HomeMy WebLinkAboutEX_09_RS_Traffic_Study_220403_v1 TENW Transportation Engineering NorthWest Transportation Planning | Design | Traffic Impact & Operations 11400 SE 8th Street, Suite 200, Bellevue, WA 98004 | Office (425) 889-6747 MEMORANDUM DATE: April 3, 2022 TO: Jill Ding, Senior Planner City of Renton FROM: Amy Wasserman TENW SUBJECT: Trip Generation Memo for Proposed Home Depot Renton LUA21-000452 TENW Project No. 2022-117 This memorandum summarizes the trip generation for the proposed Home Depot Renton project located 901 South 7th Street. This memorandum has been prepared to respond to comments received from the City of Renton in a letter dated March 21, 2022 that state a traffic impact analysis is required and a subsequent discussion with the City that indicated they would reconsider the traffic impact analysis requirement depending on the anticipated net trip generation impact of the proposed project. We are requesting your review and approval of this information and confirmation of that no additional traffic analysis is required for the Home Depot Renton project. Project Description The Home Depot Renton project is located at 901 South 7th Street and would consist of a 137,983 SF home improvement store. The existing site is currently vacant but was previously occupied by a 136,918 SF discount club (SamÊs Club) and a gas station with 12 vehicle fueling positions (VFPs). Buildout and occupancy of the Home Depot project is expected in 2022. A site plan is included in Attachment A. Trip Generation The trip generation estimates for the proposed and existing uses were based on methodology documented in the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual, 11th Edition for Land Use Code (LUC) 862 (Home Improvement Superstore), LUC 857 (Discount Club), and LUC 944 (Gasoline/Service Station). Adjustments to the trip generation estimates were made to account for pass-by trips. Pass-by trips are trips that are made by vehicles that are already on the adjacent streets and make intermediate stops at commercial uses on route to a primary destination (i.e., on the way from work to home). Pass-by trips were based on studies included in the appendices of the ITE Trip Generation Manual, 11th Edition, 2021. The net new trips associated with the Home Depot Renton project were determined by estimating the total trips from the proposed project and then subtracting out the trips generated by the existing use. Per direction from the City, the trips associated with the existing Discount Club and Gasoline/Service Station (to be removed) were reduced by 50 percent since the SamÊs Club and gas station have been vacant for more than RECEIVED 04/08/2022 JDing PLANNING DIVISION DocuSign Envelope ID: 6314EAD5-0BEB-42DD-88C0-371F2EBC8E65 Trip Generation Memo Home Depot Renton TENW April 3, 2022 Page 2 3 years. The resulting net new weekday daily, AM and PM peak hour trip generation for the proposed project is summarized in Table 1. The detailed trip generation estimate is included in Attachment B. Table 1 Project Trip Generation Summary Net New Trips Generated Time Period In Out Total Weekday Daily 48 49 97 Weekday AM Peak Hour 23 20 43 Weekday PM Peak Hour -23 -19 -42 As shown in Table 1, the proposed Home Depot project is estimated to generate 97 net new weekday daily trips with 43 net new trips occurring during the weekday AM peak hour (23 in, 20 out) and a decrease of 42 net new trips occurring during the weekday PM peak hour (-23 in, -19 out). Next Steps Upon your review of this