HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR_Arborist_Report_220303_V1.pdf Greenforest Incorporated C o n s u l t i n g A r b o r i s t greenforestinc@mindspring.com Tel. 206-723-0656 TO: Chas Peterson Blue Fern Development 1414 Market Street, Ste. 200 Kirkland WA 98033 REFERENCE: Preliminary Arborist Report PARCELS: 042305-9063, -9099, -9067, -9140, -9100, -9101, and -9247 DATE: January 28, 2022 PREPARED BY: Favero Greenforest, ISA Certified Arborist # PN -0143A ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist® #379 Introduction You contacted me and contracted my services as a consulting arborist. My assignment is to inspect trees at the above referenced site. The purpose of this report is to establish the condition of the regulated trees to satisfy City of Renton permit submittal requirements. I received a site plan from Core Design, Inc., I visited the site 6/17/2021 and visually inspected the trees indicated on the survey, which are the subject of this report. I visited the site again 1/22 to include trees on two additional parcels. Summary The following table summarizes the tree quantities and categories inventoried in this report. Significant, Heritage, Landmark and Dangerous categories are defined by municipal code. Dead trees are excluded from this report. Total Trees Surveyed: 563 Off-site Trees: 173 On-site Trees 390 Chas Peterson, Blue Fern RE: Preliminary Arborist Report, TPN 042305-9063, -9099, -9067, -9140, -9100, -9101, and -9247 January 28, 2022 Page 2 of 37 Greenforest Registered Consulting Arborist Deductions Trees that are dangerous 53 Trees in proposed public streets 34 Trees in private access easements/tracts 37 Trees in critical areas and buffers 35 Total Number of Excluded Trees 159 Total Number of On-site Viable Trees within Developable Area: 231 Required Number of Trees to Retain (For R-10 and RMF Zones): 46 Limitations and Use of this Report This tree report establishes, via the most practical means available, the existing conditions of the trees on the subject property. Ratings for health and structure, as well as any recommendations are valid only through the development and construction process. This report is based solely on what is readily visible and observable, without any invasive means. There are several conditions that can affect a tree’s condition that may be pre-existing and unable to be ascertained with a visual-only analysis. No attempt was made to determine the presence of hidden or concealed conditions which may contribute to the risk or failure potential of trees on the site. These conditions include root and stem (trunk) rot, internal cracks, structural defects or construction damage to roots, which may be hidden beneath the soil. Additionally, construction and post-construction circumstances can cause a relatively rapid deterioration of a tree’s condition. TREE INSPECTION METHOD – TREE HEALTH, CONDITION AND VIABILITY I visually inspected each tree from the ground. I performed a Level 1 risk assessment.1 This is the standard assessment for populations of trees near specified targets, conducted in order to identify obvious defects or specified conditions such as a pre-development inventory. This is a limited visual assessment focuses on identifying trees with imminent 1 Companion publication to the ANSI A300 Part 9: Tree Shrub and Other woody Plant Management – Standard Practices, Tree Risk Assessment. 2011. ISA. Chas Peterson, Blue Fern RE: Preliminary Arborist Report, TPN 042305-9063, -9099, -9067, -9140, -9100, -9101, and -9247 January 28, 2022 Page 3 of 37 Greenforest Registered Consulting Arborist and/or probable likelihood of failure, and/or other visible conditions that will affect tree retention. I recorded tree species and size (DBH). I estimated the average dripline of each tree. I rated the condition of each tree, both health and structure. A tree’s structure is distinct from its health. This inspection identifies what is visible with both. High-risk trees can appear healthy in that they can have a dense, green canopy. This may occur when there is sufficient sapwood or adventitious roots present to maintain tree health, but inadequate strength for structural support. Conversely, trees in poor health may or may not be structurally stable. For example, tree decline due to root disease is likely to cause the tree to be structurally unstable, while decline due to drought or insect attack may not. One way that tree health and structure are linked is that healthy trees are more capable of compensating for structural defects. A healthy tree can develop adaptive growth that adds strength to parts weakened by decay, cracks, and wounds. This report identifies unhealthy trees based on existing health conditions and tree structure, and specifies which trees are most suitable for preservation.2 No invasive procedures were performed on any trees. The results of this inspection are based on what was visible at the time of the inspection. The attached inventory summarizes my inspection results and provides the following information for each tree: Proposed Action – yet to be determined, will be provided under an amended report. Regulated Tree Category as defined by municipal code. (TREE: A woody perennial usually having one dominant trunk, or, for certain species, a multi-stemmed trunk system, with a potential minimum height of ten feet (10') at maturity. Any trees listed on the Complete King County Weed List shall not qualify as a tree.) Dangerous: Any tree that has been certified, in a written report, as dead, terminally diseased, damaged, or otherwise dangerous to persons or property by a licensed landscape architect, or certified arborist. 2 Companion publication to the ANSI A300 Part 5: Tree Shrub and Other woody Plant Maintenance – Standard Practices, Managing Trees During Construction. 2008. ISA. Chas Peterson, Blue Fern RE: Preliminary Arborist Report, TPN 042305-9063, -9099, -9067, -9140, -9100, -9101, and -9247 January 28, 2022 Page 4 of 37 Greenforest Registered Consulting Arborist Landmark: A tree with a caliper of thirty inches (30") or greater. (Average multiple stems and report single integer) Significant: A tree with a caliper of at least six inches (6"), or an alder or cottonwood tree with a caliper of at least eight inches (8"). Trees qualified as dangerous shall not be considered significant. Trees planted within the most recent ten (10) years shall qualify as significant trees, regardless of the actual caliper. Tree number as shown on tag in the field, and on attached exhibit. DBH Stem diameter in inches measured 4.5 feet from the ground. QMD – quadratic mean diameter for multi-stemmed trees. Tree Species Common name. Dripline Average branch extension from the trunk as radius in feet. Health and Structure ratings ‘1’ indicates good to excellent condition; no visible health-related problems or structural defects, ‘2’ indicates fair condition; minor visible problems or defects that may require attention if the tree is retained, and ‘3’ indicates poor condition; significant visible problems or defects and tree removal is recommended. Comments on Condition Obvious structural defects or diseases visible at time of inspection, which includes: Asymmetric canopy– the tree has an asymmetric canopy from space and light competition from adjacent trees. Branch dieback - Mature branches in canopy are dying/dead. Bow in trunk – a trunk lean characterized by the top of the tree leaning over. (Common with edge trees) Canker - Disease cankers are established on trunk/branches. Chlorosis – Yellowing or off-color foliage. Crack – separation of wood fibers and predisposed to failure. Dead – tree is dead. Deadwood – Large and/or multiple dead branches throughout canopy. Decay – process of wood degradation by microorganisms resulting in weak and defective structure. Diseased – foliage and trunk/stems are diseased. Dogleg in trunk – trunk with a bow or defective bend (90°) in trunk often half way of further up the trunk. Chas Peterson, Blue Fern RE: Preliminary Arborist Report, TPN 042305-9063, -9099, -9067, -9140, -9100, -9101, and -9247 January 28, 2022 Page 5 of 37 Greenforest Registered Consulting Arborist Double leader – the tree has multiple stem attachments, which may require maintenance or monitoring over time. Foliar disease - Foliage is diseased with manageable fungus. Included bark - Bark inclusion at attachment of multiple leaders and is preventing a wood-to-wood attachment Insect Injury – active insect injury affecting tree health. Ivy - Dense ivy prevents a thorough inspection, and other defects may be present. LCR – Live crown ratio: the ratio of crown length to total tree height. Trees with low LCR are indicated. Stand-alone trees with a LCR of 30 and lower are at increased risk of failure. Lean – Angle of the trunk from vertical. Multiple leaders - the tree has multiple stem attachments, which may lead to tree failure and require maintenance or monitoring over time. Previous failure – Tree trunk previously broken and defective. Root Rot Infection – fungal infection decaying tree roots. Slender – tree lacks adequate trunk taper to stand lone. Stem Canker – disease canker on trunk/branches. Stilts – tree grew atop a stump or nurselog, and has an elevated rootcrown. Thinning Canopy – low foliage density may indicate stress, or early infection/declining health. Self-corrected lean - Self-corrected leans and sweeps are characterized by a leaning lower trunk and a top that is more upright. Stumpsprout- Tree previously cut at grade with multiple stems and potentially weak attachments. Suppressed – tree crowded by larger adjacent trees, with defective structure and/or low vigor. Retain tree only as a grove tree, not stand-alone. Sweep – tree leans away from adjacent trees. Characterized by a leaning lower trunk and a top that is more upright. Topped – the tree is previously topped and has poor structure and/or stem decay. Tree leans – Trunk has significant lean from vertical. Tree suppressed - Tree is suppressed by adjacent tree canopies. Trunk decay - Wood decay is visible in the trunk. Wound/decay base of trunk - Open wound with visible decay in trunk. Chas Peterson, Blue Fern RE: Preliminary Arborist Report, TPN 042305-9063, -9099, -9067, -9140, -9100, -9101, and -9247 January 28, 2022 Page 6 of 37 Greenforest Registered Consulting Arborist Limits of Disturbance – recommended minimum distances for soil disturbance. See explanation in section below. Retention Priority – as Specified in RMC 4-4-130H.1.b. Significant trees shall be retained in the following priority order: Priority One i. Landmark trees; ii. Significant trees that form a continuous canopy; iii. Significant trees on slopes greater than twenty percent (20%); iv. Significant trees adjacent to critical areas and their associated buffers; and v. Significant trees over 60' in height or greater than 18 inches caliper. Priority Two i. Healthy tree groupings whose associated undergrowth can be preserved; ii. Other significant native evergreen or deciduous trees; and iii. Other significant non-native trees. Priority Three Alders and cottonwoods shall be retained when all other trees have been evaluated for retention and are not able to be retained, unless the alders and/or cottonwoods are used as part of an approved enhancement project within a critical area or its buffer. Type indicates if tree is Deciduous (D), Evergreen (E), broadleaf (B) and coniferous (C). TREE PROTECTION 4-4-130 TREE RETENTION AND LAND CLEARING REGULATIONS: §H.9. Protection Measures During Construction: Protection measures in this subsection shall apply for all trees that are to be retained. All of the following tree protection measures shall apply: a. Construction Storage Prohibited: The applicant may not fill, excavate, stack or store any equipment, dispose of any materials, supplies or fluids, operate any equipment, install impervious surfaces, or compact the earth in any way within the area defined by the drip line of any tree to be retained. b. Fenced Protection Area Required: Prior to development activities, the applicant shall erect and maintain six-foot (6') high chain link temporary construction fencing around the drip lines of all retained trees or at a distance surrounding the tree equal to one and one-quarter feet (1.25') for every one inch (1") of trunk caliper, whichever is greater, or along the perimeter of Chas Peterson, Blue Fern RE: Preliminary Arborist Report, TPN 042305-9063, -9099, -9067, -9140, -9100, -9101, and -9247 January 28, 2022 Page 7 of 37 Greenforest Registered Consulting Arborist a tree protection tract. Placards shall be placed on fencing every fifty feet (50') indicating the words, “NO TRESPASSING – Protected Trees,” or on each side of the fencing if less than fifty feet (50'). Site access to individually protected trees or groups of trees shall be fenced and signed. Individual trees shall be fenced on four (4) sides. In addition, the applicant shall provide supervision whenever equipment or trucks are moving near trees. LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE City may allow alternative protection to the above code-defined limits. Limits of Disturbance (LOD) are calculated for all the significant trees. They are listed in attachment 3 as radii in feet from the trunk. They are determined using rootplate3 and trunk diameter,4,5,6 and ISA Best Management Practices.7 These LOD define the shortest distance from the tree to any soil disturbance, only for one side of the tree, AND that require that protection on the other 3 sides of the tree is expanded to 1.5 times LOD on two abutting sides, and 2 times LOD on the fourth or opposite side of the tree (this is more or less a rectangular shape, and a portion of may be offsite). These LOD are malleable and may be adjusted during the design and construction process. This means that they could increase in size, depending on the situation. ANALYSIS OF RETAINED TREES ACCORDING TO PRIORITY OF TREE RETENTION REQUIREMENTS (Specified in RMC 4-4-130H.1.b.) b. Priority of Tree Retention Requirements: Significant trees shall be retained in the following priority order: Priority One i. Landmark trees; ii. Significant trees that form a continuous canopy; iii. Significant trees on slopes greater than twenty percent (20%); iv. Significant trees adjacent to critical areas and their associated buffers; and v. Significant trees over 60' in height or greater than 18 inches caliper. 3 Coder, Kim D. 2005. Tree Biomechanics Series. University of Georgia School of Forest Resources. 4 Smiley, E. Thomas, Ph. D. Assessing the Failure Potential of Tree Roots, Shade Tree Technical Report. Bartlett Tree Research Laboratories. 5 Fite, Kelby and E. Thomas Smiley. 2009. Managing Trees During construction; Part Two. Arborist News. ISA. 6 Andrew R. Benson, Andrew Koeser, Justin Morgenroth. Responses Of Mature Roadside Trees To Root Severance Treatments. 2019. Journal of Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. 