51 PM DraySeaborn Pile Driving1080 W Ewing StSeattle, WA 98119 Office: 206-236-1700 ext. 3www.seabornpiledriving.com B U I L T BY B O R NAE S E S T D 1 9 4 7 County: King CountyLocation: Lake Washington6(:(5/,1( 9(5,),(',1),(/' (;,67,1*&21&5(7( %8/.+($'725(0$,1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 88C7ABCD-C852-4852-A47B-8152FCCAC4F4 41'-6" TO NEIGHBOR'S DOCK 126'-3" TO NEIGHBOR'S DOCK 3'-10" 159'-10" OHWL Flotation Sediment Containment Curtain Weighted Chain EXISTING LAKEBED/SOIL DETAIL 1.1 DETAIL 1.2 SHEETA6.0 NWS-2021-XXX 11PAGE 6 OF BMP INFORMATION BMP NOTES: DETAIL 1.1 & 1.2 1.2 SHEET A6.0 1.1 SHEET A6.0 TEMP. SEDIMENT CURTAIN LAKE WASHINGTON LATERAL LINE A. Constant vigilance shall be kept for the presence of protected fish species during all aspects of the proposed action, particularly during in-water activities such as vessel movement, deployment of anchors & spuds, pile driving, dredging, and placement of gravels and other fill. 1. The project manager shall designate an appropriate number of competent observers to survey the project site and adjacent areas for protected species, including the presence of fish as conditions allow. 2. Visual surveys shall be made prior to the start of work each day, and prior to resumption of work following any break of more than an hour. Periodic additional visual surveys throughout the work day are strongly recommended. 3. All in-water work shall be done during the in-water work window for the waterbody. Where there is a difference between the USCOE and WDFW work windows, the overlap of the two shall apply. 4. All pile driving and extraction shall be postponed or halted when obvious aggregations or schooling of fish are observed within 50 yards of that work, and shall only begin/resume after the animals have voluntarily departed the area. 5. When piloting vessels, vessel operators shall operate at speeds and power settings to avoid grounding vessels, and minimize substrate scour and mobilization of bottom sediments. B. No contamination of the marine environment shall result from project-related activities. 1. Appropriate materials to contain and clean potential spills shall be stored and readily available at the work site and/or aboard project-related vessels. 2. The project manager and heavy equipment operators shall perform daily pre-work equipment inspections for cleanliness and leaks. All heavy equipment operations shall be postponed or halted should a leak be detected, and shall not proceed until the leak is repaired and the equipment is cleaned. 3. To the greatest extent practicable, utilize biodegradable oils for equipment that would be operated in or near water. 4. Fueling of land-based vehicles and equipment shall take place at least 50 feet away from the water, preferably over an impervious surface. Fueling of vessels shall be done at approved fueling facilities. 5. Turbidity and siltation from project-related work shall be minimized and contained through the appropriate use of erosion control practices, effective silt containment devices, and the curtailment of work during adverse weather and tidal/flow conditions. 