information, we would like to confirm that no additional traffic analysis will be required for the proposed Home Depot Renton project. If you have any questions regarding the information presented in this memo, please contact me at (425) 250- 0579 or amy@tenw.com. cc: Dan Zoldak, Lars Andersen & Associates Attachments: A. Site Plan B. Trip Generation Calculations DocuSign Envelope ID: 6314EAD5-0BEB-42DD-88C0-371F2EBC8E65 Trip Generation Memo Home Depot Renton ATTACHMENT A Site Plan DocuSign Envelope ID: 6314EAD5-0BEB-42DD-88C0-371F2EBC8E65 TALBOT RD SS. GRADY WAY(WET L AND )Rsealsheet infoproject infoownercivil landscape structural equipment plumbing mechanical electricalcivilarchitectural project no. 19165issue datesdesigned by:submission:revisions:THE HOME DEPOT2455 PACES FERRY ROAD, C-19ATLANTA, GA 30339-4024PHONE: (770) 433-8211PERMITBIDchecked by:datedatedescription#prototype:CONSTRUCTION5/7/2020 1:32:58 PM Renton901 S Grady WayRenton, WA 98057STORE: xxxxLRDZ00/00/0000/00/00N/A00/00/00civil engineerLARS ANDERSEN &ASSOCIATES, INC.CIVIL ENGINEERS-LAND SURVEYORS-PLANNERS3/28/202290% SetC1.0SITE PLANSITE INFORMATION:SITE AREATHE HOME DEPOT PARCEL11.40 AC496,765 SFOUTLOT 11.98 AC86,158 SFOUTLOT 21.99 AC86,877 SF TOTAL SITE AREA15.37 AC669,800 SFBUILDING AREATHE HOME DEPOT135,384 SFMEZZANINE1,692 SF SUBTOTAL137,983 SFGARDEN CENTER7,956 SFVESTIBULES0 SF TOTAL THD AREA145,939 SF TOTAL BUILDING AREA145,939 SFPARKING REQUIREDTHE HOME DEPOT2.5/1000 SF338 STALLSGARDEN CENTER0.5/1000 SF4 STALLS TOTAL PARKING REQUIRED342 STALLSPARKING PROVIDEDFRONT FIELD169 STALLSSIDE FIELD / REAR183 STALLSROOF TOP / DECK PARKING0 STALLS TOTAL PARKING PROVIDED352 STALLSINCLUDED IN PARKING PROVIDEDACCESSIBLE STALLS (8 req. @ 301-400)8 STALLSPRO PARKING8 STALLSLOAD-N-GO2 STALLSTHD TRUCK RENTAL6 STALLSTRAILER DISPLAY(3 STALLS NOT INC.)5 STALLSSHED DISPLAY8 STALLSTHD EQUIPMENT RENTAL10 STALLSSEASONAL SALES AREA9,737 SF40 STALLSNOT INCLUDED IN PARKING PROVIDEDCART CORRALS10 STALLS TOTAL THD PARKING PROVIDED362 STALLSZONING CLASSIFICATIONJURISDICTIONCITY OF RENTONZONING CLASSIFICATIONCOMMERCIAL ARTERIAL (CA)THD USE PERMITTED BY RIGHTYESAPN202305-9007, 172305-9183, 915460-0010BUILDING HEIGHTMAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT50'EXISTING BUILDING HEIGHT24'BULK REGULATIONSREQUIREDPROVIDEDFRONT SETBACK (BLDG.)15'/20' MAX67.4'SIDE SETBACK (BLDG.)0'29.4'REAR SETBACK (BLDG.)10'*37.2'LANDSCAPE BUFFER 35'25'LOT COVERAGE65% MAX20%FLOOR AREA RATIOTBD20%*10' LS (FREEWAY FRONTAGE)IMPROVEMENT LEGEND:STOPYIELDIMPROVEMENT NOTES:SURVEY NOTES:STRIPING NOTES:GENERAL NOTES:DocuSign Envelope ID: 6314EAD5-0BEB-42DD-88C0-371F2EBC8E65 Trip Generation Memo Home Depot Renton ATTACHMENT B Trip Generation Calculations DocuSign Envelope ID: 6314EAD5-0BEB-42DD-88C0-371F2EBC8E65 Home Depot Renton Trip Generation TENW Project No. 2022-117 Trip Rate Land Use Area Units 1 LUC 2 or Equation2 In Out In Out Total PROPOSED USE: Home Improvement Superstore 137,983 GFA 862 30.74 50%50%2,121 2,121 4,242 Passby Trips 3 42%-891 -891 -1,782 Subtotal (less passby) =1,230 1,230 2,460 EXISTING USE: Discount Club2 136,918 GFA 857 21.23 50%50%-1,454 -1,453 -2,907 Passby Trips 3 34%494 494 988 Subtotal (less passby) =-960 -959 -1,919 Gasoline/Service Station2 12 VFP 944 86.01 50%50%-516 -516 -1,032 Passby Trips 3 57%294 294 588 Subtotal (less passby) =-222 -222 -444 Gross Proposed Weekday Daily Trips =2,121 2,121 4,242 Less Total Passby Trips =-891 -891 -1,782 Less Existing Trips (assumes 50% credit)= -1,182 -1,181 -2,363 Net New Weekday Daily Trips =48 49 97 Notes: 1 GFA is Gross Floor Area. 2 Institute of Transportation Engineers, Trip Generation Manual, 11th Edition, 2021 Land Use Codes. Per direction from the City of Renton allowing 50% credit for the existing uses, the trip rates for the existing Discount Club and Gas/Service Station were reduced by 50%. 