7 Companion publication to the ANSI A300 Series, Part 5: Managing Trees During Construction. 2008. ISA. Chas Peterson, Blue Fern RE: Preliminary Arborist Report, TPN 042305-9063, -9099, -9067, -9140, -9100, -9101, and -9247 January 28, 2022 Page 8 of 37 Greenforest Registered Consulting Arborist Priority Two i. Healthy tree groupings whose associated undergrowth can be preserved; ii. Other significant native evergreen or deciduous trees; and iii. Other significant non-native trees. Priority Three Alders and cottonwoods shall be retained when all other trees have been evaluated for retention and are not able to be retained, unless the alders and/or cottonwoods are used as part of an approved enhancement project within a critical area or its buffer. This project is still in the design phase, and the following will be provided later in an amended arborist report. A. Impact of necessary tree removal B. Supplemental trees C. Protection Instructions/Recommendations D. Tree Retention Calculations Attachments: 1. Assumptions and Limiting Conditions 2. Certification of Performance 3. Significant Tree Inventory 4. Tree Number Exhibit Chas Peterson, Blue Fern RE: Preliminary Arborist Report, TPN 042305-9063, -9099, -9067, -9140, -9100, -9101, and -9247 January 28, 2022 Page 9 of 37 Greenforest Registered Consulting Arborist Attachment No. 1 - Assumptions & Limiting Conditions 1. A field examination of the site was made June 2021 & January 2022. My observations and conclusions are as of these dates. 2. Care has been taken to obtain all information from reliable sources. All data has been verified insofar as possible; however, the consultant/arborist can neither guarantee nor be responsible for the accuracy of information provided by others. 3. I am not a qualified land surveyor. Reasonable care was used to match the trees indicated on the sheets with those growing in the field. 4. Construction activities can significantly affect the condition of retained trees. All retained trees should be inspected after construction is completed, and then inspected regularly as part of routine maintenance. 5. Unless stated other wise: 1) information contained in this report covers only those trees that were examined and reflects the condition of those trees at the time of inspection; and 2) the inspection is limited to visual examination of the subject trees without dissection, excavation, probing, or coring. There is no warranty or guarantee, expressed or implied that problems or deficiencies of the subject tree may not arise in the future. 6. All trees possess the risk of failure. Trees can fail at any time, with or without obvious defects, and with or without applied stress. A complete evaluation of the potential for this (a) tree to fail requires excavation and examination of the base of the subject tree. Permission of the current property owner must be obtained before this work can be undertaken and the hazard evaluation completed. 7. The consultant/appraiser shall not be required to give testimony or to attend court by reason of this report unless subsequent contractual arrangements are made. Chas Peterson, Blue Fern RE: Preliminary Arborist Report, TPN 042305-9063, -9099, -9067, -9140, -9100, -9101, and -9247 January 28, 2022 Page 10 of 37 Greenforest Registered Consulting Arborist Attachment No. 2 - Certification of Performance I, Favero Greenforest, certify that: • I have personally inspected the trees and the property referred to in this report and have stated my findings accurately. • I have no current or prospective interest in the vegetation or the property that is the subject of this report and have no personal interest or bias with respect to the parties involved. • The analysis, opinion, and conclusions stated herein are my own and are based on current scientific procedures and facts. • My analysis, opinion, and conclusions were developed and this report has been prepared according to commonly accepted arboricultural practices. • No one provided significant professional assistance to me, except as indicated within the report. • My compensation is not contingent upon the reporting of a predetermined conclusion that favors the cause of the client of any other party nor upon the results of the assessment, the attainment of stipulated results, or the occurrence of any subsequent events. I further certify that I am a member in good standing of International Society of Arboriculture (ISA), and the ISA PNW Chapter, I am an ISA Certified Arborist (#PN-0143A) and am Tree Risk Assessment Qualified, and am a Registered Consulting Arborist® (#379) with American Society of Consulting Arborists. I have worked as an independent consulting arborist since 1989. Signed: GREENFOREST, Inc. By Favero Greenforest, M. S. Date: January 28, 2022 Chas Peterson, Blue Fern RE: Preliminary Arborist Report, TPN 042305-9063, -9099, -9067, -9140, -9100, -9101, and -9247 January 26, 2022 Page 11 of 37 Greenforest Registered Consulting Arborist Attachment No. 3 Significant Tree Inventory Dripline radius from center of tree Condition ratings ‘1’ good to excellent, ‘2’ fair, ‘3’ poor For offsite trees, driplines are reported as branch length overhanging the subject property as measured from an existing fence. DBH is estimated. Type indicates if tree is Deciduous (D), Evergreen (E), broadleaf (B) and coniferous (C). QMD – quadratic mean diameter for multiple stemmed trees Category Tree No. QMD DBH Species Dripline (R’) Health Structure Comment on Condition LOD (R') 1.25 x DBH Tree Type Landmark 1 33 Fir 25 1 1 17 41.25 CE Significant 2 14 Cedar 14 1 1 Woodpecker injury 7 17.5 CE Significant 3 6 Fir 12 2 2 Asymmetric canopy 6 7.5 CE Significant 4 9 Fir 14 1 1 6 11.25 CE Significant 5 6 Madrone 8 1 2 Asymmetric 6 7.5 BE Significant 6 7 Cedar 10 1 1 6 8.75 CE Significant 7 6 Fir 14 2 2 Suppressed, slender, asymmetric 6 7.5 CE Significant 8 6 Madrone 18 1 2 Asymmetric, sweep 6 7.5 BE Significant 9 7 Fir 14 2 2 Suppressed, asymmetric 6 8.75 CE Significant 10 7 Fir 14 2 2 Suppressed, asymmetric 6 8.75 CE Significant 11 11 Madrone 20 2 2 Disease, asymmetric, sweep 6 13.75 BE Significant 12 13 Fir 18 1 2 Asymmetric 7 16.25 CE Significant 13 12 Fir 18 1 2 Asymmetric 6 15 CE Significant 14 8 Maple 16 1 2 Asymmetric 6 10 BD Significant 15 8 Fir 16 1 2 Asymmetric, dogleg 6 10 CE Significant 16 7 Fir 12 1 2 Asymmetric, sweep 6 8.75 CE Chas Peterson, Blue Fern RE: Preliminary Arborist Report, TPN 042305-9063, -9099, -9067, -9140, -9100, -9101, and -9247 January 26, 2022 Page 12 of 37 Greenforest Registered Consulting Arborist Category Tree No. QMD DBH Species Dripline (R’) Health Structure Comment on Condition LOD (R') 1.25 x DBH Tree Type Significant 17 7 Cedar 10 2 1 Suppressed 6 8.75 CE Significant 18 8 Fir 14 1 2 Asymmetric 6 10 CE Significant 600209 20 Fir 16 1 1 10 25 CE Significant 600376 11 Fir 18 1 2 Asymmetric 6 13.75 CE Significant 600377 7 Fir 16 1 2 Asymmetric 6 8.75 CE Significant 600378 10 Fir 18 1 2 Asymmetric 6 12.5 CE Significant 600379 8 Fir 15 1 2 Asymmetric 6 10 CE Significant 600381 9 Fir 16 1 2 Asymmetric 6 11.25 CE Significant 600382 9 Fir 18 1 2 Asymmetric 6 11.25 CE Significant 600383 9 Fir 16 1 2 Asymmetric 6 11.25 CE Significant 600384 9 Fir 18 1 2 Asymmetric 6 11.25 CE Significant 600385 9 Fir 18 1 2 Asymmetric 6 11.25 CE Significant 600386 9 Fir 15 1 2 Asymmetric 6 11.25 CE Significant 600387 7 Fir 15 1 2 Asymmetric, suppressed 6 8.75 CE Significant 600388 9 Fir 15 1 2 Asymmetric, suppressed 6 11.25 