6. All wastes shall be collected and contained for proper disposal at approved upland disposal sites appropriate for the material(s). 7. When removing piles and other similarly treated wood, containment booms must fully enclose the work area. Wood debris, oils, and any other materials released into lake waters must be collected, removed, and properly disposed of at approved disposal sites. 8. All in- and over-water wood cutting would be limited to the minimum required to remove the subject wood component, and all cutting work should be enclosed within floating containment booms. 9. When removing piles, no actions shall be taken that would cause adhering sediments to return to lake waters. 10.Above-water containment shall be installed around removed piles to prevent sediment laden waters from returning to lake waters. 11.Construction staging (including stocking of materials, etc.) will occur on the supply barge. 12.All Exposed wood to be used on the project will be treated with a cheminite treatment. Scope of Work: We propose to drive (20) new 8" steel piles, and construct a 613 sq ft dock covered by grated decking material.Created: 10/06/21Adjacent Owners:BURR ROBERT H3013 MOUNTAIN VIEW AVE N 98056MORGAN LAURA S+JAMES C3103 MOUNTAIN VIEW AVE N 98056Datum: CORPS OF ENGINEERS 1919SE Quarter Of Section 31, Township 24, Range 05Applicant: Lew Residence3101 Mountain View Ave NRenton, WA 98056Last Updated: 4/20/2022 1:00 PM DraySeaborn Pile Driving1080 W Ewing StSeattle, WA 98119 Office: 206-236-1700 ext. 3www.seabornpiledriving.com B U I L T BY B O R NAE S E S T D 1 9 4 7 County: King CountyLocation: Lake WashingtonLATERAL LINE 10' SETBACK 10' OFFSET DocuSign Envelope ID: 88C7ABCD-C852-4852-A47B-8152FCCAC4F4 10' 25' 41'-6" TO NEIGHBOR'S DOCK 126'-3" TO NEIGHBOR'S DOCK 159'-10" CONSTRUCT MOUND OF EXCAVATED SOIL TO SET ROOTBALL AT PROPER ELEVATION FINISHED GRADE SETTLE BACKFILL WITH WATER IMMEDIATELY AFTER PLANTING. ADD BACKFILL AS NECESSARY TO ACHIEVE LEVEL SURFACE DEPTH AS NECESSARY TO ACHIEVE PROPER HEIGHT OF TRUNK FLARE 5' DIAMETER PLANTING PIT REMOVE ALL WIRE, TWINE, AND BURLAP FROM ROOTBALL. SCARIFY AND CUT GIRDLING ROOTS. SET CROWN OF ROOTBALL AT TOP OF BACKFILL/FINISH GRADE. REMOVE EXCESS SOIL FROM TOP OF ROOTBALL TO EXPOSE CROWN. 2" DIAMETER X 6' TALL WITH TAPERED BOTTOM, PRESSURE TREATED LODGEPOLE TREE STAKE CENTER TREE IN PIT AND SET PLUMB AND STRAIGHT, ADJUST TREE BY MOVING ROOTBALL WHILE PROTECTING THE CROWN FROM BREAKING. DO NOT ADJUST TREE BY MOVING ONLY THE TRUNK 1/3 THE TREE HEIGHT 30" NOTES: 1.LOWEST BRANCH HEIGHT SHALL BE 6 FEET ABOVE ROOT CROWN. 2.AVOID DAMAGE TO ROOTBALL - STAKES SHALL NOT PENETRATE ROOTBALL. 3.GUY WIRES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED 4.PROVIDE STAKING FOR WINDY LOCATION. FORWARD STAKE SHALL BE WINDWARD OF TREE. 5.TREES SHALL BE PLANTED A MINIMUM OF 10 FEET ON CENTER 1 INCH WIDTH BLACK WEBBING FOR TENSIONING TREE. SECURE TO POST USING 1 INCH, 8 GAUGE, GALVANIZED DOUBLE WIRE STAPLES, TWO PER WEB STRAP SHREDDED WOOD MULCH, 3" MIN. COMPACTED DEPTH. PULL MULCH 3" AWAY FROM TRUNK 3" HIGH X 10' WIDE MULCH BERM, COMPACTED FIRMLY PLANTING PIT BACKFILL WITH A MIX OF 3:1 TOPSOIL TO COMPOSTPREVAILINGWINDROOTBALL 3" BERM CENTER OF TREE STEM OR