3 Passby percent based on the Institute of Transportation Engineers, Trip Generation Manual, 11th Edition, 2021 Pass-By Rates. Daily passby for proposed and existing use assumed to be equal to PM peak hour. Home Depot Renton Weekday Daily Trip Generation Directional Distribution Vehicle Trip Generation 3/31/2022 Home Depot Renton Trip Gen DocuSign Envelope ID: 6314EAD5-0BEB-42DD-88C0-371F2EBC8E65 Home Depot Renton Trip Generation TENW Project No. 2022-117 Trip Rate Land Use Area Units 1 LUC 2 or Equation2 In Out In Out Total PROPOSED USE: Home Improvement Superstore 137,983 GFA 862 1.51 57%43%119 89 208 Passby Trips 3 42%-50 -37 -87 Subtotal (less passby) =69 52 121 EXISTING USE: Discount Club2 136,918 GFA 857 0.40 61%39%-34 -21 -55 Passby Trips 3 0%0 0 0 Subtotal (less passby) =-34 -21 -55 Gasoline/Service Station2 12 VFP 944 5.14 50%50%-31 -31 -62 Passby Trips 3 63%19 20 39 Subtotal (less passby) =-12 -11 -23 Gross Proposed AM Peak Hour Trips =119 89 208 Less Total Passby Trips =-50 -37 -87 Less Existing Trips (assumes 50% credit)= -46 -32 -78 Net New AM Peak Hour Trips =23 20 43 Notes: 1 GFA is Gross Floor Area. 2 Institute of Transportation Engineers, Trip Generation Manual, 11th Edition, 2021 Land Use Codes. Per direction from the City of Renton allowing 50% credit for the existing uses, the trip rates for the existing Discount Club and Gas/Service Station were reduced by 50%. 3 Passby percent based on the Institute of Transportation Engineers, Trip Generation Manual, 11th Edition, 2021 Pass-By Rates. Passby for proposed use assumed to be equal to PM peak hour. Passby for existing use assumed to be 0% due to operating hours. Home Depot Renton AM Peak Hour Trip Generation Directional Distribution Vehicle Trip Generation 3/31/2022 Home Depot Renton Trip Gen DocuSign Envelope ID: 6314EAD5-0BEB-42DD-88C0-371F2EBC8E65 Home Depot Renton Trip Generation TENW Project No. 2022-117 Trip Rate Land Use Area Units 1 LUC 2 or Equation2 In Out In Out Total PROPOSED USE: Home Improvement Superstore 137,983 GFA 862 2.29 49%51%155 161 316 Passby Trips 3 42%-65 -68 -133 Subtotal (less passby) =90 93 183 EXISTING USE: Discount Club2 136,918 GFA 857 2.10 50%50%-144 -143 -287 Passby Trips 3 34%49 49 98 Subtotal (less passby) =-95 -94 -189 Gasoline/Service Station2 12 VFP 944 6.96 50%50%-42 -42 -84 Passby Trips 3 57%24 24 48 Subtotal (less passby) =-18 -18 -36 Gross Proposed PM Peak Hour Trips =155 161 316 Less Total Passby Trips =-65 -68 -133 Less Existing Trips (assumes 50% credit)= -113 -112 -225 Net New PM Peak Hour Trips =-23 -19 -42 Notes: 1 GFA is Gross Floor Area. 2 Institute of Transportation Engineers, Trip Generation Manual, 11th Edition, 2021 Land Use Codes. Per direction from the City of Renton allowing 50% credit for the existing uses, the trip rates for the existing Discount Club and Gas/Service Station were reduced by 50%. 3 Passby percent based on the Institute of Transportation Engineers, Trip Generation Manual, 11th Edition, 2021 Pass-By Rates. Home Depot Renton PM Peak Hour Trip Generation Directional Distribution Vehicle Trip Generation 3/31/2022 Home Depot Renton Trip Gen DocuSign Envelope ID: 6314EAD5-0BEB-42DD-88C0-371F2EBC8E65