CE Significant 600389 17 Fir 18 1 2 Asymmetric 9 21.25 CE Significant 600390 14 10,11 Fir 18 1 2 Double leader, asymmetric 7 17.5 CE Significant 600392 18 10,15 Fir 18 1 2 Double leader, asymmetric 9 22.5 CE Significant 600393 18 Fir 16 1 2 Asymmetric 9 22.5 CE Significant 600394 10 Fir 16 1 2 Asymmetric 6 12.5 CE Significant 600395 17 12,13 Fir 18 1 2 Double leader, asymmetric 9 21.25 CE Significant 600396 19 Fir 18 1 2 Asymmetric 10 23.75 CE Chas Peterson, Blue Fern RE: Preliminary Arborist Report, TPN 042305-9063, -9099, -9067, -9140, -9100, -9101, and -9247 January 26, 2022 Page 13 of 37 Greenforest Registered Consulting Arborist Category Tree No. QMD DBH Species Dripline (R’) Health Structure Comment on Condition LOD (R') 1.25 x DBH Tree Type Significant 600436 16 Flowering cherry 14 1 2 Interstem dominance 8 20 BD Landmark 600536 31 Cedar 20 1 1 16 38.75 CE Significant 600537 12 Maple 20 1 2 Asymmetric 6 15 BD Significant 600538 20 Cedar 18 2 1 Dead top 10 25 CE Significant 601014 28 Fir 18 1 2 Pruned for OHPL 14 35 CE Landmark 601019 36 Cedar 22 1 2 Trunk decay 18 45 CE Significant 601020 21 14,16 Fir 18 1 2 Double leader 11 26.25 CE Significant 601024 27 Fir 20 1 1 14 33.75 CE Significant 601028 21 Fir 20 1 1 11 26.25 CE Significant 601030 22 Fir 20 1 1 11 27.5 CE Significant 601031 24 15,18 Maple 45 2 2 Deadwood, double leader, decline 12 30 BD Dangerous 601050 22 Maple 40 2 3 Decline, decay, deadwood 11 27.5 BD Significant 601051 15 Cedar 16 1 1 8 18.75 CE Significant 601052 12 Maple 20 2 2 Slender, deadwood 6 15 BD Significant 601053 19 Fir 18 1 2 Asymmetric 10 23.75 CE Dangerous 601056 15 Cedar 14 3 3 Dead top, decay 8 18.75 CE Dangerous 601057 14 Cherry 16 3 3 Decline, deadwood, asymmetric 7 17.5 BD Significant 601058 7,16 Maple 20 1 2 Deadwood, slender, same tree as 601059 8 16.5 BD Significant 601060 13 7, 14 Maple 25 2 2 Decline, double leader 7 16.25 BD Dangerous 601061 14 6, 12 Maple 20 3 3 Decline, decay, double leader 7 17.5 BD Significant 601062 22 Cedar 16 1 1 11 27.5 CE Significant 601063 30 20, 22 Madrone 35 1 2 Double leader 15 37.5 BE Chas Peterson, Blue Fern RE: Preliminary Arborist Report, TPN 042305-9063, -9099, -9067, -9140, -9100, -9101, and -9247 January 26, 2022 Page 14 of 37 Greenforest Registered Consulting Arborist Category Tree No. QMD DBH Species Dripline (R’) Health Structure Comment on Condition LOD (R') 1.25 x DBH Tree Type Landmark 601064 35 Fir 25 1 2 Wire around trunk 18 43.75 CE Significant 601065 13 Fir 16 1 2 Dogleg, asymmetric 7 16.25 CE Dangerous 601066 6 Maple 12 3 3 Surprised, dogleg 6 7.5 BD Significant 601067 16 Cedar 18 1 1 8 20 CE Significant 601068 21 Cedar 18 1 1 11 26.25 CE Significant 601073 22 Cedar 18 1 2 Asymmetric 11 27.5 CE Significant 601074 25 Fir 25 1 2 Asymmetric 13 31.25 CE Dangerous 601075 7 Fir 14 3 3 Surprised, decline, slender 6 8.75 CE Landmark 601076 36 Fir 25 1 1 18 45 CE Significant 601077 20 Cedar 16 1 2 Trunk decay 10 25 CE Significant 601078 16 Cedar 16 1 1 8 20 CE Landmark 601079 44 Fir 25 2 1 Oozing resin 20 55 CE Significant 601080 11 Cedar 14 1 2 Asymmetric, on stilts 6 13.75 CE Significant 601081 7 Cedar 12 1 2 Asymmetric 6 8.75 CE Significant 601082 18 Maple 25 1 2 Asymmetric, deadwood 9 22.5 BD Dangerous 601089 12 Hemlock 0 3 3 Dead CE Landmark 601092 31 Fir 25 1 1 16 38.75 CE Significant 601094 26 Cedar 16 1 1 13 32.5 CE Significant 601095 23 Cedar 16 1 2 Double leader 12 28.75 CE Significant 601096 13 Fir 18 1 2 Asymmetric 7 16.25 CE Significant 601097 11 Fir 16 1 2 Asymmetric 6 13.75 CE Landmark 601098 32 Cedar 20 1 2 Asymmetric 16 40 CE Chas Peterson, Blue Fern RE: Preliminary Arborist Report, TPN 042305-9063, -9099, -9067, -9140, -9100, -9101, and -9247 January 26, 2022 Page 15 of 37 Greenforest Registered Consulting Arborist Category Tree No. QMD DBH Species Dripline (R’) Health Structure Comment on Condition LOD (R') 1.25 x DBH Tree Type Significant 601100 15 11,11 Maple 25 1 2 Slender, double leader 8 18.75 BD Significant 601103 7 Fir 14 1 2 Asymmetric 6 8.75 CE Significant 601104 7 Fir 14 1 2 Asymmetric 6 8.75 CE Significant 601105 11 Fir 16 1 1 6 13.75 CE Significant 601110 7 Fir 10 1 2 Asymmetric 6 8.75 CE Significant 601112 10 Fir 14 1 1 6 12.5 CE Significant 601113 15 Fir 18 1 1 8 18.75 CE Significant 601114 7 Fir 14 1 2 Asymmetric, dogleg 6 8.75 CE Significant 601115 6 Fir 12 2 2 Suppressed, asymmetric 6 7.5 CE Landmark 601128 31 Cedar 25 1 2 Asymmetric 16 38.75 CE Significant 601129 27 Cedar 25 1 2 Asymmetric 14 33.75 CE Dangerous 601130 15 Hemlock 0 3 3 Dead CE Significant 601132 24 Cedar 18 1 1 12 30 CE Landmark 601137 30 20,34 Cedar 25 1 2 Double leader 15 37.5 CE Landmark 601146 34 Cedar 25 1 2 Asymmetric 17 42.5 CE Significant 601147 26 Cedar 25 1 2 Asymmetric 13 32.5 CE Landmark 601154 40 Cedar 25 1 1 19 50 CE Landmark 601161 30 Cedar 18 1 2 Asymmetric 15 37.5 CE Significant 601162 25 Cedar 18 1 2 Asymmetric 13 31.25 CE Significant 601165 28 Cedar 16 1 2 Sweep 14 35 CE Significant 601166 18 Maple 20 1 2 Slender, topped, multiple leaders 9 22.5 BD Significant 601167 15 Cedar 16 1 2 Asymmetric 8 18.75 CE Chas Peterson, Blue Fern RE: Preliminary Arborist Report, TPN 042305-9063, -9099, -9067, -9140, -9100, -9101, and -9247 January 26, 2022 Page 16 of 37 Greenforest Registered Consulting Arborist Category Tree No. QMD DBH Species Dripline (R’) Health Structure Comment on Condition LOD (R') 1.25 x DBH Tree Type Significant 601170 29 Cedar 20 1 1 15 36.25 CE Significant 601175 8 Fir 14 1 2 Asymmetric 6 10 CE Significant 601176 14 Maple 25 1 2 Slender 7 17.5 BD Significant 601177 10 Cedar 12 1 1 6 12.5 CE Significant 601178 14 Cedar 16 1 1 7 17.5 CE Landmark 601179 33 Cedar 16 1 2 Asymmetric 17 41.25 CE Significant 601180 17 Maple 25 1 2 Slender, asymmetric 9 21.25 BD Landmark 601182 34 Cedar 20 1 2 Asymmetric 17 42.5 CE Significant 601183 23 Cedar 18 1 2 Asymmetric 12 28.75 CE Landmark 601184 35 Cedar 25 1 2 Multiple leaders 18 43.75 CE Significant 601186 26 Cedar 18 1 2 Multiple leaders in upper canopy 13 32.5 CE Significant 601187 27 Cedar 18 2 1 Thin canopy 14 33.75 CE Landmark 601188 30 Cedar 20 1 2 Multiple dog leg in upper canopy 15 37.5 CE Landmark 601189 35 Cedar 25 1 2 Asymmetric 18 43.75 CE Landmark 601192 30 Cedar 25 1 1 15 37.5 CE Significant 601193 23 Cedar 22 1 1 12 28.75 CE Significant 601198 22 Cedar 25 1 1 11 27.5 CE Significant 601199 24 Cedar 25 1 1 12 30 CE Significant 601200 24 Cedar 25 1 1 12 30 CE Significant 601201 29 Cedar 25 1 1 15 36.25 CE Landmark 601202 38 Cedar 25 1 1 19 47.5 CE Significant 601203 24 Cedar 25 1 2 Double leader 12 30 CE Chas Peterson, Blue Fern RE: Preliminary Arborist Report, TPN 042305-9063, -9099, -9067, -9140, -9100, -9101, and -9247 January 26, 2022 Page 17 of 37 Greenforest Registered Consulting Arborist Category Tree No. QMD DBH Species Dripline (R’) Health Structure Comment on Condition LOD (R') 1.25 x DBH Tree Type Landmark 601204 36 Cedar 25 1 1 18 45 CE Significant 601205 26 Cedar 25 1 1 13 32.5 CE Significant 601209 7 Maple 15 1 2 Asymmetric, slender 6 8.75 BD Significant 601210 9 Fir 14 1 2 LCR, slender 6 11.25 CE Significant 601211 13 Fir 18 1 1 7 16.25 CE Significant 601216 13 8,10 Maple 25 1 2 Double leader 7 16.25 BD Significant 601218 12 Fir 16 1 2 Asymmetric 6 15 CE Significant 601219 16 Fir 18 1 1 8 20 CE Dangerous 601221 8 Fir 0 3 3 Dead CE Significant 601222 10 Cedar 14 1 1 6 12.5 CE Significant 601223 14 Fir 16 1 1 7 17.5 CE Significant 601233 25 Madrone 20 2 1 Disease 13 31.25 BE Significant 601234 15 Madrone 