CLUSTER OF TREE STEMS 2" DIAMETER POLE 3" MULCH LAYER, PULL MULCH AWAY FROM STEMS PLANTING PIT BACKFILL WITH A MIX OF 3:1 TOPSOIL TO COMPOST TREE PLANTING DETAILS (NTS) SHRUB AND GROUNDCOVER PLANTING DETAILS (NTS) 3" SEE PLANTING PLAN FOR SPACINGNOTES: 1.INSTALLATION SHALL INCLUDE LOOSENING SIDES AND BOTTOM OF PLANTING PIT AND REMOVE DEBRIS 3.THE PIT SHALL BE SOAKED WITH WATER PRIOR TO, AND SUBSEQUENT TO, INSTALLATION 4.PRIOR TO INSTALLATION, LOOSENING OF PLAT ROOTBALLS SHALL OCCUR 5.SHRUBS SHALL BE PLANTED A MINIMUM OF 5 FEET ON CENTER.SHEETA7.0 NWS-2021-XXX 11PAGE 7 OF MITIGATION PLAN Notes: 1.Shrubs are show, and shall be planted, at least five feet on center. Trees are show, and shall be planted, at least ten feet to center. 2.The property owner will implement and abide by the shoreline planting plan. The plants shall be installed before or concurrent with the work authorized by this permit. A report, as-built drawing and photographs demonstrating the plants have been installed or a report on the status of project construction will be submitted to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Seattle District, Regulatory Branch, within 12 months from the date of permit issuance. This reporting requirement may be met by completing and submitting a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers approved Report for Mitigation Work Completion form. 3.The property owner will maintain and monitor the survival of installed shoreline plantings for five years after the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers accepts the as-built report. Installed plants shall achieve 100% survival during monitoring Years 1 and 2. Installed plants shall achieve at least 80% survival during monitoring Years 3, 4 and 5. Percent survival is based on the total number of plants installed in accordance with the approved riparian planting plan. Individual plants that die will be replaced with native riparian species in order to meet the survival performance standards. 4.The property owner will provide annual monitoring reports for five years (Monitoring Years 1-5). Each annual monitoring report will include written and photographic documentation on plant mortality and replanting efforts and will document whether the performance standards are being met. Photos will be taken from established points and used repeatedly for each monitoring year. In addition to photos at designated points, photo documentation will include a panoramic view of the entire planting area. Submitted photos will be formatted on standard 8 1/2 x 11" paper, dated with the date the photo was taken, and clearly labeled with the direction from which the photo was taken. The photo location points will be identified on an appropriate drawing. Annual shoreline planting monitoring reports will be submitted to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Seattle District, Regulatory Branch, by November 31 of each monitoring year. This reporting requirement may be met by completing and submitting a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers approved Mitigation Planting Monitoring Report form. PLANTS: Shrubs to be installed 5ft on center and trees to be