25 2 2 Disease, sweep 8 18.75 BE Significant 601237 9 Cedar 14 1 1 6 11.25 CE Significant 601238 10 Fir 14 1 1 6 12.5 CE Significant 601239 7 Fir 14 1 2 Asymmetric 6 8.75 CE Significant 601240 9 Fir 14 1 1 6 11.25 CE Significant 601241 9 Fir 14 1 1 6 11.25 CE Significant 601242 6 Cedar 10 1 2 Asymmetric 6 7.5 CE Significant 601243 7 Fir 14 1 2 Asymmetric 6 8.75 CE Significant 601244 7 Fir 14 1 2 Asymmetric 6 8.75 CE Significant 601245 7 Fir 14 1 2 Asymmetric 6 8.75 CE Chas Peterson, Blue Fern RE: Preliminary Arborist Report, TPN 042305-9063, -9099, -9067, -9140, -9100, -9101, and -9247 January 26, 2022 Page 18 of 37 Greenforest Registered Consulting Arborist Category Tree No. QMD DBH Species Dripline (R’) Health Structure Comment on Condition LOD (R') 1.25 x DBH Tree Type Significant 601246 8 Cedar 12 1 2 Asymmetric 6 10 CE Significant 601247 7 Cedar 12 1 2 Asymmetric 6 8.75 CE Significant 601248 11 Fir 16 1 2 Dogleg 6 13.75 CE Dangerous 601249 7 Fir 16 1 3 Topped, multiple leaders 6 8.75 CE Significant 601250 10 Fir 16 1 1 6 12.5 CE Significant 601251 13 Fir 16 1 1 7 16.25 CE Significant 601252 6 Cedar 12 2 2 Suppressed, asymmetric 6 7.5 CE Significant 601253 9 Fir 14 1 2 Dogleg 6 11.25 CE Significant 601254 12 Fir 16 1 2 Asymmetric 6 15 CE Significant 601255 12 Fir 16 1 2 Asymmetric 6 15 CE Significant 601256 10 Fir 14 1 2 Asymmetric 6 12.5 CE Significant 601257 9 Fir 12 1 2 Sweep 6 11.25 CE Dangerous 601258 6 Fir 8 1 3 Topped, suppressed 6 7.5 CE Significant 601259 14 Fir 16 1 1 7 17.5 CE Dangerous 601261 13 Fir 18 1 3 Topped, dogleg, asymmetric 7 16.25 CE Significant 601262 7 Fir 14 1 2 Asymmetric 6 8.75 CE Significant 601263 8 Fir 14 1 2 Asymmetric 6 10 CE Significant 601264 14 Fir 16 1 2 Asymmetric 7 17.5 CE Significant 601266 11 Fir 14 1 2 Slender 6 13.75 CE Significant 601267 8 Maple 15 1 2 Slender 6 10 BD Dangerous 601268 7 Fir 10 1 3 Topped, double leader 6 8.75 CE Dangerous 601269 7 Fir 10 1 3 Topped, double leader 6 8.75 CE Chas Peterson, Blue Fern RE: Preliminary Arborist Report, TPN 042305-9063, -9099, -9067, -9140, -9100, -9101, and -9247 January 26, 2022 Page 19 of 37 Greenforest Registered Consulting Arborist Category Tree No. QMD DBH Species Dripline (R’) Health Structure Comment on Condition LOD (R') 1.25 x DBH Tree Type Significant 601271 13 Cedar 16 1 2 Asymmetric 7 16.25 CE Significant 601272 23 Cedar 18 1 2 Sweep 12 28.75 CE Significant 601273 15 Cedar 16 1 1 8 18.75 CE Significant 601275 8 Fir 12 1 2 Slender 6 10 CE Significant 601276 9 Maple 20 1 2 Slender 6 11.25 BD Significant 601277 8 Maple 20 1 2 Slender 6 10 BD Dangerous 601278 6 Fir 8 3 3 Topped, suppressed, asymmetric 6 7.5 CE Significant 601279 10 Fir 14 1 2 Slender 6 12.5 CE Significant 601280 13 Fir 16 1 2 Asymmetric 7 16.25 CE Significant 601281 7 Fir 12 1 2 Slender 6 8.75 CE Dangerous 601282 10 Fir 14 1 3 Topped, multiple leaders 6 12.5 CE Significant 601283 6 Fir 14 2 2 Suppressed, asymmetric, trunk injury 6 7.5 CE Significant 601284 15 Fir 16 1 1 8 18.75 CE Significant 601285 10 Fir 14 1 2 Asymmetric 6 12.5 CE Significant 601286 7 Cedar 12 1 2 Asymmetric 6 8.75 CE Significant 601300 19 Cedar 18 1 2 Asymmetric 10 23.75 CE Significant 601301 12 Cedar 14 1 2 Asymmetric, sweep 6 15 CE Significant 601302 12 Cedar 14 1 2 Asymmetric, sweep 6 15 CE Significant 601307 25 Cedar 18 1 2 Asymmetric 13 31.25 CE Significant 601308 9 Cedar 14 1 2 Asymmetric 6 11.25 CE Significant 601309 9 Cedar 12 1 2 Asymmetric 6 11.25 CE Dangerous 601310 14 6,6,8,8 Maple 35 1 3 Asymmetric, stump sprout 7 17.5 BD Chas Peterson, Blue Fern RE: Preliminary Arborist Report, TPN 042305-9063, -9099, -9067, -9140, -9100, -9101, and -9247 January 26, 2022 Page 20 of 37 Greenforest Registered Consulting Arborist Category Tree No. QMD DBH Species Dripline (R’) Health Structure Comment on Condition LOD (R') 1.25 x DBH Tree Type Significant 601311 13 Cedar 16 1 2 Asymmetric, decay 7 16.25 CE Significant 601312 12 Cedar 16 1 2 Suppressed 6 15 CE Dangerous 601313 21 Cedar 18 3 3 Thin canopy, woodpecker injury, decay 11 26.25 CE Landmark 601315 34 Cedar 25 1 2 Asymmetric 17 42.5 CE Significant 601316 12 Cedar 14 1 2 Sweep 6 15 CE Significant 601318 18 Cedar 16 1 2 Asymmetric 9 22.5 CE Significant 601319 15 Cedar 16 1 1 8 18.75 CE Landmark 601320 32 Cedar 25 1 1 16 40 CE Landmark 601354 41 Cedar 25 1 2 Multiple leaders 19 51.25 CE Landmark 601357 35 Fir 25 1 1 18 43.75 CE Dangerous 601360 19 Cedar 16 2 3 Surprised, asymmetric, woodpecker injury 10 23.75 CE Landmark 601361 34 Fir 25 1 2 Asymmetric 17 42.5 CE Significant 601362 15 Cedar 16 1 2 Asymmetric 8 18.75 CE Significant 601363 29 Cedar 20 1 1 15 36.25 CE Significant 601364 11 Madrone 16 2 2 Suppressed, lean 6 13.75 BE Significant 601366 6 Fir 14 1 2 Asymmetric, slender 6 7.5 CE Significant 601367 11 Fir 18 1 2 Asymmetric, dogleg, hanger 6 13.75 CE Significant 601368 9 Fir 14 1 2 Asymmetric 6 11.25 CE Significant 601371 10 Fir 16 1 2 Asymmetric 6 12.5 CE Significant 601372 20 Fir 20 1 1 10 25 CE Significant 601378 7 Fir 14 1 2 Asymmetric 6 8.75 CE Significant 601379 10 Fir 16 1 2 Asymmetric 6 12.5 CE Chas Peterson, Blue Fern RE: Preliminary Arborist Report, TPN 042305-9063, -9099, -9067, -9140, -9100, -9101, and -9247 January 26, 2022 Page 21 of 37 Greenforest Registered Consulting Arborist Category Tree No. QMD DBH Species Dripline (R’) Health Structure Comment on Condition LOD (R') 1.25 x DBH Tree Type Significant 601380 15 Fir 16 1 1 8 18.75 CE Dangerous 601381 8 Fir 0 3 3 Dead CE Significant 601383 7 Cedar 10 1 1 6 8.75 CE Significant 601384 14 Fir 18 1 1 7 17.5 CE Significant 601385 11 Fir 14 1 2 Asymmetric 6 13.75 CE Significant 601386 14 Fir 16 1 2 Asymmetric 7 17.5 CE Significant 601387 15 Fir 18 1 2 Asymmetric 8 18.75 CE Significant 601388 13 Fir 16 1 2 Asymmetric 7 16.25 CE Significant 601389 8 Fir 6 2 2 Slender, suppressed 6 10 CE Significant 601390 14 Fir 16 1 2 Asymmetric 7 17.5 CE Significant 601391 16 Fir 18 1 2 Asymmetric 8 20 CE Significant 601392 12 Fir 14 1 2 Slender 6 15 CE Significant 601393 8 Fir 8 2 2 Suppressed, slender 6 10 CE Significant 601394 11 Fir 16 1 2 Asymmetric 6 13.75 CE Landmark 601397 41 Cedar 28 1 2 Hollow trunk, woodpecker injury 19 51.25 CE Significant 601398 7 Fir 14 2 2 Suppressed, asymmetric 6 8.75 CE Significant 601399 14 Fir 16 1 2 Asymmetric 7 17.5 CE Significant 601400 21 Fir 18 1 2 Asymmetric 11 26.25 CE Significant 601412 22 Madrone 25 1 1 11 27.5 BE Significant 601413 11 Fir 18 1 2 Asymmetric 6 13.75 CE Significant 601415 7 Fir 12 1 2 Trunk injury 6 8.75 CE Significant 601428 12 Fir 16 1 1 6 15 CE Chas Peterson, Blue Fern RE: Preliminary Arborist Report, TPN 042305-9063, -9099, -9067, -9140, -9100, -9101, and -9247 January 26, 2022 Page 22 of 37 Greenforest Registered Consulting Arborist Category Tree No. QMD DBH Species Dripline (R’) Health Structure Comment on Condition LOD (R') 1.25 x DBH Tree Type Significant 601429 9 Fir 14 2 2 Surprised, asymmetric, dogleg 6 11.25 CE Significant 601432 6 Fir 14 1 2 Asymmetric, dogleg 6 7.5 CE Significant 601436 10 Maple 18 1 2 Slender 6 12.5 BD Significant 601442 7 Madrone 16 1 2 Asymmetric, sweep 6 8.75 BE Significant 601443 10 Fir 18 1 2 Asymmetric 6 12.5 CE Significant 601444 10 6,7 Fir 18 1 2 Asymmetric, double leader, trunk injury from madrone 6 12.5 CE Significant 601445 16 Madrone 25 1 2 Asymmetric, sweep 8 20 BE Significant 601446 14 Fir 18 1 2 Asymmetric 7 17.5 CE Significant 601447 28 Fir 25 1 2 Asymmetric 14 35 CE Significant 601448 10 Fir 16 1 2 Asymmetric 6 12.5 CE Significant 601449 16 Fir 18 1 1 8 20 CE Significant 601450 9 Madrone 15 1 2 Asymmetric, sweep, soil piled around base 6 11.25 BE Significant 601451 7 Fir 12 2 2 Suppressed, asymmetric 6 8.75 CE Significant 601452 9 Fir 12 2 2 Suppressed, asymmetric 6 11.25 CE Significant 601453 7 Fir 12 2 2 Suppressed, asymmetric 6 8.75 CE Dangerous 601454 11 Fir 16 1 3 Trunk injury 6 13.75 CE Dangerous 601455 10 6,7 Fir 14 3 3 Surprised, asymmetric, double leader 6 12.5 CE Significant 601456 15 Madrone 20 1 2 Asymmetric 8 18.75 BE Significant 601457 8 Fir 12 2 2 Suppressed, slender 6 10 CE Significant 601458 8 Fir 12 2 2 Suppressed, slender 6 10 CE Dangerous 601459 6 Fir 12 3 3 Suppressed, asymmetric 6 7.5 CE Chas Peterson, Blue Fern RE: Preliminary Arborist Report, TPN 042305-9063, -9099, -9067, -9140, -9100, -9101, and -9247 January 26, 2022 Page 23 of 37 Greenforest Registered Consulting Arborist Category Tree No. QMD DBH Species Dripline (R’) Health Structure Comment on Condition LOD (R') 1.25 x DBH Tree Type Significant 601460 17 Fir 18 1 1 9 21.25 CE Significant 601461 16 Fir 18 1 2 Asymmetric 8 20 CE Significant 601462 14 Fir 16 1 2 Asymmetric 7 17.5 CE Significant 601463 8 Fir 14 2 2 Suppressed, asymmetric 6 10 CE Significant 601464 15 Fir 18 1 2 Asymmetric 8 18.75 CE Significant 601465 6 Madrone 14 2 2 Disease, asymmetric, lean 6 7.5 BE Significant 601466 12 Fir 18 1 2 Asymmetric 6 15 CE Significant 601467 12 Fir 18 1 2 Asymmetric 6 15 CE Significant 601499 18 Walnut 25 1 1 9 22.5 BD Significant 601521 20 Maple 25 1 1 10 25 BD Dangerous 601523 25 (6) 8 - 12 Maple 30 3 3 Decline, deadwood 13 31.25 BD Significant 601685 12 Fir 6 15 CE Significant 601805 14 Fir 14 1 2 Asymmetric 7 17.5 CE Significant 601806 7 Fir 14 1 2 Asymmetric 6 8.75 CE Significant 601807 8 Fir 14 1 2 Asymmetric 6 10 CE Significant 601808 6 Alder 14 1 2 Asymmetric 6 7.5 BD Significant 601809 6 Fir 10 2 2 Suppressed, asymmetric 6 7.5 CE Significant 601811 8 Alder 15 1 2 Slender, chopped 6 10 BD Significant 601812 16 Fir 18 1 2 Sweep 8 20 CE Dangerous 601813 9 Fir 14 1 3 Topped, asymmetric 6 11.25 CE Dangerous 601814 6 Maple 0 3 3 Dead BD Significant 601815 8 Fir 14 1 2 Asymmetric, sweep 6 10 CE Chas Peterson, Blue Fern RE: Preliminary Arborist Report, TPN 042305-9063, -9099, -9067, -9140, -9100, -9101, and -9247 January 26, 2022 Page 24 of 37 Greenforest Registered Consulting Arborist Category Tree No. QMD DBH Species Dripline (R’) Health Structure Comment on Condition LOD (R') 1.25 x DBH Tree Type Significant 601818 8 Fir 16 1 2 Asymmetric 6 10 CE Dangerous 601819 7 Fir 14 1 3 Suppressed, dogleg 6 8.75 CE Significant 601820 7 Maple 20 1 2 Asymmetric, slender 6 8.75 BD Significant 601821 17 12,12 Cedar 16 1 2 Suppressed, double leader 9 21.25 CE Significant 601822 10 Maple 25 1 2 Asymmetric 6 12.5 BD Significant 601823 10 Maple 20 1 2 Asymmetric 6 12.5 BD Significant 601824 14 (3) 8 Maple 30 1 2 Stumpsprout 7 17.5 BD Significant 601825 16 Fir 16 1 2 Asymmetric 8 20 CE Significant 601826 7 Maple 18 1 2 Asymmetric, bow 6 8.75 BD Significant 601827 7 Fir 16 1 2 Asymmetric 6 8.75 CE Significant 601828 9 Fir 16 1 2 Asymmetric 6 11.25 CE Significant 601829 6 Fir 14 2 2 Suppressed, asymmetric 6 7.5 CE Significant 601830 10 Fir 16 1 2 Asymmetric 6 12.5 CE Significant 601831 13 Fir 16 1 2 Asymmetric 7 16.25 CE Significant 601832 12 Fir 16 1 2 Asymmetric 6 15 CE Significant 601833 12 Fir 16 1 2 Asymmetric 6 15 CE Significant 800001 24 Maple 25 2 2 Deadwood, dense ivy 12 30 BD Significant 800013 6 Maple 14 1 2 Slender 6 7.5 BD Significant 800014 10 Yew 14 1 2 Suppressed 6 12.5 CE Significant 800015 10 Cedar 12 1 2 Asymmetric, dogleg 6 12.5 CE Significant 800016 7 Maple 20 2 2 Asymmetric, trunk injury 6 8.75 BD Significant 800017 11 Maple 18 1 2 Slender 6 13.75 BD Chas Peterson, Blue Fern RE: Preliminary Arborist Report, TPN 042305-9063, -9099, -9067, -9140, -9100, -9101, and -9247 January 26, 2022 Page 25 of 37 Greenforest Registered Consulting Arborist Category Tree No. QMD DBH Species Dripline (R’) Health Structure Comment on Condition LOD (R') 1.25 x DBH Tree Type Significant 800018 12 Maple 25 1 2 Asymmetric 6 15 BD Significant 800020 12 Maple 22 1 2 Asymmetric 6 15 BD Significant 800021 11 Maple 20 1 2 Slender 6 13.75 BD Significant 800022 24 16,18 Maple 25 1 2 Double leader, included bark, response wood 12 30 BD Significant 800023 14 Maple 20 1 2 Slender 7 17.5 BD Significant 800024 9 Cedar 14 1 1 6 11.25 CE Significant 800025 18 Maple 20 1 2 Double leader 9 22.5 BD Significant 800026 13 6, 10 Willow 14 2 2 Disease, double leader 7 16.25 BD Significant 800027 6 Willow 10 1 2 Asymmetric, trunk injury 6 7.5 BD Significant 800028 7 Cedar 14 2 2 Suppressed, asymmetric 6 8.75 CE Significant 800029 21 Cedar 18 1 2 Asymmetric 11 26.25 CE Significant 800030 14 10,10 Maple 25 1 2 Asymmetric, double leader 7 17.5 BD Significant 800031 8 Cedar 10 1 2 Sweep, dogleg 6 10 CE Landmark 800032 31 Cedar 18 1 1 16 38.75 CE Significant 800033 12 Maple 20 1 2 Slender 6 15 BD Dangerous 800034 10 Maple 20 1 3 Slender, trunk injury 6 12.5 BD Significant 800036 26 Cedar 20 1 2 Asymmetric 13 32.5 CE Significant 800037 17 Maple 25 1 2 Asymmetric 9 21.25 BD Significant 800038 10 Maple 20 2 2 Suppressed, asymmetric 6 12.5 BD Dangerous 800039 11 Maple 0 3 3 Dead BD Significant 800040 15 Maple 25 1 2 Asymmetric 8 18.75 BD Significant 800041 18 Maple 35 1 2 Asymmetric, slender 9 22.5 BD Chas Peterson, Blue Fern RE: Preliminary Arborist Report, TPN 042305-9063, -9099, -9067, -9140, -9100, -9101, and -9247 January 26, 2022 Page 26 of 37 Greenforest Registered Consulting Arborist Category Tree No. QMD DBH Species Dripline (R’) Health Structure Comment on Condition LOD (R') 1.25 x DBH Tree Type Significant 800042 11 Maple 20 1 2 Asymmetric, slender 6 13.75 BD Significant 800043 6 Fir 10 2 2 Suppressed, slender 6 7.5 CE Significant 800044 19 Maple 35 1 2 Asymmetric, sweep 10 23.75 BD Significant 800045 17 12,12 Maple 20 1 2 Double leader 9 21.25 BD Significant 800046 24 Maple 40 1 2 LCR 12 30 BD Significant 800047 7 Cedar 10 2 1 Suppressed 6 8.75 CE Dangerous 800048 20 Hemlock 0 3 3 Dead CE Significant 800049 26 Maple 45 1 2 Sweep 13 32.5 BD Dangerous 800053 14 Maple 6 2 3 Top dead 30 feet 7 17.5 BD Significant 800054 17 Cedar 18 1 1 9 21.25 CE Landmark 800055 42 Cedar 18 1 2 Topped, multiple leaders 19 52.5 CE Significant 800058 8 Maple 20 1 2 6 10 BD Significant 800059 8 Maple 20 1 2 6 10 BD Landmark 800060 37 Cedar 18 1 1 19 46.25 CE Significant 800061 18 12,14 Maple 25 1 2 Asymmetric, double leader 9 22.5 BD Significant 800062 26 Maple 35 1 2 Asymmetric 13 32.5 BD Significant 800071 10 Hemlock 14 1 2 On stilts 6 12.5 CE Significant 800072 8 Maple 25 1 2 Asymmetric, sweep 6 10 BD Landmark 800091 31 Cedar 20 1 2 Asymmetric 16 38.75 CE Landmark 800092 36 Cedar 20 1 2 Asymmetric 18 45 CE Significant 800093 17 12,12 Yew 18 1 2 Asymmetric, double leader 9 21.25 CE Significant 800101 17 Alder 25 1 1 9 21.25 BD Chas Peterson, Blue Fern RE: Preliminary Arborist Report, TPN 042305-9063, -9099, -9067, -9140, -9100, -9101, and -9247 January 26, 2022 Page 27 of 37 Greenforest Registered Consulting Arborist Category Tree No. QMD DBH Species Dripline (R’) Health Structure Comment on Condition LOD (R') 1.25 x DBH Tree Type Dangerous 800107 12 8,8 Maple 15 3 3 Surprised, decline, double leader 6 15 BD Landmark 800123 34 Cedar 20 1 1 17 42.5 CE Significant 800124 25 Fir 18 1 1 13 31.25 CE Significant 800125 13 Fir 16 1 2 Slender 7 16.25 CE Landmark 800126 31 Fir 22 1 1 16 38.75 CE Significant 