installed 10ft on center. PROPOSED PLANTING SPECIES/QUANTITIES SYMBOL LATIN NAME COMMON NAME QTY SIZE Thuja picatta Western Redcedar 3 3 ft Rosa nutkana Nootka Rose 4 1 Gallon Philadelphus lewisii Mock Orange 3 1 Gallon 2 3 ftPinus contorta v contorta Shore pine Scope of Work: We propose to drive (20) new 8" steel piles, and construct a 613 sq ft dock covered by grated decking material.Created: 10/06/21Adjacent Owners:BURR ROBERT H3013 MOUNTAIN VIEW AVE N 98056MORGAN LAURA S+JAMES C3103 MOUNTAIN VIEW AVE N 98056Datum: CORPS OF ENGINEERS 1919SE Quarter Of Section 31, Township 24, Range 05Applicant: Lew Residence3101 Mountain View Ave NRenton, WA 98056Last Updated: 4/20/2022 1:00 PM DraySeaborn Pile Driving1080 W Ewing StSeattle, WA 98119 Office: 206-236-1700 ext. 3www.seabornpiledriving.com B U I L T BY B O R NAE S E S T D 1 9 4 7 County: King CountyLocation: Lake WashingtonSUBJECT PROPERTY: LEW RESIDENCE 3101 MOUNTAIN VIEW AVE N 98056 Parcel #: 334210-3895 DocuSign Envelope ID: 88C7ABCD-C852-4852-A47B-8152FCCAC4F4 SHEETA8.0 NWS-2021-XXX 11PAGE 8 OF EXISTING PLANT PLAN NO EXISTING PLANTS PLAN VIEW EXISTING PLANTS TABLE Scope of Work: We propose to drive (20) new 8" steel piles, and construct a 613 sq ft dock covered by grated decking material.Created: 10/06/21Adjacent Owners:BURR ROBERT H3013 MOUNTAIN VIEW AVE N 98056MORGAN LAURA S+JAMES C3103 MOUNTAIN VIEW AVE N 98056Datum: CORPS OF ENGINEERS 1919SE Quarter Of Section 31, Township 24, Range 05Applicant: Lew Residence3101 Mountain View Ave NRenton, WA 98056Last Updated: 4/20/2022 1:00 PM DraySeaborn Pile Driving1080 W Ewing StSeattle, WA 98119 Office: 206-236-1700 ext. 3www.seabornpiledriving.com B U I L T BY B O R NAE S E S T D 1 9 4 7 County: King CountyLocation: Lake WashingtonDocuSign Envelope ID: 88C7ABCD-C852-4852-A47B-8152FCCAC4F4 SHEETA9.0 NWS-2021-XXX 11PAGE 9 OF GENERAL NOTES: MATERIALS SPEC LIST: Thruflow Decking Material: FRPP - Fiberglass reinforced polypropylene Light permeable percentage: *Surface - 43% *18" Dock Height - 61% PILES: *All new piles are epoxy coated Steel piles *size varies, see plan set SEWER: *All sewer is field verified by probing the lake bed manually during the allowed work windows for the area. Scope of Work: We propose to drive (20) new 8" steel piles, and construct a 613 sq ft dock covered by grated decking material.Created: 10/06/21Adjacent Owners:BURR ROBERT H3013 MOUNTAIN VIEW AVE N 98056MORGAN LAURA S+JAMES C3103 MOUNTAIN VIEW AVE N 98056Datum: CORPS OF ENGINEERS 1919SE Quarter Of Section 31, Township 24, Range 05Applicant: Lew Residence3101 Mountain View Ave NRenton, WA 98056Last Updated: 4/20/2022 1:00 PM DraySeaborn Pile Driving1080 W Ewing StSeattle, WA 98119 Office: 206-236-1700 ext. 3www.seabornpiledriving.com B U I L T BY B O R NAE S E S T D 1 9 4 7 County: King CountyLocation: Lake WashingtonCODE REFERENCES: Renton We are applying for the permit to be reviewed under the: "4-3-090.E.7 Use Regulations - Piers and Docks" Last permit issued for property: Dock established/constructed: date DocuSign Envelope ID: 88C7ABCD-C852-4852-A47B-8152FCCAC4F4 S1.1STRUCTURAL NOTES 01 04 LEW, SIN RESIDENCE 3101 MOUNTAIN VIEW AVE N RENTON, WA 98056 FOR