800127 16 Maple 20 2 1 Decline 8 20 BD Landmark 800131 32 Fir 20 1 1 16 40 CE Significant 800134 29 Fir 20 1 1 15 36.25 CE Significant 800137 16 Fir 18 1 1 8 20 CE Dangerous 800138 12 Hemlock 14 3 3 Dead top, decline, asymmetric 6 15 CE Significant 800143 27 6, 7, 25 Maple 40 1 1 14 33.75 BD Significant 800146 19 Cedar 18 1 1 10 23.75 CE Significant 800148 19 12, 16 Maple 30 1 2 Asymmetric, double leader 10 23.75 BD Landmark 800149 31 Fir 20 1 1 16 38.75 CE Landmark 800174 39 Cedar 25 1 2 Double leader 19 48.75 CE Landmark 800176 36 Cedar 18 2 1 Thin canopy 18 45 CE Significant 800177 28 Cedar 18 1 2 Topped, multiple leaders 14 35 CE Significant 800178 19 10,10,14 Maple 45 1 2 Stump sprout 10 23.75 BD Significant 800179 9 Maple 25 1 2 Slender 6 11.25 BD Significant 800180 10 Maple 25 1 2 Asymmetric, slender 6 12.5 BD Dangerous 800181 13 8,10 Maple 35 2 3 Decline, decay, stump sprout 7 16.25 BD Landmark 800183 54 Cedar 20 1 2 Double leader 22 67.5 CE Chas Peterson, Blue Fern RE: Preliminary Arborist Report, TPN 042305-9063, -9099, -9067, -9140, -9100, -9101, and -9247 January 26, 2022 Page 28 of 37 Greenforest Registered Consulting Arborist Category Tree No. QMD DBH Species Dripline (R’) Health Structure Comment on Condition LOD (R') 1.25 x DBH Tree Type Significant 800184 8 Alder 16 1 2 Sweep 6 10 BD Significant 800185 8 Cherry 16 1 2 Slender 6 10 BD Significant 800186 11 Alder 18 1 2 Sweep 6 13.75 BD Significant 800187 28 Cedar 18 1 1 14 35 CE Significant 800188 6 Alder 12 1 2 Slender 6 7.5 BD Significant 800190 7 Willow 14 1 2 Slender 6 8.75 BD Significant 800191 7 Cherry 14 1 2 Slender 6 8.75 BD Significant 800193 25 Cedar 22 1 2 Asymmetric 13 31.25 CE Landmark 800194 33 Cedar 22 1 2 Asymmetric 17 41.25 CE Significant 800195 21 Cedar 22 1 2 Asymmetric 11 26.25 CE Landmark 800196 45 Cedar 22 1 2 Asymmetric 20 56.25 CE Dangerous 800211 12 Alder 16 1 3 Trunk decay 6 15 BD Significant 800212 11 Cherry 14 1 2 Asymmetric 6 13.75 BD Dangerous 800213 12 Alder 16 1 3 Trunk decay 6 15 BD Dangerous 800214 9 Cherry 0 3 3 Dead BD Significant 800215 9 Alder 14 1 2 Asymmetric, slender, ivy 6 11.25 BD Significant 800216 10 Alder 16 1 2 Slender 6 12.5 BD Dangerous 800218 6 Cherry 0 3 3 Dead, lying on the ground BD Significant 800219 13 Alder 16 1 2 Slender 7 16.25 BD Significant 800220 7 Alder 12 2 2 Decline, slender, LCR 6 8.75 BD Dangerous 800221 7 Cherry 12 3 2 Decline, slender 6 8.75 BD Significant 800222 8 Alder 14 1 2 Slender 6 10 BD Chas Peterson, Blue Fern RE: Preliminary Arborist Report, TPN 042305-9063, -9099, -9067, -9140, -9100, -9101, and -9247 January 26, 2022 Page 29 of 37 Greenforest Registered Consulting Arborist Category Tree No. QMD DBH Species Dripline (R’) Health Structure Comment on Condition LOD (R') 1.25 x DBH Tree Type Dangerous 800223 7 Alder 0 3 3 Dead BD Dangerous 800224 7 Alder 0 3 3 Dead BD Significant 800225 7 Maple 18 1 2 Slender 6 8.75 BD Significant 800226 7 Maple 16 1 2 Slender 6 8.75 BD Significant 800227 12 Cherry 18 1 2 Asymmetric 6 15 BD Significant 800228 27 Cedar 20 1 1 14 33.75 CE Significant 800229 23 Cedar 20 1 1 12 28.75 CE Significant 800230 7 Maple 16 1 2 Slender 6 8.75 BD Significant 800231 8 Maple 18 1 2 Slender 6 10 BD Significant 800233 7 Cherry 16 1 2 Slender 6 8.75 BD Significant 800234 14 Cottonwood 18 1 2 Slender 7 17.5 BD Significant 800235 21 Cottonwood 20 1 2 Slender 11 26.25 BD Significant 800236 18 Cottonwood 18 1 2 Slender 9 22.5 BD Significant 800237 18 Cottonwood 18 1 2 Slender 9 22.5 BD Significant 800240 9 Maple 18 1 2 Slender 6 11.25 BD Significant 800241 8 Cherry 16 1 2 Sweep, slender 6 10 BD Significant 800242 9 Cherry 16 1 2 Slender 6 11.25 BD Dangerous 800243 7 Cherry 8 3 3 Decline, slender, LCR 6 8.75 BD Significant 800244 6 Maple 12 1 2 Slender 6 7.5 BD Dangerous 800246 21 (6) 6 - 10 Maple 45 2 3 Stump sprout, decay, multiple leaders 11 26.25 BD Significant 800247 11 7,8 Maple 25 1 2 Asymmetric, stump sprout 6 13.75 BD Significant 800248 7 Maple 20 1 2 Asymmetric 6 8.75 BD Chas Peterson, Blue Fern RE: Preliminary Arborist Report, TPN 042305-9063, -9099, -9067, -9140, -9100, -9101, and -9247 January 26, 2022 Page 30 of 37 Greenforest Registered Consulting Arborist Category Tree No. QMD DBH Species Dripline (R’) Health Structure Comment on Condition LOD (R') 1.25 x DBH Tree Type Significant 800249 7 Maple 16 1 2 Slender 6 8.75 BD Significant 800250 7 Alder 16 1 2 Slender 6 8.75 BD Significant 800251 6 Maple 14 1 2 Slender, suppressed 6 7.5 BD Significant 800252 8 Maple 18 1 2 Slender, asymmetric 6 10 BD Significant 800253 11 Maple 18 1 2 Slender, asymmetric 6 13.75 BD Landmark 800254 44 Cedar 25 2 2 Thin canopy, multiple leaders 20 55 CE Significant 800255 8 Maple 16 1 2 Slender 6 10 BD Dangerous 800256 7 Maple 14 1 3 Suppressed, slender 6 8.75 BD Significant 800257 8 Maple 16 1 2 Slender 6 10 BD Significant 800258 12 Maple 20 1 2 Asymmetric 6 15 BD Significant 800259 14 Maple 20 1 2 Asymmetric 7 17.5 BD Dangerous 800260 8 Alder 0 3 3 Dead BD Dangerous 800275 8 Alder 0 3 3 Dead BD Landmark 800280 45 Cedar 25 1 1 20 56.25 CE Landmark 800283 51 Cedar 25 1 1 20 63.75 CE Landmark 800306 44 Cedar 25 1 1 20 55 CE Landmark 800307 36 Cedar 22 1 1 18 45 CE Dangerous 800358 9 Alder 16 1 3 Dogwood, decay 6 11.25 BD Significant 800359 14 Cottonwood 16 1 1 7 17.5 BD Significant 800360 7 Alder 14 1 2 Slender 6 8.75 BD Significant 800361 19 Cottonwood 20 1 1 10 23.75 BD Significant 800362 6 Fir 14 2 2 Suppressed, asymmetric 6 7.5 CE Chas Peterson, Blue Fern RE: Preliminary Arborist Report, TPN 042305-9063, -9099, -9067, -9140, -9100, -9101, and -9247 January 26, 2022 Page 31 of 37 Greenforest Registered Consulting Arborist Category Tree No. QMD DBH Species Dripline (R’) Health Structure Comment on Condition LOD (R') 1.25 x DBH Tree Type Dangerous 800364 6 Maple 14 1 3 Slender, LCR, lean 6 7.5 BD Dangerous 800366 22 12,12,14 Maple 20 1 3 Multiple leader, previous failure, decay 11 27.5 BD Dangerous 800369 6 Maple 18 3 3 Suppressed, slender 6 7.5 BD Dangerous 800370 6 Maple 18 3 3 Suppressed, slender 6 7.5 BD Significant 800371 11 Maple 20 1 2 Slender 6 13.75 BD Significant 800372 7 Maple 14 1 2 Slender 6 8.75 BD Dangerous 800373 7 Alder 0 3 3 Dead BD Significant 800374 9 Maple 18 1 2 Slender 6 11.25 BD Significant 800376 6 Maple 14 1 2 Slender 6 7.5 BD Significant 800378 6 Maple 14 1 2 Slender 6 7.5 BD Dangerous 800379 8 Alder 0 3 3 Dead BD Significant 800380 10 6,7 Maple 18 1 2 Double leader 6 12.5 BD Dangerous 800381 6 Cherry 0 3 3 Dead BD Landmark 800382 39 Cedar 22 1 1 19 48.75 CE Landmark 800383 35 Cedar 20 1 2 Topped, multiple leaders 18 43.75 CE Landmark 800384 36 Cedar 25 1 1 18 45 CE Significant 800403 9 Maple 18 1 1 6 11.25 BD Significant 800404 10 Fir 16 1 1 6 12.5 CE Dangerous 800405 6 Birch 0 3 3 Dead BD Significant 800406 8 Cherry 14 1 2 Slender 6 10 BD Significant 800407 7 Maple 16 1 2 Asymmetric 6 8.75 BD Significant 800408 27 Cedar 27 2 1 Thin canopy 14 33.75 CE Chas Peterson, Blue Fern RE: Preliminary Arborist Report, TPN 042305-9063, -9099, -9067, -9140, -9100, -9101, and -9247 January 26, 2022 Page 32 of 37 Greenforest Registered Consulting Arborist Category Tree No. QMD DBH Species Dripline (R’) Health Structure Comment on Condition LOD (R') 1.25 x DBH Tree Type Significant 800409 12 Maple 20 1 2 Asymmetric 6 15 BD Landmark 800410 36 Cedar 25 2 1 Thin canopy 18 45 CE Significant 800414 10 6,7 Cherry 14 2 2 Disease, double leader 6 12.5 BD Significant 800415 15 (5) 6-8 Cherry 12 2 2 Disease, multiple leaders 8 18.75 BD Significant 800419 11 7,8 Cherry 16 1 2 Double leader, sweep 6 13.75 BD Significant 800420 10 Maple 25 1 2 Asymmetric 6 12.5 BD Significant 800422 11 Maple 25 1 1 6 13.75 BD Significant 800423 16 Cottonwood 18 1 1 8 20 BD Significant 800490 6 Cherry 14 1 2 Asymmetric, slender 6 7.5 BD Significant 800491 8 Fir 12 1 2 Slender 6 10 CE Dangerous 800492 8 Willow 14 3 3 Diseased, decay 6 10 BD Significant 800493 9 Fir 14 1 1 6 11.25 CE Significant 800494 7 Maple 16 1 2 Slender 6 8.75 BD Significant 800495 10 Madrone 14 1 2 Asymmetric, sweep 6 12.5 BE Significant 800496 13 Fir 14 1 2 Asymmetric 7 16.25 CE Significant 800497 11 Fir 14 1 2 Asymmetric 6 13.75 CE Significant 800498 15 Fir 16 1 1 8 18.75 CE Significant 800501 11 Fir 16 1 1 6 13.75 CE Significant 800502 10 6,7 Cherry 16 2 2 Disease, double leader 6 12.5 BD Landmark 800505 30 Cedar 25 1 2 Double leader 15 37.5 CE Significant 800517 10 6,8 Maple 20 1 2 Double leader, asymmetric 6 12.5 BD Significant 800519 10 6,8 Cherry 18 2 2 Disease, double leader 6 12.5 BD Chas Peterson, Blue Fern RE: Preliminary Arborist Report, TPN 042305-9063, -9099, -9067, -9140, -9100, -9101, and -9247 January 26, 2022 Page 33 of 37 Greenforest Registered Consulting Arborist Category Tree No. QMD DBH Species Dripline (R’) Health Structure Comment on Condition LOD (R') 1.25 x DBH Tree Type Significant 800520 10 6,7 Maple 16 1 2 Double leader 6 12.5 BD Significant 800521 6 Cherry 14 1 2 Slender 6 7.5 BD Significant 800522 6 Maple 16 1 2 Asymmetric, slender 6 7.5 BD Significant 800523 15 (5) 6-8 Maple 20 1 2 Stump sprout 8 18.75 BD Significant 800524 7 Maple 18 1 2 Asymmetric 6 8.75 BD Significant 800525 10 6,8 Maple 16 2 2 Suppressed, stump sprout 6 12.5 BD Significant 800527 8 Maple 20 1 2 Asymmetric 6 10 BD Dangerous 800528 18 Cottonwood 3 3 3 Nearly dead 9 22.5 BD Significant 800531 22 (6) 6-12 Maple 35 1 2 Stump sprout 11 27.5 BD Significant 800536 15 Maple 35 1 2 Asymmetric, sweep 8 18.75 BD Dangerous 800537 7 Cherry 14 2 3 Suppressed, slender, lean 6 8.75 BD Dangerous 800538 7 Maple 20 1 3 Slender, sweep 6 8.75 BD Significant 800539 9 Maple 20 1 2 Asymmetric 6 11.25 BD Significant 800548 11 7,8 Maple 18 1 2 Double leader 6 13.75 BD Significant 800549 10 Maple 16 1 2 Slender, bow 6 12.5 BD Significant 800551 10 6,6 Maple 18 1 2 Asymmetric, stump sprout 6 12.5 BD Significant 800552 13 Fir 14 1 2 LCR 7 16.25 CE Significant 800554 6 Maple 14 1 2 Slender 6 7.5 BD Significant 800556 13 6,6,8 Maple 20 1 2 Stumpsprout 7 16.25 BD Significant 800563 11 Fir 16 1 2 Asymmetric 6 13.75 CE Significant 800564 15 8,8,10 Maple 30 1 2 Asymmetric, stumpsprout 8 18.75 BD Significant 800565 17 Fir 18 1 2 Asymmetric 9 21.25 CE Chas Peterson, Blue Fern RE: Preliminary Arborist Report, TPN 042305-9063, -9099, -9067, -9140, -9100, -9101, and -9247 January 26, 2022 Page 34 of 37 Greenforest Registered Consulting Arborist Category Tree No. QMD DBH Species Dripline (R’) Health Structure Comment on Condition LOD (R') 1.25 x DBH Tree Type Significant 800566 16 Maple 25 1 2 Asymmetric 8 20 BD Significant 800569 7 Maple 14 1 2 Slender 6 8.75 BD Significant 800573 14 Fir 16 1 2 Asymmetric 7 17.5 CE Significant 800574 11 Fir 16 1 2 Asymmetric 6 13.75 CE Significant 800575 14 Fir 16 1 2 Asymmetric 7 17.5 CE Significant 800576 14 Fir 16 1 2 Asymmetric 7 17.5 CE Dangerous 800577 7 Fir 12 1 3 Topped, dogleg 6 8.75 CE Dangerous 800578 9 Fir 12 1 3 Topped, dogleg 6 11.25 CE Significant 800579 8 Maple 16 1 2 Slender 6 10 BD Significant 800580 12 Fir 16 1 2 Asymmetric 6 15 CE Significant 800581 12 Fir 16 1 2 Asymmetric 6 15 CE Significant 800583 14 Fir 18 1 1 7 17.5 CE Significant 800584 7 Cedar 12 2 2 Suppressed, asymmetric 6 8.75 CE Significant 800585 10 6,7 Maple 16 1 2 Double leader 6 12.5 BD Significant 800586 7 Fir 14 1 2 Asymmetric 6 8.75 CE Significant 800588 7 Fir 8 2 2 Suppressed, slender 6 8.75 CE Significant 800589 7 Fir 12 1 2 Slender 6 8.75 CE Significant 800590 11 Fir 14 1 2 Slender 6 13.75 CE Significant 800591 6 Fir 10 2 2 Suppressed, asymmetric 6 7.5 CE Dangerous 800592 10 Fir 12 3 3 Suppressed, decline, slender 6 12.5 CE Dangerous 800593 8 Fir 16 1 3 Topped, dogleg, asymmetric 6 10 CE Significant 800594 14 Fir 18 1 2 Asymmetric 7 17.5 CE Chas Peterson, Blue Fern RE: Preliminary Arborist Report, TPN 042305-9063, -9099, -9067, -9140, -9100, -9101, and -9247 January 26, 2022 Page 35 of 37 Greenforest Registered Consulting Arborist Category Tree No. QMD DBH Species Dripline (R’) Health Structure Comment on Condition LOD (R') 1.25 x DBH Tree Type Dangerous 800595 8 Fir 16 1 3 Topped, dogleg, asymmetric 6 10 CE Dangerous 800596 7 Fir 12 1 3 Double leader, slender 6 8.75 CE Significant 800597 15 Fir 18 1 1 8 18.75 CE Significant 800598 6 Cedar 12 1 2 Asymmetric 6 7.5 CE Significant 800600 8 Fir 12 1 2 Slender 6 10 CE Significant 800601 7 Fir 14 1 2 Asymmetric 6 8.75 CE Significant 800602 11 Fir 14 1 1 6 13.75 CE Significant 800603 10 Fir 14 1 2 Slender 6 12.5 CE Significant 800604 6 Fir 10 2 2 Suppressed, slender, LCR 6 7.5 CE Significant 800605 6 Fir 10 2 2 Suppressed, slender, LCR 6 7.5 CE Significant 800606 11 Cedar 16 1 2 Asymmetric 6 13.75 CE Significant 800608 14 Fir 16 1 2 Asymmetric 7 17.5 CE Significant 800609 6 Madrone 18 1 2 Asymmetric, sweep 6 7.5 BE Significant 800610 15 Fir 16 1 2 Asymmetric 8 18.75 CE Significant 800611 6 Fir 10 2 2 Suppressed, asymmetric 6 7.5 CE Significant 800612 10 Fir 14 1 2 Slender 6 12.5 CE Significant 800613 7 Fir 14 1 2 Asymmetric, slender 6 8.75 CE Significant 800614 15 Fir 18 1 1 8 18.75 CE Significant 800615 6 Fir 10 2 2 Suppressed, slender 6 7.5 CE Significant 800616 7 Fir 14 2 2 Suppressed, asymmetric 6 8.75 CE Dangerous 800617 8 Birch 0 3 3 Dead BD Significant 800618 16 Fir 16 1 1 8 20 CE Chas Peterson, Blue Fern RE: Preliminary Arborist Report, TPN 042305-9063, -9099, -9067, -9140, -9100, -9101, and -9247 January 26, 2022 Page 36 of 37 Greenforest Registered Consulting Arborist Category Tree No. QMD DBH Species Dripline (R’) Health Structure Comment on Condition LOD (R') 1.25 x DBH Tree Type Significant 800620 12 Fir 16 1 2 Dogleg, asymmetric 6 15 CE Significant A 8 Pink dogwood 10 1 2 Topped 6 10 BD Significant B 7,8 Pink dogwood 12 1 2 Topped 6 12.25 BD Dangerous C 10 Mt. hemlock 0 3 3 Dead CE Significant D 29 Fir 17 1 1 14.5 36.25 CE Significant E 28 Fir 21 1 1 14 35 CE Dangerous F 9 Apple 15 3 3 Diseased, deadwood, decay, suppressed 6 11.25 BD Significant G 9 Oak 12 1 1 6 11.25 BD Dangerous H 8 Maple 14 1 3 Slender, decay 6 10 BD Significant I 27 18,20 Cedar 18 1 2 Double leader 33.75 CE Dangerous J 31 Fir 25 1 3 Brown cubical butt rot infection 15.5 38.75 CE Significant K 20 Cedar 17 1 1 10 25 CE Dangerous L 20 Cedar 14 3 3 Dead top, woodpecker holes along trunk 10 25 CE Landmark M 32 Maple 38 1 1 16 40 BD Landmark N 36 Cedar 17 1 1 18 45 CE Significant O 13 Maple 18 1 1 6.5 16.25 BD Dangerous P 8 Maple 14 3 3 Dogleg in lower trunk 6 10 BD Significant Q 8 Maple 14 1 2 Slender 6 10 BD Dangerous R 18 Maple 20 1 3 Open wound, trunk decay 9 22.5 BD Dangerous S 8 Maple 14 1 3 Slender, suppressed 6 10 BD TRACT FROA D A TRACT E TRACT C2TRACT D TRACT C1 TRACT B TRACT A ROAD ATRACT DTRACT B ROW 46 7 1 TRACT A 13 49 TRACT C 54 20 11 4036 16 35 38 15 14 37 39 12 10 41 43 4251 50 48 47 45 52 1718 5698 TRACT H 80 82 81 78 79 91 84 85 86 88 95 93 94 96 70 77 74 75 76 19222123 53 6463 24 55 62 56 61 57 6059 TRACT M TRACT L 25 26 27 87 TRACT F92 90 89 72 71 69 68 67 4 23 58 97 73 32 33293031 34 TRACT K 83 TRACT I TRACT J TRACT G 44 28 TRACT D 66