PERMIT2407 North 31st Street, Suite 100 Tacoma, Washington 98407 (253) 396-0150 Fax (253) 396-0162 Seaborn Pile Driving1080 W Ewing StSeattle, WA 98119 Office: 206-236-1700 ext. 3www.seabornpiledriving.com B U I L T BY B O R NAE S E S T D 1 9 4 7 GENERAL CODES AND STANDARDS DESIGN CRITERIA STRUCTURAL STEEL WELDING WOOD ABBEVIATIONS DECKING 04/26/2022DocuSign Envelope ID: 88C7ABCD-C852-4852-A47B-8152FCCAC4F4 S1.2DECK FRAMING PLAN 02 04 LEW, SIN RESIDENCE 3101 MOUNTAIN VIEW AVE N RENTON, WA 98056 FOR PERMIT2407 North 31st Street, Suite 100 Tacoma, Washington 98407 (253) 396-0150 Fax (253) 396-0162 Seaborn Pile Driving1080 W Ewing StSeattle, WA 98119 Office: 206-236-1700 ext. 3www.seabornpiledriving.com B U I L T BY B O R NAE S E S T D 1 9 4 7 A LEGEND FRAMING PLAN B A 04/26/2022DocuSign Envelope ID: 88C7ABCD-C852-4852-A47B-8152FCCAC4F4 S1.3SECTIONS AND DETAILS 03 04 LEW, SIN RESIDENCE 3101 MOUNTAIN VIEW AVE N RENTON, WA 98056 FOR PERMIT2407 North 31st Street, Suite 100 Tacoma, Washington 98407 (253) 396-0150 Fax (253) 396-0162 Seaborn Pile Driving1080 W Ewing StSeattle, WA 98119 Office: 206-236-1700 ext. 3www.seabornpiledriving.com B U I L T BY B O R NAE S E S T D 1 9 4 7 A SECTION 2 DETAIL1DETAIL B SECTION 1 2 1 C E SECTION C D SECTIONCSECTION D A E 04/26/2022DocuSign Envelope ID: 88C7ABCD-C852-4852-A47B-8152FCCAC4F4 S1.4SECTIONS AND DETAILS 04 04 LEW, SIN RESIDENCE 3101 MOUNTAIN VIEW AVE N RENTON, WA 98056 FOR PERMIT2407 North 31st Street, Suite 100 Tacoma, Washington 98407 (253) 396-0150 Fax (253) 396-0162 Seaborn Pile Driving1080 W Ewing StSeattle, WA 98119 Office: 206-236-1700 ext. 3www.seabornpiledriving.com B U I L T BY B O R NAE S E S T D 1 9 4 7 A SECTION 1 04/26/2022DocuSign Envelope ID: 88C7ABCD-C852-4852-A47B-8152FCCAC4F4 Appendix B: Figures DocuSign Envelope ID: 88C7ABCD-C852-4852-A47B-8152FCCAC4F4 9,028 752 City of Renton Print map Template This map is a user generated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for reference only. Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, current, or otherwise reliable. None 1/28/2022 Legend 5120256 THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION Feet Notes 512 WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere Information Technology - GIS RentonMapSupport@Rentonwa.gov City and County Labels Parcels City and County Boundary <all other values> Renton Environment Designations Natural Shoreline High Intensity Shoreline Isolated High Intensity Shoreline Residential Urban Conservancy Jurisdictions Streams (Classified) <all other values> Type S Shoreline Type F Fish Type Np Non-Fish Type Ns Non-Fish Seasonal Unclassified Not Visited Wetlands Streets Parks Waterbodies Site location Figure 1 - Renton COR Map DocuSign Envelope ID: 88C7ABCD-C852-4852-A47B-8152FCCAC4F4 Sections that Contain Natural Heritage Features 33 Data Current as of July 14, 2020 List of surveyed land sections in Washington identified by the Natural Heritage Program as reported to contain Natural Heritage Features. Contact the Washington Natural Heritage Program at natural_heritage_program@dnr.wa.gov for more detailed information on locations and occurrences. Town. Range Sec. Town. Range Sec. Town. Range Sec. Town. Range Sec. Washington Natural Heritage Program, P O Box 47016, Olympia, WA 98504-7016 T24N R04E S24 T24N R04W PB38 T24N R04W PB40 T24N R04W PB41 T24N R04W PB42 T24N R04W PB48 T24N R04W PB50 T24N R04W PB51 T24N R04W S18 T24N R04W S19 T24N R04W S20 T24N R04W S29 T24N R04W S30 T24N R04W S31 T24N R05W PB38 T24N R05W S13 T24N R05W S23 T24N R05W S24 T24N R05W S25 T24N R05W S26 T24N R05W S35 T24N R05W S36 T24N R06W S10 T24N R06W S11 T24N R06W S12 T24N R06W S13 T24N R06W S14 T24N R06W S15 T24N R06W S16 T24N R06W S17 T24N R06W S18 T24N R06W S19 T24N R06W S2 T24N R06W S20 T24N R06W S21 T24N R06W S22 T24N R06W S23 T24N R06W S24 T24N R06W S25 T24N R06W S26 T24N R06W S27 T24N R06W S28 T24N R06W S29 T24N R06W S3 T24N R06W S30 T24N R06W S31 T24N R06W S32 T24N R06W S33 T24N R06W S34 T24N R06W S35 T24N R06W S36 T24N R06W S4 T24N R06W S5 T24N R06W S6 T24N R06W S7 T24N R06W S8 T24N R06W S9 T24N R07W S12 T24N R07W S13 T24N R07W S24 T24N R07W S25 T24N R08E S1 T24N R08E S11 T24N R08E S13 T24N R08E S2 T24N R08E S24 T24N R08E S3 T24N R08E S35 T24N R08E S36 T24N R08E S4 T24N R08W PB38 T24N R09E S16 T24N R09E S17 T24N R09E S25 T24N R09E S27 T24N R09E S31 T24N R09E S32 T24N R09E S34 T24N R09E S35 T24N R09E S36 T24N R09E S8 T24N R09W S17 T24N R10E S21 T24N R10E S28 T24N R10E S29 T24N R10E S30 T24N R10E S31 T24N R10W PB44 T24N R10W PB49 T24N R10W PB50 T24N R10W PB51 T24N R10W PB52 T24N R10W S11 T24N R10W S14 T24N R10W S20 T24N R10W S23 T24N R10W S28 T24N R11E S14 T24N R11E S26 T24N R11E S32 T24N R11E S33 T24N R11W S10 T24N R11W S17 T24N R11W S18 T24N R11W S2 T24N R11W S3 T24N R11W S4 T24N R11W S5 T24N R11W S6 T24N R11W S7 T24N R12W S13 T24N R12W S32 T24N R12W S33 T24N R13W S10 T24N R13W S11 T24N R13W S14 T24N R13W S15 T24N R13W S16 T24N R13W S2 T24N R13W S22 T24N R13W S23 T24N R13W S26 T24N R13W S27 T24N R13W S3 T24N R13W S4 T24N R13W S9 T24N R16E S13 T24N R16E S21 T24N R16E S22 T24N R16E S26 T24N R16E S27 T24N R16E S33 T24N R17E S10 T24N R17E S19 T24N R17E S2 T24N R17E S20 T24N R17E S24 T24N R17E S27 T24N R17E S29 T24N R17E S3 T24N R17E S30 T24N R17E S33 T24N R17E S35 T24N R17E S4 T24N R17E S9 T24N R18E S16 T24N R18E S17 T24N R18E S18 T24N R18E S19 T24N R18E S20 T24N R18E S21 T24N R18E S25 T24N R18E S27 T24N R18E S7 T24N R18E S8 T24N R18E S9 T24N R19E S1 T24N R19E S10 T24N R19E S11 T24N R19E S2 T24N R19E S3 T24N R20E S10 T24N R20E S11 T24N R20E S14 2 31 Figure 3 - NH Features No Natural Heritage Features listed in T24N R05E S32 DocuSign Envelope ID: 88C7ABCD-C852-4852-A47B-8152FCCAC4F4 Sit e Lo cati on Figure 3 - PHS Data DocuSign Envelope ID: 88C7ABCD-C852-4852-A47B-8152FCCAC4F4 City of Renton, Bureau of Land Management, Esri Canada, Esri, HERE, Garmin, INCREMENT P, USGS, METI/NASA, EPA, USDA, WDFW All SalmonScape Species January 28, 2022 0 0.2 0.40.1 mi 0 0.3 0.60.15 km 1:18,056 Figure 4 - Salmonscape Map Site Location DocuSign Envelope ID: 88C7ABCD-C852-4852-A47B-8152FCCAC4F4 Appendix C: Site Photographs DocuSign Envelope ID: 88C7ABCD-C852-4852-A47B-8152FCCAC4F4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 88C7ABCD-C852-4852-A47B-8152FCCAC4F4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 88C7ABCD-C852-4852-A47B-8152FCCAC4F4